Thread #573021
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Black Clover Double Decker! Cooking with Emiya Free! Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku no Valkyria --Episode 4-10 Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 20-24 Kyoto Holmes Satsuriku no Tenshi Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight Steins;Gate 0 Tsukumogami Kashimasu --Episode 5-8
Steins;Gate should be gooood this week.
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Pickings have felt a little slim lately for the second half of the night. black clover free steins gate kyoto holmes
Week I guess you mean? There's a lot of really solid stuff this season but most of it airs in the Thursday-Sunday block.
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I meant like for comfy shows to end on.
Oh I see. There isn't really a mid-week cute girls do cute things show this season. In the past we've had things like Yuru Camp or Comic Girls. The kind of shows that satisfy your comfy autism kind of all air in that aforementioned block of the week, so they get eaten up fast.
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Yeah, I need cute shows before bed! okay lets see oh yeah I messaged Ika.
If we make good time we could maybe do Cooking with Emiya tonight. That's been pretty cute.
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hello hello black clover! okay lets start!
Kuro Kusoba
why are they telling him they're out of mana
It keep happening.
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Everybody is making really scared faces. this is where asta still yeah says he doesn't give up
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I'm guessing this is where his sword finally goes enchanted mode.
Seems more like he's going grimdark.
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Yeah I guess they're going to bait some demon power stuff for awhile.
This elf loser talking like flying is some special, unique feature. All sorts of creatures can fly you moron.
Geez Yami for what reason are you just smashing the table like that. Don't be rude to your guest.
Er host.
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okay free! okay lets start!
Oh yeah Haru got dunked on by the world record holder.
More good OST.
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>>573063 And he's sad about it and Rin is going to have to snap him back. It's good to see Makoto for once.
Looks like Rin's getting straight to business.
Tokyo e!
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time for the main course steins gate okay lets start!
Doki doki
>When your girlfriend's brain gets turned into an AI from a point before she fell in love with you and she no longer remembers you but she still ends up caring for your comatose body for twenty-five years >>573075
is this ep20 or 21
Episode twenty-one.
This is some real VN music right now. Like it just has that VN feel to it.
So he has to keep jumping back in time two weeks for twenty-five years. That's a lot of microwaves.
He gets to have a proper meeting with Ruka this time.
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I guess this is how he figures out how to fix stuff.
Hah hah he Joseph Joestars her.
He's already looking a lot younger. I guess the eleven years of coma took its toll on him.
Putting on a kakkoii face for the little Suzuha!
Lin tah lo
He made it back to 2011!
Hah hah hah. Even Daru seems surprised at how hard he hit him.
Daru's unbridled glee at seeing Okabe back in top form is great.
Why Safina.
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I guess he's back to ?normal?
The only kind of normal that matters when it comes to Okabe!
Oh neat it was Moeta this time.
It keeps happening. I guess we're not quite done with the timeleaps?>>573102 Well maybe this time he doesn't have to jump all the way to the future. If he's anticipating the thing that makes the microwave go haywire he can maybe dodge that whole mess.
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Looks like he has to do it all over again.
That was good though. Okabe's best when he hasn't lost his way.
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kyoto holmes okay lets start!
I guess the kids get oolong tea to drink. Oh yeah there's the big bottle of it.
His granddad's pretty drunk and spilling all his beans.
The notion that you have to enjoy drinking coffee black to be an adult is pretty silly.
Aoi is kind of thick and Holmes is kind of shy. What a problematic duo.
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Yeah, Aoi is very dense.
These kinds of dolls are always creepy.
His grandmother looked a bit like his grandfather's current girlfriend when she was young. I guess he knows his strike zone.
Her delusions have been acting up in this episode. She really is an otome in rabu.
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yep! thanks for anime
San kyuu