Thread #573370
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anime! sorry I'm late edition!
Banana Fish Double Decker! Cooking with Emiya Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku no Valkyria --Episode 4-10 Isekai Maou Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 20-24 Satsuriku no Tenshi Shichisei no Subaru Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight Tsukumogami Kashimasu --Episode 5-8
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Any Jan? Doesn't seem like it. okay shichisei satsuriku kakuriyo 20 isekai maou
He was around a bit earlier. I'll see if he's not busy. If he shows up we can tap out Satsuriku or Kakuriyo for Banana Fish or Starlight. Shichisei's probably a good start regardless.
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okay schicihsei okay lets start!
Gosh Ika I would have never imagined you to be excited for Shichisei.
IM glad this show isnt doing that well cause it SUCKS
Has it not been selling well? 'Cause I mean they can replace directors if they want to make more. Directors, especially for a straightforward adaptation like this, are pretty dispensable.
She might be brainwashed but she's not really unjustified in being kind of sour to them.
Wow she turned into QoP.
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Super edgy. This is a dangerous game though. It can mindbreak you!
RIP his weapon.
Well I guess that means Satsuki's the one that's losing out at the moment.
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I guess this is going to be the climax and all that play okay satsuriku okay lets start!
i am running dungeons in WoW with my little sister right now but i should be done in around 30 minutes
Coolio, we can probably draw you in for Banana Feesh or Starlight then.
She's getting gassed again.
Oh we Wonderland now.
Hah hah she even fell down a rabbit hole.
Is she gonna give the blind priest a stabbin' herself.
It really is kind of a witch hunt.
Water torture? Is this some Monty Python "if she floats she a duck" shit?
She's stuck with one nutcase determined to see her dead. And two other nutcases charged with defending her.
I guess Eddie's not really doing a great job of defending her though.
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Yeah that's not what defending is.
Everyone in this series has nicknames. Rachel, Ray; Issac, Zack; Daniel, Danny; Edward, Eddie; Catherine, Cathy. I don't think we've gotten then -the name of the blind priest.
Well this isn't a great defense for her either. Sasuga Danny
She's in hot water. Or rather hot fire.
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Well we knew it was going there. okay, so jan?
Minute or so I guess?
okay so what are we watchin
Either Banana Fish or Starlight, and then Isekai Maou.
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You get to pick, Jan!
oh no that's a lot of pressure i don't know if i can handle the responsibility
let's watch banana fish
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banana fish! okay lets start!
F Fsh that is.
banana fisk
Oh shit Dino's house is really trashed huh.
Hah hah he just passes the fuck out.
oh i remember this scene
Eiji totally going in with balls of steel.
Nippon no dofu
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He's going pretty well considering the crap he just went through. I guess it's because he's hanging out with his waifu.
Eiji's the crazy one really. He's only been experiencing crazy shit like this for maybe a week or two. Despite that he's pretty normal-y.
Eiji please.
>They'd look like boys just having fun if not for the gun Some guys might have fun with the gun regardless.
Momma Eiji.
I feel like those glasses aren't really doing much for disguising Ash.
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i'm not really sure about the sweater either
I like that in updating this series to a modern era, they've probably updated Ash to be really tech savvy. At the least I can't imagine him talking about PC cracking or stuff like this in a setting of the whenever the original Banana Fish takes place.
This is a pretty intense mid-show climax. I guess it'll be the first-cour finale.
Oh shit.
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isekai maou! This should be an interesting episode. okay oh wait need ika okay lets start!
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ash is such a cool motherfucker>>573435 this show is always "interesting"
Elves, something something, lewdness, something being quick to.
Shera's totally tamed the loli Maou.
>Klem-chan isn't that dangerous, after all I mean no, she's REALLY dangerous. The fact that she's been tamed doesn't mean she's harmless.
This is quite the nuttiness.
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She's cray cray
You've got to be cautious around fanatic paladins. Those that will fight to the death with passion are always dangerous.
Fanatics are serious businessss.
Hah hah hah. So he's gonna get this guy who R E S P E C T S W O M E N to save Rem.
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i like this guy as a villain
Wow this is. Wow. How many fucking swords does Sandler have.
Hopefully Diablo has some healing magics in his arsenal.
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He may need some resurrection magic instead.
She's cuter as a loli Maou
Just force feed her like a dozen healing potions.
this will be fun next week probably
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he's putting on the big boy pants
Thrash the loli Maou back into loli mode and then slap some sense into the crazy woman.
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Yeah, that's what's going to happen. I guess they're going to save catgirl with a ton of healing potions. thanks for anime!
He literally thrusted a dozen potions into Shera's hands, so yeah. As long as she's not dead that'll probably be easily all her hitpoints back.
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with how they didn't actually finish saying that she's dead i think she's probably just at like 14 hp