Asobi Asobase Double Decker! Cooking with Emiya Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku no Valkyria --Episode 4-10 Island Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 20-23 Kyoto Holmes Ongaku Shoujo Planet With Satsuriku no Tenshi --Episode 9-10 Shichisei no Subaru Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight Tsukumogami Kashimasu --Episode 4-8
Asahi's a nice girl but she's a mentally ten-year-old girl. Even though they don't really make much of a distinction about that. Satsuki's at least his age. If only not to be a dangerous person, he shouldn't be going after Asahi like this.
>>571870 Well, she's still his childhood friend who liked him when they were the same age. And they could just not do anything until she matured to a certain point also I guess if she still has a human brain somewhere, that brain is probably matured to the age that the rest of them are even if it was inactive for awhile.
Considering how she "woke up" at the start of the series I kind of get the feeling she's been comatose if she's actually alive somewhere. I'll admit I don't know much about long-term comatose but I'd imagine that sort of thing could severely impact the development of her brain in her younger, formative years. But this series probably hasn't put that kind of thought into her situation, hah hah hah. She's been acting her "actual" age for most of the series, assuming she's alive, after all.
It kind of feels like they're setting up a bit of a Satsuki route for Takanori, even after that dance last episode. Or maybe a Takanori route for Satsuki? Either way it's kind of annoying.
Looks like something like that. I can't imagine she'd go this bonkers from being heartbroken at the dance, after all. Even if it might've made her more receptive to being mindbroken.
Hah hah hah. I download everything we watch as it comes out so I just leave the search zone open and just make sure I'm only getting the English-translated stuff.
Time for giant robo fights. I was feeling like the robots upgrading to bigger robots was the episode cliffhanger but it's only halfway done. This series moves a lot faster than you'd expect.
Yo what the hell.
I guess the old man really is that big guy's father, considering that psychic power.
i've gotten increasingly confused about this series
The fact that its anime coincided with the English release of its VN has made it one of the most persuasive arguments for me to get the original material in a long while. If I had that sort of spare change I'd have totally gotten it by now.
He's made it back to summer!
>>571943 i feel like i don't have the time to watch the book it's probably like 3000 hours long
I like reading so I'm good at finding time for it. The fact that it's voiced might drag it out for me though since i'm kind of inclined to listen to the voice lines in full. I can generally read much faster than people can talk.
Oh the OP's changed a bit now that he's gone to the future and back.
Man he's really interfering with the timeline now that he remembers things.
As well as spooking the fuck out of everyone.
>>571948 well you gotta change the future by interfering
He's just speedrunning his attempts at saving all the girls. After all he managed two out of three last time. If he cuts some corners this run he might have the time to save all three.
This really doesn't feel like the right choice of lines though.
I guess he got her to laugh with the follow-up though. So maybe he's getting it right.
He's even delegated saving Karen to her friends. That's probably a good choice.
I feel like these alternative paths to saving Karen and Sara would have been decent spells of time in the VN themselves.
I bet in the VN if you save Karen or Sara before unlocking the future arc, Rinne will always die. Or it's implicative that she will. Failing Rinne's arc and going to the future triggers being able to save all three, or at least unlocks the true end or whatever we'll see at the end of this series.
Or maybe it's more complicated than that. I've been thinking about the kinds of interesting stories you can tell with looping VNs and route narratives that are dependant on finishing other routes to get the full or "perfect" story recently. VNs are cool I want to make one.
i want a habanero frankfurter
It's just a spicy sausage man. Go hit up a hot dog stand.
>>571965 they don't have hot dog stands here they sell tamales and shit
Wow really. I guess you're a bit too south? There's a lot of hot dog stands here you can hardly go four blocks downtown without seeing another one.
Is he going to see a picture of Kuon as a kid and think she looks like his Rinne from the future. Or IS she his Rinne from the future? She had one of the metal rings there, didn't she?
>>571970 yeah i guess kuon is who he really loves rip rinne
>Making your daughter fall in love with romantically because you think she's her mom and her mom pulled one over you for whatever reason
unless kuon is just present rinne after more timey wimey stuff
>Sara was worried about being her own mother but that plot device really belonged to RINNE
>>571977 MC Setsuna duh. He shagged Kuon-Rinne before going back in time and now she's found her way back in time but they were displaced by like twenty years.
Next he's going to have a kid with Rinne-Rinne and that kid's going to be Kuon-Rinne and she's going to somehow be stasis'd forward in time and be the Rinne he has sex with in the future before going back.
So he'll be both his own father and his own son-in-law.
Really though what confuses me is Rinne's story of what happened with her and the other Setsuna on the deserted island. She says she went to sleep one night and next woke up on the home island. Something like five years pass after she gets lost at sea with the other Setsuna. They showed some time passing but it hardly felt like five years. I also think the fact that she looks younger than she really is was kind of insinuated to be because she spent time in one of the stasis chambers? So what happened after she gets locked in the stasis chamber on the deserted island by the other Setsuna in the time it takes for five years to pass? Does she just sit there, drifting randomly in the ocean, for the better most of five years, until she washes up on her home island? Or does she go all the way to the future and back to her time period in a controlled fashion like they've done with Setsuna?
I guess she's like an inverse Olivia? Looks like she's should be good at formal Japanese but is actually better with English.
These fucking voice lines. The pronounciation on the words are actually really good. But they're just thrown into normal Japanese sentence construction.
Hah hah hah. Oh she's got Hanako on the warpath now.
Hanako's reaction here is pretty reminiscent of the way the guys from Grand Blue destroyed that other guy's relationship
Hanako and Olivia totally forgot about the not-trap.
Hah hah she's having nightmares about it now.
>Secret of the Dong
Wow Kasumi wash your
>I don't want to turn into a pervert! You write erotic gay fanfiction and that's probably where you know all these words I think you're a bit too far gone.
Olivia what the hell is this idea. How is this even remotely a good idea.
what a genius
Oh no.
i want to know more about the trap affair
The Star Trek ship was censored like it's a dick, hah hah.
It's pretty easy to not blink for a minute if you try.
Essu Effu
season 2 confirmed??
Hanako is really good at acting psychotically evil.
>>572017 I don't know? This series is the kind of one that it's hard to tell if they're being serious or if that's just supposed to be a joke. They haven't done any meta-humour like that before though so it's curious.