Hah hah hah. This is such a yamato damashi kind of thing.
This guy knows how to turn his back on a snake.
Okay he's also a snake himself though.
Both Jinzaburou and the white-haired guy have a feeling what's up.
war !!!
It's been war since episode one, Ika.
i started reading the hanebado manga early on it's really differnet so far it feels way more light-hearted and gay there's no real edge moments (yet) maybe one single page so far out of like 10 chapters
>>563856 Yeah, I peeked into some threads about the show and that came up. And also that some characters have been merged together, minor ones though, no one that we've had a lot of time with. People seem kind of split on the adaptation.
I guess Ainz isn't above toying with low-level mortals.
Ah that's a fail on his bluff. Ainz was expecting one of his old friends of the guild to be who the guy was talking about. But someone of his old guild would have called him by Momom.
Hah hah hah Shalltear
Naked Ainz is kind of a weird sight.
I don't get it why did he tell them to cover their ears he wasn't even talking was he
I mean he could have thought it but he did say it outloud. He was bitching about Demiurge's plan, when all of the guardians of Nazarick think it was Demiurge simply predicting what Ainz wanted all along. If they were to hear him whining like that it would put a potential dent in the sheer faith Nazarick has in Ainz.
>>563864 i dunno it felt odd he could've just thought htat internally instead of complaining to randoms
Well I kind of agree. But some times it's nice to just complain outloud to total strangers, eh.
They thought they had that one in the bag just then. It must be laughable to Ainz.
>Death is a mercy that spares you from suffering From what we've seen so far, that's pretty accurate at least.
so evil
Yeah I thought it was something like this.
The original web novels for Overlord had quite a bit of detail for what happened to those four that fought Ainz.
The two that Ainz paralyzed get dragged off to be used as breeding nests for countless insects, perpetually spilling out of their bodies until they are nothing but withered, but still living, husks. Ainz runs the experiments on the religious guy like he said he would until that runs its course, after which he becomes a magic scroll dispenser for Nazarick, effectively. The last girl with the special eyes becomes Shalltear's sex toy and without the money, her parents sell her sisters into child slavery.
I thought the flying girl would be the only one to live
Well I expected the sky above the colloseum to be a fake. They've talked about it being on a floor of the tomb before, and the thing about tomb floors is that they tend to be subterranean.
>>563873 the web novel isn't the same as the light novel is it
They're not, but I don't think the fates of those four differ too much. The writing might be a little less horrifying, but I believe the end result is fairly similar.
Oh Ainz is moving out into the public for the first time now. At least, public more than some podunk backwater town and amongst Lizard people.
Well, getting attacked, even by losers is a problem for him. Since he's still paranoid about unknown items.
chuukan! okay lets start!
Sure, but don't forget that he (as Momon) sponsored and hired them all for the raid on Nazarick. This is all just a play to make the name Nazarick big and scary on the world stage. As well as get some valuable experiment subjects.
choo choo
Oh I know this feeling of submitting and waiting. And waiting. And waiting.
I wonder if Tonegawa is going to get another black suit to replace Ebitani. The funnier course of action would be for Ebitani to try and reapply through this process, but two Ebitani episodes back to back probably wouldn't happen.