Thread #572506
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Angolmois Black Clover Chuukan Kanriroku Tonegawa Double Decker! Cooking with Emiya Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku no Valkyria --Episode 4-10 Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 20-24 Kyoto Holmes Ongaku Shoujo Overlord Satsuriku no Tenshi Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight Tsukumogami Kashimasu --Episode 5-8
No One Piece though?
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angolmois overlord chuukan ongaku shoujo
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so without further ado angolmois! okay lets start!
Angry mice
People are always fucking carrying around heads in this show.
She's kind evil-spirited in a funny way.
Kind of even.
she's so cute
You like your women with a bit of evil on their bones, eh.
Wow he omen'd himself into a heart attack.
I bet the giant on the boat's going to be relevant before long.
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Samurai are so cool.
Those probably aren't ships from Hakata.
Though well if this is a one-cour series and it's not a non-ending promotionary piece the timing for reinforcements is getting close.
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This seems like the kind of thing that could be more than 1 cour but you never know.
Looks like it's only up for twelve episodes for the time being at least.
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wow over already it feels like its only been 15 minutes okay overlord okay lets start!
Lord under
They;re gonna get smaaaasheed.
hes so dopting doting
Desu flags
This is the kind of decent guy that's totally gonna be dead before this arc is over.
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Crazy princess is best girl. We'll be seeing her again now that Climb is back in.
Erryone's tripping over all these flags.
Ainz gets to be such a show-off.
This guy with the dumb jock haircut's going to have to die at some point. I figure Princess Renner's going to be first in-line to inherit the throne before this series is concluded. Doubt we'll see that all happen before the end of this season though.
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This is going to be a coooooooooool battle. another episode that went by fast okay chuukan! okay lets start!
koko ni imasu
Tonegawa it isn't even evening yet
It's important to find little vacations everywhere in life.
>I suppose working twenty days in a row isn't rare Japan's office culture sure is terrifying.
I think the zawazawas sound like they're from HanaKana again.
You've got to eeeease yourself into yoga old man.
Oh no it's time for misunderstandings
If only hyoudo took texts he wouldn't be having this problem
>Why does a mountainous island country have so many tunnels?
They didn't lead into the OP with the series premise this time.
Osaka's such a neat city to visit. There's a lot of urban pep to it, but it feels a -feels like it's got more flair to it than Tokyo does.
afuta faivu
Afutaa faibu
What an unpleasant mid-boss.
Those shoes would be fine if they didn't point so sharply upwards. They just end up looking silly.
The points make them look like elf shoes
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Pointed toe shoes are kinda tacky. I don't like them, well on guys dress shoes at least. Girls shoes are a different thing entirely.
Some of this fashion is a bit much. The beanie hat and the pinstripe is bit too far from their uniform.
What was up with that beanie and the goggles guy That was awful
Oh no.
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Gonda is a traitor.
Fedora guy looks like he's out of blues brothers
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Time for tonegawa to lay the smack down.
Yeah I figured he'd address them on the matters of it just being ridiculous.
alright laters thnx4anime
Toodleloo Maria
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ongaku shoujo tonight was a good night of anime okay lets start!
Well this one's pretty mediocre to me. It could have been a lot better but it got pulled down by sub-par writing and DEEN doing their all-out QUALITY.
ong I liked the episode about the chicken and old gu guy that was my fave
She's gone deep into being depressed about this all.
She's going to become the AIDOVENGER
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Well thanks for anime. It went by fast tonight
We made good time.