>>572267 only the most sophisticated and thorough guidebook to the world of creating successful manga with nothing but a pen and two brain cells it's a hilarious book
i was just kidding marsh come back >>572284 wouldn't people think i'm weird if i pin something to my cheek? >>572294 yeah i have to let the blood out every two weeks
Kirara 🚗
do you ever feel like you have too much blood
too many bones maybe i wonder if there's a bone journal
>>572338 i bought some underwear off the internet after i accidentally used one of my dad's pairs thankfully the product i received was exactly as i expected i'm usually not a fan of online clothes shopping
Kirara 🚗
>>572341 maybe if you're tiny and don't do anything i move around so much, going commando would limit my range of movement a lot
>>572348 yeah that's why i had to get more too i originally just ordered the same style i had before but it turns out they changed the material they're made of and they suck now it was truly heartbreaking
I'm not very good at shopping for underwear I always get the wrong size
i've been thinking about the potential of weaving together a piece of fiction that's entirely a series of transcripts and no storyteller voice i think the realism and immersion would be pretty strong but idk how much patience people have
>>572351 i think it's possible, reading irc or such chatlogs are fun >>572352 you can try underwear on at the store? >>572357 what if you find a pair that's perfect because it was worn by somebody else
>>572355 That was a joke but to think you can actually do that I feel sorry for anyone that does
浅間 智
>>572351 don't expect to be a hit in the big cinemas, but there's definitely enough patient people out there to watch some of the slow arthouse films I've seen
>>572356 I don't think you can actually I just buy the same size as I'm wearing
>>572367 oh yeah I like their designs I'd like to give girls frontline a try but I don't know if I have patience for that kind of timesink I guess I can least mess around with starlight stage for a bit
Kirara 🚗
>>572369 girls frontline isn't that time consuming you can work on a stage over like an hour and most stages only take like 10 minutes at most if you just sit there and do them i do it a lot while playing vidya, in class, or while watching tv
Huh, I guess that doesn't sound too bad
Kirara 🚗
it's a lot of resource management you just log in throughout the day to set expeditions like kancolle and then play when you have time
Kirara 🚗
you don't have to go hard in events either it's usually stuff like just playing normally over the course of a few weeks
>>572385 i dont understand if there's anything i want to comment on or contextualize or criticize, the very first thing i wanna do is cite it so there's reference for the statements i provide thereafter
yeah, but the format is so fiddly last name comma first name full stop publication date publication company publication location full stop that sort of thing
I'm ridiculously tired. There's these two car mechanic-type guys I can see outside the bus window with a tiny fluffy dog on a leash that is amusing though.
At least all the stresses I had last night about my big class today ended up being okay. Though I ended up with more by the end of the class, hah hah.
For now I just want to get home and nap though.
er I guess the stress has transformed into a different one I'm not a fan of this tea, whatever it is
>>572425 >We never did things normal couples would do like go out, dance, parties, sit under the stars I will admit I am wholly out of touch with normal coupling but is this ... really normal. Especially the >sit under the stars bit. Like I'm sure people do this, but I don't really think it needs to be considered under "normal couple things".
>>572425 oh wow another one to add to "video game dev hides proposal in game" atleast this one isn't hidden behind ridiculous easter egg
>>572425 I could go the rest of my life without seeing or hearing the name Zoe Quinn and I would be happy.
>pparently one Tyler Schultz asked Insomniac Games via Twitter if they would include a proposal for marriage to his girlfriend, personal trainer Madison Gamble, inside the latest Spider-man game. Touched, the company obliged, decorating a theater marquee with MADDIE WILL YOU MARRY ME? Unfortunately, Maddie broke up with Schultz before the game was released. lel
i googled the Cubs ONCE and now google keeps throwing me push notifs about them
Yeah, the push notifications are probably one of the more annoying things my phone does. They're never really relevant to my interests and I can't figure out how to curate them so they actually are. And wherever they've hidden the option to tell them to shut the fuck up -- if they even have that option -- it's equally obtuse to find.
I think I'll always be in the group of people who figure "Cleaning is just a futile attempt to combat the onslaught of dirt that comes with the progression of time". I -will- do it, but I sure can't really get excited over it. Unless it comes along with organization and orderly compacting.
pparently one Tyler Schultz asked Insomniac Games via Twitter if they would include a proposal for marriage to his girlfriend, personal trainer Madison Gamble, inside the latest Spider-man game. Touched, the company obliged, decorating a theater marquee with MADDIE WILL YOU MARRY ME? Unfortunately, Maddie broke up with Schultz before the game was released. wow
https://mangadex.org/title/4854/carpe-diem this would be interesting if serialised
say you die at home do they do an automatic autopsy on you?
Kirara 🚗
>>572468 Does he have an exwife? Or any close friends?
Kirara 🚗
no friends, no info on the exwife he was a loser beta gamer before my mom grabbed him all of his friends were online and my mom made him cut contact with them
Tch Fucking bitch
Kirara 🚗
yeah, she's pretty bad
So no info on the ex wife as in "I don't know if he has one" or "I know he has one but know nothing else"?
Kirara 🚗
he has one but that's all i know
Well you should maybe think about a way to get your mom arrested for this at some point.
Kirara 🚗
when he dies, there will be an autopsy, which will implicate her he can't even function on his own anymore so there's really nothing i can do can't heal for brain degeneration
you can't prevent the autopsy for someone who died under suspicious circumstances and especially not for someone that could have a disease that caused brain degeneration because they have to check for public safety reasons
>>572482 I guess i didn't consider the suspicious circumstances part. >>572483 I know for a fact they can be prevented because Jews aren't supposed to get autopsies and many don't.
secular law > your fefes is how it works here >>572487 naw besides if eu law is in directo contrast to some local law, there are procedures to make /change it so it works on your local level
Anyhow the general guideline is autopsy time, if there is the legal requirement for it and then the body is, if possible, returned back to the family asap, say if they are of a religion that wants to bury their dead as soon as possible. But still secular law always goes before any religious doctrine. because law is law and religion is religion
this i why about every odd year some jehova's witness is arrested for manslaughter, due to not allowing their sick wife/etc to get any proper medical treatment etc
Which is why some people are annoyed how much influence, me included amongst them, our state church, especially the hard line religious cases, have in our government still. Not to mention, how some very specific practisioners are allowed to break some secular laws, due to their religious doctrines.
offensive defense is a solid strategy in many strategy games, though
Going bed Night
I need to get into the habit of recording deadlines and important dates/information during the day. I kind of do a once-over of the day at the end of it before I go to bed, but I always feel it's either an intense scouring of my memory to make sure I get everything, or that I'm certain there's something I've missed. Keeping track of this kind of thing has always been a struggle for me.
>>572507 Do it during the day on your smartphone instead of at night before bed.
Yeah, something like that might even work. Even putting down in the notebook I've got to keep track of stuff like this should be a good option. Putting it down even. I just need to build up the habit instead of shelving it for when I get home.
>>572503 it's essentially bait and punish isn't it
>>572507 i do everything last minute even ifI record the deadline haha it's not really a problem for me, though
>>572537 While doing everything with time to spare would be ideal, I'd settle for doing everything last-minute too. As things are I have a hard time even managing that, forgetting when things are due and whatnot. And then the overshadowing anxiety of being behind on things just makes my panic flair up and things snowball into a nightmare.
>>572503 >>572539 is my favorite strategy in fighting games as well, though usually they would call it like this >>572534 in such a case
i used to get a lot of salt from people online for "playing gay/lame/like a pussy"
why does my cat think i smell good after i get home from work
not good, just different
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
my miiind's tellin me nooo but my body my bodyyy's telLIN ME YESSS
whatchu workin on today samsam
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
i'm still pluggin away at the bitcoin mines i was playin some OW earlier hbu
sick with cough syrup today and my work's all done already ima cozy up under blankets and read publications all day or maybe court transcripts who knows!!
>>572613 i dunno about that she licks me and rubs her face on it >>572620 i am as i've lived with these little bastards it's gotten better somehow i don't have much trouble breathing unless they get in my face have to wash myself after touching them or when they touch me or else I break out in an itchy rash though i also don't let them come in my room at all so i don't have cat stuff in there
arent you allergic
>>572612 Maybe she smells all the convenience store food thats rubbed off on you
>>572640 yeah im fine i get seizures just nocturnal and simple partial siezures not like the dangerous kind im just taking it easy and not moving too much
>>572641 dinnae is like northern, it changes from dunnae to dinnae from place to place I guess.
>>572643 I'm glad its not dangerous - but it sounds really taxing and tiring. I hope you have a relaxing moment to recover
Florence might legit turn around and come after me
Kirara 🚗
Florida would be unable to evacuate too lol because it would be coming at us from our onlt evacuation route might be interesting though
Wow Florida is like the danger zone.
You keep getting all these hurricanes,
>>572632 oh you know >>572647 florence heard carolina talking shit
>>572648 can i come visit for the hurricane ive never gotten to be in one
>>572648 >people try to evacuate and get killed by the hurricane
I want to be near a hurricane, it's a dumb feeling but it sounds exciting.
Kirara 🚗
>>572652 probably not this one but a hurricane at some point, sure it's actually really boring though i went out in 100+mph gusts last time but it was still boring the only exciting part is going a few days or weeks without power and seeing the damage
>>572658 that's so cute omg haha no it just got pulled out to sea it's part of the storm surge the water gets pulled out by pressure systems and then comes back in a massive wave which floods everything
oh, I completely misunderstood what happened, I thought it got pulled up into the air. wow this , I realise it sounds so dumb now. I thought it got pulled up and then a storm surge was it all suddenly pouring down
You can't see a hurricane unless you're in the states August to October, usually. Since they aren't year-round. September is the busiest time of year for them, though.
Hurricane season! It sounds like a spectator sport with season on the end, like basketball season or baseball season
i wanna see a hurricane tornadoes are sometimes // wait let me try again tornadoes sometimes form here but it's always boring nothing gets close enough to do anything but knock my power out for a week
cat 5 furricane
Kirara 🚗
trump's statement on florence was that the hurricane is "tremendously big and tremendously wet, a tremendous amount of water"
no fucking shit.
Kirara 🚗
his statement on 9/11 was "17 years since September 11th!"
>>572677 the man might just be a genius, maybe a prophet
Kirara 🚗
two statements i can agree with back-to-back he's finally looking presidential
i wish he was looking as presidential as JFK
why are oceanic players so fucking bad at video games
>>572709 It has a nice shaping effect I think. I don't know if it is true that you can keep them on for a while and after months your body conforms to the shape - feels like a bit of bull
>>572712 once you're super healthy we'll climb a mountain together as cute cosplayers
>>572714 Heck yeah, I wanna do all that stuff, climb the mountains, camp in the desert, fight off snakes in the night-time. I'll need to figure out a good cosplay for reckless wilderness adventures
i usually meditate several times a day in several different ways i do sweat lodge-style meditation a few times a week, i meditate through running, and i meditate in the traditional fashion i also do a hot water meditation a few times a week
Maven Mobile
I guarantee its useless in the face of my superior nirvana
Kirara 🚗
how do you meditate? by suckin dicks? lol
Maven Mobile
It's not about the dick It's about how you focus your mind while the body sucks the dick.
>>572831 I don't think there's uhhh wait let me pull up the channel oh ok there was some subscription thing but of course I'm not interested in that
but anyway I guess I'll look into somethng that won't cost a single lifetime fee of $400 or like 7.99 a month lol >>572833 wow so that's how you do it huh
Meditation can be anything that lets you meditate. Building models is a meditative process for me. It's a form of moving meditation. Running is a moving meditation for me, too. Most of my meditation is a moving meditation.
Except for my sweat meditation.
Maven Mobile
>>572835 Jesus Christ somebody is trying to scam you
oh yeah, this dude also said that he was motivated to victimize that kid because he had a friend that was having sex with his daughters and he thought it was cool that the friend was in an open relationship with his wife lmao
Maven Mobile
So did he sex her better? or does god want him to try again
he thinks he was wrong to do it and he regrets it and says that god is helping him to not do it again he blames it on his drinking, pot-smoking, and the evil spirit in the victim, though
smoked pot once and now 'm gay
>>572829 it's nice to feel productive but my job is literally to be so nice to people they don't mind that they're blatantly getting ripped off i don't know how car salesmen can even sleep at night i feel bad enough just doing it at this level
Maven Mobile
>>572845 Maybe they genuinely don't mind and really need the social interaction.. That's a positive waway to think about it
this kid (16yr) on twitter was asking me if he could ask me questions about anarchist theory and stuff so i said sure whatever but now i'm crushing his dreams by telling him jung isn't realistic
>>572866 think of it this way - the more crime you help perpetuate, the more business you'll have as a councilor in the future. You're basically creating your own money. .
That's more like 2 plates of halal food w/ a soda Also, I have left my DS charger at work and my battery is in the red. I am sad. My Alliance Alive playing will be cut short unless I go to work early...
do you ever get really craving a soda or something when you take a kratom i do and i never drink soda normally i dont have any soda now though and i just took some kratom and i dunno what to do
Kirara 🚗
it makes me crave specifically mango soda
mandrill soda
Kirara 🚗
i have mandarin soda
oh wait so I can connect my Switch to my monitor and play it as it charges. Bitch I am in the future
Yeah. The device charges pretty fast in the dock. Though the Switch doesn't really have great battery life, I'd say you get between four and six hours of a "heavy" game on it.
Spent all that time putting it in a different corner and now I gotta move it back over here.
>>572935 Most notable for me is Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate, which, for context, was the MonHun they were playing on WotaKoi. It's a lot of content, but it's still on the old-ass engine they've been putting pretty much every MonHun game aside from World on. Still looks decent compared to the 3DS though.
There's also been a lot of indie releases on the console, like>>572938 as well as stuff like Hollow Knight, Into The Breach, Celeste. It's all stuff you can find on PC, but there's a certain charm to having games like that portable.
Octopath Traveler is out, but I'm pretty sure it's kind of underwhelming, hah hah. But if old-fashioned JRPG games are up your alley, it might be fun.
Valkyria Chronicles 4 and The World Ends With You both come out later this month on it, Smash Bros. is out early December. Animal Crossing for it will be announced Soon™.
And a lot of Wii U games or games from older Nintendo consoles are getting ports, if there's a game from those that you passed up for lack of a Wii U or something, Google the title and see if it's coming out maybe.
Unfortunately Animal Crossing for Switch was a bit of a joke, hah hah. There's a lot of interest in it getting announced in western communities, but Nintendo's been radio silent on it.
>>572951 That's a game from the developer of some of the classic Harvest Moon/Story of Season games. Along with the character designer of the franchise. Story of Season games have recently been under a different director I believe, so I don't know if this director's involvement in Little Dragon Cafe has impeded development of an upcoming Story of Seasons Switch game.
>>572947 I'm pretty surprised they haven't ported or released a sequel to it for the Switch. Mario Maker was probably one of the Wii U's particularly big successes, and if you look at the consoles other notable releases, like Splatoon or ... I dunno, maybe Captain Toad, they've gotten Switch ports or sequels. So it's kind of weird to me.
Kirara 🚗
didn't the animal crossing folks just put out little dragon cafe?
Kirara 🚗
oh, gatcha
I'm super excited for TWEWY's Switch port though. I lent out my DS copy of the game to someone in high school and never got it back. So I've been hankering to play that game on occasion since then without the ability to. So being able to play it in not-terrible resolution and with new content is GREAT. Even if the super-unique battle system in the DS game isn't gonna be a thing for the Switch release.
>tfw you get ready to go to work just so you can play video game
Well if you think about it, a lot of people do that. Get paid, get games, play games. You're just at the cutting edge, redefining the scene and eliminating all the middle steps.
I found a Komi tumblr the other day and it is good content
I think some of their work gets posted in dump threads on /a/.
>>572965 Me all day today. Plato is excessively meandering at times.
At least I'm done with that and can get onto Camus now.
I was looking at The Myth of Sisyphus in the bookstore yesterday since I like reading from physical copies rather than digital. But the paperback is still twenty dollars and that's a bit much for a section we'll be done with by the end of the week.
I don't really like his determination to rigidly conform everything to a categorical world. We had -have to read Meno for class this week and he talks of virtue like it's a species of animal or a physical descriptor like shape or colour. Nevermind his belief that attributes of virtue like courage or leadership are inherently good things. The ancient Greeks were crazy motherfuckers man.
Kirara 🚗
>>572971 The Myth of Sisyphus and Other Essays https://www.amazon.com/dp/0679733736/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_-4AMBb1ATN3JN $10 this is my copy and it's high quality
>>572974 Copy press and hold Oh fuck off Amazon I did what you said to do.
Nah, I appreciate the offer though. I'm not fundamentally against reading stuff digitally, it's just a bit harder for me to get into the reading trance. And like I said earlier, the section on Camus for this class is probably done by the end of this week. Maybe next time we do a roadtrip you can bring it along, hah hah.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
blue I noticed something really interesting about special spiral It doesn't seem to proc if your charge left isn't at least 2.
Also I know it's a French name but I constantly have to stop myself from seeing Camus as like an Irish name or something. More of a Came-us than a Cam-uu.
What is point of 3ds custom faceplate if they don't even cover where the paint flakes the most which is the corners >>573027 Is everything okay?
>>573027 Does it seem like anyone's severely injured?
The Nintendo Direct that was delayed from last week airs tomorrow/today at 18:00 EST. I don't remember them running them that late in the day usually. Still curious as to if it's going to be another Smash Direct or if they'll showcase some other stuff for a change.
Actually paint probably flakes worse in other places Idk it's been so long since I've done paint stuff
>>573032 Place your bets on who's next for Smash I think it'll be Banjo and Kazooie They've been really going all out with the third party characters and B&K were originally supposed to be in Melee. Phil Spencer has gone on record in the past saying that he'd be open to it, so it's certainly not impossible
No one is hurt except for the car
Sucks for that person then I hope they're insured well
>>573039 It's gonna be Issac from Golden Sun. Hang on lemme see if I can find Sakurai's tease. Okay no clue where I put it sorry. He had an image he put together showing a bunch of announced Smash characters from behind, set up like they were the battle screen from Golden Sun. Except there was a something obscuring the place in the battle screen where Issac would be. Almost as if had they pulled away that obscuring thing, Issac would be clearly in Smash.