
Thread #536593

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Samu !KW2DbpWwls
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
got set up in da airbnb
it has no wifi(?)
Oh no
You still in wicker park?
>>536593 (OP)
I always thought as kid that these oracles would eat your hand
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
just got in
b b b b b ang
the what now
you never see nthose giant face oracles?
i dont quite understand what you're referring to
like a statue or something? i dunno what you mean by oracle in this context
that's not a way i associate the word normally
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hey that's pretty good
Like a version puts out some good covers sometimes
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Well, looks like I'm stuck at home today, since my mother left her keys in dad's car, so I let her borrow my car
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
lol u tk me 2da bean🌭?
oh wow yeah that's spooks
whos da bean now dog
wait it's you not who
man i give up
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
am i gon get a taste
Have fun
Want some recommendations?
Twitter ads are wild
oh boy are you there now
This is so dumb I love it
Kirara 🚗
just letting y'all know that people are still talking about riots in chicago so be careful
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i am now
got my tix got my 312
thx for the warning good to see ya
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i’m sticking to some pretty safe areas
my buddy knows this city
You gonna go see the George Clinton concert?
Kirara 🚗
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good, stay saaaafe
>call out for one night
I want to not go to work for the rest of my life
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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that sounds about right.
go have fun
I did.
But now I have to go back to work
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fucking garbage tier internet
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Like 6 devices on the wifi rn
I wish my net had 6 devices
the only thing connected is my phone and it's still dropping
I can barely hold a fucking chess game on this internet sometimes
ctoacwn (mobile)
this full
Real ramen or instant ramen?
ctoacwn (mobile)
real ramen
ctoacwn (mobile)
I wish I was more hungry, I wouldve got the curry chicken over ramen. That's my favorite dish
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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oh god it’s so hot
I tried to wear in my work shoes and they were incredibly painful
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christ that's terrible
I love this song, iit's so catchy.
shit meme 0/10
Wojack is actually a pretty good meme though.
It's just that 90% of everything is shit, so 90% of wojack stuff is shit too.
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Wojack is insanely overused. It annoys me greatly because people don't invent something new, they just slap a wojack on
no wonder I've being seeing tenryuu lately
girl got a kai ni
Diverging her bosom even more so from the rest of her body.
anime >>536651 →
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also nice
I like chickens, they can be very friendly
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i really like hens
i used to go to Michaels a lot and they always had really cute hen-themed housewares
like serving dishes and flower pots and stuff
i wish i could decorate with things like that but it was always a little too expensive
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when I was young we raised chickens in school, from eggs
One of those chickens was my best friend and I'd hang out with it at lunch
It was a really nice chiken, it was bright yellow
r.i.p Poulet you were my mate

Could you paint your own houseware stuff in a hen theme?

Mother henning ain't easy
Can't take it all on your own
You could potentially take up pottery and make your own but I guess it's a bit expensive and time consuming

It's cute
The goose is really nice
Are you into stuff like China as well?
I think we have some in a cupboard
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i used to be a bit of a mother hen role but nowadays i feel like i need a mother hen
i mean they were shaped like hens
like i had a little pot shaped like a hen which i grew cat grass in for my kitty
or like those happy seving dishes that have a lid and between the tray and the lid it has the appearance of a big hen
i've got some goose themed dishware with just imagery on regular plates in storage somewhere that i really like
i like gooses too but a hen is more serene to me
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i've got plates, bowls, and saucers with this exact pattern
i really value them a lot
they're very special to me
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ive never really had the resources to actually coordinate fine china and interior decor
i really like it all though
currently i dont have stable housing to where i can justify investing in things i might not be able to keep
but i like aesthetics
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This is stretching the subject a bit, but what about little toy soldiers like this
We have a bunch of them

Do you have hard rubbish days near you?
Sometimes I see people put out interior decor stuff like that on the side of the road
And anyone can just come in and take it. You're not supposed to since it's meant to go to a recycling plant but really no one's gonna stop you

What sort of minatures?
Do you like big trainsets as well?
I love the minatures displays they have at museums
Like the country side ones with the rolling hills and the trains
Or the WW2 displays where they show trenches and stuff

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i can't really speak to that exactly, but im kind of addicted to miniatures
it's a special kind of obsession
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trains are a little more boyish than i acquaint with but they're okay
i like miniature ceramics and resincrafts
i don't really know how to describe what that entails but just tiny things
it's a complicated sort of thing
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what about dolls then are you into those

I don't know about ceramics but I can get resincrafts
Those are neat
I think I can see where you're coming from though

Even if I'm not sure how to say it

I don't know how I even forgot
Dolls are great
You used to make clothes and stuff for them right? That's a step above
It's like dressing up a character in a game, but it's more tactile
Expensive though

I hope one day you can
I vaguely remember you posting photos once and it looked quite good
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im sorry have you met me before
i'm /moe/s resident doll fanatic to the point that it creeps people out
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clothes, mohair wigs, custom faceplates
i had an etsy store for that yeah
i would like to get into that again but it's an investment i can't afford sadly
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thank you
i really have a passion for crafting things
it's really hard to make clothes for people though, so dolls are super accomodating
people are more likely to dress their dolls in fanciful clothing than they are to buy it for themselves and never have a chance to wear it
plus quality for people is harder because it has to endure the dynamic environment and has to be their size and stitched a certain way
i can easily just model something on a doll i own and know it'll fit someone else's
and people generally don't get the chance to wear such fanciful things so they like having the chance to dress their doll up that way
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I tried sewing once, I wasn't very good at it though
Which is part of why I like gunpla, because it simply clicks in
>dolls are super accomodating
Yeah, a doll won't accidentally trip and tear it or something
Like you said, it's more consistent in size too
And you can instantly put it on the doll to see how it looks, then take it off and change things if you want to
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it's hard though
doll lovers tend to be really rich people and i'm a peasant
i can't really socialize and network in those circles well
it fosters a lot of insecurity
my dream would be to have a successful online shop for doll accessories and customization
but it's really a lot harder than it sounds
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I don't think it sounds easy at all
I'm curious, how much startup capital do you think you'd need for something like that to take off?

That sounds tough. But I'd hope shared passion between people would be able to overcome those sorts of barriers
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equipment and materials probably not a lot, maybe a thousand
the difficult part is the time investment in creating initial products and marketing them until a reputation is established
i'd probably need a solid two months of dedicated focus on developing a theme and building a line of products around it, so two months' living cost plus materials plus some networking efforts
i wouldn't market because it's more of a personalized community
probably 3,000 saved up in order to fully transition
the more organic option is to not make an instant transition though
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oh yeah give your opinion on this doll
wait for phone tn to pop up
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god i hate old time dolls
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God fucking hell, I was looking for an extra pillow the other night and I open one higher than head door and the bigger doll just falls on my face
Try to sleep after that
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>magpie just leisurely eating cherries in neighbours yard
I guess those birds don't give a fuck about cds and reflective paper that is supposed to scare away birds
I thought magpies were known to like that stuff
maybe that's just
OK okay
They like the appearance of them, but magpies aren't dumb birds.
They're not gonna bump heads into glass to get at things they can't pick up and carry off.
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magpies are super smart
smartest crowbirds
and also coolest looking
anyhow, do people over there in southern lands hang cds or folio paper or other reflective stuff on berry bushes or fruit trees to ward of birds?
I do wonder how well they work, some birds afterall are quite smart and will realise they are harmless
I don't think I've seen it
Only seen the cable tie - helmet trick for cyclists
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Or I guess it is a thing
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btw if you have broken down HDDs, open them up
the discs are as reflective as glass and can work as decorations, bird warding or just a neat pocket mirror
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This is one of my lockscreens and looks like Myst to me every time it comes up
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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lel good chunk of the capital is closed due to big wig meeting
I saw some smart boi on twitter had a booth in Helsinki selling both MAGA and antitrump hats
Gotta respect the hustle
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Minus 10 sec
do you live there TN-kun?
gotta profit from idiots whenever you can, if you want to make it big
hi are you having fun
weird to suddenly have news broadcasts from 1990 playing on bush-gorbastschov meeting
world was quite different back then
damn dog escaped again
fuck my life
Is he a fast dog
Yeah he's pretty fast when he wants to
Will he come running back to you if you're holding a treat?
He is probably a fucking k away for all I know
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good luck
hopefully he'll tire himself out
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
mornin guvna
How was the taste?
Did you go see george clinton?
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i did!
the food was ok i had a chicago style and some beer
the festival atmosphere was nice, so freakin busy
hot as hell
im sure you experienced same
It wasn't too hot on Saturday, just really humid. Which made it awful. But the humidity dissipated and it felt a lot better during the flaming lips concert.
but do dogs know the way back home?
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They had the giant robot out during the Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots part 1
Actually that was fight test.
I think
is that head a buttplug
that looks edible
Looks like some sort of combo of either marshmallow or cotton candy, and gummies
>head to local warehouse because we've found the dog there before
>get pulled over by the cops because it just so happens that someone had knocked some stuff from there
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it'll be fine
damn why she lookin at me like that
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You getting sized up
There's been peals of thunder for the past hour or so and weather reports a thunderstorm warning for the area.
I'm hoping we get some good stormin' done.
yo same i love storms
storm sandwich
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Close thunder always scared the fuck outta me
Still down for them showers tho
I love thunderstorms.
One of the neatest visuals I remember is looking out over the lake my cottage is on while a thunderstorm is going crazy.
And just seeing the lightning display going off in the sky.
i wish i could watch thunderstorms roaring in the deep oceans with waves crashing from like a safety bubble
That would be pretty neat too, yeah.
the ocean is so scary but so captivating
wish it would thunder here
it has been consistently 25-34c all day and night around for a week+ now
and no storms
usually there'd be thunder by now
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What I hear everytime I wake up
>throne room cum treasury
Kirara 🚗
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Have I shown up and posted anything odd or unusual in the past 24 hours?
Not as far as I've seen

The last thing you posted was reminding about the Chicago riots. Samu thanked you for it.
I saw you talking about whacking your head. Things okay?
Kirara 🚗
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cool, thank you

I think I have a concussion
i can't remember the reasons why
I've been writing them down, though

i probably will tomorrow afternoon
there hasn't been any time for it
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Did you see someone about it?
Can't remember the reasons?
As in not the actual cause but things that have been happening after hitting your head?
You can't remember how you got it?
You were posting on twitter about hitting your head on a desk I think
nah it was a cabinet

>lying on the floor
sounds strong enough to cause a concussion
Kirara 🚗
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I keep forgetting the reasons that have led me to believe I have a concussion.
I remember hitting my head because I remember lying on the floor and laughing about how I couldn't possibly be bleeding after that, but I actually was bleeding.

I have my little book.

Slower processing speed, cognitive slowing, forgetfulness (attentional), word finding difficulty, coordination - dropping things, spontaneous breathing difficulties, sluggishness.

I'm completely functional and my issues aren't debilitating, though.
That doesn't seem good
Kirara 🚗
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No, sorry, I lied down after I hit my head. Because it hurt.
I didn't fall down.
Even if it's not debilitating, that still sounds pretty worrisome.
I'm not really familiar with concussions though, is there a better way of getting through one other than just ... waiting it out?
well bleeding is still pretty strong
None of your recent tweets seem strange or odd
Kirara 🚗
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Yes, I bled for quite some time.
If I hadn't been so lucky, I would probably have damaged my eye socket, since I basically cut my eyebrow.

All you can do is wait, but I have to do the work that decides whether or not I get my Master's this week, so it's an inopportune time to get a concussion.
If I'm not better tomorrow, I'll have to go to the doctor to get a note so I can get an extension.
As far as injuries that inhibit your ability to produce intellectual work, concussion's pretty much the worst you could get, yeah.
Hopefully the facility is receptive to an extension. They're some times kind of dismissive of students being sick or injured, aren't they.
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hello hello
It couldn't hurt to at least try asking
Kirara 🚗
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I can probably get a concussion if /// an extension if I have a concussion.

Anyway, I was just checking in to make sure I'm not doing things I don't remember.
See you guys around!
Good luck, be safe.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
hello hello
what fun things have you been doing
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Leaving already?

Working late.
I can't imagine that being terribly fun.
Kirara 🚗
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Thanks, you too

bye bye
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
this explains some things.
goodluck with masters stuff
i cannot even get my practice done and kirara has a concussion and they're doing a masters.
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I don't think it's right to compare two entirely different professions like that
Psychology and lawyering are not the same
And it's not a competition. Just focus on being the best you can be instead of comparing yourself to others
it's obviously not competition it's just how frustated i feel. if it was --

like, at my age most people already have stable jobs already.
like my sister.
my sister who grew in the exact same environment as me
don't think about that. If she did not have a job you wouldstill be in the same position. It does not change.
My twin sister makes like $80,000 a year.
I haven't graduated from college and have never had a job. There's always someone who is more of a fuck up than you.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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My twin sister doesn't EXST
Is that your new light novel series?
knowing you, you would make it akward somehow so im glad she doesnt exist.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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That'd be a neat inversion of that twist.
The reader could be aware the whole time that the sister doesn't exist but the character isn't aware.
Kirara 🚗
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But I also will get kicked out of my program if I fuck anything up because I'm a fuck up and have been fucking up.

"Leaving already?" she asks and then leaves
honestly it could involve some alternate reality shit
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I can't tell if this is directed at me or ton

this is why I don't like to make evaluations on the basis of whether or not there are others better or worse than you
because someone is always better or worse than you, so you'll always be climbing that ladder and you'll never be content
not you.
i was gonna say that you're right.
somehow knowing you and knowing you are still trying your best helps me because i believe you when you say you're a fuck up.
sorry if it sounds rude.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Is there still a plan to travel to the world of cheesesteak
Kirara 🚗
probably not i fucked that up too by spending the last two months breaking down constantly instead of planning it and i doubt people can make it now
like, joining the socdem party i've met so many new people i didn't before and like, it would be nice to be friends with them and build something together but like, my ability to work properly is an odds with it.
wish i could just work with them, but that's only a possibility if we won the elections and even then i'm not valuable enough..
It's a non-zero chance I could make it, but I think you've still got a lot on your plate for the upcoming months.
And a lot of the other people interested would probably have a really hard time clearing things up on short schedule.
Kirara 🚗
it would probably be better to do it in december that's really the only way we can reasonably make it work but idk i have a concussion or something
Well I don't have a concussion and even I think August is still pretty short notice for most people, probably.
Planning for something later in the year would also be easier on me too anyway.
Kirara 🚗
yeah i pretty much fucked it up
I mean, any one of us could have shouldered the planning burden or helped in some way.
Try not to beat yourself up too much over it. I'm sorry I didn't try to help.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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That's fine, I wanted to check because I can make plans to do stuff with PAN or so.
Kirara 🚗
i will probably go in august and then the group can do dexember
it's not your fault
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Maybe I can ask for a day off in december or something

With all the stuff going on with you lately I was kind of expecting this though.
Kirara 🚗
thank you for the vote of confidence
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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That wasn't meant to be negative.
You have a lot going on.
Kirara 🚗
i came back to say something important but i got distracted and forgot what it was
Any inkling of the general topic?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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It was to remind us that you're always the cutest idol, Kirara.
Kirara 🚗
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i think i was going to say that im probably not going to be a regular here for a long time, if ever again
That's a shame, I'll really miss you.
Kirara 🚗
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and I'll miss /moe/ but it's no longer in my best interest to remain
Is there anything I can do to change that?
i think kirara's interest is more imporant in this case.. it really can't be helped.
Kirara 🚗
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I wish, but I don't think so.
A lot of the things that kept me here in spite of the things I've disliked about this place are gone, leaving me with little more than complaints.
I don't have the stress tolerance to deal with it all anymore, especially without those things that have been lost.
I just wanted to make sure.
i case i dont see you again. hugs.
Kirara 🚗
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That's a little melodramatic! We have each other on Twitter.
Kirara 🚗
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I'll take that silence as my cue to leave.
Bye bye.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I can bother you periodically if you'd like.
Kirara 🚗
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Do what you want.

I don't expect a lot, though!
I'm usually ignored in the end.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I should text people more often.
I'm just use d to PAN being a slowpoke.
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Thanks for making me remember that.
So that phone I bought for $499 is $249 right this second.
This is a fucking amazing deal. You're getting the equivalent of a $700 or $800 phone unlocked for $249.
If any of you have been waiting to buy a new phone now may be the perfect time.
The phone's performance is outstanding, it uses very little ram and comes with no bloatware whatsoever, a long ass battery life, and the ability to use a hotspot even if it's not in your wireless plan.
The only downsides are the relatively heavy weight (as far as phones go, that is, it's not very heavy but is still noticeably heavier than my old S5 and some newer Samsung/iPhones I've held) and that there will be no more serious updates to the hardware of the phone, since the company that made it is losing money like the ice caps are losing mass. They have still been pushing software and security updates through, however.
Even if you don't really need to get a new phone I'd still say you should consider it, a deal like this is rare.
I always either reply instantly or 3 days to four weeks later
anime >>536888 →
Kirara 🚗
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you were probably going to find out on twitter anyway so here's the news
Oh no.
I hope the both of you are all right.
Try and rest easy, Kirara.
Kirara 🚗
that's life
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That sucks. My condolences.
Reclaiming my eye
And leaving
Time for work?
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have you ever killed someone with jedi clairvoyance
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That prefire tho
I killed people with one bullet through walls
That count?
I've never killed aaaanyone.
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yeah pretty much the same thing
sniped her through the tree even though you can't see through it
you can't wallbang in overwatch sadly
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They'll add a hero that can shoot through walls I bet
New meta
Would synchronize with spider-lady's ultimate unless that got reworked a lot since the open beta demo I tried Overwatch in.
Something that's endearing to me is listening to people with a bit of a Southern inflyection say "myana".
There's always a bit of a 'y' in there that gets me every time.
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Ate food that's been sitting out for 5 hours
now I don't feel all that well
hope I don't die
is five hours really that much
i eat food that has sat out overnight all the time
i just plop it on the stove, occassionally reheat, and never really refrigerate it
I thought generally food is bad to eat if left out for at least 3 hours
Food keeps wildly different lengths depending on what the food is, what temperature the room is, what the room it's being kept in is like, etc.
There's a bunch of factors that could make up how long it keeps.
i store and eat food room temp all the time without thinking about it
not saying that it's fine but it's what i do
The food I ate was curry chicken + rice
It was left in the kitchen inside a bag under other leftovers
and it was room temp

Then it's probably just the food itself or something else
or I just ate too much
that's probably fine
I just leave cooked food under a cloth a lot of the time
I was under the impression that rice went bad pretty quickly.
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You'll be fine.
Now you know for next time.
Oh well...learning things the hard way is better than not learning them at all...I suppose
i definitely eat slow-cooled and room temp rice a lot so there's probably something more subtle there than just a strict binary
Maybe you just have an iron stomach.
Fortunately, I've never actually gotten sick from food so hopefully I'll be able to sit this one through
I'm so sorry
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i’m seeing double!
Four Krustys!
Kirara 🚗
that's an awful thing to have happen
I hope fish is alright
you know where I am if you need to vent or anything
When I sit at my desk I think I put way too much weight on my elbows.
They always end up really sore.
Don't know how to sit in a better way though.
Don't put your elbows on the desk then.
changing your posture isn't as easy as it is to say.
>please let us add you to our watch lists and database
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reminds me of ruth white a bit
pretty cool stuff
the council found the dog
my feet are killing me
you did it you dogged
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Samu !KW2DbpWwls
ay do you wanna meet sometime? mail me your contact deets
the deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeets
good thing about capsule coffee, is mixing the shit up
like taking delish hot choco and mixing it with strong espresso
Can I just email you?
mm that was good chococoffee
Kirara 🚗
i have a note saying to update you guys on my concussion so this is the update
i have a concussion
im supposed to rest for two days
was denied an extension on my work even though i have documentation for my concussion
i got my brain scanned and it's not bleeding so that's good
welp atleast nothing life threatening
how are you such a concussion magnet anyhow
Kirara 🚗
idk 2 in 25 years doesn't seem like a magnet to me
sorry that was a rude response
naw I mean both happened in what 1-2 years of each other
and you don't even have a hobby or job that would put you at a risk
or live in area, that would require trodding on dangerous paths etc
Kirara 🚗
im a dumbass with ptsd though and both being stupid and having ptsd increase your likelihood of having more TBIs

guess so
>was denied an extension on my work even though i have documentation for my concussion
this is bullshit
why are moes hitting their heads
oh you meant kirara not yourself
I don't hit my head
I just burn and cut my hands every month
youre a firestarter
Kirara 🚗
life's bullshit
if i go to the doctor again on Thursday and they say im not good, i might be able to get an extension
they've given people extensions without medical documentation before
seem to be out for you
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though here is a thing to ponder, do people on average treat concussion as a serious medical condition
or even a medical condition at all?
it is something to be worried about in my experience
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Mm, but it at times feels that people forget how fragile we actually are
especially how serious even a minor head injury can be
sometimes i look at heoghts from below and think that shouldnt kill a person but then i remember uow unpleasant hopping down just a small dostance can feel
Kirara 🚗
it occurs to me that perhaps i am not job, but sisyphus
I dunno, sisyphus was crafty but he was dick towards everyone and everything, which is why he got the punishment he got
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It is actually quite curious case in the greek mythos
quite usually those kinds of stories can be summarised with "fucked over by gods cause just because"
but Sisyphus fucked over everyone including the gods, and then escaped their counters time and time again and in some stories even avoided death for a time, by cheating the gods again
But his life anyhow was the life of a tyrant king, who wronged others - not just by him being a king, but a cruel king - and all the antagonising gods did against him, was his own causing.
So his fate isn't actually ill-deserved, but while a cruel punishment a one fitting.
Kirara 🚗
i often feel that i am being punished
even if i am not sisyphus, my life is certainly absurd
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and not even the type of "welp you rolled bad and was born in middle of warzone, enjoy losing your legs on a random undetonated mine at age 5"
or the type
this is bit insensitive, but your life seems to remind me of that internet site "would you press the button"
even from the start
>born in america, but it is florida
i feel like fuckin off to the south gobi desert and getting some land in khanbogd
Kirara 🚗
such a thing would be tragic but not absurd in itself

what's stopping you
i can't even muster the energy to go to the mailbox most days
Kirara 🚗
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energy is a strange thing
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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of the future
Kirara 🚗
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sure is
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wow, pricks
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hello hello

good luck with your concussion
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara 🚗
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I told my mom about my concussion and she mocked me.
She laughed about the miscarriage, too.

They sure are.

I'll do my best, I guess.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>concave earth
Knowing your mom that's unfortunately not surprising.
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Is there an office or student affairs or a dean or something that you can lodge a complaint with?
Them not giving you an extension for a concussion seems like the sort of thing you can file a complaint about.
There should be a disability office. I suggest contacting them.
Kirara 🚗
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That won't work.
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Why won't it work?
Kirara 🚗
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I don't feel like describing all of things that have happened in the past few weeks, but there are contextual factors that prevent me from going over anyone's head.
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I see. Well, good luck!
I've been prepping dinner and now my hands are all bathtub-y.
Kirara 🚗
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I don't need luck.
I just need a lack of bad luck.
A single mistake will cost me my Masters degree, they've told me.
Kirara 🚗
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Doesn't really matter, though.
I should take my leave before I get frustrated.
I hope you don't have to lose your Masters.
I wish they weren't such hard-asses about penalizing you for life incidents.
Kirara 🚗
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My colleagues and I think our program chair had a stroke.
Whatever happened to her head, she now becomes almost obsessively fixated on ideas, and one of those ideas is that there's something wrong with me.
She's been claiming I've behaved in ways I never have for a while now.
A student who has failed multiple classes, is regularly late, horrible at therapy, and failed his comprehensive exam, got a higher score on the end of year review, even though I've passed all of my classes, have only been late to one class one time, and have been told by supervisors that I'm very good at therapy.

She is trying to gaslight me or something, too.
She recently called me into her office and told me she was concerned about me because I'm "mysterious" and have knowledge about street drugs, then she started telling me that I shouldn't be friends with people who use drugs because it's not an environment that is "fitting for a clinical psychologist". She started trying to probe me for information about my past, too.
My colleagues think she dislikes me because she doesn't know enough about me to control me.
What could be more fitting for a clinical psych than the wildest people out there?
Kirara 🚗
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I think she hates downtrodden people.
She talks a lot about working with homeless people, but she's always disgusted by her experience of
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At least she's doing something I guess
Still tho
I hope that demented bitch gets fired.
Kirara 🚗
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Wow, my entire paragraph was lost.

She's disgusted by her experience of sitting on the ground under a bridge to talk to a group of homeless people.
There's something wrong with her. She's one of the leading and most prolific researchers in the country on mindfulness, but she's completely scatterbrained and doesn't pay attention to her impact on others.

She recently wanted me to read a book on time management. She opened up Amazon on her computer, so I thought she was going to search a specific book.
She searched "time management" in books and scrolled through them until she found a title she liked, said that looked neat without even opening the product page, and then told me to find a good book on my own.
After nearly an hour and a half of prep, I can finally start frying the components of my fried rice.
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I don't even have a reaction here
Do you think there's any way you can demonstrate or prove that she has a stroke, and that its impacting her capacity to do her job?
Kirara 🚗
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Not without stealing her files.
We think she's seeing a doctor about it because she's always complaining about doctors appointments now.
Kirara 🚗
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But I shouldn't complain so much.
It won't do any good.
Sorry, it's hard to timely respond.
I'm spending most of the time in the kitchen right now making diner.
Kirara 🚗
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It's fine. It matters little.
I'm not sure why I'm here after saying I was leaving, anyway.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Because we're so lovable.
Force of habit
I hate this
What a terrible person
Kirara 🚗
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Hell is other people
Hell is other people you're expected to please so you don't get fucked over
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Kirara 🚗
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Hell is just other people
It's not any specific other people
Maybe that's why I keep trying to escape
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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can't escape from people because you are people.

Maria have you done anything fun
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apparently the financial documents i've been transcribing for this client for the last couple years is referring to FX trading, as forein exchange trading, not "effects trading" as i've been so diligently documenting
Kirara 🚗
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Hell is other people.

No complaints about it?
And they haven't checked with out on it once in those several years?
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I watched Fafner
I don't know if I liked this show or not

What if hell was New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles

>checked with out on it
Oh geez I need to get my head on straight
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my contact with customers is pretty limited
i haven't heard of complaints though
they keep sending stuff in so idk
Maybe they figured it was a straight enough change.
I think most decent word processors have a "change all of X word in document" function.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Looks like it'd be pretty ok
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Kirara 🚗
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Hell isn't a place
Kirara 🚗
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Nice hair
Oh yeah, were you considering getting MonHun World on PC?
It's coming out in August along with Generations on the Switch, and I'm not sure which one I should get, since it looks like I'll probably have to pick between one or the other.
Kirara 🚗
i can't play it on pc
All right, I'll keep that in mind.
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two days 'till ADVENTURE
Sounds pretty good.
I wish I could go on ADVENTURE.
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should b gud
Was this the Russia ADVENTURE or something else?
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it's both.
I'm going to study as an exchange student in Finland for a semester
but I'm stopping in China and Russia on the way over.
And in Russia I'm going on an expedition up mt. Elbrus
Ah right I remember mow.
Now, even.
That sounds like a really good trip.
Pretty exciting.
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Yeah I'm keen
Can you even speak Viking?
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Ooga booga
where the English girls at
Sounds just like TN.
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I don't speak filthy viking untermensch
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anime >>537184 →
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Lord, I lost so many peers, and shed so many tears
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there there
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so I had this Goodbye thing with my co-workers
and it was only meant to be like 4 people
basically just a chance to catch up with old friends.

but then one of the people I invited was a fucking LOUDMOUTH about it, telling everybody that it was happening
so I ended up inviting like 12 people.

and then the other day manager found out about it.
and I didn't invite him because he's like this 40 year old Indian guy. and i like him a lot. He's always got my back
but I thought it might be weird for him to hang out at a bar with the same teenagers that he's supposed to supervise.
so I didn't say anything to him

but apparently he was trying to organize a party for me
and was asking everyone to chip in for a gift
and then he found out I was organizing something and didn't invite him

and I feel super bad about it.
Did he seem offended or petty over it?
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There's no way you could have known about that.
Sometimes plans fall through
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well I saw him in person after all this went down
and he seemed cool about it all
we parted on good terms.
shook hands. said nice things.

He's a grown man, right
got better things to worry about than hurt feelings
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even si
even so*
even so.

I don't like the idea of wronging somebody who was trying to be nice to me.
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Yeah, after a while stuff like that doesn't matter too much.

People always have their inner strength challenged, it only matter how you react to any given situation you recieve.

Man I hope you have a dope ass vaycay
Just be glad someone cared enough to try organizing something for you
Your reasoning wasn't malicious so don't worry too much
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thanks, man. I'm sure I will.
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Hype track
I'm really fond of Jupiter out of that suite.
that IS pretty hype
I'd work out to that
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Supreme taste as always
Hell yeah the whole thing is invigorating

I got some morning stuff to do so peaceee
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ill win for sure
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it didnt upload there we go
>that skirt
I hate it when the game doesn't sync it up properly with the top
ive been doing goofy shit every week and getting the top 1% reward every time
i have to assume people appreciate it
or they might think im some poor retarded girl and take pity on me
theyre not entirely wrong
i always appreciate you.
show up to a job interview in that outfit
>hi im so excited for my first day on the job what should i do first
>they dont have the heart to tell this poor challenged soul that its just an interview
>did that bew girl tuck her jacket into her skirt...?
>just dont say anything...
the combo of the spikey heels with the thigh wrappers is what gets to me
wrap your thighs in spikes
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yo where's blu
Kirara 🚗
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hello sugar lady
I'm free eeee
for two days anyway
Kirara 🚗
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concussion LEAVE
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what does a concussion feel like?
i've never had one i think
Kirara 🚗
the physical parts of being drunk and high on codeine, but with more confusion, anxiety, and LCD screens make your head hurt
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sounds difficult. how do you even do anything except lay in bed when you have a concussion?
Kirara 🚗
you're not supposed to do anything but lie in bed
im not that impaired but my program chair told me not to work today
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well at least you don't have to work but i guess it probably would have sucked either way
how are you enjoying your day off with a concussion?
Kirara 🚗
would be nice if i didn't have a ton of important work i need to do and didn't have a concussion
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oh damn
what are you trying to work on? is your concussion going to seriously mess you up?
Kirara 🚗
i have to work on my clinical proficiency exam
got a big ass report to write for it
a ton of organization to do
but program chair said i can't get an extension although i can try to get an extension again later
it might mess me up since this thing is the deciding factor in whether or not i get my masters
>said the young Gloppin
Hey oh
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that's pretty messed up. if you pass you can tell people you got a master's degree in concussion though.
i can't really relate to that kind of problem but it sounds scary. i'd have quit a long time before getting this far though, best of luck.
It's really stupid to have a single deciding factor for these sorts of things. It doesn't reflect your overall abilities
Kirara 🚗
the clinical proficiency exam is basically a demonstration of my clinical abilities

doing it with a concussion is however not representative of my abilities

idk why i didn't quit already
idk if ill keep going after the masters
might just fuck off to the woods
im watching videos about anomalocaris and early marine life and youtube keeps giving me these horror flick advertisements filled with jumpscares and i can't skip past it
it makes me so angry
i can't even opt out of it or give feedback that i don't have an interest in this kind of advertisement, and im just trying to watch informational videos
i have nothing in my youtube history that suggests i'd be interested in it either
there must just be some algorithm correlation between people who look up dinosaur videos and people who like horror movies
but it's really fucked up
im just watching PBS Eons videos and tryna learn
Turn on adblock just while watching these then.
that response annoys me even more
Kirara 🚗
shouldn't have to take roundabout ways of dealing with it
there should be systematic changes
Well, I know you wouldn't like to have ad block on permanently because you like ads.
im trying to contact youtube about it and i bet theyre gonna tell me if i pay for youtube red i wont have to deal with it
the thing is, i want advertisements
i want the threads of connectivity to what im viewing and the personalized experience of my viewership
horror flicks have nothing to do with that though
i just want a way to give feedback on ads
like "yes, show me more ads like this" or "im not interested in this so you're wasting the advertiser's money by showing it to me"
Search [iqdb] (69 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Banana Fish - 0(…).jpg)
I'd like to know why I get ads for movies at all when I've never even looked up a single clip of any movie on my tablet or account. Where do they get the idea that I even care about what movies are coming out?
Recently most of what I've been getting is ads for these online "webtoons" which are animated comics I suppose. Sometimes I get ads for weeb games like Honkai Impact too. Those ads make more sense to be targeting me.
movies' advertising budget is meant to invade people's personal space
they spend so much making sure people know that it's coming out
i haven't gone to see a movie in like seven years though
i rented Ex Machina from youtube and watched it like a year ago just because but that was it
Yeah but have you ever googled for something like ticket prices or showing times for local movie theatres?
The data used in those sorts of searches could be used for youtube ads even if you've never searched anything to do with those movies on youtbe itself
Search [iqdb] (103 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Isekai Maou to (…).jpg)
I haven't googled it, but I did look up the local theater two times in the last two years to reserve tickets on their site.
I used google maps so I'm sure they got that data but I'm not sure two instances in 700+ days is enough to warrant showing me ads every day for the hottest new movies.
Maybe if I start clicking on the other ads they'll target them less aggressively. I really don't care to see trailers when I'm watching videos.

Also I just realized I left the kettle on for like 30 minutes with nothing in it fuck I'm glad it didn't crack or something
my heart has been doing this weird plungy thing the last couple of weeks where i'll just periodically feel a kind of rumble and movement within it
is that a murmur
it's not a palp
ive had it in the past too so im not worried about it as abnormal but it's unsettling when it happens
>reserve tickets
If they somehow got the fact that you reserved a purchase then that might be a factor. Like, they notice you've spent money on it at one point so they prioritise it over things you've searched more frequently for but they can't confirm you've spent money on
I'm not sure how they'd get that data from the independent theatre site though
>left the kettle on for like 30 minutes with nothing in it
This one time I left a pot on the stove with noodles in the pot but no water in the pot. It really fucked up the pot and now it's all black and charred

Search [iqdb] (65 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Asobi Asobase -(…).jpg)
well murmurs are pretty quiet but if you can hear it with a stethoscope it sounds like rushing water
does it feel like a turbulent kind of rumble?
Kirara 🚗
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holy shit he looks like a dweeb you knowmsayn
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holy shit, motherfucking Gumball animators are the best.
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The greatest
American cartoon
Of our time.
Are you reading that kunoichi manga by the guy that does takagi san?
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The rap game is getting way more cyberpunk and I'm here for it
That's real fucking sugoi.
Kirara 🚗
pretty cool
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whoa they made an anime about me
blue did tou see the video i posted earlier
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Barcode Cowboy would be a really nice show.
Although, I'm more inclined to title it Barcode Bebop
It was really good.
Cowboy Barcod
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cowbow bebarcode
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BarCode Geass
cowboy even
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Barcode Cowboy > Outlaw Snacks
Kirara 🚗
what about Yu Yu Coffee Shop
Kirara 🚗
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>whats your favorite anime
>yu yu hakushu
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damn did you guys see that Barcode Cowboy game they're making
I used to see these things on TV all the time when I was a kid. Never owned one myself though, wonder what they were like.
half the barcodes didn't work and you had to constantly search for barcodes that would heal your monsters
I scared a lady asking for a hand to start my car and she called the cops and they jumpstarted my car
I always wanted a scannerz or one of those digimon ones
Kirara 🚗
i had the black edgy digivice from season 2
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I hope there's not something wrong with my car
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
This ant is a bold and challenging mixture of photorealism and caricature. She is broad and low-built and seems very sturdy. She looks like she would help you move. This ant is a dependable friend. 9/10 🐜
Kirara 🚗
recently woke up with ants in my bed
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i hope they were nice ants
Kirara 🚗
they were very friendly but i was displeased
they were chased inside by the storms, came in through a thing in my window, crawled along my charging cable, and into my bed
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
two years worth of ant colony made a scurrying sound
Kirara 🚗
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i fear no ant
i fear any ant
Kirara 🚗
don't wake up covered in ants like me
i hope i never do
Kirara 🚗
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better check that they didn't bring eggs or queens
you dont desoeuvre this
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Waters so blue
Further than the horizon
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View of the city from the lake is pretty neat too.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
big blue
what is this
Shot of the Toronto skyline from somewhere in the harbourfront.
I've rarely been in this part of the city.
It's really nice here right now though.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
Shot of the Toronaga shogunate from 1602.
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Also there's a deer just chilling inside the fenced off yard of a Navy property.
Weird yet lovely.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
clever girl...
ohh i see it now
it's pretty
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Also hi SK
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canada was settled with nordic spirit afterall
at sheer fact that only scandinavians were used to living at those temperatures and snow levels, compared to rest of europeans
russians could have been there too, but
>russian serfs allowed to leav the country
ofc the know how spread within a single generation
It's more that there was probably once a Norwegian air force training base at that site during WWII.
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Nice boat
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And a veritable forest of masts.
oh shit maria vgperson is going to work on trnaslating segawa’s jext game
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hello hello
is shame windows sucks generally on the "which monitor to use for vidya" setting
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
is shame windows

windows is shame
Kirara 🚗
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nothing like giving therapy with a concussion
You're supposed to take pretty comprehensive notes in therapy, right?
Probably helps through it a bit.
holy shit twitter died there for a minute
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how did that go
Kirara 🚗
no, you can't take notes during therai
that's terrible haha

it went
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Let me guess, you can't call out.
Kirara 🚗
i chose not to for that session
i won't be seeing any other clients this week
Oh I see.
Could you at least refer to the write ups you've done for previous sessions?
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I slept this entire morning.
Which kinda sucks.
but hopefully it means i'll be able to stay up throughout tomorrow.
This sounds interesting. Where do I insert it
Hey Blue would you be interested in a MTG Arena beta key?
Are you familiar at all with MTG Arena?
Kirara 🚗
it'll be fine, i know what i went in there to talk about and remember most of it
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Kirara 🚗
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I've just asked someone for a gallon of chicken
>segawa's making another game

>can't take notes during therapy
don't they need to take down notes about the client and stuff though? Are they really expected to just remember it all?

well actually its been released as 1.0 but rhat does nothing if we cant read it
Well do you want one?
They're gonna be in closed beta for a while yet but they gave me five keys to hand out.

Just put it next to your kilogram of water.
Kirara 🚗
it's not hard to remember stuff you do in session unless you don't actually care about your clients
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sure okay
Kirara 🚗
driving with a concussion is incredibly unpleasant
I can imagine, yeah.
Does the increased anxiety make it worse?
Kirara 🚗
i don't have any increased anxiety, it's just very painful
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meanwhile in the land of things ton spends his time doing
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Got Gwen to +7 on this lovely Earth Season week and now T20 is assured
im trying to figure out units i pike that could also be viable merge candidates but until them i can focus on tiki
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Well, Tiki is good so you did it.
Kirara 🚗
i barely play anymore
do you still play girls frontline
Kirara 🚗
a little
Kirara 🚗
I'm all over that Love Nikki game now

>he takes off the emil mask
>underneath is another emil mask
>he stays in character as Emil the whole time

I think this clicks with me better than other mobage because it focuses on customization instead of just collecting stuff
isn't it great
have you gotten to the associations yet
i'm too intimidated to apply to any
No, I forgot to play for the last two days
Is this like a guild thing or something?
yeah exactly
except i think you can be part of many
it's way more complex than i expected from a mobage
very social
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>very social
do I have to connect my facebook to take part in any of that stuff
I know guest players can't add friends

oh okay good
im not sure
i have not tried
i dont think it goes through facebook for associations
i think it's just like in-game BBS kind of thing
im not sure though
it might be facebook connect in which case i'll never do it
damn I could wish I knew about this
well I'll find out when I get there
*I could have gone Iwish I knew about this
it do not matter
money got longer
Rene what part of Australia are you from
Newcastle/Hunter region
Uh not the hunter actually that's a different area I was thinking of
lets say hypothetically your neighbor's house was on fire, but they weren't there to put the fire out themselves
and firefighters don't exist
and you just so happen to have extensive firefighting training and equipment
are you
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I still must insist that is not a swimsuit.
are you a bad person if you don't go put out the fire?
depends on whether or not the fire poses any risk to you imo
I would not blame someone for refusing to put their own life in danger
If it poses no risk to you, then I would judge you for not putting itout
I'm not saying someone should be legally obligated or punished not for doing it, but I would call you a bad person
Depends on the severity of the fire.
you magically have the knowledge that the fire will destroy the whole house, but not any surrounding area/property
Yeah but does putting it out pose a risk to you?
Kirara 🚗
you're not a bad person but you're not a very effective member of the community and people will reasonably be upset with you
I'd also say you're a not good person for not attempting to put it out as well.
We still don't know whether or not putting out the fire poses a risk to your life and well-being.
yeah this is a really important factor
Sorry I'm having trouble keeping up with all the replies
The fire will not kill you but you do get burned a little bit with every fire you put out
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Fighting a fire without risk to life and well being isn't even a fight.
>you get burned a little bit
So uh
It's magic fire?
listen listen listen listen listen, it's because i'm setting up follow-up questions
i was reading this and thought you were chastising him for asking that question with community being this community and i was like wtf
fuckin context man i'm loosing it
Would you be a good person if you DID go put it out?
Not necessarily
Kirara 🚗
no, but you'd be an effective member of the community and people would reasonably praise you for it

tbf there are no effective members of this community
alright alright here's
here's the follow-up
What if there's fires going on all around the city moderately frequently and you're the only one born with any capability to handle fire extinguishers
are you obligated to go around putting out everyone's fires?
and then, what if someone's house catches fire again multiple times after you've already rescued their house a couple times? at what point does it become reasonable for you to be like "alright well fuck this house"
depends on whether or not you believe the person putting out the fire is obligated to morally or not imo
Like, if you believe it's the bare basic of what a human being should be doing
I'm not sure how to explain that

I believe so which means that I don't think they're a good person for doing so they're just an alright person
I'd make a business out of it
Any house that suffers that many fires would probably be condemned as it is unsafe.
Kirara 🚗
let it all burn down
let the entire city, the entire world burn
for they have built no homes, only their own destruction
I'm asking YOU if you believe that the person is morally obligated to do so
i'd be obligated to internally just because if anyone's gonna die in a fire it's gonna be me
A fair answer
Kirara 🚗
Kirara 🚗
noblesse oblige
what if squidward has been living at MY house, making MY life miserable, and the only way to fix my situation would be for you to take him back, regardless of whether or not you believe that he stole your first dime
if we start a conspiracy investigation regarding mr musk it would be called elongate
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very nicely done

I would take him back
Squidward has suffered long enough
I want Squidward to have a good life
Kirara 🚗
take him out back and put him down
in hopes that someday the favor i grant him is paid forward and the same will be done for me
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turn him into kalamari
When I need a FIRE put out, I find someone whose MORAL OBLIGATION it is, to PUT OUT that F I R E
Was this your endgame all along?
actually, surprizingly enough, this was the inspiration for the fire-conundrum
so, it was the other way around
Kirara 🚗
do you ever //
i got a client whose buddy burned down someone's house for kicking his dog
I'm not surprised
I knew you had something stupid in store
do you ever?
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Good to see he cares about his dog

Well go find some more water moccasins
I guess what I'm REALLY trying to ask is, do I have a moral obligation to be this person's friend since they have a really sad life and have no other friends?
Kirara 🚗
my client put water moccasins in a mailbox to kill a mailman who maced his dog after his dog attacked him
but the mailman survived
what's the best thing
Bit overreacting, but I can understand the logic
That's hardcore
And also retarded
But still
That's Floridaman tier hijinks.
Kirara 🚗
yeah i asked my client if he felt he ever went too far and he told me no everyone he hurt deserved it he was very confident

not a floridaman
if it was retarded then it wouldn't have caught fire you stupid fuck
gosh I can only hope that the mailman brutally killed the water moccasins in awesome fashion
I'm talking about snakes you mongoloid.
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no because that's not a true friendship so you aren't really helping either of yourselves
Eventually you'll be frustrated and it'll start to show
Kirara 🚗
no, he got bit a bunch but someone saw it and he got to the hospital
well damn i dont know if snake retardants exist or not
don't talk shit about mongolia
obligation is really an internal conviction
even just look at the root word and think about what it means to oblige
objectively speaking, I don't think there is a moral obligation to do anything ever
in the end, this kind of decision could be brought down to
>if somehting happens to them, would I feel guilty about it
and if answer is yes, then by all means avoid the guilty
a selfish way to view it, but at times selfishness is good
Kirara 🚗
obligations are spooks
oh man we did it
we brought up objectively and morals in the same sentence
see ya later /moe/ i aint goin near this shit
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Morals are always subjective to some point of view, so "objectively moral" or somehting is moot
ethics ofc can be approached from objective point of view.
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for your enjoyment and edification
Kirara 🚗
morals are spooks
spooks are spooks
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gonna just drop this here
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and necromorphs are spooks too
very spooky
[faux english accent intensifies]
Kirara 🚗
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Being and Nothingness, Sartre
People who use those programs that block websites for you during set times
The image
this sums up a lot of my life
Kirara 🚗
radical freedom babey
it's really not fair that a dream about substance use can invoke memories and sensations of substance use and then you're fucked up when you wake up
Kirara 🚗
there are so many gnats here
my roommate is kind of an // a generic otaku with hoarding dishes and stuff
i'm trying to get that situation sorted, but in the meantime there's so many fuckin gnats
he said we could buy cider vinegar and pour it out so they'd get trapped in it and die
but i think they just hung around the vinegar and bred so now they're everywhere
i'm killing them by hand now but it's still very frustrating
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Have this song I first heard when I was 15
i had a same-day transcription today that was like 35% french or italian
idk what the typical procedure is but the only thing that made sense to me was to also translate it given the context
very hectic and underpaying
Kirara 🚗
I pronounce the g in gnat.
Like GNU.
Kirara 🚗
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I'm not thrilled about this cyberpunk present
Kirara 🚗
it's probably fine
I have no doubt that the headline is bit overblown, but I also believe he most likely said that or among the lines of
I get where he comes from "freedom of speech for everyone" thing, but
however you approach it, that isn't what you should say outloud in public conversation
It's not
Kirara 🚗
yeah he said it
the short sighted dork
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katalina katalina katalina
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I bet he is all
>well that court case was bad pr
>okay let's try the exact opposite approach
only reason to have a holocaust denier speak in public is to debunk them
same for any history revisionist or denier etc
Kirara 🚗
julius caeser was a woman
maybe she was
Kirara 🚗
hitler was two children in an overcoat
that game is SO rage inciting
but fun drinking game
>fail take a drink/shot
It's a slippery slope.
I don't think they should be banned either. They should however be discouraged by their non Holocaust denying peers.
Kirara 🚗
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some should be banned bc holocaust denial is a nazi recruitment technique
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Mmm, ideally it would be debunked and ridiculed so much, no one holding those ideals could publicly or even privately really share them, without being laughed underground
But such is ideally
So they recruit people into neo Nazi organizations by saying "Actually the Nazis were really inept and got nowhere near as much done as the history books said they did"?
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You act like the nazis actually believe the holocaust didn't happen and I don't know why
what the hell are you smoking?
Kirara 🚗
no, they recruit people by saying the Holocaust didn't happen and it's a Jewish conspiracy meant to make innocuous events look evil
Unless you're prepared to spend as much time debunking their bullshit as they do spouting it, your plan is a failure
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Can't have liberties without being ever vigilant, but obviously it would just need a good debunking and then refreshing every now and then not constantly
But like I said, that is the ideal world
Ideals don't work in reality, so you will need to limit some things
Being a retarded anti semite conspiracy theorist in, like it or not, completely legal.
*is, like it or not
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It's got a good debunking
It's called history
It's like the second most talked about and accepted genocide in human history, TN
Kirara 🚗
i didn't say make it illegal
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it is debunked, but not ridiculed
just morally shamed
What's to stop them from banning climate change denial, or creationism, or flat earthism?
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The ideal reaction to ridiculous ideals should be being ridiculed
the other people present laughing at you for you believing in such things, like you were a child who didn't know anything
Kirara 🚗
nothing just like there's nothing stopping them from banning Nazis
Actually since its not a matter of free speech I guess I do think they should be banned.
Free speech law
But it is a slippery slope
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People not doing this is like
Literally their goal
Getting people not to do that is the purpose and effect of their constant denial
Kirara 🚗
people maliciously spreading misinformation in an attempt to foster genocidal attitudes are not good and i would personally not allow them on a website i run
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yeah but the reaction in recent years has been moral outrage instead of laughing at the fringe idiots
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Well it's irrelevant what we think of this anyway
We have no agency here anyway
Says you
I own Facebook stock
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What so ever, who in their right mind as a public person and CEO of a company says what zuck said?
You could see some shitposter like pewds doing that, because that is how he earns his living
outrage and bad comedy
As I said, none of us have any agency here
That's a joke, I don't have Facebook stock.
That's a decent chunk of Zuck's income too, tbf
Kirara 🚗
at least zucc didn't pull an elon musk
yeah but zuck has been quite progressive side leaning for a long time dunno about his actual personal beliefs, though
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1 week from now
Zuckerberg: People who think we should ban the nazis are pedophiles
It doesn't really matter what Zuck believes
He can bounce the country if shit goes tits up anyway, motherfucker's loaded
Kirara 🚗
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wouldn't be surprised if he retires and sells out facebook soon either
Kirara 🚗
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Kirara 🚗
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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what are shoulders anyway
Kirara 🚗
can't stop thinking about what the CT technician said to me yesterday
"point your eyes at your toes. it helps keep radiation out of them."
Kirara 🚗
>>537525 →
>>537525 →
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