i bet a blender would really get soapy water to lather fast you could just wash your silverware by tossing them in the blender with dish soap and water
over here we just call kitchen utensils silverware even if they're stainless steel i don't personally own a set but there's plenty of silverware in the house
i think we swapped a little back and forth but it was uneven amounts so i think i still got a little bit for you idk i'll check it out in the morning when i'm done with work i think it's just like 15 bucks or something
>>540049 it's a show where a lady goes undercover and convinces elected officials to say stupid shit on TV last week she got some Republicans to advocate arming kindergartners
>>540050 seems amusing enough, though who watches tv?
Kirara π
a lot of americans
i imagine most politicians would be willing to make stupid videos like that if there was enough research to suggest there's a meaningful potential constituency there tell em that there's a lot of voters who would support any kind of messaging and they'll posture that kind of extremism
>>540060 some of them probably are doing it knowingly like they just also think it's funny or something idk
>>5400614 then it really isn't "who is america" but "who is right america" >>540061
>>540061 i'm sure they'd do it if they could get a democrat to even accept the meeting to hear about pro-guns but that's probably just uniformly ignored right now it's such a hot topic that even pro-gun democrats just dodge the issue entirely atm
Kirara π
>>540064 ehh maybe i think the show is too political though if you go after a dem, the entire #resistance will immediately turn on you and slander you as a russian spy
I guess people just decided that cold war is back on
Kirara π
essentially it's just mcarthyism they literally are accusing trump of being a communist russian spy and legitimately believe russia is communist
>>540065 sacha historically hasn't targeted specifically the right i dont think maybe so but i hadn't noticed it just a comedian goin deep wherever possible
>>540067 wouldn't it be fascist this time around, though? >>540068 maybe he just is savvy enough not to do what is essentially carreer suicide?
Kirara π
>>540069 yeah but liberals don't know that the USSR is gone so they think that it's the soviets and they're plastering hammer and sickles next to trump and stuff
>>540077 I guess he is space napoleon hitler soon enough when you combine all the nicks
Kirara π
well italy is making a list of all the romani people and Austria is making a national registry of Jews so something tells me we already got some real hitler shit going on
I dunno, I found it quite logical that eventually calling anyone who even slightly opposes you nazi and racist for long enough, would lead to people stop caring about such titles and then the real guys will sneak by and get into power It didn't happen exactly as I said and it hasn't yet happened here, but...
>>540082 also do note that austria never went into outright dictatorship and the only reason their nsdap was big, was because at that point the german nsdap had made them big even the Anschluss was pretty much "vote yes or bullet in head" at the booths
>>540098 even though it's addressed to him, it's actually not for him it's a message for the american people just a strut kind of to look cool and tough
I know, I just wondered would the person in question hear about it anytime soon
Kirara π
headline: Espinoza breaks vertebra in neck after horse collapses, dies
story: Hall of Fame jockey Victor Espinoza broke a bone in his neck but had feeling in his body and extremities after a scary accident in which the horse he was riding collapsed and died during training Sunday morning, according to multiple media reports.
Kirara π
i hate how they word things to get clicks
it linguistically follows would've been breaks vertebra in neck, dies after horse collapses and i don't think they'd really mention that he broke a vertebra in the header if he died idk, i think about that stuff intuitively but i doubt a lot of readers do
>>540102 one of the main antagonists in a recent turn based strat game battletech I think it was, was called Victoria Espinoza quite amusing
>>540104 in terms of the "horse collapses, dies" if they wanted it to be clear shouldn't it be somehting along of "horse collapses dead"
>>540106 that carries some inflection that the horse died in or before the collapse the horse might have collapsed from exhaustion and then died
it's all just context stuff really so the appropriateness is going to change based on what needs highlighting or clarifying given the context it's presented
also in no way is the ,dies referring to the horse. Ofc english uses comma however it wants, so I am approaching it from a finnish lense
>>540096 Rouhani if you talk shit about my mum again you're dead. Send tweet.
>>540110 I didn't give you permission to reply to me. Listen, it was entertaining, first. Hell, it was actually funny.
But now I'm getting the feeling that you actually think that you're on my level. From the day I was born, I was destined for success, you little shit. I was brought into this world by a software engineer and and a prominent actuary, both of Norwegian descent. From the moment that the fucking curtains were raised, I was set to dominate the STEM fields. And because I had guardians that actually cared about me, I flourished. Pretty soon, I was placed into a special school of correspondence, specifically I.M Gelfand's school for gifted children in New England. I not only reached my parents' expectations, but I passed them with flying colors. I had raw talent. I was fucking better. I was surrounded by 6th graders, many from Hong Kong, whom were smarter than half the posters in this fucking thread. And now, where am I?
In MIT, getting my double BS in Electrical Engineering and Physics, with a Stanford-Binet tested IQ of 147 at age 17.
Get this through your head: you are nothing. I am worth more than your entire goddamn family. I'm smarter than you, better looking than you, taller than you, wealthier than you, and more employable than you. While you type out another post to get cheap laughs, I'll be simultaneously working with the brightest minds in the world and fornicating with my beautiful girlfriend. It gets on my nerves when people pretend to be better than me.
Know your place, you fucking vermin. Never, ever reply to my posts, again.
>>540115 I know it is caused by other stuff, but I still will say it and beat that drummed to death horse why are you posting about it on your phone, shining light on your face?
>>540118 Two hours doing nothing while in bed got boring. Although I might've posted once or twince while still half asleep.
well freezing rain isn't great but i like the rain otherwise going outside when it's actually snowing is fucking magical to me it's like seeing the chupacabra and bigfoot at the same time i wish it was raining but it would just go back to hot anyways i guess it's not even cold inside with the AC on during the day anymore i hate it
Rain in the cooler seasons here generally makes the air colder. Which might be nice in warmer parts of the world but here it's just, well, cold.
>>540210 how can i see something like that? a virtual mirror? >>540240 what the hell is that poofy dinosaur pajamas and a trex pillow that game really has everything >>540282 it's cute but i like the one on the right better! >>540283 JUST TAKE ANOTHER PILL YEAH I BET YOU YOU WILL >>540281 oh, i didn't know he was touring i listened to some track somebody posted on /moe/ the other day it was great
>>540280 virtual self, the porter robinson project that's on tour
>>540280 >what the hell is that poofy dinosaur pajamas and a trex pillow adorable i think is the word you're looking for
I took another pill. Hopefully this one will make me sleep.
>>540280 Another as in a distinct ome, not as in an additional one of the same type. *distinct one
>the venue he's at in austin is called Emo's that's hilarious
>>540280 he posted angel voices to youtube yesterday go check it out it's amazing it's like ghost voices but better check out ghost voices first if you havent seen and heard it
I actually prefer adult tiki. But smol summer tiki is a flier with good skill s
maybe after work i'll grind out what remaining free orbs i can get and try for more s.robins if i wait til next year i doubt she'll still even be a very good unit in comparison to all the new B*LLSHIT they'll introduce
>>540324 Have you ever heard oof the max headroom broadcast intrusion incident? Someone hijacked the television signal of two broadcast tv channels and had a weird video with a guy dressed as max headroom. It interrupted doctor who so my best friend's dad saw it.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>540324 I'll be piling my orbs for the Choose Your Legends banner now. Maybe if I'm lucky I'll pull additional Veronicas
They're still possible, its just harder cause everyone is so much more serious. Iirc most broadcast intrusions were inside jobs. Its just harder to not get caught now.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>skills for the Hero class are translated >they're super jack of all trades but now I can see their things https://puu.sh/B1E1x/c9898011c5.txt
>afterimages >heal everyone passively >defend >attack aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I want it
tryna save the world by developing some time-invariant archiving capabilities and it's just like "hey help me make edits for this promotional video" man
>Oh man, I was about to get all those fancy chests but a teleport trap sent me to the opposite end of the map >Maybe I can overcharge Blink and (HOPEFULLY) randomly teleport closer there
I had so much good going for me this run. Heal, Blink, Decent equips I was right in front of the door that would be the transition to Stage 6 and I got greedy
speaking of etrian odyssey check out this character development
Kirara π
wow her chin got pointy
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
it sure did
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>Shogun Class returns in EOX >"Ritual Suicide Arm, WIS Restore HP to all other allies with a chance to revive them, but the user dies. User's death cannot be prevented via any means."
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>"Warrior Might Legs, STR This turn, user will chase all attacks from all allies, but will lose HP for every chase. The HP loss can kill the user. Links, chases and counterattacks cannot be chased. Only one chase will be made for each action."
Ah, I see. They nerfed warriors might by making it kill you. Clever.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>"Mercy Kill Arm When any enemy or ally receives an attack, and their HP becomes below a certain precentage, there is a chance to inflict instant death to them." NANI
my 9/11 truther neighbor is having a fight with his baby momma outside sounds like he's been cheating
Kirara π
oh maybe he hit her at some point?
and maybe he's mad they aren't having sex?
i aint even listening in, they just shoutin
maybe they just like to shout some couples are like that you know especially when they're not havin sex, they'll start fights just for the makeup sex not assuming or anything though
Kirara π
yeah haha this sounds like a end-of-relationship fight but you know how some couples do that all the time
she's saying she's gonna leave and she's mad he woke her up at 2am tryna have sex with her
they got two kids ive never met the girl or kids though
Kirara π
ohhhh he's cheatin with a white woman
that's probably the real issue white women will ruin your life mate
Kirara π
yeah for sure it ain't a good look she's mad that he doesn't have a consistent job too i guess he's a tax dude and just works during tax season, he told me
tax season is all year but i guess most w2 folks don't have to deal with that
Kirara π
yeah, idk, i didn't question it he's a weird guy ive been wondering if he might be a hotep but he doesn't seem to have the anti-white stuff hoteps usually do guess he's just a conspiracy nut
as a cyclogist do you have much insight about the procedures of self-awareness and differentiation from the environment
Kirara π
as in gaining self-awareness and realizing one is apart from the environment? for humans or just in general?
in general and as far removed from the humanized context as possible i've been flooded with this thread of perception all night long about how young and some animals take a lot of time to gain awareness that their surrounding environments and the things they see and hear aren't part of themselves there's a constant feeling of being ripped from a synced setting with me and it's been pressing a lot of uncontrollable thoughts i think about consciousness an awful lot, and i've been thinking a lot about the stages of differentiation from self and environment in a procedural way things which were vehicles and tools of the environment aren't far distinguished from a sense of self, even after self-awareness is realized i'm thinking a lot that the body is just another such environmental tool that is a little too locked in to differentiate ourselves from
the body being emergent to consciousness is not particularly different than the habitats of our early ancestors giving rise to their development emergently, and there's probably a long period before that differentiation could even occur since it was a mandatory shell the process of self-awareness, and more importantly self-recognition in the animals which are not domesticated or rescues and how significantly it changes their interactions with the environment it's sharpening the acuity of the consciousness to probe further and differentiate itself a step further i feel like we're just still in a stasis of that same flavor with our recognition of body as self
>>540415 The fuck is a hotep? Is that the "we wuz kangs" group?
Kirara π
>>540418 >>540419 unfortunately a lot of the existing lit on consciousness conflates self/identity with self-awareness and afaik there aren't really any particularly good descriptions of the emergence of self-awareness, especially outside of humans - people still refuse to admit that many animals show self-awareness and differentiation from their environment at times which limits what's out there i dont really have a lot of insight into te emergence of it myself, either, most of what ive been concerned with is the nature of self-awareness and how it contributes to the development of the self, and also how brain development plays a role ive been thinking a lot about it in animals recently but really just more the nature than the emergence of it stuff like how a cat might see itself and how that sense of identity expands itself, how it influences the way they interact with the environment, etc, but never really about emergence or anything i think there are different levels of self-awareness and identity that are limited by brain function but when i see the great variations in self-awareness and identity in humans, it makes me think that viewing it as levelled is probably inaccurate and brain function or complexity may play less of a role than i used to think i'm thinking lately that there must be some kind of dissonance between the way the world should work and the way the world does work that might provide the start of that development of self-awareness
i said i haven't thought about it much but i guess i have sorry, brain's still jumbled up
Kirara π
>>540421 uhh kind of they're like right wing conspiracy theorists and black supremacists
thanks, you bring up a lot of good points i've been thinking a lot about consciousness as a mapping function and the role self-awareness and that level of sense of self plays in the reflective manner of mapping the "interior" environment, interior referring to what's not yet differentiated from self i imagine the early animals felt territory and immediate controllable, integrated environments as just as much of self as their own bodies, the same as babies do in a sense i think in mapping the interior you procedurally and generationally start to adjust and change the environments in such ways that it's more immediately obvious that the exterior isn't you i think there's a lot of externally-stored knowledge in our dynamic environments and that we're really overplaying our brain's role a lot, though the brain's capability to function at the environment's demands and still have the extra processing space to parse such complex information is at the crux of what i'm assuming makes any of it possible
i appreciate the response and know it's prolly eating up a lot of your time but you've given me a second point of data to balance out my own since i'm really inclined to disregard my own thoughts sometimes as neurotic rambling i think there's a pretty strong connection here to emergent systems and surrogation that i'd like to explore deeper and write about i'll probably try doing that, but i needed a bit of a soundboard first you don't gotta commit another long, time-consuming post, i already appreciate the help
>>540423 what color is the paper on which we write history, written in black blood (ink)? WHITE what do we use to correct the black mistakes on that paper? WHITE-OUT wake up
sorry i probably could have come up with a better and less tasteless punchline compulsions white out really is garbage tho
Kirara π
>>540424 it would be interesting to look at the difference in self-awareness between animals which actively engineer their environment and animals that don't actively might not be the right word, but I'm thinking of for example beavers constructing dams is a different level /// a deeper level of participation in the environment compared to, say, a deer if they see the external environment as an extension of themselves, i would expect to see differences based on depth of participation in the environment
>>540427 like you said, levels of self-awareness or a spectrum, maybe consider the deer who has been born and raised in a more natural woodland environment and the height of its priorities and learning functions were around how to posture against other male deer and threats that posturing is still a way of extending yourself upon the environment and exhibiting a means of control, and if not necessary for control, it stll develops those senses for the exchange of information, which is the crux of imo all social interaction it's not physically blockading the environment like a beaver but informatically it's still got very deep participation in it but the urban deer is a little different and not using those skills on that organic boundary where it's immersed and synced it's using anything it has as tools out of fear of being in an environment where it doesn't know the threats or what they're capable of because its daddy buck taught him how to be stern with male deers based on what he knew, not with diesel trucks the self awareness has to be apparent at that point because, just like with babies in that early phase, they encounter environments which they cannot control and it shakes that sense of connection
i'm gonna cut it off here though before i keep going and forget how to stop need to plug my laptop in anyway thanks for the keen insights, i appreciate them my responses are more compulsory thoughts raised and not deep analysis by any means
pretty concerned tbh that im falling into psychosis when i start thinking about electric consciousness and time-invariant life systems but that's just how i'm conditioned i guess people think everything that's not really easily in reach is crazy
b b b b b ang
so basically i made the last few days my bitch in the end, even though they ALMOST killed me
b b b b b ang
6 shifts in 4 days, 5/10 trips made on foot wait 5/12
b b b b b ang
basically i'm saying that i'm a hard worker and i'm trying very hard please praise me
So he did a thing making fun of pedophiles that wasn't very funny and now people are mad?
Us gamers, huh?
Kirara π
>>540442 mike cernovich is going around creating outrage at trump critics trying to silence them
>>540445 a conservative talking head he sells gorilla brain pills or something that are supposed to make you smarter he's also a self-admitted pedo and sexual abuser
If I thought big names on the right were ever honest, I'd find it strange that this same guy was one of the people supporting Roy Moore, but alas I don't think he is an honest person, and so it isn't strange
>>540444 Are people just not going after him hard enough? Has he been doxed yet?
Kirara π
>>540447 he's solo so going after him does nothing except give him more right wing followers
>>540446 he's spoken publicly about his "no enemies on the right" policy and said he learned it from neo-nazis
>>540449 they like them when those people are conservative
>>540448 Right wingers like pedophiles and sexual abusers now? This is a thing?
Kirara π
cernovich is alt-lite
I bet he'd shut up if he got swatted.
Unlikely swatting would even work against him Besides, nobody wants to be that guy
>>540453 Plenty of people want to be that guy. I don't though.
They basically said "I had you working two night shifts but forgot to fix the schedule, you want to work that and be off two days instead?" And I was like "uhhhhhhhhhhhhh sure?"
I had also turned down coming in last thursday for a four hours in the same conversation so maybe I felt like uh what's the word compensating? I'm half awake so bear with me
Old manga series that James Cameron has some weird sheer, absolute fascination with. He's been trying to get a movie made of it for like fifteen or twenty years.
Nausea is really good as a novel as well as a philosophical piece, but it's mostly built on the ideas that are later developed into Being and Nothingness.
It's written as if it were a diary, and you basically get to watch the main character descend into madness as he struggles with his realization that there is no inherent meaning in the world and that things, including himself, simply exist.
basically his main essays on existentialism and phenomenology
>>540520 at first I thought this was some sort of revolutionary group aiming to take down the British monarchy or something before I read the bottom text Like they were just gonna kidnap Elizabeth and drop her off in the woods
i was arguing with someone on twitter yesterday and they kept trying to draw me in with very poor Socratic irony and eventually just started saying stuff like "im a zoologist at a zoo i know this stuff and you don't" it was really funny
>>540527 Well there is a point to the "grow food to eat" no farm animal would reach the numbers, numbers of offspring per animal and so on naturally that they do by being domesticated by humans Of course practices where the animals are kept in conditions, where they can barely move or behave as they would in nature is something that should end.
I don't really know what to do with a non-fitted bedsheet. This new set I have came with both a fitted sheet and one that's not. But I've never had a non-fitted sheet before.
>>540529 Indeed. The original argument the person made was that vegetarianism is bad because humans are carnivores and need meat, but started trying to bullshit around when I pointed out that humans are omnivores and can eat only plantlife and be healthy. They also started saying that we don't have enough room to grow plants, so we need to remove forests to make room, which is why we need to raise animals, which is so ridiculous.
>>540531 yeah but humans aren't carnivores, we are omnivores at this point sure at some point in the past our diet had much much more meat and that most likely kicked our large brain evolution, but by the time we started to farm, our diet changed to much more grain, basically plant based nutrients ofc growing children need plenty of protein and calcium to get big and healthy, but as we know now a much more about nutrients and shit, we can fully feed ourselves without actually ever eating meat
bugs are the future
>omnivores at this point Were we ever not omnivores? By my understandings even proto-humans ate pretty much anything that came their way.
>>540533 yeah, we're omnivores and our evolutionary ancestors were omnivores
tn is right in general though
>>540531 >They also started saying that we don't have enough room to grow plants, so we need to remove forests to make room, which is why we need to raise animals, which is so ridiculous. hahaha so false what is more important is to spread knowledge and good fertilisers to improve and ensure crops as for cutting down forests, that isn't wise whole lumber industry should learn from say us about sustainable harvesting of resources, so you can keep the woodlife alive and healthy, while still making big bucks with lumber and other forest harvested products
>>540534 I dunno man he's going on about bugs. When really, lab-grown meat is the FUTURE.
Kirara π
river rats
But basically during the hunter gatherer days and earlier, man ate more meat than during agricultural phase
Kirara π
>>540535 yeah, the person was spectacularly inept at arguing, i was really surprised they were completely ignorant and had incoherent logic
>>540541 you'd think so but they got mad and deleted all of their tweets
Man I'm tired. >>540540 >merely pretending to be retarded
Speaking of sustainability, I wonder why EU wants to kill diesel engines, before killing gasoline many EU countries have become really good at biodiesel and biogases, which both they want to ban on locomotives in near future, but still want to keep oil based gasoline around "all for the name of greener future" greener? Why not develop bio-fuel further, it is while still burning to get power polluting, much friendlier than fossil fuels and also helps us not be dependant on russia and such for energy >>540546 No shit like see them go all "russia bad" when russia could just turn off the gas and see europe freeze germany is like 30-50% dependant on russia for energy things the mms doesn't tell you
it is actually quite ridiculously easy for russia to win against EU, even if EU army became a thing, considering the energy dependency they have towards russia
>>540544 But Russia is bad They tried to assassinate an ex-spy on British soil and ended up killing a British citizen x)
No word on whether or not the house we're staying at has wifi. I'm bringing several books to keep me occupied if that is the case.
Kirara π
Which books
Arfken and Weber 5e, Quantum Mechanics textbook, Gustave Dore illustrated divine comedy, collection of jack vance short stories, O'Reilly Linux Pocket Guideβ’, Q.E.D. (Quantum Electrodynamics), littpe math dictionary thing
>>540559 Well, UK needs to do something big. They uave a lot of issues. Although so does everyone else. Except maybe Switzerland and other relatively small wealthy nations.
>>540568 broken healthcare system (in a different way than us), isn't violent crime among youth in london pretty high, increasingly authoritarian government, excessive surveillance, That's all i can think of off the top of my head
>>540569 >there is no reason to carry a potato peeler UK's biggest issue in terms of many problems, is how they refuse to approach and tackle problems, but instead invent laws and legislation to "prevent" issues from happening, without ever addressing or conforting the root causes And of course, they aren't alone in that way of approach by no means.
>>540571 ylur storms actually do damage though so no thanks
>>540569 >healthcare system Say what you want about anything else but the NHS is a godsend >violent crime among youth in london generally just poor people being poor people. It happens everywhere, and I think the increased reporting is mostly just due to media agenda >increasingly authoritarian government The conservatives will do that I suppose
>>540574 I've looked at the crime rates, they are up.
london has higher murder rate than new york now
>>540577 New York actually hasn't really had a high murder rate in a while. St Louis though ... Chicago has high number of shootings but the rate isn't too bad this year
>>540575 yeah but are they violent crimes or just tv lisence infringements
>>540579 I was looking at the murder rates a few months ago.
sounds more like anxiety than excitement to me people don't usually say that for excitement in my experience at least
i always get anxious before trips
Well it's a little of bboth right now. But recently the shit with my meds causes me to get so tired it gets scary The worst part is that when I get home I still can't fall asleep even though I'm tired to the point where I can barely function. But this tiredness has been increasingly getting in the way of my already small social life.
>>540589 Kind of, the side effect wasn't consistently occurring until recently. The first time I took this dose I got super tired super fast. But these days it'll happen either a few hours after I take the meds or sometimes like thirty minutes. Its a problem at D&D because I become unable to function. It was a huge problem at the music festival because I could barely stand and I left early both days. I even missed most of the band I was looking forward to seeing.
>two crits Alm calm down holy shit
Kirara π
>>540590 what happens if you take the meds just before bed? less effective?
Kirara π
also that really sucks about the music festival
>>540592 I have to take them with a decently large amount of food. So I've been taking them with dinner. I might go back to keeping slices of pie in the fridge and taking it at like 10pm.
Ah fuck I forgot to get the blood tests I needed done.
Kirara π
>>540594 sounds really rough hope you can work it out
I've thought of a novel idea for helping me get to sleep though. I need to find a medicine that's primary effect is reducing body temperature. Cause insomnia is primarily caused by the brain not cooling off properly. But I'm not sure if antipyretics just reduce the body temperature when you have a fever or if they'll do it when you don't have a fever too.
>>540435 bang you little shit are you still here did you check out angel voices
Kirara π
>>540597 I don't think they do, since they work by telling the brain to stop heating itself up
>>540599 Hrrrrrm Well shit I may as well get that fancy head cooling thing that probably costs hundreds of dollars.
What if you got a gel eye mask and put it in the fridge before bed and wore it to sleep?
>>540601 I've tried icepacks, they don't stay cool long enough. One thing that may or may not work (it could be confirmation bias) is eating a big bowl of ice cream after I've already spent several hours being unable to sleep. Oh and a glass of ice water.
Kirara π
what temperature do you usually keep your house at night?
>>540603 74Β°~ When it's colder and wwe have the heat on I'll lower it to 69Β° but putting the AC that low would cost a lot. In general my sleep is worse in the summer. I'm really glad we have central air conditioning.
i used to sleep at 78 but ive lowered it to 70 and it's helped a lot even though it's expensive well technically fish forced me to make that change but still i think research suggests like 68-72 tends to be ideal for sleeping
i like to sleep around 62-65 i'll get a little stuffy around 70
it's quite nice compared to the 30-40 i usually deal with though haha and having my ac lower than 20 would be expensive, i already pay $75 a month on electric
>>540608 i thought that the itchy feeling from this red kratom meant that i had too much or was getting sick from it but ive just been educated that it's not related to the strength; that i just have dirty kratom that's eliciting a histamine response thanks super speciosa i should try out treezy breeze
shit is so expensive I don't even use lights it's all AC, fridge, phone charging, and stove >>540614 they got good blends but they call them teas and don't explicitly call it kratom, that way paypal and amazon and stuff don't abandon them
super spec's got a really good site and stuff so it gives me a strong image of professionalism but then they list like red maeng da, green maeng da, stuff like that and it's confusing and i'm not sure if they're just blends or they don't really know kratom and they're just reselling
>>540618 they used to be better but they've really gone downhill
the first red i ever got from them was so incredible and this stuff now is such crap i thought maybe i just developed tolerance but i think they, yeah, dropped their standards a lot never got itchy on the other batch either
Kirara π
the white i got from them was completely ineffective i didn't get any effects whatsoever not even physiological
Oh shit this flight is almost three hours long. I haven't been on a flight that long in a really long time.
that doesnt seem like a long flight to me i'm surprised if i have a flight shorter than that
>>540621 startin to wonder if i should try one of the vendors we originally looked at and thought "whoa why is it so expensive" maybe there's a reason these other vendors are cheap
>>540623 I usually have a two hour flight from chicago to atlanta then Err 1.5 hour flight then a one hour flight to florida.
Kirara π
>>540624 the breezy trees blends are really good and they have decent deals
>>540627 the yellow suwa was really good but man it felt dirty or something after reading about yellow i kind of can understand why my head hurt in a weird kind of way and so did my bones
i just want some good red for pain this red borneo is so jank like it does a generic sort of job but it's nothing like the earlier batch
is it their specialtea blends? a little lost here honestly they got valerian root i almost wanna buy some even though i've already got four bottles
Kirara π
yeah specialtea blends
>>540617 my electric bill is pretty much stove/oven+fridge+pc
Tiredness has arrived. Unfortunately I'm not yet tired enough to sleep.
sucks that you're having such trouble lately ive just been pushing myself super hard so that any break i get goes right into sleeping since i'm always way behind that's not really a solution though im not getting enough
We got a new water pitcher and it's got enough pre-filter storage that filling it up to the max fill line is enough water to fill the our kettle. This is really nice for meeee.
why not just fill the kettle from the tap?
Kettles last longer without cleaning if you use filtered water with them. Honestly the water around here's pretty good and probably not a big issue. But neither is filling up a pitcher. Plus it helps keep the water in the pitcher fresh.
Well the main issue with kettles is lime and you can't filter that out of the water
you'd need to distill the water to get the minerals out or have a real super filter
I had To come in early today to help contractors but they have their own people who would be doing my job so I'm just standing around waiting for orders. And this guy is like "yeah, once the forward group comes back, we're done." What? Shit man. I'm about to be home like 3 hours early.
Do you get paid for the hours you get called in for even if you don't end up working them?
Only for direct report though. You have to be at the job site at your start time rather than quarters And when it's done, you can go home
Well that's still pretty fortunate then.
I mean, we still get paid when we finish normal Work we Early* And we sit on call at the quarters
I forgot to turn the dryer on after putting my bed linens in it. Just chucked them all in and shut the door and went back upstairs. They must've been sitting in there for two or three hours now.
>>540805 oldschool maplestory was some real shit you try your best and after 8 hours you're actually further away from the goal than you were yesterday it's like having a fucking job
on the other hand it being like a fucking job lead the community to be more active on a per account basis and there was less content then so it was easier to find people to play with at all levels of play
it's hard to have fun in an mmo unless everyone is playing religiously in all different areas or most areas in the game that's why modern MMOs are SHIT
Or you quickly find a community to immerse yourself in or have friends you're going into the game with. Either way I've never had much draw to MMOs. Or well, I've always been interested but I can't put roots down easily in those environments.
when the only way to get reliable multiplayer in a "massively multiplayer" game is to join a small gated community it kind of defeats the purpose of having a live world at that point you might as well just have the whole game be instanced because the other players are just occasional background noise and only in the high level zones >>540810 it's kind of difficult to enjoy if you're like me and don't want to be tied down to a circlejerk in order to do anything the pick up group playstyle is fucking dead in every modern MMO i've played FFXIV is still a fun game only for the solo content though but it's also infested with the group finder plague allowing players to get a group for whatever without even talking to a single person was a mistake
>>540803 >defeat a difficult boss in a jrpg >game doesn't let you save immediately after >die to a random encounter losing progress in a jrpg drives me up the wall Or like how in Final Fantasy Three the final dungeon is about an hour long so if you lose to the final boss you lose an entire hour of gameplay
ehh there's going to be an invader zim movie?
three more hours
>>540813 Feels like ten years too late, but eh, whatever.
Oh, I don't doubt it This world is hell, after all
Also it's loosely based on Boots' own experience, isn't it?
Kirara π
yeah, probably
I remember one post on the bird website where some anarchist was not approving of one of the managers apparently having an anarchist tat, in the movie, cause they saw it as like, a dig against the tendency But Boots was like "No actually my own manager had that tat"
>>540860 I'm almost more bothered that I'm more bothered about killing an animal because it was in a cartoon over other animals that weren't in the cartoon.
Last time I killed a vertebrate I felt really bad about it. I usually go out of my way to not kill insects too. I'm worried about getting really sad but I have no idea how I'll feel.
>>540833 Wow, you must be a friend who's really good at using tools to kill us all!
>>540872 Yeah but it needs to be done. If I don't someone else will.
Hrrrm, wifi isn't working.
Kirara π
think i was just sexually harassed by my doctor?? she was grabbing around my neck and shoulders and was like "ladies must grab you all the time" and i was like "uhhh"
it counts if a guy says something like that to a girl
>>540878 There are different standards forbwhat it okay to say to men and what is okay to say to women. I personally don't think that being done Oh fuck bbl
I dunno that seems weird and inappropriate for a doctor to say to a patient
Kirara π
it was weird but i can't blame her tbh im everyone's favorite idol
it's not exactly being a picky eater many people with autism have difficulties with various foods for reasons such as texture or taste they can be overstimulating or stimulating in an uncomfortable way, which can be very distressing
>>540929 Sure let me just eat things that make me vomit cause that doesn't defeat the purpose of eating or anything.
Is octopath any good? I checked it quickly on the youtube website, and some guy's Part 1 was 7 hours, so I'm interested I want something long to sink my time into
Oh it's not for PC? Well, screw that I guess Guess I'll find something else
Kirara π
>>540942 it's okay, im having trouble staying interested during some of the extremely long narrative portions, especially for the characters i don't particularly have an interest in the combat is good and fun, and the soundtrack is quite good
Kirara π
but yes it's definitely going to be a very very long game
>>540972 Everything I want to rewatch, I want to rewatch with her, so it's the same either way. At least watching airing things gives me something to talk about here.
I went biking for a bit earlier today, and now it's pouring rain. There was sunshine while I was out like an hour and a half ago. Weather sure can blow in fast. I'm glad I dodged the thunderstorm though.
>>541006 I've seen people with rods fishing in the rivers in the valley before, but I can't imagine how they catch anything. To call the waters down there even remotely clean would be a long, long shot. I've seen rats or minks swimming in the waters before, but never fish any larger than minnows.
I was taking some meat sauce to cook up for my pasta out of the fridge. And the container was really moist from condensation. As I was taking the lid off, walking towards the stove, the container slipped down and forwards out of my hands. Watching it fly towards the floor, all I could think was "oh this is going to be a nightmare". And then it landed perfectly bottom-side down, the only mess on the floor seeming to be what jumped up out of the container on impact. But then when I went to pick it up, it turned out the container's bottom had pretty much entirely fractured off the rest of the container. Luckily it was intact enough that carefully picking it up kept much more from spilling out. And I now still have my pasta properly prepared, but I've also totally ruined a container in the process. Still could have turned out far worse though.
Well, that, but also just the kind of presentation it has Not a lot of shows have this sort of slice-of-life but also explanation of how the world functions
theres a finn who has privded that podcast i listen to with a ton of content to read and at their fifth live show theyve showed up with and each time they speak theyre introduced alongside a different finnish cover song prjor to detailing a plan to drive everyone insane with itnernet garbage itβs fun
>>541060 he didn't want them privatized, he wanted them replaced with amazon book stores where you'd have to pay for the books (because they're book stores) lol
>>541063 no it's the replacement of an institution with a different, similar institution that provides different functions under different circumstances
>>541062 Okay I see. So it was two different people then?
>>541062 didn't his bio have him have a quite high education or something, and despite that he was pretty much quite a braindead moron I guess they do sell those
I guess that makes sense, but I'm just not seeing how libraries could be privatized at all Like conceptually it doesn't make sense, the service necessarily changes drastically
I guess you could have like, libraries where you pay out the ass for a subscription or something, like we do for TV?
They still exist and provide the same service on paper, but they operate in a very different way now, and the service is actually not the same when you get down to it
if you're homeless libraries are really important place to do your research, fill out job applications online, et cetera
>>541076 or just a place where you can spend time indoors
if i was homeless rn i'd be taking my laptop to the library every day and trying to do work from there nowhere else i can think of that you can do that without paying
I guess it's more of a tweak than a change but semantics.
you can upload images in steam chat now
They're probably trying to persuade people to use their system instead of outside apps like Discord or whatnot.
The friends window also pulls some other meta information from Steam games like DotA and Counterstrike to show what those people are playing in-game. I wonder if they'll open up the infrastructure for that to other games to display information.
Kirara π
ill never show myself as online on steam so ill never ser it haha
Kirara π
the leaders of the KKK just got doxxed
Can't hide in the spotlight.
Kirara π
some of them had passwords leaked and it's shit like passw0rd666 lmao
I guess that's a number some of them would be hard-pressed to forget.
>>541107 I haven't been on iin almost a year. >>541104 I've been waiting for that feature for a damn long time.
>>541108 Wait so their identities weren't already publuc knowledge? I wouod have assumed they were listed on the website.
Kirara π
a lot of them weren't now we got names, addresses, phone numbers, family members, emails
Is this one legit, I remember something similar happening in the past few years and it was random non kkk people.
Kirara π
it's from a group that's released legit doxxes on hate groups before so i trust them
Good for them.
Did you ever hear about the black guy who infiltrated the kkk?
This isn't a set up for a joke by the way.
Kirara π
yeah, there are a few movies and documentaries about it
Oh there's a movie about that coming out.
That must be pretty cool to do something great and have be immortalized in a Spike Lee movie.
>>541174 i wish i could google this and find information about the actual study and not news reposts
google has become slanted towards providing opinions instead of information
Kirara π
>>541175 real is a complicated thing to call anything but i assume some event approximating what it says occurred
i want to see more information you're already dealing with a patient population that's vulnerable they are babies who are likely to not make it already i'd like to see some information to gauge the weight of it all
Kirara π
we both know they're not going to release more information on it, it's run by or supported by Viagra
sleeping with just the uuh blanket cover is weird
Kirara π
https://nltimes.nl/2018/07/23/dutch-medical-study-halted-11-babies-die they're saying it went well though 11/93 died
the thing is, pharmaceutical companies are extremely careful about R&D their decision to pull the plug was likely based more on weighting public perception of outcomes than that the outcomes were horrendous 11 is a lot but idk what the expected would be with no treatment if it was still 11 regardless and now it looks like they're causing it then that's a different thing i'm not defending them at all but i just want to hear the real story and not media hype that's incentivized by viewership
Kirara π
says 90 in the control group and only 3 developed the lung problem that killed the 11, and of those 3, none died
Kirara π
>In the study, which ran in 10 hospitals in the Netherlands, pregnant women with poorly functioning placenta were given sildenafil, better known as Viagra. A total fo 93 women were prescribed Viagra. 17 of their babies suffered from the lung disease. Eleven of them died. A control group of 90 other women were given a placebo. Of their babies, only three were found to have the same lung disease, and none of them died.
sou, though this profile theyβre reading might be a decade old so when did that start
Kirara π
before we were born
ok, making sure sounds like after taking this personβs dob and age at the time of this thing that this was made around 2011.
it was at first the okcupid profile for a 37 year old furry but now theyve moved on to another more uhhhhh something else site >>541195 sounds about right
it's true i know what all the kids like they like rocket league and fort night im young and virile and hip just like them haha
There used to be a good, few second clip of Buscemi's "how do you do, fellow kids?" line on YouTube. All i can find is a full minute and a half bit on the full scene and then everything else is just commentary or references to it.