Thread #562792
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anime zura
Happy Sugar Life Harukana Receive Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku no Valkyria --Episode 4-8 Island Jashin-chan Dropkick Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 19-22 Kyoto Holmes --Episode 7-8 Ongaku Shoujo Satsuriku no Tenshi --Episode 6-8 Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight --Episode 5-7 Tsukumogami Kashimasu --Episode 3-6
moshi moshi imgay
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oh hey jan and everybody okay what do you watch jan? let me know if there's something on this list you don't watch, we'll sub it out satsuriku happy sugar life harukana recieve wait satsuriku happy sugar life island harukana recieve
i haven't seen a single episode of anything on that list except for island
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hmmm oaky kageki island harukana recieve jashin-chan harukana is about volleyball you can follow it the girls are cute
but if they're good i'll watch it anyways
Jashin and Starlight are good options I think. I 'm pretty sure Jan's watched some of Jashin.
yeah, i've been watching jashin-chan
More than volleyball it's about BEACHI VOLLEYBALL
>>562799 okay that works for me
>>562803 yeah but is it HOT BLOODED? that's what mattress
Not too hot-blooded, but it gets up there some times. The girls are pretty cute.
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What episode of kageki are we on?
Episode five, as it says clearly on the list.
looks like 5
>>562808 be nice she just woke up
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shoujo kageki 5 okay lets start1
hai hai kanpai
So this is how Attenae-chan sees the world, huh.
I think some of the OP visuals at the end changed.
>That light (Hikari) is cruel indeed Hmmmm
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Oh gosh how embarassing.
Oh no.
She's being kind of dangerous this episode.
This is some pretty groovy music.
Poor Karen.
They're just intruding on everyone else's fights now.
This sudden baseball theme is kind of out of nowhere.
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Mahiru is probably best girl.
Tendou is kind of weird.
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i like mahiru's voice she reminds me of judo from SYK i wonder if they're the same person
They don't have the same seiyuu, but Judo's seiyuu does have two roles in shows airing this season. She's Minos, the cow demon friend of Jashin in Dropkick, and she plays Manana in Chio-chan no Tsuugakurou.
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island okay lets start!
is land
I can't believe Yukarin is fucking dead.
i sland>>562830 ah she just has the same kind of squeaky moe
Oh wow Sara's poof upgraded something crazy in this weird future.
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That's now the only not the only poof that upgraded
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I guess this is some far future reincarnation of Sara. Considering there's a not-dead Rinne and some vagrant Karen.
I was kind of expecting some big turn of events and change-up of things when this series entered it's second act. But this has betrayed my expectations quite a bit. Oh a new OP.
>>562840 yeah i certainly didn't expect it
It's Never Island now!
What the hell happened to the world to make it death outside this island and this island into some weird dystopic religious slum.
He keeps getting beat up.
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Is she trying to seduce him for information?
Seems so. There isn't much there, but considering his tastes are Rinne, that might not be an issue.
Maybe this isn't the kind of outfit to be giving an argument like this with.
Oh, that's what made the world hell. Ice Age!
New ED too. They should have just made this a two-cour series and not rush through some of the arcs.
the church had secretly them killed. based crunchyroll, professional translators and typesetters
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harukana! okay lets start!
bitch volleyball
I guess the gaijin mom was an interim mom for Kanata after her mom died or whatnot.
I guess in Okinawa New Years is still an absurdly warm experience. Living this close to the Equator must be weird.
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the soundtrack sounded like the matrix for a bit
Haruka is really kind of impulsive.
Oh no
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wow, insert song
Giri giri saafu
Narumi really wants to be a cool girl, doesn't she.
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okay jashin-chan okay lets start!
jashin jan
A no ko ni Durooooppu kikku
This OST track is a little unnerving.
That's what most people would call a gambling addiction, Jashin.
>I won't disapoint you this time
I don't really think you can call them friends.
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That bat is a dokuro reference.
Yeah, it is.
She kind of mellowed out a bit after losing her halo. She's still kind of a bitch, but it's less aggressive.
Wow, angel's really know how miserable it is to live in Japan.
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angel-chan has a hard life
Oh it's a tiny oni
The people walking past seemed more shocked by the giant sushi roll than a snake girl in public.
Jashin seems pretty superstitious. I guess she's a demon so maybe she knows that sort of thing is real though.
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jashin-chan is such a shit
She's a literal devil, man. If anything she's the one that's actually acting like she should.