Thread #552164
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Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro Cooking with Emiya Happy Sugar Life Harukana Receive Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku no Valkyria --Episode 4-5 Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 18-19 Lord of Vermillion Satsuriku no Tenshi --Episode 3-6 Tsukumogami Kashimasu --Episode 1-3
Also Jan won't likely be around tonight, not that I think that we have any of his shows on the docket.
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I let Ika know.
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hello! happy sugar life granblue harukana recieve chio-chan
Ah yeah Grand Blue. Found it.
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okay happy sugar life! okay lets start!
sugar life
Oh right this is the one that's dangerously gay for her I think.
She's a bit reminscent of Takagi from Takagi-san.
>>552221 yeah i think it's her hairstyle
The art's a bit similar too. Like the lines and eyes. Maybe it's the same studio or the studio got the same person to adapt the character designs.
Oh my.
Satou pulling out all the stops to grind this investigation to a halt.
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These girls are messed up.
Well everyone in this show is pretty messed up.
This girl so far seems the most ordinary person in the show. And even she's kind of an actual slut.
Everyone's preoccupied with their punishments now.
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this guy is really dangerous
On both that level and for Satou. He needs to be dealt with before things fall apart for her. Though I guess she might have to deal with her friend now too.
Well maybe it's a good thing this guy has gone so far off the deep end. Even so, if he randomly vanishes now, her friend might get suspicious.
What a skewed sense of scale.
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grand blue! okay lets start!
They're pretty honest about how degenerate they are.
Chisa's crazy vicious.
this shows so fun
The manga's great too.
They're such good friends.
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They looked kinda like titans there.
The Baki-faces have been adapted really well from the manga.
If you think about it, the rest of the male students wanting to lynch the unfortunate MC because of a misunderstanding that he's dating a cute kind of a returning gag from BakaTest. The author really likes that joke.
The Return of Cakey!
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Oh, cakey cleaned up nice.
Yeah she's pretty cute without all the work done.
The two other guys are dressed up in some disasterous attempt of being stylish. And Iori and Kyouhei are in pretty casual clothes.
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Well, it was obvious that her friends were all going to be like that.
Those are some pretty nightmarish make ups.
They're calling each other friends but they've been talking only since this episode.
Oh no
Kyouhei please.
It's good to have nice friends.
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harukana recieve
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oops orange harukana recieve okay lets sgo
I'm pretty sure this pokey thing Kanata is doing is an exhaustion game she's playing.
Everyone else is playing volleyball and Haruka's just going "dude I'm so stoned right now"
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Haruka is a baka she's like that all the time.
She's smart enough to learn how to properly block a ball though! ... Only took her six episodes.
>Spam onigiri
>When you win so hard your sports association changes the rules so that someone else other than you has a chance to go to nationals
The turtle's smarter than Haruka.
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It's not Haruka's job to be smart.
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chio-chan okay lets start!
School Load
>This deep in the wood
do you guys want to watch Shikioriori sometime i'm not sure what it is but it looks nice
oh its a movie
Yeah, it's done by CoMix Wave, Makoto Shinkai's studio. I'd seen it but I kind of discounted it a bit because it's a Chinese production.
They all just perpetually throw each other under the bus.
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Wow she's crazy and she has an unusual amount of upper body strength for a high school girl
She is in the soft tennis club, so I guess she stays reasonably fit. But i think it's showing pretty well how bad it is for her.
Honestly Manana's position now is way worse than what Chio was suffering.
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Yeah that still hurts a lot to get hit there like that.
It's just getting worse and worse and worse.
At least their bags are safe from falling in the water.
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Upstanding salaryman saves the day again. thanks for anime!
Yup, thanks. Do you figure tomorrow's one of your iffy days?
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>>552325 it may be we'll see
Oh these are some good chapters they're doing next.