
Thread #573900

Not synched.

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*meow in hungarian*
>synth time: 60h
Slow cooker that alchemy.
Are you a gorefiend that doesn't have any eggs for alchemy?
Kirara 🚗
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Kirara 🚗
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What's /moe/ up to tonight?
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
im in the airplane lineup for seattle
gonna visit some friends
Relaxing a bit.
I had a nap earlier since I've been a bit out of cycle since last night.
I'll probably go play something after I poke around some of the study questions for one of my courses.
oh man i am very ready
Kirara 🚗
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Gonna do anything interesting?


A nap sounds nice.
been missing work due to insomnia
can't work like that gotta sleep sometime
but when??
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
be high schoolers for a bit of gaming
Kirara 🚗
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whatcha gonna game
my friend recently moved to japan and keeps bragging about the arcades

did you try sleep aids
The Japanese arcades are pretty fucking crazy.
well i slept now
not until like 2pm
no work came in by then so i just decided to sleep
then a bunch of stuff came through later and i missed it while asleep
gotta wait out the next catch
Kirara 🚗
that sucks man
it's okay i kind of didn't feel like working anyway
it sucks that arcades on other countries are more like kids places, instead of fun crazy battlefields
Kirara 🚗
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i dig
I only rarely see kids at my arcade.
Kirara 🚗
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im not getting text messages i don't think
i wonder if signal is down
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
im bringing smash idk about the others
i'll smash your butt xd
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
smash that mf bell
Kirara 🚗
sounds like a real party
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
board games i bet?
it’s the host’s birthday party
he is also a dad so i might meet his kid
Kirara 🚗
how old is the kid
I had a minor panic earlier today that I might've chucked a house key into the public trash.
I was passing by a set of trash bins so I threw a bunch of little bits of junk I'd had building up away, and then as I was walking home later I realized I couldn't feel my key in my pocket any more and started worrying it had gone out with all the other small things.
In reality it had just never been in that pocket and was in my other pair of pants, but man.
I was pretty worried there for a moment.
Not because I'd be locked out or anything, but can you imagine having to explain accidentally throwing a key out with trash.
It's kind of embarrassing.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
DON’T PANIC!!!!!!!
I once threw away two dollars by mistake.
my dad once got his car key stuck on a hole on the floor on a car wash
the car key was electric so rip... they had to send the copy from the place - from a different city

you dont have any :3
Kirara 🚗
one time i threw away my dignity
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
Kirara 🚗
this new gamefreak game all takes place in a single town? that's pretty bold
It's a bit of a restrictive quality for an adventure RPG-style game.
Makes sense for something like a farming life game like Harvest Moon, but for a game about levelling and questing, it does cut down on the variety of locales you can explore.
Kirara 🚗
wow, 80 new minigames in Mario party?
Nintendo is going all out as usual
Who's your guess for the last Smash character to be revealed?
My guess is Dante.
Kirara 🚗
it'll be iwata
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beating the deadlines
like a master
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This guy predicted today's reveal.
hello koi how are you?
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Is there any reason to be watching /v/ rumor mill over things
Even if they're true
I'm an alchemist
Transmuting love right into your heart
oh wait, that's a fish. Sorry
Give a legion of monkeys typewriters and with enough time eventually one of them will accurately predict every upcoming Smash character reveal.
Kirara 🚗
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>not having a fish in your heart
I don't have anything in my heart!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
who will be number 69 tho
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There's some really amazing parks in this city.
I love the view of the downtown skyline from this hill.
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I also saw this poster on a board at my university.
Kirara 🚗
There's evidently some kind of anime community or something.
They've even got a first meeting date.

Tangentially related I feel like I've seen that art style before but I can't place it.
It could be something as minor as seeing them selling pieces at an anime con I've gone to in the past though.
are they all goats?
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
goaty mcgoatson
bleats into battle!
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
oh my dog
Kirara 🚗
I'm rather warm.
Kirara 🚗
i think im getting sick
my temperature regulation is all over the place
Yeah, that's usually a pretty definitive sign for me too that I'm getting pretty sick.
It's a really annoying thing to have to deal with.
fuck, i just realized an important person on my party was agreeing with using social control (drones, intelligent cameras) means to locate kids who attacked a cop
my stomach hurts now.. why is everyone a fucking cop (sorry about the overly political post)
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I really dig these simple, monotone designs for both the weapons and the outfits.
And I like how they set up the camera shots for a sort of fashion shoot.
They're also really re-tooling how the multiplayer in Splatoon works, it seems like they're working to maek -make it easier for friends that don't form a full party to jump into games together.
And they've got neat impartial rewards for playing well and having win streaks.
those angles are terrible for a fashion shoot!
Kirara 🚗
i mean i know my party is socdem but it's basically not different from the old more corrupt socdem parties
except this one is less corrupt but more shitty
Kirara 🚗
such is life
I don't really know where my appetite's been today.
I've only had more or less a homemade burger to eat and yet I feel pretty much sated.
And I've been fairly non-sedentary today so it's not like I haven't burned anything, probably.
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Kirara 🚗
donte da demon killa
Ah that reminds me. I need to buy stickers that say that.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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put them on all your bideo games xd
Nah, they're Christmas gifts.
Kirara 🚗
Coming back to World after thirty-two hours of GU and my hands and brains are in severe disagreement on what should be happening.
My brain keeps expecting there to be a controller in my hand and my hands are reporting back "we've only got a keyboard, captain!"
And it's making playing the game a lot harder than it should be, hah hah.
Kirara 🚗
they played us like a damn book
Kirara 🚗
didn't realize until now but Koyasu voiced bo-bo-bo
I have a weeping wound.
tell it to cheer up
Lel so funny XDDDD
thanks i try
Kirara 🚗
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me being harassed by spooks
spooks man
Kirara 🚗
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Kirara 🚗
>Propose in public, if you can help it at all. Having witnesses around proves to your lover that you are ready to get married no matter who knows it and no matter what they might think. The people around you will love the show, too.
no thanks
authority is such a bad thing, i think - i just think im a rebel kid but i still dont like authority

poor madison
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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just put your proposal in a video game
Kirara 🚗
authority is the worst possible thing
>Manipulate your lover into saying yes by surrounding her with peer pressure to say yes
Kirara 🚗

this is where i went wrong
Kirara 🚗
>Be creative. Ask her to marry you by having the staff at a restaurant write "Will you marry me?" on her favorite dessert. You can write "Will you marry me?" on a t-shirt underneath a nice shirt, if you think she'll be okay with the humor.
how is this humorous
>Ask the staff of an upcoming game you're anticipating to add "Will you marry me?" to the game
You beat me
Kirara 🚗
my favorite thing about that story is that the guy turned out to he /// be some loser who was misleading people about the relationship
Also I found a hilarious thread on /diy/.
Yeah, it's pretty ridiculous.
It's good that the woman got her side of the story out, if only because it was needed to ensure she didn't suffer more spite from the community than she already was/is.
Kirara 🚗
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Hell I'd even say do it on the last day of the camping.
Kirara 🚗
doesn't seem like anyone online is recommending proposing while your gf is in the hospital, recovering from a life-threatening pneumonia
Kirara 🚗
>If she says no, react with understanding and don't be petulant. She may need time to think and a memory of your sour face and grumpy attitude will leave a bad impression in her mind. Be a gentleman and don't be down on yourself -- you tried your best
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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That actually seems rather sound for something from wikihow
It's lowest common denominator advice.
Not poor advice, but so extremely basic that it's fairly irrelevant for someone who has a good idea of how to act decent.
Kirara 🚗
>Finally, when you get to that moment when you're on a knee (Do not kneel to nobody but God ) , keep bringing it back to Christ. Sure, tell her how much she means to you and that she's the most beautiful girl you know, but show her that Jesus is the foundation for your love so she knows that she knows that you're stable. Say things like, "I believe God put us together"..."I want to love you like Christ loves the church"..."Since Jesus never leaves us, I want to exemplify that by spending the rest of my life with you"..."My mission is to bring glory to God, and I think two can better accomplish that mission than one"..."Your beauty is your godliness", etc.
Kirara 🚗
keep bringin it back to christ
>Your beauty is your godliness
>I want to love you like Christ loves the church
[Citation needed]
Kirara 🚗
>Propose using an audio-visual presentation you’ve made. Compile photos and/or videos of the two of you together. Then you can use video and photo editing software on your computer to make a photo montage. You can even include a few video clips of you together, but when you’re done you should burn your wedding proposal presentation onto a blank DVD or USB memory stick. You don’t want your future bride stumbling across your hard work and ruining the surprise!
now this is what i should have done
a slideshow
with some graphs and shit
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I love the irony that >>574009 is for you
I know that's the whole point of sharing it, partly
but I just love it enough to comment about it.
Kirara 🚗
>Propose during half-time game. Even if your wife-to-be isn’t a big sports fan, she’ll know how serious you are about your engagement when you do it in front of a stadium full of people! You’ll have to contact stadium officials to see what the policy is for wedding proposals and how you might organize your proposal to be broadcast on TVs and screens across the entire stadium.
This is the kind of thing I see parodied and mocked, and after chuckling I need to remind myself "this is also something certain people take 100% seriously"
Kirara 🚗
>Know when most people are ready to marry. Men aren't usually ready to pop the question, at minimum, until age 26 if they are college graduates.[2] If you are looking for a proposal earlier than this, you may need to spend some more time dating before someone pops the question.
basing all my life decisions on behavioral statistics
because there's no such thing as proposing but marrying after the graduation
Kirara 🚗
2 weeks before you have the date, definitely get the most beautiful, most affordable, and most her-personality ring you can, in a nice little black satin box with silk stuffed neatly inside it. Black, in this case, is romantic for ring boxes.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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must be black
romantic: as close to movies and stereotypes to make you feel like a living cliche
Kirara 🚗
>Make sure you look nice. It's hard for a girl to say "no" when everything is romantic.
Kirara 🚗
>For example: if he's interested in archaeology, volunteer for an archaeological dig with him and propose on the dig (you can enlist your fellow volunteers to help). Or you could even make a treasure hunt type proposal and have him dig up the proposal in the backyard.
maybe i should have put a ring inside a dead fish
i'm such an un-romantic person i guess.
Kirara 🚗
>If he says no, you are going to feel upset and you have every reason to ask him what his reasons are and if will ever change his mind. It could simply be that there is too much going on at the time (school, a big move, his parents are ill) and he can't think that far ahead, or it could mean that he doesn't want to get married. Whatever the reason is, you're going to have to make some choices about your future, as well. It could be that the two of you aren't compatible and don't have the same life goals.
yeah, basically proposing to a person who wouldnt even marry is kind of a dead sentence for the relationship, as far as i know
Kirara 🚗
maybe im not a good match for fish
Kirara 🚗
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just ignore all that, sorry
im sure im just tired
sorry my comment was rude.
i mean, i think marrying is something both people should want.
Kirara 🚗
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i think i should go to bed
hope you have a nice rest
Hope you feel less sick in the morning.
Going bed
anime >>574035 →
It's really annoying when the arch of my foot gets itchy.
Kind of like the palm of your hand getting itchy but in this case you don't really have the ease of just scratching it with the other hand.
Oh, Azur Lane is getting an anime.
And the skin around there is thicker so it's not as easy to relieve
and a ps4 game
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it's reaching 30c in the day now
at least it's cool at night though
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moon do you have any Sick Strats for reading and then retaining large volumes of information?
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uh i only really have myself as a reference point there
what sorts of prollems are you havin
commitment to memory, patience to get through the material, difficulty processing the density of content?
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I can read all day
but when it comes time to repeat or process or discuss the information I've taken in it's all just a jumbled mess in my mind.

I've got an exam on the 27th
and until a week ago I didn't know anything at all about the topic.
So I'm trying to absorb as much information as quickly as possible
but my brain is letting me down.
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you better be ready to take responsibility for this boner
i'm not exactly a scholar so take my advice with a grain of salt but I've always found that trying to apply what you're reading about with short exercises or flash cards while you're working through the material to be an effective way to retain the information
even doing something like just taking down shortform notes about what you're reading works well for me
just binging through textbooks has never worked for me i end up forgetting most of it by the time I'm done
are your notes ever helpful in the future
or is it more about the physical exercise of writing it all out
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I'll tell you right now - I'm banking on the latter being true.
My notes are just a scribbled mess
they're not really helpful unless i've somehow forgotten everything after writing it down, but the act of writing it down seems to make it more likely to stick in my mind.
if they're legible enough, reading through them after finishing may help you remember as // anything you didn't fully commit to memory the first time.
i think the key to it is to write legible notes you have to understand what you're writing down and run it through your mind a second time when writing, then a third time when you're done or on another day.
basically just increasing the exposure to the same information presented in a few different ways can help a lot.
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do you use caffeine at all when studying
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I will take your advice on board and do my best to make my handwriting more legible so i am able to review things a second or third time.
ooh baby
do I ever.
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i find valerian root or some calming agent to help me with studying activities a lot more than stimulants
stimulants for function, like on exams or assignments, caffeine and such
valerian root or something calming to slow my brain down while reading/researching
there's a lot less friction with the material when i'm relaxed and it's a lot more digestible
i slow my brain down enough to be fully immersed in the progression of the material and not too impatient
that lets me think about the stuff i'm reading at the same pace as im reading it and connect a solid train of thought through it

i might be able to read faster and follow along faster when stimulated, but there's just less time spent there and it's less familiar
it becomes recall at that point rather than recognition
it also makes the study material pretty enjoyable and not a chore

i'm not sure whether any of that's helpful but that was a big breakthrough for me
i only use caffeine when there's application of what i know that has to be done and it's more busywork
i slow my brain down whenever im trying to understand something or learn it because i'm more patient and connected to the material
Kirara 🚗
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do you just order it online?
i buy it at the pharmacy
it's just in the aisle with zinc and all the other supplements
idk why everyone has a hard time finding it
Kirara 🚗
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some places are more restrictive than others
when I wanted melatonin supplements to help with sleeping I couldn't buy it over the counter in Australia
it's not illegal but there are restrictions on selling it. I had to order it online.
if you can't find valerian root in the supplement aisle, you can probably find it in the tea aisle as a sleepy time tea
it's very common
i dont see why they wouldn't have it
are there restrictions on chamomile too
or catnip for that matter
catnip tea works really well
it's a mild central nervous system depressant in humans
very relaxing
I'll look for it next time I'm in the city
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it's not a necessity to use a supplement maybe
just for me, the anxiety of stimulation kept me from immersing in the material
i always tried to study mechanistically, check if i grasped the material and move forward with heightened sense of importance of the material
like "this is important i gotta know it"
come time for recall, it's all just in the back scattered around and i can't sort it
nervous stimulants worsened that feeling, and i'm naturally an anxious person
doing something to relieve me natural anxiety while studying let it all sink in so fluidly
just a granular build-up of conceptual awareness about the material that i explored on my own
so it was easy to recognize the applications of the material and use the knowledge when pressed

another option is reproduction of the content
nowadays as a transcriptionist i'll write out about 60 or 70 pages on an average day of transcripts of recorded KOL interviews in the clinical workspace
listening to it and also typing it all out (at about 3:1 ratio of time spent vs real time of the audio) i can easily recall the entire 60+ pages
constantly doing research while transcribing to get a better sense of the material, forming the spoken words into functional sentences
study habits aside and speaking mechanistically, i've done 200-page transcripts of four-hour interviews and could easily recall any given paragraph given that i spent time parsing context and typing it out and all that

i know you can't transcribe the material that's already written, but excessive note-taking could really help
like writing down what you're understanding and what lingering questions you have while reading, what further research you've done to clarify, and so forth. that's another thing i did a lot of in academia, note-taking my own learning experiences -- not the material itself like in a lecture, but my impressions of the material and thoughts on it and follow-up questions, and digging up research to attempt to answer underlying questions
basically anything that increases hemispheric communication helps retention imo
reading is very one-sided as all the lexical reasoning only occurs in one hemisphere
giving the brain reason to communicate the lexical concepts to the other hemisphere and coordinate between the two to reconstruct the knowledge somehow really helps solidify it in the brain
it's very easy to zone out while reading and not have any cross-referencing for your brain to do and it just thinks "yeah this makes sense, this makes sense. sure, i understand that."
then you're actively engaged later bilaterally and can't recall what it was

idk if that makes sense or not
just map the material and concepts to as many brain functions as you can
read it in-mind, think about it, say it out loud, right // write it down, have a conversation with yourself about the material
Yeah that does make sense.
I do take some notes but I could definitely do more to engage with them. I'll try doing that.
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you may want to ask rika or samurai though, or someone more normal than i am
i've got a really obsessive brain when it comes to information so i might not understand the struggles right
valerian with caffeine is a great combination
it takes all the edge and jitteriness out of the caffeine experience
it's a very calm energy
but again that's just me
some people take sedatives and just feel drowsy and want to sleep
i take them and it's the freedom to focus on anything i want without all the internal noise clouding up my thoughtspace
would valerian and coffee at the same time be counter-productive?
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mate if you can write out full pages from a 4-hour conversation then I'm taking memory advice from you first
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i don't have anything
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nootropics and cross-hemisphere referencing

that's why I'm taking away from this.
Kirara 🚗
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Kirara 🚗
you gotta find your own way
other people's ways are just reference points for finding it
wow brah thats so deep
Kirara 🚗
maybe it's deeper than you realize if >>574133 is what you got from moon's stuff
Kirara 🚗
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individual differences aside, you can learn a lot from the way other people do things.
Kirara 🚗
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>how do you do fellow kids
Kirara 🚗
make sure you really are the last dragonborn
my seed cannot be stopped
Kirara 🚗
they'll stop your fus ro dah
I've maxed my dragon shouts to a point where I no longer need a companion
except maybe as an item bank.
Kirara 🚗
these cops arrested someone for jaywalking and broke their arms
Kirara 🚗
and the overview board said that was ok
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
seems legit to me
what about you, Kirara
how do you cram your brain full of DATA?
Kirara 🚗
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for me, it's about categorization
i make connections between everything i see or learn and think about the abstract rules that govern those connections

for example, everything has certain traits that you can figure out, some of them are concrete traits like being red or being a computer screen, some of them are more abstract like being a system of governance or an ideological value or design value
for every idea and concept, i just look intuitively at the traits it has and connect it to other things that have those traits
an easy example is like, if i'm thinking about the nintendo switch, i might take the trait of having a touch screen out and make a connection to a nintendo ds and a phone because those have touch screens, or i could connect it to an MRI control panel which has a touch screen

by having a lot of connections between objects and concepts, i create a complex web of ideas which are all intertwined, so any time i improve my understanding of an object or a concept, it also affects other concepts in the web, so every time i learn something new, it reinforces my understanding of just about everything because everything is connected in some way

an easy way to think about it is like free association
the words you freely associate may seem random, but you can tease out specifically what connects those concepts together if you really try to
my conceptual web is like that
i find it helps a lot to map/relate whatever you're learning to your own worldview too
i think a lot about systems so i try to think about what i'm learning as an interconnected system
Kirara 🚗
yeah definitely
putting things into your own context is really helpful for understanding them
Kirara 🚗
i have difficulty with things that are really far from intuitive though
if it's not intuitive, i have a lot of trouble incorporating it into my web
so i have a lot of trouble with poorly thought out systems of rules and policies that don't really make sense
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I'm watching Ai-chan argue with herself in a language I can't understand and yet I'm still entertained
Kirara 🚗
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do you physically write out these concept maps
or is it more of an internal mental exercise?
Kirara 🚗
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It's internal.
I just naturally organize and categorize things without much effort now, unless there's a really hard or unique concept that I have to really tease the traits out of, like if I'm reading philosophy and encountering a new concept.
I used to have a few separate concept maps in my head but now they're all connected, too.
Kirara 🚗
i don't see any reason why it wouldn't work physically writing it out though
i suggest physically writing things just for the incorporation of both hemispheres to engage the concept with motor memory also
when it comes to testing and things, it's very unlikely to be in the same mental state as when studying, especially with travel to the school and whatnot and being in a specific environment
it's very helpful imo to anchor concepts into physicality a bit so that, when lost, just the rhythmic movements and pen-paper interface you're dealing with can recollect some of the procedure
a lot of the anxiety around recall is about familiarity i think, and anxiety is friction
whatever makes that environment familiar makes the recall and application a lot less taxing on time and energy
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (120 KB, 1022x2048, DSAnBChUQAAlcTt.jpg)
another new design?
isn't this one just abyssal ai
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (1014 KB, 2480x3169, fef92d69deb4da2f0369530b58a1fd41.jpg)
Remember when I said she got a collab going with another mobage
It was othello so they have a black ai-chan
oh is that video you were talking about
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (80 KB, 1280x720, [scribbles] New Game - 01 [F35(…).jpg)
that's surprisingly boring
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
this one has subs but
this one is today and >>574166 yes
Might fall back asleep
good morning
good night.
hungary is
>blue skies with occasional clouds
Kirara 🚗
sounds comfy
Search [iqdb] (2.0 MB, 3920x2204, DSC_0314.JPG)
Search [iqdb] (1.9 MB, 3920x2204, DSC_0312.JPG)
very flat
amd we are in the hilly, mountaneous west
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
that's nice
Kirara 🚗
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
what a shock
I'm the shocker
Kirara 🚗
the shocker fight in SM was really fun
Search [iqdb] (2.4 MB, 3920x2204, DSC_0315.JPG)
in vino veritas
truth being manifactured
Search [iqdb] (372 KB, 640x480, [Exiled-Destiny]_Cowboy_Bebop_(…).png)
bless the rains
Search [iqdb] (74 KB, 799x1100, DnARoiiW0AA97Iv[1].jpg)
is it pretty dry where you are?
Kirara 🚗
not really, it's foggy right now
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
what on earth
Search [iqdb] (88 KB, 753x800, 4db5cfbe4a65912cdd3df5462091e9bd.jpg)
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (140 KB, 550x690, 5aa9c78f61bdd5c7368daad96e58b74b.jpg)
fog is pretty cool even if it makes driving a bit more difficult
Search [iqdb] (58 KB, 820x534, 1536423220613.jpg)
It makes sense there's a lot of farmland

since everyone's Hungary
Kirara 🚗
Kirara 🚗
hate when that happens
Search [iqdb] (318 KB, 1447x2046, Dfu02f7U0AA97yr.jpg)
how terrible
The difference between a cute fluffy drawing of a pokemon and the immediate understanding that "this person definitely draws furryH" is in the hips.
Kirara 🚗
tfw no burgerfi near me
In related news, expanding Twitter images is still dangerous
Kirara 🚗
it sure is
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
there was one in lexington, it was pretty dang goo
Kirara 🚗
i had it in Denver
Ohio again
paska jätkä, paskat jutut
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (57 KB, 760x570, v4-760px-Get-Married-Step-3-Version-2.jpg)
Search [iqdb] (33 KB, 671x636, 39153000_457475848102244_80278(…).jpg)
Search [iqdb] (209 KB, 1191x1684, Dk48HaAU0AEZSjY[1].jpg)
That cat is so weird haha
what's weird about it?
Weird to look at amongst other things
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (339 KB, 700x569, 03b37362d6001b9d2ef2453b143feefe.png)
Time to wait on Maria to show up
they're probably gonna bideo game stuff
Kirara 🚗
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
no I was just going to post something at him
oh my bad
it's like 6am over there but it might be a while before he wakes up
Kirara 🚗
maria is gone forever
Kirara 🚗
you should just DM him on twitter or something
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (202 KB, 560x640, 05703b66e22dc50fad25487474d79571.jpg)
But that's BORING
Kirara 🚗
is it
that's what i always do
are you calling me boring
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
No but if I want to share music with one or more persons why not share it with more than one persons
Search [iqdb] (1.9 MB, 3920x2204, 1537037012696-1338696406.jpg)
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (195 KB, 1164x1164, 0073478a1700f36fda629d3762e391ed.jpg)
so a slip hazard AND a co2 hazard?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (2.1 MB, 1332x1863, 082cf742fb9d75a04cfa3081b1ab7096.png)
>there's a 10th anniversary special edition version of the Tales of Vesperia Remaster
>currently only for Japan
Search [iqdb] (160 KB, 1200x1200, Dm0rk9lUYAAoVmc[1].jpg)
new don't hug me I'm scared stuff, huh
Kirara 🚗

just buy the Japanese version
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I am not buying japanese vesperia twice.
Kirara 🚗
why not
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>buy japanese vesperia because you think to yourself "we're never getting the full version anyway"
>definitive gets announced a month later
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
here's what's in it
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (124 KB, 800x1131, IMG_20180914_064917.jpg)
eat the rich
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (19 KB, 521x319, IMG_20180914_202741.jpg)
let's do it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (244 KB, 2048x1152, 20170218235545_1.jpg)
I have com e into accidental possession of a Tales of Berseria steam key
I don't suppose you'd want it would you, Kirara?
I know you tend to be busy so I'd wonder if you'd have the time for it.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
Search [iqdb] (508 KB, 1000x1838, c8d4bcf89d053dc4.png)
I wanna be
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 517x613, [Doki] New Game!! - 01 (1280x7(…).jpg)
no thanks
Search [iqdb] (171 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Takunomi - 10 [(…).jpg)
hello hello
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (140 KB, 1200x1697, IMG_20180914_064943.jpg)
hello rika
Search [iqdb] (73 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Asobi Asobase -(…).jpg)
How are we doing today?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (2.1 MB, 1332x1863, 082cf742fb9d75a04cfa3081b1ab7096.png)
I'm doing pretty well
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (116 KB, 762x1059, IMG_20180903_122920.jpg)
Oh, you know.
How are you?
Search [iqdb] (87 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Full Metal Pani(…).jpg)
I'm doing okay.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (238 KB, 1650x1367, IMG_20180915_162959.jpg)
Who are you going to shoot?
Search [iqdb] (89 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Jashin-chan Dro(…).jpg)
There's a kancolle event underway.
I have even less interest in that and FEH. The new big prize ship is Nelson, it seems!
They let Shibafu make another potato too.

that guy.
I forgot there was recent fmp stuff
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 2009x1970, 69446794_po.png)
Shoot me instead!

You have more interest in KC than me.
I didn't even know there was an event.
Search [iqdb] (179 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Jashin-chan Dro(…).jpg)
Due to my browsing habits, the first 4chan page that firefox gives me when I type in "4chan" is /jp/ with kantai as a search term, so I see but don't enter the KC general every day as I come on to 4chan.
And I saw a potato as the OP so I figured an event was going.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (364 KB, 1024x1024, HK416_costume1.png)
Oh, I see.
I guess I can say our interest is equal, then.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (136 KB, 700x700, 017e8f4361c39ce84e0d7bcf4274e55e.jpg)
There's a girl I think is cute but it's not enough to get me to open it.
Search [iqdb] (101 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Asobi Asobase -(…).jpg)
I already have Nelson in Azure Lane anyway.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (162 KB, 1200x1600, CsUPnc8VUAAzdkf.jpg)
I've got a tummy ache.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (124 KB, 800x1131, IMG_20180914_064917.jpg)
I think I'll take a nap when I get home.
the only new thing I've seen is Kishinami
Search [iqdb] (403 KB, 602x1080, 1512966764378.png)
What are you up to right now?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (202 KB, 560x640, 05703b66e22dc50fad25487474d79571.jpg)
oh hey it's monika
hi monika

>mom is sick
>wants taco bell
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (88 KB, 521x701, [Doki] New Game!! - 01 (1280x7(…).jpg)
Just hanging out.
What are you up to?
Search [iqdb] (117 KB, 1280x720, date4.jpg)
I'm relaxing at home.
Who are you hanging out with?

Their cheese gordito things are good.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (1.7 MB, 1000x1400, 0d6be30bc9c5efa2b85d5d05b100178c.png)
I could try that I suppose.
I usually just get a quesarito
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (72 KB, 1280x720, [Kuusou] New Game! - 11 [1B601(…).jpg)
You don't need to worry about it so much.
Search [iqdb] (114 KB, 320x512, 31465718.jpg)
It's my job to worry a little bit!
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (97 KB, 1280x720, [Kuusou] New Game! - 07 [B421D(…).jpg)
I appreciate how much you care.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (238 KB, 1650x1367, IMG_20180915_162959.jpg)
And yes, to answer your suspicion, I am with Fish.
Search [iqdb] (59 KB, 415x645, ak3 (2).jpg)
That's good!
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1189x2000, 70291073_p0.png)
I've been taking better and better care of my hair and now its insanely curly.
I think it might even be too curly at this point.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (77 KB, 1280x720, [Kuusou] New Game! - 10 [B83E9(…).jpg)
You don't need to feel so obligated to meddle.
Search [iqdb] (154 KB, 267x602, sonoko14.png)
It's not an obligation.

I've never experienced naturally curly hair.
My hair is thin and straight.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 517x613, [Doki] New Game!! - 01 (1280x7(…).jpg)
Then why are you so meddlesome?
Search [iqdb] (585 KB, 599x596, 1526445094365.png)
I've never had proper straight hair, I wish I could straighten my hair but it just explodes into a lions mane when I do so.
Search [iqdb] (1.8 MB, 500x281, 1444011133181.gif)
Because I'm helpful.

Curly hair can look nice.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 522x700, C_IyWDgVoAMKUR8.jpg)
You don't have to help so much!
It does look nice.
I like my curly hair but I do wonder what It would be nice if could have straight hair too.
Search [iqdb] (90 KB, 539x714, 1416211302223.jpg)
I do it because I want to help!

Curly hair makes you fluffy!
I'm not very fluffy.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 501x698, [Doki] New Game!! - 01 (1280x7(…).jpg)
I guess there's nothing I can do to stop you.
Search [iqdb] (115 KB, 673x955, DlM7sdsUYAAf10-.jpg)
I'm sure you can achieve a state of fluffiness.
Search [iqdb] (97 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Comic Girls - 0(…).jpg)
I wasn't really meddling today anyway, just pumping you for information.

I think fluffiness is one of those things that either comes to you naturally or not at all.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (65 KB, 1280x720, [Doki] New Game!! - 02 (1280x7(…).jpg)
Your email was a little meddling and I know you're talking with Fish a lot!
I know you'll do what you want, so whatever, but at least own up to it!
Search [iqdb] (101 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Asobi Asobase -(…).jpg)
That was yesterday's meddling though. Not today's.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (1.8 MB, 885x1300, 1524512009646.png)
I didn't get it until today.
And I forget the second thing I was going to say.
Anyway, you're a major meddler.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (339 KB, 700x569, 03b37362d6001b9d2ef2453b143feefe.png)
I am one of those naturally fluffy-haired people
Allow me to bask in your jealousy
I am the absolute fluffiest.
None can compare.
Search [iqdb] (100 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Jashin-chan Dro(…).jpg)
I haven't meddled at all today.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (144 KB, 1296x1872, DW-tbkSVAAEGiFQ.jpg)
Forgive me if I don't buy it.
Search [iqdb] (562 KB, 1500x2121, __hinanawi_tenshi_touhou_drawn(…).jpg)
things confirmed today that i kinda was aware
>both my mother and aunt don't really stand my uncle
>dear god my uncle is oblivious about other people and his own flaws
>dear god he is full of himself at times
Search [iqdb] (114 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 03 [7(…).jpg)
I've really not done any today. The rest is up to you!
Search [iqdb] (289 KB, 922x2282, f5.jpg)
but good trip nonetheless
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (82 KB, 1280x720, [scribbles] New Game - 01 [F35(…).jpg)
The rest of what?
What are you expecting me to do?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 900x840, 174587b0e49802e6ddce262d8713777a.jpg)
Search [iqdb] (89 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 11 [7(…).jpg)
To take it from here!
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 517x613, [Doki] New Game!! - 01 (1280x7(…).jpg)
What, am I supposed to pull off some Kirara magic and suddenly she'll agree to marry me?
I don't know what you think I can do.
aren~t you a mahoushoujo?
Search [iqdb] (136 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 06 [7(…).jpg)
No, not that kind of taking it from here.
Just you know smoothing stuff over.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (69 KB, 1024x576, [kdfffss] New Game! - OVA [DVD(…).jpg)
Everything is as smooth as it's going to be.
Kirara 🚗
guy on the left
"my feet hurt"
Search [iqdb] (125 KB, 736x699, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg)
Oh yeah, I may not be present for anime tonight. Not sure yet. If I'm not, watch without me.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (316 KB, 1460x2048, DkrjGs-UYAAGQ91.jpg)
Another deito, huh?
Search [iqdb] (84 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 08 [7(…).jpg)
Not really a date, not. Just having fun with friends. Maybe some dancing.
Search [iqdb] (125 KB, 702x702, d3e6766b1c15338b.jpg)
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (130 KB, 1475x2048, DSge9s1U8AIj7nl.jpg)
Wow, kyaa. Have fun.

Rediscovering the party girl within yourself?
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 567x693, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg)
Nah, nothing like that.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (51 KB, 294x568, [Kuusou] New Game! - 11 [1B601(…).jpg)
Enjoy your not-really-deito.

I have to end my not-really-deito soon.
Unless I want to sleep on the floor.
Doctor would probably get mad if I slept in Fish's bed overnight.
Well, make sure you've got a designated driver, or a safe place to crash.
Search [iqdb] (117 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Animegataris - (…).jpg)
Yeah, that's not resting.
I could really use a larger cutting board.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (226 KB, 1304x1924, 62009088_0o.jpg)
the doctor is kind of a creep
i don't think i like him
Kirara 🚗
"games are turning men into kids"
Search [iqdb] (161 KB, 1003x1417, DnDXN6oU8AAsZwr.jpg)
On the same day that I thought my fingernail was finally getting back to being an appropriate length, I stubbed my toe by opening a door.
And now it feels like that nail is also one wrong move from completely coming off.
It's as if, when I opened the door, it snapped the nail or something a little bit.
And I feel like I gotta wash it specifically or it'll get infected.
Good luck.
You really can't seem to keep a hold on your nails lately, eh.
I need more calcium, maybe
is it so wrong for me to like big anime tiddies
Kirara 🚗

damn dude
Search [iqdb] (140 KB, 630x990, DlRn43ZVAAA4944.jpg)
It's as American as apple pie
but if you aren't American, then yeah, sorry.
everything is a bother...
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (195 KB, 1164x1164, 0073478a1700f36fda629d3762e391ed.jpg)
why does that sea animal have giant anime tiddies
Search [iqdb] (179 KB, 757x1146, DmqP4yoUcAEjOzT.jpg)
>philosophical questions
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (136 KB, 700x700, 017e8f4361c39ce84e0d7bcf4274e55e.jpg)
Someone has to ask the important questions around here
Search [iqdb] (222 KB, 1334x750, officially done with FGO.jpg)
You could be doing far more worthwhile things
Like being a lolicon?
Search [iqdb] (106 KB, 921x1000, 1535739824003.jpg)
time to wash my feet
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (339 KB, 700x569, 03b37362d6001b9d2ef2453b143feefe.png)
Maybe I should do something similar to this.
Though expanding my gacha games is a bad idea
Search [iqdb] (318 KB, 1447x2046, Dfu02f7U0AA97yr.jpg)
It feels nice to be back into games that I spend money on once.
What about some times twice to get that sweet Octoling DLC.
more important
is it so wrong for me to like big anime budds?
Search [iqdb] (274 KB, 1100x1600, DeSCPf_VwAI3KYQ.jpg)
I don't know if I'll buy Splatoon
Yeah I guessed as much.
listen , if my back doesn't stop hurting after this nice long night of sleep i'm about to have, i'm gonna take this website down
Search [iqdb] (666 KB, 1000x724, 70565693_p8.jpg)
rip in rest
Kirara 🚗
tell me not to drink
Don't drink, Kirara.
Kirara 🚗
i can't stop thinking about going home and downing a bottle
Search [iqdb] (52 KB, 680x646, Dmpa-mEU4AENev5.jpeg)
Please don't do that to yourself
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (2.4 MB, 2880x5120, 0a1fbdec682bcd0700f8b82f69b6b629.png)
I think it would be for the best if you did not do that.
Kirara 🚗
i want to so bad
this is the worst ive had it
i can feel the booze
it's not good
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (309 KB, 1000x1625, 14a37dfe9cecc032f88078a0988b68b0.jpg)
Liquor is boring anyway
Kirara 🚗
it is definitely not
You can get past this craving Kirara.
You haven't needed it to get over other stresses in the past year.
You don't need it here.
Do not fucking do it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh maria
it's that time again
Kirara 🚗
i am fucking cursed
you'll be happier later after deciding not to drink
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
let me share this instead
Kirara 🚗
something inside me keeps telling me im doomed to drink anyway so i might as well
and i keep thinking about how easy it would be
like ripping off a band-aid
i could just do it
and give in
it would be so easy
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 800x779, df4c295871aa115dd29bf349b7a9b655.jpg)
Just don't do it
Kirara 🚗
every liquor store i drive past is mocking me
So mock them back by depriving them of business.
Alcohol is just a scheme to exploit you
Don't buy into it

This is good
I wouldn't even know it's based off of a video game song if I didn't know the source

dig out of it then

You're only in the alcohols trap when you open up that bottle and drink it
So long as you don't do that you're winning

That sounds like it doesn't give much room for body expression if he's just repainting over faces

Kirara 🚗
everything is a scheme to exploit me
im already in alcohol's trap anyway
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (149 KB, 689x1050, 002ba659be0de05b5ebc6d5c1f84f4e2.jpg)
Deep Sea Prisoner was clever with his character portraits in Mogeko Castle
He has a base portrait and then pastes an expression/mouth over it
Which means ripping everything out doesn't give me easy posting material!
isn't it weird how the word "cured" is just one s away from being cursed?
Kirara 🚗
you can't just escape it
Well sure you can't just turn off the burning desire for it, but it's only got you when you're drinking it. If you think drinking it is a foregone conclusion then just keep delaying it until the day you die
You know it'll just mess things up if you do drink it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (59 KB, 957x737, yonakas.png)
you might be surprised
i'm so sorry...
wish i didn't had a terrible appetite that i just want to eat all the time.
it's cursing me
Kirara 🚗
any day can be the day i die
riddles are bullshit
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (207 KB, 632x396, 20abd9d7cdd66cee1cd55725899e8154.jpg)
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (195 KB, 1164x1164, 0073478a1700f36fda629d3762e391ed.jpg)
>Gray gets 3% crit twice in the same map
ok that's fine I guess
which side do you guys like the most?
i'd say norh because of the cuties.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I haven't played enough fates to really choose.
i mean like, i havent either. i like camilla etc.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
this witch has crit thrice in a row
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (136 KB, 787x1365, IMG_20170403_042504.jpg)
i saw a girl with a clorox bottle on a korean guys video wtf..
Kirara 🚗
...I'm trash
Search [iqdb] (3.1 MB, 4032x3024, 20180915_225316.jpg)
Might as well just call you Nestle.
Kirara 🚗
wow blue
i can't believe you
I'm at D&D
But I'm so tired.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (197 KB, 1700x1047, IMG_20180915_162951.jpg)
i saw fish's dad today
i ended up pretending like i hadn't asked fish to marry me bc i don't want him to pressure her
it really sucked
Yeah, it sounds like a rough situation to be in.
Either choice isn't really comfortable.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (45 KB, 577x577, IMG_20180914_212315.jpg)
I think I'm going to put my blindfold on and go to sleep
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (119 KB, 650x650, 3c82b0aba8eb33e0b8af8c6b2f0609ca.png)
good night
Finally found my niche
Hoarding water
In the lava realm
I'm sorry
You've become the very villain you sought in the first place.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
this is the alternate universe where blue businesses become successful...
Wow, so you're saying the only option is for Blue to be unsuccessful and a decent person, or successful and a soulless human bean?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I hate the new chrome aesthetic.
it looks dumb to have white headers when my phone's GUI is all black and dark grey.
why the hell would they do this and not provide an option to change the color. Google is so bad sometimes.
It does seem a bit iffy
I've kinda gotten used to it though already
it's going to continue to bug the shit out of me because in literally any other app it defaults to Black header and software buttons.
when I pull up the keyboard it's black, swiping from the top to check notifications turns it black, chrome is the only app that uses white as an accent color and it's triggering me
i don't mind the other changes, i just want an option to switch to a dark theme like every other Google app has
i am the most humble person on /moe/
true that brother, anno is the only one not full of himself
finding new ways to screw up all the time
yeah everyone with a name is an attentionwhore
to be fair
i am also an attentionwhore
thanks for reading
Gonna spray attention all over your posts
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
To think, Usain Bolt now possibly lives an hours drive from me
I'm almost wanting to go see one of his games
this isnt the worst I've felt, but man is this a very long, extended period of feeling shitty
>housemate pays to get a better router than the isp provided one
>it drops out more than the cheapo one we had before
isnt it about time you fucks watched some anime
Not sleepy yet so no
I ended up taking longer to refresh myself than expected, so I'm a bit late to getting anime set up.
We probably won't have Rika at all/until much later so unless both Jan and Ika are around, I'unno.
ah yes time to play the dinosaur again
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What's with the hat anyway.
It's the 10th birthday of chrome I think
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I barely even keep track what time it is or when that happens so idk
Well if we have you, then all we need is Squid.
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what about rika
>>574415 →
Anime thread
>>574415 →
She's off partying and dancing and drinking or something.
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how nice I hope she doesn't break her hip!
I should try out a new mobile browser
I wonder if they've improved that firefox one
I've heard good things about Dolphin
The pot of chili I made like four and a half hours ago is still really hot.
I want to move it to containers I can put in the fridge, but I'd rather do that tonight before I go to bed.
And I need it to be fairly cooled off before I can do that.
How annoying.
Yeah well, I forgot to buy smokes before I left work.
Life is hard!
we go through so many bottles and cans so I started taking them to those recycling machines whenever I go into work
It's a bit of pocket change that I guess could add up to something
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Recycling profit is a snack fund to me
Well if you don't have to pull out of your normal funds for a snack fund, you're saving money in the end!
It goes into my paypal and has going towards things like bandcamp albums but you can exchange it for cash somewhere I think
I just remembered something funny that happened to me.
I was stocking drinks in the cooler at work and I pushed one up to the front and somebody opened the door and grabbed my hand.
I was like Hey! and he laughed at me and said GOTTEM.
I got fucking got!
Oh my gosh.
What are you going to do about getting fucking got.
I know people portray retail as horror to work in but at least you aren't alone in it
except those shift where you are actually working alone
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Fucking nothing!
It did surprise me though, he really did get me.
I've never had that happen.
Night shift sucks but generally I think people who portray retail as hell focus on the bad parts of humanity rather than the good.
I've met a lot more wonderful people than shit heads working at 7-11. I'd say the vast majority of people at least are nice to you if you're polite and provide good service.
There are always bad, rude, or criminal customers as well, but it's easy to focus on the bad experiences and have that pessimistic point of view.
Most people are generally cool.
Maybe I'm a little more open to different kinds of people than your average retail worker or something, too. Even interacting with nice enough people can be stressful if you're socially anxious or awkward.
But retail is a bad place to work under those conditions, I think.
I don't personally see retail as a sort of hell, but I could see how it could be bad
I mean being robbed and stuff like that is obviously bad
but besides those things the worst things I could imagine you have to deal with is shitty customers and shitty bosses
I mean it probably beats fast food
Retail seems like hell to me, but that's less due to potentially terrible customers.
But more because it's an unsatisfying (for me) set of repetition in an environment I don't really care to be stuck in for extended periods of time.
That said something like a bookstore, which is still retail, would probably be a more enjoyable experience because I like books a lot.
It's all about the specifics in the end.
Tadaimasu from D&D
I completely forgot about that comic book store owner that had that manic lifestyle
I wonder how he's doing
It's pretty easy to hear the whining engines of people who are racing late-night, presumably on the highways that cut through the valley not too far from my house.
I don't really condone street racing but the sounds of the engines are kind of melodious.
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They're having fun
Might as well have some too
Their fun is presumably extremely reckless driving that's a danger to themselves and anyone else on the highway, participant or not.
I figure yeah, they race at night where people using the highways is probably drastically reduced, but night driving is riskier driving already, never mind at insanely high speeds.
And in a city this big there's no way there's no one using those highways for their intended purpose even at this time of night.
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I doubt people would drive slow on those roads
And street race crashes are rare in my point of view, nobody would try to win while risking their life and their investment
That's all fairly irrelevant to my concerns.
People surely don't drive slow on those roads, sure, but with the sounds I'm hearing I don't think these numbnuts are going around those speeds either.
And it's not really the crashes I'm emphasized on, but rather the added danger for non-partipant drivers that these racers are adding to the roads.

There are venues for going extremely fast in cars where you don't risk harm on uninvolved people and choosing to eschew that is pretty inexcusable to me.
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More people die from running into trucks on the access road next to the car assembly plant than die street racing here.
They usually do that kind of thing out in the boonies or the desert.
Well, it's all right as long as there's a long stretch of road and nobody in those two lanes!
It's weird looking at webpages from the early 00s and seeing spelling errors that have never been fixed since publication.
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Deja vu i've just been in this time before
Higher on the street and I know it is my time to go
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cute raiko
it's by this artist
good stuff
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I fav'd both of those
You're me aren't you
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whoa why are you talking to yourself anno
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just a force of habit yunno
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bnha seems dope
maybe I need tuh watch that
Tim's a good guy.
I spent a week with him in Tokyo.
Pretty solid adaptation for a Shounen Jump series.
10/10 HYPE music too.
what you /// did you do there
I was hanging out with a bunch of friends.
This was back in New Years 2016/17, so it was the same trip I hit up Comiket and stuff.
There was an airBnB really close to Akiba that a guy rented and five or six of us slept in it for the nine or so days we were in Tokyo.
hks was one of the guys in the apartment.
Oh right it was that trip
maybe I should save up for something like that
If you've got a gang to go with, it's a pretty great experience even if you're not particularly Asian looking.
You'll still get looks from being a stuck out sore thumb, but it does feel less awkward.
And if you've got a common language a lot of people are pretty genial if you aren't interrupting them from something.
You know, normal human bean reactions.
Make sure at least one person you go with can communicate well in Japanese though, hah hah.
it was the artist you were talking about
that completely flew over my head for some reason
well I guess I know at onw person I can go with and is also learning japanese so that helps
Yeah sorry.
I think his Twitter handle or bio might've been more clear on that in the past?
I got to know him as that after I got to know him as Tim so I don't know which is better.
Probably shouldn't even bring it up so much anyway.
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it's the best
it actually deserves to run for 10 years
And considering they're sixty-one episodes into the anime and only just have passed the end of summer vacation.
Could very well actually run ten years.
Summer vacation of year one, even.
the fault lies with me as well since I latched onto something that appeared to be disjointed to me
but when I saw hks it clicked
his handle is timbougami so it all matched up in an instant
At that rate of episode-count to in-series time it would take approximately 3.5 years of weeks with BnHA airing to finish one year of school alone.
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In 2030 I'll still be watching it if I'm not dead probably
what is 3.5 years of weeks
i guess 3.5 years of one episode every week
The show goes on and off the air every now and then.
Like there was a period of time between the first twelve or thirteen episodes before it got picked up again for a two-cour run, and then another interlude before the current run.
My calculations didn't take into account these off-periods so I was trying to incorporate that into the sentence.
The show is currently at sixty-one episodes.
It's covered what I think is maybe four months of in-series time.
So one year of in-series time should probably be 182 episodes.
Assuming one episode airs continuously week after week, that would last about 3.5 years.
And that should be 183 episodes.
As I mentioned though, the already-aired episodes have had periods of time without weekly airing episodes already, so a full year of in-series time will likely happen more around the 4.5-5 year point from the show's first episode airing.
Or maybe more like 4.25-4.75.
This is all dumb silly calculations though why am I still writing this.
>[HorribleSubs] Boku no Hero Academia - 726 [4K].mkv
Well One Piece is at 853 [720p] as of this week, so.
Actually I guess they put it out in 1080p too.
I wonder when higher resolutions are going to become practical to provide resolutions for.
whenever anime studios decide to render their anime in a higher resolution
which means whenever japanese TV broadcasting companies decide to broadcast anime in 4k
which they won't do because there is no 4k anime
so never
maybe if the stars align someone will partner up with NHK or something but i highly doubt it
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178 weeks isn't that long
Just gotta watch them go by

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take some VERTICAL action
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flat chested hungary
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if that's you that went"heh" I'm doneie darko
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oh great the party patrol is here
I woke up smelling cigs that weren't there. my brain is terrible.
the doc didn't offer you anything to help you go cold turkey when they put you on these meds?
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They didn't give a damn about me going cold turkey.
I'm usually fine with not smoking, I have no idea where this desire to smoke is coming from.
I think because I've always been able to smoke when I wanted to even if I didn't smoke for a while.
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I think that's pretty silly of them
Kirara 🚗
my discover weekly on spotify is all cyberpunky stuff
it's cool
Kirara 🚗
addiction is horrible
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Yeah, I think I realise now what it is, I smoked when ever I was seriously stressed and it was a my go to for those moments.
I don't often recongise when I'm very stressed.
Kirara 🚗
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ive been sober almost two years but the cravings don't go away
they always come back
addiction is a horrible curse

even learning alternative coping skills doesn't make the cravings stop
Kirara 🚗
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So adorable blurry feline
I don't mind so much as it's just persistent and bit of realisation that I am addicted,
I used to think I wasn't addicted because I only smoked a lot when I was stressed and not much elsewise.
Actually not having pack around is weirdly hard on me.

Plus with the meds affecting my mood, It is an experience.
I've not drank much before, I never could really afford alcohol I actually liked the taste of.
Kirara 🚗
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it's a hard discovery to make
wasps here are picky about food and really polite
nothing ever is goodbenough for them to eat and they never bother you more than buzxing around
weird things
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i smoke quite a bit every day pretty much
i can go a few days without a cigarette though and not even think about it
some days it's just easier not to have one because once i do then i have to have another every couple hours and it changes my mood
like i'll really enjoy just laying down and watching some stuff or reading things, and i know if i have a cigarette im not going to enjoy that kind of thing and i'll want to do more active things
and if i'm really enjoying it then i dont wanna change that so i'll just enjoy it instead
but if i start losing control of my thoughts in that mode then i have to go have a cigarette because it helps with thought disorders
Kirara 🚗
Smoking always calmed me down immensely. I don't know how to describe how I'd go from noisy to really mellow.
it was just a lot of the actions of smoking, and also the slight rush from the nicotine.
My mood changes a lot - but I've always smoked when I'm in a particular noisy and stressed place.
That is pretty neato
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I can't wait for more chino in less than two years
Kirara 🚗
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for some reason, lazarus is terrified of my wooden sword
ive been trying to make him more comfortable around it lately
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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are you waving your wooden sword at your cat
To train for the revolution.
Kirara and cat will use the wooden sword to defeat the rich.
Kirara 🚗
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No. He just gets uncomfortable when it's out near him.
And I always have it out because I use it as a replacement for a baseball bat for home invasions.
Kirara 🚗
this is awesome
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>babysitting Delthea is finally paying off
rip neighbours
Kirara 🚗
a spooky forest
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
what's in it
Kirara 🚗
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
so do you mean ghosts or do you mean things like free will
Kirara 🚗
damn dude
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
thanks I tried really hard on it
>wish I got invited to more things
>invited to something
>can't be fucked going
I'm wasting my liiiiiiiife
Kirara 🚗
stop wasting your life then
what was the thing you got invited to
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well you know..
I don't actually want to spend all evening playing poker.
But I do want to make friends
so it's about how much time I spend doing thing I don't want to do for the sake of being social.
That's the difficulty.
Kirara 🚗
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Maybe you can skip poker and invite them to do something with you that you'd all enjoy.
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>hey man. wanna come over and lift weights while we watch anime
well the gym bros thing is quite common I think
there's always a need for spotters
the anime thing is a different thing completely
浅間 智
can't really focus on the anime if you're lifting bro
better split it up
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yo this sounds pretty good actually
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (75 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Gatchaman Crowds - 01(…).jpg)
Invite them hiking or something!
then we'd get along great.
yeah. I'll probably do something like that.
We're in a good area for it. And it's something I enjoy.
It's more difficult to organize things than take other people up on offers
but maybe that's the price for participating in an activity I like.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (65 KB, 396x526, [Kuusou] New Game! - 06 [FA90F(…).jpg)
I can't usually hang out with my colleagues because they're all drinkers, so I've been inviting them to do non-alcoholic activities like hiking or to movies and stuff.
Organizing stuff can suck because everyone is a little flakey, though.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
tell them to get some dandruff shampoo
don't use head and shoulders that stuff's garbage
Kirara 🚗
shampoo is a SCAM
浅間 智
I feel ya fam
I haven't used shampoo for two months now
first two weeks my hair was a bit oily, but now it's just as if I used shampoo
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Kirara 🚗
most shampoo has toxins in it too
the shampoo industry really scammed us all good
浅間 智
yeah I've been scammed for a long time
luckily it wasn't too expensive but every penny saved is one more in my pocket
Kirara 🚗
those damn shampoo barons
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I'm going to shampoo you
Kirara 🚗
you're too weak
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Kirara 🚗
Kirara 🚗
浅間 智
if he saw her she probably saw him too right?
Kirara 🚗
idk how tinder works honestly
but that sounds like it makes sense
浅間 智
from what I know of it a lot of people get each other to rate as hot or not hot so if both of you say hot then you get matched and can talk to each other
Kirara 🚗
that's what i thought
like it matches you and you rate them
err rate each other
浅間 智
I guess they accidentally told // agreed for it to be an open relationship
Kirara 🚗
the dude is a dick if he's mad about it
浅間 智
a dick and pretty stupid
Kirara 🚗
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online dating sounds like it's harder than offline dating
浅間 智
yeah it kind of sucks
after a while I just want the physical contact you know what I mean?
it's not really for me
Kirara 🚗
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you wanna get that fuck, huh
I was under the assumption the majority of people on Tinder were trying to quickly get that fuck.
浅間 智
not really the fuck per se
my gf and I haven't done it yet
more like being together next toe ach other
Kirara 🚗
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My impression is that it's become a legitimate dating app.
Everyone I know who uses it does it to actually date.

It's nice to be together.
Fish being gone for so long has been miserable.
浅間 智
could be, but I only know people who use it to find people to have dates with to see if it'll work out for a relationship
but it's not that many, only about four people I know use it
Yeah, honestly my only anecdotal experience with it is my little sister who used it to find her current boyfriend.
It probably has evolved into something like that.
浅間 智
how long is she gone for?
Kirara 🚗
she's been gone since May
i didn't see her for the first time since early may until like last week
and I've only seen her two more times since then
Kirara 🚗
idk when she'll be out of the hospital
浅間 智
that's a bit long fam
north pole expidition?
Kirara 🚗
she was trapped in nigeria with antibiotic resistant pneumonia for months
she's being treated here in the states now
浅間 智
was she too sick to move or just not allowd to?
Kirara 🚗
it was too dangerous to move her i guess
a lot can go wrong during a 20 hour flight when you need oxygen assistance and stuff
one mistake would mean brain damage probably
浅間 智
that bad eh
my gf's mum had a stroke 3 weeks ago in belgium and was only moved back here last week
she also needed oxygen assistance and all that jazz so couldn't move her either
did Fish also have a quaranteen period when she returned in the US?
Kirara 🚗
yeah kind of
she was here like two weeks before i could see her
she is gonna need physical and speech therapy
she got really sick
she had a miscarriage while she was sick too
everything has been pretty bad haha
浅間 智
sounds pretty shit yeah
I feel for my gf too
been going to the hospital almost every day since then twice a day
gonna be a while before she's more normal
Kirara 🚗
shit is pretty rough

i asked fish to marry me but she turned me down
my timing was bad
i guess everything is just happening too much haha

next month it'll be two years since fish moved in with me
It's always easier to see what wasn't right in hindsight, eh.
浅間 智
maybe she'll want to if she's better
Kirara 🚗
ill just wait for her to be ready
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I look forward to you two being under the same roof again
wow it's been two years
time really does fly
Kirara 🚗
we haven't been going out for the full two years though
only since march 2017
that's right she popped up around just before hurricane matt
YouTube has recently started sending me emails to notify me of videos from some channels I regularly watch that are being set to air at a scheduled date.
A function I never opted into, and when I click on the link in the email to unsubscribe from this feature, it just tells me I was never subscribed to that channel?
Which makes sense since I don't subscribe to any channels, but then what's triggering this email feature?
I think I might've disenabled it by just shutting off all non-service emails from YouTube, but I guess I'll have to wait and see.
Kirara 🚗
yep, good memory
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (339 KB, 700x569, 03b37362d6001b9d2ef2453b143feefe.png)
Yes I do imagine that hurricane ...

I was trying to go for a joke here but it didn't go as well as I wanted so I'll stop
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There's an expo here for those interested in studying/working/volunteering/etc. abroad next Saturday.
I want to go and see what they'll talk about, it might be pretty interesting.
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neato. do it
neato. do it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
joke ssrs are a hell of a drug
Search [iqdb] (92 KB, 1280x720, [EveTaku] AKB0048 - 22 (1280x7(…).jpg)
even though sometimes living abroad isn't all that much fun
living as a broad
you'd know
I don't know if that life is for me
Kirara 🚗
hell yeah
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1080x1920, 303edc3576d974b27f2620b5ae64b7a5.jpg)
Girls are cute
What about ugly girls.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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They can be cute too.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Of course ideally you get the best of both worlds.
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Kirara 🚗
I'm the cutest girl
jump in. go swimming.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Not that anyone plays it but in grabble they've added a special kind of Ring on top of the Rings you could already give to characters that
- give separate bonuses that are static
- show a ring icon on that character
- there are only 3 in the game currently
when do we get the triple word score
grabble is like scrabble?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (2.0 MB, 2300x2300, 3d99957c460547e0ca620cc5bf3246ea.jpg)
no grabble is a slowly growing stale mobage full of waifus and husbandos
wonder how you would pull off gran blue scrabble
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
use in-game terminology words
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time to sleep
good boy.
Marsh, you back in Australia?
Blue you here?
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still Funland.
You going to school there?
Search [iqdb] (83 KB, 900x900, 1536777913733.jpg)
something like that.
Kirara 🚗
are you living there now
Search [iqdb] (329 KB, 1280x1920, 1530186543312.jpg)
fuck that.
Kirara 🚗
is that a photo of you in finland
No. That's me in Russia.
Kirara 🚗
have you been to ukraine at all
Search [iqdb] (229 KB, 1920x1080, _B7F95~1.MKV.jpg)
No. But I'd like to do some more travel after the exchange semester ends
maybe even take another semester off uni and just backpack.
and Eastern europe would be better for that since my money would go a lot further
Kirara 🚗
id like to visit ukraine where my family is from but the whole nazi government thing makes it seem like a bad idea
You'd probably be fine as a tourist.
just make sure everyone knows you're American.

and as an American that should come very easily.
浅間 智
yeah you won't notice the government if you're just there to visit
I was in Hungary and you don't notice shit
Kirara 🚗
the people are also nazis
and i have a jewish last name
i will probably be fine but the chance that i won't be is high enough to make me avoid it
浅間 智
I doubt they're going to ask for your name and then beat you up or something
Kirara 🚗
idk man a doubt isn't enough for me to risk getting lynched by nazis
if im going to die id like it to at least be fun
lets go to Mongolia.
No Nazis there. Just big empty grasslands.

we'll get motorbikes. It will be great.
Kirara 🚗
sounds good to me
let's do it
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (83 KB, 710x717, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg)
Kirara 🚗
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Yaho, Rika-chan.
oh, this anime was probably good but I skipped it.
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Search [iqdb] (84 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 08 [7(…).jpg)
hello hello what's up?

Yes that anime was unexpectatly really really great.

Hey Marsh, how's it going?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
happy sunday afternoon to you
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (151 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20180908_143656.jpg)
Just strugglin and wonderin where the weekend went.
What's up with you?
Search [iqdb] (97 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 11 [7(…).jpg)
Oh, I'm just taking it easy! I slept most of the day.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I had a three day weekend and yet it feels like it hasn't been anywhere near that long either.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (60 KB, 595x841, IMG_20180902_080004.jpg)
I need a permanent weekend.

I haven't been sleeping well lately.
How was your night out on the town? Did you dance up a storm?
Search [iqdb] (104 KB, 730x602, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg)
There was a good bit more drinking and taking care of drunk people than there was dancing. There was some dancing though.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (297 KB, 1024x1024, UMP9.png)
I guess it's not a night out without drinking.

I can't wait until my peer group is too old for that.
Search [iqdb] (63 KB, 546x896, 1536685657879.jpg)
oh.. you know.

Search [iqdb] (69 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg)
fine is better than not fine!

They're probably getting close to that age!
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 517x613, [Doki] New Game!! - 01 (1280x7(…).jpg)
I hope so.
It feels like drinking is just something that can't really be avoided.

Nobody really dances here.
We don't have clubs.
Search [iqdb] (99 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Love Live! Suns(…).jpg)
Good dancing is honestly pretty hard to find.
Music these days is such shit too.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (1.8 MB, 885x1300, 1524512009646.png)
Yeah, the real good dancing was back in the day with Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly!
What kind of music do you want to dance to?
Search [iqdb] (31 KB, 300x300, 314312654.jpg)
tell us about the good old days, Oba-chan
I dance a lot in privacy of my own house, not so much outside with other people.
I think it's good exercise and also a lot of fun.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (167 KB, 748x1344, 213672_p0.jpg)
I'll dance anywhere
It's fun

I can do a lot of the aidoru dances from aikatsu and im@s
A lot of stuff is just lip sync to stuff like Stand By Me, or I feel good, or like I need dollars, dollars, dollar.
just catchy shit.
I also love Awoo.
I'll dance if I'm enjoying the music.
I don't really know what the specific details would be.
Search [iqdb] (89 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 11 [7(…).jpg)
I ended up doing more nursing than dancing.
One of my friends is a really bad lightweight.

Whatever is playing! Well whatever is playing and whatever I like.

They were better days.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (97 KB, 486x718, [Kuusou] New Game! - 09 [81C47(…).jpg)
That's probably a fitting role for you. You're a pretty caring person.
Search [iqdb] (79 KB, 465x651, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 10 [7(…).jpg)
Well, caretaking comes naturally I guess. I only do it for people I like though.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (339 KB, 700x569, 03b37362d6001b9d2ef2453b143feefe.png)
That must get problematic at work!
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (605 KB, 3508x1968, cuppa.jpg)
Haha, I'm not a very good caretaker, myself.
I guess that's why people are always taking care of me.
I am a terrible lightweight but I don't often drink so thats fine.
I feel like I do a terrible job of caretaking myself but I feel compelled to look after others.
there is a trout on the ceiling
i don't take care of shit livin on the edge
Search [iqdb] (3.3 MB, 3920x2204, DSC_0347.JPG)
the parliament house, on the right, had a tornado of seagulls floating above it
fitting, flying rats over a den of rats
Kirara 🚗
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I don't know what the world expected
Kirara 🚗
i think the world got exactly what it expected
Kirara 🚗
to be fair though there's been a lot of really wholesome isabella art too
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (114 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 03 [7(…).jpg)
My friend from last night is a terrible lightweight who thinks she isn't.

What's it a picture of?
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (35 KB, 567x446, IMG_20180916_142319.jpg)
Looks like a gif of Isabelle hiking up her skirt but I can't tell for sure.
degenerate furry shit.
as expected of animal crossing fans
Search [iqdb] (93 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Imouto sae Ireb(…).jpg)
I thought that's what it was, which is why I didn't click it.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (59 KB, 1280x720, Gatchaman Crowds Insight - Epi(…).jpg)
Oh, that's not what I linked.
It's what the person in the video is complaining about.
He covers it with his hand so you can't actually see it.
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 427x639, [HorribleSubs] Animegataris - (…).jpg)
Oh, I see.

In other news, it looks like azur lane is getting an anime.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (180 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Gatchaman Crowds insi(…).jpg)
I heard it's going to be 3DCG, though.
I guess they didn't learn from the failure that was kancolle.

They have a good writer on it, though. One of the Butcher's besties.
Search [iqdb] (89 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Blend S - 11 [7(…).jpg)
Arpeggio had good CG though.
I hope they take inspiration from that.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (195 KB, 1164x1164, 0073478a1700f36fda629d3762e391ed.jpg)
I wish Kancolle would take a note from Azur Lane and make a ps4 game
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
that's a game
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (26 KB, 222x346, [Commie] Gatchaman Crowds insi(…).jpg)
Kancolle is dead, though.
They can't make money with a PS4 game.

Azur Lane is still ripe for cash grabs.
Search [iqdb] (111 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Animegataris - (…).jpg)
Yeah, Kancolle is done.
It's getting replaced by Azur Lane. Which I guess is fine, at least my autistic boat game got replaced by an autistic boat game.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (2.4 MB, 2880x5120, 0a1fbdec682bcd0700f8b82f69b6b629.png)
It's a shame when perfectly fine things suffer under the weight of people who can't make good decisions
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (140 KB, 1133x720, [Commie] Gatchaman Crowds insi(…).jpg)
Kancolle was never perfectly fine.

The only thing it had was cute girls. Kancolle was always a miserable experience.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (202 KB, 560x640, 05703b66e22dc50fad25487474d79571.jpg)
It was "fine" and could have been improved but they kept making poor decisions.

Yes cute girls are fine.
Search [iqdb] (61 KB, 513x545, 1507866562768.jpg)
Well, it was a crappy flash game.
It got lucky with the Kancolle x Arpeggio crossover event that allowed it to cannibalize Arpeggio's popularity and get big.
The problem is that it was built on a shaky foundation and was a not really that great flash game from the very start.

It's true that they didn't really do much with it, but it needed a complete overhaul to have any more staying power than it did.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (130 KB, 708x717, [Commie] Gatchaman Crowds insi(…).jpg)
The biggest problem is that it wasn't cohesive as a franchise.
They tried to add in stories for the events, but there was no overarching story, and everything was just going in all different directions. They set it up to mirror WWII, but then they randomly started deviating from that and lost the history buffs.
Then they just let it stagnate.

But Kancolle wasn't killed by Azur Lane, it was killed by Fate/GO.
Azur Lane is still only moderate popularity.
And Fate/GO is still an incredible monster of popularity.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 900x840, 174587b0e49802e6ddce262d8713777a.jpg)
Kancolle will live on in my heart
Search [iqdb] (136 KB, 811x702, [HorribleSubs] Gamers! - 12 [7(…).jpg)
I don't think it's fair to compare Fate/GO to kancolle.
It is something that would exist completely independent of kancolle, and doesn't really compete with it directly.
It's like comparing a NFL team to a college team.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (31 KB, 313x386, [Commie] Gatchaman Crowds insi(…).jpg)
Yeah, F/GO is the strongest now.

Nobody is making that comparison.

I'm just saying that people generally play one mobage, and the mobage that is most popular in Fate/GO.
Kancolle was always eating into the mobage market, so it's fair to include it there.
Search [iqdb] (87 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Nana Maru San B(…).jpg)
I think they're completely different beasts.
Azur Lane is killing Kacolle in the sense that it's becoming Kancolle's successor as the meme mobage.
Fate was never in the running for that. It is its own beast and Fate is just too much of a monolith to be a meme game like Kancolle was.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (97 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Gatchaman Crowds insi(…).jpg)
You're missing my point.
Besides, F/GO was less popular than Kancolle for a long time.
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg)
I think you're missing my point.
I'm saying that Azur Lane is more or less Kancolle's successor.
It wouldn't really be right to say that Fate/GO is Kancolle's successor, would it? Fate is too large an existence for that.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (380 KB, 871x1208, 2fe55abdcf705e5ed45a23441ab8f1de.png)
at least bep artists will probably continue still for some time
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (25 KB, 268x346, [Commie] Gatchaman Crowds insi(…).jpg)
I'm not saying Azur Lane isn't KC's successor, I'm just saying that it was F/GO that killed KC, not AL.
The real Kancolle successor is Girls Frontline anyway/
Kirara 🚗
aren't they already abandoning her for G11 in Girls Frontline haha
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (99 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Koi to Uso - 03(…).jpg)
I think that FGO and Kancolle are not in direct competition.
You're looking at it too narrow-mindedly.
They're franchises, not just mobages.
FGO has no appeal to the military autists that enjoy boat/gun girl games.
AL and Girls Frontline are in direct competition with KC.
>>574784 →
>>574784 →
>>574784 →
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (39 KB, 333x478, [Commie] Gatchaman Crowds insi(…).jpg)
FGO and KC were definitely in direct competition for a long time.
Like, it's an observable fact.
If you'd watched the market, you'd have been able to see that. You might not be able to logic it out, but that's absolutely how it was!
Search [iqdb] (131 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg)
Perhaps the games were, but my argument is that both Fate and Kancolle are much larger than just the games.
The games themselves are just a very small part of the two franchies.
As franchises, the two aren't really that much in direct competition.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (30 KB, 225x486, [Commie] Gatchaman Crowds insi(…).jpg)
F/GO has become the entire Fate franchise, though.
It's literally the Nasuverse game.

Fate vs KC is just franchise vs franchise.
Was KC destined to lose? Definitely.
But they were still in competition, and KC was winning for quite some time.

It's kind of a boring game.
F/GO is kinda annoying that // I love the TM universe but F/GO I'm not too fond of.
Search [iqdb] (74 KB, 719x703, [HorribleSubs] Netsuzou TRap -(…).jpg)
You'd agree that Fate is much more than the phone game, though, right?
If the game went down tomorrow, Fate would still be huge, wouldn't it?
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (80 KB, 621x687, [Commie] Gatchaman Crowds insi(…).jpg)
No, I don't think Fate would be even a fraction as big as it is without Fate/GO.
Search [iqdb] (93 KB, 518x684, [HorribleSubs] Princess Princi(…).jpg)
Fate was pretty big even before the game, though.
and like Fate, KC is mostly driven by secondary content.

KC isn't really even a phone game.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 812x717, [Commie] Gatchaman Crowds insi(…).jpg)
Fate was big in otaku culture.
KC was big in otaku culture and normie culture.

Thanks to F/GO, Fate has broken that barrier and entered popular culture.
kara yes kyoukai
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (1.9 MB, 1500x1800, 02aef648e794a21bb7026abbe4fbabec.png)
Someone made a comment about that girl being gun-bep
And fortunately the folks I follow seem to still be drawing good beps.

G-11 seems like a sleepy gal?
i want to be a sleepy gal
Search [iqdb] (83 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Tenshi no 3P! -(…).jpg)
KC is more of a military otaku thing. It kinda resides in the same thoughspace as stuff like GuP or that one hmm
strike witches
KC and Azur Lane are kinda fighting over that space.
I think Fate has always been more widespread.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (87 KB, 960x720, [Commie] Gatchaman Crowds insi(…).jpg)
Fate has always been in that space, too.
And it's in that space now more than ever, too.
Fate has always attracted history buffs and especially military buffs.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (130 KB, 746x573, [Commie] Gatchaman Crowds - 08(…).jpg)
I made fajitas for dinner.
They were really good.
Search [iqdb] (67 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Netsuzou TRap -(…).jpg)
You're as stubborn as you are wrong!
My friend last night was like that too.
Fajitas are so good.
I want some now
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (280 KB, 598x760, 024435b1af8dfc2778c7d8464a20d3db.jpg)
There are those two UMP girls that look cute.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (113 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Gatchaman Crowds - 02(…).jpg)
I could say the same about you! You have a lot in common with your friend!

Come over, I'll make some more.

Yeah, they are.
UMP9 and WA2000 are my favorites.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (120 KB, 1138x1276, 94e8d474a67785ae02f94e4349dad911.jpg)
Oh decisions decisions
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (130 KB, 147x443, kyaa.png)
My dj friend did another five hour eighties music only radioshow.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (61 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Gatchaman Crowds - 02(…).jpg)
fish just randomly texted me to call me a tryhard
i wonder if i made her mad

nice job marrying that little girl
What the fuck?
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (75 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Gatchaman Crowds - 02(…).jpg)
Wow, rollerblades are like $150.
That's wild.
I guess I'll save up some money.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (811 KB, 1000x1450, a4526f7a208424387ac843236449aa65.png)
Thanks I worked really hard on it
Or you could get used ones.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (90 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Gatchaman Crowds - 02(…).jpg)
I'll have to replace them faster if I do that.
I exercise excessively, so I need a good pair of new ones if I want to get the most out of a pair.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (217 KB, 520x930, b7ca122252ab94e8d7ed3d8ac52f3d90.jpg)
You're going to go rollerblading?
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Gatchaman Crowds - 02(…).jpg)
Yeah. An hour of roller blading burns 600+ calories.
And it's good for your butt, too.
My butt's already nice but I could have an even nicer butt.
Roller blading is fun.
Make sure to wear a helmet though.
I don't expect you to wear knee or helmet pads but at least wears jeans or something.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (71 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Gatchaman Crowds - 01(…).jpg)
I'll probably overheat and die if I wear jeans exercising.
I'll wear kneepads.
Oh cool
I really expected you to not want to.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (69 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Gatchaman Crowds - 01(…).jpg)
I've had knee injuries before, I don't want to risk that again.
I already have knee pads, anyway.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (2.9 MB, 3572x2784, b6f85a9106fcd263da52ff51254faa0f.jpg)
I don't like wearing shorts.

Or really I just like wearing jeans
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (60 KB, 496x720, [Commie] Gatchaman Crowds - 01(…).jpg)
I only wear them when I run or bike.
I usually wear jeans otherwise.
Unless I'm working, of course. I can't wear jeans to work.
I pretty much wear jeans all the time all year round.
I also intend to become a tenured professor so I can wear jeans while teaching.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (49 KB, 1280x720, [Commie] Gatchaman Crowds - 01(…).jpg)
It's too dangerous to wear jeans when I'm running or something.
I wear pants when I hike, though.
The threat of tics is worse than the added trouble of managing my water intake more closely.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (533 KB, 1162x1514, bc3d745d682e0f2f0b1dd77d79104767.jpg)
I have people call in about tick bites periodically.
I've had the good fortune to always avoid them.
threat of tics
gotta take haldol when i run
or shuffle rather
Kirara 🚗
haldol is fuced up
Kirara 🚗
fucked too
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
what's that
Kirara 🚗
haldol is an antipsychotic
they usually put people who are misbehaving in inpatient units on a ton of haldol so they're basically just vegetables
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (841 KB, 2150x3035, a4ab641c19e98ad5fe8663defd3c1d2b.jpg)
that sounds effective at what they're trying to do there
they used to (and still sometimes) give it to people as a last-line treatment for tourettes
that's where the foundation came from for the threat of tics
and the haldol shuffle is the colloquial name for that side effect that people have where they just kind of stammer around and can't walk with a normal gait because of haldol
>explaining the joke
Kirara 🚗
Waaaay too many times to keep count.
i thought this was from bojack
Kirara 🚗
horse ebooks is probably older than bojack
It's just the latest incarnation of equestrian trade paperbacks.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Search [iqdb] (120 KB, 1138x1276, 94e8d474a67785ae02f94e4349dad911.jpg)
the fuck is this AOE nonsense map
Kirara 🚗
>>574845 →
>>574845 →
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