Thread #546422
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Banana Fish Cooking with Emiya Hanebado! Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku no Valkyria Isekai Maou Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Lord of Vermillion Satsuriku no Tenshi --Episode 3-4 Shichisei no Subaru Shoujo Kageki Starlight --Episode 2-3 Tsukumogami Kashimasu --Episode 1-2
Ahoy matey
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oh welcome jan banana fish hanebado shoujo kageki 2 isekai maou
i literally woke up five minutes ago
what, peisode of hane
Most recent, so episode five.
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>>546431 You still wanna watch anime though, right?
>>546434 yeah! i'm just trying to get my torrent client to stop freezing up on me
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ok let me know when you're ready.
>>546436 okay i'm ready with bananafish>>546439 i like to ate ate ate ayples and banaynays>>546439 you eat bonobos?>>546439 oh okay i like to ite eyples and baneyneys
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banana fish!>>546425 ikaaaaaaaa
Banaynay Fsh>>546437 I like to ote ote ote Ohpples and Bononos>>546437 No, I ote bononos
hi bananf ish
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my post timed out okay we're all ready lets start!
>>546437 Could have been eyples and bininis. Sounds like binninies.
Probably time for Eiji to go off the reservation.
What is this farce they're playing, hah hah.
Oh shit Ash got his gun.
Come on Ash you fell for THAT.
fuck off guys i'm gonna go help my new boyfriend get revenge
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Everybody loves a good revenge story.
Cheekbones here is trying his hardest to weasel into Dino's inner circle now that he outed Ash.
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wake up we're going killing
Chai knees brekkfast
This Mistah Lee is totally Triad/10.
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>get some sleep fuck you sips coffee
Oh shit is Dino gonna get TRUCK'D. Not quite I guess. That was pretty metal of Ash though. Probably not a killing shit though.
>>546471 ash is a metal name as far as i know if you're named ash you're a hardcore motherfucker
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He's a popular guy.
From Death to Morning is a really good pun title.
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ok habebado iokay lets start!
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chotto a minute this is a recap
Only for the first few minutes.
>>546481 i'm just confuseed it's only been 5 episodes do we really need this
It's a little unnecessary but it's kind of like , I think, a pivotal moment is coming up. So it's showing the things that have kind of led to it.
Nice typesetting, CrunchyRoll
Chip off her shoulder!
this is like my fave show
I wonder how long it's going to take Ayano to adpot the ribbon. She has it in the OP but it evidently carries some sort of symbolism of her mother. I guess she has to get over some of her issues with her mother before that.
I really like some of the "camera" work they do in this show. Stuff like the view frame bouncing when a particularly fierce smash hits the court. It's cinematically pleasant.
dfahsdasdfa Nope I saw Connie's leg cramp up there. Edsdsfsdddddds Augh I can feel it in my leg.
the zone
Oh wow she's being a bit of a sore loser.
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eat cari
Hah hah what. Holy shit this was a SET-UP.
So did her mom move to a foreign country and preen this girl from a younge age to be her waifu.
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I would quit badminton if I were this mindbroken over it.
>>546496 she's trying to raise the best badminton girl she seems kinda crazy
Geez louise Ayano.
she's lost it
She knows she can smash
I think they played a longer version of the ED there.
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okay shoujo kageki 2 okay lets start!
Everyone shall become STARLIGHT
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>>546501 the truth is just beyond my mama
Whoever thought a giraffe could be menacing.
>>546508 are you telling me a giraffe popping up in front of your face and yelling that you'll be fined isn't some horrifying shit?
I'm saying it totally is. Which is why it's so surprising! You don't normally think of giraffes doing horrifying shit.
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oh i misunderstood what you meant entirely
I want to see this not-Homura find her smile again. She looked nice in the OP.
This girl with the side attennae is really upset that her private time with the MC is no more.
wouldn't you be upset if your best friend was downgrading you from BFF to third wheel?
Maybe she'll have TWO (2) best friends.
MC is -really- bad at this whole "don't talk about it, okay?" thing.
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>>546515 maybe she's just being overly dramatic >>546516 it's okay it's only a 500 yen fine
>Maybe they don't eat lunch in England More like they eat TOO MANY.
She's begging the giraffe to take Karen out of the auditions and he's just like "lol I know you're gay for her, tough shit".
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banana fish pudding
Megane's kind of grumpy because she got decloaked.
Tobii chatta
Oh no did Megane get fined.
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looks like she just passed out from nosleep
That's what they WANT you to think.
>>546524 I like her she's a tryhard
I liked the previous "We well all become Starlight" better than this take. Even if the new one is probably more contextually appropriate.
Apparently this was a musical before it got an anime. I wonder if the songs have all been compiled on an album already. They're pretty good.
>>546529 it certainly has a musical feel to it
>I will no longer remain in the shadows >She says as she hides in the shadows
>>546531 yeah but then she stepped into the spotlight
This DUET man. I fucking LOVE duets.
MC's spurned lover is going to become a stage girl
Power of friendship all the way. Karen's gonna be the Top Star by befriending all these theatre girls. In a sense that's really the power of someone standing at the summit of strength.
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they reused animation a lot in this episode but it was still good
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isekai maou okay lets start!
maou waou
The Unwilling Adventures of Demon Lord and Catlady
Diablo please you're pretty much the magic equivalent of a hydrogen bomb in this world. Who needs diplomacy when you have all this POWER.
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>>546544 look it's not his fuckin job to play country relations he's satan
Well that's why she was giving him the job. So that it would be his. Members of a questing guild got to do their quests after all.
Poor Diablo.
Oh hell yes another Ohtsuka Akio role. He's been doing so many roles lately.
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The way he has bad people skills is funny.
he's such a fucking dork
Diablo saying something pretty fucking majestic there for a moment. I was waiting for the comedic beat and switch but it didn't come. Guess I got fooled.
Good going Diablo.
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His badass manner of speaking is hilarious.
so bright
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he reminds me of Needless when he's trying to act badass
Oh no Shera got abducted by Tweedledee and Tweedledum.
Emile just dropping in.
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He's a supreme gentleman.
I don't think he's that bad. Just a bit ridiculous. Aside from his White Knighting obsession he's overall a decent guy.
respek wamen
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she looks kinda vaguely like the katanah girl.
Longer hair though. I see where you're coming from.
What kind of hunger growl is that supposed to be.
>Being surprised that the cat always wants meat
why do anime people get so embarrassed when their stomach growls
To be fair my mother does too. It does seem to be universal in anime though.
this shows dumb but not the bad kind
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>>546579 yeah it's like noukome dumb
>Send my magic power into Shera! >"Diablo it feels amazing!" Ara ara
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I like this show, it's the fun kind of isekai.
no isekai will ever be as good as log horizon tbh
Log Horizon is cheating though because Mamare is some kind of socio-political savant. The guy envisions issues of societal and economic concerns like they're natural disasters.
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Log Horizon is more of a spreadsheet / politics simulator anime anyway. It is technically isekai but doesn't really focus too heavily on the isekai stuff. It's far too autistic to be like main faire isekai.
i hated the second season of log horizon
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well thanks for anime!