
Thread #528082

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Bottom Identity
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Even awake there isn't always something to say.
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nothing to say is something to say
your jedi mind tricks won't work on me pal
Kirara 🚗
ive got a lot to say but idk if i can say it
Understandable. I've had some things on the mind that I haven't figured out how to put together.
Kirara 🚗
I'm just not sure i can get what i need out of /moe/ by talking about it
not like i used to
Kirara 🚗
oh well
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Oh, come on.
Get up.
Do your fucking job.
Find the child.
It can't be that hard to start a conversation.

Today somebody tried to guess my age after I guessed his age correctly. They were 3 years off, though.
Has that kind of thing happened to anyone else?
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i woke up
i'm up
now what
what did you wake me up for
ty for nothing you loud asshole
Follow the path
#flip (true)
you are now, as the kids say it, woke

yeah except I'm the one getting ages wrong
rip there goes half of my soup onto my bedsheets
oh no
that's very unfortunate
I'm very clumsy
not in a moe way just a dumb idiot way
I hate this
I've spilt so much stuff on this chair
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Look after yourself because nobody else will.
i'll look after you
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Universe what is my future
#8ball (100%)
fuck no wtf
it's telling you to give it your all
you gotta ganbatte give it your best
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The chances of me perishing within the next 30 days are
#8ball (agreedo)
Finally the solitude I needed
#imfey (sproink) and I can't get up
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Sproink is what Enchantress says the fuck is this
I thought fey was a FE thing
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If over 15 I die
If under 15 I suffer forever
#d20 (10)
Yes, like how it was always meant to be
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TFW Far Cry 5 ending is actual real life
we get rocked as a species
I've been watching captain d all damn day
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Everything is a game and sometimes there are some lucky ones
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I just can't help but deal justice to these online shitters
Can't you?
I fucking love getting them all banned
Kirara 🚗
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My dreams were unkind last night.
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They never are,, really
Mine are just glimpses of the dark abyss that will swallow all of existence
What is important is what you learn from them
And how you choose to carry them throughout the day
The abyss doesn't always stick with me
Neither will your negative points
what kinda drems
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last dream I rememeber, I smashed my phone and couldn't afford a new one
Kirara 🚗
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I dreamed I was being gaslighted and harassed and followed by friends.
Then, I dreamed that some people and I were investigating a house where screams were heard, and there were mutilated bodies everywhere, on the floor, hanging from the walls, etc. We found the killer sawing a young woman in half, but he had accomplices that killed the two people with me, and then I was tortured to death.
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The house of 1000 corpses!
Kirara 🚗
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Most of the time I don't really remember my dreams more than like 15 minutes after I wake up
I remember a few dreams I've had but not a lot of them
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That's such a horrifying nightmare
Something that I can sort of
Don't let it stick with you
We're in reality now.
Reassure yourself, the nightmares have the ability to ruin your day to day life
But you shouldn't allow that
You have to find peace somehow
By letting go of the past
or another way I can't think of
Kirara 🚗
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I remember most of mine.
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alternatively hyperfocus on the beautfy in some of them
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I had plenty of nightmares about the apocalypse and locusts, etc. biblical stuff
I realize what they were
But I can't put it on a pedestal
Or try to examine it
It's just pure evil in every sense
You just have to learn how to fight against it
Kirara 🚗
thinking about them is actually the most effective way to deal with them, according to the literature on nightmares
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I can think about them, renumerate on them and examine them
But I can never tell every detail
Every single thing I've seen and experienced
It's just
A fucking cruelty that shoudl only be mine
And nobody elses
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Is nightmares sticking with people throughout the day a common thing?
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Oh holy fuck.
Be glad you've experienced the mercy of never being to the mightmare frontier
Kirara 🚗
only ptsd nightmares
I had a lucid dream once but it was a nightmare
It gets really shitty when you realise it's just a nightmare but you can't wake up
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Well I felt Freddy Krueger stab his blades into my forehead
The cold feelings of the blade thrusting in and the searing pain of bleeding
All that shit yup
Anyway how is your morning
What does the brain do if you get stabbed in a dream like that if you haven't been stabbed in real life? How does it approximate the feeling?
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It just falls down and decides to die
When I was stabbed in the head it felt like water rushing out
I couldn't realise it was blood or I was about to die
I just fell down and it all turned to nothing
That might be how death is.
Fuck that shit then
Kirara 🚗
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Is this a review of one of Peterson's lectures?
Kirara 🚗
it's from a Baudrillard essay on simulacra and simulations from the 80s haha
I'm unsure what that means
Kirara 🚗
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That seems very esoteric
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The simulacra putting me in the role of the crazy BITCH
Kirara 🚗
it's postmodern
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Makes sense
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wouldn't that depend on where you get stabbed in the brain?
Like, you'd feel (or lack feeling) certain things, depending on the area that got cut through.
Kirara 🚗
it's honestly not a very valuable read although it is a good read
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It just feels like it's being ripped apart every millisecond.
But you can't wake up
It ends when it will
Kirara 🚗
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I dunno does it? Does the brain simulate the pain it'd experience from a certain part being cut?

I thought people were supposed to immediately wake up after dying in a dream
Kirara 🚗
it's useless to try to understand dreams
everyone has a different experience with them and will tell you something different about them
the literature says nothing substantial about it
do your clients ever ask you to interpret their dreams
Kirara 🚗
yes, but i don't
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this is exactly the response I expected to be honest
Kirara 🚗
i think dreams can only be interpreted by the dreamer
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slay the spire before you unlock stuff is hell
Just construct a deck to win the game but all you get is 1 energy attacks for less than 20 damage each and sub10 blocks for 1 energy each
Kirara 🚗
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Why the fuck is this fuckin' yoghurt made in Greece?
It's just CALLED greek yoghurt it doesn't need to be made in a different country and then transported here, that's just waste for LITERALLY NO REASON
>how did I get here
They went out of their way to do their Greek yoghurt authentically and you have the GALL to complain
It says Greek yoghurt on the box so by God you're getting Greek yoghurt
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Authenticity is a lie anyway
The company is Norwegian
Kirara 🚗
authenticity is the important thing
the inauthentic life is not worth living
The fake can improve on the real
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Honestly I would prefer they made it here and just said they made it in Greece
Kirara 🚗
that's different from authenticity
Well what is authenticity then
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For that matter, it's made in a factory likely not significantly different from the one I work in
It's not like it's "respecting and following the traditions" or some other wonky horseshit, it's just made in a big drum and plopped into small containers for sale
Advertising is a giant sham and this no less
Kirara 🚗
living in accordance with your values which you discover and assign yourself rather than living according to external pressures from others and blindly following the meaning they have assigned to your world
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That's a different meaning of authenticity though, than one that can be applied to commodities
This yoghurt isn't expected to live up to its own values as a person
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What if I've decided to place value on doing bad things
but what if I didn't value that either
Slay them all
The women and the young lings too
Kirara 🚗
if that yoghurt does not follow its heart, it is worthless to meeeee
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Then you should self crit because you wanna be a better person
Really there's no prescription
Kirara 🚗
slay queen
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I mean I guess I'm some sort of pseudo-egoist since I think things will work out for the best if we all actually work towards our own benefit
I'm not concerned with people who "just want to be bad people"
They're few and can be crushed
Kirara 🚗
people are naturally motivated to do good towards their fellows, evolutionarily
people who want to do the opposite are rarely living authentic lives and are usually hiding from the freedom authenticity demands because it spurs such neurotic anxiety - the anxiety that resists change, be it positive or negative
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Besides that though, my struggle is wound up in yours etc. etc.
Kirara 🚗
beyond good and evil is a pretty good book
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I thought you were about to recommed a video game outta nowhere
Kirara 🚗
haha no
i have heard good things about that game though ive never played it
bgae is a Nietzsche book
Kirara 🚗
my cat is so smart
when i say ow, he immediately stops hurting me
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I hgave so much to read
Wow my cat just digs her claws in deeper
Kirara 🚗
my cat is so good with his claws
he has never accidentally cut me while playing or anything
and never digs his claws into my skin unless im wearing thick clothes and he misjudges the thickness
right now he's chewing on my foot though

there is a lot to read
im reading like 200 pages of scientific literature every week rn plus some philosophical stuff plus some psych/philo stuff
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deepcomrade once answered something like "violence" when asked what alternative there is to morality, and he never specified what the hell he meant by that
I think it was likely some author but I dunno whom
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How the hell do you manage
Kirara 🚗
haha wow

sitting down to read an individual article which is 10-20 pages doesn't take long so i can do that many times throughout the week if i have to
reading books is the hard part
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I spend more time thinking about how I should be reading than I do read
Kirara 🚗
i gotta read to prepare for my dissertation, so articles are a must
and i accidentally misled someone to think i had read a book i hadn't read and i didn't correct them quickly enough so now i gotta read the book before they want to talk about it
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I guess it does help the motivation to have your choice limited
Kirara 🚗
also my dissertation stuff is something im passionate about which helps
That helps too
Kirara 🚗
im also working on the methodology for my study so that's like putting a puzzle together which i like

reading Nietzsche is the hardest part of all my weekly reading
existential folks are easier to read than like, kant or hume or hegel or any of those pretentious dicks but still hard
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I'm soon halfway through Walden Two
So far I don't really have any criticism of the system proposed beyond "I don't really see why you'd have these managers be some clandestine, self-selecting authority"
Kirara 🚗
some of the systems proposed in it are outdated
the book was written before the science described in the book was established
Skinner's later book beyond dignity and freedom is an updated version of the system
or contains it
i think he keeps the managers and everything though
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Well of course some of it will be outdated, but the system proposed doesn't have hard rules on how exactly to do things
If it's outdated and false, it just won't be done
Like I'm sure there are better ways to raise kids not to be super easily frustrated than to deny them soup, but it's not really worth getting bent outta shape over cause it's the kind of thing that would be changed if it didn't work
Kirara 🚗
well, that's one of the best ways haha
but i don't think denying people food is good especially during childhood
the book was written before we understood child development and nutritional requirements, though
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I don't understand child development enough to have a take on it, is the thing
I can just see the intent of it, and considering how vague all of this has been thus far, I just have to assume the method they use for determining their actions is open to change if it turns out something is actually Not That Good
Kirara 🚗
ahh my cat is biting the SHIT out of my foot
he's not penetrating the skin, just pinching it

yeah, it's a variable system
but the book was written by its proponent and doesn't self-crit at all so gotta think about limitations and difficulties it might encounter
establishing such a commune would have been much simpler in the 40s
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And it's not like they're denied food, they're just not fed immediately and have to wait like 5 minutes before they eat
Considering the wider society they find themselves in, that's a MASSIVE step up in terms of quality of life for all children from current society
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Yeah, but I think I gotta finish the book for that
For right now I don't even know what it means to pass policy within this society
I don't actually know what that MEANS
Kirara 🚗
oh yeah, definitely

what do you think of the writing?
skinner is pretty easy to read, right?
It's been really good actually
I didn't expect it to be this easy to keep reading Skinner
Kirara 🚗
i love how he establishes his design philosophies through narrative, but you don't have to parse anything out of it
it's simple and efficient writing that's easy to read and understand
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I do feel like I'm gonna hit a wall of pure ideology whenever I get to the part where the actual mechanisms of the 'government' is described and problems are just handwaved like "we're raised to x so nobody would y even if they could!"
Kirara 🚗
it's honestly vague about the internal mechanisms in the narrative from what i remember
the book mostly focuses on the superficial aspects of the society and how behaviorism did it
mostly because the science wasn't established yet
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I figured as much honestly
It's about organization of atomized parts of society, not society as a whole, in truth
Here's how we manage work
Here's how we manage education
Here's how we manage children
Kirara 🚗
there's a scene in the second half where they are drinking tea and they've got these weird glasses to drink them out of
idk why but that scene really stuck with me even though i think it's basically meaningless
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Oh yeah, the sorta pouches they carry the glasses in and stuff

There also seems to be a sort of weird disconnect in the book like
"Not even the most dedicated industrialist could do the thing we're doing here" it spouts out, and then just leaves it at that
Like waddaya mean? Why?
The why is the important part, Skinner, you bastard
Kirara 🚗
yeah it's fucking weird like
i get it but
use ceramic or something you weirdos
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I will say though, the society presented thus far could easily be tweaked a little bit and it'd be Bread Two
Like there's an extremely clear current of anarchist ideas flowing through it, even if Skinner clearly wasn't one
Kirara 🚗
yeah, there are ///
well, it could easily be adapted into a true horizontal
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Like people already have so much free time, why would they need dedicated labor credits and other junk, it's just so unnecessary
The whole thing seems to already effectively operate on an honor system anyway
Kirara 🚗
labor credits are based on the behavioral concept of a token economy which is often used to change behavior in kids
or well, they're the same concept

but also a product of Skinner not being a leftist
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Oh yeah I had that as a kid
I just ignored it though
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It's not even that I'm so much opposed to the credits, I just think they're so unnecessary and extra
Like why bother with all this accounting and book keeping when people would still, you know, not let their own community, in which they spend SO MUCH TIME, fall apart
Kirara 🚗
they are probably vestigial parts of the society that skinner thought would be necessary during the initial creation of the commune, or it may be there to help newcomers integrate more comfortably

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Oh, that's actually not a bad idea
It's familiar to new people, but after a while it'll probably be effectively ignored since you end up doing stuff anyway in the course of a year
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Either that or he literally just read Marx and these are labor notes
But they're not actually, labor notes are actually worse than these lol

Since labor notes maintain everything as commodities to be bought and sold, albeit without the accumulation of currency anywhere
Kirara 🚗
it's weird that the book was successfully published in 1948
although i guess the red scare wasn't really big until the 50s
It's cryptocommunism lol
So crypto even the author didn't realize
Kirara 🚗
also skinner did design walden two but he also designed some of the earliest "smart" missiles
to use on nazi and IJN ships
although his idea was mocked and he was laughed out of the meeting with generals, or so the story goes
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Skinner was a hell of a multitalent
Kirara 🚗
his idea was to train pigeons to press buttons in response to specific ship shapes
so a missile would fly over an enemy ship and the pigeons would see it, start pressing the button, and the missile would change its altitude to target the enemy
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He was gonna put pigeons in the rockets?
That is ridiculously hardcore
Kirara 🚗
yeah haha
but the military thought it was stupid
Kirara 🚗
and yet they were willing to try bat bombs
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I mean I'm not convinced it'd actually work either
But it's so cool it's a crime not to try it
Kirara 🚗
it probably would have worked with the proper design and would have been more effective than the missiles of the time but it wouldn't have been cost efficient to build the rockets when they already had missiles on mass production
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They should have just paid Tesla for his death beam
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Besides, how are you gonna conveyor belt the training of pigeons?
I mean you can, but it's gonna take some new construction and stuff
We made the training of kids into a factory operation, we could do it with pigeons too
Kirara 🚗
Tesla's death ray was actually more of a railgun anyway

you'd have to have behaviorists doing the training nonstop
Kirara 🚗
you can teach behavioral skills quickly though
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Naw, just like any other production, you don't need anyone to actually know fully what is being done
I have no idea how to operate more than like, a few buttons at work, and neither does anyone else
We just know different buttons
None of us had any hand in getting to the recipe we use or nothing, everything's top down
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You basically just need to find the most effective method of getting a pigeon to do the thing you want, and then you hire people you tell to do exactly that procedure
If something goes wrong or the pigeon doesn't respond, just put it somewhere
You could even name it something fancy, after the designer or something
Kirara 🚗
you could probably construct a box that would train the pigeons and the only thing workers would need to do is feed them and stuff
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Yeah, basically though that's my idea
It takes some doing and investment though
Kirara 🚗
Skinner hated the term skinner box
he called them operant conditioning chambers
Skinner seems like he was a cool dude tbh
Kirara 🚗
he was probably not fun to be around, though
he was super serious like all the time
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Serious about science tho
Kirara 🚗
kind of
he didn't accept cognitive science
he completely denied the entire subject of cognitive science
Chomsky and Skinner fought about it for like 50 years
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What the heck is cognitive science anyway?
Dude it keeps like, jolting me how old Chomsky actually is
Kirara 🚗
the study of the mind and processes related to the mind
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Yeah but like, why would he reject that?
Kirara 🚗
skinner rejected the idea of the mind
he thought that all that mattered was environment and learned behavior
Were we all philosophical zombies to Skinner?
Kirara 🚗
just machines designed to respond to environmental stimuli and learn responses to those stimuli
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That seems like such a strange thing to believe
I mean, we are machines but we're not perfect
Kirara 🚗
skinner didn't really agree
he thought everything was superficial only external stimuli mattered
Kirara 🚗
he was called a radical behaviorist for a reason
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Very strange beliefs
Seem a bit simplistic

Oh shit I found the image of the thing I talked about
Kirara 🚗
that's weird

and yeah, skinner thinks it was all very simple

Chomsky and he fought over language for fucking decades
gang weed rise up
Philosophical debates, but as like heated arguments is a fun aesthetic
"This IDIOT thinks language has inherent meaning or a correct form!"
the eternal flame war
Kirara 🚗
literally publishing books at eacg other lol
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rappers already do that so it's actually not that strange now that I think about it
Well, Drake decided not to apparently

Not that I have listened to more than one Drake song in my life, I just know cause some of the people I follow care about whatever Drake's genre is
Sappy rap?
Kirara 🚗
idk anything about drake
Kirara 🚗
other than the discourse
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I know he started at the bottom, but now he's wherever he is
That's really the only information I have on him that I know comes from his own music

But by way of reading the discourse and memes, I have been given the impression he makes very emotional music, at least from time to time
he used to call me on my cellphone
But like
Taylor Swift emotional, not De La Rocha emotional
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moar lundia get
soon i can build a house of pure lundia
kinda funny how it is
"mask - nuhuh"
"sword - meh"
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though ofc, someone masking their face is most likely up to something no good, so...
there is that
but I wouldn't really charge anything out of it
at most a slap in the wrist fine
Kirara 🚗

im fine with body positivity
if you look like that and are happy with it, more power to you
i don't mind seeing it

but why put it in a fitness magazine?
this clearly isn't fitness
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Arguably, the best place for it is in a fitness magazine
Kirara 🚗
well, it says her holiday health isn't our business
which is true, it's not
if the article is about not telling fat people they need to be skinny, that would make sense, but idk because the tweet doesn't say anything about what it's about
It would be if we had socialized health care.
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Yeah there is one thing to be body positive and don't mind people fucking their own health up
and one thing to advertise "this is healthy"
Imagine if "alcoholism positive" was a thing...
Kirara 🚗
well, idk if that article is saying it's healthy, but yeah, in general, we shouldn't say unhealthy stuff is healthy

wouldn't be my business even if im helping pay for their medical bills
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But my point is that if it's body positive or whatever term is correct, then the best place for it is exactly in the magazines which function is propaganda in the opposite.
There's little gain in preaching to the choir
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bit overreaction from me, yeah, but atleast the general message in those kind of articles is not just "don't judge people's lifestyle" but also "this isn't unhealthy and obesity isn't a 'disease'"
do they use the word disease for it?
Or some other word
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It's obviously a very strange business decision
But it's a good decision
Some times I think my cat snores so loudly that it half-wakes herself up.
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Me, I'd allow people to do anything they want, but with clauses attached
kind of like "warranty - void if seal is broken"
"healthcare - void if you fuck yourself too much despite clear warnings"
people wake up due to their own snoring, why wouldn't animals?
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Just don't worry so much about it, dude
Kirara 🚗
yeah, obesity is technically a disease, i think
It is
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Is not that I worry, is just how I'd build a welfare system
if a guy is treated fifth time for alcohol poisoning, and has been given all resources to get better and lead a better lifestyle, is it at that point the society's and by proxy the tax payers duty to keep this guy and his unhealthy lifestyle alive?
Kirara 🚗
if we had socialized health care, i would spend less money on other people's health needs than i do now lmao
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There's no reason to put restrictions on it
If someone keeps getting fucked up, they have other problems and need help regardless
They just also need help with the cause
the point /
my point is that, well finnish society already gives you all the cards you need to ditch an unhealthy lifestyle, ofc it means selling your pride and other social pressure things
but the point is, that despite helping hands, forced help at some point and all that, you still keep fucking yourself up, despite given ample opportunities to fix your life
At that point I think the guy just doesn't want to do it, so why not let his lifestyle kill him slowly?
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Then something remains wrong
And needs to be fixed
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Ofc the problem would be the potential for abusing it
>this guy clearly doesn't want to get fixed so let him die
t. people wanting to get rid of someone or to save money
Though I don't believe in 'bad people'
What about Stalin?
trash theory
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Neither do I, but this is kind of like
keeping a guy whoc onstantly tries to suicide alive
at some point you have to ask, "wouldn't it be better for them too, to just let them do it"
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Well you should be allowed to log out if you really wanna, I think
Kirara 🚗
i believe in personal autonomy
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biggest problems in finnish society, in terms of catching the people who are falling or have fallen outside of society and can't get back, is the attitude
"dirty hobo" "damn alcoholic" social pressure from having to admit being 100% dependant on wellfare system and so on
Especially for men, atleast finnish men, it is easier to get swallowed up in the despair and bad lifestyles, than admit having fucked up beyond your ability to fix it
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Fully autonomous genderfucked luxury suicide booths
also what manga is this from, this isn't senryu
You trying to summon blue with that koisheep?
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I just like that sheep
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sheep taste good
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TPUSA is an unending source of accidental humor
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Way to turn an actual thing into something that seems tinfoil hat meme
that looks like a bad cosplay of the philosoraptor
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I'm not so sure it's an actual thing to begin with
Last time I saw it end up with some traction, I read the paper which was supposedly 'discriminated against', and it was the worst thing I've read in my life
I mean the most likely option is that conservatives ideologically reject the basic realities of those courses, and so struggle with them
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In some classes it is, but most likely those classes are already the type you wouldn't see conservatives traditionally even take
or they go "this is bullshit and walk out and get a bad grade"
and thus they get worse grades
doesn't though change the fact that good chunk of US university lecturers are very left aligned
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Also a possibility
I mean it's not untrue they get lower grades in a lot of subjects, if memory serves me
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And that, especially in political and such humane courses spills over
But does it mean they ACTIVELY
give worse grades
or just the ideological clash between conservatist minded, or non-leftist aligned or just "I don't really want to have modern poltiics in this subject attached to it" and the teacher
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They're liberal, sure, but 'liberal' in the US is the democratic party for the most part
And uh, they're right wing
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I think in this case they mean the "this is a safe space for us, bring some muscle here and throw this guy out" type
the fringe radicals
like professor bikelock
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That's like, a really small subsection of the staff though
Like I have severe doubts that large parts of the state or private sectors have a significant amount of communists in positions to indoctrinate children, especially considering the whole point of the position is to indoctrinate them with the values of the state or private actor
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It is
I bet most of the staff is just traditional liberals as in "that sounds nice and all, so let's do some sort of compromise"
you know the people who generally agree that "okay that is a bad policy" when it is blatantly a bad policy
or "that is indeed a human right" when conforted with it
but don't really actively campaign for anything
and what ends up, is the loud voiced, cosntantly nagging fringe people, get their will through
as these people don't really care about these issues, so to have least amount of inconveinence for them, they - to a certain extent - let the fringers do as they please
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In any case, thinking private institutions discriminate against conservatives is the height of ridiculousness
That's their boys
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The more well funded, the less ideological it tends to be
as they kinda don't want troublemakers and boot the mout
and you are judged more on your ability than anything else

poorer regions or public funded tend to be the ones with radicalised staff radicalising students
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You can never escape the ideological
The lukewarm 'just dont bother me' liberals are ideologically motivated, too
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but in general when you really are expected to put out top level research and produce top level graduates to top level jobs
you don't want troublemakers
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But anyhow
a philosoraptor like pic >>528307 most definitely isn't the right way to try tog et people to support you seriously about an issue, be it real or perceived
this seems like a what is that air company moon posts pics of at times with their animal puns
that but for political stuff
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Eh, TPUSA is an astroturf movement anyway, it's not supposed to actually be popular or anything
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trying to force memes never works
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The whole thing just exists to appear to be supported by the students in various colleges and stuff
It's libertarian stuff, well funded, so it can just pump out propaganda and do some minor activism

Unfortunately for them, 'activism' doesn't actually exist for the right wing beyond like, stuff wider society generally disagrees with on an instinctual level
I think with social media, internet and such
astroturfing doesn't really work the same way it might have in the past
unless you do it with paid twitterers
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Problem with conservatist parties, is that for every 1 decent guy, you then have 9 guys who want to remove some very basic right that either just passed or has been in place for 10-20 years, but still is so basic human right it shouldexist
or they want to ban something like sunday drinking or whatever
problem with market liberals is that for every 1 decent guy, you have 9 guys who want to slcie and dice your country up and sell it tot he highest bidder
problem with centrist parties, is that they always are crooks
problem with social democrats, is that atleast in terms of finland, they don't really have any goals anymore
anything a social democrat might want already exists and only problem is keepign the system running efficiently
and beyond that, the basic is "socialism with state intact"
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It works well enough that TPUSA gets people to do stuff for them for free lol

Mostly their shit amounts to just holding posters like "BIG GOVERNMENT SUCC"
They're doofuses
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The problem with anarchists is for every anarchist there's like 15 cops
Do ya even have a commie party?
Like a real one, not a shitty ML circlejerk
beyond that is, as in beyond that in the left wing
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We have a leninist one
not in parliament, but I think they have held few council etc seats in some regions
Left Alliance is something like a
what is that "anarchist left" in that old 4 square thing
you know nazi/commie/libertarian
Any in parliament?
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Are your parties equally vague about what they wanna get done?
Cause ours is like "here's stuff we like but no explicit platform or steps"
The iron front?
The 3 arrows?
Or do you mean in the comp-
Oh yeah
Yeah anarchists were the ones who originally called themselves libertarians, but then the right wing decided "hey, this is 100% contrary to literally every single value we hold, but let's call ourselves libertarians to own the commies"
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just libertarian left?
anyhow they kinda jump between anarchism "less state more rights, but wellfare society on some level" to "we need BIGGER government" to "we are all sjws, bring more immigrants" to something completely different, to outright "kill the boushies, revolution now, GLORIOUS SOVIET UNION"
it is a weird mix of people
and then there is green party, which is generally "less government, more rights, and green things good"
but they also attract lot of the weird type of those activists
like "shut down all nuclear power and fossil fuels" to "let's chain ourselves to ice breakers that are going to go help make sure there aren't any oil spills in the arctic"
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Big Tent Communism
Gulags and autonomous zones
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Dude Green parties are globally fuckign WEIRD
I don't even have anything against them, they're just fucking wildcards
Like the BALLS on these guys to just put that forward as their platform
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The capital region is like 40% green party, and they want to ban all cars in the capital
and by proxy the country
I f you love the fucking green, why do you live in the CITY CENTRE?
weird how all green voters and supporters are urban people always
Apparently the people in Oslo are down with it, too
It's just the bourg who hate it cause it means they can't do as much business
Dude moving out of the city and to some "natural" location is mad expensive
Like insanely
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In terms of actually using our nature reservations and services, the green party member is most likely to answer in a poll "never have used them"
getting a job at all is hard enough if you're not gonna move out of the most dense job center in the nation too
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Is just funny, when as the green party does have strong say on what goes in the capital region
that ends up with people, who don't have driver's license and never have driven a car
deciding how to best operate the busiest streets in our country
you can guess how well that ends up at times
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A simple fucking thing called "non moving car" is the worst polluting thing
as it is completely wasting fuel at that moment
also the sheer amount of logistical driving you need to do in the capital region to keep it running...
if you make the capital region even shittier to drive in, the capital region will just halt
that will be good for everyone, especially the greens wanting to drink their lattes
Is not like the party isn't good and there aren't very good politicians in it and that they havn't done good things
but at times they oppose things, like nuclear power, just because they can
and their whole "we need to make the urban green" policy is just so retarded
you can't make our urban regions greener, without actually starting to tear down buildings and turning them into parks

meanwhile, the non-urban green areas WOULD need a lot of that green defender attitude to stay healthy at times
atleast us finns know we can't abuse our country short term, as that will fuck us over permanently
we are quite good at this whole renewable resource thing
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And that is the other thing
we are less than 6 million people in acountry nearly size of germany
and almost as rich in resources
can't have that many mORE people, without having to completely reform how our society and economy is built
I mean that \\\ it helps to be able to be renewable
It's not like Finland and Norway have huge interests in destroying our own environment in the short term or long term, if you ignore the obvious like, oil thing
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WE are top bio-fuel producer in europe, but greens want to ban all burning things
despite bio-fuel being pretty much best thing after nuclear power in terms of moving away from fossil fuels
and even norway does it wisely at the sea
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We do it more than what's really necessary, though, regardless
If it wasn't such a large economic factor, we could easily reduce our carbon footprint by a lot
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I think after france, finland is the cleanest country in europe in terms of power production
france wins with their nuclear plants
we come second with our hydro, nuclear and then biofuel advancements
hydro is 100% maxed out though
and we are only country in europe that is building Moar nuclear
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But in short, I generally don't have anything against the green party as a whole, I just hate the individual busybodies that make up most of it, or atleast its loudest parts, that want to just make people's livelihoods harder
as for most left parties here, since about 10 years ago they havn't really done anything, but bitch at people
No good policy or policy suggestion has come out of them.
And that is for a good reason, atleast in terms of the SDP, since they really have nothing to reach for anymore, their ideal society has atleast in terms of structure and legislation been built
any more socialism and you end up with less democracy
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or you end up harming the market part of our nation, that actually build s the wealth our wellfare society then spreads around
Afterall, the head honchoes of the party are painfully aware of the reality of the situation, this thing doesn't fund itself
We don't have the oil of norway or anything like that
it is funded by the people for the people
and you can extract only so much tax money out of the people and the entities they work for, before it hurts them.

Also, they are way too attached to the various worker unions, which has become recently an issue for passing much needed reforms
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Though, the reforms current centrist-capitalist government is trying to push aren't that good, but atleast A PART fo them could be allowed to pass just to see if they do anything
3 cabinets have TRIED to get these reforms in one form another through
and it isn't going to pass through this one either
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One of those situations, where I wish the president still had more power, andn ot just influence
Got called in for an interview for a job posting I applied for like an hour and forty-five minutes before it's set to start.
Had to shower and shave in a rush, hah hah.
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They still had the thing going on and that rushed interview?
Kinda weird
Well I don't wholly blame them.
I probably sounded enthusiastic and it's not like a normal
person to still be in bed and as scruffy as I was at noon.
Also they probably testing my response time or something.
It's not as if two hours is too much time to get there.

Eh, it wasn't a demand, I could have said no.
Considered it, since I might be
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Yeah, but what will they do if you actually are busy
or are in other employment at the moment
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Well I once had a phone interview + invite to interview on the same afternoon while either still drunk or hangover, of which I have no memory of,e xcept I know I answered the phone and jotted down time and place
and got the job
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but 2 hours to pop up to an interview is quite extreme in my opinion, unless they know you can make it there, ie. the location is near enough
the job I'm doing now I pulled out an old paper map out of desperation because I had no other way to find it
I was about to give up looking when I saw the interview place
I had to get changed in the car park because I was that rushed
They have my address through my resume, so they could have punched it in to Google Maps or something.
It's just a grocery retail job, but it's honestly in a decent place. Easy to get to and near what's pretty much my last chance of a full-time university program come autumn.
And really I just need a job.
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hope you get it
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I've Ohiod again.
Well as I somewhat suspected, it was more of an informal interview.
They pretty much just wanted to know if I could work the hours.
It is deli work, which is a little eehhhhhhhh though.
i would be afraid to use the slicers
i would probably accidentally slice my hand meat into tiny slivers and serve it to the customer by accident
I'm certainly anxious about it too.
And I'm dreading having to wear a hairnet again.
I was hoping it was going to be cashier or aisle work but RIP.

Maybe the bookstore I applied for might yet call for me.
Kirara 🚗
i misspelled clonazepam as glonazepam in this report and idk but it send me off the deep end laughing
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
glowing nazapam
>10 I get rocked in this upcoming event
<10 it will all be fine and dandy yes
#d20 (15)
KNew itttttt
#8ball (100%)
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
the girls are steer-ing clear
you walk like a newborn deer
Kirara 🚗
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the thunder rolls in like a tank
Kirara 🚗
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>use the word "bong" in a report
>professor: is there a more professional word for this?

Kirara 🚗
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I've never actually heard anyone call it a waterpipe, and bong is like, what it is.
The word bong comes from what one of the cultures that originally created it called it.

I might just put bong in quotations and leave it like that.
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Isn't waterpipe what they're called when they're for tobacco use only and sold in headshops or whatever?
Kirara 🚗
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I've honestly never been in a headshop, so I'm not sure.

"$300 glass bong" is probably enough
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In either case, that's probably what they meant
I don't really understand why they'd bother you about it though, everyone knows what a bong is
Kirara 🚗
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yeah, it's weird
but whatever
if i put it in quotations it means the client used that terminology and nobody will complain about it
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We just call them bongs in our reports.
Kirara 🚗
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yeah, i mean, that's what they are

maybe this supervisor doesn't know what a bong is
but i know he drops acid so that'd be weird
Maybe his familiarity with them is making him feel it's too informal a name.
Which still would be kind of weird because you'd figure this wouldn't be his first time seeing the word in documentation.
Kirara 🚗
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Maybe, I dunno.

Maybe he's just disoriented by how hardcore my client is.
Kirara 🚗
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What's everyone up to?
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sweating in the summer heat what about you
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You could refer to it simply as drug paraphenlia.
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I'm just watching youtube videos
Kirara 🚗
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I'm just working on some reports.
I got a lot of work to do.

No AC?

Nah, I don't think so.
It's too general.
The statement in question is a description of when my client was in a fight and struck with a $300 glass bong, which resulted in a large injury that required 26 staples to close.
struck in the head

How hot is it there?
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depending on what it's for that seems like it may compromising
no ac
it's 93 today
which is not terrible compared to saint louis summers
but i really don't like the heat
it strokes me the wrong way
Kirara 🚗
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I don't mind heat if it's a dry heat.
At least up until 100 degrees.
That sucks whether it's dry or not.

How are you tryna stay cool? Fans?
yeah stayin inside and a sort of fan
Kirara 🚗
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sort of?
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Call it a glass pipe.
It's 90F here at the moment.
Super humid too.
I was out and about for a fair bit today, enjoying the weather.
Gonna be like this all weekend too.
Kirara 🚗
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I'm just going to use quotations for it.
Kirara 🚗
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lol, one of the people in the set of incoming clinicians to the clinic i'm at listed their theoretical orientation as "psychodynamic/hypnosis"
Kirara 🚗
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oh, someone else said they want to do "CBT/hypnosis"
i knew the cohort after mine was full of dysfunctional neurotic losers that have breakdowns over having to write reports, but i didn't realize they were this bad
maybe they said CBD hypnosis and you misheard
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hope everyone is having a good day
hi chen
you too
Kirara 🚗
nah they wrote it down in a document
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
is a decent name for a band?
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
i'm a fan of hypnosis in fiction
still shaky on the IRL aspect
its real-world counterpart is dependent on suggestibility for its influence
it can have a real effect, but like, only if the subject believes it will

there's definitely hypnotic states that occur outside of a therapeutic setting though
Kirara 🚗
i think you can induce a trancelike state but i don't believe you can get any valid information from someone who has undergone hypnosis
it's not some magic state that hooks you into the subconscious
if you are leading at all it's going to influence their answers because they're already suggestible and you're only intensifying that suggestibility
i don't think there's any real clinical application other than placebo
it's a lot more credible and actionable to just naturally work through the barriers imo
like why take such a contrived and muddled approach when you can work to that state of openness through proper therapeutic methods
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
yeah it's a meditative tool
i think that's as much as i've gotten out ofi t
Kirara 🚗
yeah agreed
speaking of hypnosis
time to put on some trance music and blast through an hour of speed sudoku to work all the fuck out of my head
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (134 KB, 673x985, [FFF] Tokyo Ravens - 19 [BD][1(…).jpg)
i agreed to attend a march today, but i totally had the wrong idea about what it was for
it turns out it was for something i super duper don't agree with so i'm skipping it
socks and sandals march
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (69 KB, 689x795, [FFF] Tokyo Ravens - 23 [BD][1(…).jpg)
it turns out it's being led by the parkland kids
they want to ban mentally ill people from owning firearms and want to add more cops in schools
also to write love on her arms will be there and those are really danger people, they spread a lot of misinformation about mental health and substance abuse and depression and try to ensnare homeless kids into becoming hardcore christians in exchange for food and stuff
Kirara 🚗
danger people
nothin better for a country than removing the protection and rights of its most vulnerable citizens
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (165 KB, 837x853, [FFF] Tokyo Ravens - 13 [BD][1(…).jpg)
idg how you could advocate something like that while simultaneously believing the current administration is targeting minorities
it's so backwards
but i guess that's what happens when you suddenly declare a bunch of rich white highschoolers to be the experts on gun control and give them an inordinate amount of speaking power
if anyone is so bored as to watch someone else play sudoku
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
i'm not sober enough for constructive discussion about gun control haha
i'm like waaaaayy out there
Kirara 🚗
are ya drinkan
Kirara 🚗
i might after i finish my reports
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
i'm tripping actually!
Kirara 🚗
oh nice
don't have too much fun though!
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
the fun will be bounded and pursuant to life goalz
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
i wanna play a game where you run real fast to this music
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
i could just play sonic???
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
still can't believe they added sonic to OW
Kirara 🚗
sonic mania would probably fun to play while trippin
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
is that out for switch
Kirara 🚗
yeah, since last september or somethin
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
so do i have to keep my expectations realistic for a sonic game
or is it like a streamlined game
Kirara 🚗
it's a lot like the original sonic games
it's really good and super stable
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
so really really fast and then suddenly i suck at life and i'm moving at zero AND THEN OH GOD REALLY FAST AGAIN
Kirara 🚗
yeah sometimes
and sometimes you run into spikes like a jumbo dumbo
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
i should just git gud i guess
Kirara 🚗
are you gonna make a purchase while trippin sam
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
it is a thing i have been known to do
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
i could also continue to play Celeste
here's the mix
it's already a mix
everything is OK
just open chrome and turn off you are internet connection
Kirara 🚗
is such a comfy rain today
Sonic Mania is really good
There's more screen space than the genesis games so you actually have time to dodge now
tried to show off some sub-2:00s for sammy but only got some mid-fours and a nasty one that i totally fucked up and abandoned
sammy you gotta check out the last track on that mix
it's great
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Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
yay thank you!
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
damn i wish i were at a show
Kirara 🚗
become the show
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
this has a great >>528452 visual for tripping too
reminds me of my canadian mountains
Kirara 🚗
i might order a pizza
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
i might eat a yogurt
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
that vulnerable saturday afternoon and it's sunny out but i'm a little nervous about bein out there feeling
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
bicycle ride?
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
around the block only i think
not in traffic
i'll bike adventure on the grounds
Kirara 🚗
are you gonna go for a bike adventure while trippin
Kirara 🚗
be safe
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
i'll be here
in and out
Kirara 🚗
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
desperately trying to eat something and failing
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
damn you lemon poppy loaf
why are you so intimidating
i will plate you
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
ate two bites without making too much of a fool of myself
i'll call that victory
I was out in the heat today, I am a melted puddle now.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
oh damn my glasses came in

am i gonna pick up glasses while trippin
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
last time i went to this place an employee was helping me try out different pairs
can never tell if she's flirting with me because i'm a customer
pretty sure it's that
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (58 KB, 397x499, [Asenshi] Yuru Camp - 00 (OVA)(…).jpg)
is she cute
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
i forget now
i think she was kinda cute yea
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (109 KB, 782x719, [HorribleSubs] Last Period - O(…).jpg)
there are some really high tier bad pickup lines you can use in a optometrist's office
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
goo onnnnn
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
girl are you 20 10 vision cuz
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (18 KB, 184x318, [HorribleSubs] Yuru Camp - 08 (…).jpg)
doctor there's a problem when i put on my glasses the only thing i can see is how beautiful you are
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
wow that is a tier above
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
still haven't made it outside
shoes are on at least

okay i am converting to mobile samurai... now
Kirara 🚗
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on wheel
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Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
hey yuu!
Kirara 🚗
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how are yuu
Search [iqdb] (611 KB, 1200x772, 猫玉09 - さおりん.png)
hello hello
i'm doing well
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (101 KB, 846x715, [HorribleSubs]_Yuru_Camp_-_06_(…).jpg)
that's good
times are a little tough for me but i'm gettin by
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Well, getting by is what's important.
Heard from Fish recently?
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
now it's time to rock the show
come on you are the show tonight
Kirara 🚗
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Not really, but I'm used to that by now.
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nice cat dude
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Well I hope it's going okay over there.
Kirara 🚗
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I just have to try not to worry about it.
I have too many other things to worry about.
things i need to worry about
things i can worry about
things i am worried about

im sure there's a fitting tweeter image somewhere
i went seimming
swimming too
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I'm sure she will get well soon.
Kirara 🚗
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Last I heard, soon didn't seem likely.
They're still trying to find a way to combat it.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i’m riding along in this meatspace body
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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>Kizuna Ai did a live for her 1st birthday
I-I see
Kirara 🚗
big deal so did i
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I was actually going to ask you that
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Well I think she'll get better. Just have faith!
Kirara 🚗
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I'm sure she will, but I have doubts as to whether or not it will be sooner or later.
a live what
Kirara 🚗
a live orgy
wtf I wasn't invited
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Don't sully aichan with your FILTH
Kirara 🚗
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wow, you, of all people, slut shaming
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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What's that supposed to mean huh
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>pointing at her breasts
wow Ai-chan's really loose huh
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (401 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Last Period - O(…).jpg)
exactly what it says on the tin!
howsabout i smack your shit
Ugh. I have to leave the house earlier from now on
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the meatspace is just a virtual home
the new overwatch hero is fucking nuts
he can roll into a ball and swing around and smash people
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
he can also roll into a ball and turn blue
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
goddamn moe glitching out

i want to play him he seems fun
fucking desync
nano my blue balls qna
me too i like tanks so I'm excited to finally get a new one
i wasn't really happy with Orisa honestly
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
yeah i like to tank too!
i’ve been tanking more and healing less as time goes on
my favorite characters are Hanzo and Roadhog and Zarya
gonna add another tank to the roster
i like to play high utility units with lots of things to keep my brain moving
i have not played overwatch though
you would probably like zenyatta and moira
Ever since I left the game YOU
Started healing less and tanking hits more.
Hanging with some pubs I've never seen before.

You used to call me on my cell phone
Late night when you neeeeed daaamage
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
it is fundamentally a 12 unit game
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
you you you
you used to rez me on my lonesome
CF called me as I left the house.
She wanted to see me.
But I have to work so now I'm a communist
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (109 KB, 782x719, [HorribleSubs] Last Period - O(…).jpg)
i also want to see you
I would like to see you too.
Just know that seeing her is higher on the ranking and I'm really upset at life.
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (41 KB, 237x504, [Cthune] Rolling Girls - 01v2 (…).jpg)
let us both weep
And now this couple is making out next to me while talking about harry potter movies and I finally understand those Japanese people who complain about couples on Christmas.
Please go explode.
Kirara 🚗
tell them you cried when dumble dwarf killed grape
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
oh no
Lol the guy left because they thought the train was here and only she was leaving.

But the train wasn't stopping here.
Yes I am bitter today.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I'm looking forward to spending time with you
Are you coming up here or something?
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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maybe someday
Kirara 🚗
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This might be the biggest mood of the year
I should have called out.
Kirara 🚗
you still can
You're right. I can.
She wouldn't like that though.
Grrr girls are such
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I'm tired of grinding
Kirara 🚗
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I already know not to expect anything but that part of me will not die.
Kirara 🚗
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be yourself
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I am being myself.
I would be myself then too.
I just know that no matter what the reality is, my brain will paint it with roses and daffodils.
Kirara 🚗
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that's part of what makes you so endearing
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I just dont want to read deep into things because we had a brief exchange and I found all kinds of flowery feelings in me.
And I need to pluck them.
Kirara 🚗
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ah to be young
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It's not my fault. She's the one saying things that make me feel like peci
Like someone special*
Kirara 🚗
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You are someone special
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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you are pretty precious
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Kirara 🚗
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Kirara 🚗
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idk where i want to work next semester
if i work at the hospital, i gotta do two consecutive days per week and stay in a resident dorm one night per week because the hospital is two hours away

i might go after the local substance abuse clinic
but working at the hospital sounds really exciting
constantly running around and working with a team, just constantly attending to whatever is happening at the moment
Which one do you reckon needs help more?
Kirara 🚗
whichever one i end up at, someone else will end up at the other
Kirara 🚗
Search [iqdb] (167 KB, 1152x864, Middleweight_Crest_AC_(AC3).jpg)
what in the fuck
that's more than my savings
Kirara 🚗
this is america
so is that just for the ambulance or does any of that cover the actual treatment
Kirara 🚗
that's the ambulance and anything they do to stabilize her in there which wouldn't be necessary bc she's ok
treatment is more like 10k+
Just the ambulance
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Don't worry, you'll be on a payment plan.
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Yeah but you dont just say that. It's when being special is the proof.
The things people would only tell you if you were special to them.
The Specialness Proof!
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When she called, I asked her what was going on. Usually when she calls me something is happening or is about to happen.
But she said "I just wanted to see you" and I hate all the happiness that one sentence brought me.

I almost smiled in front of my family while taking out the garbage.

If that happened, even they'd know something was up. Garbage day is nothing to smile about.
since you've awakened her again
she depends on you
she depends on you
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
das cute man
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It's bad
It means I still want something.
Seeing her is good.
Being happy is good.
Feeling special because i was privately invited is ... usually good but isnt good this time.
oh, sorry.
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It's not something to apologize about.
I'm just a mess who only feels lonely when
I'm in ove
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Cloudflare was giving me a bunch of grief for a bit.
Looks like it's cleared up now.
If it makes you feel better I've been stuck with some similar feelings recently and it's been driving me crazy.
Same, I think its partially because of my shitty internet.
502 error for ages
If it was happening for you too, then I doubt it's on your Internet's side, shitty or not.
When my internet is crapping out, lots of cloudflare errors happen. like I can't upload images at the moment.
I heard someone else complaining about it, I think it was cloudflare itself acting up
anime >>528595 →
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This catharsis must have been brought on by the rain
The more I read the paperwork for this job the worse my apprehension gets.
A part of me recognizes 80% of this stuff just covers shit that never happens or can just be done through common sense.
But I've never had a good grasp over my irrationalities.

It's also honestly kind of a mediocre job, as far as part-time jobs go.
I'm really hoping there's a better option at some point.
do you like the rain
Search [iqdb] (234 KB, 1093x1024, Dg8vOdxUYAEHmx8.jpg)
Oh yeah, I'm like instantly outside when it starts up
It must be the water, a natural affinity to it
I love the sound of rain, but I don't like being outside in it.
Getting wet isn't terribly fun for me.
Being outside immediately after the rain has stopped and there's still puddles and dew is great

do you bring an umbrella or just let it pour all over you
full moon reflected in the puddle is good
I love the rain as well, it is incredibly soothing to me.
and makes everything so shiny and reflective, night time lights at the trains station reflected in the puddles is amazing
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I let it drench me unfiltered
And the only umbrella I want is the one that Léa Seydoux is repping in Death Stranding
I kinda like having a umbrella sometimes, you can hear the rain hitting it and watch the water roll down it.
plus getting wet isn't always fun, wet hair can be pretty irritating.
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I will swim in the rain even
It's the most intense physical sensation to me
Very reliable too since I live by the mountaisn and lakes etc. it never gets old.
Search [iqdb] (444 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Comic Girls - 1(…).jpg)
feeling the rain hit your skin feels good

i want one of those transparent umbrellas so i can see the rain hit it though that sounds cool
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Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
six (six!) ty nine (-ty nine!) without ... the niiiine
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
i didn't end up being able to handle the app // nintendo switch store to play sonic
but i had a nice bicycle ride
and i uh did some reflection
then the sun started setting and the light got all weird and i started getting into a weird mood
but i recognized this and got out of it
so it was good!
did you have a nice trip
that sounds really nice
i wouldn't mind taking a trip like that
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
i went to uniqlo and bought some shirts and i think i hallucinated some voices in there or maybe that was actually people talking behind me idk
then i had sushi and that made it better
end of blog

did you solve 100 sudokus
i think so
i had some really good streaks but couldn't beat like 2:10
i think i was overstimulated
i think there's too much buffering during stimulation
i can break 2:00 a lot more consistently without errors when i'm unstimulated

idk i think there's a difference between audio hallucinations and audio affects
the latter are just a natural result of consuming a lot of audio media throughout the day and the absence of stimuli generates it's own virtual sensations
the brain gets used to expecting loud music or lots of conversation, and when it's in that state and there's none, the absence of input disrupts the audial cortex even more
you just end up processing a lot of counter-noise
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
yeah my anxious mind generates predictions on random noise and some of it kind of sounds like an unpleasant sentence and bam
just brain connections and dynamic experiences my man
you gonna feed in a lot of stuff to your audial cortex, it's gonna buffer around to it make sure it receives the relevant information
stop doin it and the relevant information isn't coming in, and those buffering algos meant to counteract redundancy start counteracting nothing but still with a designated effect
and the part that's tryna work together what it all means confabulates
the brain is a really interesting place to live
i wouldn't mind moving there sometime
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when it gets quiet i usually start hearing music really faintly
but usually it's a short sequence that plays over and over again and gets incredibly annoying so i like if there's some kind of ambient noise
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it can be a little euphoric, the internal sounds of your brain conducting its own music as you're winding down to a slumbery state
it's a very common thing for me

i wonder a bit whether other stimulations also go through that sort of affectation
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hi beta
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i hear verbiage a lot when there's none
for me it doesn't tend to be clear or directed though
it's very idle chatter, like i'm sitting at a cafe and just picking up some signals of very unrelated parties conversing things very casually
it's very easing to me to have that sometimes, as opposed to more invasive kinds of thoughts
i'm not sure whether it's because of my job and my brain being built around on listening into others' conversations and typing them
or if it's my anxiety medications that cull things potentially more paranoid into something calm

but i've def had the kind of audial persistent affects post-stimulation since my teenage years
i used to come up with really amazing melodies while in a pre-sleep state and think, "oh man i'm gonna remember this and recreate it when i'm awake" but could never remember it
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
we need a brain recorder
no wait scratch that we definitely don't
can we have a brain saxophone instead
What about a brain accordion.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
i need a bicycle for the mind
I'd take one too, really.
can you make a competitive multiplayer sudoku platform
like a sudoku race
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
sudoku race eh
i could... writing matchmaking would be hard. i guess you would generate a room and wait for someone les
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
>In the Netherlands you are often expected to remove/install floor when you move.
>Hard wood, tiles... Anything until you reach the concrete.
Search [iqdb] (7 KB, 164x250, 1505662731422.jpg)
matchmaking would be tough
room creation and playable by invite shouldn't be though i imagine
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
i should write a like
basic matchmaking lobby thing
for random moe games
there should be plenty of systems to feed in puzzles from based on difficulty
that is a more mathy chore that is probably avoidable
Hi c:
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
hi beta!
air high five across the globe
hey rawbie
what is up my bud
how about a competitive hang gliding platform on /moe/
There aren't many good hang-gliding spots around here.
[citation needed]
the Anime Thread Peaks have some of the best scenery
They're all flat as hell though.
You're not gonna get some good air-time 'round them.
we need to be able to deep dive into people's subconscious
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let's go hang gliding into a fucking volcano
Can't we just hang-glide over a fucking volcano.
you can hang glide over these nuts
well probably not
you can try tho
Guess it's a good thing I tend to not try the things I probably can't do then!
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that's not nearly as exciting!
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right back at ya
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
i would be down
eva style or franxx style
persona style
mailed you a mail onee-san
no pressure though read at your own leisure
mood time
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i went to taco bell and those mother fuckers were out of taco meat and nachos
how can you let your fuckin taco place run out of tacos
Search [iqdb] (287 KB, 432x600, zeongirlqt.png)
This one time while I was working at KFC we ran out of chicken for a few hours
It happens
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
gettin crazy shatters
i love reinhardt
Tim Hortons restaurants in Canada are kind of infamous for their iced capp machines constantly breaking down.
It's not quite the same but like, that single drink is a total hallmark of the franchise brand.
Always seemed funny to me that they don't invest in machines that aren't so shitty or even just stock two so if one breaks they can get a few more hours out of the other one before it too breaks.
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yeah it's just pathetic though
are you sure you're not just clumsy
tim hortons in st ouis // louis are kind of infamous for improperly sizing their tables about a half inch too short such that people try to place their drinks on the table and it spills
it's a very common occurrence and a serious issue that the company needs to take care of
Probably won't.
The company that owns the Tim Hortons brand is dead set on dragging its reputation through all manner of shit and mud for the sake of cutting costs.
These days I don't even go there unless I have a gift card from -for the place.
I can get better coffee for cheaper at McDick's.
And better coffee for a little more literally anywhere else.
Plus their bakery department just unfreezes flash-frozen pastries at the store. Even McDonald's up here isn't that lazy with them.
no it was definitely a fault of engineering design
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are you suuuure

according to an article from this site tim hortons closed all of its st. louis stores at the end of last year?
something about capitalism and lawsuits
i dunno their donut holes are nice
that's a mcfucking funny name
They're the only place I know that does cinnamon-dusted Timbits, which is maybe the -single- concession I will make for them.
Those things are amazing.

I think it's a regional name. I -Whenever I hear someone call it that they always seem to be from Ontario, or at least this neck of the North American woods.
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The Krushers machine only worked like half the time too
Even though it's 03:50 here there's still this thick blanket of muggy heat outside.
I love it so much.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
that sounds like a nice summer night
We had like a high of 33C with humidity around 80% today.
And we're set for a repeat come tomorrow.
This is probably my favourite time of year.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
oof sounds like a hard time on me
maybe if i'm in shorts and sandals
I won't deny it was definitely pretty intense.
I don't like shorts so my options for reducing heat retention is pretty much just a thinner t-shirt.
On the other hand I'm pretty good with heat and it just felt good to be out there, cooking in the afternoon sun.

My biggest gripe is that all the public transit has the air conditioning blasting way too much.
You go from the super-heat outside to what feels like an ice cold bus or subway.
The initial feeling might feel pretty nice but it doesn't give you a chance to adjust to the outdoor temperatures all too well.
And not to mention constantly jumping between temperature extremes like that is a potential risk for sickness.
lawsuits from spilling drinks probably
it had to be a common occurence with their clearly negligent design
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Kirara 🚗
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Oha you
wow me two
Kirara 🚗
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wow u2
Kirara 🚗
One of the seiyuu for the Princess Principal girls is retiring from voice acting due to illness.
I wonder what this will mean for the movie series they had planned.
Kirara 🚗
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i weep
like a fucking diamond falling from my fucking eye
Kirara 🚗
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safely store radiation by storing it in demons
Kirara 🚗
big news
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thats not tana
who is it then
It's McCree.
Kirara 🚗
it's t paine
Tony did you see Kizuna AI is getting a haircut and new outfit?
no i wasnt aware, i only saw the idol outfit
Kirara 🚗
kizuna ai is dead
I can't believe it
oh I saw that and I guess confused it for fanart
that's a change alright
Kirara 🚗
habeeb it
Kirara 🚗
she doesn't look very good with short hair
i mean it's fine but it doesn't look like kizuna ai
changing clothes and hair of a character make them look like an entirely new character
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The new outfit is better though
I'd say I agree, but I also have zero investment in her as a personality and don't really care if it's a total change.
I definitely like the new design better.
it's an improvement on the outfit part at least
Kirara 🚗
then say you agree coward i don't have any investment either and look how opinionated i am
I don't really get opinions on things I'm not invested in all too often.
Kirara 🚗
holy shit
Did they just hit her with
C H A R A C T E R D E V E L O P M E N T ????????
Such is life.

She's a whole year older man.
Everyone's got to grow up at some point.
Kirara 🚗
growing old is for kids
i'm never gonna grow up
I'm gonna stretch your skele
ur gonna grow
Kirara 🚗
what skeleton??? i ain't got one
I like it
I turn to stone
when you are gone
Kirara 🚗
oh himmler's daughter died
Kirara 🚗
good riddance
was himmler the closet gay or the crossdresser I can't remember
Kirara 🚗
i don't think either he was the leader of the SS
oh I was thinking of Goring
Kirara 🚗
more like boring
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Why is she called Gudrun Burwitz when her life was more like a Bad run?

thnx I was worried it was too obvious
Kirara 🚗
nice high five
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the artist for this manga must have read a lot of Kumeta
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The chapter intros are all like this
Kirara 🚗
those make me want to read this
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Well, not all of them but a lot of them
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The manga itself is okay.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I like it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Though I'd prefer it as a temporary design
Classic Pink Kizuna Ai I wouldl ike to return maybe in the winter
With every new job I start my apprehension towards it seems to increase.
I remember the degree of unease I felt on my first day at the place I worked at before, and this time it seems even worse.
I think the haircut looks really good
Kirara 🚗
time to embrace the left and abolish work
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
It's really strong
Kirara 🚗
i don't think this is the manga for me
Yeah the shorts and short hair are a high power combo

believe in the neet nation
Yeah, I'll also don my ruby slippers and rub my genie's lamp.
With all that it really ought to come together all right.
Kirara 🚗
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I don't see what ruby slippers will do, but if you've had a genie lamp, you should have said something sooner, man.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Oh I see
Short hair is strictly for her games channel.
The other outfit there is for her regular one.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
So I get the best of both worlds
I like this
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That's okay.
They're both fantastical means to accomplishing miracles.
Just like "abolishing work".
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I want to become one with orange juice
Kirara 🚗
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We don't need a miracle to abolish work.
All we need is an asteroid or climate change to finish happening.
I wouldn't consider either of those favourable outcomes either.
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They keep bullying everyone who shows up
Kirara 🚗
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Wow, you're so picky.
You can't have everything, you know.
I don't want everything.
I just don't want to work.
Kirara 🚗
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Alright, here's my next idea. You're gonna love this one.
Do crimes.
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If obtaining money through legal means is already stressful and anxiety-inducing for me, why would illegal means be any better.
Kirara 🚗
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well, if you have a better way to quickly change the power dynamics of the world, let me know!

You can do crime from the safety of your home, in solitude.
I fail to see how that eliminates the stress and anxiety of doing illegal things.
Kirara 🚗
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Make money doing online surveys!
What sort of income does that even bring in.
Kirara 🚗
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One of my clients told me they could easily make $25 a day doing online surveys.
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>pet owners
Cats are working class creatives.
Dogs are STEM
Kirara 🚗
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oh, here's a fun fact about cats
i'm one
Kirara 🚗
what are y'all gonna do for the 4th of july
-*-foreignese people need not apply-*-
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Probably sit in my home
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gonna make snide jokes about America and act like an uppity prick
Also this
Great idea
Kirara 🚗
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i'm gonna talk shit about america all day at a party
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
don't blink
Kirara 🚗
sitting at home all day sucks
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What else are we supposed to do


But I can have fun inside

say please next time and I will

I'll use it if you use it
Kirara 🚗
go outside and have fun
You know that cliche where someone comes up with a saying they think is really cool and so they try and make it a thing?
Imagine this one.

True + Touché

Kirara 🚗
go enjoy the beauty of nature
go to work
Kirara 🚗
truly a beautiful day
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Kirara 🚗
please go outside and enjoy the beauty of nature
Okay I'll /// I've wanted to go meet the sheep again for a while anyway
Kirara 🚗
meet some mountain goats
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I dont think we have any. Sheep and cows will have to do.

who says plantain

it's a really big hill is that good enough
wtf is a plantain
Kirara 🚗
why isn't mountain pronounced like plantain
Kirara 🚗
mountain cows
Kirara 🚗
what the fuck else would you call a plantain
Kirara 🚗
it's similar to a banana
you've never heard of a plantain?
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not even once in my entire lifr
yeah never seen it before
Kirara 🚗
google it dude i bet you've seen them
Kirara 🚗
what the hell
I have never seen anyone use that word before
Kirara 🚗
what the hell what's wrong with you foreignese people
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Man if only Kirara had time to play really good tales games.
Kirara 🚗
do you wanna know what's on my to do list for today
Guess you do gotta move to New Zealand now.
Spread to them the good word.
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bet y'all ain't never even had l&p


Alright ton soon I'm gonna have two weeks off and you have good taste recc me the weirdest rpg maker game you know
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
be a cat
Kirara 🚗
an hour long presentation on nutrition, a two page paper on some bullshit, and i gotta read like four articles on transphobia and put a presentation together to prepare for my next dissertation meeting

To do:

Regression write-up
Termination letter for CQ
DM treatment plan to farber
DRP stuff; fat discrimination index and Richeson's vignette studies + research on vignettes
Start CPE interpretations (after July 4th)
Prepare test battery for Thursday (think about cultural addressing exercise) include TAT to look for themes?
Nutrition Presentation
Health journal
DRP research
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
If I had to pick one, the entire Hello Charlotte series.

Alternatively, since it's also by deep sea prisoner, Mogeko Castle if you want to get nice and dark.
It's only about 2-3 hours whereas all of Hello Charlotte is uh
like 7
Have fun
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Charlottes art style is gorgeous

aaaaa what the fuck that looks like a lot good luck

Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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By the way, Hello Charlotte on steam is actually Hello Charlotte 2.
You need to get the other two, Hello Charlotte 1 and 2.5 off
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
(And Childhood's End is HC3 and the ending)
Kirara 🚗
that's not even the full list haha
Kirara 🚗
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don't do grad school, kids
Kirara 🚗
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some of it is interesting at least
i might do some of it tomorrow too since my 8:30 class is cancelled
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Man I'm excited for you to Hello Charlotte
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I bet you can't wait to talk to a man who is literally spilling his spaghetti
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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Kirara 🚗
this thread is one of the worst garbage fires ive ever seen
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I ain't even gonna open that
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
but yeah maria
the art style in Hello Charlotte is fantastic
Kirara 🚗
Kirara 🚗
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Kirara 🚗
that's a cute nickname
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara 🚗
wow, i could get my entire daily calorie intake from 200ml of gasoline
yeah it's so scratchy and weird I love it

Very ambient sounding

Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh boy
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I finally beat the final boss as the defect
Slay the spire is hard until you get unlocks
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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although, Maria, I would avoid that twitter until you play due to spoilers
which final boss
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Awakened One
I wasn't running a power deck, so it was fine, but I just kept getting terrible hands so I was 4hp when I finished

My whole theme was "consume, glacier, channel a lot"
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I feel like I might overvalue hologram, but it's SO STRONG
It's 1 energy to get any card from your discard pile, and upgraded it doesn't even exhaust, it's so good
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
just pull your turbos back
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Pulling turbo is great, but only if you actually have draw
And I was really unlucky, I only got one compile driver (which did a LOT of work for me since I had fission and that power that gives you slot) and a coolheaded
I was only able to upgrade the coolheaded right before the boss, too
If I had more draw though, oh man this run would have been easy because I had the energy to get meteor strike to pop every time I drew it without problems
And enough channeling happening to get that energy back very quickly
Also pro tip: if hologram's the last thing you're gonna play, pull a void
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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compile driver too complicated
go lightning spam or go home
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I actually didn't expect it to work, but it exhausts the void and now your turbo was just free

I wanna get ice cream in a defect run and just have a million turbos
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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I was about to say "Ice cream is a hell of a drug" but then I noticed this cap doesn't even use it
Kirara 🚗
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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the defect is ok, I guess
on what charges
Kirara 🚗
protesting concentration camps
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why even arrest the guy in the wheelchair
Messed up
Kirara 🚗
because he gave a speech saying that immigrants aren't criminals, the white house is criminals
he was a clear leadership role at the protest so they arrested him
Kirara 🚗
notice the red armbands
on the cops
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really setting off my neurons
Kirara 🚗
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god bless you doge
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how the hell
double energy and echo form?
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Defect is really the only reason I picked the game up again
I don't have that much fun with the other two
probably something like that
or nightmare or so
Well I'm gonna be inescapably late for my first day at work.
Having a hard time resisting the urge to just shut my phone off and go for a four hour walk in the valley.
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logging off from real life is really tempting
Run away to a commune
they really signed you up quick, huh
Went in for a fifteen minute interview of "can you work weekends? Okay, you're hired."
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The gradual progress of real life feels nice though, doesn't it?
Like now I've got a job, albeit UNCERTAINTY FOR THE MORROW and all that, and I'll be getting my license eventually too
If possible, climbing ranks at work would be nice, too
There's more money in that
Jobs have recently given me far more anxiety than
I'm still watching and waiting to see what happens with this one
I'm still training and not fast enough
the department is just starting up so who knows what the hours are gonna be like especially for casuals like me
any positive emotions.
Kirara 🚗
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you're gonna get promoted to manager if you're not careful
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I mean, someone's gonna be the manager anyway, right?
I don't think I have what it takes to be a manager though, I don't like bossing people around
Kirara 🚗
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>well, someone's gonna oppress everyone else, might as well be me
Kirara 🚗
only good manager is one that sabotages production
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I could do that
I'd probably just try to meet quotas barely, because anything else is more than I wanna do
Kirara 🚗
on Friday, my 18yo client told me he was going to Switzerland for a vacation soon and was like, "you should go to Switzerland on one of your vacations"
you little shit lmao you don't even know how rich you are
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To be wealthy enough not to need a concept of money
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Coming to terms with how awful today's work was.
We had to take over an overtime job because there were too many over time jobs happening and they needed people to take this one over.
And half of my gang called out.
Moral: When CF calls, call out.
my psych is consisently like, when scheduling appointments, "okay well i'll be on a trip to the mediterrranean for the next three months"
and she keeps tellin me about her trips
although i really love hearin about it so i ask
but yeah it's like
i can't even afford my wellbutrin
my vacation is like a sunday visit to a mexican restaurant
Kirara 🚗
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kirara knows best! like 60% of the time

yeah lmao
my client was like, yeah, my parents just went to the Netherlands and my sister went to Japan, I'm going to Switzerland soon
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My only difficulty with calling out is that our gang supervisors usually aren't there until about... 9:50 and we start at 10.
So calling out would require me to have already decided to call out before leaving.
Otherwise it's like... "well, I'm already here. Might as well make my money."
I can't call them ahead of time if I'm doing it the same day I decide to stay home.
i was gonna go to singapore with my dad during his retirement
i really was looking forward to that a lot
Kirara 🚗
when im a doctor im gonna use all my extra worthless money to take y'all on trips and shit
fuckin, psychs complaining about only making $60/hr sometimes
bitch you know what i can do with that?
Kirara 🚗
i can dig it
i wanted to be a doctor
a surgeon specifically
my ex laughed at me when i told her
man life sure is cruel
Kirara 🚗
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it's fucked up how much luck you need
and if you're poor you need luck and hard work
but you gotta work hard before you even know if you'll have the luck
life really is cruel
i've got a really strong amount of the knowledge base now
especially around urological surgery
but that takes a lot of specialization before you can get there

but either way
i can't be a surgeon now
my nerves are so fucked up and my hands shake horribly
why become a surgeon when you can be a sturgeon
kirara do you have any underground connections
maybe i can be a street surgeon for the kind of people who can't enter into a hospital without incrimination
Kirara 🚗
nah, no connections like that here in florida
at least not outside of miami or something
guess i oughtta get my passport issued finally so i can go to mongolia
Kirara 🚗
look at this
thats a roamin cat
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Kirara 🚗
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check out this tugrik
i wish we had currency like this in the states
Kirara 🚗
if you pull out one of those eyes, a boulder rolls down the hallway at you
i've decided that the mountains are a much better exit strategy than the forest
the high altitude and lower air density means fewer pathogens and it's probably one of humanity's most successful environments
enjoy your woods
Kirara 🚗
forest mountains would be ideal imo
Search [iqdb] (26 KB, 567x319, Dg5ZQ2bU8AAYG0r[1].jpg)
check this guy out
Kirara stealing a cat's identity
I can't believe you've done this
they're gonna be soiled for marriage now
Search [iqdb] (30 KB, 480x480, DeHZB9XVAAAhxL6.jpg)
Holy shit block decks are so strong
Though, on this run calipers was an insane enabler
stack is a hilarious card when you have the modifier that makes you get three of each card
Search [iqdb] (60 KB, 1000x1000, DaV7U1JVAAowtwi.jpg)
Stack becomes SO good after a while

Defrag, too, is far more value than the price would indicate
A single focus is huge
Aw yiss, pallas cat
that twitchy thing they do is so cute
I had a few cards I wanted to remove last run, too, but not a lot
Like streamline, turned out to be pretty awful in the deck I ended up with
smith your defrag
I always do
i wanna be forever young
you’re only 25
big money
Search [iqdb] (375 KB, 1920x1080, SlayTheSpire_2018-07-01_20-07-40.jpg)
Well I guess I'm out of a job again.
Maybe one of the other ones I applied for will get to me after the holiday weekend.

No I caved to the anxiety.
I was already late on top of my terror at doing a job in what seemed like a pretty mediocre workplace for what was likely less than minimum wage after union deduction.
I just switched my phone off and went for actually a literal four hour walk in the valley.
Even in despair my sense of time is fucking on point.
Wow you got fired?
Aw rip
Now I've got to either come up with a thorough and convincing lie as to why I didn't get past orientation day, or resolve to tell my parents the truth.
On top of just being miserable.
Maybe I should just switch off again and sleep for a decade.
i would explain the anxiety
i dont know your parents but i think people generally can understand the feeling
I can try, but I'm worried it'll not quite be .

... internalized?
My parents are not unsympathetic people, but they do engage a bit hard in the philosophy of "you do what you need to do".
In the past my attempts to explain my mental obstacles has been met generally with, "but you need to do this".
They seem to get so focused on the need to do something that they neglect to account for if it can.
And maybe that works for them, and to other degrees my siblings, but I struggle with it.
it took me a lot of figuring out and trial and error to finally get through that my anxieties weren't me not wanting to do something
but actually not being able to
the mental paralysis and the nerves so frayed that you want to vomit
it's actually not possible for me to function in that way
i would have a seizure
The one major relief today at least was that it seems they never actually tried contacting me while I was doing my walkabout.
So maybe they had even less invested in me showing up than I expected.
Or maybe it's just because the lead manager who did my interview wasn't in today.
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completely unrelated
In the past I've certainly done a lot of running away from things.
If anything that's my element. When things get tough, I hide.
Of course most of those times hadn't been as serious as this, and even I'm not sure if it's really been anxiety or just my lousy discipline and work ethic choosing the path of least resistance.

But this time I definitely feel I was losing it to the anxiety. It was getting harder to breathe and I had some really bad thought spirals both before and after I decided to walk away.
Trying to imagine handling that while learning how to do deli shit and handling customers after possibly getting chewed out for being late on my first day and maybe being told my only serviceable pair of shoes wouldn't work for store policy and that my pants aren't the right colour despite looking for -oh
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ever have that moment where you just sing randomly some whatever thing while doing things
and then you end up with somethign really weird
like a factory that makes blueberry machines out of cans that then get turned into blueberry soup in grinders
I feel like I get drowned by every possible worry about what can go wrong when I try to do something new, unless it's something I can throw my whole enthusiasm at.
Why is being a human bean so much work.
Sorry, I had the better most of four hours with this rattling around in my head I want to throw it away.
Kirara 🚗
how many calories do y'all eat every day
Like 1500
Ranges pretty wildly.
Probably consistently no less than 1000 and rarely more than 1800.
probably like 350 in food
and like 1400 in milk
Kirara 🚗
i need to add so many calories but it's so hard
idg how people can complain about eating too much how do they fucking do it
That's just a guess though.
My eating habits are erratic.
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No idea since I never count them
Kirara 🚗
i need like 2400 to stop losing weight
that's about 15 glasses of whole milk
you can manage that
Kirara 🚗
i probably can't
Probably doesn't help that my daily activity ranges all over the place too.
I can eat a lot more on a day I've been active.
so by the way why do americans just shorten kilocalories to just calories?
i drink like eight glasses of milk on a day that i have adderall just to combat the acidity and stuff
Kirara 🚗
i need to add like 100g of carbohydrates
and i can add up to like 20g of fats
yeah kind of
they're actually called dietary calories
but just calories for short
i do like a bagel in the morning
milk all day long
some fried vegetables in the evening

then like every third day or fourth or so i will just eat like a whole lot of whatever
with meat
swedish meatballs or chicken marsala or something
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every other country uses kcal, atleast what I have seen
atleast every non english speaker
It's just a fascinating coincidence that one dietary calorie equals one kilocalorie.
To feel less fat.
yes i know kilocal is the term and that a dietary calorie is 1000 calories, the unit of energy
we use the term dietary calorie simply to infer that it's calories from dietary intake
there is probably a historical reason why we do it that way but idk
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Just thinking is it because of convienience or the same reason why american 9 is european 11 in terms of sizes
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kilos are metric prefix and is rather out of place in Imperial countries
Kirara 🚗
it's so annoying that everything is low calorie now
if anyother country than france chose to spread metric system, the british would have adapted it too
fuckin i get so irate trying to buy yogurt
sometimes i really want yogurt
and it's all got the marketing of mid-30s women in yoga pants and that kind of thing
every single item in the yogurt section is zero fat, no/low calories
i understand why low calorie yogurt is a nice thing but there are no regular fat yogurt or regular calorie yogurts
i want some heavy cream yogurt with tons of flavor and substance
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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give me all the low calorie shit
Kirara 🚗
the funniest thing about this is that low-fat foods and no-fat foods make you fatter
it's all so fucking stupid
It's a rather funny situation.
The intuitive conclusion should be that eating fatty foods will make you fat, and there is sometimes a correlation there.
But that's because lots of fatty foods tend to have higher calorie counts and some other things
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I don't think it is the food, but rather the person consuming it so much
Kirara 🚗
it's literally the food
you thinkin wrong
how in hell then?
Or I guess rather, what the fuck do you put in your low fat foods?
Kirara 🚗
the fats in food don't make you fat, that fat is absorbed and used in the body
the stuff that makes you fat is carbs
people take in too many carbs or they get low quality carbs that can't be metabolized well, and it all gets stored in fat cells
well, those low-fat foods all have added sugars to make them taste good
those added sugars fuck up your metabolism of fat because they are low quality and the insulin in our body can't regulate it properly
so it ends up your fat cells retain too many fats
the problem with putting nothing in your food is your body can't do anything with it
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depends on fats, though, but yeah carbs is the true enemy for most overweights
caloric restriction also inhibits metabolism and can cause weight gain // retention because the body's not doing much
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I see
I thought a food advertised as "low fat" would also be low sugar and such
I guess applying food logic from here to USA is a mistake
>add sugars to make it taste good
Fats and sugars are pretty distinct components of food science, no matter where you are in the world.
Kirara 🚗
if you want to sell food, you increase the parts of it that our body craves
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like take no fat milk here
it has 0,01kcal per 100mil
or something
only added thing is vitamin d
Kirara 🚗
they don't add sugar to milk here either
chocolate milk obviously but yeah
sugars are naturally in milk
we also have reduced fat and zero fat milk
when i reference milk calories above it was for whole milk
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But I do question the existence of those 0 cal yoghurts?
Why would you even buy them
just buy a salad and a cucumber and nom them
equally next to nil calories, but atleast you get lots of vitamins and fibers to get your body to have something to grind on
Kirara 🚗
people want to fill their stomachs but they're terrified of calories
i dont think people buy yogurt to fill their stomach
it's a snack for snack's sake
it's weird but i remember a time i used to have a lot of joy out of just eating a snack just for the flavor or the activity
like that was a pretty engaging task
i just avoid eating as long as possible now until it's absolutely necessary
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if I buy yoghurt, I buy strawberry vanilla
and it has plenty of stuff in it to fill me up and not just in the literal sense
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I wonder how many calories koizumi takes daily...
this is her 4th or 5th on screen ramen on that day
You best not ask.
Koizumi is a black hole when it comes to ramen.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'm more concerned about the sodium intake
Pikachurin is a dystroglycan-interacting protein which has an essential role in the precise interactions between the photoreceptor ribbon synapse and the bipolar dendrites.

>1990s parents
>pokemans is just a fad the kids will forget all about it in a few months!!
you could calculate it somewhat easily if you wanted, though
Kirara 🚗
preparing your own foods will reduce your sodium intake by probably half
i dont think sodium is as big of a deal as it's made out to be personally
but i'm probably being very ignorant
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I meant the ramen
Kirara 🚗
sodium isn't really a big problem for most people
if you consume a lot of sodium, you can account for it by drinking more water too
sodium is only a concern in the context of water because too little sodium and you get water poisoning, too little water, and you get sodium poisoning
yeah im aware of that but i thought it had somethin to do with vascular health
they always be tellin people with high blood pressure to lay off the salts
or maybe they're talkin about the bath salts
Kirara 🚗
too much salt consistently can increase chance of hypertension but imo the relationship there is just that people who consume massive amounts of salt also are unhealthy in other ways
i noticed ive fallen into a trend of biological focus in the mornings
i'm always lookin at grape ape systems or cephalopods or neurology or surgical stuff for like the first four hours of every day
i learned about invagination today
sometimes i'm shown my own ignorance and very humbled by it
i bet i make assumptions all the time from what i think is an educated opinion but there's like 7th graders that'll just be like "wtf no that's not how it works. didn't you take biology class in high school"

and i'll be like
no school sucks kid go get a life
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if you get high amounts of salt through your diet, you either eat too many or just eat trash food filled with sugars and fats
Kirara 🚗
adding a bunch of cereal and milk to my diet just fucks up my protein
lmao i might have to switch to an unhealthy cereal in order to meet my caloric requirements
Eat rice
Just in addition to all your other styff.
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eat oatmeals
eat goat meals
Kirara 🚗
oatmeal is higher in protein than healthy cereal
by a looooooooot

yeah but they also don't learn real facts in high school
are you tryna do low protes
Kirara 🚗
no, but i should be getting around 50-60 grams of protein each day for my activity level, and adding cereal and milk throws me up to 78 and i still have like 200-400 calories i need to add
okay google how much protein is in a glass of whole milk
guess i'm gettin about 64 grams of protein a day from milk

uhh how about applesauce and a cinnamon
Kirara 🚗
apparently 100g of applesauce has like 10g of protein
no that's not right
it can't be
you have been rused my friend
it's like 0.4g of protein for a cup (246 grams)
Kirara 🚗
what brand
apple sauce
Kirara 🚗
is that a brand?
no it's a sauce
Kirara 🚗
if i don't eat a clif bar for lunch, no nevermind, that'll increase my protein way too much
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
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How about I sauce your apple
musselman's applesauce says 0 proteins for unsweetened
0.46g for sweetened
apples have almost no protein in them at all so i dont know what brand you've found that has 10 grams of protein in it but they must be using meat for artificial flavor or something

was it jack's teriyaki applesauce
what kind of apples have that much protein?
Kirara 🚗
i think the one i was looking at was actually like, a bulk thing, not actually 100g like i thought

Kirara 🚗
i could probably just add two bagels to my diet
every day
the thing that makes bagels great is that you only have one of them in a day
don't ruin it
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eat few slices of bread with every meal
oh right
>american bread
what's that mean
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last time I asked, I recall getting result "good bread costs much munie"
Kirara 🚗
im basically doubling my calorie intake so whatever i do it will be very expensive
i dont think bread is that bad though
i think you inverted something there
it's that there is very cheap bread but it has little nutritional value
there's plenty of fine breads
everything from that german brick bread to pumpernickel bread, artisan loaves, oat nut loaves, everything
there's cheaper and nicer versions of all of those things too
I find good bread at reasonable prices
there's a bunch of really shitty bread for dirt cheap though
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ryebread is the way to go anyhow
Kirara 🚗
i guess extra protein is okay as long as i work it all off
Kirara 🚗
we have made it fucking impossible to have a proper diet by artificially fucking everything
what was wrong with the applesauce was it not enough calories
too much protein I think
there's no fucking protein in applesauce im gonna lose it
Kirara 🚗
i would have to eat like 6 cups of applesauce to get enough calories out of it
fuckin just show up to your appointments with a ziploc bag full of applesauce
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eat blueberrysoup
Kirara 🚗
eat it with my hands
no, a straw
Kirara 🚗
maybe a paper bag instead of a plastic one
drinking blueberrysoup out of a bag with a straw would look quite sketchy
that's too over the top
i would use a fork
and make sure to really look like i'm struggling
but that i really am determined
i think people would probably start feeling a whole lot of pity at a subconscious level
Kirara 🚗
i could eat four bananas every day and that would work
bananas are great
maybe you could do a fruit smoothie?
Kirara 🚗
oh, that's a pretty good idea
I'd get real sick of bananas if I ate four a day
10 grams of protein in 100g of applesauce im just realizing would mean that applesauce is 10% protein
like just a puddle of proteins
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1 after every meal basically and 1 as as nack
plenty of room inbetween the nanas
Kirara 🚗
it's hilarious to think about
what the fuck does that applesauce have in it then
I don't believe apples are that high in protein
or is the sauce like super concentrated in apples
like 100g of it is like 1kg of apples
Kirara 🚗
yeah actually a fruit smoothie could probably do a lot of good especially if i put in a ton of fruits
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hello hello
Kirara 🚗
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hello rika
How many calories do you consume each day?
i dunno. how many calories are there?
Kirara 🚗
i could just drink some vegetable oil
Kirara 🚗
adding a smoothie and a cereal with no nutritional value got me to 2423 calories

my breakfast is higher calorie than my dinner and lunch together lmao
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cereals with yoghurt + berries is great
but even better is müsli + yoghurt + berries
do they have müsli over there?
Kirara 🚗
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my childhood dog just died
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I don't really keep track. I keep the weight off by staying active and not overeating.

Losing a pet always sucks.
Kirara 🚗
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i'm really upset
i saw him like last weekend
i guess i knew his time was comin, he was really old and couldn't really get up by himself anymore

i'm trying to gain weight
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Eat more!

My childhood cat died like two years ago.
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do you sip on your water /moe/ or do you guzzle it down
Kirara 🚗
i usually guzzle i guess although that word feels wrong
yeah i wasn't sure the best way to describe it but i feel that it's not quite right either
i just pour a glass of water at the sink, drink it all, and set the glass back by the sink
milk too
i will sip on energy drinks that i have or soda pop or something while i'm at my laptop though
i just feel an unquenchable thirst all the time so i'm constantly drinking fluids
Kirara 🚗
eating more isn't easy
I drink a full glass then fill it up again to sip on
i wish i had those eatable water pouches they have in japan
it's in this membrane and you just pop it in your mouth and it dissolves or something and you swallow the water
Kirara 🚗
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i got all this work to do and i'm supposed to be at a party in an hour and i'm all overstimulated now
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It comes easily to me.
Kirara 🚗
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must be nice
your diet probably isn't very balanced if you just eat whatever though
wonder how those handle in storage
I think I have actually once "eaten" one in some travel convention
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Yeah, that may be true.
Kirara 🚗
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A balanced diet is important.
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I take a vitamin.
Kirara 🚗
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oh, when did they start making vitamins that balance your diet
is vitamin r
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My diet is fine.
i should probably take some vitamins
thiamine and folic acid for sure
Kirara 🚗
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i decided to skip that party
my fuckin head hurts

ok ok you're the expert

frolic acid
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
frottac acid
ive been thinkin a lot about cephalods today
fat ass thread
>>529227 →
new one
frotic acid
