what is with people putting periods before @s when replying is this some knd of twitter cheat code
Kirara 🚗
if you don't, the tweet doesn't appear on the timeline, it appears as a reply
oh that's weird
Kirara 🚗
yesterday people were cheering about a DSA member getting elected in the primaries for house of representatives today a DSA member was made a police commissioner and everyone is trying to pretend it's not real lol
check out this fuckin ad i just got on youtube i was watching chimp videos for the last two hours for reference and this ad was on a chimp video >>>/watch?v=UtMi9ciJN70
unban perma so he can post anime images
>>527084 >when people can't get painkillers they do heroin Why would she say that she just implied that they should give out more pain drugs
yeah i know it's inadvertantly showing how what they're trying to do, their goal, will result in more harm it's all so contrived
>>527087 really shot themselves in the foot there It's such a poorly thought out premise
doesnt even matter the narrative is pushed so hard that it can't matter
>>527090 man im watchin like hours of this forestcam footage of chimps and gorillas in front of this big mirror there's various collections of data of similar kinds of interactions several of the apes have the self-awareness response pretty early after a few moments of initial shock and aggression and there's so much footage of aggressive behavior in response to the mirror and that's how they're classifying stuff
but like they're most def self-aware here they develop a fascination with tryin to see themselves in ways they normally cant how we know they're not self-awaredly trying to probe their own aggressive signalling and make that connection why we think they're having a hostile response to the perceived other chimp
iunno i love this stuff
oh i guess that was unclear they're monitoring for the typical signs of self-awareness that we use in human categorization in toddlers at the mirror using the mirror to identify your own body parts, the ones you can't do without a mirror, being a classic indicator
the aggressive posturing of the adult males is being considered not an act of self-awareness but imo it kind of is, it's just uncertain probably the most important part of an adult male's body is its ability to signal the most meaningful message in the chimp world i think we're way underestimating them here and that they're knowingly gauging their own intimidation and assertion signals they can always see others and feel intimidated or not by it, but they can never see their own it's the most important language in the world to them so it's definitely occupying enough of their thoughtspace to merit that kind of focus
yeah, i agree it's funny how researchers see that kind of behavior, idk, it's like they try to remove themselves from the context and take a stance that the animals can't possibly have that ability, so they come up with an explanation that proves them right
well there's nothin to prove right here this is just archival, not really research i'm just nitpicking the way it's archived since they're making compilations of significant interactions and all and not just uploading 24 hours of footage every day, we're restricted from context so there's some moments of aggression that seem provoked by the mirror and other aggressive behaviors that seem exhibitionary but when they're all put in the same collection, in-between time is lost and so is some context and it paints the picture that they're activities sharing the same motivation
and i'm not really even nitpicking it so much as learning from it voicing that was what i needed in order to articulate my own thought i had to parse it out from the idea it was already attached to
i think i'm getting a lot better at meaningful parsing i don't feel so easily confused anymore and i'm not over-eagerly pulling at threads that aren't actually there
do you have any advice for anchoring i always have to be careful when thinking about systems because if i do it too long it kind of takes over my brain and invades my normal functionality i can get stuck like that for a whole day and start to be unable to control my own thoughts and it's a really terrifying feeling when i can't control my own thoughtspace
Kirara 🚗
one of the things i do for anchoring is i have a specific thing i can think about, and it's always the same thing, but when i feel like im getting that invasive cognitive mode-switch, i stop and think about that thing for me it's just an incredibly neutral thing, i just think about the ingredients in stew not how they interact together or anything, just each individual ingredient separately like, here's the beef, these are its properties, etc here are onions these are the properties and traits of onion, this is how im gonna cut it
>>527099 color and object confirmation can help keep me grounded to a process i can usually abort some of the intrusive thoughts by playing dota, which is very procedural for me but in order to actually get work done towards my writing on the subject i have to be able to do systems work and maintain it right now i just have to daily meddling then disengage and it's all just preparatory kind of stuff
smoking cigarettes seems to help curb the momentum of stray thought threads but also curbs the ambition and excitement a bit it's kind of an unfortunate thing that the only way i can do something that i want to do is to put myself in a position where i do not want to do it, otherwise i get too eager and lose my stability
Also unceasing top with the defect is ridiculous cause the dude's got so many ways to get more energy
Like hologram, seek, all for one, there's a lot of stuff he can do to just get more stuff to use He's got double energy, too, which is absurdly good if you can get like 2-3 of them to 0 cost and then all for one You're gonna have like 32 energy or something
>>527085 but we have apngchan who can do that 100x betta
is that a - wait thats a relic isnt it sweet lordie
yeah it's probably my favorite one
Especially on the defect cause it can turn into like, an energy card I mean it can on the silent, too, but he doesn't have as many ways to keep the turn going
>>527120 maybe iunno i think maybe i just need to be permanently sedated in order to function normally and not hurt people i'm so full of terrible feelings lately
oh yeah, you got i it T19 is cake T20 is the hellhole
i cant wait to throw my phone in anger
if you're makin brownies but you've got an egg allergy can you just use a thick gravy instead
Probably not, but I don't actually know if eggs and gravy have use overlap like that. If it's the same gravy from before though I'd be concerned about adding too much salt through it.
i was bein silly gravy brownies sound disgusting applesauce is used in place of eggs though for serious for people with phenylketonuria who can't have very much protein
>complain about not getting Myrrh >Complain about how I need to get another Hector before foddering one off as DC fuel >get another Hector ... >Vengeful Counter 2 is strictly better than Quick Riposte 3 and doesn't change my arena chances at all
what is vengeful counter
It's the same thing as QR except the max version works as low as 50% HP and you get Special CD charge. But it's only for Armored units. I can take Distant Counter and VC 1 and 2 for Gwendolyn
>>527155 you don't want any of my milk? you used to love my milk when you were a little one
I just thought of a brilliantly stupid math idea. That if it actually has any meaning, could start a err Start my math career right fucking now.
月 🥛🥛🥛🥛🥛
are you gonna express the holographic principle in radial dimensionality
No I'm going to take derivatives of an order of a function. As in instead of taking the first derivative of g(x), I'll take the f(x)the derivative. I'm gonna try spinning it off of the fractional calculus.
And see if it works when I plug in f(x).
月 🥛🥛🥛🥛🥛
i want to get a ph.d in triple integrals professor
i don't even know her coaster i really regret not keeping my gun i really regret choosing to stay alive
there's nothing here it's just a mirage >>>/watch?v=bOQAX7JzPVU i can't even go listen to a song without getting some janky fucking advert that's tryna sell me some image of a happy life of clean porcelain surfaces with some trendy music why is everything such a fucking joke
Kirara 🚗
Jokes are supposed to be funny
i sure do miss nezi
harm prevention is the right thing right whatever's gonna cause the least harm to people
Kirara 🚗
not always
i dont feel like i can do this anymore
Kirara 🚗
you've felt like that before and was still able to keep it up after
i think i've demonstrated anything but that ability
just had a standoff with a deer while tryna smoke outside they're so stubborn they just stay still like they think i can't see them communicating that i can takes a long time the mirroring that takes place once they finally realize is pretty simple and fun though you just gotta make sure you give assertive signals and not aggressive signals right in my own backyard
hi i'm watching FMA brotherhood, i'm on ep 30 now it's hard to marathon things i literally started last night at this time.
>>527188 deer are extremely dangerous it was just a doe or else i would have backed tf out but even a doe can trample you and cause fatal blunt trauma it's weird to me that a human who can communicate with other species nowadays is a specialized skill and considered like some sort of feat it's the most basic thing our brains are built to understand how to do and if we never separated from the environment we could all do it but somehow now that we're civilized and intelligent, we think things like that are some sort of mastery
everything we consider smart is totally dumb compared to what a natural human can be
>>527190 when i think about how much knowledge we've thrown away to become "civilized" it's really heartbreaking it seems like every day there's a new scientific discovery that "uncivilized" humans already knew we have all of these skills that are necessary to do all of these meaningless things that we fill our lives with like work and school
dropped >>527193 there's so much focus on how these apes can use tools and progressive reasoning and learning it's so fucked up because our common ancestors four and a half million years ago could already do that they also had small community groups which would share knowledge with other local groups about how to hunt termites with sticks, which plants had beneficial effects, how to build beddings in the trees, which berries were poisonous, and way more shit and that's the common ancestors of humans + other great apes minus the orangutan
millions of years of gradually shared knowledge and accumulation we're so detached from what it all means that we're fascinated that there's another group than us that has self awareness which imo self awareness is just divergence from the environmental system to such an extent that the processing faculties are removed from their purposeful uses
any sufficiently complex system can be self aware if you remove it from an organic environment and place it somewhere such that it recognizes discontinuity from its surroundings it's probably the least meaningful kind of intelligence it's the recognition of being separated from a larger system and now being an indepedently apex system
Kirara 🚗
when the timecube guy said we're educated to be stupid, he was totally right we look at all the wrong places for all the wrong things
gene ray had really bad issues i feel really bad for him there's really nothing there besides a really sad story
Kirara 🚗
my new client is a lot like us in the way he thinks his biggest regret is that he stopped being a drug dealer because that world is where he felt he belonged, he had a sense of community, he had family he was connected to people, and he lived on the street and had to survive day by day and that struggle made him feel alive and now he's not in his environment and he can't connect with anyone
Oh, is he woke to civilization being bad?
i don't think that civilization is bad i don't really believe in concepts like bad except in reference to the health of contained systems
>>527197 the streets are so addictive it's the most organic kind of life in a modern setting the inmate systems in prisons tend to follow suit with that too it's part of why i secretly hope the irs arrests me brutal and stressful as it is, rights removed and all, the inmate connection is the most human thing we have these days
streets are an incredibly granular and organic setting people who grew up in an emergent substrate of modern society can't see it and they just see shit as awful but there's such a granular feeling to it there's not that disparity between action and purpose there's no confusion you just live in your actions and there's not invested neurotransmitter response awaiting something promised by preached expectations all expectations are learned and continuous you don't do anything without knowing it beforehand that's really the epitome of being human imo
life has purpose in earnestness when our actions and expectations are separated in modern society, the only reason for that is that we're subservient to an overbearing system that thrives off of that for its granular function
Kirara 🚗
i also don't think civilization is bad
another misunderstanding of the complicated thoughts of a roboido
>>527200 so many people fail to realize that we're so alienated from our actions and expectations just that awareness alone would change so much my client was saying he has no motivation to do anything and i was like, "well, what do you even have to do?" and i commented that /// and he said he has his gameboy (3ds) and stuff, and i commented that he's looking for the ability to be productive, he wants to see the fruit of his labor and he was like astonished that i understood it he wants connection to others, to the world around him, to himself
i have to defend my conceptualization of this case and it's going to be so frustrating because the people evaluating me won't understand this stuff
the only reason imo that addiction to substances exists is because it brings stratified populations closer to what the innate human experience is which they're denied there's nothing more stimulating than the innate human experience, nothing more immersive >>527206 i really don't like it but the particular subect matter i'm trying to articulate does require the word a lot it's a crux of what i'm tryna explain the stepwise approach by which each action has inherent progressive value and tasks are inherently rewarding as opposed to expectations and investment i feel like we're getting progressively more work-resistant and fatigued by the generation because we're becoming more separated from that earnest gratification as society develops there's such an environment that exists where work and relief are the same thing and that you're not investing work to afford relief later
>>527204 haha just sounds like he's lazy and wants an excuse to do nothing typical millennial!! doesn't know the value of work :)
Kirara 🚗
i wish i could make people understand
i was explaining his self-mutilation to my supervisor and my supervisor was like, "it sounds like he's trying to scare people away with it" people don't understand it's so frustrating
Thats an interesting way of explaining self-mutilation.
>>527208 maybe after i articulate my paper on broad systems theory we can co-author something on alienated systems in psychosocial development
Kirara 🚗
>>527209 it's a valid explanation for many but certainly not my client
I've had friends who self harmed but the only explanation I've heard is "cry for attention" That it's the opposite of that is interesting to me
Kirara 🚗
>>527210 that would be cool it's so frustrating that people don't get it how do people get so alienated from it all i see people every day and everyone has a sense of discomfort and they're all trying to fix it and they never get any insight into their discomfort they learn that there must be something wrong with them
>>527213 they're brought up and developed in an emergent system so they've learned the functionality of that substrate it takes a lot of rejection and deep diving to experience the underlying systems that pave the way for the emergent platform they're now living through
i talk a lot about things being statistical, and that's the method by which an emergent (concrete) observer can accurately function on an underlying (abstract) level in terms of profession, prescribing medication, making (usually) correct analyses and so forth
statistics is just a guiding hand it's not an arbiter of analytic truth and there are so many layers of abstraction concreteness and abstraction aren't binary concepts they're emergent systems building off the foundations of those prior
having intuition about that abstract development of systems helps one follow more meaningful threads and it's not at all an easy task either it's very taxing the biggest problem i see in that regard is what our society defines as smart and successful is the ability to operate on the most concrete platforms possible, the most emergent systems, and to be able to process data efficiently
and as i've said many times in the past, i feel data and information are very different things the most acute mind is able to parse data into information and process the impact of raw information dynamically across systems
and i don't think it's some innate talent or genetic disposition i think it's the most natural thing which we're deprived of through pressures of modern society to function according to invested growth but we're built to function in small communities spreading information granularly, not a global population investing predictively on information the value of new information our ancestors could share meant propagation of the species, ability to control disease, being able to control fire and have less taxing digestion, very direct responses to the sharing of knowledge now it's just... it's too fucked up
limit* information is invested in based on economic predictive growth the granularity is removed immediate growth from new knowledge is removed, so things which have limited attained value can only really spread socially until such a trend develops that it has an economic market meanwhile the global trend will stay consistent with statistic relevance "Oh, what's this? proper choline intake can increase hemispheric communication and limit some of the developing factors of schizophrenia? well, sounds bunk to me. i'm gonna keep prescribing according to what insurance deems as a safe investment to avoid deviations in cost expectations" a family might do it, they might spread that knowledge around socially within their neighborhood but the lag difference between generational development and trend analysis is significant
four and a half million years of trading knowledge generationally and how far we've come but the last two decades of trending knowledge and how it's affected us has had a bigger upset and more global threat idk man the last four lines here including this one a little more preachy and dismissable but the rest i feel really strongly about
Kirara 🚗
what can we even do
math probably
Kirara 🚗
i feel like humanity is too far gone
on the individual scale probably i don't think human influence is too far gone though it's gonna be one of those things where groups probably will end up functioning like individuals did in the past it's about having the right channels to propagate forward probably at least that thinking gives me a little sense of purpose to detach from my personal fuckuppery and the chronic urge to stab myself in the heart
our ancestors would be rolling over in their gravy if they saw what was happening today
Kirara 🚗
i think so too
sometimes i get really stressed out and have to watch this video >>>/watch?v=aO3JgPUJ6iQ captain d is like a decade old on youtube but this is some meta level shit and it's one of my favorite videos on youtube i think
Kirara 🚗
some right winger shot up a newspaper office in maryland
gravy granules
Oh gross I have chop suey stuck in my head.
food goes in your mouth not your head silly
setting fire to our insides for fun
Kirara 🚗
fire in our hearts
one day we will feel the truth
I got into the Front Bottoms Fuck you, Rei, you idiot. I would've got into them so much sooner if it wasn't for you constantly shoving them down my throat
I don't know anything about that band. I think you're confusing me with someone from tano.
b b b b b ang
I hope that isn't true I've literally been avoiding this band because I associated with some autist on /moe/ and now I'd feel really bad if you weren't actually the autist the whole time because I definitely just called you the autist
It's either someone else or I completely forgot everything about that band. But I can usually recall stuff about bands after seeing/hearing their name so it must've been someone else.
b b b b b ang
Unlikely, this poster was very very enthusiatic
b b b b b ang
it might have been someone using the Rei !clone trip and i just thought it was you because of that
I haven't used that on /moe/ since like 2016
b b b b b ang
this was a long time ago buti think it had to be 2017 because the person who got me into the front bottoms this year is the same person who was trying to get me into them in 2016 (irl) and that was before i was also turned off by this internet person
Lemme ask on tano if anyone knows that band.
b b b b b ang
NO DON'R oh that's okay just don't bring any unnessacry attention
Sorry I got distracted. I'm doing pretty well! I'm exploring partso f life that I've never had a chance to before and it's very exciting! I feel like I'm kind of finally exiting the purgatory-esque state of living I'd experienced after high school and actually moving onto "adult life" if you will I'm glad I had this much time to figure out who i am and more or less how to live, though If I had been thrown into the situation I'm in now, but 5 years ago, it would be a lot more sinking and a lot less swimming
>>527279 did you ever work something out with those headphones? I thought stumbling around until things work out was adult life Good to hear that you're bang
>>527281 no that's definitely what it is, but before I was missing out on a lot of important things and now i'm feeling much more fulfilled about the life i'm living i was definitely in a shell before i feel like i've deshelled
no i'm fucked on the headphones i selfishly wish i hadn't been reminded of those headphones i miss them a lot
my cat is over here clicking a mouse because he realized a tiny red light flashed when he did it so he's just sitting here click click click click click click
I wish I could have a cat but not have to worry about coming home to feed it or take it to the vet ever or cleaning up cat hair or worrying about it making messes or having litter to take care of or randomly killing small rodents
Get a robot cat.
get a nintendog
Kirara 🚗
little known fact:
i'm actually a cat
b b b b b ang
I would accept a cat into my household were that cat actually just kirara but also a cat
can I trust Kirara not to shit on the floor
b b b b b ang
Unlike a cat that isn't kirara, you can trust Kiraracat to understand the concepts of death and consequences and their inseperable nature much more closely
>>527295 woah I wouldn't kill him for shitting on the floor I'd just throw kiraracat outside and lock the door
Yeah I've seen it, it came out in 1983. It was directed by Penelope Spheeris who alse directed The Decline of Western Civilization parts 1 and 2. And also the Wayne's World movies.
Yeah, that's the one. My client was telling me about it, the one with all the scars. He had "Later Days" written on his shoes, so I asked about it, and he said a character in the movie said it to his dad when he was leaving and his dad said "don't I get a goodbye?" or something.
I'm thinking about checking it out.
Flea from the red hot chili peppers is in it.
I think you woupd like it. It was recommended to me by someone after I mentioned liking Repo Man. It's not really anywhere as good as Repo Man though. But its okay.
if you get a gender transplant and health insurance covers it, then you miss an insurance payment, i bet the health insurance sends out a repo man to come take it back
I'll probably check it out if you think I'd like it He seems like he has good taste
He's so open about stuff, I really dig it He told me today that he mostly wears women's clothing and loves doing drag and stuff, and the only reason he has been wearing men's clothing is because the state gave it to him and it's what he's got right now
>>527324 yeah that's the guy I think it's around the 20 min mark >>527334 woah how did you know
>>527333 i bet i know exactly which part i bet it's that part that's like *"pshwhoooooooo buh-da-dada-da dun-da"
i listened to jmj a lot a few years ago it's always stuck in my head too
Ah Uhhm Kirara It definitely has some stuff that would trigger you in it. I don't know if knowing ahead of time helps. So it might not be a good experience for yoy. *you
>>527332 you oughtta ask him if he's seen nelson sullivan's videos
Kirara 🚗
>>527337 he'd probably get a kick out of those videos >>527336 thanks for the warning, i appreciate it maybe ill wait until fish is back to give it a shot
tell him you got a friend who's into drag and he'll be like "oh? neat" and you can be like, "yeah, into draggin fags out into the street and kicken em!! haha"
Kirara 🚗
and then ill try to high five him and look confused when he doesn't reciprocate "wow, haha, it was a joke, don't get so offended"
tbh he could probably destroy me in a fight he's way too experienced and has too many kills under his belt
Anyways it's pretty gritty and graphic. In retrospect you might not like it.
>>527354 nothing really but they all have some characteristics that make them hard to be around sometimes i think they're mostly good people from rough backgrounds but they can be obnoxious
I guess there are a lot of negative stereotypes associated with them. But my biggest issue with them is that I really dislike ICP's music and it bothers me that people are willing to live a lifestyle around a band that I consider to be terrible.
>>527354 Think about a decent person, someone who you find agreeable, but is just a -bit- too much some times with their religious faith. Now imagine instead of religious faith they have a fanatic belief in holy clowns and Fanta.
Kirara 🚗
also they have a gun that's full of a sticky orange beverage and they will coat you in it
Also the song Miracles really pissed me off. >>527359 It's called faygo
>>527360 that shit i was the best i loved waking up every morning and having someone post "yo how do magnets work" on /sci/ and immediately when someone answers bein like "fuck off i dont want no scientist to answer yall be lyin and shit" i genuinely loved it
Kirara 🚗
more like gays, go hahahaha got em
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>527354 I listened to an entire podcast about juggalos and I would like to avoid them
>>527358 I thought they were just fans of a rock band wtf is all this shit
Kirara 🚗
magnets haha that shit is so old now fuck that makes me feel ancient
>>527378 gonna unironically watch this whole thing right now
icp theater can be fun sometimes
Oh it's water, air, fire and dirt
Maria, did you risten?
i remember hating this shit so much when it came out but it's so great now haha it's just so goofy
*water fire air and dirt >>527384 It's incredibly funny but the anti science rhetoric really is harmful considering the fact that their fanbase practically worships them.
ah whatever the people who are influenced by that line weren't going to be interacting or concerned too much with science anyway at the time it's probably different now though the world has changed a lot in a very short time
>>527371 no I'm aware of magnets I'm not that young
>>527372 I fled Australia because a magpie started stalking me fucking prick >>527378 >magnets... magic... It's the only explanation Magnets work by intelligent design
>>527388 magpies are smart but they're still nippy bastards
magpies are one of eight species shown to have awareness that mirror images are representation of themselves
My hokey professor from last semester that may have possibly been really into Freud's philisophical beliefs used humankind's "uniqueness" in being able to recognize mirror images as themselves as what makes humans distinct as animals ... or something. I want to mention this is a poor adaptation of what he said but that he did mention that humankind is unique in it. Which I was, like, 95% certain was false, and since I didn't want to nitpick the lecture more than I did that semester, I kept quiet. And probably stopped paying attention which is why I can't recall his words very well, hah hah.
>>527389 it's not unique to humans but it is kind of the signature of human thought it's a very defining development as a species and in individual growth there are probably a lot more than eight animals that can do it but we can only rigorously identify those eight using methods of tracking based on the human model of it i guess it would be hard to confirm anything too foreign in its pathology
i think it's dolphins, ellyfants, all the grape apes, and magpies
I think pigs can see recongise themselves in a mirror too
Pigs might also be able write better sentences than me too
>>527402 no it's impossible since all pigs look the same they would think it's another pig
>>527401 I've read about Alex the grey parrot before, which apparently asked out of his own volition what the colour of his feathers were upon seeing himself in the mirror. And that sort inquisitive language isn't something that even great apes have demonsrated before.
>>527405 i'm not entirely certain but i think what matters is whether the species can innately do it having a parrot recognize itself is different than parrots having self-recognition innately especially when we're removin them from the wild and developing them in a detached environment where self is a lot more superliminal i'm pretty sure my cat even knows what's going on when i'm holding her and she sees another me holding her and sees me using a mirror
So I think I figured out that math thing I was thinking about earlier. It now seems trivial but I don't think there's been a paper done on it so I may write one. I have no idea for applications though. Aside from creating new better math problems that no one knows how to approach.
Apparently when I start uni I may be forced to have a GP that works for the uni which might be good but also could be shity
Well at least it's as much a toss-up as a public practitioner. Could be frustrating since your options for changing might not be as varied as people in the public service.
or do you mean a gangliocytic paraganglioma i didnt know unis were hiring those nowadays
>>527432 Its a pain since I change GPs but if the pool of uni selected GPs is small I meant be stuck with a unhelpful one. but I'll see, I don't they can legally control my health care though but might cause problems for me. >>527433 That is kinda addictive sounding, it rolls off the tongue
Well an optimistic possibility is that the pool of practitioners they pull from come from the university. And them being so close to places of academic stufy might mean you've got a better chance of dodging a stuck-in-their-ways old codger.
>>527436 I don't they are like academics from the university more like uni approved student clinic. Ideally I would want someone clued up which might be likely with a student clinic since they are used to the problems of students. Hopefully I will have one who knows decent endocrinologists and isn't a pain in the ass.
Moon, Kannagi me and floop are gongonna mahjong do either of you wanna join us
his phrasing was weird moon, kannagi (addressees) message: "floop and i are gonna play mahjong. do either of you want to join?" >>527448 yeah and what i'm saying is if kannagi wants to play i will
>>527443 oh fuck the question was asking if you and kannagi wanted to play not stating that me, kannagi and floop were playing Okay cool >yeah I'll join Sick I'll meet y'all in 7447
Ohh, Right! I got confused. I can see it now. Yeah I'll join. I need something to calm down with! I'm a terrible mahjong player by the wya
Use your semi-colons! >Moon, Kannagi; me and floop are gonna... Or just a comma if you're lazy it works too. Grammar is the soul of English.
>>527449 believe in the heart of the cards and she'll be right mate
>>527450 I should have used a comma yeah I've never used a semi colon in my entire life
In more recent years I've taken the "better to ask forgiveness than permission" approach to semi-colons. I throw them around hoping I have it right and shrug it off when I get them wrong.
you'll need to link me sorry
>>527457 >4vagina That sounds like the stupid sort of meme I'd do except the only names I've ever used on tenhou are maria and mjj If it's displaying lots of people like it would for L0 just click around the tabs at the top and it'll sort itself out
it's still logged in my history, that game where we played with a fella named 4vagina that's too many vaginas imo for one man
I forgot my username so I have an unregistered kannagi at the moment
good luck everyone
you too i can already tell kannagi is tryin for seven pair
>>527546 go to lobby 0 and fight randoms became the 天鳳位 >>527550 I've heard good things about these videos Remember the flash game exists for practice >>527551 wtf he barely started with any greens this madman
>>527548 it's this one >>>/watch?v=30yoLv6wH1Q i can't find the actual replay but, uh, there's a bit to flesh through might be worth pausing to look at the round and placement first
>>527548 haha i had to make such a risky play tossing out those sevens this was ranked and i was already in second to have an upset i needed to overtake this dude with 44 THOUSAND more points than me if anyone else dealt in instead, it wouldn't have mattered final round literally down to the very last discard of the final round he drops the 2 sou that game was so perfect and that replay doesnt do it much justice
>>527552 that's so perfect it's a crazy manga tier moment Man Saki season 4 when
Akagi is incredible, It is amazing how much tension and character appears in a manga basically about a mahjong match and a fucking long one at that. It was such a fucking ride
>>527554 yeah i burned out my dopamines on that game can't even play normally now i gotta chase the high of godly plays (not really but it is fun to do)
Oh shit that video was you moon. That was fucking amazing
>>527558 Akagi is fucking godly So many ballsy plays, such clever insight into what people are thinthinking , so many madman moments
>>527559 I really enjoy the relief of escaping fourth
I don't play the game at all but I saw she got an overwork.
yeah they've done away with any pretense of her being a "support" character and turned her into a real offense hero and she can do a lot of goofy shit with her new teleport ability
her new ultimate is a great counter to snipers as well it spawns a barrier that spans the entire map
Like just a dividing border that shields the entire 2D plane you summon it on?
yeah it bisects the map completely and blocks all enemy projectiles from either side
It's good to let the mind wander sometimes, and it soothes the soul. I should do it too
Kirara 🚗
>>527630 Ragnarok was one of the best marvel movies so good
The rubber ball against the window as he was giving his hero speech had me cackling. And Banner's initial failure to deliver towards the end of the movie.
I hope if they do more of this style of Thor in the future that they play with the weird Oceania aliens that Waititi brought to the series.
Kirara 🚗
Yeah, that'd be awesome. I bet they will with Guardians, at least.
Recently in the comics, the Guardians got replaced with the Asguardians of the Galaxy
I mean the Guardians are A+ but Thor's crew is pretty great too. And Scrapper 142 is apparently going to show up in future MCU films.
they are a little bit tasty but they fall into the "not worth the hassle" category difficult to buy difficult to store messy to cut and eat i'm not a fan of messy stuff that takes a lot of effort
watermelons are quite tasty especially with a light sprinkle of salt
maybe it is because they are so rarely in stores here
are watermelons, the big ones available there year around or just during the season?
they're pretty seasonal depending on the region i think you can probably get them in subtropical regions year round, but nobody's gonna be shipping watermelons to the great lakes area during the cold season
here it really depends some stores never stock up on them, due to obvious reasons, so it really comes to picking the right stores during the brief window they are available
In the past they used to be available year around in some stores, but no more
the minimelons aren't just the same, despite being identical in taste
most of my fruit probably comes from juices the thick kind that are like smoothies i like fresh berries i suppose but most other fruits end up getting my hands sticky oranges especially
i've seen desert pizza that is like pie crust with a sweet cream base and fruit on top kiwis, berries, stuff like that still don't think watermelon would be appropriate on it though
im about to break into a room at the clinic because ive called every supervisor, every admin, and the maintenance people, and nobody has answered but if i don't, i can't get home, can't get into my home, so my cat will die unless i walk home and break into my home but i don't have my wallet so i can't prove i live there if something happens i don't think these locks can be picked especially not without tools
so i guess my only option is to break a window the janitor doesn't even have a physical key to this room, what the fuck
i wonder if busting the lock would be cheaper than the window, though maybe i should try that first
yeah it's fuckin swipe cards they just stopped working today the doors were all propped open and had signs saying not to close them but why read a sign
Hmm here most places double the id-badges with rfid or something things that either open doors when pressed against a reader or can even automatically pick them up when you approach
>>527673 god how dated swipe cards not only degrade due to swiping, but I recall many of the software they used hving lots of issues like this
>>527682 WEll I think you have solid enough excuse, but yeah they will at the very least bill you for the costs
Kirara 🚗
I feel like it was unreasonable but also like I was forced to be unreasonable i exhausted all options a supervisor should have answered their phones, they're supposed to be available all the time for emergencies
Yeah, what could you have done you exhausted all options of getting it open without busting it and you were in a huge rush
i have a reputation for myself and this isn't going to help
well I would try to call someone above you again later and explain the situation and stress you will compensate for the damages and maybe shoot it bit over the top how much of a life and death situation it was
my life needs to take a chill pill crazy train has gotta stop doing this to me
anyway, next semester, i might be working in a hospital doing psych consulting and hanging out with horribly maimed people and their horrified families
cool maybe i can come visit if i horribly maim myself
Kirara 🚗
"hello i know a psychologist in florida can you bring me to that hospital for treatment"
Kirara 🚗
glad i didn't have to walk several miles home in the rain to break into my own home though
>Upskirting was signed into law as a criminal offence in Wisconsin in 2015, carrying a maximum sentence of three and a half years in prison. I think that is quite harsh sentence
it is "life" as in literally life, but in spanish they actually stack up the years I >>527711 Huh, I thought they didn't stack them up, just had like 50+ year sentences or "life"
Kirara 🚗
there is a guy in the US with 141,000 years in prison
I find the year stacking quite silly why not just say "for life" I mean what are you going to do in the case someone is sentenced say 200 years in prison and then he lives through it
>>527715 Wiki says the longest sentence in the US has been 30K years for a child rapist
also is the "survive execution on death penalty 2/3? times an then be left free" a true thing?
>>527728 it is actually a good question, how long would they keep you locked up if you were found out to be biologically immortal or even truly immortal but had a 20k year sentence I mean realistically speaking the nation that sentenced you isn't going to be around then
> On July 27, 1989 Thipyaso and seven accomplices were convicted of corporate fraud. She was sentenced to a total of 141,078 years in prison but Thai law at the time stated that the maximum sentence that could be served for fraud was 20 years. In actuality, she only served about eight years of the sentence
>>527730 They would keep you for the sentence until, you know, they can't because the state is destroyed
did any of you see that black mirror episode with the guy trapped in a digital prison for a million years unable to die
>>527732 Maybe in the past, but consider the media the social media and so on the sole immortal person locked in jail for all eternity man there would be rallies and campaigns just to free them eventually
And besides, activism doesn't really do much without someone with the legal right to pardon also has the desire to. Pardoning someone just because they'll never die is a pretty risky move to pull if you actually want to keep your power
>>527733 it wasn't the guy, just copy of his consciousness
>>527736 yes the copy is the guy I am referring to
Kirara 🚗
>>527733 that was probably the worst episode of black mirror and probably the last one ill ever watch
>>527737 >here let's have you trappedi n hell for thousands if not millions of years >here you did a good thing for us, you can go free,b ut we will mark you with a big sign shouting THIS IS A CRIMINAL
>>527738 I only saw the end and it spooked me hard
Kirara 🚗
the new season of black mirror had no purpose or stories to tell the last episode, that one, was literally just an entire episode of gore porn, people graphically mutilating themselves and others, for no reason other than shock value
Besides The nation in which punishment is done for its own sake to such a degree that several hundred lifespans are doled out as sentences, isn't one where there will be a big fuzz if someone convicted to it lives to be 150 in there
>>527743 YEah, but nobody usually lives to even 100 in prisons don't just compare it to actual cases, this is pretty much territory of "guy is sentenced to death, but keeps ressurrecting each time killed"
Like these sentences are also given out to people you don't want to defend as a political entity If you are to have any hope of gaining political office, you can't be "the guy who wants to pardon the guy who raped 6 children" or "the guy who wants to pardon... members of a right wing death squad"
so now you have 150 year old guy sitting his 1000 year sentence, but looks like the same sprawling 20 year old he was when he kileld those kids
EVERYONE who suffered for his crimes is DEAD man even if say he took 20 kids hostage and killed all but one of them, that one survivors grand kids are most likely dead or dying
torchwood season 4 had I think somewhat relating stuff, as in it people stopped dying was quite cruesome for some, as in "they blew up to bits" but they were still alive
Though I mean what would really happen is a corpse would turn up, the state would say that's the dude, he died in his bed peacefully at age 120something And the guy is actually in like, area 51
Besides, considering say aguy who was imprisoned in 1868 for murders for 1000 years and was still alive and still looked like a man in his prime we'd have changed quite a lot and not just echnologically but in society too people back then actually had barely rights
>>527752 see now you are exploring it, though imagine if someone went to interview them and found out the supposedly 70 year old man, still looked like he was in his 20s even that alone would catch the interest of people
I mean the state are the ones keeping this person in prison They'll notice before anyone but the guards, and the guards will be told to shut the fuck up And if they don't, they're fired, given a severance package, and their claims are never officially addressed
yes, but no one has ever dealth with anything like this
>>527755 now you are entering big conspiracy mode mostl ikely the reaction will be "these guards must be bored to come up with silly things like that"
This kinda thing does go upwards It's the kinda thing people will mention in conversation to those higher up in the system, and eventually it'll reach like, the CIA
>>527759 It'll just get mentioned at a later date as a story
Anyhow if something like that happened, I bet it would leak to public way before any government agency would react to it unless they really lucked out cause that is how states generally work slow
Well who's to say it hasn't happened before Like, hypothetically it could have, other than obviously being a thing that humans don't do People turn up dead in prisons with some frequency, I imagine >>527766 I mean at that point it just depends on the rest of the state I don't know if any of them would release you very quickly though
In the context of the little ones, explosion just means big leak.
it is a rapid expansion happening inside the battery, which causes it to rupture whether it just sprigns a small leak that lets the fluids+gases out, which then may be ignited or it goes BLAM in every direction is up to luck but that >rapid expansion is what we commonly refer to as explosion
Kirara 🚗
>>527778 the news is referring to it as a "small blast" so
and the guy had severe enough injuries to go to hospital
also he apparently confessed everythign to cops and got chastised, since he hadn't broken any laws yet
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
smol blast
Kirara 🚗
do you know what it means to miss new orleans
a new form of stockholm syndrome?
Kirara 🚗
i told a client today that id print out a copy of a report for him and he got really excited and said he would hang it on his wall and im like, it's like 15 pages, sport and he goes, oh, i can afford lots of frames haha!
the new Gorillaz album and the new Florence+the Machine album were both really good
>The victim, Kenichiro Okamoto, was a 41-year-old expert on cybersecurity from Tokyo who had given a lecture in Fukuoka that night that touched on how to deal with online harassment, disputes, and trolls. He was stabbed to death in the bathroom of the lecture venue about 15 minutes after he finished his presentation. >The Fukuoka Police announced early in the morning of June 25, that the alleged assailant was an unemployed local resident, 42-year-old Hidemitsu Matsumoto, who admitted he “bore a grudge” against Okamoto “because he ridiculed me on the internet.”
Didya see the Gang Weed man who got arrested for being masked in public? So much dumb shit happening lmao >>527797 Gang weed is just that meme with the edgy gamer shit, and the Joker used as the sorta medium it's said through It's part of the like, faux-gamer subculture
Kirara 🚗
no, what's a gang weed man
Kirara 🚗
why was he wearing a mask
Who knows He may not even be a memer, he could have just been a guy But he was dressed like the joker, including the facepaint
Kirara 🚗
he was probably antifa 😯
Kirara 🚗
wait how was he masked if they could see his face paint
Yeah that might be their name The thing the bunny fate girl wears the cloak of
Kirara 🚗
medjed is just a ghosty looking Egyptian god that flies around and shoots lasers from its eyes In Fate, it's associated with the Pharaoh Nitocris who i assume you're talking about, she's not a bunny, though
are ghost sharks really ghosts
Yeah, it's nitocris, I'm just bad with names
Kirara 🚗
Medjed has had a big presence in Japanese meme culture for a long time
>>527812 a normal person idek why you think otherwise
So wait what is she if she's not a bunny? A donkey?
they're both +spd -def which are pretty lousy IVs The one I have is +hp -atk which is also lousy but I think it's still better than +spd -def.
I think I'm going to merge them into the -atk version and at least I have a +2 Myrrh.
I got legendary Hector too which is nice.
Kirara 🚗
i got nothing all ive gotten in a long time are bridal tharja and sanaki both with worst possible IVs but feh hasn't been interesting me much lately so whatev
>starting a band that uses a smoke detector as an instrument, so they can make smoke detectors recognized as an instrument, and in turn allow you to dodge smoke detector tariffs Nathan For You is an actual legendary show
>listening to smoke detector music >smoke detector goes off >everything is fire
Here's how you make a good sonic movie Either make it as overblown and edgy as possible, or make it like the Boom cartoon and meme over everything
>>527862 Sonic is an anti-authortarian trying to save the environment from Robotniks imperialism Did you even play the genesis games
Kirara 🚗
>>527858 sonic is a fucking cop and shadow has to save us from him, i hope
>>527862 one of those sonic games had like some shadow minions or some shit and because it's friendly for kids they didn't wanna say evil or whatever so they just called them the dark ones and there's a cutscene where sonic's gathering his friends and he's like "you gotta help me get rid of the dark ones before they destroy the city" or something i can't remember the video or i'd go grab it
Doctor Robotnik is always the best character of whatever Sonic game he's in
>>527859 Apparently so much exponentially worse that the movie made whoever it is of Seuss' descendants that executes his estate forbid any more live-action movies of his books.
>>527866 yet they still allowed that tree thing who protects the trees or what was it speaks for the trees guy
Kirara 🚗
>>527861 he's not anti-authoritarian if he's working with cops
>>527869 In the comics he is literally a freedom fighter and he /// the first thing he does in Adventure 2 is breaking out of the cops helicopter and legging it
>>527869 PI or rugged detective might pass as anti-authority and still work for the law
>>527868 Read "live-action movies" a second time over.
>>527866 doctor suess would be rolling over in his gravy tbh
Kirara 🚗
>>527870 yeah but being pro-cop means you aren't anti-authoritarian
he used to be anti-authoritarian but if he's working with cops, he's not anymore
>>527872 yeah but they still allowed that movie to become a thing damn greedy asses
>>527874 What if Okay get this what if The whole movie, it's actually shadow working with the cops, and everyone calls him sonic And then halfway through the real sonic shows up Because SA2 already established that people get the two confused for some reason
BUt honestly speaking, aren't all of seuz stories too short for a whole feature lenght movie?
Without elaboration, not really. The Horton movie I think was somewhat close to the book, they gave Jojo the Who a bit more of a plot, but the most liberties the movie took was making the scenes from the book extravagantly visual.
MM but the old animated adaptions of grinch and that tree thing both were 30 minutes long, though they barely had anything extra added to them. So I dunno, does the movie actually have to be 1h30m long? Or the 2 hour modern cinema is almost always That actually bothers me about some movies, can't really name one from the top of my mind, but some movies really feel like they should have been shorter either just ended already at earlier point that was good enough moment to end it or just had some material in it, clearly just to push it to the 2 hour lenght
what if we did something like fantasia, and it's just a compilation of short animated suess adaptations
>>527886 I'd support this I'd also support another fantasia movie
>>527885 I have zero knowledge whatsoever, but my uneducated guess is that cinema chains, at least in North America, would be averse to running shorter-length pieces, for whatever reason I'm not even gonna care to guess. Since that's where the bulk of theatre-release money is, and since theatre-release money is pretty much all most investors care about, if you can't run it in a cinema, you'll have a hard time getting funding.
>>527888 Basically they think people won't pay the same price for a short movie and as for the 2h lenght "this and that movie were 2h and sold well, so I guess people want to sit 2h in a theatre" said some analysist >>527890 precis I wouldn't pay 12,5€ for a 30 min flick but for 3x30 min flick? or 2 hell yeah
Honestly it's probably not an entirely untrue assumption.
But this 2h lenght comes to that "games must be so and so long" or "be open world filled with *content*" that game industry fell in People don't want quantity voer quality in most cases
Well that's not exactly true though. Plenty of AAA games have tiny single-player experiences. I would argue for people who are interested in single-player gaming, the trend IS that people want larger worlds. Of course this doesn't mean they'll complain about a world stocked with content and detail, but I would believe the popular opinion ranks larger worlds in single-player games as very high importance.
This doesn't mean that there are not dissenters or anecdotal disagreement, but that the base that the industry chases -does- want this.
>>527892 This is not about larger worlds it is about what is in them are the activities you can do just rng copy paste of the same thing over and over and over again or something you will want to actually do and do several times over, in either various fashions or in various locations take say assassin's creed 4 as an example all the side activity on land is quite... dull >find boxes >chase songs >kill target in area rinse repeat It isn't really content, as in stuff you'd really want to do especially for that 100% playthrough, unless you are a true completionist rather than having n+1 assassin contracts you could have say 5 and craft each of them individually or just have enough variables to generate it, so that they atleast somewhat seem different from the previous
I know, and I'm saying the player base for gaming on a whole would agreeably take that standardization of content in exchange for larger maps. Of course you give them an equally-sized map and have it full of handmade content and no one's gonna be complaining. Well.
But it's just you blame the industry and I'm not certain if it's the industry's fault or if they're just giving their most profitable base what the base is asking for.
>>527895 Well it is in my opinion one of those "horror video games don't sell anymore" decisions they just made Sure they most likely had some data on it and asked some focus group and some analysist but people actually still wanted horror games
noun is a proper noun, but you don't capitalise it
>>527906 accepted standards are that it should be i really disagree though in cases like "i'm gonna do an internet search" i feel it definitely shouldn't be in cases like "i'm gonna go on the internet and search", i understand common consensus but still disagree
in finnish both internet and Internet go however if you use capital then you must write compound words with added -, like Internet-site but if you write it without capital, you can just stuff dem words together like usua, internetsite
I think the discussions core was how internet is supposed to be treated capital Internet if it is some unique place and just internet if it s a tool like a car etc I am firmly of the noncapital camp, btw
there is no unique internet though that's my qualm it's like saying you're gonna go outside and step on the grass and saying grass needs to be capitalized
'sides most people use words like web or net etc nowadays more than internet
yeah imagine capitalizing telephone or radio or television it's a category of channel it's not a branded product, nor a specific domain for instance, we can have an internetwork connecting us all to /moe/ and also connecting us to a source that can proxy our http inquiries we're using the internet but not connected to "the Internet" and that's just illustrative because all internet connections are really like that it makes no sense to categorize that domain as a proper noun it's too unbounded if you can't properly define what is or isn't a connection to the Internet or what is just internet, it has no business being a proper noun
I think it comes from thinking of internet as a one unique place, from I guess "old minded" people These kinds of people think of internet as a kind of a place, a country, a unique world of its own So it isn't hard to understand that some would then want to refer it with Internet, like it is some one unique place
Somewhat related is that people wishing to censor and limit internet, be it anti-netneutrality legislation or article 13 ilk are usually people who don't really understand how and what internet really is.
is always so weird when you forget it >hmm why am I doing back to 36-48h days(sleep included) >and why now I am feeling tired ordinarily >check date >wait a minute >check lunar calendar >oooooh
well it was cloudy for that matter so totally missed it also it might have not been blood moon here
those aren't clouds they're kotex pads
strawberry moon-san
come to think of it, this is prolly the first full moon I havn't either been away/drinking/drinking away/working or something to keep me in normalish sleep rythm
the weird moment you read an older manga and go >oh these guys are /translated this, long time no see almost as weird as >wait this guy is still doing tls?
>>527987 yup, that's their racial trait tiny titty monsters for women, massive beefcake muscleboys for the men
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
And then there's Nio, who is an example of the Harvins, who are even smaller.
>>527982 >6 year old with tits Should I have expected this?
deepest lore
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Yeah Yaia is literally 6.
So there's GranBlue and Shadowverse and they're like alternate universes or something right?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
They're both IPs of the same company but the storylines and universes are different. However they just did a big collab for shadowverse in that the current card pack is all granblue stuff pretty much.
There's also Shingeki no Bahamut which came first >>528000 There's some overlap but the setting in granblue is pretty different.
Yeah I know they're owned by the same company. I thought they had related lore or something?
>>527957 It was hot and tiring. 2 days till I go back to England though!
I walked into the kitchen just now and something dropped right in front of my face from the ceiling to the ground. This enough -alone is enough to make me a little skittish and it didn't help that a second later I saw a centipede scurrying under a table. I was basically shaking and patting down my body all over to make sure there wasn't anything else that had dropped and hadn't missed me. Stuff like this always unnerves me.
Neat Centipedes are friend bugs though. Cause they eat other bugs.