Hisone to Masotan --Episode 9-11 Caligula Cardcaptor --Episode 19-22 Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 11-13 Last Period Megalo Box Steins;Gate 0 Tada-kun wa Koi wo Shinai
I think some of the earliest new shows of the upcoming season should be showing up around the third or fourth of July. There'll be some dregs and continuing shows that'll be around over the weekend though. We might even finish a season this time.
Instead of megalo boxing they're just doing boxing!
This is going to be HOT BLOODED
Yeah, I agree. But it's still kind of weird. It feels a bit like it flies in the face of the original premise. Though that's what Joe has done the whole series long.
Even without his Gear Yuri's showing his place as a seriously good boxer.
The ;last episode kinda left me feeling like the gear was suppressing a lot of his talent.
Yuri's showing some fatigue though. Or at least some kind of muscle exhaustion or inaccuracy. Looks like he was too accustomed to his Gear being a part of his body and that's messing with him.
Apparently depending on your choices in the VN, the roles certain characters play in certain routes can change wildly. So I'm curious as to what some of those specific characters will do.
tuturu's kid looks like kurisu really makes you think
Oh shit Go Go Curry. I had that when I was in Akiba. They maybe some really good curry.
Because I can't figure if it's earnest or just a really obvious red herring, I'm inherently suspicious of anything this girl does. It drives me up the wall.
This really is one hell of a confusing trading quest.
Oh she made the connection now. I wonder if this means Okabe's gonna have to explain to Mayuri all the time shenanigans.
Also I wonder if this creates a stable time loop since meeting Kagari in the present makes Mayuri driven to adopt her in the future, which of course means Kagari recognizes Mayuri in the present.