well that was new hope with live orchestra doing the music damn epic
also >do shopping before going >buy alcohol >realise you can't have alcohol at this site >security check
>what you have in there? >food+whisky >okay... waiy what >you can't have that hete >i know but what do, forgot about these rules while shopping >okay just this one, go by the other entrance and drop it by the lockee >but realise we are making a HUGE exception for you just this once >kay thanks tfw you roll a natural 20 chr roll
>>571223 Too bad the tickets are pricy. Where did you see it?
It's gotten a lot colder here today. Was in the mid/low twenties yesterday but now it's in the teens. Hopefully summer isn't dying away so quickly.
>>571243 That's good to hear. Do you have any plans for the weekend?
One of the handles off a tea mug of mine broke off. Which is a shame, I liked that mug. But the actual handle has up and entirely disappeared. I've walked back and forth between the kitchen and my room but I can't see it on the floor or anything. It's just vanished into thin air.
On a side note, broken ceramic edges are really sharp y'all.
i ordered some fishes dinner for delivery i was supposed to get more fishes than i did i think i got the main fishes but there were also going to be smelts and perches and i didn't get my smelts and perches i really don't want to call the place up either that stresses me out
the fishes i did get are really good though and they gave me a bunch of fries and an extra bird piece so maybe they were out of smelts and perches or something
They should at least leave a little note explaining why things like that are the way they are
it's probably grubhub's fault things are always messy when you order through a third party who knows how accurate the third party menu is for them and it's a fishes place so maybe they don't really even have a direct menu like that they might just have what they have based on what fishes are in season and what they got at the market and whatnot and you gotta like pick and choose like at the deli or meat mongers who knows it's really good though so im happy with my meal i just thought i would have extra smelts and perches for later
Oh it's one of those third party delivery groups I thought it sounded unsual that a fish place would do delivery Talking about fish makes me want some mussels
they have banana pudding too i got banana pudding i coulda gotten a pound of clams, i shoulda done that >>571260 not at this place anyway
Do they do banana fritters over there? >>571262 Hi Tony
They really cater a whole variety of things.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Hi Maria
i always feel guilty doing delivery because it's like 10 dollars in extra charges between tip and fee so i feel like if im gonna get delivery i need to get like a lot of shit to make it worth it it's a really nice day outside though i wish i could just drive up there and get a pound of clams
The fun kind Apparently the second years // I'm in a class that mostly second years and nobody in my year is taking this semester, and I made a comment like "Oedipus didn't know he was fuckin his mom and he jabbed his own eyes out after he realized" And apparently the second year girls were flabbergasted that I said fuck and it was a big deal to them haha And now they feel empowered to curse in class
I guess if they wanted to and now feel they can, good on them. Coarse language is just something I avoid out of comfort around people I don't know. Maybe if I ever get a professor I really come to get along with, but it just feels all the more natural for me to talk a little more formally around relative strangers.
Yeah but if she doesn't have fun there's a better chance of her being home this evening and us getting to watch anime.
Kirara 🚗
you can watch without her
Not really. Ika doesn't make a pip if she's not around and it can be impossible to get in contact with him. So without Rika it's me and usually-but-not-always Jan.
>>571319 Well I wouldn't know either I certainly wouldn't be planning some sort of revolutionary activity And there's definitely no meeting this friday under the bridge and 10 o clock
this one is from Spider-Man Noir which was a really good four issue story
That must be a nice little extra feature for all the long-time Marvel fans.
why are there people posting about it online (besides the fact it's spiderman i mean)
Kirara 🚗
what do you mean >>571331 yeah, it's got like 20 or more costumes i like it lots of good ones iron spider, Spider-Man 2099, secret war, Homecoming, classic, negative suit, Spider Armor Mk 2 through 4, a bunch of others
Speaking of Spidey.
>>>/@kirkhamilton/1038478705398411264?s=19 I don't entirely agree with calling it "seamless" but the attention to detail in having contextually relevant voice takes is great.
idk weird getting my TL talking a lot about this game, mostly because i am not very much into games i guess.
Kirara 🚗
>>571334 yeah, this is something i noticed if you go really hard, pete sounds out of breath while he talks, too
there's this shit-head who has changed political party countless times and now it's in a group and made a comrade left.. i kind of understand that feel that people dont support you when people you know are bad decide to enter a group you're in. but instead of believing her they just allowed her to leave.
>>571337 not really a big surprise considering oxys are known to work for a shorter duration than they list the effective duration so when the pain relief wears off at 6 hours into treatment instead of the desired 8 hours the "solution" is usually to up the dosage instead of dosing every 5 or 6 hours resulting in people getting addicted to it out of the hospital these fuckers are in it for money, they don't care how many lives they destroy
>>571344 Hi hi Are you free for most of the night, or do you need to go in or sleep?
>>571346 i'll be free for a good while, like 6 hours i'm down to watch just as soon as i complete my daily rituals
Well Rika's not a definite miss for today so if she is gonna be around I'd feel silly starting earlier than usual. I can't see Ika anywhere either but maybe he'll check in if a thread's thrown up around the time he normally comes in. So I might go freshen up a bit to give them time to show or not.
yeah makes sense I suppose i'll stick around then i see ika on discord though
>>>/watch?v=o0Pt7M0weUI i hear this song on the radio at work all the time it sounds a lot better when it's not filtered through a crappy $5 radio with a stripped antenna
This is the second time in maybe a month or so I've had some extreme dryness and skin irritation on my lower back. It's more annoying than anything but I guess I should worry about it if it becomes regular. I've got a working theory as to what it might be though.
oh fuck i bit my lip kill me now
the testes
>>571385 You should try having psoriasis, it's even more fun =)
Unless that is psoriasis, then you have my condolences.
They were talking about Rosh Hashanah on the television a day or two back. Though I wasn't paying attention, the name just kind of popped out against the usual banal faire.
I feel like having a smoke I usually only have them under certain circumstances though
Because i feeeeeeeeeel
>>571507 I can't smoke anymore, my meds don't make it safe anymore. Which sucks since smoking is great for stress.
Short term at least. Long term the stress from smoking health concerns probably outweighs the relief.
Oh boy I'm remembering the things I despise about being in cold weather. My nose is getting fucking frigid and what the fuck am i supposed to do about this. Hands are a little cold too but I can shove those under my thighs for a spell. But I'm not enough of a contortionist to get my nose under them. This sucks.
>>571507 i usually only smoke under certain circumstances too like when i'm awake for example
I really only enjoy smoking when I'm intoxicated >>571509 I would imagine going cold turkey like that is annoying >>571514 I wish
Yeah I'm just gonna reach into my fucking cozy jar here and pull out a big piece of cozy. I've already got my fuzzy robe and as much of my body covered in articles of clothing as it is to sanely wear while relaxing at home. Which does piss-all for my hands and nose. Even wearing socks my legs from the shins down are starting to ice over. The only real way I can avoid the cold more is if I crawl under the bed covers and give up being able to be at my PC.
浅間 智
where the fuck are you and why don't you have central heating?
Toronto. There's a bit of a cold spell going on here. We'll be back into the warmer weather in a day or two so I don't really care to go find every window open in this damn house so I can shut them to turn in -on the heating. But it sure makes these nights miserable.
It'll be even worse when winter's actually here and despite having the central heating on I'll still be cold as fuck at night because my room's got piss-poor insulation. Fuck the cold it's the worst part of living up north.
Went to get gas and ended up removing a pigeon of sorts from their building When I was leaving the bird headed towards the place again I hope it doesn't return inside because it was giving the cashier some grief
The floofy hair, the confident pose and nice smile.
>>571541 Admiral ToN please commission warships based on their strategic effectiveness and not how much you want to date them, there are lives at stake here
>>571533 it's one where people had guns shoved in their faces and were forced off a plane without any explanation and told to leave their belongings all for a training exercise by security and then they lied about it
>>571555 and I really mean this all violence on the streets, throwing shit at cops and getting shit thrown at them as a result riots and shit because, THEY are macedonians in the province of macedonia not some yugoslavian slavi shits
>folks at home we here at C-TV do not condone of child violence, we will however continue to bring it to you live in High Definition US television summarised
haha most of the east coast has received more than a year's worth of rain so far this year and there's five months left and we haven't even had our major yearly storms yet climate change is some shit maybe i'll get to see some awesome rainforest before the continent desertifications
is actually fun that before it gets all mediterraen in the northlands, it will get antarctica here
and what will it do to the east coast+ it brings hot water (air) to scandi+england basically and cold to the east coast and caribbeans so what, they get even hotter?
Kirara 🚗
probably the east coast is essentially undergoing the process that creates rainforests it'll just become even more temperate year-round with year-round rain instead of a rainy season
Though no one actually knows what will happen to the gulf stream but yeah predictions are it will falter out and die once the ices melt
so the real question is will it overblow the effect of the global warming and make it colder here or will it match it or not even match it and be just say from +4 to +2
thanks to gulf stream we aren't basically greenland with ice sheats *sheets
On one hand, it's an exciting time to be alive because we're pretty much the generation that gets to see the world end, which is pretty unique. On the other hand, we have to watch the world end, which kind of sucks.
浅間 智
when the world is ending I'll come back to /moe/ and see how all of you guys are
>>571578 Nah not end at worst I would say "next bronze age collapse" even full nuclear annihilation isn't most likely going to kill all of us unless someone goes really insane with all of them I mean, we'd see like 98% drop in population if not more, but humanity has survived worse
but yeah it would be end of the world by all means, in the manner that the ones that would survive would be back to where it all started back to stone age
They'll have a whole new world to try to survive in.
I found the extrahistory series on bronze age collapse interesting because to me it drew so many parallels to our current situation we are just technologically advancing faster than our selves and our socities can adapt to it and I don't see us catching up, I see us regressing back to the 20th century mentality geopolitics, censorship, thighter police control and so on and going back to Us vs Them mentality that had just began to tether out post-cold war
and I guess the fault is that most people in cahrge ARE 20th century people we are pretty much first proper 21st century generation
>headless 16: whya re you screaming >tv reporter: because you are a talking head >16: so are you
Is actually fun how Mr Satan saves the world by motivating gohan with the robot head toss and then teaches buu humanity and then gathers energy for the spirit bomb he ain't the strongest, but he definitely is the champion of the world
>>571592 I wanted to attend a new event that don't really tell my family about and I just found out they made plans for the whole family to eat out at an italians
it's Last Stand spider-man outfit from a alt future where spidey killed some baddy and then got dark and broody because he went too far and started escalating until he became an anti-hero he was pretty badass like he killed doc oc by ripping off oc's arm and shoving it through his chest
>>571604 There's a spell in D&D thats sort of like that.
>>571601 well say you have plans of your own and cancel or is your family that anal?
>>571608 seriously if he had is jacket unbuttoned he'd be pretty much dante, but spiderman
Kirara 🚗
except dante's jacket is really long and doesn't have that kind of black or the markings on it
Oh yeah Kirara I found a pauper deck I'm going to get and then slowly upgrade into a modern deck.
>>571610 well dante has a trench not a jacket so but you get the visuals
https://www.mtggoldfish.com/deck/919488#paper It's $180~ away from being a competitive modern deck which is pretty cheap for that format. Although I'm not actually going to get the snow covered mountains for it while I'm doing pauper.
maybe it is a perk unique to finns >>571625 but really is your family gonna throw a shit storm over a last minute plan that they impose on you, if you cancel it?
Families fucking blow. People with working families don't know how good they have it. I can't even imagine what it's like to have a supportive family that doesn't gaslight you. My dad is cool, but I couldn't get close to him until my mom and him divorced because my mom wouldn't let me.
>>571629 just to rub salt when we were figuring out a lift to get us and our computer shit back home a month ago during assembly event my friends' dad volunteered tod rive us all, even me, meaning something like 100 minute trip there and back to his home + all the other driving just because he could do it to his son
>>571626 Must be so nice for you to question stuff like this.
>>571629 Try to imagine your mom or even a hypothetical mom that isn't a crazy fucking bitch and is chill.
Although my family is cool. I wouldn't say we're perfect or even non dysfunctional but like Our problems are we all have depression and my dad's an alcoholic. But my parents aren't jerks or anything.
>>571633 Well yeah cause i think most rational people would understand that imposing last minute plans on anyone and getting upset over it is fucking unreasonable
>>571635 yeah same is not like my family is shining example of family values they are all just good people
they understand that you can't expect everything out of people, just because they have blood ties to you and if they get miffed, they might voice it out, but they won't try to enact revenge or bear a grudge
>>571632 One time, I asked my mom for a ride to a friends' house (a 30 minute drive) and she told me I wasn't allowed to go to people's houses until I was 18 (I was 16). She started letting me at 17, though.
and even I get miffed at times by my family, but I just go "oh well, is my family" they have done more good than bad to me and the bad will never outrank the good they did in terms of just say raising me and so on
I was only rarely allowed to go to people's houses in middle school. After that one family kicked me out of their home for being Jewish, my mom didn't let me go to people's houses anymore - even the houses of fellow Jews.
though i also stayed 2 weeks in some wilderness location for 2 weeks also during summer and add to that some 3 week forest camping time year around starting at age 7 when I joined the scouts
My family was a lot of fucked shit, I was basically abandoned for ages I'm not good with them and yet I get on with them. Its a bit complex. I'm not looking forward to the future but my moms out in the US and only over for a while for now. my dad wants nothing to do with me. the rest of my family want to control my life.
My grandparents didn't recognize me as a human being until I was 18. My mom still tries to exert control over my life until /// even though I'm 25. I can't share any information about my life or status with her or she'll use it to try to control me.
My family will probably go batshit when they find out about stuff about me and the doctor visits. I don't really give a shit. I'm done being on eggshells
>>571649 dunno he might not like the modern day cops either
he actually comes, or might atleast come, from the "to serve and protect" generation
Kirara 🚗
that generation never existed cops have always had specific functions these days, people just know about how cops are because information actually spreads my dad's dad is from the era of police brutality - that era has just extended into the modern day
cops in the us are modeled after the slavecatchers, after all it's just a natural evolution
I should have shwarma some day. It always looks good but it's the kind of thing you need to get from a place. And eating out for more unique food like that can be kind of expensive here.
My brain gets so bewildered moving between two different font types/sizes. I've got something I'm reading on my other screen and every time I glance back at /moe/ my brain's like "I don't recognize this design anymore".
One of the classes I'm taking this semester looks like, from reading the syllabus, way more work alone than most of what I've done in the past five years. Sure is making my head spin up into full-speed panic mode a bit, hah hah.
>>571703 A class on research methods. Over the course of a semester we're going to have to curate a digital exhibit on a Canadian WWII-era comic issue from a collection. I'm not too clear of what kind of exhibit yet though, on account of having missed the first class last week because of my messed up enrollment into my proram. In the middle of reading the mess of online stuff the class has on its online service and trying to get in contact with the professor.
But it looks like there's a near-weekly series of assignments building up to the final release of this exhibit, which is what makes it feel like it's going to be a lot of work. For the most part most courses I've taken in post-secondary have been light on required work outside the heavily-weighted midterms or final essays/exams or whatnot.
On the flip side though at the end of the semester I could potentially have something that could be added to the public academic project that previous participants in this course have built up in recent years. Which is both exciting and kind of daunting.
I can't really afford to be young for a few years.
Two short-answer questions on the survey were "what do you care most about learning at the moment" and "what do you care most about in the world?" And I'm kind of hard-pressed to come up with an answer to either. I kind of just enjoy learning in general and I'm receptive to new information I've never encountered before. And while there's lots of things I care about in this world, I've never really tried ranking them. More so I don't really want to rank them. Maybe if I had a kid or something, which seems pretty straightforward to care most about, but outside that ... is there anything that makes sense to put above all else.
Kirara 🚗
shanah tovah, /moe/ my goyim friends
>>571754 "the most important thing to me is my dedication to not ranking things in terms of importance"
I saw my mom earlier and she was telling me I need to be careful because I don't have any experience in dangerous situations or dealing with dangerous people??? haha and then she said I need to learn to throw knives to protect myself at work
Just sitting there in your psychologist's recliner. A patient makes one wrong move and a knife just shoots out across the room and embeds itself, vibrating, in the wall next to his head.
There's a knife-throwing place that set up somewhat close to my place. I've biked past it on occasion.
I really like that Spidey costune that Miles Morales has, or at least the one he's got in that upcoming animated Spidey movie. The hoodie and shorts over ... whatever those kinds of athletic tights are, it's pretty cool.
Kirara 🚗
is it the black one? oh, that's not the one im think of usually miles just has tights
Scarlet Spider is cool, has a hoodie vest kind of thing
This one about the Mountie was pretty funny too. Guy's running about the Arctic tundra, gets shot at and loses his dogsled save his loyal lead dog, tumbles around in a blizzard and falls into this underground cave, climbs down a natural well to get some water to drink, wanders the caves and sees this weird Wendigo-style creature and chases it into a cavern with a giant flaming pit and slips into the pit, only to see the girl he loves trapped on a stone table not far off. His dog runs off to free her from her restraints but the creature shows up and starts to fight with the dog and the issue cuts off as the guy's trying to climp out of the pit, the dog's fighting with the creature, and the girl breaks the rest of her restraints herself.
What kind of crazy shit happens up there in the Arctic wastes I want in on this.
tell 'em to go back to the buzzfeed comment section
That's pretty word vomit-y/ The topic of the sentence changes like three times before they finish. People really need to improve their textual coherency/
it's ethically irresponsible to hijack someone's consciousness during their dying moments to broadcast advertisements directly to their nervous system, but they're dying so nobody's gonna find out
The place where I do it usually has ducks. So I like to think that the ducks take on our sins and become evil.
Kirara 🚗
bread is supposed to be really bad for ducks i try to do it somewhere the bread won't hurt anything too much
it causes angel wing yeah
>>571816 is it really i guess they mostly eat insects huh
Kirara 🚗
bread fills them up quick but has no nutritional value so it can lead to malnutrition
Hrrm I'll keep that in mind then.
Kirara 🚗
it's probably fine if it's just a little and only once i just try to avoid it if i can the river here has a lot of seagulls and stuff and they can eat bread
Which is kind of a shame because the world could use less seagulls.
There are seagulls here by the lake. And sometimes like 20 miles away from the lake in a parking lot in rural Illinois.
The professor of the class I needed to get in contact with got back to me at like 23:30. There was some preparation stuff that the entire semester hinged on that I wasn't sorted into because of my late admission. But now that's all taken care of. It's nice that they took care of it tonight, I was expecting a response by tomorrow morning the earliest.
i found youtube channel i dislike so much that i went through every video on their channel just to dislike it but not watch any of it and now youtube is recommending me their shit because i clicked their videos sigh
I get that with stuff similar to things I watch some times. Some of my spheres of interest are distanced from ones I really don't care for by a sorting algorithm's hair's width so I sometimes see that kind of stuff junking up my recommendations.
i dont know why i get so pissy about just some youtube videos someone wants to make good for them or whatever but man i just see it in my recommended and im filled with contempt i hate the shit so much
These comics from WWII are all so poorly written. The narrative is tiresomely straightforward and the characters are so bland/archetypical. At least the art is some times nice.
My mom was claiming some pre-prepared food she bought was something she cooked, and Fishmom started calling her out on it, and things were super tense. My mom called her a "no manners bitch" and Fishmom said I prefer her to my real mom, at which point, my mom threw a fit and started shouting, and I had to de-escalate the situation My mom doesn't like Fish so she was talking shit about her to her mom too It didn't go very well
Yeah that sounds really horrid. I don't really know what else to say but that is an unpleasant experience I bet.
>>571839 i don't like this system where i spend half of my life doing menial tasks i don't even care about to make money i don't even need to spend it on shit i don't even want
Kirara 🚗
the highlight of the dinner is when my mom (falsely) claimed that fish was converting to judaism and fishmom didn't care
>>571881 It would be nice if they could tolerate each other's existence
>>571885 Fish and her dad are religious and want me to accept Jesus
>>571879 Are Fish's parents even religious in any particular way?
>>571885 that's a question that never occured to me >>571884 there's a fine line between bravery and stupidity so they say >>571882 let me see what's on the chopping block
>>571887 Planet With, Island, and Asobi. Good stuff tonight.
alright i'll watch
>>571884 Oh that's a little bothersome. I guess I'd have to experience it to gauge for myself but I'd imagine my partner being a persistant pressure to accept any kind of religion would be a big deal breaker for me.
the only time i get pressured about religious stuff is from some guy who goes to church like 3 times a week and keeps asking me to come with him ever since i told him i've never been to church i'm not really interested in going because i don't think there are many religions that will accept my lifestyle except maybe satanism or some hippie shit
Kirara 🚗
we've been to the altar of sacrifice, that's basically a church
Kirara 🚗
>>571898 Judaism will Judaism has tons of gay people and tons of addicts and all kinds of shit there's no hell so nobody cares
I'm pretty vehemently against there being a higher power or some kind of spiritual consideration. Faiths that promote a quality of lifestyle that agrees with mine might be fine, but I'm not going to contribute to a society that insists on the prior even if they follow the latter.
i'm not opposed to the idea that the universe was constructed willfully by some higher power just as i'm not opposed to the theory that the universe was created from a single supermassive object exploding and scattering debris further and faster than you could imagine but if there was a benevolent creator, they have surely not had a hand in the work of our species for a long time >>571900 what happens to people who do evil in life then? do they get another chance or is it just game over? hell is a stupid idea, it's like a prison, i don't think torturing sinful people will remove them of their sin
The conept of eternal punishment seems so ridiculous No mortal sin could possibly justify eternity The scale of eternity is ridiculous And if good people get an eternity of pleasure anyway then I don't see why anything that happens on Earth matters No matter how you suffer on Earth it's totally meaningless compared to eternity Maybe pleasure isn't the right word. Paradise, whatever
This cold weather is really miserable. I've got to shove my hands under my thighs every now and then to warm them up.
youtube is hittin me hard with this truth about opioids campaign theyre showing this guy hitting his hand with a hammer and freaking out and then a message like KYLE FROM DALLAS BROKE HIS HAND TO GET MORE PRESCRIPTION OPIOIDS TRUTH - OPIOID ADDICTION CAN HAPPEN IN JUST FIVE DAYS
shit's makin me giggle a little bit but it's incredibly disgusting i know there's just a flock of people pouring big amounts of money into this messaging to make the phraseology household and pass some legislature easier
oh man i missed the japanese festival already this year i was hoping i could get back in time for it ahh man life sure is a pile of shit
I've never been to a japanese festival they might have them around here I dunno
this one's at the botanical gardens they got a lotta neat stuff
Kirara 🚗
i picked up a muffin for a quick snack and then when i got it, i realized it was a fucking 730 calorie muffin
DENSE muffins. I had two banana chocolate chip muffins for breakfast. Tiny ones though. They were kind of super-dry 'cause my mother accidentally over-baked them.
Kirara 🚗
awkwardly showing up at work having not even completed all of the orientation only to find the client i wasn't even ready for showed up and got turned away because of a scheduling error of some sort
oh no poor client
Kirara 🚗
idek if they were my client i have no idea what's going on
people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw kidney stones
Kirara 🚗
people who live in kidney houses shouldn't throw glass
Wow, even the weather forcast is telling me to invest now.
Kirara 🚗
kind of jealous that someone other than florida is getting a cat 4/5 hurricane i was really hoping we'd get one by now as weird as that sounds
Have you been Stockholm Syndrome'd into anticipating them?
Kirara 🚗
nah, i just want a few days without power and school to be cancelled
i was tryin to think of a really innocuous sounding game handle to use for broadcasted tournament play that i could make the announcers say i came up with comfy later like cum fellater but there's probably something better
There's a podcast I've listened to in the past where the speaker relays this anecdote story of his. He was being driven somewhere by a girl he had just started dating, and in a period of silence during the drive, she asked him "what's the thing that terrifies you most in this world". And he gives an answer somewhat a long the lines of, honestly mind you, of death and the existential dread of living in an uncaring universe. And after a beat, without taking her eyes off the road ahead of her, the girl answers "Well I'm terrifed of geese."
Right about now I'd trade those few seconds for equal seconds of warmth and heat damn it.
Kirara 🚗
id love some cool temperatures
Kirara 🚗
this winter is supposed to be way colder than usual
Not looking forward to that if that's the case. I'm already mourning the warm weather and it's only a cold spell that's probably gonna be gone by tomorrow.
Kirara 🚗
hottest summer on record they're saying it could be one of the coldest too coldest winters that is
Guess I should probably figure out where my gloves went off to a few years back then. And maybe seriously consider picking up a toque.
i hope it's incredibly cold so i can wear lots of cute clothes
I 'm generally good at not needing layers too thick during winter. Even a long-sleeve shirt and a woolly hoodie can do me well enough for up to maybe -15C or so. The problem side of this is that I don't really have much in the way of "serious cold" wear. And regardless of what I wear topside, my legs will pretty much always be blocks of ice because all my pants are thin cotton.
Kirara 🚗
wear some tights under your pants for warmth
I don't have tights.
Kirara 🚗
get some they're pretty great
Maybe for your legs. I doubt they would agree so with mine.
>>572111 I don't keep my legs smooth, and I get enough irritation out of needing to wear socks that I can't imagine wearing them as is would be a comfortable situation. It's like woollen socks. I'm well and aware of the extra heat they bring, but the constant irritation of scratchy wool makes it just not worth it under nearly any circumstance.
And no I'm not going to start keeping my legs smooth. I already have a hard enough time keeping my face shaved, I'm not going to add several times its surface area to keep pruned.
If you don't like facial hair, you can always look into laser hair removal. It's pretty good for facial hair >>572120 LASER MY FACE OFF
Kirara 🚗
just blast lasers into my FACE
it's so expensive
It's definitely a consideration for when I'm not a broke motherfucker.
It's a shame it is so expensive. Electroysis is so much more expensive too. Money is such a fucking pain
Kirara 🚗
id like to get laser removal on my legs but it's thousands of dollars
Providing I could afford it I'd consider my legs in that case. I'd absolutely love to not have to deal with facial hair at all though. Shaving is a total pain in the arse.
Kirara 🚗
it's supposed to be really painful
yeah. but its postive against the pain dealing with hair
Kirara 🚗
yeah for sure i wouldn't do my face though i worry about skin cancer and
Kirara 🚗
and laser hair removal is pretty new so all of the dangers might not be known yet
Tuesdays are going to be tiresome this semester. 09:00 classes mean waking up around 07:00-30. And I'll probably be stuck taking the morning rush public transit. I guess it's not 08:00 classes at least.
>>572202 Waiting for Wendy's to break their deafening silence on this
>>572254 they're too busy trying to liquidate their stock after that irrecoverable burn