Double Decker! Cooking with Emiya Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku no Valkyria --Episode 4-10 Jashin-chan Dropkick Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 20-24 Kyoto Holmes --Episode 9-10 Ongaku Shoujo Satsuriku no Tenshi --Episode 9-10 Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight Tsukumogami Kashimasu --Episode 4-8
I believe Hanebado! is either not airing this week or is delayed due to the earthquake in Japan earlier this week. At the most it sure resume re-airing on its normal day next week, probably.
Yeah I'm pretty sure Satsuriku is only one cour. I believe they also cut a lot of content from the middle of the game it adapts from to adjust for time.
Those kinds of Japanese pipes are pretty stylish though.
The brother here sure is jealous about his sister spending time with other men.
Cultural trivia like this is always interesting to me.
This is the first time they've touched on her graduating high school and being a college student soon, huh. Normally this kind of media makes a big deal out of graduating from high school but they 've kind of made it low-key. If it's New Years and she'll be in college next year that means she's got like only three or four months of high school left. No fanfare or much anxiety about that change.
I feel it could be presented a bit better but I enjoy this show. The trivia about old curios and the culure around them is interesting. And Kyoto is a nice place to host a show like this.
Everyone in this show is so fucking RICH.
She talks about Holmes' nastiness but she's not saying anything herself.
Oh man I can dig this kind of cluttered coziness.
Sleeping on a couch is kind of hit or miss depending on the couch and how large it is compared to you. I can't imagine that couch being a comfortable sleep for him though.
RIP playboy-kun.
>Asking a guy why his mom likes older men
Technically he's still Holme's adopted younger uncle though.
>When you're so fucking RICH you can afford to give out a golden key and a gift as a present for a game at a party of yours
Oh Moriarty's come to play.
Playboy-kun's totally going to mess with Holmes' personal present for Aoi.
Or well I guess Moriarty messed with it first? Oh maybe it wasn't a present.
That's one hell of a convoluted riddle though. Sasuga Holmes.
First Detective Conan, now Shokugeki. I wonder how many parodies they'll cram into the episode.
This slowly dying demongirl sure is totally irrelevant.
Hah hah hah. I guess the bitchy angel made it as an aidoru. As far as being a bodyguard though, it's probably a feasible job for Pekola. She's tough if nothing else.