Thread #526154
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Hisone to Masotan --Episode 9-11 Black Clover Caligula --Episode 11-12 Cardcaptor Sakura --Episode 19-22 Comic Girls Devils Line --Episode 11-12 Hinamatsuri Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 11-13 Rokuhoudou
End of the season. Backlog is finally dwindling down.
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Yeah we bertter hurry before the new ones come out.
Kakuriyo is two-cour though, so it won't be stopping even if we rush it out. I think everything else on there aside from Black Clover is in its final week(s) though.
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devils line black clover rokuhoudou hinamatsuri
Episode eleven of Devils Line.
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devils line opkay lets start
>Promises to never give him her blood >Immediately starts considering giving him her blood
I'm fully expecting everything to go to shit now that they've revealed this not-a-vampire guy is a double agent.
This is like some kind of zombie FPS game. You shoot one and all of a sudden they just all slowly shuffle out of the open doors around you.
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Yeah, the vampires seem to have the attributes that the series demands in any given scene.
Oh maybe the double agent's gonna get betrayed by the big bad too.
Aside from the major main characters, all the other people in this show kind of blur together. They're all same-y looking cops.
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black clover!
clvoah the currently opening is pretty good this show has good openings
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forgot to be orange black clover okay lets start
Kuro Kusoba
>>526172 About all that's good about it.
q u a l i t y
Geez louise the QUALITY is particularly horrible in this scene.
>Bringing your side girl to your girlfriend's place
Poor Mushroom Head. He doesn't catch a break even not dealing with the Wizard King.
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This is just an exposition episode.
Took the whole episode to say what everyone watching already knew anyway.
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rokuhoudou I wonder where Ika is. It's not really looking promising.
Local voodoo I tried pinging him. He might be watching some DotA or something. I'm still here of -oh for crying out loud.
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Well, let's go ahead and do rokuhoudou and then stop ther. I have to go to bed a little early tonight. Are you watching still? oh oka let's start
hi i am alive
Geez onii-san no need to be so tsuntsun.
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Lots of GUTS in this episode.
Well you gotta have GUTS to pound mochi.
Oh we finally get lyrics to the jazz ED.
Are you still done early tonight Rika, or do you want to do Hinamatsuri?
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Yeah, I have to go in early tomorrow, which means I need to wake up tomorrow. So I should probably stop here. It's fine though, we'll have time other nights to finish it off. bye bye
okay goodnight sorry
RIP in peaces