Thread #562300
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Asobi Asobase Banana Fish Hanebado! Happy Sugar Life Harukana Receive Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku no Valkyria --Episode 4-8 Island Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 19-21 Kyoto Holmes Ongaku Shoujo Planet With Satsuriku no Tenshi --Episode 6-8 Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight --Episode 5-7 Tsukumogami Kashimasu --Episode 3-6
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lots of good things to pick from tonight happy sugar life planet with harukana asobi
i am ready
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okay happy sugar life ohh well let's do banana fish instead we have jan that works too what ep of hanebado are we on? weren't we still on 8? okay well 9 I guess okay so the new list is hanebado banana fish planet with asobi and we're orange for hanebado 9 okay lets start!
jan isnt here right
I'm pretty sure he's in the main thread but I don't know if he's free or not. Well regardless of the order we can do Hanebado instead of Harukana.>>562306 Episode nine.
i was just taking a shower
lets hanebado then bananana!~! accidental tilde in ther eoops the latest
okay i have habebabo and nanatsu no fish
More Connie focus. I guess it's time for her to get her comeuppance.
Hah hah really.
>>562315 she should just quit badminton
Why does everyone that harrasses Ayano have such a penchant for theatrics.
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She's gonna get humbled but I think it would be awesome if she just crushed everyone and stayed in demon mode.
>>562318 she's diametrically opposed to the flashy player
she's a serial killer tryhard and connie is a performance tryhard
At this rate I don't know if Ayano will stop being a nutcase before the series ends.
Oh what the hell is that mascot.
I was expecting intense badminton this episode and this is kind of a sudden curveball.
That is a horrifying way to use your mascot.
>>562322 i think she's unfixable until her and her mom have a badminton fight to the death
She's gonna get SMASHED
Hah hah hah
Everyone's trying to hard.
It still feels kind of scummy of Ayano's mom to run away from her other kid and just pick up a new one in the Netherlands.
maybe she realized her daughter was gonna be crazy as her
Nagisa is really gonna Peko herself before this is over though.
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nagisa seems too determined to quit badminton though i feel like she's going to push herself too hard in the finals though
Yeah, it really looks like she wants to fight so hard she goes out in a blaze of glory. Graduate from high school and be done with badminton.
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connie cries a lot for someone that tries to look so cool
It's kind of gap moe.
I guess Ayano gets to face her trauma with her mom right up now. So much for abandoning her mom.
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i kinda want notkanbaru to be the one to defeat the monster
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okay banana fish! okay lets start!
banana>>562344 nice try bug where is jan
Eiji gets to live out his dream of being a damsel in distress.
bananananananananan i went out to the garage and there was a really scary bug i almost died
It probably wasn't even a deadly bug.
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no it was a super dangerous and killer cricket or something it just spooked me because it was flying aruond and then hit me and hissed at me dumb ass buggo ran into me and got mad because of it
Poor Shorter. He knows Ash is damned if he does, damned if he doesn't.
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i don't want shorter to die i hope they kill greed-ling
I just hope Ash can forgive Shorter for kidnapping his wife.
shorter wong is such a terrible name
He probably has some proper Chinese name that sounds like Shorter. A lot of Chinese people chose or were given Americanized names when they immigrated to America. At least back in the time period that the manga this is based off of is set in.
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i really don't believe this magic pressure point bullshit though
Well with Shuuichi they just drugged him. Those acupuncture points can do some weird shit to a person though, if probably not what happened to Eiji.
Yut-Lung does have some parallels with Ash though. I wonder if he'll get a redemption moment.
>>562357 i feel like he's anti-ash
Oh shit this old coot is pretty cool.
he's some kind of ultraparanoid supergenius
Baddo turippu
I wonder who insists on dressing up Yut-Lung like a woman, himself, or his brothers.
Oh shit Shunichi. He's been pretty pacifist until now.
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has this show ever gotten any better? feels like the situation worsens for the protagonists at every turn
It's always kind of "one step forward, two steps back". Save Ash, but Skip dies. Drive a truck at Dino but only manage to get a non-lethal shot on him. Find the doctor who engineered bananafish but get captured by the Triad.
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It just keeps getting worse and worse Just like life! okay planet with! okay lets start!
planet with what
The OP doesn't really hint at all as to what's happening now. It pretty much assumes the boss of the previous opponents was gonna carry all the way to the end.
She's kind of hinting that he might be able to become a HIIRO again even without his vial of sand.
She wants to go on a date so bad with him.
Shiraishi is a bit different than when she was acting as assistant to the Boss. Oh the other lady even called her out on it, hah hah.
that's a pretty cool trick how do you slide down a slide on your feet
Shoes with low friction, I guess? I feel most shoes wouldn't let you slide down a slide easily.
Oh the wimpy guy with glasses has the ability to understand Wankamoto.
She's pretty carefree about being stared at by a guy while naked and in the bath.
I'm pretty proud of it, it's pretty good, isn't it.
that's a pretty badass homemade gun
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>he was such a good kid! t. every school shooter's families
To be fair psychics are at fault for like almost every problem in Mizukami stories.
Maboroshi oppai
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Looks like breasts are going to snap him back to reality.
It looks like her high schooler mode broke too.
Oh she was a rooster, not snake.
I guess all the stuff he shoved in the mental closet is spilling out now that his revenge is done.
Torai is such a Mizukami character. It makes me kind of giddy.
Oh yeah this might make the other psychics that lost recover their battle armor too.
This guy putting on the face of his brother really feels like he's part of the Tribe of the Void.
he's god or something just kind of wants to check out what's going on in this dimension
>Asleep on the dark side of the moon How exciting.
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Asobi! okay lets start!
Asobi Asobasic
Isn't Japan Olivia's country. She was born in it and Japanese is her first language.
sweden is my country
>Phones with bacteria-detecting features
I mean bacteria really are everywhere. They crawl everywhere all the time.
Oh no.
They're playing it for comedy but realistically Hanako's number of bacteria is more realistically what you'd find. They really do get everywhere.
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>>562418 I want one.
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I wonder why Olivia is characterized as smelly.
Because she's of filthy gaijin blood, obviously.
smelly yuropeon genes
They always throw each other under the bus.
She leaves reality at breakneck speed some times.
That new outfit is kind of Harajuku-poi, yeah.
Haato dorobo
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hanako is crazy\
>Read Kasumi-san's novel out loud Oh no please no.
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batsu games!
Hanako is really fucking mental.
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This is a terrible game!
Honestly this one is even kind of embarassing for the other two.
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Olivia has become less evil and more moe as we've progressed.
The Pastimers Club is slowly breaking down the mental state of the school council president.
Hanako pulls off the Sailor Moon look well.
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>>562438 yeah olivia has slowly progressed to top tier and the other two are slowly losing their minds
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>>562443 Kasumi is about the same as she was. Less traumatized by games than I expected. Olivia has become less evil and more moe. Hanako has slowly become more crazy and Manana levels of evil.
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Well, thanks for anime!
Yup, thanks.
fun shows tonight see you space anime