Thread #541225
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Angolmois Black Clover Chuukan Kanriroku Tonegawa Full Metal Panic! Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku no Valkyria Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 16-17 Kyoto Holmes Ongaku Shoujo Overlord Satsuriku no Tenshi --Episode 2-3 Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight Tsukumogami Kashimasu
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I let Ika know.
I checked to see if I could.
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Any Jan tonight?
He said last night he wouldn't be here tonight.
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ah yeah, he did. I wanted to watch more shoujo kageki but we'll save it for him. black clover overlord 3 chuukan ongaku shoujo sound good?
overlord.... 3?
let's chuukan ffirst>>541234 t t there three
like third season?
Yeah, third season. The second one was back in Winter 2018. It's been pretty good. There was Lizard People sex in like the first half of the second season.
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oikay black clover okay lets start!
Kuro Kusoba>>541240 I'm fine either way, but why Chuukan first?
lets chuukan !!! just kidding let's black clove cloverrrr
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This show kinda lost its magic recently. I'm hoping this next arc can redeem it.
Well it's never really been magical for me.
Darlin' it's bettah Down where it's wettah Take it from meeee
spooky looking fisyh
How unsurprising.
Search [iqdb] (164 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Jashin-chan Dro(…).jpg )
okay overlord 3! okay lets start!
Ogre Lord
Wow this meido is a little rude.
Ainz making the giant hamster his servant threw the forest's power struggle out of balance, huh.
Even the goblins know to be afraid of the combat meidos.
Enri feels like that kind of person that has to constantly roll Bluff checks and bullshit her way through life. Yet it somehow always works.
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She'll be an overlord before long.
Hah hah hah. That's a pretty funny comparison there.
I guess this is some trinket Ainz or someone from Nazarick gave her? Ah yeah there it is.
Oh I remember now.
Seriously this girl's Charisma stat must be through the fucking roof or something. She can charm even this blunt, unpleasant woman.
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Yeah, she does seem to have pretty high luck.
redhead maid is pretty kakkoii
First steps taken towards becoming a leader. How exciting.
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Yeah, I guess she'll end up becoming a good ally of nazerick. okay chuukan okay lets start!
That or crushed under the heel of their demonic meidos. Also we'll have Moon with us for Tonegawa, so don't start without him! It's fine, Ika might not even be back by the time you're good to go.>>541263 Beep boop Rika
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i'll be ready in like 90 seconds sorry
ready thanks sorry i think i pushed the start post off the screen
last episode sure was a tasty one
Daaaai seeeei koooou
>>541268 Nothing like grilling on the grill you'll eventually be kneeling on yourself to make meat all tast perfect.
this op is seriously one of my favorites
I really like the trumpets. And that lead-in for the monologue at the start is really nice.
fukumoto's style is so amazing
I saw some people talking about how nice it is to finally get a hi-def anime of his style. And get all those thick lines crisp and clear.
it's weird that chuukan has so many females in it weird for fukumoto
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This show is a pretty strong contender for aots. Kind of strange for there to be a slice of life set in kaiji's universe.
I kind of feel this inspiration thing. It's a really good demonstration of things just suddenly setting into place and clicking together.
kaiji was slice of life in a way too
All these zawa zawas
You'd need like eighty or a hundred participants for this then, right? How many tiles does a four-player game of mahjong need?
the rock paper scissors boat in kaiji had over a hundred people so i'm sure it'd work
Man Teiai must have a lot of people in desperate debt to their bank.
this is diabological
Seems like the kind of thing that would be fun for that madman of a president.
They're all back to suits and sunglasses again. Was much easier when they could have been colour-coded.
Wow he came prepared.
haha saemon powaaapoint
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I love how the narrator pronounces some of the English words. Some of them are so sharp they just stick out so weirdly.
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This is a good show.
Yeah, I've been enjoying it so far.
ty for inviting me for that it is a great show
Happy to have you!
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thanks for watching moon! okay ongaku shoujo okay lets start!
Ehdoru>>541307 Well I guess it was low-hanging bait huh. There's also a cool princess and a hundred-year-old vampire though. And a bunch of neat human beans.
alright i came to check up on the response to the overlord question i asked earlier and i just want to point out that the reasonin behind the second season being good that was given is that there's lizard people sex in it what a shameless Anno
How is she just allowed to wear headphones in class.
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I like her phone.
>Queen Records >>541311 It's certainly got a unique case.
Wasn't she in the middle of practicing. Couldn't they have waiting until the song wrapped up.
>Being healthy comes first for idols! She says as they feast on keikis.
It's weird to imagine the character designer for this show worked on character animation for KonoSuba.
>Can hear precisely what note on a scale a sound makes >Can't sing to save her life
These kids in the park look like entirely different creatures from the idol girls.
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This show is kinda okay I guess but that's all. thanks for anime!
Yeah, it's not bad, but it's not much else.