Thread #527955
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Did we need it twice?
Hisone to Masotan --Episode 9-11 Nanatsu no Taizai Beatless Caligula Cardcaptor --Episode 19-22 Full Metal Panic! Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 12-13 Last Period
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>>527960 I just posted it for the first time twice in a row. I have a short memory. I let Ika know though.
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Well I did let Ika know but I haven't heard anything back from him.
He's not where I can see him.
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Any sightings of Jan? We could do cardcaptor instead.
Not any time recent today.
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okay there's ika nanatsu beatless FMP last period
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okay nanatsu okay lets start!
Reaaaady>>528004 Beep boop Ika
nanananana what episode is this 23?
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yeah it's 23 get hype meliodas is back
Oh my
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Hm, they still have the depressing "Meliodas is dead" OP.
Oh it's evolved again! This has been a really neat touch of theirs
Oh RIP the Boar's Hat. They're gonna have to rebuild the bar after everything is over.
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That's the first time the big pig has ever taken damage.
Yeah I hope Hawk Mama's okay.
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I guess the new Mel is slightly more bloodthirsty.
Maybe having to spend time fighting off literal Satan or whoever has darkened his conscious a bit.
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Well, the big demon said it ate his memories and feelings and stuff and made him more like the original mel. So I guess some of his nice got eaten.
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The demons are all about cheap tricks.
I think it's pretty clever of them to use their Commandments in conjunction. I hope Jericho overcomes the demon possession and gets a power-up from it.
She could have just said she was immortal or something. But I guess it's to be expected of the Merlin character to be long-winded and prone to bragging about her accomplishments.
>Humans can not pronounce it Wow she's pretty eldritch.
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I assumed she wouldn't be human, since Ban already has that covered.
This show can be kind of QUALITY at times but it has some good fighting choreography despite it.
THIS is the distraction they needed to catch him off guard.
Fraudlin really doesn't have the same kind of wow factor that the other Commandments have. No wonder he possesses people.
All this smoke is kind of making me nervous.
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That was a good ep. I want to see Meliodas in action more though.
There it goes. Well at least he's more menacing now. Fits more in with the Commandments a bit. Still has a goofy face though.
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Oh, I got what I asked for.
Hah hah that scream in the OST right at the end. Looks like this new Meliodas is a fair bit different from the previous model.
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I think he's going to be a little more yandere and a little less friendship. okay beatless lets start!>>528040 wow that sucks!
Apparently this did have production issues. The last four episodes of it will run some time in the autumn season or be released around that time. So at least a three-month wait.
Looks like the last arc will concern this girl. Maybe her Lacia robot will finally be relevant.
Of course they make an army of the combat Lacia.
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It seems like super intelligent AIs really are scary.
It's dangerous to make something capable of higher intelligence than its creators.
The thought of a robot being bashful is weird.
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yeah maybe she has an otome's heart though okay FMP okay lets start
Fool metal
This is some MacGyver shit Sousuke's up to.
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tessa's underwear!
Leading a paramilitia must be stressful work.
Underwear really isn't ideal clothing to be swimming in.
Oh no he's in Florida now.
How Florida-poi
What a silly old man.
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okay last period hmm I messaged ika maybe we lost him okay lets start!
Last Last Period
Internet hiccuped.
Okay why is this happening. Squid please appear soon. Yeah he hasn't posted since orange-ing for Full Metal. But he might also be just not paying much attention and is off playing GranBlue or something.>>528062 Gotta learn to count to four!>>528057 Beep boop Rika
per sorry thoguth was over
Well this has grown incredibly out of proportion.
Oh no she got plot device'd.
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These dirt guys feel his pain.
They feel all the pains of all gatcha players>Dem thighs
Both squads are too dumb to realize how Campanella is playing both sides.
Time for the popular five-stars to save the day.
Haru's pretty incredible for how absolutely normal he is.
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Are they really stronger than before?
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Wow, wiseman got left high and dry despite being more competent.
Maybe they'll go join up with Haru at their new office.
Hah hah hah. The Higurashi kids are new tour guides for the Animal Realm.
I would have rather gotten one last WAI SUMA N for the finale.