>>53296 It's only a picture If you give me the dimensions i can make one for real for your shigure and you can pose her in it
>low framerate >uses 20% of cpu and 10% of ram these fucking ports from early 00
How exceptionally good does your life has to be for a completely baseline Log Horizon life to be a downgrade? For real
dunno if you were lvcl 90 player you get superpowers, easy living and so on and most likely had a million gold already or shit in your bank so...
If you're level 1, getting 15 gold a day is still going to be a cakewalk, and you get to do it while doing something you enjoy And it's completely up to you if you do anything more than that, but it's already a firm baseline
Maybe people with families and close ones, would want to return
Like I think your life has to be REALLY sweet for your first instinct to be wanting to get home Only reason I'd try to get out of Log Horizon is to get my friends IN
If there's no way back in again, I'm staying dude
I wouldn't prolly leave a world like that even if I could
Getting to do the thing you paid to do, as your entire life, is a sweet fucking deal It's something you enjoyed enough to work to facilitate it, and now it's reality
>>53309 Yeah but we follow the "expands into world the lore has built" diablo world has fucking huge lore and your player character is in d3, the strongest being ever. like, you just took down a being so strong, it took on the HEAVENS alone and won and you killed it and then you took on DEATH and killed that too
D3 has idiotic power level for your character makes Ainz seem weak
PoE has a lot of lore, too And it's multiplayer, which is a big factor in being selected for an isekai
How common is arthritis in your family, /moe/? Growing up, I just always heard about it I thought it's just naturally something you get as you get older are there people who dont get arthritis (other than people who've never worked a day in their life)
The food isn't actually bad though, it just doesn't taste anything And all ingredients have taste Just eat carrots or something
>>53324 Haven't heard of it on either sides of my family, and neither of my parents suffer from it. I did know a girl who in her teenage years was already suffering from it though.
>>53328 My grandparents never got it on either side as far as I know. My dad did nearly 40 years manual labor and hasn't developed it yet. My grandfather was a captain in the airforce during the Korean War and my grandmother was from // was a farmer as a kid and no arthritis there either.
>>53327 Sounds good and fun until you realize all the people that you don't get along with still exist. I would not expect to enjoy it. >>53333 Until you get pulled into conflicts.
I thrive on other people getting into conflicts with eachother
My joints get awfully sore from all my typing, but that's just acute inflammation and totally different from arthritis but i don't know anyone in my family without arthritis besides my dad from what i've heard in talking to people though, it's just something you get used to kind of so you don't always even know someone has arthritis because they never end up needing to mention it
i was just curious, because in my mind, arthritis was just part of getting older and deteriorating
That is exactly the kind of thinking that would lead to more problems. I would have to be around people who think everything is still a game. When I just want to have good food and not think about PKs being shitters.
It's the only way to ensure peace, isn't it? Allowing rivaling kingdoms to stick around is just gonna lead to problems, so you wipe them out, and you don't keep the shitty Landers nobody likes
Not really no.
I think you're kind of overestimating immortality anyway. Just because you're immortal doesn't fucking make everyone peace-loving and happy anyway.
The biggest problem is that this assumes that all of the players are looking through the same lens. Which is impossible. If you kill all the ones you don't like, and I kill all the ones I don't like, eventually, all of them will just be dead.
Yeah, like I said >>53346 An immortal human is still an immortal human with irrational and illogical tendencies.
>fuck with landers so much, that the royal guard of every city(revive spot) starts killing players on sight
>>53355 For their own good though Rivaling kingdoms will war war is suffering Eliminate all rivaling kingdoms None of them can actually go against the power of all the adventurers, and if you sell them on it they'll be fine
The concept of those in power getting to make the decisions for others "for their own good" simply on the logic that they are stronger, is pretty much tyranny.
Why aren't Adventurers in charge? They don't want to be They are weapons used by warring city-states and funded by wealthy nobles They don't benefit from peace at all It's not profitable, it's fun
People aren't going to give up fun lives to terrorize Landers
>>53366 This basically everywhere the adventurers try to be greedy, shit just hits the fan america and europe are all in chaos because of this only places where the players keep doing player stuff and organising as such and co-operate at some level with landers, stuff are stable
>>53371 armoured spearguy or something >>53372 I think Europe was actually adventure guild lead kingdoms co-operating with rich landers waging war basically 30 year war all over again
>>53374 I didn't say it was noble It's just reality
If I was in LH in finnish server first I'd unite the finns then we'd unite swedes and shit under one banner and then we'd go and forge a kingdom >>53380 most likely I doubt there wasa "finnish server" but like a northern european and even that would be maybe.. 1000 players?
The more I think about it, the more I wonder if I would be the chef or if I would be the consumer or if I would be the revolution. One of these three. We'd all go to shit.
>>53388 You think it sucks for you, it's likely the Ontario Canadians would have gotten pulled into Big Apple when the events of Log Horizon happened. We would have been stuck in America as it was falling to shit. Is there any more of a definitive "we didn't ask for this"
>>53404 When Log Horizon was super popular a bunch of friends and I talked about how it would be neat to group up in game. Except some of us lived on the West Coast, so... But that would be a blast, just reenacting Fidel Goes West.
>>53430 I never got allowance i dont think I got five dollars on my birthday from my mom my grandma would send me a birthday card with two dollars in it haha it was the sweetest thing to be honest two dollars was a lot to her my dad would pay me 15 dollars to mow the lawn (he had a pretty big lawn, but it was kind of fun since it was a riding mower)
>getting allowance >Why am I paying you to breathe?
I got a $5 weekly allowance for doing a bunch of chores I didn't know we were poor until middle school because my grandparents were rich so I thought we were too and we just had no stuff because we wanted to haha My dad worked hard to hide our poverty from me
My family was upper middle class but then my father divorced so lower middle-class and by the time my mother remarried, that actually affected MY income in terms of student benefits s in it lowered them
And then I became a student and since then I have lived under the "poor as shit" level in terms of income
>>53437 Same here I didn't know we were poor either i mean, i knew we weren't rich, but i thought we were average, normal how would you know otherwise? we weren't. ontop of that, with parents being divorced, they were spending everything just to sustain rent and bills i remember some kids in middle school (7th grade, i think, who were somewhat my friends or at least i wasn't on bad terms with them) told me something when they got really fed up they're like, "You stink, take a shower. it's not hard." i remember crying and saying that i wish i could but we didn't have running water at home and it surprised me that this wasnt something any family dealt with regularly
Yeah My middle school was a collection of trailers connected by a hallway with 100 students I thought that was normal I didn't really go to other people's houses after the time I got removed for being Jewish so I never had a lotof exposure to other peoples financial situations My mom told me we were poor once and I didn't really get it Everything felt so normal
But being poor taught me the value of material things I think They just didn't seem important I was fine and dandy without them, I was more concerned with stuff money can't buy
>>53443 What's wrong with that? I cry a lot I still cry a lot >>53445 for a 13 year old to be called out and humiliated in front of other people is pretty devastating and there was always struggles at home, so between home stress and school stress, i never caught a break i had nowhere to de-stress
"crying because of that kind of thing and not actually emotionally devastating things" to be more precise
>>53444 I dunno, I'd have just punched their air out of their lungs But then again I can't compare I live in way different surroundings than you lot
>>53447 I mean, they were right. We had to go a week without water or electricity or something I wanted to take a shower, I knew I smelled bad and I felt bad about it I // well I won't get into home situations, but it was always stressful, my childhood
>>53443 What's wrong with crying It's good for you
It's not like I allow myself to cry in front of other people though Only two people have seen me cry as an adult I almost broke my thumb (hyperbole) at my grandfathers funeral so I wouldn't cry
Actually 5 I guess Rook, Tilde, and Jan saw or heard me cry
>>53455 atleast when I was that age dnno how it is now
>>53458 You just said you grew up upper-middle class though I mean, do you even know what children in lower class families go through day to day
>>53459 that was when I was in elementary still also >wealth divides people ine ducation not here nto in basic 1-9th grade
>>53460 It DIDNT divide people, that's the issue I was also going to school with children from very wealthy families who didn't understand the struggles i was facing
yeah your income has 0 effect on education here up to like uni
I had to help my previous landlord to fraud his younger daughter to the same school his older daughter attended because between their enrolling, they had moved once and the Espoo city rules stated "you have to enroll in school nearest to you"
For me I just don't know when I should cry. Maybe I'm a little emotionally dysfunctional but I can't seem to find that emotional state where the tears start coming.
>>53461 Good point but we don't have rich people that much and the really rich are the idiots who spend money on private schools, thinking it helps them. When in fact it usually doesn't any private schooled person I have met, is either not that smarter than anyone else or is quite badly adjusted to actual society. >>53468 wat
>>53465 Oh yeah you're one of three or four people that have seen me vomit ahaha
>>53466 Step one: tell me i live in an area that's not divided by wealth Step two: listen to me say I don't Step three: acknowledge that, and point out that you are divided by wealth
>>53464 I cry when it all "becomes real" If that makes sense
>>53468 The "divided by wealth" is referring to people like trump and shit the 0,1%
>>53466 >we don't have that many rich people >they go to private schools
>>53470 How does the 0.1% play into any of this, or your original argument I was talking about families who don't have to worry about getting their electric shut off and those that do i.e. middle class to lower class it's like the 80% to the 20% the 0.1% didn't even enter the equation
>>53469 Not really, hah hah. I mean, I can generally understand when other people are in an emotional state to cry in. I don't deny that they have their personal emotional state that begets tears. I just don't know where mine is.
>>53472 Well... no one ehre has to worry about their electricity getting shut, because in the case they can't afford their basic life needs, the state comes in to support them, if they apply for it atleast.
>>53474 It sounds like you've answered all your concerns that you addressed to me then
Actually I think that is how I should've started the conversation and this >>53473 kinda is the thing you should've said
glad we didn't go too far this time
>>53473 Well for example when Saku died I sobbed while I drove to the FBI office and then I distracted myself with work and was only mildly distracted until I left and everything became real again Like I couldn't distance myself anymore When my grandfather died I didn't cry until I inherited his watch before the funeral because that made it real for me When we were at Saku's grave and I was reciting psalms for him it was suddenly real and I cried Or when my mind goes "Teacup would love this" All the distance between me and that pain is suddenly gone and I cry
I don't know bout you moon but this is the kind of "oh, right that kind of misunderstanding" that first makes you embarassed and then laugh honestly atleast for me
I don't see any misunderstanding I only see you saying >crying at 13, why would you do that? we dont have to do that in finland because we don't have the issues you have that would make you cry
Oh be a cunt will you eh
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I //
>>53480 I mean you acknowledged it was rude in the first place What do you expect
But I guess since I am rich and privileged and can noway in hell have any issues and no one in my country has real issues and it is all utopia here Who am I to speak
>>53484 probably the most accurate post you've made on /moe/
And who am I to speak to people whose culture and backgrounds and situations I don't know about, untill they later tell me about it untill what is said ahs been said
And to people whenever I actually speak about something that might be relevant about understanding why I say things Is ay, they most likely never read for that matter not that it matters
>>53486 I mean, you could ask about something when it perplexes you instead of making an ignorant comment about it which you instinctively know is rude I'm not particularly upset or anything, don't take it the wrong way But it just doesn't make sense to me >>53490 So is your solution to attempt to prod information out by aggravating a situation instead?
>>53477 It's just weird. Even in similar situations, i can't seem to find that emotional state. I remember reading the post Saku's friend made concerning his passing. I felt miserable, that sort of feeling where your heart becomes a donut knot with your esophagus. And I tried talking with him when we were at his grave. But I just can't seem to get to the same emotional state where other people cry in.
I am sorry It just is a repeating issue with my life since I dunno I turned 16 or shit no one answers when I ask a question I want answered or it gets "maybe later" and when I want to say something important to me no one really listens
and shit like that and shit like that
and when I finally get upset about something like that everyone is "why are you all emotional and agnry now" and then I go "Oh, you can be angry to me for not knowing something, you didn't even tell me about, but when I get angry because of that it is bad?"
So yeah I don't like being ignored and I don't like being unanswered and I hate more than anything being called unreasonable or something like that, when there is legit reasons for it being
I mean it's not an ineffective strategy we all use it from time to time
>>53489 i think it's different for everyone When I cry I don't know if the emotional state is noticably different from being sad and not crying It's like a beaker full of chemicals that don't react until the reality is added I don't think it actually feels different for me But everyone processes grief differently
>>53493 I wasn't angry, but when you prod for information, you're going to get that information with resistance it's just how information works
>>53498 Really? you are one of the most humane moes there is
>>53497 i mean, on the broader spectrum, passive aggression is necessary do you just hate dealing with it or do you hate its existence i don't like dealing with it, and i think it becomes a tool people use in situations that don't call for it but I think it's important to recognize why it exists in the first place
There are few things more depressing than trying to be aggressive aggressive and people taking it as passive aggressiveness.
>>53500 Both I like openness You got a beef, come and bring it up and address it
Speaking of openness.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
don't post panties
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>Finlandia was in the captcha wow
did you report it haha >>53502 you might be receptive to that, and i generally agree with that, but the reason passive aggression fosters in people is because they've been incubated in environments that don't allow for that
>>53506 Yeah but that is the thing In general finland is a society of openness if you are vexed, shout it out loud no one will condemn you for that
but a good half or so of my generation aren't that good at well shouting outloud so whatever is vexing them turns into Passagg, usually towards people who don't deserve it
>>53507 what is the last generation like the ones rearing this generation you're speaking of parents are imperfect things they're products of their generation as much as we are ours and that always carries weight i don't really like data points, i like data trends
>>53508 >>53513 que? >>53510 I think it is comparable to your "millenials" in a way the 70s and late 60s born parents just somehow raised their kids differently
I dont know why I don't know the reasons or so on and it isn't like 88-92 are perfect or so on but as a trend it just becomes to pop up at some point in kids born 90s onward compared to people born in the 80s Like I have step-brothers who are I dunno 95 and 98 born I don't honestly remember but anyhow their mother is the same age as my father, so they are similairly raised as me eventhough being good much younger than me
But then take some junior I have in university, and the generation gap is just unimaginable Despite there being just maybe 5 year age difference
So in terms of parenting, societal influence, schooling, whatever Something happened
Not as painful as I expected yet also more painful than I expected
>>53511 I'm pulling out all of my leg hair using 23 rapidly spinning tweezers
>>53511 work-life balance is a relatively new concept, generationally it's been slowly being weaned out -- the work emphasis, i mean a hundred and twenty years ago passive aggression wouldn't have mattered because you're struggling to survive the winter and as we develop socially, it's been weaning less and less off of that the idea that modern generations is entitled is a little silly to me, because it's not their doing they're reflecting the pace of society, and what's permissible passive aggression i think developed at a point where you could protest in your own household and have an impact you're dealing with flawed parenting that believes they need to rear their generation to be capable of adapting to the world that the parenting generation is familiar with the protest against that is the materialization and manifestation of social progress
entitled and spoiled as it may be, information doesn't care about personal feelings the household can survive and the son/daughter can fight against someone attempting to instill more work ethic in them based on faith alone that the upcoming generation is going to need this or that to make it through their winters
it's flawed insight versus selective progression you're always going to have power systems where a participant can't confront the struggle, but can express their disapproval of it through other methods i think we're at the stage where that's at a household level, (or were at that stage a couple decades ago) and i think it's going to fade out on the personal level with time. it's not a new concept. it's been done forever on larger informational structures, like city states, religious groups, commerce, et cetera it's been refined into the personal realm fairly recently, though
>>53525 6 times and we are getting quite effective at that
I don't like leg hair, it's better for runners to not have it, it's more comfortable, lots of chicks don't like leg hair, etc There are a lot of reasons
>>53287 (OP) What are we gonna do today Braiking? The same thing we do every day, kill casshan
And it makes me feel pretty ♡
All I can think of when it comes to shaved legs is how fucking cold the relatively hairless parts of my body were today in the frigid, super gusty winter air.
>>53519 >>53538 I think without loooking into it that much but I think in our kind of isolated winter socities, most likely applioes to canada too and russia especially and desert societies and such any extreme society in some way, basically
But It hink that passive aggressiveness didn't exist here that much, because thatk ind of interraction would lead to "kettles blowing up" eventually. So people tended to be bit less "short fused" and "temperamental" because being quick to voice your discomfort, lead to quick diffusing the situation and fixing the problem Basically, I have no proof here, but I think in extreme situations openness and open aggression, even if sometimes physical, is a benefit to survivability. As dealing with issues of any kind quicklt, instead of letting them brew and then blow up proper, is well more beneficial for the community.
So actually instead of "Pass-Agg" not being a problem in the past, is more likely it wasn't allowed to exist in the past And now more modern generations can display it due to well our society becoming less "us" and more "global" or something like that
There's nothing wrong with a little bit of manscaping. You don't have to go overboard but it's good to trim it back every once and awhile. Especially your pubes if you have a girlfriend or something like that.
I generally just want to be comfier I'd probably keep some hair if I lived somewhere cold but I live somewhere that the hair is more problematic than anything.
>>53519 >>53540 Society is more feminine than it used to be. Back in the days where men were carrying five logs uphill in the snow on their shoulders, they didn't have time for petty things like passive aggressiveness. If you ever have the opportunity to talk to a real old fashioned manly man, you'll find that passive aggressiveness isn't a thing that's even in their communication portfolio.
Boys these days are raised by women and female teachers and they learn it there.
Passive aggressiveness comes naturally to girls, it's part of the way women communicate. It doesn't come naturally to men.
I've lived too long with natural hair distribution to find shaving it a comfortable idea. I think for the most part I'm happy keeping it that way too. The only particular exception is that I'd love if I could never grow another hair of beard hair again.
>>53540 I don't think everyone should be pass-agg, but i think it's an important element to power in general actually i don't thinka // any individual should be pass-agg, but outside of the individual realm it has significance on many levels
One time I saw a nose hair I didn't like, so I reached up in there real careful and plucked it out in one go. It hurt so bad that it brought tears to me my eyes, but it wasn't a bad experience.
>>53589 You can get decent houses in some areas for that price. Not anywhere like California, but our housing market generally isn't as messed up as yours.
>>53593 That's a product of the Canadian housing market being thoroughly invaded by Chinese millionaires. That doesn't happen as much here.
Not really actually. That's a factor but not the sole determining reason. Even in Vancouver, after considerable investigation, it was determined the foreign buyers were actually a far smaller influence on the housing market's rising prices than the public urban myth was perpetuating.
But hey, the Chinese boogeyman is a nice and easy target for everyone's scaremongering and targetless fears.
>>53596 source i'd like to read this investigation
Well, regardless of what has driven prices up in Canada, it's not like that here. You can find a pretty decent house in a lot of different places for 400k.
Especially here.
>submarine was before MP >MP was influenced by submarine hmm "strawberries taste like strawberry shortcake"
>>53598 I'm sorry , I'm not sure where to start to find it again. The CBC has been doing a lot of housing prices and real estate articles recently regarding high housing and rental pricing in our metropolitan cities. It was an accompanying piece of evidence in one of those articles, but I can't remember where I started to get to it.
Yeah, somewhere out in the sticks like where Kirara lives, you could get a really nice place for 400k. You can get a decent house out in the burbs for 400k around here too.
I actually live in a metro now!
Ysub is one of my favourite movies >oh come on upload it already it is just 7,7MB big... oh Can it even upload?
I wonder if our lack of metropolitan cities has something do with it. Like sure, we don't have the population of the States, but we pretty much have three, maaaaybe four "big" cities. Like if you want to live in a metropolitan city, your choices are Toronto, Vancouver, Edmonton, and maaaaybe somewhere in Manitoba. And I guess Montreal but >Quebec Where as the States has a multitude of metropolitan cities to live in. But here, if you want to live in the city--most people really, your choices are much less.
Used to live here https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sebastian,_Florida Now I live in Brevard County metropolitan area (Melbourne, FL)
Sebastian is historically important but forgotten by the world
http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/what-1m-will-buy-10-years-ago-in-the-housing-market-vs-today-1.4009041 This is a fun bit comparing what a million dollars bought ten years ago, and what it buys today, in various major cities.
>>53615 from 20k to 80~k wow you live in the boonies
>>53618 not quite Melbourne is integrated with all of Brevard so it's a metropolitan area with roughly 500k people
That is what I talked about a day or so ago or more? You love your toilets and bathrooms
Like, seriously. In general a house here has 1 toilet per floor and usually even a 2 story house has just one bathroom or washroom whatever you call it >>53632 No I don't think I am being dumb Is it just a faucet + bowl or is it faucet, bowl, shower or faucet, bowl, bath, shower
I really want to know for sure And for somereason you use "bathroom" to describe ALL of the above well not you maybe since you be canadian, lad but you get the point
So what in fucks hell do you do with a 3 bathroom 3 bedroom house? I'd rather have I dunno 4 rooms 2 bathrooms or 3 bedrooms 1 bathroom and every room is BIGGER
>>53639 Well three bedrooms can house 3-6 people. Even more if you want to be particularly tight about space. Assuming one bathroom for the parents, the moment you have one child that's a girl, you're probably going to appreciate having three bathrooms in the house.
who knows I was surprised when dutch told me about Namibian internet being good but then again I should've known that, since I know some people who BUILT that internet there
"why" I made teacup watch it sometime 14 december or late november and she was gonna watch Star Wreck with me kinda translating live it for her, when the subtitles didn't work some time in 15 I just remembered this now and typed it out without thinkng about you hmm well
I'll watch it with you sometime
>>53658 they're trying to get him in the senate or were i'm not sure if he's still alive now he's old
They'd be updating the horse to modern context in making it a cat.
>>53670 Star Wreck In the Pirkinning is the better movie but that is 100% finnish, with quite bad subs(official) only available the Iron SKy is english with some german, because nazies, in it. and quite good subs for the german but not perfect
>>53678 Somebody made a fake audio recording of timothy treadwell's grizzly bear death and posted it to youtube pretending it to be the genuine footage somehow that's more disturbing to me than the idea of the original footage itself that somebody faked the audio and claimed it's real
No idea And there will be some point in the future at which its legitimacy won't be able to be verified and it might go in the archives as truthful because they'll also think "why the fuck would anyone fake it? it must be real"
Ive got a 八十八 animation but it's too big to post on moe and i have very few images i thought i could just cheat and make 700 new images from the animation file
Would anyone like to play a word disassociation game with me
You're all familiar with word association it's where someone says a word, and you say the first word that comes to mind in response this is the opposite
I post a word, and you say a word that's completely unrelated to the word I said, the first one that comes to mind post yes to participate
my guess was horse henceforth, i'll spoiler my guess in the same post and don't look at it i'll make all spoilers ten characters long regardless so it doesn't indicate anything
>>53732 the goal isn't to find an opposite, it's to find an unrelated word the first word that pops into mind that has no relation to the subject word blackbox is my prediction it's a psychological thing
>>53734 unrelated I kinda get it oh oklay I get the rules now can I get a go for serious?
>>53735 yeah but give me a bit i need to prep the questions
>>53780 i'm going to ask you to translate it in your own mind to finnish then choose the corresponding answer and re-translate >>53784 okay, then hold on it'll take me a minute to get my bearings
If it helps moon, my initials shorten up to JoJä which in english is about spelles "JoJo"
>>53794 i'm sorry if i'm ignoring you in this exercise, but it takes a lot of focus and i'm on track for kirara's mind right now you're complicated as a finn and i'm super interested but i can only do so much at once i'll address it as it arises
This is the kind of magic I do on the streets, but it's not really magic on an imageboard you don't have someone in an isolated environment and it's a crapshoot there are some go-tos which are guaranteed, but it's the buildup that makes it meaningful, and the charisma it's mentalism, but IMO a pretty weak form of it I usually incorporate explaining how I'm doing thing step-by-step into it as I'm doing it, which can really psych people out because they dont know whether it's the truth or some bogus explanation but in all honestly it's taking the leaps of faiths at the opportune times and knowing how to play it down, and always concluding with something surefire and playing it up i wish street magic was profitable. it's fun.
The standard answer to cupboard, by the way, is correction But I didn't take kirara-chan as standard I extrapolated a bit and thought you'd go for something vibrant and isolated it's pretty interesting how, no matter how much free will we think we have, we arive at similar points but just put our own personal flair on it
I'm sorry TN, i've been racking my brain and I don't really know if I can apply this process to a finn your words are different, and it plays so much around word meanings and relations I could play the random guessing game, but it won't have the presentation and outcome which i have (some) control over like with an anglo i can try though
I don't think it'll really work in this circumstance TN, sorry It's cultural reading I'm trying and i'm getting good info and it's interesting but I don't think it's particularly fun for you if i'm not making results
Yeah I gotta say the same >>53835 >>53837 like pineapple here it would take an essay of 3 pages to translate the simple finnish logic or something like that why it is windshield and halibut >fish found in the east >hard to reach east >east metro will never be completed to the west metro >public transit is fun like that
Windshield is a good answer to pineapple It's just not what I predicted
I'll give it one last try translate it in your mind to finnish and then, if you don't know the word in english, just post the finnish word that accompanies it
Theater Caterpillar
kirara also welcome on this one
fish hook
>>53850 that's a pretty good answer I think I see how you got to that even if i didnt get them right, i'm learning something here
The thing I personally don't like about this exercise is people are generally biased towards nouns But if you ask them not to be, you're skewing it so heavily It tends to be a verb or adjective at the base of the dissociation, and from there they tend to draw a noun out because it's more distinct as a singular word it's just how the brain works, we want the ancillary product
it's totally a shame, because the brain skims over the bridging word without bringing it into conscious thought
>the people are generally biased towards nouns >let me ask just nouns to be compared to >Oh wow >just nouns
>>53853 That's the reason I choose nouns, though, because of that factor I mean, German isn't a noun I've done it in the past with verbs and adjectives but it's always a noun that comes out, and you're making more separation from the base point >>53857 It's also not a noun
"black is not noun" yeah and how do you answer it with an adjective that is not a COLOUR thus related to it? aye aye aye aye
>>53852 Yeah, I was thinking that too while watching you people play through this game. Even if most of the words provided are nouns, people are under no bearing to counter with another noun.
In the process of forming a thought into a product, the brain just tends towards nouns it has nothing to do with my choice of prompt words I choose those prompt words because they provide more imagery which gives more exclusion to the thought process and more control it's a complicated process though and i can usually get some of the imagery down, but when it gets to the choice of the noun that corresponds to the imagery which does not relate, it's a crapshoot and down to personal evocation so I get things like sleigh instead of toboggan, or highlighter instead of correction
I mean there's even a tendency towards object nouns, as opposed to the wider field of nouns available. I guess physical permanence does wonders for keeping words close to the top of subconscious thought.
>>53859 adjectives and verbs both carry AP momentum too The brain will easily arrive at "round things" but is going to instinctively, without consciousness, think about limes and pomegranates and wheels and beach balls until it settles on something prime to the prompt -- something which it doesn't draw a direct parallel too, with some innate deception
it's the same way we're prone to picking 2, 3, and 7 when choosing a number between 1-10 at random if given the choice of 1-100, even-odd mixtures are the most common usually even 10's and odd 1's doubles occur way less than random chance would predict, except 11 is pretty close to average (slightly under) 27 and 72 are common mixtures of a mid-range and extreme are extremely common (91, 59, 53, 19, 27) 34, 53, etc not very common
When presented with statistics like this, I'm sorely tempted to break patterns in those situations.
>>53861 all of this actually arises from people trying to break the patterns which is most people when you intend to do something like that, you're more likely to fall into a predictable pattern If you actually don't care, it's a lot harder I've failed magic hardcore in some more rural areas just because people don't try nearly as hard to juke me out as i expect
It's also difficult to take in all the super personal details too, isn't it. Like I have some numbers that I am totally biased towards picking because of abstract reasons, such as they remind me of friends. Things that wouldn't really be picked out of idle information about myself.
>>53863 I'm going to say something I shouldn't here, but magicians are super sleazy It's SUPER easy to tell if you're picking a number based on like a birth date or something like that as opposed to at random [sic] random behavior is super easy to prediect predict* and it's super easy to tell when somebody is behaving in a pre-dependent manner, like choosing a number that has sentimental significance
The trick at this point is to always have an out if you recognize that's what's going on, you pivot and employ an act which isn't related at all to mentalism, or isn't related to whatever isn't going the way you want The secret of being a magician is that the participant defines what trick you're performing, not you. You go into it with a cold read and the apply something that works with the information present.
If I try a card force and it goes bad, I can transition it into 12 other different acts that dont require the card force. Some are lame, but it's better to get a lame trick right than a great trick wrong. and they're none the wiser they might just say "that kind of sucked" if it was really bad, but you can always follow up by saying "Yeah, it was just a little warm up. here's how that worked out" and then you act like the lame trick was a theatrical build-up to a better thing coming it sounds manipulative as hell, but the nice thing about magic is that you give nobody the impression that you're being honest in the first place
Well as an example, in a situation of no bearing of birthdates, I am quite inclined to pick a number like 34, solely because it reminds of a friend.
>>53865 A lot of this stuff is kind of information I was already aware of though. Like in no way do I know all the devices and methods available to conclude a trick, but I think I can tell when the act is going on. >>53869 That's exactly what I'm saying man.
it also gives it a lot more flavor if i say "guess a number" and i pick your number, that's neat, but it's just like "oh that's cool" and you move on
>>53867 it might not be to the // you might not imagine the extent that it truly is A street magician goes into a trick without any idea of what trick he's going to perform. He's got, say, a hundred at his disposal, and some outs if he's stuck with sleight of hand You start it out, and as things progress, you make it fit a trick Just like anything else, the illusion of magic is making it look easy You make it look like you planned every step of the process, but it's really a deductive process until something fits It's like being so autistic t // that you've explored every path when the average person has explored only one so no matter where they end up, you have a deceptive explanation of how they got there
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i haven't beaten ursula hard yet i tried it once and got one shot immediately and decided to grind some other characters so i rolled gacha and got 5* felicia and 4 gaius i really wanted setsuna i also got 4* virion i hate virion
I got Ursula Hard after 2 tries. It would have been on the first attempt but I calculated damage wrong and the Thief with the infantry bonus killed Ryoma with exact damage necessary. Second time around worked out. Ryoma, Takumi, and Lucina. Jakob didn't do anything. Lucina didn't attack but Spur Atk 3 gave them both damage. Lunatic is a lot harder for me though. The thief's speed isn't something I can beat. The only unit I have that isn't Infantry and is at high level is Eldigan... but Ursula's weapon is strong against Cavalry and she's in the dominant color so he gets rekt
>>53867 Yeah, but knowing that and doing that are different worlds
Hence, I'm not a street magician. I can tackle exploring multiple paths and options in a scenario to a small extent, but I don't have the drive or passion for it to fall down every rabbit hole.
>>53891 'Come on I know you need a little magic and magic is my specialty de jure Don't just stand there looking sick Would I kid you play a trick What I told you, I don't do that anymore
So I think you should take my little bargain I think you should take my little deal Sure it's hard to leave your life, but you could be a princesses spouse,4Why don't you let me take that dream and make it real?
>>53888 oha >>53893 I think it's because most axe units have low res so they can get killed by blue tomes even with color advantage green tomes can handle blue tomes easily but if you can't get your axeman in there and one shot them you're in trouble
>-4 Res whoops >-6 Res on foes within 2 spaces >Atk+6 when initiating combat >Before initiating combat, deal damage in an area to enemies equal to Atk - enemy Res
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
oh i did get tharja today that's pretty swell >>53895 yeah thank god for f robin
Tharja's got a fat butt yet runs up on every soul with a 2x
Come on you poor unfortunate children poor dears Aren't you lucky that I am ready with a potion with a plan aren't you glad if I can help you with, and I can When a person comes to TN, they always get their wish hehehe
>>53907 nah, I don't normally like streaming things having people watching makes me play differently and I end up spending less time on the things I want to see in games and more time just doing cool stuff or advancing the story though I might stream it if there's some kind of challenge mode/area later on
i'm gonna get anna life&death through inherit she's gonna be a monster
I've got a 4* marth but I already have three 5* red units so I don't want to use my feathers on him
Anna has a really good 5* weapon But I just HATE green everything
>>53913 i just like watching people play a game while i'm lying in bed if it's boring i can fall asleep you dont gotta change shit homey p.s. how do you feel about tang
>>53922 I might stream some later then, I guess I'll see how I feel if I do I'll let you know I've only had tang once in my childhood and it left no strong impression on me
Gunter's basic standing pose is whatever but his attacking art is pretty cool It reminds me of old D&D book art
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i got 5* fae but she's hard to level because i started leveling her in a team with really good characters
if you've got an armored unit with mid-range attack like draug you could just plant him on a chokepoint and let fae chip everyone to death
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
fae would probably die immediately tbh
oh wait fae is a dragon not a mage I was probably thinking of nino
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah she has ok skills too renewal and threaten attack she'll be good once i level her up but in this team of clarine, felicia, ephraim, and fae, she's pretty much the weakest
So let me dig up all the times you teased say blue or ton or someone else any for that matter on this board for an equally vague line, that could be interpreted in "many" ways
Well by now the joke is ruined covered in tar and near dead from smoke absorption for staying this near to the burning building it wanted to make fun of
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
there was a less autistic way of explaining your joke wwww
Oh, maybe I can do it now then. I have a level 40 Abel. He's not particularly tanky but cavalry really isn't. hmm maybe a pegasus rider would be better for that though.
a pegasus would be ideal that unit has to fight the ninja too
The winning strategy seems to be holding your flags and dumping them. People were thinking maybe Lucinafags were dumping all their flags, but it seems like they were holding them from the numbers we're seeing so fast.
>>54168 okay how about this then we take turns sponsoring NEEThood we just have to figure out a way to make money where we can share the identity you sponsor me for a week, i sponsor you for a week off-week neets i get leap days fair deal
>>54168 Have you checked out prime pantry yet? my current stock is pretty good right now i'm making bbq baked beans with pulled pork and i'm going to just put that on some whole wheat toast it's gonna be sweet as
>>54171 I know that you're setting me up with an awful deal but it's better than the one I've currently got This feels both unfair but also fair at the same time
>>54171 it's pretty nice for cutting down on spending the shipping is just five dollars flat for one box, and one box is huge they've got soaps and detergent and paper towels and stuff, too
One time at church I spilled a little bit of water on myself in an unfortunate place and they made fun of me and said I was lactating. That's almost like a milk crisis.
>>54195 i had a friend in high school who was lactating during class and she's just like "oh no i'm lactating, can i go use the restroom" like it was no issue she was super funny and everyone liked her but it was pretty strange
it wasn't until about a year or two ago that i thought back to middle school and high school and realized that i was bullied at the time it was like whatever i guess but somewhat recently i was like "wait shit those kids were actually assholes"
>>54204 I think you can well I'm sure you can it's possible she was. she was a big girl. but also just being a big girl can be a reason to lactate >>54206 yeah i was bullied all the fuckin time thankfully not in high school i moved to saint louis for high school and everyone was chill
bang, who the fuck wasn't bullied as a kid? like get real
>>54206 nah it was just weird because like i thought that i wasn't like i actually thought that i wasn't but i had never thought about a lot of stuff until this one time me and my friend were reminiscing about middle school and then i was like holy shit and like my brain barely managed to piece together things
>>54205 Lactation can be inducted, but it takes awhile and a lot of deliberate action. It can also occur in cases of hormone imbalance. Fat cells do produce estrogen, so maybe that's what caused it.
>>54208 it's a strange thing to remember about a friend from high school, but i remember she had a really, really, really high libido. like really high. i don't know whether she was active or not and never asked but she sure as hell wasn't shy about it
Zelda and the fact that there will be a new story of seasons is nice. I would like to see a few more good games though.
the only thing i even know about zelda is from watching that 6 minute dunkey video somebody posted the other day and it looked really fun dunkey makes everything fun though >>54235 oh that's a good point i might in that case
Samurai Maru !KW2DbpWwls
I might get one if Smash comes out or something else vital
>>54241 that's okay with me i still have a PS2 lounging somewhere, and i still use it to play PS1 games sometimes there's tons of fun to be had on old consoles
i tried shaving some fur clumps off my kitty because they were making her miserable and itchy but i somehow nicked her with the shaver i'm a terrible parent i feel awful
>a magical fishhook that lets you shapeshift Listen, I know I'm questioning magic here, but aren't magical things usually imbued with a power that's somewhat related to their purpose? Like a sword might make you stronger cause it's made to hit things Or a bow will never midss miss* Yaknow, powers that make sense for that item
Why would shapeshifting be helpful for a fisherman in particular?
you get bored out there on the sea all day
>>54255 Yeah but wouldn't something like attracting fish be a more useful power for the hook to have?
Moana looks pretty good The Rock is in it
It sure LOOKS good so far It's really pretty to look at
It's at, you know, low fps though so it's weirding me a little bit out Looking this good and not being as fluid as I'm used to from vidya gems is off putting
>>54266 are you going to play any more tomatoes i really wanted to watch but i had work both times now it's the weekend and i'm temporarily banning myself from working so my brain can heal
I'm really interested to see what we can do. They also said that unique weapons cannot be inherited. Does that mean that the generic ones, can be? Things like Brave Lance+?
yeah i think you might be able but brave lance makes you lose some stats to be balanced
Only a little speed If you have vantage or something it's probably fine
Effie plus brave lance would be funny really funny
It's weird to watch old videos of Congress, I keep seeing people I didn't used to know but now do, like Bernie. It's like when you watch LWA1 and then go back to see Diane in the beginning.
a lot of things are wrong, and I'm most of them
>>54300 read ita threads with me to cheer up this is what i needed in my life i already feel 50% more sane my brain is mending
http://boards.4chan.org/cgl/thread/9383528 it's so awful but so cathartic