>>562291 damn that's fucking wild Why'd they shoot him?
>>562294 Madman I hope he's able to find the shooter again so he can finish what he was trying to say
jesus dude
>>562292 I'm not sure they were just robbing him but he's the kind of guy who would talk shit to soomebody that's pointing a gun at him that's probably got something to do with it
>>562292 if he finds them again he is probably just going to shoot them tbh
So when your 7/11 gets robbed do you just hand over the money Or is there a cops button under the desk that you press
>>562297 Are they at least polite about it Even if you're pointing a gun at someone you can still say please
all of the above
>>562296 that really depends on the robber my friend got robbed by a young couple that were apologizing to him while they robbed him i got robbed and the guy was really fidgety and nervous and he pistol whipped me because he thoughti was going too slow lol
>>562298 >pistol whipped me Now that's just being a dick There's just no need >got robbed by a young couple that were apologising while they robbed him I found something oddly comforting about hearing that. I bet they have an interesting story That's a class act How often do you get robbed? This is fascinating to me since I've never seen a robbery
>>562299 i think he was either on something or was doing it as initiation or some shit he seemed way too nervous to be a hardened criminal it didn't hurt that bad anyway it just left a bruise and yeah the couple seemed interesting, i wonder what made them do it
the store i work at has been robbed 3 times in the last year
>>562311 I'd like to imagine they really needed the money for life saving medicine or something noble like that >seemed way too nervous to be a hardened criminal I bet he just pistolwhipped you to appear more intimidating. What a tryhard
yeah it has native steam integration and a lot of newer games detect it automatically for older games it uses directinput so if your game has directinput support it will work too. i use mine on PC all the time
i'd probably recommend it as my go to choice for a universal controller my only complaint is the price is still pretty steep
I might pick one up when I've got money eventually. I've got a bunch of PC games that could really use a controller.
heartburn so bad every single night i can't even function just feel like im dying constantly never had heartburn issues before like this i wonder why now lots of gagging and nausea too maybe i accidentally a pregant
been to a doctor for the burns?
don't you think that's a good idea if you get it repeatedly?
Is heartburn where the back of your throat feels kind of like it's being burned by bile. I get that fairly often in the mornings after eating something for breakfast.
>>562466 that's what I was afraid of if it turns into something (more) serious it could be even more difficult in the future it might be good for you mentally and physically to have it checked out right now than down the line if it keeps up like this
well if I have enough money left at the end of the year and the university lets me defer again there's a good chance I will come to America. and I'll say it to your face then cunt
Kirara 🚗
you'll forget by then
nah. i've got a good brain for shitposting.
Kirara 🚗
then ill forget, bitch
imas will break your brain
Kirara 🚗
imats DESTROYS australian brain under the wheel of logic
>>562505 after sorting this is number 10 >>562506 there's a quest that may or may not actually appear in the bar that involves talking to the medium in the village after a bit.
haha what the fuck why are they taunting everyone suddenly?
Kirara 🚗
it's a new business strategy wendys discovered that consumers are masochists and want to be put down by brands, and a lot of other brands have since adopted that
I feel like there's a difference in how it's applied, tho
Kirara 🚗
you filthy worm. you maggot. you want burger? beg for it. kiss my feet you whelp. you want this borger don't you? what are you waiting for. you filthy fucking poor.
you want a french fry you insolent insect? eat it off the ground like the dog you are. roll in the mud you are nothing but a pile of filth. $7.99 for a combo meal. beg for it. tell me what you want you insignificant troglodyte
>>562580 does mmd have a physics engine for boob jiggles or do they have to animate them all themselves?
>so tell me why are you majoring in physics and coding? >boob jiggle development
knowing japan they probably have one, but I wouldn't know also the hair physics seem to be fairly hard to do, since they look pretty horrible in the videos
>>562582 Yeah mmd hair physics are usually all over the place
>>562586 It's just the most apparent course of action Bag comes through slot, so arm goes up slot
Kirara 🚗
yeah same always arm in the slot i got high DEX
all the machines I've seen don't allow you to stick your arm up there, so I'd just get help
Kirara 🚗
i can usually get stuff on the bottom row without paying by sticking my hand in the slot i don't do it though bc the bottom row is always just gum and it's easier to pay a dollar
You know what gives me a thrill When you buy food and they give you two of it for the price of one and you don't remind them of their mistake so they can fix it
I accidentally broke a pack of coke the other night so I took some of it home It // it turns I picked up the wrong delivery pack anyway and that there was no way I could deliver it anyway so I guess nbd
yeah like four 16gb USBs good shit i didn't get paid to be working there and my tuition was supposed to go towards a supplies fee at the clinic but we were constantly denied supplies like all supplies
Damn The software project I'm planning might not be able to be licensed the way I want it to. I don't want people to be able to make derivative works without providing the source code, but the license of most of the code of the software project I'm spinning it off of does not require that. Nvm I'm being retarded The fuck licenses *cuck licenses allow you to relicense under a more "free" license.
And by "free" I mean licenses that require you to make source code of derivative works available.
Getting back into MonHun World after taking a bit of a break. And GU comes tomorrow as well, hah hah. It's a good thing they're fairly different games.
>Two Legiana Plates drop in one hunt I'm not even collecting these in particular, of course. Guess I might have some things I can make with them though.
I want to play MonHun, but I'm hooked on WoW again.
Shit, they gave me thirty Hard Armor Spheres for free for some ten million celebration. That's a lot of points at this point in the game for me, hah hah.
Console or PC?
I'm on PC, no clue about console.
Shame my PC died and I had to downgrade. Though MonHun doesn't look too crazy graphically.
It can be a little intensive, and results can vary depending on your set-up. I've heard a lot of people with GTX 1080s have had a bit of grief with the settings on max, but I've had almost no frame issues running 60FPS on my 1070. And others get pretty good results after some setting tinkering on older cards.
>>562639 Yeah, that might be a bit old for MonHun. At the least, I think the minimum settings recommend a card in the 7xx region?
fish texted me a little today she says she can't call me bc she has bad laryngitis apparently she might have to do some vocal/voice therapy or something
Is the actual illness getting better at least?
Kirara 🚗
oh, images are dead
yeah they're doing some kind of magical experimental antibiotic regiment that you gotta be rich to get or whatever those places do she says the doctors say she's getting better at least
Oh I should have expected there to be a Rathalos here. I don't think my armor's suited to fighting one.
>>562670 That's good to hear. It's scary a bit to think about having to do voice therapy for recovery, but that's at least something less scary than still being entrapped by the illness.
Kirara 🚗
i think some physical therapy too since she's basically been in a hospital bed for 4 months idk a lot about atrophy speed but i imagine four months is a lot she said she lost weight from it (jokingly) so i guess she's staying positive
Positivity is good! I'd been thinking about stuff like that too. Being bedridden for four months is probably gonna really mess with your muscles/muscle memory.
Somewhere along the way I've fought enough Odogarons to easily make the full armor set. I don't even like this fight, why have I done it so many times.
My friend loaned me a wooden ball distentanglement puzzle that I'm like 79% certain is unsolvable.
Kirara 🚗
>>562676 that set has some awesome parts the HR one does at least the coil is really good im gonna replace it with behemoth's though
>>562675 yeah im worried it'll be hard for her to get around and be comfortable when she can come home especially if im not home due to school and stuff i only have like 20 hours of work at the clinic and 6 hours of classes so maybe it'll be alright i do most of my work from home this semester
Kirara 🚗
holy shit streets of rage 4
I don't think I've played any of that series before. Looks like a good AESTHETIC though.
Kirara 🚗
it's a pretty cool series but it's been dead almost as long as ive been alive
i feel like anything i take to curb alcohol cravings makes it even less endurable after it wears off than just having nothing and enduring in the first place havin a hard time
Kirara 🚗
what are you taking the only thing that i know that helps is kratom
yeah, kratom or 5-htp or things like that i don't crave it at all when i'm on adderall, but i do with cigarettes sometimes and adderall makes me want cigarettes
Oh I see images are not working. Let me fix that real fast.
I figured out the puzzle. It's missing a piece so there's nothing to solve. It's this but without the ring. >NOTE that sometimes a puzzle is missing the traveler ring and so folks think the objective is to remove the cord itself. This cannot be done. From a puzzle website.
Either a) He wanted to use it as an opportunity to scare me into marriage b) He doesn't think I ever intend to marry her and am just fucking around with his daughter
I'm not the kind of person that just cuts people! Cutting people is really drastic. And you shouldn't use a knife on someone unless you're going all the way with them, and you shouldn't just kill people for slighting you!
But yes, my knife is really cool. It has a switch that opens it.
Kirara 🚗
i don't carry that 5 inch knife i showed you (because it's super illegal to carry that without a concealed carry permit)
>>562730 if it's concealed how's anyone gonna know
The problem is that if I use it, it's no longer concealed, even if I use it for self-defense, which puts me and my life at risk. If I get pulled over or something and a cop searches me and finds it, I'll get in trouble.
A knife only has practical use in very few situations, and usually only for intimidation, so a pocket knife will serve that purpose just as well and is also easier to carry and doesn't put me at risk for going to prison.
That aside, violence isn't really a good way to solve problems. At least, excessive violence isn't. Hitting someone and using a knife are on completely different levels.
Hitting someone who caused me as much distress as Fishdad did is on-brand for me because I'm a character whose prone to outbursts of passion, but I'm also very loving and gentle, so I don't want to hurt anyone significantly.
>>562733 Just hit him with the handle of the knife then
I don't usually get allergies that I have to use steroids for, but sometimes I get anaphylaxis and I have to monitor that with epinephrine and stuff, which can cause a fatal change in my blood pressure thanks to my heart medication. So then I have to monitor myself for a stroke and for biphasic anaphylaxis.
Luckily I'm good at not getting exposed to allergens.
woke up at 3am to do my work by noon, but the work files were corrupted so i had to request the originals be sent to me instead of the transcoded versions, which i received by like 3 pm so i had to wait 12 hours to start my eight hour work day, but because it was evening time and it was something important i had to do it in five hours bleh wasted a big chunk of my day it's ok that because when i woke up at 3am i had heartburn and chest pains so bad i wouldn't have been able to work anyway
If they weren't cancer, that presentation would have made me sympathetic. It really isn't fair that they have to die just becayse they were born wrong.
this is probably best girl second best girl is macrophage
The whole allergy debacle was hilarious. Plus a semi-accurate demonstration of how your body shoots itself in the foot trying to get rid of some mostly harmless invaders.
you know you live in the good part of town when somebody gets knocked the fuck out and lies there until they wake up and nobody calls the cops or even an ambulance
>>562787 It's only polite to not wake people up while they're sleeping
That's pretty fucked. Did you know the person?
>>562788 kind of he's a penniless drunkard that buys malt liquor at my store when he actually has two dollars i can't imagine why someone would get into a fight with the guy though he's pretty harmless
Maybe they were the kind of person that would pick a fight with the mostly harmless.
>>562789 maybe that's why they got into a fight with him Maybe they're bullies
hey, what's the name of this thing they do at like 1:06 >>>/watch?v=C_QsPuKtI3M that thing where they flip a bunch of images through in quick succession like that i know there's a name for what that's called but i can't think of it not a montage but something like that
i suppose it is, but i mean a noun there's like a name for that particular thing i wish i could think of it because i want to do a search for them but i know searching something like "rapidly flashing images" is just going to give me epilepsy-tier stuff and that's not at all what i want
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
Evening, Samu.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
hello there
what up sammy
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
there is a loud person very upset outside being attended to by the police
a mosquito is somewhere in this dark room
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
the police have left and she is still out there
shouting a phone number over and over and demanding someone call it
that's why i will face god and walk backwards into hell
Kirara 🚗
some bitch did a gofunme to raise $400k for a homeless vet and then took all the money for herself and her boyfriend and now that people are calling her on her shit, she's sobbing and bitching about how unfair it is because she's afraid she'll lose her job over it
Kirara 🚗
he spent his last $20 to help the girl and she did a gofundme to show her appreciation and then kept the money
Kirara 🚗
"giving him all that money, it's never going to happen. i'll burn it in front of him" -actual literal verbatim quote from that whore
what a duplicitous dingo
Waow Already heard about that though, didn't hear the quote though
God cast out lucifer for being a furry. Now he's called lucifur
seems like he got a camper and 25k out of the 400k and rest they kept seems like greed upheald his dirty head
will be interesting how the story unfolds, their "he is an addict" clause seems quite baseless >>562928 yeah he is homeless again one article i found had him admit having received 25k and then giving mpst of it away to family abd driends and using part of it himself
Kirara 🚗
well, that's what the people say, but he is telling a different story he was given use of the camper but he doesn't own it and it seems like he's not in it anymore i don't think he was given a vehicle but they put it in their names and then sold it
he says he wasn't even given the $25k apparently
Kirara 🚗
oh, i think i read that, too, now that i think about it and he said he spends about $15 a day on painkillers to help with withdrawal
>>562929 there ,ight be stuff we don't know about but the couples actions aren't really representing their case well >is sll in savings accoint he'll get it when he is clean and employed sohow he supposed to do that homeless and broke?
>>562937 Addiction is incredibly expensive. It takes a lot of money just to function at a fraction of your maximum power once you're addicted. I probably wouldn't have been able to afford my bills if Fish hadn't been living here, around October 2016. My rent was fine, but I wouldn't have been able to afford food or my electricity or water bill, probably.
400$ in a month is a lot but at the same time Do you know how much easier it is to do things when you've got $400k in your hands. To hold money back from him on a conditional basis sounds like fraud though. If that wasn't in the description of the Fund page, which I doubt it was, then yeah, that's just failure to deliver
Ohio Blue
also 400k from just 14k people quite incredible
>>562940 also bobbit doesn~t seem to have agreed on any terms like that
is that the one with the anime this season where two girls summon some demon and he makes them his slaves
man I wish that was my life
Kirara 🚗
you want to be a demon's slave?
>>562955 They summon a dude as his mmo character and try to enslave him but he has an item that reflects magic so the enslavement magic hits them instead Also he's too nervous to talk to girls so he roleplays his character from the mmo.
oh maybe it would work then let's see some of the other ideas were
landlords chasing people??? zombies of people that can't afford health care a guy in a suit handing out flyers with his health care plan which is "die quickly" a date with a libertarian guy who drones on about the blockchain hillary clinton's phantom midwest campaign
You gotta go FULL Japanese Cultural Festival and have a piece on Konjac or whatever it is fall on someone and then when they take it off of them it just says "Your rent is due"
>>562977 wow that health plan sounds even more affordable than mine
A hall of FOMO where all your Facebook friends are posting pictures of their lavish vacations and weddings and stacks of cash and you're just standing there like shit I gotta do all this work I mean, I'm sure it'd be hard for you to set this up but like... imagine that cubicle thing and you have to sit at the chair and once you sit on it, all those photos just pop up and you gotta feel that crushing weight of not having fun and trapped in the monotonous.
>>562983 after ten minutes let them sit down for a break then tell them to stand up five seconds later time is money
Kirara 🚗
>>562983 nice and we can sell the stuff they make too
Kirara 🚗
>>562985 hmm we could have multiple cubicles and the "boss" could lead everyone to individual cubicles and then they have to go through the pictures and listen to the boss
and then the boss takes everyone into a meeting room and puts on a slideshow with vacation pictures and talks about how his vacation sucked because of poor people and then talks about his broken yacht
>>562987 make them produce those t-shirts you've been wanting two stones, one bird
I really want to do this. Haunted House of Capitalism Nothing particularly graphic like THE CASUALTIES OF CAPITALISM but just lots and lots of surreal sadness >mogra is finishing this soon wow
The Hall of Doors Opportunity is often seen as a door. It opens. It closes. Who's doing it? God? An invisible hand? Don't get lost in those thoughts or you might find yourself lost in the maze.
A space where you can get trapped. That'll probably be a bad idea... you don't want people to panic.
>a door that leads to success >they ask for a degree to pass through it >go through a door that says "get a degree here" >leads to another opportunity door, this time they ask for experience in the field to pass through >go through "experience in the field door" >this time they say you are too old to start in this field
maybe turn it into a game where there are plaques that say what's happening so no matter which way you go, it represents actual life events and in the end you die poor anyway
if you have a corporate cubicle part, that would be fun to have some sort of "scoring" mechanic in it if you score below average you get fired if you score above average you get over time
overlord s3 op is damn good >>563043 oh yeah https://areena.yle.fi/tv for tax sponsored media, might have english subs on some content
It's very silly.
I love it as well especially the part where they laugh
yeah the everything can be eaten'
the s2 one was just kinda boring it wasn't a good OP visually or in terms of song
Season two ED is probably my favourite song out of the series so far.
yeah that aws damn good
Season three's is pretty damn solid too though.
but every Op hs been myth&roid so it is fun to see their musical variety >>563054 well s2 covered 3 of the WORST novels so far
it did a lot of world building in those but damn were there some DULL characters
I found S2 quite boring there was some nice parts like Sebas fighting and the short thing at the lizards but I really couldn't care about the white lizard fucking the other dude and shit
the lizard war was fun, but the lizardmen were boring s3 covers some of the best parts I guess s4 will be the empire arc, dwarf arc and maybe they can push the 2 part that the current novels are doing who knows so far each season has done 3 novels
which is about standard in terms of LN adaption, one season of anime -> 3 novels
I'd say it ranges 2-3. I think three novels is where they kind of have to start picking things to cut out, which in itself isn't bad because novels can have some excess meat. But some times you get a dumbass director that cuts shit poorly because he's got a character bias or something.
depends on media haruhi did about 2 per season
>>563060 In terms of overlord, they just cut the internal chatter and descriptions, cause VISUAL MEDIA you don't need narrations when you can show and the show does it quite well
Yeah, like I said, novels have some excess that you can cut for adaptations. I still think the actual sweet spot for faithful adaptation is somewhere in between two and three novels to a season though. But you can't really often adapt halfway through a novel, that just looks dumb.
liek this scene in episode 8 between ainz and the adventurers this part REALLY suffers from not having Ainz' internal thoughts
>>563063 yeah 2-3 some do 4 which just SHOWS and that is where my usual scepticism towards LN adaptions comes from the studio having too much stuff in a 12 episode series
Yeah, there was a show from a bit back, something something Akashic Records, that did like five or six volumes of novel in a single season. The show was fun, but things really began to feel compressed by the end.
man I lvoe the VA for ainz though
>>563047 that's pretty legit although I dunno if I have enough time in the day to watch a bunch of extra television
yeah I don't recall it fully since I only eyed it over, but it was something like they spared her and shalltear slowly made her beg to be fucked by her and then ainz was all "WHY WRE MY CLANMATES SO SICK" and went "go ahead yuri rape her"
the Ainz Own Goal clan consists of some fucked up people
so far about the only normals are ainz and the was it touchme
man the original one was really uhm morally more good than the novel one *original web novel it had the whole 3 sisters being employed and taken care by nazarick even if the oldest sister becomes shalltear's sextoy
Novel one... sister is killed, younger sisters are sold into slavery by their parents to pay their debts
seems like anime didn't go there
not yet at least maybe they'll show it later, though it seems like they moved on from the workers in the tomb bit towards that empire stuff
yeah i kinda doubt that is somethign they want to show on tcv child slavery
good episode good grub adding the spices that acme with the instant noodles was bit too much, but what else would I use them for? Throwing them away would be waste of money and they don't really go with anything else either
barrel cactus you may think there's loot inside because it says barrel. but it's full of spiders.
Going back to two-star quests to cap a Great Jagras because I never bothered any my weapons don't have the finesse for this anymore/
that game reminds me of that emm Slime game grey goo game where you play as a tiny grey goo slime that keeps eating things and growing untill it eats the entire universe
Kirara 🚗
do not try to wash cotton candy in the pool. this tip will save your life.
>Donut County is a story-based physics puzzle game where you play as an ever-growing hole in the ground. Meet cute characters, steal their trash, and throw them in a hole. I like the description
bunny (brown) bunnies love to chew on stuff because of their evil nature. bunny (gray) bunnies want to destroy everything and they don't know why baby bunny: cute, but i will not be fooled
Man that raccoon hates rabbits.
Kirara 🚗
plant pot: if you put seeds inside and water it every day, it's still boring
I've been waiting on being able to get a huge-ass memory card before I start getting digital Switch games. Would be too much of a pain to have to swap stuff out once it fills up. Though that might change when they finally get around to releasing Animal Crossing on Switch. That's the kind of game that really benefits from being able to pop open whenever and not have to find the cartridge for.
Kirara 🚗
trash can: needs no introduction. the gold standard.
>>563168 how much memory is an average switch game?
No cluem -clue, hah hah. Nintendo offers physical cartridges for people that want to release hard copies in a variety of storage sizes too, so it's not like there's a hard cap to judge by, or a consistent one at least. I would assume most decent-size games would run anywhere between 4-16GBs of storage space. It really just depends on how many textures and how high-detail they are.
I think 14GB might actually be the upper bounds, yeah. It's -It sounds familiar.
Kirara 🚗
i have 16.4gb free on my microSD and 25.8gb of onboard storage left
Honestly I'd probaby still opt for hard copies in most cases. I like having them like that. But for stuff like indie games and things like Animal Crossing, having them on digital access would be fine.
>the white cell in hatasaibou sounds familiar >go check roles >voiced PAIN in naruto makes sense
watching oan get really really uappy at the sea lion show was really great
Kirara 🚗
that's where you recognize him from?
>>563191 check my play history on steam and it makes sense
Kirara 🚗
he's super big time fuckin amagami, another, death billiards and its series that spawned from it world trigger log horizon i think he was in tsurezure children he was in ACCA if i remember right he was in like four shows last season
there is actually a large amount of A-lister voice ctors in this >>563193 past weekend I heard that guy shout SHINRA TENSEI like 40 times in 2 days so...
Kirara 🚗
that show has kanahana, maeno, daisuke ono sakurai MAO fuckin sugita
and these bacteria are voiced by damn I guess first that comes to mind is the Crimson Alchemist from FMA
But you know when you go "I know this vocie and I know this from something REALLY recent like something I heard yesterday2 and go over the roles and then come across that specific one
yeah of course you mention that
Kirara 🚗
akira motherfucking ishida
also bacteria bleed?
Kirara 🚗
it's got kikuko inoue too it's a show with nothing but legendary voice actors
always 17
so where is Nakata and wakamoto?
Kirara 🚗
nakata jouji isn't do anything in 2018 i dont think or he might be working on a movie or something?
I guess he is having a voice over/narration year only
Kirara 🚗
he usually just cosplays and posts pictures on twitter right now
MM and gotta remember jap companies love those "you can only work for us" contracts etc that are practically illegal everywhere else
also a hana kana role where she isn't meak girl
HanaKana's playing a yandere lesbian psychopath this season. She's doing a pretty good job of it.
oh she voices the main girl in sugar thing
There's already nine pages of DLC quests in GU. The game came out today. Did they just throw in localized versions of the DLC quests that were already out in Japan?
platelet donations are used in extreme cases , during surgeries and for cancer patients usually helps the medical world, that they don't need to go out of their way to separate the blood into its parts afterall quite rarely nowadays, do they give you the whole blood aside from emergencies, but a mixture of the stuff
Kirara 🚗
i can probably give blood now that i'm a healthy weight
you need to be atleast 75kg to platelet, though dunno about USA but if red cross they apply same rules
so whait whenever I donate blood these guys get pulled into a machine that then spins super fast that it separates the blood into its separate parts filters the lolis out of it and then pumps everyone else back into me
OH That reminds me Apparently, the thing in Hataraku Saibou where different bacteria cooperate to infiltrate the body isn't untrue
I heard on the radio about how some recent discovery has shown that some bacteria\viruses will work together, clump together covered in fat, and circumvent the immune system to some extent
>>563261 well it isn't really "co-operate" but rather they don't instinctively/aren't programmed to eat eachother
Kirara 🚗
it's cooperation even if they don't have an intention to do so they evolved in a way that allows them to cooperate in the same way birds can cooperate with hippos
I think they get gobbled up partly and discarded if they are left outside
so basically good part of those, especially the two main characters would have become the scab that dries and flakes off eventually or more realistically, gets scatched off
Kirara 🚗
well they're on the inside the scab is on the outside
it gets pushed outside as the healing process begins
Yeah it's like if they start building on top of the cells in that image
and since they were at the very bottom of the pile...
I wonder if the new dbz game what was it called fighterZ? is good
Kirara 🚗
people say it is at least
xenoverse 1 was meh in terms of combat but the story was fun xeno2 didn't really do anythign but basically rehash the story of the first one, but the gameplay was much better also to be able to play as YOUR dbz character makes it that much more entertaining
btw our agreed headcanon of killing floors, is that the player characters are just tripping balls high on drugs and are actually killing random homeless people
I used to have a cactus, but then it suddenly over grew thrice into its normal size and got cut by its own weight on the base it was an off shoot from some 30 year old cactus my brother has his off shoot still laive and it has started to give out off shoots too so I might get a cactus of that family again in my house soon and since cacti breed by cloning I will essentially have a 30+ year old cactus
>>563353 yeah that is the average household speed here when you buy a contract nowadays
I however can't get a physical internet faster than 20/1 because of shitty cables so I don't really see any point in paying for phone and internet thatb oth use 3g *4g
Hmm last time I had a contract under my name it was 100/10 for was it 29€ a month >>563359 maybe 25€ month the paradox of "you pay for a shitty old time connection as much as you would pay for a glassfibre interwebs"
actually last time I checked most companies DON'T even offer me physical connecjted internets because they CAN'T provide me with service levels, that are acceptable by our customer protection agency
Kirara 🚗
i actually have the best possible plan it's not offered anymore now you can't get my speed unless you pay $100 a month it also comes with cable and phone i haven't had to get rid of my old plan so i keep it even though they don't offer it anymore
>>563366 The legacy plans are amusing at times one ofm y bosses told me of a friend he had, who had some legacy contract for a phone from god knows when soemthing like 8€ a month for quite minimal services but as years go by, the MINIMUM amount of service required for the companies go up so by now he has something like "10gb a month unlimited speed" in the contract, despite never signign up for it the price remains, the terms change, but always for the better
HEre, getting "married" to a contract is never a good idea the service level for the same price just keeps increasing, so keeping the same contract running isn't advicable
though I think we are runningi nto plain old infrastructure and technology limiter by now 5G just isn't getting here fast enough, and at a viable price though I bet by 2025 we have nation wide 5G, atleast in terms of large population centres
Kirara 🚗
when i move out west i will probably have even worse speeds than i do now
yeah but he won't be once i move out west in like two years
who knows maybe he has become a resident here
Kirara 🚗
can you really just move to finland they don't have like, something that says like "you must be at least 50% snow to live here" or anything
Geez fucking louise. Less than two or three weeks before the term starts, and my university waitlist finally came through. Just in the nick of time, hah hah hah.
>>563376 yeah there are quite strict requirements but they aren't that hard to pass just obey the law, get a job, pay taxes, learn the language and that is pretty much it
>>563379 orrrr you can move out west with me and we can have a forest mountain commune and chop wood and climb mountains and hunt with bows and spears it'll be great!
Hmm but buying a plot of land isn't that expensive here either and with a generator, some diesel and solar panels you could run electricity whenever you need it
>>563397 considering that good many of those dance moves in the game are ACTUAL dancem oves so... isn't it actually just a dance class of con... wht the fuck is the word contemporate dance moves
>>563397 yeah seriously who cares if some kids are having fun dancing wtf they're kids, this is probably so much fun for them
Kirara 🚗
>>563398 yeah like these aren't even "fortnite" dances even if the dances are in fortnite and they're fun dances too
Though I saw the hand waving thing from that vine thing fuck what is it called, you see it in those cosplay thigns all the time
>>563395 Should be this upcoming semester, yeah. I might have some complications getting into classes because of how close it is to the start of the semester, but at the same time, some of the stuff I took in night school earlier this year might be transferrable forwards, cutting my course load a bit.
some lady on the transcription forums was complaining about how her son's behavior has started becoming really toxic since playing fortnite and she didn't know what to do about it but wants to ban or limit his video game time pretty understandable, but it made me think quite a bit there's going to be toxic people in video games that you encounter but there are going to be toxic people in the real world too when you're grown up wouldn't it probably be good for kids to learn to navigate toxic and stressful terrain early on it's probably gonna make them less toxic later in life than more toxic vidya games are, i imagine, early exposure to some new life stresses rather than inherently a bad influence
i suggested, rather than ban the activity, to engage him on it and to have a talk about toxic behavior, but not to shut out his hobby or make him feel shamed for it
ah the "when you go out with your best mates" thing but unfortunately ALL THE VIDEOS GOTT AKEN DOWN BY WARNERBROS that are even relatively good seriously why take down and not monetize?
Kirara 🚗
>>563402 that's awesome going for your bachelor's now? or just associates for now?
>>563405 is still shame the power rangers movie sucked
i don't know anything about it other than memes and my 11 year old client told me that someone in the game invented the tactic of sniping someone and then hiding behind something and i thought that was really cute to be so young
>>563408 It's a full undergratuade program, I'd get a bachelor's at the end of it. Undergraduate even.
>>563406 I think this is good advice as someone who has been playing toxic video games online from early age and turned out okay
>>563413 damn dude that's some advanced tactics we should tell the military about that one
Just a simple English major for now. They offer a double major for English in both History or Philosophy, but I don't really know how enthusiastic I would be about hardcore studying either of those. There's also a Journalism major the university provides, I might see if I can transfer into that in a year or whatnot.
Alternatively if I do well here I might be able to press for acceptance at University of Toronto, which would be kind of nice. They're much more strict and spartan about their programs over there though. But it's the biggest university I can go to while still staying in the city.
man I still remember Tides of Blood vs Defense of the Ancient flamewars
>>563425 Journalism isn't a useless trade, even if traditional forms of journalism are >>563429 Man could you let me finish even the first sentence of what I'm writing before you interject in. I wasn't even leading this into a defensive stance.
Kirara 🚗
>>563422 i know you want to be a writer, but what kind of job are you planning to get? teaching or something?
>>563427 I am not saying it is useless or dead job, no need to get defensive
I am just wondering whatk ind of future it will face
one of the reasons I dropped out of education, cause I didn't see much future and got disilluisioned with our state-church to pursue priesthood
>>563428 Writing novels would probably be dream end, but the next best thing would be some kind of journlism or reporting gig that lets me travel the world. Being able to go places and write about them and get paid for it would be pretty satisfying.
I can't say I'm too fond of teaching, but I think I could do it. Maybe I could do one of those teach English in Asia jobs.
learn japan and teach english in japan
That would be the ideal, obviously, hah hah. But I'd be interested in plenty of other parts of Asia I've never had a chance to visit.
a tano is doing that rn
Kirara 🚗
>>563430 doing investigative reporting in like war zones and stuff would be really awesome
>>563430 there's a long list of writers who worked as english teachers before they made it big
anyhow going back to it, I do wonder what will happen tot he big media industry will they gobble up platforms liek youtube and make them into their private platforms
or will they adapt someway else or will that particular industry transform really much >>563437 yeah cause this
independent journalism/and similiar just beat them in almost everyway now
Kirara 🚗
they are dying right now social media is destroying them so many news aggregates are now hiding behind paywalls because it;s the only way they can stay afloat
>>563434 Yeah. I won't deny it's a little intimidating, but for my non-fiction course earlier this year we had to read Ryszard Kapuscinski's Shah of Shahs, entailing his experience of being in Iran during the overthrow of its last Shah. And that was a thoroughly enjoyable read. If I could produce something even marginally as good a piece as this, I could be happy.
some big organisations ofc will remain in the end, but quite many of the old media will die in the next few decades
gray vest with a purple tie HOW FASHION BLIND CAN YOU BE?
>>563438 but yeah this prods up a good point of some big news companies strenghts, ability to fund and operate foreign journalists and contacts the ability to have someone faraway on a site to gather information and collect it in some easy to digest format is a damn powerful ability it is afterall a quite treck to find out about some foreign big event on your own, compared to someone doing it for living and summing it up in an article and producing more content as the story develops
shouldn't we organise a kirara world tour to observe proper the effects of Crazy Train and see if it truly is so powerful as it seems, or if it is just Florida
>>563476 no the point is that you'd say it to a customer, but nobody else it is very basic response and also, due to language similiarities, sounds identical to "hej hej" which is swedish for the same thing
means bye bye btw
Mate I did 10 minutes of Anki flash cards this morning. I think I know how to speak Finnish
now what does that mean?
anteeksi en puho suomea
Kirara 🚗
probably means: fire, tree, house, car, apple, and "to do"
it is old word that used to mean same as "joo" which means yes, but nowadays is more of a "uhum"
Hey Kiraar and TN since you're here PAN reminded me or gave me an idea you should consider you can start with an adventurer tier magic item of your own design so long as it's relatively simple/weak and not busted
and "jaa" also means "to share"
I thought yes was kylla
yes, kyllä is yes but every word in english has prolly 20 synonyms in finnish
>>563520 she has good range, but gets casted in pretty much 3 roles if you ask me
Kirara 🚗
yeah that's how it is with anime for some reason everyone gets typecast
when will we get another Sakurai villain role his performance in Karasu was just so DAMN GOOD
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Takahiro right? He does Julius in FEH if that accounts for anything
Kirara 🚗
huh which sakurai is there other than takahiro
>>563506 steroids are already in our bodies in various forms we administer other steroids medically for a whole bunch of different reasons they're just things that regulate certain cellular functions, so there's a lot of different things different steroids can do
it's not like the same as the steroids that bodybuilders use to bulk up
i could make something like that and i'm a pretty amateur seamstress a grandma prolly been doin stuff like that for 40 years knittin socks for soldiers in the war as a teenage girl even
>>>/watch?v=FAnByxA-5Us but I think this demonstrates Ono singing best he isn't bad, but he isn't really made out to be a singer or just doesn't practice enough
Kirara 🚗
sugita, daisuke ono, fukujun, and tachibana shinnosuke
Ono is probably better with more folksy stuff. Or silly ridiculous things like the Kokkuri OP. The JPOP feel of most anison don't flatter his voice.
if he wanted to be a singer he would be a good one, justb ecause he has the voice for it but I don't think he does singing on his free time thatm uch
a singer for money afterall constantly sings even choir singers fucking sing daily for an hour or so
Kirara 🚗
it depends like his singing voice in sekkou boys and other singing roles where singing is a big part of it is usually good but in other things, he sings in character as some gruff dude that's basically just doing karaoke, and not as a singer
but kokkuri for example that has some autotune on it but dunno if it is to correct him or to get that j-pop feel
>>563571 and same goes here I actually think here the autotune is purely to get the J-pop feel
Kirara 🚗
yeah definitely for that one
casue >>563575 all of these guys can sing atleast on basic pro level
>>563581 Seems to vary. Some of them seem to overwork or suffer a lot of stress. Some times they seem to get ridiculously sick. There was that female seiyuu who even passed away a few years back.
I am not that good at picking autotune on female voices, though
That basically killed ALL future hidamari sketch seasons too I mean, no one can see a new season made without Yoshinoya sensei having the original voice
and here i thought the old man doing the principal's voice would die first
It looks like a super-rare virus infection. She died to the complications of it.
>>563590 I recall watching somewhat recentlyish her LAST anime
chihaya was best P5 girl i almost don't want to watch the anime knowing there's a different voice
I mean it's , from my understanding, a good adaptation, but not a particularly amazing one. If you've played through the game already there's not much to miss here.
>that is a bad omen >fu-kitsune interesting fu if I remember right means something like "evil wind" basically like miasma in terms of european concepts and then well kitsune is kitsune >>563603 nap that would be in general terms kaze
Kirara 🚗
i think fu just means wind
The kanji for wind is pronounced both kaze and fu depending on the circumstance.
Whenever I have seen "fu" it is usually like "evil wind" "foul wind" "toxic wind" and so on
Kirara 🚗
風 is fu and it means wind/breeze/etc >>563604 yeah
but still an interesting term fukitsune
Kirara 🚗
angolmois is supposed to be good, right?
It's been pretty good so far, yeah. Kind of like a Japanese historical drama but made into an anime.
noidea never heard
aah I misheard it "fukitsu" and then just the "nee" thing
japanese still is interesting in terms of etymology
but seriously this one is 100% an attack on titan cahracter
>>563613 I dunno if I'd say there's a lot, but battles are consistent. It's definitely more focused on the characters involved in defending Japan from the Mongolian invasion, but climaxes tend to involve some kind of battle.
I'm trying to avoid watching things with a lot of fighting right now. If Fish comes home and can't speak very much, it's better if we have stuff to watch that there isn't a lot to talk about with.
>>563618 Maybe check out the first episode yourself. If the ratio of fighting to not-fighting seems proper, I think that ratio remains fairly consistent throughout the show for the most part.
>>563642 before you got o bed and go see this ep this part and listen to the background music IT IS FUCKING 100% RIPPED FROM NAUSICAA
>>563642 it's a program isn't it i don't mean it in a bad way i just couldn't stick to it, i'm way too reactionary to schedule anything
Kirara 🚗
>>563644 no it's more like a point system i have a number of points i can use up every day and i just do whatever i want with those points but i try to get at least 1500 calories in because i lose weight otherwise
Recently when /moe/ threads get a bit long in the tooth, I've been noticing a fair bit of input lag when typing. It kind of throws my accuracy off a bit.
>>563645 oh that makes it a little more fun kind of feels resourceful then
Kirara 🚗
yeah, i like it trying to fit in a bunch of good stuff with my limited number of points