allllll done boy does my whole body ache i can barely stand up
Some one should make an alarm app that can use a FitBit's ability to detect how long you sleep and let you set relative alarms to go off after it detects you're asleep. I doubt it would really be perfectly accurate but man it would help.
>>535930 do you know if it's a sequal or just a summary movie?
>>535933 It's gonna cover Kumiko in her second year. Also it's subtitled "Oath's Finale", so, sounds pretty, well, final to me.
There's also a movie released recently called Liz and the Blue Bird, which focuses on some other characters of the school band that got some attention in the second season.
Other movie sounds nice as well, I hope it has plenty of yuri bait as well
As I understand Liz is as pretty gay as you can get without being actually gay. Metaphorical and allusion in place of being actually gay. That kind of transcends yuribait to me but I guess mileage might vary.
>>535939 I agree if that turns out to be true at least. Season 1 and 2 didn't really do much in that regard, just a bit near the end of S1 if I remember right. I so wanted them to love each other, but of course Reina loves that teacher
the ending of euphonium S2 was really sweet. Loved seeing how attached Kumiko got to Asuka
I ate too much tonight. My body feels kind of overheated. I don't know if this muscle ache I've got going on is some delayed exhaustion from the biking I did yesterday or if I've got a summer fever coming on.
I tried. But my younger sister was back in town for the day and I spent most of it dodging any contact with her. Makes getting to the kitchen difficult.
>>535959 very nice and also very important too as well
hmpf If it all doesn't go south for me, my roommate is offering to take me in, as he's planning to move in town at the end of the year since my sister is kind of getting her life together with marriage and whatnot
So you're currently at your sisters and you had a roommate that might take you in? I'm having a bit of a hard time parsing that.
I It's the four of us, me,my sister, in-law and roommate they're looking /// me and my roommate have to move out by the end of the year so those two can do their own thing, since the in-law owns the house anyway so theirs not much choice in that and my roommate has offered a spot to live in, instead of us going our seperate ways sorry I'm explaining this as clear as mud
No that all makes sense now. I've got the picture.
Sounds good that you've got a place secured probably though. Must be scary to not be certain where you might be sleeping in the eventual future.
well sleeping in my car wasn't too bad but it's not exactly a long term solution
No, I can imagine it not being.
speaking of roommate or his brother technically. his brother finishes up his job in Antartica in november and already has a job in tokyo to fill it's place must be nice
Yeah, man. That sounds really exciting. Some people get all the fun.
I really am feeling like I'm feverish. Though it's hard to tell since the heated part of it is pretty indistinguishable from the summer temperatures. The rest of the feelings check out though.
oh that's no good hopefully it's just a passing thing sometimes I'll have that for a couple of days and sometimes it'll last a week
uhh why didn't it do the thing >>>/watch?v=n4BW7NKR7hw there we go i missed a couple characters
Yeah that's weird.
i really like aleksia she really gets my early AM mood down right such a calm hour
>>>/watch?v=IcRXO5vVcRg I have some irreconcilable connection with this song and that time in the early morning after I've stayed up all night. It's been so long since I listened to the Yume Nikki music, man.
ive got some experiences with that song too
That makes me a little happy to know.
I only tried on my work shoes for several minutes and my left foot still hurts that's a bit concerning
my whole body hurts my muscles were aching too bad to even stand up yesterday and i had so much work to do i hope it doesnt stay this way
That's a bit how it feels for me right now. Achey thighs, side stomach areas, upper arms. Kind of bits and pieces all over. It's hard to focus on things some times.
Whenever I lay on one side for a long period of time, one of my nasal routes always ends up getting blocked up. I wonder if it impacts the quality of sleep I get.
yeah if you're only breathing through one side, then you're only getting oxygen to one side of your brain so you're really only getting half of the sleep effectively that you should be because one side of the brain isn't getting the oxygen to perform its sleep functions
Oh no. No wonder I become more mentally incapacitated as time goes by. Well in actuality I know at some point I just start sleep-breathing through my mouth. But it's the transition that I worry might be causing me to shift out of deeper sleep when I shouldn't.
do you feel like you need deeper sleep im usually fine with short rests there's a distinct feeling that sleep deprivation has, but i dont feel a big difference from a short nap or a long deep sleep other than i sometimes hurt after a deep sleep from laying down longer
>>536130 i would say that ive got severe agoraphobia and social anxiety and being outside or around strangers causes me severe paranoia and i doubt i'd be able to think rationally
>>536129 I think I need deep sleep bursts. The best sleeps I've ever had have been like 4.5 hours after being drop-dead tired. Just conking the fuck out. Id like best a solid six hours at once, it's just comfortable between having enough time to dream and not spending eleven hours in bed, drifting in and out of slumber. But managing the habit feels always impossible.
>>536134 i have no real reason to be excused as a juror that i would like to write down anyways i don't want to be on a fucking watch list or something
>>536135 sleep is really weird for me i guess it's not particularly different from laying down and processing a head full of information or daydreaming consciousness drifts in or out but other than that it feels like im doing the same thing i'll be doing stuff, i want to stop doing stuff so i think about the things that feel good to think about and organize sometimes i lose consciousness doing it and sometimes i dont if i take any stimulants i crave the sleep though like i just want to lay down and sleep and feel really good but otherwise i don't care whether the actual sleep occurs or not as the rest is kind of the same
>>536136 It's probably gonna be some small court inane shit. A squabble between two divorcees over who gets to keep the chihuahua.
>>53614 → whoosp >>536140 yeah probably i'll just have to MAKE IT interesting let's turn this assault into terrorism JC A BOMB
>>536140 divorce courts don't have juries i dont think
I wouldn't know, hah hah. My life boring field has kept me away from the legal world pretty well.
>>536142 texas allows juries in divorce court if it's over child custody but it's one of the very few states that has juries in divorce court at all
>>536143 my work over the past two days has had me spending 17 hours (straight) typing out over 200 pages of court proceedings my brain just shut off at some point and i have to wonder how it's possible that i even do it, let alone accurately it must not be but i guess it's just a zone thing
oh the jury is also allowed to determine whether property is marital or separate when dividing up property but the judge is the person who actually delivers the verdict as far as who gets what
>>536139 I've definitely had times like that. Where I've felt a little drowsy and went to lay down and just think things I might sometimes dip a toe into dozing but never actually sleep. But then come later in the night and I'm trying to wind down for sleep and I've got way too much energy.
Alcohol will encourage me to drowsiness, and coffee has this window before the energising kicks in where my exhaustion feels accentuated, but generally I don't really have experience with chemical substances to know how they affect me.
i sometimes think about whether sleep is necessary i think that the rejuvenation is necessary and i think sleep is a very organic way to get that but i feel like sometimes other restful actions can be a surrogate for sleep and perform the same function
I don't really know too much in this field but I believe sleep is considered useful for the brain's upkeep. Maybe people could be trained to do that consciously or parallel to consciousness, but I think for most people sleep is valuable because of how it lets the brain work outside of consciousness.
if i take central nervous depressants like valerian root, catnip, benzos, then the conscious state of rest that occurs while engaging in passive absorption and processing feels very rejuvenating and i can spend the night that would have been asleep in a similar but conscious state, slightly more directed i think that may be the same mechanism by which, as i keep mentioning, stimulants make me want to sleep the instant i take caffeine or anything stimulating, there's just a kind of mind cloud or fog that forms until i take a quick nap i just want to nap at that moment and it eels so good to do so >>536152 >>536152 yeah i do this and i get a lot of work done it's probably unhealthy though like yesterday i woke up not being able to stand up because of muscle and joint issues working while in a semi-sleep state is probably dangerous
i wish i could just not sleep i could get so much work done
Honestly I don't have the discipline in the first place. I'd just spend it all slacking around.
Oh yeah Jan you see the MonHun World PC release date?
>>536154 nah I haven't seen it >>536153 I have nothing like that but with enough time I can get shit done it's less that I need discipline I just need more time I do things slowly and take it easy all the time >>536158 oh, closer than I tho ught! can't wait to hunt monsters at 144fps
>>536157 It's like right before or right on the coattails of Generations Ultimate, too. So much MonHun in August.
>>536160 Ultimate is a bit later, 28th Aug. So I'll have a few weeks to play PC MHW before I go to the switch. I'm not sure if I'll really care to play much of more MHW tho ugh
Oh right, that's further than I remembered. At the least I'll be playing World on PC. I got a tax rebate that more or less matches its price so I'm totes gonna irresponsibly put it down for the game when it comes out. I also want GU though, and that might not be a week one purchase.
if you're looking for bang for your buck i'd honestly recommend GU over MHW even the base generations has more content than MHW World has shiny grafics and based sliding attacks but will probably only keep you entertained for 100 or so hours unless you're a diehard fan and even then I only ended up getting like 500 hours the gameplay improvements are great everything about the engine is just awesome and the maps are great but there just aren't a whole lot of monsters to hunt unfortunately maybe they'll keep updating it and eventually get it to the point the handheld games are at though
relaxful with some free time im reading and watching videos about sea snails very pleasant
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
i think video ads are getting really dedicated to personalization now because i was looking at jewelry recently i just got an ad about rings from some online vendor but then it was overlaid with trap music despite being a real floral kind of advertisement haha it's so weird
I, for one, am excited for this new hell of personalized mishmash ads
i think there's probably just a giant repository somewhere of generic music created just for advertisements and they just cycle it to whatever flags are set with people's viewing data it's youtube ads and youtube loosely tracks music tastes, so it seems pretty likely i dont know whether youtube's advertising platform allows for procedural advertisements like that though, or whether the advertising company just puts together a range of variations of the advertisement
You would think a person my age would be able to tell the difference between sunrise and sunset And yet here I am slightly panicked because I thought I wasted the day Good Morning
>>536244 no im too far today but i could go tomorrow
>>536254 Oh cool Yeah it's really fun. Wanna hang out sometime tthis week?
The big tub of chili I made that was supposed to last me well into next week is all done up now. I love most of my family dearly bit man. Five people eat a lot of food.
Flaming Lips start soon™
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>536255 sure thing i’ll be staying in wicker park i wonder if whoa is around too :o
>>536258 Good, that's where I was planning on meeting you.
i was in louisiana for the past month and a medic left a thermometer cover inside a dudes butt and the doc wrote in his write up for that patient "patient states he can still feel it inside"
hi whoa im in chi town i will visit NYC briefly next week~
ah yeah im in new york
New yawk
I wont have a car next week :( hows life goin samura i did you move back to canadia
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i moved back last year i returned to the bay area september last year
in a few months i might be movjng to NYC we’ll see
nice nice were you east or west canada my brothers telling me to visit montreal if youre near there ill probably be going there soon
East Coast beast coast
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i did 6mo west then 6mo montreal
the sites sleak all this fade in fade out quality of life stuff i wonder if posting nsfw content works now haha just kidding
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
css animations that’s the cutting edge of imageboard tech i wonder if i’ll ever rewrite this thing or are we stuck like this forever
at least the WWWWWWWW trick still works YOUUU ◯
I prefer something more along my AESTHETIC
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
are you a military man
My reenlistment is coming up soon yeah im a medic in the army im gonna try to get japan as my duty station okinawa if not germany either way im excited
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
damn that’s pretty sweet don’t start WW3 now y’hear young man
i wouldnt start it with japan theyre makin the dumb phone game im playing and an arcade version of it and anime of it basically anime fr*cken rules
this place is dead wheres the homies
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
winter has come i have a job again no time to make it weird
for this tour he's doing one half of his set as different than the other half look up the article on it, the Utopia tour it's a really cool concept, i'm excited
do whatever you want i just felt like there was some animosity from the blocking or whatever and have been confused but you take care of you and that's fine
>>536406 oshit I didnt even think about that. I might do that actually >>536408 i remember i was at a japanese mall with my mom and aunt once, I bought a cheap daki there and they actually didnt seem to care but it was a long time ago so they may feel different about it now. >>536409 you're probably right but I was like 17 at the time im hella old now
>>536404 my step dad found it he didnt give a FUCK tbh
If you want to discuss perverse fascinations with feet, perhaps there are more suitable parts of the Internet to do so. That sort of thing is not really /moe/ material.
>>536453 Maybe they have like, some sort of UBI It's incredible how overall stable the society looks despite this horribly fucked economy, but then again David Cage
>>536455 I could believe that to be honest THe banks and the government let just enough money slip out so that people have enough to live off of Enough to the point where the marginal benefits of giving it away meets the costs of it The benefits being avoiding civil unrest
There's no way they'd let it slip enough for normal people to have something as superfluous as android servants. That's strictly a rich people thing. Or for people who are obsessed with the idea.
>>536459 Yes By an insane margin >>536462 Android labor is literally the cost of electricity, which your human laborers will be wanting enough to pay for as well
>>536475 It is those moments, that vindicate my hoarding and scroogey ways in games, when I carry around those 100001 elixirs and neve ruse them, cuase I don't think I need to
someone needs to do a parody of that with a yandre character but have a realistic heart light up in the reflection as if she's going to rip out her lover's heart
>>536458 They weren't like that in the game though. didn't they cost a lot? You CAN mass produce them but I don't think they were to the point where it was easily accessible outside of like... upper middle class people.
>>536484 a yandere holding a switch that will stop your heart if she ever lets go of it that way she has to hold your heart forever
I mean it definitely is horrible, but it also presents this strange world where events that should be crashing everything are just sort of happening and nobody really seems to mind that much
Cops with orders to suppress a slave rebellion just kinda stand around while the terrorist rebel slaves sing, a march solves slavery somehow Like it has an extremely idealistic view of how things function
My biggest problem with creating something meaningful is that there is very little that I care very much about. I don't feel like I understand things enough Or care about things enough to handle these kinds of things well. The world will spend millions on Cage though
The great part, I think, about this latest Cage game is that most people actually do see the world in the way presented, but can also immediately tell it's nonsensical in the game I think that's an interesting phenomena
My personal revelation was that David Cage is very bad at handling metaphors but people are also GROSSLY BAD at understanding metaphors, especially when related to the politics of marginalized struggles so it's like.... Yes, it's incredibly heavy handed in some areas but... if it wasn't this heavy, would you have even understood it???????????????????????????????????????????????? Not to mention that it's a BAD metaphor so how you agree with some things also raises a separate sort of questions.
That's kind of the problem with making any sort of art I guess If you're not heavy handed, the people who agree with you already are the only ones who'll pick it up a lot of the time >>536507 Like jumping for a slam dunk and missing by a meter
The game did have a few cool segments, though Not a lot of good story segments, but like in terms of mechanics it looked pretty neat watching it
Like it's a walking sim with QTEs effectively, so it's constrained, but the gameplay in a vacuum seemed alright enough Some of the puzzles and stuff were kinda cool, I thought
But I can't really remember any part of the story I was like "This is very good"
Uhh, almost? In fact, that's technically the strongest one, sorta. That was one of the main ones I was reading about. SCP-3125. "Once you see it, it sees you. And it goes out of its way to kill you, anyone close to you, and anyone of similar mental capacity as you." Anti-memes are things that go out of their way to be 'forgotten' or 'unknown'.
>>536517 Well yeah, just imagine that the fractal image is an actual entity that can find a way to kill you, and you have an 'antimeme'. Something that ensures that it can't be known
>>536519 Yes, it does. Which is why the SCP-entry can't be read unless you have the password to get behind it. It only details the room in which the SCP entry is in. But if you have the password, you can actually read the entry which, in itself, "would constitute a lethal cognitohazard."
That's all I've heard from someone of the same opinion as you lol
in short it is >someone made quite tumblr scp >people were "uuhhh, okay why is this a thing and can we rewrite this into somehting that isn't obnoxiously tumblr profile" >"No" t. admin >"uhh, but we usually rewrite stuff that is either obviously self-insert or just not up to the standards" >"no" t admins >continue "conversation" >they ban people that mention this thing in anyhow >then later they replace SCP logo with SCP raindow edition during pride month >people already on the vary because of tumblr thing and similiar incidents in the past, not to mention the SCP forums for staff and moderators already incliding them to be quite biased ideologically >shitstorm happens >shitstormers and legitimate critics are categorised as one >anyone who disagrees with admins is banned and that is last I heard of the story
My dude the wiki has entries that are legit just Sasuke with a namechange It's fairly clear why certain things were protested
well it can't be whole since it obviously didn't fly here
Like literally your only response when someone points at clear evidence of bigotry is "NO NOT EVERYONE ON THE PLANET IS A FASCIST" and that's it It's fucking ridiculous, TN
Well it is equally good defense as "communism was never tried"
It's not ridiculous to point at a shitstorm involving this thing obviously being motivated by its inclusion when HAVE YOU SEEN THE REST OF THE SCP WIKI? It's a wasteland of bullshit OC
Yeah and which is why I stopped visiting it years ago cause of the clear drop of quality >>536539 it is called final straw and the admins throwing banhammer it could have been any other entry too, but ofc some kind of entry sparks more discussion than other
Why would it? It has literally nothing to do with bigotry obviously, I guess sasukeslayer656 was just far higher quality than this thing
I read it years ago Like you, I don't visit the fucking thing
Because well, the writing isn't exactly great for a lot of it
did you know they actually vote these OC things, and sometimes have quite amusing lore writing contests to explain their deletion? is kinda amusing to have someone's OC character get their brains blown out
I have no investment in it I just find it interesting how coincidentally all these non-bigots always seem to throw a shitfit when there's a marginalized thing involved Like fucking clockwork
I don't fucking know, I just experience the outrage at them having a rainbow flag and a 'tumblr thing' in the wiki from the outside
or is an alien satellite thing that decides to write tumblr blogs in the internet and then decides it is transwoman really a thing that is considered marginalised? Anyhow, the first comments to it just were pretty much "uhh, what did I just read" and then "okay can we rewrite this into something less tumblry" and once that somewhat rational discussion got banhammered, then shit storm began in truth >>536549 haveyou actually read the article?
What's tumblry about it beyond it having a tumblr blog? SCP isn't exactly averse to weird shit
There's like a typewriter with an AI or something
Of course I haven't, I've no interest in this
and don't it just isn't worth it I don't say that bigotry didn't come into the play once the storm started, but at the root of it, it was pretty much "can we change this to be less cringy" answered with "no" and then banhammer when they insisted on the topic
>>536545 wait, are we actually comparing this to Gamergate now because Gamergate's bigotry is well documented.
Well the lesson of the story is, that you can't have nice things in modern times, because faggots and assholes will come around and jizz and shit all overit
what the fuck is wrong with this internet I guess my parents don't give enough of a shit so they just let the router drop them all the time or whatever is going on