Oh I'm on my knees, yeah I'm on my knees I promise I'm clean And my love life waits And you're already gone Yeah, you're already gone We are already home And my love life stumbles on
They jumped ahead to college, it's a weird timeship. Somehow, though, they're concentrating on a bunch of newish characters and side characters, that act less mature than the original cast does. So despite being set in college it feels like you're watching middle schoolers.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HOLY SHIT when is part 2 of ep26 coming out
>they were just left by themselves and told to went, and they organized all the stuff they gotta do on their own This is UNREALISTIC Human nature says nobody will do anything
We have ferries down in our waterfront that take you out to the city island, but no water buses. We do have water taxis though, which are pretty much super-tiny barges that will effectively bus you more privately than the ferries will, so I can understand the concept of a water bus.
A water bus is a ferry that does a certain route we have atleast 10 waterbus routes on our coatal region oh an sometimes, the water bus doubles as a Boat shop a store that floats and sails a boat store
Kirara 🚗
what the fuck a whole world i had no idea existed
>>551941 I would argue a ferry does a certain route too, but I get what you're saying. Ferries are generally "point A to point B" where a water bus could have a proper transit route with, yeah, multiple stops. Like I said I got what you were saying.
>>551942 I wouldn't be surprised if a coastal tourist trap like Miami would have something like that. Maybe it's a world closer to you than you could have ever thought!
You'll soon see. For better or worse, the one thing that can be objectively said about the last third of FranXX is that it's pretty much unpredictable.
I don't even remember when the other squad showed up Or how I must have looked away for a minute
people are texting me that so-and-so in our program posted something scary on Facebook and they want me to go to her house and check on her but i just took 20mg of melatonin
Oh no. Even with melatonin I don't know if my brain would let me sleep easy with that floating in my head. Though I normally take half as much.
On a scale of 1-10, how panic flag-y is the thing they posted? Do you know?
she said "I'm sorry" with the "feeling" of "feeling scared" which is pretty flaggy to me and this person has been unstable for a while now she was trying to get me to "hack" her boyfriend's phone for her a while ago
>>551979 yeah but if i don't sleep when it hits i won't sleep all night it's such a waste
I don't understand how facebook works but that does sound bad
maybe ill just make sure everything is set for tonight and ask my program chair what to do that way it's her responsibility if i break ethical standards (unless she tells me to not engage)
Your cohorts or whatever might have asked you because they know(think) you're less finnicky about breaking the law
Grand Blue's OP really does heal. As expected of blue.
>>552063 The anime is an incredibly faithful adaptation that accurately replicates every single moment and the strength that it made me cringe. God, I hate it but also it is very good.
It's a very good adaptation of a very good manga. Uin-uin
listen to the gentle ebb and flow of a stream the dancing wind the pitter patter of baby batter
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
>>552129 the alien was interesting, it was like literally ripped out of 90s demoscene this is how humanity expressed itself 20 years ago and by humanity i mean a bunch of random european nerds on drugs
the barrel roll is not an actual barrel roll, though
Kirara 🚗
he did the roll apparently
I spent forty-five minutes running around trying to find the fucking herbivore eggs for their first gather quest in World. It's good to see they've successfully made those fucking gather quests even more frustrating for World.
>>552213 That's exactly how I feel after I 1v5 with Ash
despite the fact that i haven't done anything worthwhile recently, i still have laurels under me that are worth remembering and i'm sure you all do too like that one thing you did that one time, remember?
>>552313 Not that I know what a feifan is, but maybe it's more like a "feifan, Paris fashion" kind of category or something.
>>552331 maybe they mispelled something because looking up "feifan definition" doesn't give much Oh it's a chinese word that they just put into English So somehting like "unordinary paris fashion"
Man the load times for MonHun on PC are amazing. Even with the 3DS games I was used to having maybe twenty or thirty seconds of downtime as the new quest spun up. On the PC my character is often already idling in camp by the time I can even pick up my phone.
>>552299 wew looks like mine except she has a gray pattern with white instead very fluffy
he named it pizza now i can call it a little pizza shit
what the fuck haha who names a cat pizza
idk it doesn't even look like a pizza i told him to name it bud light
Another forty-five minutes spent on an egg-gathering quest. I didn't think these could get any more miserable than they already were but Capcom has totally blown my expectations out of the water.
I actually almost gave up 3U when I played it because the first 2 hours were shitty boring fetch quests
Honestly, I don't mind gathering quests. I'll give you that they're not very exciting, but they're good excuses to get paid to fill up your item box with ingredients and materials. But egg fetching quests are just, eugh. You've got to pick up the egg and walk it back to camp since it doesn't go in your item bag like anything else. You're moving at a crawling pace, the moment a monster attacks you or you slip up and expend all your stamina the egg drops and breaks and you need to go get another one. Add in the vertical complexity World brings to the table, and the fact that conventional gathering is super streamlined and fast, and everything about hauling those eggs around is just headache-inducing.
>>552340 Can't you just do that by gathering in the free roam mode? Or while hunting a regular monster? >the moment a monster attacks you This is something I really hate about egg missions You're totally at the mercy of the fauna. If one of those big mosquito things or a jaggy or something decides to fuck you over it can and will
>>552342 Oh fair enough I don't mind gathering quests when the first few hours are over because I can just ignore them and fight monsters instead
It's even worse when you're fetching a wyvern egg, since by wyvern they pretty much always mean Rathian, and guess who instantly knows where you are and will hound you through every zone you move through the second you pick up her egg? The second she lands and roars, unless you've got an earplug skill, kiss that egg good bye.
>>552341 You can't get paid for gathering on free roam! If I'm going to go gathering, I'd rather do it during a quest to be more efficient. I'll be gathering usually on quests I'm hunting monsters anyway, but if I have a target monster I'm likely to be carrying extra gear to counter their particulars or will have chosen food skills that benefit more fighting the monster. On gathering quests I can free up a little more bag room and choose skills that help gathering. All about maximizing efficiency!
Any way, I've learned my lesson with wyvern egg gathering quests in World. Whatever it is, kill the fucking wyvern first, then get the eggs. It's just sheer frustration elsewise.
>>552340 just wait until you get to the meat gathering quest in the rotten vale
did he even kill anyone but himself? rip guy just wanted to see the orca with the baby
>>552355 He didn't I don't think he intended to either
What a way to go
Kirara 🚗
>But it looks like one publisher, Bethesda Softworks, may be seeking to rein in sales of used games online. Bethesda recently sent out a notice to at least one seller on Amazon’s Marketplace who was trying to sell a sealed copy of The Evil Within 2, demanding that they remove their listing. That letter included a phone number for sellers of Bethesda’s games to call, suggesting that the company is sending out such notices to multiple sellers.
>>552368 Alright but that still requires that Owl gets to WOOOOORRRRRRKKKKKK
>>552366 not much point if i don't know what day of the week and when you are playing i'm off on wednesday and thursday otherwise i won't be around much >>552370 >channel eleven >playing japanese cartoons what does it mean
Thursday sounds like a good day since that's the day PAN's off 85% of the time as well. So that's more than likely the day of the week. I just need to set a start date then.
The first yers suffer from Yohane and that ruby girl speaking The second years suffer from being ok The third have solid personalities I think but I don't really care to look at them.
>>552438 what does he think chocolate milk comes from black cows >>552437 they mostly just eat meat but they each have some weird shit they also like but everything else isn't food except the kitten she'll eat fucking anything
Kirara 🚗
>>552439 my cat will get into cabinets and chew through plastic to get to bread i have to hide all bread in Tupperware also laz always wants mango but i don't give him that
this one loves potato especially french fries and mashed potatoes the boy cat likes bread and i can't fucking see she is on the monitor
>>552438 >Personally, I really don't like it when the regular milk and the chocolate milk mixes. I prefer to keep mine in seperate glasses Oh my GOD can you believe this guy????
>old clothes >haven't shaved for a few days >sitting on a park bench eating a stick of salami for dinner >random woman walks up to me and hands me a stack of bread
Plus I am poor In a way. Sure I've got a bunch of money saved up, but if I want to make last I have to be FRUGAL AS FUCK
Kirara 🚗
>>552471 time to trick the bourgeoisie into paying for your avocado toast so you can afford a house
Maven Mobile
I'm only a few free baguettes away fron putting down a deposit on my first private yacht.
Kirara 🚗
according to the environmental protection agency in the US, a human life is worth 9 million dollars we got motherfuckers with yachts that cost more than a human life yachts that cost like FIVE human lives
>I am confident that everything should run smoothly, I have a professor here teaching us about the Kickstarter process and will continue to use him as a resource for the rest of this semester to help with any obstacles.
Maven Mobile
A human life might be worth 9 million dollars but a retarded idea is worth 6 thousand.
I wonder how the legality of that "i'm taking it private" tweet is gonna turn out Already having secured funding for buying up a chronically unprofitable company without anyone the BBC has talked to even knowing about it seems really weird, and if he hasn't actually, that's gotta be illegal for him to just blurt out, right?
>>552494 maybe he is finally realising his true dream, a clothes designer
I really don't buy into it being one moment that caused everyone to turn anyway This has been a gradual thing with most people I'm sure
Well, the media sure, but the media's run by like A few dudes, and they hardly represent the people. If they did, they wouldn't really have much of a job.
Kirara 🚗
the media was completely pro-elon until pedo and the people mirror the media generally
Kirara 🚗
they don't represent the people but they greatly influence what the people believe
Yeah I guess it just reached critical mass, and it was deemed bad for business to continue the pro-musk stuff at some point People are quick to change what they consume if they're told something they see as bad is good
I wonder how the skeptosphere on youtube handled the Musk stuff It was big discourse, so they've gotta have had some takes
I finished Franxx The last episode or 2 were so-so, but the rest was really good I don't dislike that kind of ending though I just hoped it'd be more final
>>552506 maybe realising he is not the genius he marketed himself as hit him hard?
Kirara 🚗
>>552515 it was such a good show also lesbian endo
remember when feminists were really mad about episode 1 of cross ange and it ultimately became the most feminist anime ever
ange was so good
>>552531 I mean I'm not going to have specific identities to name, but some people got pretty worked up about how ridiculous Ryuuko's battle outfit was.
None of you even PLAY Granblue anymore but we've been having free daily 10 rolls since the start of august and they just got extended for another 10 days
There's something very nice about taking out all the stuff you need to have on you when you leave the house, once you get back Like your wallet and phone and stuff Keys Like you're free from the world again
>>552542 Exciting stuff. I'm about to unload my dishwasher and make another smoothie.
>>552547 Awkward. They started talking about romance and said some things that made me uncomfortable so I pivoted to telling them that it would be good to work it out with their therapist. Eventually they stopped replying to me, but they their risk was low, so it's probably fine. They had no plan, intent, or means.
How did things turn out with your suicidal friend, anyway?
My experience is that suicidal ideation is typically fueled by feelings of loneliness, alienation, and isolation. We associate romance with being the opposite of those things so it doesn't surprise me that people's minds go there.
Her boyfriend became distant to her after he decided he wanted to have a kid and she doesn't want to ever, and she oops enter key She "knows" that he's cheating on her, but doesn't have any proof, which is why she wanted me to "hack" his iphone for her a few weeks ago. It's all very awkward.
>>552549 Cheating or no cheating, if there's a total disagreement on something like having kids, maybe the two of them should both consider that their relationship isn't likely tenable for the longer term. It's probably not an easy thing to think about for her at the moment, but it would probably be healthier if they saw other people.
>>552551 agreed, but that's not advice im comfortable giving her haha the way she's attached to him is very unhealthy i think and i worry about her attaching to me in an unhealthy way last thing i need is a homewrecker
Yeah, I could kind of feel that out in the bits of messages I saw last night. There were some rather transparent receptors she was sending out there. It's a tricky situation for sure.
>>552549 It seems really strange for her to need proof to show him If she knows he's cheating, it doesn't matter if he believes her when she says she knows Ditch the fucker
If she were the kind of person that could do that, I feel she would have already. A lot of people build more tighter attachments to their partner than the belief that the partner is cheating can break.
"i know he is cheatinh but i don't want it to be trur"
I've only met the guy once and for not very long, so the only information I have is the information she's giving me. Based on what she's told me, he's cheating. But she's not thinking about things properly and coherently, so I doubt the accuracy of her conclusions. But I'm operating under the assumption that he is, regardless of my doubts, just because that's the only way to approach it productively.
>>552561 Yeah, that's true. It's hard to deal with calming people down when you know their erraticness is probably interfering with their perspective of things. But you still need to engage with that perspective or the whole dialogue shuts down. Shit's rough, man.
>>552563 Well, I have a more existential and phenomenological perspective so in situations like this, I always tend to operate under the assumptions of that person's subjective reality, anyway. So he might be cheating or he might not be cheating to me, but he is cheating to her, and that's all that's really relevant. But I'm careful not to validate things I have serious doubts about, especially if I think doing so would be unhealthy. And I don't want to sway their thoughts, either. The hardest part is avoiding influencing them to act in certain ways because if I influence them one way, then the boyfriend is going to be affected, too, and I don't want to do that because I'm not involved with him at all. So I just want her to make her own decisions.
That's just kind of how I am in therapy, though, so it kind of influences how I deal with other people outside of therapy, or maybe the other way around
It's only rough in that I don't want to be involved and I am
>>552570 One of Owl's complaints was that magic items were kind of given out to specific people instead of "you found this item, decide who amongst you is best for it". Which is actually not a bad idea. I was just going for being fair last time.
Considering one way to get shiny items is to bring things to your benefactor, who has a fair amount of treasure built up from years of existing, maybe they'll just throw random things at you.
>>552573 Oh yeah, I mean, that's how it's usually done. It'd be cool if we had to choose between keeping an item and turning it in for a reward sometimes.
Yeah I like that idea, it'd be a bit of a gamble kind of thing.
Better yet if it's something the person you're turning it in to actually really wants. And you risk making your relationship with them bumpier by turning them down.
i really gotta get a new speaker system, or change a few parts The volume knob's cables are fucky and if they move a little, one speaker drops out and I have to fiddle with them
Granted, not unexpected considering this setup is actually 3 different speaker setups I've rigged together by putting together cables with electrical tape and stuff But I like these speakers
>>552580 Oh really? I just sort of threw together an excuse to give you powerful items by fighting old OCs of mine but I'm glad you ended up enjoying it.
Aikatsu! is two 100 episode seasons the first season focuses on Ichigo and friends then season 2 is about Akari and friends and Ichigo is a side character upperclassman
then there's Aikatsu Stars! which is 100 episodes
and now there's Aikatsu Friends! which will be 100-200 episodes based on how well it's doing
>>552605 She's in Aikatsu!, the first series. Season 2 of Aikatsu! has a different goth girl and the vampire is an upperclassman side character with Ichigo.
mio followed aine and nako around all day bc she was afraid that nako would confess to aine before her and then when she thought nako was confessing she ran up and grabbed aine and was like COME WITH ME
hmm I have a picture downloaded that was downloaded "somewhere in near future" and it is the Astartes Icon (space marines) when we were making jokes about Trump's Space Force, which should happen in near future, according to him. Coincidence?
>>552613 does it have that bubbly gay music playing ontop of it
Kirara 🚗
>>552616 more like gay inspirational music where it's kind of uplifting but in a half-assed sort of way but it's got that gay energy you know what i mean
>vacuum packed noodles >vacuum folio packed sauce this was so MRE military flashback that it hurt also as unapetising as it looked, it also tastes pretty much like that never again
weird though the rice equilevants are actually quite tasty I guess since they are frozen and not vacuum packed that is the difference?
also this is supposed to be satay sauce, but it tastes nothing like that
This movie has a very good STALKER vibe to it
vad movie
oh is a movie from garland might be worth watching
I'm an hour in, and I think it's worth watching so far
Does it function as a jpg, though, is the question
Also I assume it MIGHT be done just for the sake of ease If the save itself is the same jpg as the thumbnail you see in game, that probably makes coding easier? Maybe
>>552645 I don't understand how this continues to be a thing in anime
>>552648 Then you'd probably be baffled by how it continues to be a thing in real life. Plenty of even younger people, they can understand the simplest functions of a computer, but anything that actually requires you to interface with a computer can be beyond them.
I'm IT for the psychology department, usually. I fix the computer and projector problems. Sometimes I even have to change the volume level for professors and colleagues.
Even with people my age back when I was working in an office, I tried to tell them about keyboard macros for doing things like cutting, copying and pasting, and they'd nod and just go back to right-clicking everything to get to the drop-down menus. It doesn't help that casual computer hardware also trends towards touchscreens, like cellphones and tablets. It makes anything more than the most barebones of using a computer not something they really need to learn.
baffling I understand that not everyone has a computer as early as I did, but I figured it was almost impossible to grow to the age of like 15 without using a computer enough to be competent at a basic level, or what I'd consider a basic level anyway, for most people
At least in like, the US, Japan, and such
Well in this generation, pretty much everything you did on a PC, they do on their cellphones now, bar stuff like writing. And even that's not always the case.
Doood, this is like a shot out of the STALKER movie I watched that long ago, and I swear to god aside from a few differences this shot was in that movie
Also Kirara, this might be useful to give to your colleagues. I printed this out and gave it to my mom and she asked me for a lot less help with her computer.
>>552682 as if that would help them/they would read it/follow the instructions
>>552683 Sorry for assuming that they have the level if competence to follow a flowchart.
Kirara 🚗
most of my tech support is done in a classroom setting where if the issue isn't resolved, class doesn't continue so it's up to me because i actually know how to do stuff
>>552685 Damn, my only weakness. Do you at least get a chance to teach them how to do it when you do it?
>>552691 >>552689 Unfortunately, you have to purchase additional equipment to connect a Mac to a projector, and most people don't know that until they're in a situation where they need that equipment. And then they find a replacement solution because they don't have that equipment and just never buy that equipment.
>>552694 Yeah, but i mean if your department all had macs like supplied by the school, IT would've already attached the adapter to all the projectors.
They did recently but the people installing it told someone it was fake and now everyone knows.
My school is pretty high rated, too. Our motto is "High tech qith // with a human touch" and yet we have these kinds of problems. It's so stupid. I can't wait to be free.
and they turn you into cgi what is this digimagital girls?
would that sell digimon meets mahou shoujo?
>>552702 Any chance you'd want to move to the Chicago area after you graduate? It's pretty fun here. There's also a lot of synagogues and less racism, less antisemitism.
>>552711 It's named that because a cowboy used to always bring his cattle through a creek in the area and every time, one broke its leg. So they started calling it cripple creek. It's a really cute, little town.
>>552710 Oh, it's not very common. There was a real middle school, too, but it was farther away.
>>552709 Yeah, but proximity to national parks is what I care about most. Colorado has good and easy access to all of my favorite parks. I don't benefit from being in a city because I don't like cities, so I'll probably only be in a city area when I'm working.
well, the movie's over, and I'm really not sure what I was supposed to take away from it critics say it left the audience to think, and presented philosophical ideas, but there's nothing for me to grab onto >>552715 No thanks
>>552714 Want me to mail you a hat made from a raccoon?
ballwax name actually comes from ballwax stone "Pallivahankivi" palli in modern speak meaning nuts, but in the past and in that parts dialect, ment "ball" as in round object the "wax" part vaha, used to in the same dialect mean "borderstone" so the actual name would be ball borderstone or round borderstone
Anyhow someone right now might have been christened in Church of ballwax and on monday go to the school of ballwax
It looked pretty cool when I went through it on a train but I didn't get to spend any time there because some asshole parked their car on the tracks and delayed our train by like six hours.
I'm not sure when I'll manage to get out there, but I'm sure I will eventually.
you tend to get SSR weapons pretty easily through it, and there are easily obtainable magna weapons (that you can't FLB though) you get through Arcarum that have magna skills you can use to fill your grid they actually have better stats than magna weapons, but their second skill is exclusively for you playing arcarum (i.e. "Massive boost to critical rate when in Arcarum" )
also if you run into a gold mimic you're guaranteed an ssr weapon, but they can be even the rare shit like Athena weapons
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
also you can get the arcarum summons, which are a fair grind, but have powerful passive effects when set as your sub summon and powerful summon effects when summoned (take a sip for every time I said summon)
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
lastly, the oracles, the characters related to the arcarum event, some of which were in the old one like Caim and Fraux, will eventually be added to the game and most likely the way to obtain them will be through arcarum, completing their related summon.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
(also when fighting an arcarum boss at the end of a route New World Order plays so I'm sure you'll enjoy that again)
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
however, even though it doesn't play for the Arcarum themselves, the puppet bosses and the final stage use this bgm which is pretty fantastic >>>/watch?v=LnOE34wQAew
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh, at the end of each stage of arcarum, you get one guaranteed gold chest which can contain ssr weapons too I've gotten a chev sword or two that way
>>552757 Uhhhhh how far in the story are you you have to clear chapter 55 or so, then do a specific quest, then arcarum is unlocked go to the pyramid-y looking island
Kirara 🚗
i'm past chapter 55 for sure i was around 70 i think
you regular stuff will be fine for the unlock quest But Arcarum itself has Off-Element Damage Reduction Meaninig you'll want to fight enemies with their weakness when you're actually in it >>552772 Jeanne and Juliet are still good but Ferry has long been removed from her status of SS tier There are more powerful light characters now, like Lucio , Light!Vira, and the two Eternals
>>552783 I run a team of fuccbois and it's pretty solid thanks to the Ultima Weapons They're like bahamut weapons except you get the materials by defeating Ultimate Bahamut.
With the item on it everyone with sanity uses, you get 20% DATA from it alone, so long as your character matches that weapon type
So with Lucio, Seruel, and Sandalphon, I can run Chaos Ruler for the whole team to benefit from the Atma/Ultima Sword.
also it gives like HP and ATK up too because these things are nutty
>>552793 yeah, due to contractual stuff she does singing in a group that's affiliated with Show By Rock! and there are differences between the publishers of the two series so there's no cross-publishing of music
same reason Shinobu's VA couldn't sing for her arc in Monogatari like the other VAs did for their arcs
these two are a lot better singers than the mc duo
Kirara 🚗
>>552795 wait until you get to the Premium Rare Dresses
>>552798 yeah they're the most experienced VAs they were two of the three main characters for the first 200 episodes of Aikatsu 100* and then they've played various other characters
the main two aren't bad but you can really sense "first timers"
>>552799 oh those two are set characters never seen doujins of them though
Kirara 🚗
oh, the VAs i mean they played different characters
>vega still can't open okay if next conversion doesn't work I will just postpone/forget about this and get a better editing software later moreover who makes video editor that doesn't support mkv?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Lennah also got a 5* Melissabelle is a powerful choice for wind teams now If you can micromanage Rosetta I think she's still solid.
Kirara 🚗
dark, i have vampy, two cags, oh, i have orchid also lady grey, dark jeanne, and chu22
I would probably frontline Orchid and Jeanne. "vampy is core" is an old meme but she's still solid I'd say you could pick anyone you wanted really. But those two are the big girls
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
*that you have
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Regular Dark Cag is a support which is rare in Dark, but she's not insanely good like other buffers that exist. Lunalu is similar in that regard, but you'd probably get more mileage outo f Cag.
Probably regular Dark Cag. I think Halloween Cag got normal Cag's buff buffed, but I think her cooldowns are still shitty. Plus vanilla dark cag gives stuff like crit and passive healing. Healing is admittedly weird to say in dark but still.
for earth i have catherine, melleau, gandalf, cag, and nemone
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
That strikes me as a weak point You got Cag to 100 since you're the one who told me she's no good until then, right? She's still solid. Gandalf is pretty good too. At that point you could frontline the cuter sister or Catherine.
>>552844 >gandalf wouldn't that be a copy right issue
Also I am just ignoring this so far*had been but THEY HAVE PHONE APP THAT IS SENTIENT
Kirara 🚗
coco is really cute
best girl
Kirara 🚗
oh, my full fire list is yuel, titty time witch, anila, clarisse, percy, metera, best dad, ghanda, zahlhamelina, and heles
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'd still be using Cag if I didn't inadvertently spark Cain. >>552851 I used Percy Zahl Yuel as frontline for a long time. From those I would use Percy Anila and probably Yuel since Yuel doesn't hit hard anyway I stopped using her because I have Sturm and both Percy and Sturm have their own steroids.
i don't have a water or earth grid at all i don't think
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>552861 You can still kill the enemies, it'll just take longer You'll start on the lower difficulty too so you'll have more TP TP ticks down every turn, every node you visit, and every time you start a fight. *every new node
they added an item you can buy with arcapoints (naturally gained through arcarum) that restores TP so if you ever have a few to spare I'd take some in case of emergencies. The big items to buy are the SUNSTONES BABY
I think I will get annoyed by the "I got a spark" by episode 10
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>552867 if you get to 101 and unlock elysian, the stronger superstar, yes
Kirara 🚗
oh i literally do not have any water weapons
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
nice it's possible the freebies from the old events disappeared from your crate everyone got 1 level 100 SL 10 Magna weapon for each element a w hiel ago
Kirara 🚗
actually i have 1 sr water dagger with medium boost to hp
Welp, gues I will not make a war flashback edit of >>552731 this scene
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
you can make 1 class weapon of your choice and once you do all tier 4 quests are unlocked EX2 classes require their Class weapon to get however If you want one of them I'd make that weapon to kill two birds with one stone
>>552934 there's a unique dance for every song and some songs have dance variants for multiple dancers if a character does a song and then a new character does that same song, it's the same dance but with the different character and some different effects, generally
>>552937 jan and i were hunting kulve taroth and we kept calling her mommy gf bc she had big saggy draggy titties
Haha that is yuri anime indeed, but it isn't really the traditional yuri I am talking about Blooming Into You none of that citrus crap or ntr shit I mean last proper yuri anime was what Sasameki Koto