telling a canadian not to apologize is like telling a finn not to sauna!
>nk gets revived by laughing uh kay >>563662 apparently, our country is turning into a 2 month long sauna during summers if this year is to be trusted so...
I was just thinking that it's so gross I might not finish episode 1
it is not even that good a series
Found this It's really silly but I actually do need a discrete caller id device.
basically see the point where that cloud is if that cloud was just bit MORE tot the right that would be where I spawn after mid-boss cutscene and that cloud deals like billion cold dmg per sec sure if you have an immunity to cold item on you, you can shrug it off and going into this fight without immunity to cold and immunity to fire with a nightmare character would be 100% idiocy but I don't want to fucking wear those items against my MAX DAMAGE items that I use
Kirara 🚗
i wish mangos were easier to get and cheaper
round 4 read >>563719 post and didn't notice a cloud that spawned on me
and yeah I wish manga cost less then 15€ average per volume to buy
this bitch in happy sugar life is legit talking shit about her manager liking underage boys (like 15-17) while she's sitting around at home lusting over a 9 year old
>>563725 neither of the girls come from happy homes for that matter but I read it becuase it was interesting premise but it just didn't go anywhere in my opinion anywhere that I liked atleast so I stopped reading it when I ran out of chapters the first time I ran into it
Which is why I said "how did this get animated"
but then again NTR got animated CITRUS got animated
and both are fucking 4/10 yuri animes btw I score things in 4-10 scale
Kirara 🚗
this show is taking itself too seriously like she's making the manager crack under pressure and it's basically like ace attorney when you get the bad guy to confess and they explode and they're like THAT'S RIGHT I SHOT LARRY BUTTZ but it doesn't work in a serious show
Does this show present the main character in a positive light despite the fact that she's killing people and kidnapping children and lusting over them?
I hate how I actually have somewhat good luck in life but in games RNG is a deity that hates me with 10000 times the passion that god punished job
>>563736 no her only positive character is caring about the loli
does it end with her facing the consequences of kidnapping and grooming a child
I reallyl ike how a hit that deals 1/4th of my total hit pool just killed me in one shot
thanks activision
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>563739 I would like this because it's kind of what I wanted for NTR. Except I wanted NTR to just end horribly
can i have my 21 million diablo 3 money back
I am getting cheated by RNG constantly >enemy spawns 2 tiems in row insta kill things if you don't have arcane immunity on top of you >and not just ONE of those, but THREE OF THEM
>>563736 I've never found that it has. I'm pretty certain the show makes it very clear that Satou is an extremely fucked up person.
>on screen nothing is hitting me >dies thank you activision
why do people keep giving activision money? they make nothing worht buying
>future of diablo blizzard please you have no future if you are owned by activision
actually why did they even get bought by activision?
>killed by sand wasp ... so i got killed by a monster that didn't exist on the screen or anywhere who shoots projectiles that didn't hit me that never were fired at me
how is this game LESS stable with every patch actually don't answer me
I saw this in the kitchen and I was gonna ask what the hell "the Mother" is, but I read the French translation while the image was processing and it calls it "the mother of vinegar" so it doesn't seem as weird anymore.
No I don't think you understand do you just want a posse of skeletons that follow you for no real reason or are they mechanically useful Are you going to assign them tasks
>>563781 uhm yeah every skeleton I raise I expect to be useful
Are they capable of punching dudes Will they be incorporated into your regular skill pool or are they a separate entity I need to consider how worried about your skeletons I should be
>>563783 they are separate entities thati nherit the physical (not magical) abilities, unless your magical abilitiesa re tied to the BONES of the corpses raised to an extend more physical abilities a corpse has, the MORE mana/whatever it takes to ress, them they can be ressed anyhow, but with less amount of their abilities remaining
so any ressed skeleton hits with their own attack and is 100% always loyal to their master
Alright, you can make skeleton minions but be prepared for me to smash them into itty bitty bits
and the details are the shit we me and you agree when we do the fine shit
ToN There's a legendary computer algebra algorithm that im looking for a book that has it. It takes up like seventy pages to describe and has never been fully implemented.
Nope, no storm tonight, Weather looked, well, not quite overcast, but not really clear skies either, too. Didn't smell like rain.
We had a lot of rain the past two or so weeks though.
maybe itll get to you soon its movin fast
The next rain I'm seeing is tomorrow afternoon, so maybe. The Great Lakes do weird things to the weather patterns.
hope power is back soon i got loads of work to do and im missin tonegawa
Well we usually run it a bit later in the night, so you'll have about fifty or sixty minutes after we start to get your power back. If you're up for watching with us tonight that is, hah hah.
I'm a little surprised we haven't had any power outages this summer. There's been a lot of rumbly thunderstorms come by.
Man I'm really tired. I don't know if it's how late I've been staying up or the lack of tea I've been drinking at night that's messing with that. Probably a bit from both though. If only I was this drowsy like two hours from now.
i wonder how long without alcohol i have to go before im sensitive to that kind of sleep regularity again i cant imagine noticing tiredness from a couple hours difference in schedule or feeling generally tired at all that sounds nice
Well I have pretty persistent lethargy most of the time. That kind of tiredness that makes it hard to push yourself towards anything.
Honestly I don't think I've got any kind of sleep regularity, it's just I've been stuck going to bed way later than I want to and so I've been getting weak sleep hours recently.
steins gate or chaos head which one do I play first?
>>563836 i prolly havent gotten deep rem sleep in years or an adequate amount at once anyway
>>563838 I had some amazing sleep the other day, the night after the International finals. I'd been up since 05:00 for a MOGRA stream and then I think I thoroughly emotionally exhausted myself watching the twelve hours of the final day. At one point in the night I think I closed my eyes to blink and next thing I knew, colour had come back into the sky outside my window. That kind of sleep so deep you don't comprehend that time has passed.
I wish I could get sleep like that more often but I don't really want to recreate those circumstances so often.
>>563840 did you dream that you were at the international and playing techies but you acvidentally laid mines off the map and in the audience and then tobiwan would shoutcast the innocent viewers getting sploded
My casual shigure figure came. It's very nice. Definitely the nicest (and most expensive) figure in my collection.
You're gonna have to start getting those viewcase shelvings to properly contain your slippery slope.
>>563843 Not at all. I'm hesistant to say I didn't dream at all, because I think I do dream pretty consistently, but my entire recollection of that night from around 01:30 to daybreak is just nothing Didn't even feel like time passed.
>>563849 that's the worst kind of sleep. you don't even get to enjoy it.
I actually kind of like it. It's always extremely restful sleep. I'm so deprived of proper rest that I'll gladly not dream and having time go by in a blink if it means waking feeling refreshed.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
So what are you going to do afterwards?
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
im gonna play forty video games
>>563923 does that mean we can finally start posting H manga
>>563922 but don't you like the actual feeling of being asleep? existing in that state of being I think it's great.. sometimes it's what I live for. .
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
towerfall switch hype new game by the FTL peeps (is it new idk??) hype anyway i forgot my switch in canada so no dice
Into The Breach has been on Steam for a while now. Good to see it on Switch though, it looks like a good pick-up/put-down kind of game.
>>563931 I'm either dreaming while asleep, or that time goes by in a blink asleep. There isn't really an actual feeling of being asleep for me to exist in. Sleep is nice, but I'm good with not experiencing anything during it as long as I wake up feeling rested.
I made a Canadian friend while I was climbing mountains he was a pretty cool dude he shared his energy gel with me.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
>>563956 canadian friends are the best friends they will never stab you in the back and steal your bitcoin in the dead of night trust me i've hardly ever seen that happen
Can confirm, I am a Canadian friend that has never stabbed you in the back and stole your bitcoin in the dead of night.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
what's an energy gel
Probably an edible gel substance that has POWERFUL ENERGY.
It's like baby food for when you're exhausted
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
i bet it's made of BEES
Anno Probably shit like this.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
the bees enter your lymphic system via burrowing then sting your muscles to produce excess adenosine and drink the lactic acid away, transforming it into pure serotonin in the process
>>563964 that doesn't sound right but I don't know enough about energy gel to disprove it.
>>563964 I wish something could magically drink my lactic acid away.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
can't argue with science >>563967 you can do it if you believe
Doesn't stop people from trying.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
time to try out FLCL progressive don't mess w my expectations yo
I'm waiting out for the Japanese audio track. That for some reason doesn't come out until this autumn.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
oh no is that mean the english is the OG audio track
I dunno about OG, but as part of whatever deal was made between Adult Swim and the studio behind it, the English audio was released first. I don't know if that means the animation is particular to that audio or not though. There so much anime to watch though, I'm happy to wait for Japanese audio to satisfy my utter weebness.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
i see hmmmMMMMMM crud
the rise and fall of bone-crushing dogs you say
I don't outsource my bone-crushing to dogs.
and your productivity suffers because of it.
>>>/watch?v=sZhxCUay5ks pbs eons is pretty cool ive been watchin this channel a while now ive been watching you for quite a while now
I've seen a few of their pieces. I wouldn't say it's a field that particularly captivates my interest, but they do present their material nicely.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
eating a bone crushing dog right now why yes i am a ""bad ass""
I don't get it, man they're themselves but if they get enough spirit energy they're reincarnated as an original idol member and then they're still themselves, but they have a slightly different look/personality
what happened to all the older generations of the same idol. does somebody need to die? do they retire?
I'm in over my head here
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
that's a lil fucked up kinda cool tho maybe the old idol just goes on a looong trip to mars!
I manupilate data with Matlab sometimes, but I don't know if you consider that programming otherwise nothing else
Oh RIP Better than nothing I guess but its too far removed from what I wanted to talk about.
what'd you working on then? I have a friend who programmed for embedded systems and he used to explain some shit to me, but I didn't en d up understanding much
A computer algebra system.
like solve fuctions with boundary conditions?
Uhhh It's symbolic rather than numerical Although it shouod also be able to do that numerically. *should
are you making one yourself?
>>564001 Yee Gotta learn abstract algevra first though.
can't be too hard, right? you doing a course or teaching it yourself?
You really get spoiled with MonHun World with how fast you get into fighting the bigger monsters in that game. I'm eight hours into GU and the largest thing I've fought is a Drome.
I hate when you have a colour page, but either the scanner fuged it, the reprint didn't print it in colour or the tankobon didn't go with colour either
i bought some turkey bacon that was a dollar a pack crazy cheap it was pretty thin though so it'd cook up really crisp it worked really well for crumbling up on top of pasta and stuff for that reason
i haven't had turkey bacon that's thick enough to get that satisfying feel to it though but i really like turkey hotdogs those are good, and a staple camping food imo gotta get turkey dogs, chicken dogs, and uhh what is it chicken in a biscuit
the first half of the movie is boring and overall the direction isn't really that interesting although there are definitely places where it's pretty good
was it really 2008 a whole decade ago jesus christ i went with tiya to see that in the theater on a whim we weren't even planning on it or waiting on it, just kind of were out and like "hey let's go to the theater"
so when you're bein spontaneous and just kind of doin it, it's a lot more impressive just by expectations yknow but she was a huge batman nerd so i think she actually had some gripes about its loyalty to canon but it was still a good experience
Kirara 🚗
yeah time really fucking flies
Overall I kind of enjoyed Batman Begins more than The Dark Knight. Batman Begins really had this well-done gritty Gotham, the environment just meshed so well with the feel of Batman. I don't quite get why Nolan left that behind and went for more of a generic metropolis for The Dark Knight and Rises.
Kirara 🚗
i haven't seen bats v supes or wonder woman or justice league
>>564085 i think the time it came out probably helped it seem much more amazing
iron man 1 is the same way it seemed so fucking amazing at the time i saw iron man in theaters with a girl in high school or maybe it was iron man 2 i saw it seemed amazing but none of those seem that amazing to me now
called wonder woman cuz it makes you wonder if she's really a woman ???
>>564088 So did Ledger effectively driving himself to suicide getting into the role for the Joker.
ehhhhh that was pretty well done by that time he was already working on that terry gilliam movie by that time have you seen that? that's really good the imaginarium of doctor parnassus that was so good poor terry gilliam though, his movies always get fucked up by production woes and it never turns out like envisioned he's always getting his budgets cut and being mistreated, which happened again in imaginarium as always, and then ledger dies mid-shooting some other actors, jude law and two others who i can't remember, ended up taking over his role for imaginarium so it could be completed and they had the main character change appearance in between dream lands when they got played by other characters it actually turned out really amazing
Kirara 🚗
the best scene in dark knight is definitely when joker takes off the nurse mask and harvey dent is like WHAT THE FUCK
That building they blew up was on tge route my dad commuted with. So he saw it in the morning and it was gone in the evening.
btw I think man of steel was an amusing movie not that good, but not bad either just average
Kirara 🚗
man of steel sucked as a superman movie because it was very un-supermanly
yeah defs only good superman adaptions on screen have imo been the animated shows from 90s and early 00s and the first supes movie
The one with kevin spacey was decent.
>>564091 I don't really watch many movies at all. Don't think I've seen anything by Terry Gilliam, and I'm pretty sure the only movie I've seen that Ledger was involved in was The Dark Knight.
>>564098 I really dislike the artstyle for the 90's superman cartoon.
>>564104 brazil is one of the best movies ive ever seen conceptually its vision wasn't quite reached through production so it falls a little bit flat but i can see beyond that
but the darkside storylines in the superman tas were so good especially the "kidnaps superman, brainwashes him to think eh is his adoptive son and then sends him to conquer earth" LIKE HOW BAD CAN YOU FUCK OVER SOMEONE?
>>564102 yeah that city fight was really stupid superman would never let a fight like that go on in such a dense city center
>>564105 The freakishly large chins on batman and superman really bother me.
man of steal, when he realizes nobody can stop him so he goes on a serial shoplifting spree
>>564103 Oh, looking at his filmography, I guess I'm a little familiar with him. I've seen most of Time Bandits, and I've watched his Brothers Grimm. And I've seen a bit of the Monty Python pile of media. That would have all been a long time ago when I wasn't really paying attention to directors and actors unless their names were literally shoved in my face. If I'd seen some of his stuff more recently I probably would have recognized the name.
oh time bandits haha i forgot about that fuck that one is so good
>>564112 you gotta check out baron munchausen it's a really beautiful movie visually and it's just so good >>564116 haha yeah that's one of the folk stories of baron munchausen are you familiar it's just a whole series of tall tales, that gilliam then decided to direct a movie about
>>564113 that is damn solid movie and filled with so many a-lister cameos
>>564114 I still love the scene where he lifts himself out of water so much it in my opinion summarises the movie best
>>564114 fits since that was the life of the baron too
>>564109 YEah the town fight makes sense since he was outnumbered and shit but that city fight he would have taken it elsewhere but that "neck snap" in my opinion was very much in character
but then him was it immediately after kissing lois was all the fuck
Kirara 🚗
DC in general has really ideas about movies and i don't know why
The Watchmen television series is apparently not an adaptation of the graphic novel though. It's going to tackle analogue stuff in the Watchmen setting.
>>564126 why would alan moore give the rights to this...
>>564114 I'll keep that in mind, see if I can find it anywhere. Most of Gilliam's directorial stuff doesn't seem to be on Canadian Netflix though. Only stuff that pops up is Holy Grail and Brothers Grimm.
holy grail is such a masterpiece when your intro credits are more funny than most comedies, you know you are doing something right
>Rahko was a strange creature in Finnish mythology, who was associated with the decline of the moon. Rahko appears in the stories of Northern Finland as a thief bothered by the lunar light, who took a bucketfull of tar and a brush during nights and climbed a ladder to the moon to tar it black.
>cygames makes a new battle called Final Rally for the last day of GW >you can have 99 potions clear herbs and revival pots >it's an all day fight for how long you have to beat it >all 30 crew members can fight it
>>564147 once you get your class picked out we can try to work out the weird stuff there's also the matter of race, which is probably just PERSON, your OUT and background points.
I was going to go to an anime convention this weekend but then I didn't have enough money So then I was going to throw a party instead with the time I requested off but then my second job was like "well actually you have to work" So instead I am going to stay at home and drink a lot
so what are you guys all up to? how are your lives? tell me about post-bang moe
I still hhhaven't found a job.
Oh and fish went to Nigeria several months ago and then got sick and was stuck in a hospital there for months but finally made it back to the US and is in a hospital here.
No clue, but maybe. There's also going to be some more Umineko stuff maybe?
Also Ryuukishi's line art is definitely improving. Not that he hasn't had, what, five fucking years or more to get good. But I guess any improvement is an improvement.
I much prefer Zun's art. Also I hope the next one is better than Umineko.
Oh the Umineko thing is a compilation of all the arcs plus a new scenario. Hm. Man this really makes me want to be in Japan for Comiket. That would be a reaaaal stretch though.
>>564201 What were the repercussions of that? >>564181 Nothing much, just work What about you?
wai hol up new scenario in my umineko did you say these words at me >>564211 ok sure but did you say more fun though
Yeah, and unlike some of the other post-Chiru stuff that was written material, this stuff seems to be VN material. So that's pretty exciting. I wonder if translation projects are still feasible for it.
>>564212 Uhhhhhh Let me think Higurashi, Tsukihime, FS/N, Kagetsu Touhya, That one with the vampires and lesbians but only kind of whose title I can't remember but had a fucking amazing voice cast
Let's see There's Umineko, clearly There's what I read right before that, Katawa Shoujo uhhhhh Fate A brief goofy thing where touhou's Miko was president A Drug That Makes You Dream uhhhhh oh DDLC >>564234 yeah that
If Valhalla's gameplay is small enough to consider it a VN, then Valhalla.
Among the things I downloaded and threw into a folder to never read them, that actually isn't oen of them.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
and in looking for it I remembered I downloaded something else and my skin started crawling thinking about it. So there's that.
On a slightly related note, My Lovely Daughter was pretty ok. It's not really VN since you have to manage a lot of things.
There's a N -VN anime adaptation running this season, Island. The plot's been compressed enough that the ridiculous things about it make me wonder if reading the VN proper would be fun.
I think you'd like it Tony, the main heroine is basically Hibiki only voiced by Tamura Yukari.
>>564239 ehhhh from what I vaguely know about Princess Maker yeah Your goal is to resurrect your daughter by crafting homunculi, letting them live, and then sacrificing them to feed your daughters soul until you hit the right frequency and then use it to bring her back on the night of the full moon
Also whatever the fuck alchemy meister is supposed to have really good gameplay. Kamidori that's it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>564241 I played 20 hours of that game until I got ot the first poon scene and wow it was fucking nothing. And then I lost my save.
>>564242 Yeah that ones you're supposed to play for the gameplay.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
All I remember was that the Angel was the best girl.
Or not Hibiki, whatever your boat waifu's fucking name was again.
>>564276 Yeah I know. Do you at least pay as Reimu? *play
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
RSS you can play as Reimu, Marisa, or Futo
as a side note, TLC has Reimu, Marisa, and Sakuya (who sasses Touhou!Jesus appropriately) Mystical Power Plant has playable teams of Reimu and UTSUHO, Marisa and Byakuren, and uhhhh Sanae and someone else?
I think just Reimu and Marisa in the fourth game and Hollow Song has uhhhhh Reimu Marisa and uhhhhh
I need to find something that doesn't make me want to puke Is chicken and waffles actually a thing? >>564304 >>564305 Cool I'll get these nonexistent thing out of my cupboard
i think one of them made it but i saw it on Twitter
I love those threads. They have an entire booru. Every once in a while I go through all the new stuff. A few months ago I wmt through the entire sfw category.
today my neighbor and i were sharing info on good deals we saw at stores this week like "yo they got fuckin buy one get one free donuts at publix" "shit dude they have a sale on chicken at thrifty's" it feels so weird haha but in a good way
I've only even ever interacted with our neighbors when they found our dog
Something posessed me to get a da share zone card set I wonder when/if it's going to come It feels silly to get excited over a package when they come every other day
oh hell yeah the devil's level looks so good im excited to get mine
Kirara 🚗
i accidentally pulled out a ton of receipt paper from this machine at the restaurant and i couldn't fix it so i wrote "sorry" on it and left #kirarathings
Kirara 🚗
also i talked about abolishing the globe a lot
You couldn't find anyone who worked there to alert to it?
Kirara 🚗
i could not they were short staffed and we were on our way out anyway i left like a 50% tip so whatever
>>564330 yeah she'll probably think one of the drunks did it so im probably fine plus i apologized
Yeah and really, what's gonna happen? They gonna go through the cameras to see which bastard fucked with the receipt paper? They ain't got the time for that.
Kirara 🚗
they probably don't even care not like it comes out of their paycheck
Well whoever has to clean it up probably will a bit. Not like, "fuck whoever did this and their mother" care, but a bit of a "fucking A, man" kind of care.
hi rika yes, i hope i can see her we watched a movie together kind of today the dark knight rises was on where she is so i put it on too and we texted about it it was nice
the jokers keikakus sure do seem to run on a lot of assumptions
i should probably go to sleep i got stuff tomorrow morning oyasumi bye bye /moe/ send me some nice dreams
Night kirara
>>564348 Like the assumption that the joker likes to 'joke' This is very untrue
Nah, I think he likes to joke a lot. But hey, humour is in the eye of the beholder.
>>564348 I've seen a theory before that the Joker's "superpower" is basically narrative convenience. When he takes a risk, things go his way because causality bends to his need. I think it's neat conceptually, but I don't like it on the Joker. Considering how human Batman is, it would kind of diminish the dynamic between him and his nemesis if the Joker had a power like that.
I need Spotify or something These ads on YouTube are killing me
I've been throwing that idea around in my head a bit recently. I'd like to discover music but I don't really have a good direction for that. YouTube's either too accurate or too vague and doesn't really link well for me. It's great for like, listening to a full album, but finding new stuff rarely works unless I'm already in a super niche part like Touhou music or something.
Though I have no clue to the efficacy of Spotify since I've never used it, but I've heard it works for people trying to do that.
I guess you could do the 30 day trial which I think exists Though it does take a bit of time for music to sink in for me
>>564420 youtube works if you find the channels you like and then just watch for their new uploads you have to do a little work and digging, but whatever niche you've got, there's other appreciators of the same types of music youtube is a popular bridge between soundcloud artists and their audience people will dig hard to find the stuff they really like on soundcloud and then upload it to their youtube channel (with proper credit given) that's built around that specific niche
i like that because then i can find a lot of artists that i like and go dig their stuff up on my own and keep an eye out for more stuff scratches that hoarder/collector itch for me too
>>564425 no unfortunately they're still here and they're still queer so i'd better get used to it
moon did you losw your bones again I found some bones while walking they might be yours
>>564424 That's a lot of hands-on work for me to find new stuff.
>>564430 I guess in that case I won't get anything. Done well enough for me so far.
what do you like if i run across anything i'll swing it your way
I don't really know how to pin it down. There's a lot of musical elements I like and I don't care enough about the bazillion music sub-genres to learn where what I like fits where. It's a lot easier to say "I like this" after hearing it than finding what I like. Some times it's also about finding music that comes close to matching what's going in my head at the moment. Stuff like that kind of makes me want to look at just composing it myself but I've got no clue where that starts so fuck that.
>>564424 they were pretty straight and narrow I guess I should have known
>>564432 yeah genres are p trash i like to think more about how i like to feel from music or the ambiance of it sorry i'm overposting you but i'm also workin so im bein efficient
>>564453 The term young adult always confused me It seems to refer to like, young teens, who aren't really adults You'd think it'd be more like early twenties late teens
Jousei is about on the level of late teens to mid-twenties, but of course that's no reason age demographics outside it can't enjoy it. It's like books for young adults. Except manga. For young adults.
>>564451 Yeah but then I can't neg Bang for watching it.
>>564452 Honestly most people in their mid-twenties aren't really adults either.
>>564452 think of it as a compound noun instead like young adult, adult, senior
>>564467 Yeah that's past my threshold. It's also just ... kind of bland.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
doubt it!
I heard my cat whining outside so I went to the door to let her in. But when I got there she sounded much louder than she should through the door. So I fumbled around in the dark for a few minutes trying to feel if she was inside already, which would have been kind of weird. In fact however the glass part of the door had been pulled up and there was only screen mesh between her and I. I felt kind of silly about that.
Maybe I'm more put off more than anything by it being of Chihiro. I'm not really comfortable with tattoos of faces and stuff like that. My eyes always end up drifting towards them.
yeah, she is i dunno, she does a lot of tattoos so i dont really hear about them it's all usually pretty cutesy stuff, really colorful and pretty tats and not like biker stuff idk, probably not dragonballs
Just like a tatto I'll always have you
My PC won't stay in fucking sleep mode. I put it into it and I can barely make it to laying down in bed before everything starts spinning up again.
I don't want to shut it down all the waaaaaaaayyyy.
>>564477 So like, hello kitty sort of stuff I guess That's cute.
no like anime like sailor moon or satsuki kiryuin or stuff sometimes symbols or sometimes characters i can't think of examples atm but she's got pictures all over the shop
>>564481 Nah I see what you're getting at now Yeah that's pretty cute
Also this is pedantic and missing the point, but hello kitty has like 7 anime
and the hulk has a video game but calling him a video game character isn't really accurate
>>564482 That's my working theory at the moment, but my usual remedy of blowing on the lens and trying to sweep my mouse pad of cat hair didn't work this first time.
>>564485 yeah that's why I said it was pedantic and missing the point
>>564486 powercfg -lastwake maybe it's a running process
This has been a problem for me over multiple PCs, multiple mice, multiple mousepads, multiple desks. I don't get it.
>>564488 I'm going to be honest and embarrass myself here and say I have zero idea what I'm supposed to do with this.
put that in the command prompt run > cmd
b b b b b ang
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
i know i gotta keep keep on bangin
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
i would unplug the mouse to isolate that as a potential source
I ain't got data for that I can definitely view them though
>>564498 oh boy it's been a while since ive seen this
>>564501 I wasted so much money in the US on mobile data, it was dumb as heck. I should have got a sim when I first went there. >>564502 Its pretty good. I keep around for fun.
i forgot it existed i wonder what other things i forgot existed
I forget a lot of things. forgetting stuff is one my big anxieties. I even forget I made a post on moe sometimes and fuck off to do something else. >>564506 I don't even know who I am a lot of the time. Identity sucks
i forget who i am sometimes
i think that's why so many people invest their identity externally there's always external storage for that memory in case you forget how to access it
I used to be scared that the more people I knew and talked to the more diluted I'd become and lose my personality because I can be pretty impressionable. I pick up words and habits from people really easily
i used to think that too but i don't think so anymore i think the more exposure you have to other people, the more refined and developed your sense of self becomes, at least for people like you and me probably there might be impressionability for some
i kind of noticed it when listening to people speak mongolian and german lately there's that stimulation you feel when you hear particular intonations that are new to you that you want to try to mimic the sound and tone, like when you're a kid learning a language the first time that really granular level of attaching meaning to a sound, stemming naturally from our curiosity and not from discipline and projected values or time investments
i think personality is kind of the same too stepping out into the environment and directly challenging your own concept of self against the social landscape, being curious about things you don't understand, and developing tools to probe those curiosities really sharpens and develops the sense of self it doesn't seem like impressionability to me anymore, but kind of uncovering the parts of yourself you can't see in isolation you do kind of borrow tools that you see other people use though, a kind of barter of information, but that's really genuine to me, too finding credibility and merit you didn't know you had because you don't know what other people are lacking until they're willing to barter information with you to find out what you have whether it's technique, understanding, skills, a sense of coping with the abstract and absurd through humor, whatever social tools there's a lot of things i had such low self worth about because i was never able to see where i could be useful afterall, it doesn't seem like i have any skills if i only have my own isolation for reference. it's all null
I always find it weird when I post something and someone actually geniunely understands because i usually feel like the thoughts and feelings are so out there. but I really agree with a lot of what you said, I used to believe so much about losing my personality who I am but I realised I didn't have much in the way of anything I didn't really know myself. Now I'm a lot more open about who I am I mean I'm still building my identity and in the last few years I've taken actual action to things to bring myself out. Going to university now has made me challenge a lot of anxieties.
Sometimes I still feel like I'm lacking and I get scared that my automatic responses of laughing or hiding away aren't so useful in a lot of social situations.
time to mimic some new responses, the same way you probably mimicked new words the first time you heard them as a child and learnt what they meant and i mean mimic like fully integrate and understand not just like pretend
i always have such trouble with languages trying to remember stuff or trying to study stuff, it all just feels like friction on my brain and i feel resistance but just hearing someone talk at me in mongolian and being sensitive to the intonation and mimicking it im picking up so much so effortlessly like it's not even a chore, just clear as day as my brain is presented with a puzzle and knows how to get the information to assemble it
>>564511 For me learning Japanese was a lot to do with immersion, I picked up a lot of nuances and phrases just from watching tv shows, listening to radio, Japanese podcasts etc. I guess you are right about mimicing because I can see how I do that in learning Japanese, I learn it through context. I have a harder time learning via a dry book than I do through reading a book and then seeing it in action something - especially when people communicate a lot with non-verbal stuff that adds to the words.
im referencing the language stuff but im finding it really useful in everything like, i dunno, i used to always hate the idea of trying to do what other people do because it felt artificial to just cut and paste a habit or skill without knowing what went into it and why but the brain is really pretty powerful im startin to realize if i just try something with motor and tactile sensation, i get a lot of processing power to gauge how and why it works or doesn't and i'm not just blindly accepting that it works it's a lot of thought and consideration, but it's the peaceful kind of thought and consideration, the calm energy, not the frantic anxiety of "oh wtf how do i do this i gotta figure it out"
I had a hard time learning that some people make jokes that aren't actually jokes, its just people awkwardly laughing with each other. the small talk people make can be utterly confusing to me sometimes when it has no real purpose - I'm too focused on delivery specific thing that I have hard time just talking socially I mean I can do it but only after I know the person. I certainly feel a huge different in thinking every so often like my brain being noisy but only when I realise its now quiet and calm in my head - its one of the reasons hearing you Kirara talk about the stuff you take to calm down sounds so appealing to me.
did you check out valerian root yet it's still my mainstay for quieting the noise in my head
>>564515 I haven't I should, I'll see if I can order some online, do you know if it has any complications with other medication?
yeah, you shouldn't take it with alcohol or benzodiazepines you'll be extra sleepy if you take it with antihistamines if you take anything else to sleep like trazadone it could have an interaction nothing really dangerous though unless you were to take it when drinking really heavily, but that's already dangerous anyway can cause some stomach cramps if you're taking anything that's making your tummy sensitive
I have some medication thats pretty heavy on my liver but otherwise it's fine. I'll just have to be careful with what I take
it's broken down by the liver, but everything is that's the liver's job you could ask your pharmacist
yeah ive abused mine for way too long hopefully it'll recover
>>564521 I'm sure you will. my liver is a bit battered because of medication and my irregular eating - I eat so little that I cause excess bile and it gave me a bit jaudice a while ago.
That actually sounds interesting, I wonder how it would taste. crunchy texture and that organ taste
Recently my narcolepsy has returned, I have a hard time not nodding off randomly when I'm out on the train, bus or just sitting down reading something
Do you ever fall asleep and miss your stops?
>>564526 Not really its not really sleep its like microsleeps that last a couple minutes and suddenly wake up in panic and try and wake myself properly.
>>564527 that sounds really uncomfortably disorienting
>>564525 A side effect of missing the desert, no doubt. Have you seen a doctor yet? Are you eating enough?
>>564527 that sounds similar to what i experience sometimes while working granted im in an overstimulated and underslept mode at those times, so it's probably more natural here
>>564528 It is pretty uncomfortable but I'm used it I've had it before but it stopped a while and now it's randomly back. >>564529 The desert in my dreams is calling to me! I'm going to a doctor in about 4 hours today, I have a blood test results consulation which means they found something because they've told me before that they never get back to you if your bloods show all clear. which is gonna be fun to see. I had a few days of bad eating where I forgot to eat, I need to take more control over my timing for things. I got used to working and being told to go on lunch break. >>564530 I get it whenever I'm sitting mostly, i've only had it happen once when walking which was years ago and that was actually scary - it doesn't even matter if I am focusing either. I was reading a book and I suddenly nodded off when I was trying to concentrate on the book.
>>564532 I hope so too. its a gamble depending on what doctor I get they can either be considerate or minute managing and wanting to throw you out in seconds type
oh, we just have, like, three main semesters spring, fall, and summer and summer is broken up into summer 1 and summer 2 some classes go all summer and some are just half of the summer
we get like December 1 to January 10th off or something that's my only break from school every year
im gonna spend a lot of time in the desert this winter since my dad's moving to the desert
can i hang out with you and your dad
Kirara 🚗
probably he's cool
idk if i wanna be in michigan during the winter it's gonna be so cold what if i have an event and die
>>564555 A Winter desert sounds pretty interesting even though I like the cold I have lot of difficulty surviving the cold. my house is so cold recently. I've need to keep the heating on.
i keep browsing for employment positions and start seeing things that look good and then i realize once again that they're all direct deposit only payments and i remember that i have no bank account it's so fucked
Kirara 🚗
can you open a bank account if someone opens it with you?
no idea i owe USBank money after a series of predatory readjustments to the timeline of transactions it's a complaint for another time i shouldn't whinge about that but i think i'm flagged as "don't open an account for this individual" maybe a credit union, but my credit's so shit too
Kirara 🚗
it's worth a try isn't it?
what, opening an account with someone? i have nobody i can't even get to a bank if i wanted to try
That really sucks. if you could get a paypal deposit it'd be easier.
Kirara 🚗
>>564566 or a credit union or something can't direct deposit go into a paypal, too?
>>564568 i dont think so maybe it can to my business debit, but paypal still thinks i have an attached bank account and they dont know it's been closed i'd be worried that the authentication for enrolling in their direct deposit might cause that to be noticed and my paypal account will be restricted i think i gotta take my anxiety meds im losin my shit
Kirara 🚗
why do you have your closed bank account still linked? google says you can do direct deposit with your paypal
you can't move your funds out of paypal without any linked external funding source before you add one, your account can receive money but can't do anything until it's verified if it's removed, the account becomes unverified again and you have to attach a new funding source in your name at least that's how it was at one time, may not be anymore
Kirara 🚗
you can apparently just get a paypal debit card and use paypal as your bank now without anything attached to it that's what im getting from the paypal FAQ at least it might be worth looking into at least
Kirara 🚗
there's a cape verde hurricane forming rip the sahara could only protect us for so long