>>552998 It depends on the stakes. What's your relation to the person disrespecting you? Are they someone who consistently disrespects you? Are they a boss? Are you their boss? Sometimes you gotta smack a bitch for something small. But sometimes it's okay to let it go.
If you go violence, you go all the way so much that the enemy can never retaliate and even their descendants can't retaliate as in there ARE NO DESCENDANTS
>>553009 If it's a total stranger tat you're not gonna see again then I'd ignore it If it's someone that you meet with regularly I think it's good to nip it in the bud early otherwise they'll think you're a pushover and continue to disrespect you
>>553009 you should have slit his fuckin throat that's how we do things in the states
Maven Mobile
Things generally don't bother me It's pretty hard to piss me off But then I wonder if being non-confrontational is a WEAKNESS So maybe I should go out of my way to get into conflict Just to prove to myself i can
>>553020 I'm not opposed to conflict in principle I've always maintained that if the situation ever called for it or if it ever actually mattered i wouldn't hesitate to do something I'm just also so nonplussed by most things that it almost never seems worth it
>>553035 I'm just concious of potentially being too agreeable for my own good So does that mean i should go out of my way to create conflict To CHANGE NATURAL BEHAVIOUR PATTERNS
Maybe. Maybe.
>>553040 You sling balls with the sticks. I think there's raised hoops not dissimilar to basketball, but I'm not certain on that.
Nah looks just like hockey nets pretty much. So kind of a cross between field hockey, and, I'unno really.
>>553065 This far north when winter rolls around you don't drink water. By the time it's in your throat it's already ice. So you're kind of stuck chewing it.
>>553092 so basically a radioshow but on interwebs
why is it called podcast?
Because of the iPod No really
>"Podcast" is a portmanteau word, formed by combining "iPod" and "broadcast".[2] The term "podcasting" as a name for the nascent technology was first suggested by The Guardian columnist and BBC journalist Ben Hammersley,[7] who invented it in early February 2004 while "padding out" an article for The Guardian newspaper.[3] Despite the etymology, the content can be accessed using any computer or similar device that can play media files. Use of the term "podcast" predated Apple's addition of formal support for podcasting to the iPod, or its iTunes software. Assuming Wikipedia has its information correct, yeah.
I mean it kind of makes sense, in the early days of digitial media actually being tenable the iPod was pretty much dominant. And listening to something you download to it and play through it isn't really a radio broadcast anymore.
>>553099 why not I really like crabs They're great They have such hard shells and the way they move is really cool And they have those cool snippy claws
it's high tier tbh their level of coordination is really high but they manage to be pretty individual at the same time the moves are simple too the sound feels off though, like it's not properly matching them
>>553113 I think that is just because of the file and not of the actual video which one is your favourite?
I think there is some work on the synchro work, sometimes the people, especially the nexto ne to come, doesn't match that well to the movements of the previous girl
The miracle of being a cutie one second and a handsome boy the other how does he do it
Kirara 🚗
holy crap the new doom is BAD it's just anti-immigration propaganda
Kirara 🚗
also it looks like it's basically dynasty warriors???
>>>/watch?v=QH5ykVWyswc which bit is the anti-immigration propaganda? Like is there a time stamp? This just looks like normal doom to me it looks fun Oh I see it now What a fucking weird angle to take
>>553191 it's all throughout out it the hologram lady keeps saying the stuff about demons that we say about immigrants like "don't use slurs towards them" and "america is a melting pot of cultures" the story is literally that demons immigrated to earth and then destroyed the planet
Kirara 🚗
"let's strive to make our new friends' transition into their new world as comfortable as we can!" "don't use the word demon as it may be offensive" like come on
Kirara 🚗
it looks like it would be really fun if it weren't /// wasn't basically endorsing the idea that immigrants want to destroy your country and you should kill them
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara 🚗
i don't understand why bethesda constantly chooses extremely political themes and then acts like their games aren't political
hey mats hopw did the direct linking to a steam stream work?
Kirara 🚗
uhh i have no idea, i thought you could just right click and copy URL i haven't used steam like that in probably two years
https://steamcommunity.com/id/This_Left_Feels_Right/friends/ so does this work?
Kirara 🚗
not for me
>>553200 >this profile is private I think you're just linking the friends list from your steam page
well SOME OF YOU are my friends so can you just go I dunno "friendlist watch game" and see if that can be linked please? I wanna see if there is some way to copy paste a thing
https://steamcommunity.com/broadcast/watch/76561198020413678/ this is what I got
Kirara 🚗
i have to go online to do it i won't go online on steam
im not sure what you mean i don't care about the redesign
>>553193 It's not immigration It's invasion Like it's fucking doom They're invading The immigrant stuff is probably a bad attempt at humor.
But it implies that they had an immigration program for the demons Which is part of why it's fucking stupid Because it's doom and the demons wouldn't bother with something so sly They'd just invade because they're demons
>>553216 uhh but the setting makes it clear that they immigrated and then attacked
Kirara 🚗
they said thay they want to make a new doom universe
>>553221 ok if you want to call it that whatever it's still very bad because they're comparing them to real life immigrants who face real life dangers from people who want to kill them in real life
Going to church doesn't have to be like super religious
People can go for all sorts of reasons. I like the pastor he's a cool dude.
Although during bible school I mostly just read parts instead of listening to the lesson directly. We started skipping that though because sleep is nice.
>>553240 What do you like about it? I like that churches are there. They're really nice buildings It's nice to walk past their big stained windows
Kirara 🚗
it's good that ton goes if he likes it im glad he's enjoying things
>>553242 ?? i'm intrinsically stumped by your question
Like I wouldn't mind getting to stay home, but I don't dislike going and going makes me feel good usually. And not just in like a hollow sort of way. When I was there is when I would have sort of realizations that helped me get over Blind.
Are these the ones in which you spend copious amounts of money on digital little girls.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
though admittedly the uh finding out her name changed was another realization that didn't happen at church and I wasn't immediately as happy to hear about even though I shouldn't really have had a connection anymore.
nevertheless the other ones helped a lot! >>553249 No those don't happen at church but occasionally I've had really gay thoughts in church. Gacha thoughts happen at home usually.
Sometimes I space out a little and think too much and have to drag myself back to listening to the scripture for the week. Sermons are usually better at keeping my attention.
Not like I completely ignore the scripture bits though
Man, I have no clue what that's like. If I get stuck in a thought I'm not getting out of it until it's run its course. For better or worse.
I toyed with the Bow for a few missions. It's a lot more mobile than I remember my ranged forays in the PSP MonHun games being. And it's a lot nicer to be able to aim it with the mouse instead of a D-pad.
I love characters that people know are strong but hate to play
>>553268 Nah my outfit's kinda lame I don't have any of the cool cyber stuff I don't like the combination of these jeans with the camo leggings actually I didn't try very hard this time
Man making a podcast seems like it'd be fun There's an endless feed of discourse, so a weekly show or something shouldn't be THAT hard to put together But it'd be hard to really stand out, cause I don't know if my takes on anything are particularly special on The Left
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>553269 that's pretty cute I was questioning the socks but that's because the hat didn't load to match with it or I should say I scrolled too far
>>553272 yeah I think it looks good with the hat But, I dunno about the dark blue jean shorts *light blue I think I overuse that hair style a lot too but I really do like the short haired tomboy look
>>553270 Look at her she's covering up the other girl She's monopolizing all tht screen space So rude
Kirara 🚗
>>553271 as long as it's engaging it doesn't have to be special
Maybe a group thing would be best Solo would be dumb anyway
Ideally I'd want to both have a few regulars discussing, and then also a segment where I just give the platform to someone who doesn't have a lot of reach, like interview them or something
Kirara 🚗
yeah probably group is ideal imo
>>553271 yo real talk that podcast i rave about started with less lusteners than prticipants
>>553294 I know it was mentioned, but I didn't really 'get' how the movie overall was trying to communicate that Is the alien meteor supposed to be a standin for those behaviors consuming the earth gradually until it's all a twisted mess, incapable of sustaining human life, or at the least the human life will be unrecognizable, and somehow destroying those impulses is the 'solution'?
Because if so, I'm not really sure it clicks still, cause in a lot of ways, I found the inside of the shimmer very beautiful Not just aesthetically, but symbolically
The movie was trying to say the humanity is fucking suicidal. And we have to expand past that horrible boundary until we can fing something more beneficial to us
Well, a lot of meaning is something you can only get for yourself I guess It probably means more to someone who's actually dealt with the kind of things it handles on a more direct level than I have
Finished Endless Eight Truly they were An Endless Eight.
I remember when I had really poor internet someone gave me Endless Eight without the last episode
Also I just remembered I may hace *have Put everything from that harddrive on my friend's external harddrive. As a backup and to give him a terabyte of anime.
it would appear chrome updated itself and now I have emojis in my context menu?👀
Is there a vomiting emoji yet?
🤮🤢🤢 been one for a while I think
They should make a modifier that makes an emoji vomit. *any
>>553372 sounds like you are weekend is going swell >>553371 i think he's off that idea now it's still nameless i think when i suggested he name it bud light that he realized it was dumb
>knock odogaron down >cut his tail off and he falls down >gets up >knock him down >gets up >paralyzed by girros friendly fire >knock him down >gets up and runs away to sleep bullying this motherfucker is so much fun i wonder why capcom made him so weak
>>553390 well world finally came out on PC so now you can play arguably the best MH on a real system it doesn't have too much trouble on PS4 Pro either though
the only thing keeping MHW from 10/10 GOTY is the lack of content compared to the other MHs they're adding new monsters in every couple months though
they also added my favorite weapon in the game since MHFU, the charge blade it's even more satisfying than the greatsword
why has no one but me if everyone i know never played or even heard of total annihilation
yo tn this is for you even though hi fi raver is hardly the best thing >>>/watch?v=ODSWF8yov2M
oh yeah i should chart bonegirl however that is done
yeah we can help you get your character sheet all setup and stuff if you make your roll 20 account i can make the game setup and you could build your sheet on it too
"The most merciful thing in the world, I think, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents. We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far... ...some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the deadly light into the peace and safety of a new dark age."
well I know you've been dealing with instant death a lot but the good news is HC1 is almost finished. I don't think there are as many game overs in the later installments.
Wait you might not be as close as I'd like but you're getting there!
well that was an interesting experience I'll grab 2 soon The dudes artwork is a real highlight and it makes the game into an absolute trip Do we go to another tv world? I thought the oracle was interesting
I don't know if I mentioned it but he's working on a visual novel related to Hello Charlotte. Which means more nice artwork. >>553450 No more TV world, but you get to have Charlotte go to school. I'm sure you can imagine how strange that must be.
>>553477 man who gives a shit Fearmongering over reddit is dumbshit for dumbshitters
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>553474 I should have added that he said "UNGRATEFUL BITCH" afterwards
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>>/watch?v=lUyYTNXFVE4?list=PLQDcEvx09tHHiA2nVGgyFq1pmc4jveDbA here Maria if you want to suffer
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Uh pardon the association with reddit though
>>553476 >I spent 40 dollars to get your phone number you ungrateful bitch. I'll still go out with you though >in some parts of the world you'd be stoned to death for talking to a generous man like me that way >consider yourself on THIN ICE Goddamn That's so fucked How do these people function
part 2 when
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
of what
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
if you mean that video that's actually part 6
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
(so if you want to get upset at people there's a good 9 more videos so whew)
holy shit one of these ones was a nice guy trying to hit on someone who was actually a guy and then he's like "dude wtf that's gay and disgusting" and the response was "but you're in the crossdressing forum"
>>553497 yeah but is it a mini tophat or a regular one
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>553502 yeah it basically just means "get my life together" etc >>553504 regular, sadly >>553503 Yeah me too, though now that I've finished death and have no idea what the Oracle character will need for materials, I can't really make another summon because I don't want to waste anything so aside from SSRs it's kind of dull. Once you complete a route you can use the skip option which does admittedly give you 0 EXP (which extreme arcarum gives INSANE exp) and makes it harder to get really nice loot
ducks in a row
well that was 11m39s of wanting to nuke the planet
>renting a car according to enterprise is only half the cost I was expecting holy shit
Kirara 🚗
how much? $300?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yeah basically, they had the same kind of car I was familiar with was 270 for the trip, which was like Tuesday to Sunday That gives // er maybe monday I would like two days total around Atlanta to allow for Six Flags and then a... wow I typed date for a second there. day with you and according to PAN possibly wulf? And then that should leave me a comfortable two days to get back.
This is all assuming I don't do the drive all at once. I did a lot of going to Lexington and back but that's only 2.5-3 hours Atlanta'd probably be about 10
are it and begemite cousins whats the digfering compinenet that separates the mite family
my only expisure to these was hearing about vegemite in someones penis and also seeing acontainer of easuly spread marmite
The differing factor is probably nothing more than spicing. They both come from yeast extract and are both divisive in those who enjoy and dislike the spread.
Watching playthrough of SIlent Hill 7 and I gotta tell ya 100%, I see that video, I'm going back to get a gun Not venturing forth until I get a gun
>>553542 I really like the character on the right.
I don't remember exactly but I think she's from Yokai Watch?
Or no, different yokai show
No she's from Witchcraft Works.
tanpopo-chan kawaii
Oh yeah
I thought she was from uh I mean if I knew the name this'd be a lot easier, but it's called yokai something and the impression I got from it was SOL, but different yokai Like gensokyo, but not actually
I thought my folks were coming back from the cottage tonight, after being up there for a week now. But apparently they're both staying there for another week. So I'm still home alone for a while yet.
>>553603 Ah, you didn't miss much from what I'm seeing on the gloomtube livestreams. There's less than a dozen people for the UTR folks, and of those, it's pretty much (((Jason Kessel))), a boomer, 2 BASED NEGROS, mexican mystery meat, and some folks wearing masks/helmets and the like. It's pretty cringy and embarassing all around.
That said.... There's a dude waving a fucking Green Anarchy flag with the antifa folks. I'd probably run up and talk about Uncle Ted with this dude, lol.
>>553604 A journal I can understand If you suddenly die under mysterious circumstances, you gotta have left some real vague and ignorant clues as to what happened >>553608 Especially if you're like Kidnapping people and stuff, it seems like you're just making things easier for them
Kirara 🚗
>>553605 yeah the nazis got scared kessler's group in DC numbers around 24, too
>>553607 >scared Yeah, of getting doxxed/hurt/fucked by the feds/etc. Plus "muh optics" fags were running around on twitter and the like. First and foremost, fucking NOBODY trusts ANY of the major faces of the "far right" for a number of reasons, so they're all fragmented and left on /pol/ and various forums and the like. Hell, /pol/ has always fucking hated the "alt-right" name thrust onto them. >>553611 :^(((((((((((((((
Also if you leave notes for the people you live with around the house, telling them to do stuff, you need new roommates Got some issues that need resolving, one way or another
Kirara 🚗
uncle ted is a right-winger too so there's that
>>553613 Yeah, there's nothing to his right but the trees!
Kirara 🚗
as smart as he is he is unfortunately very inept when it comes to humanities in general his conclusion about technology isn't completely wrong but his logic behind his social analysis is based on mistruths which he desperately clings to
>>553620 Ah. I'd check out Anti-Tech revolution. It's a lot more in-depth and he wrote it like a textbook.
Kirara 🚗
>>553617 i haven't read any zerzan so i don't have an educated opinion but in general i don't like anprim stuff because it's not useful it has the completely wrong understanding of the problems with technology
>>553622 Hm, well, I'm about to leave to go cook and stuff. Go check tano for the .pdfs I mentioned earlier. Hope everyone's doing good on /moe/!
i love cooking my favorite meals for me and me alone it's totally not a disappointing or lonely feeling at all it's totally satisfying to have that contrast in stimulation of something so tasty just to highlight it's the only thing you're going to enjoy for probably the rest of your life
>>553716 This is taking mutual aid to levels previously unknown
Seems like it might be better if another woman does it for her though I imagine there might be some hormones and stuff they can detect? Though probably they're not checking for those, so maybe it'll work fine
You're unlikely to get in trouble though, I guess
Kirara 🚗
that's what i told her yeah they'd know
im taking the same drug test at the same time lol
Oh, you're taking it too? then it's probably not a good idea
Kirara 🚗
yeah im obv not going to do it she has no idea how to even do it im basically teaching a colleague how to fake a drug test
Well You could jjust go to your flgs and ask tto learn how to play. There's a free deck just for teaching people how to play that basically any store will have. And once you learn how you can just borrow someone's deck.
Well I mean I've played magic at least once, it's not super crazy to play.
I used to not like how much slower it was than Yugioh but now Yugioh is like waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too fast.
card games make my mind cluttered i can't keep track of all of that doc tried to teach me mtg but i just couldn't do it i couldn't even do yugioh when you tried to teach me
>>553724 Magic gets faster when you have more experience. It also depends oon tthe deck and how much practice yyou have. And the format.
my green elf deck was so fucked up by turn 5 id have so many fucking elves it was super unfair
Blue is the real unfair.
Kirara 🚗
the phyrexia infection shit was really unfair i hated that shit so much
>>553753 >>553753 Yeah That was a mistake Infect was too god *good Same with proliferate.
Kirara 🚗
you could get like 8 infection tokens on your enemy before they had a chance to retaliate and you could barely do anything to stop it had to start bringing in cards specifically for it and disrupt your deck just in case
That's why i don't play modern
Well The real reason I ddon't play is because the decks cost too much. Like $300 is considered a budget deck in mmodern.
Although I ddo hhave a deck in mind. It's a deck specifically built to fuck uo my friend's mosern deck. I also have a deck im buildong specifically to beat my friend's deck with this. He said if I can beat him with this in a sanctioned match that he'll buy me a steak dinner.
>>553759 Not really, all hobbies are expensive. Plus you don't have to play modern. You could just only do limited formats and have plenty of fun. Those are the ones where you buy packs and have a time limit to build your deck. In those formats money is no advantage because everyone gets the same amount of cards.
>all hobbies are expensive some are far more expensive than others
Kirara 🚗
my hobby is free it's STEALING
>>553761 >>553761 Yeah and magic is as expensive as you make it. Not everyone plays modern or vintage or legacy. Some people just do sstandard or edh.
Kirara 🚗
you can also just play with friends who won't go and spend a million dollars
>>553764 I wish i could find people who played mmagic casually Sometimes I just want to build a sstupid deck and play against another stupid deck.
play with friendsand just print out the cards on sheets of paper
Oh by the way my old magic cards include like one of those year expansion boxes or some shit and Jace Starter deck because I thought Jace looked cool and you guys IMMEDIATELY got mad
Exactly At the end of the day all arguments about practical mecha can be reduced to the fact that they aren't practical in the first place
>>553809 Sticking your cockpit in the chest seems like a "shoot here" sort of thing too It's the biggest target area Although it's probably more well protected than other areas
>>553839 har har har i know such a thing will cause pain i just wanted to complain >>553840 not very deep, maybe a cm at the most, i kind of hit it at an angle while moving a bunch of really heavy shit on a dolly lost my balance and fell into a door that had a key in the lock and it hit me a little bit above the waist on my lower back at first i didn't know what the fuck happened afterwards i actually looked at the key and the "handle" of the key is actually pretty sharp it seems like it was punched out of a metal sheet or something and not blunted or anything
now that i think about it i wonder if there is any blood like inside the lock maybe my boss will come in tomorrow and the doorknob to the office will be bleeding
Should i go steal food or just sleep hungry Again?
>>553851 That would be kind of neat. Wonder if you could play it up and make it seem like the store's haunted.
>>553852 that's a tough question what are the chances of y ou getting caught and is it necessary to eat right now? do you find it really hard to sleep hungry?