Thread #540662
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Full Metal Panic! Hanebado! Hyakuren no Haou to Seiyaku no Valkyria --Episode 2-3 Jashin-chan Dropkick Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 2-3 Kyoto Holmes Ongaku Shoujo Planet With Satsuriku no Tenshi --Episode 2-3 Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight Tsukimogami Kashimasu
hello is this the krusty krab
I'm looking for Patrick though.
so this isn't the krusty krab?
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hello hlelo jan which shows tonight do you do?
hanebado, FMP, jashin-chan, planet with, and i'm not really sure what the rest of that stuff on the list is
Valkyria is an isekai set in Bronze Age not-Scandinavia Kyoto Holmes is that detective show from a couple days back Ongaku Shoujo's a generic idol show. Satsuriku no Tenshi is a game adaptation of a thing that looks kind of edgy. Shoujo Kageki and Tsukimogami are two shows we haven't watched yet. Don't really know much about either.
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Did Jan watch Satsuriku with us? It was edgy.
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i think i'm a little overloaded on edge after watching mahou shoujo shite last season
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okay then FMP 12 planet with shoujo kageki dropkick-chan let's do that so starting with FMP okay then hanebado instead of FMP okay lets start!
Maybe we could tap out FMP for Planet With. We haven't really had Jan along for most of it, but we've had him along for both episodes of Planet With maybe? FMP's also not getting any more episodes until another season gets confirmed so there's no chance of falling behind on it.>>540678 I'd be good for that too. Also I totally misread the list, hah hah. Yeah, I think both Hanebado and Planet With tonight is more ideal. So Baddomintan
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no wait let's do hanebado i won't be here tomorrow >>540676 yay thanks
>letting someone mess with your hair on such a bumpy ride that's spooky
She seems to be pretty well in control though. Her hairjob turned out pretty nice.
This OP's animation is timed really well to its song. I really like stuff like that.
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>>540682 the OP animation is awesome all over and the song is great too the two-tone scenes look super cool
Captain's map is pretty terrible.
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>5km to get to the convenience store
Being out in the boonies surei -sure is terrible.
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looks pretty awesome to me man
oh god my teeth
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that's fucking hardcore
>>540688 Looks nice but it's tootally inconvenient.
,>When someone tells you they want to crush someone into the ground and all you can say is "oh, that's nice"
Oh whoops.
Gaijin-chan's gone full doki-doki over that.
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she made friends with her enemy on accident
pocari sweat is such a weird name for a sports drink
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It's a weird name for a drink in general.
Hah hah hah. She's such a sore sport.
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>they're seriously 2v1ing her wtf man
Oh maybe she's a student of her mother's. No wonder she's got shit with the MC.
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>>540701 she's MC's halfu sister
I feel like half-sister's -step-sister's the most she could be though. The "onee-chan"s probably more of a seniority thing really.
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okay planet with OKAY lets start!
with what
Handebado might be my tOP 2 this seaosn
Souya's fighting pretty well considering he only got in the fucking cat-robot like a few days ago. But maybe most of the others are fairly new to this too.
what time
5:10 5:15 5:20
Oh shit it's Giga-Sensei
Souya's finally got his NIKU and he's too preoccupied watching theatre to eat it.
Hearing Wakamoto's voice out of a dog is even sillier than Sensei.
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It's kinda hard to tell who the good guys and bad guys are in all this.
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maybe war doesn't have a villain
Yeah, the morality here isn't exactly clear-cut into good and bad.
Oh the Giga-sensei is still around.
>let's talk to a local middle schooler
>>540724 >It's not even a middle schooler
Hah hah hah. His classmate's kind of missing the point.
Oh he's gonna get dragged into her club.
Oh I was totally expecting actual ghosts too. Oh SHIT the chuuni hero guy is- Well not a student but close enough.
he's totally a justified chuuni now though
This guy's such a fucking dork.
... I was expecting that to be a chuuni gag. Is his name actually Judgement.
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he just fucking dabbed
He gets a chance to see what it's like to have a normal Earthling life.
What the shit Nebula.
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That girl is dropping some death flags.
But it's actually the guy that got got!
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no they can't kill best boy already
He wasn't strong enough to take on his inner desires.
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okay shoujo kageki okay lets start!
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i'm gonna drop this fucking shit if sparkly boi bites it ok
I doubt he's gonna actually die. But at the same time, who knows. Mizukami's killed off cool characters abruptly in act ones of his stories before.
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>>540745 if he hits the water from that height he'll definitely be at terminal velocity
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I heard this show was good. we'll see
I saw some threads on /a/ saying it's "the next Madoka" or the "the next Utena". I'm assuming a fair bit of that can just be attributed to shitposting but if there's comparable things to both of those maybe there's something interesting about it.>>540746 Yeah, I know. Good thing he's got a bunch of nakama in flying robots hanging around him.
kyoani does it again??
>Daiba Nana >Dai Banana
So they're all theatre girls. What a nightmare waiting to happen.
Her friend is totally gay for her.
>the girl woh became a banana
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Well that was interesting for a minute.
why is her hair shining
Oh it's a childhood friend come home. This'll make it a love triangle huh.
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>there's no need to stand up >stands up and says yes ma'am
You could see it in the teacher's face that she'd just resigned herself to the inevitable.
Oh no.
Nani kore.
It's a giraffe. That talks.
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The idol thing is different than I thought.
>When a giraffe asks you to make a contract with him
Oh no her crown got melted.
Oh but it evolved into a proper tiny crown.
Man I was expecting something out of the ordinary. But this is something else.
this show is awesome
Yeah this was a pilot that came out of fucking left field.
The music sounds pretty good too, from the brief bits we got.
>I understand But I don't, Giraffe-san. I really don't.
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Well I guess we'll see! Dunno if it will be good or not. Dropkick-chan! okay lets start!
Episode two of it is already out though. I mis-listed it. Ready for JASHIN
jashashin>>540774 they have to utena at each other and whoever is the most gay wins the big crown
Well I'm always down for some gaaru's rabu.
That girl in the OP that calls Jashin "onee-sama" looks like that one Idolmaster girl SK really likes.
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>>540781 koume?
Yeah, that sounds right.
Jashin is a monster.
>>540785 i definitely see the resemblance>>540787 well, yeah
lucifer is also satan
Well in some interpretations.
Yurine's sheer crazy though.
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>Going from Christmas to late autumn in one episode
Jashin does a really good job of deserving her comuppance.
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She's so disgraceful.
this shows weird
How bizarre.
Every time I hear the start of this ED I can't believe it's not Hyadain.
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Sounds a lot alike, yeah.
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today's shows were all great
Yeah all pretty fun.