it's been 10 days since i talked to fish she tried to call me the day before yesterday but the call immediately dropped it's getting harder not to worry
i know that it's highly probable that everything will be okay but that doesn't help with my anxiety i don't even know with certainty when she's coming back because we aren't communicating
>>497000 That sounds pretty frustrating, honestly I don't have any good advice so I just said something generic. There's not a lot I think you can do to help your anxiety over this other than talking to her somehow and that doesn't seem very possible given the distance.
>>497081 >>497084 Not only is it a monster hunter movie But it's also an isekai monster hunter movie
Kirara ๐
>Milla Jovovich will be starring in the upcoming Monster Hunter movie that is being directed by Paul W. S. Anderson, who also did the Resident Evil movies. The film heads into production this September. Read more JavaScript fuck off
>>497085 I ask myself the same thing every day Why would they do such a thing What were they thinking
I think Anderson just thinks that it'd look cool for a monster to attack a city and come out of a portal I think that's the whole reason A monster hunter movie could be cool if it was like, a seven samurai sorta thing about hunters defending a village Or maybe it could be like Moby Dick but you replace the whale with a monster
>>497089 Because of a bang Bang, that motherfucker, what a tool
Kirara ๐
why are we here? just to suffer?
Kirara ๐
they could just throw shit at the monster until it leaves
>>497092 A MH monster isn't really very scary in a modern setting You could just get a swat team to shoot at it for a bit
Kirara ๐
kushala daora would probably fuck up the military at least
>He also mentioned that Monster Hunter is meant to be a film series, much like Resident Evil. Read more Oh right fuck off JavaScript.
Monster Hunter protag vs Godzilla who wins
Kirara ๐
which Godzilla
>>497097 Let's give him a chance and say the first godzilla >>497099 Yeah Godzilla would just be a really big monster to the hunter He can just hack away at its feet
Kirara ๐
hunter will probably win
Kirara ๐
godzilla isn't mobile enough to really pose a threat hunter could just climb him
shin godzilla would be a real threat though
Hunter would just hack away at its leg until it finally falls over.
Kirara ๐
good luck evading the aoe radiation 360 degree lasers and radiation breath that can cover several blocks
Kirara ๐
apparently nigeria is really concerned about ebola right now
Yeah Shin Godzilla would fuck him up This shit is ridiculous
>>497112 It probably won't help your anxiety but I'm certain Fish and her family are well off enough to keep hygenic and avoid that
>>497112 From my understanding, even in those parts of the world, Ebola isn't much of a concern if you're well-off. Which, while not a trivial problem in the larger scheme, is probably a good thing regarding Fish.
Kirara ๐
>>497113 >>497116 if they were in an environment where they were able to benefit from being well off they would probably be communicating with me there's probably something wrong
only 8 people died during the last ebola outbreak in Nigeria though
>8 people Assuming whatever is happening now is on a similar scale those are pretty good odds
Kirara ๐
yeah the WHO says that the ebola outbreak in dr congo is going to get really bad though nigeria is trying to protect against it spreading from there i hope they're successful
Kirara ๐
>Nigerian health workers' unions on Friday threatened to withhold help for emergency measures against Ebola because of an ongoing strike over pay and conditions ใใใใ
>>497162 i dunno, if you've felt pain already, you become acclimated to it >>497167 disappearing is difficult
Kirara ๐
i don't think you get used to people dying that you love you just learn to stop getting close to people maybe that's what i should do this whole deal is too stressful fish can probably do better than me having to sit here and wonder how my girlfriend who is in another country is potentially going to die and how i can't even get information on her status or when she will be home is too stressful for me it would be easier if i just never had to deal with that she wants to get married but she'll definitely die if we go that route i should spend more time thinking about how i affect other people
I don't entirely see how marriage would be a death certificate for her.
im living a life that isn't meant for me so it's natural that things go wrong the world wants to make things right i probably wouldn't suffer if i just stayed in my lane
>>497197 oh, my bad. i can't really say that losing anyone has given me pain that has ever left the pain of living only compounds and eventually it will be too much for me i bet
>>497198 I don't see any yellow teeth there I only see a tongue >>497203 Oh Well why would you make them yellow unless you wanna make your characters teeth ugly
>>497204 Well, you might be right But I think the west does the same in animation If you've got the choice between giving a character white or yellow teeth why would you choose yellow
>>497205 Even if you're right, it doesn't seem that way with the shit hand some people are dealt
I waa just thinking how Asia gives much more importance to the appearance and perfectionism
>>497200 The world isn't some kind of conscious entity. It isn't punishing you for overreaching or any kind of karmic bunk like that. That's the kind of stuff of stories, not real life.
Kirara ๐
>>497205 you can't know that it looks the same no matter the mechanism behind it
>>497202 i would choose yellow if i wanted to make a character who looked ugly for some reason but there aren't a lot of reasons to make a character in fiction ugly on purpose
>>497206 Sure. no, I can't know it for certain. But believing in it? What does that do for you? It's poisonous.
>>497202 And it does seem that way considering hundreds of hundreds of people get away with overstepping their "boundaries" or doing things that in a narrative sense, they should be karmically punished for. Karma doesn't exist. There is no narrative meting out punishment to you.
>>497202 i was thinking more along the lines of someone who appears ugly but is beautiful inside
Kirara ๐
>>497208 it fills the human need to make sense of the world and is a less stressful answer than "everything goes badly and you have to suffer constantly because the world is random and you're that one dude that happens to get nonstop bad luck even though the probability of it happening is low"
>>497209 >my mind instantly jumps to making the villains ugly Wow I truly am shallow Maybe it could represent a poor fighter raging against their circumstances of poverty Their teeth are ugly because they can't afford to brush them But I like the way you're thinking
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>497076 I not only sobered up enough to drive home, but I also made it home.
It's not about being ugly but being imperfect not everyone in real life has white teeth
>>497124 Didn't they do a really good job of keeping it contained last time?
>Synopsis: Jayne is a genetically engineered government super soldier sent into an alternate dimension to retrieve a T-Rex for the US government to use in combat scenarios over seas. But trouble arises when huge dinosaurs pour out of a dimensional rift into downtown New York. Jayne must take up the mantle of Monster Hunter to save the city she loves. Man what are they doing
No Stahp
Oh yeah the gentleman thief npc who was hired to steal the macguffins for tge bad guys (he didn't know they were macguffins) died after revealing who the big bad was in D&D tonight. So we're probably having an arc finale soon.
>>497219 I was gonna say "what about" but then I realised I couldn't think of a good video game movie to end that sentence with
>>497221 Rampage has my man Dwyane the Rock Johnson so it's gotta be good
>>497220 Tomb Raider was decent, so was the first resident evil. Also I've heard that rampage is pretty good.
There's this guy on a local radio station that reviews movies in a really heavy Chicago accent, and he like it a lot. He's actually picky about movies (allegedly he used to have different tastes) but he liked it so i trust him on it.
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>>497212 you were definitely sober? don't drink and drive fam
>>497220 Here's the review Also in case you didn't know, thats what a Chivago accent sounds like. *Chicago
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>497223 I'm pretty sure I was fine. I didn't drink that much to begin with and it had been many hours. No more off than usual.
Kirara ๐
>>497215 sure but they could always slip and also the health professionals are striking because they're being exploited
>Two Chicago police officers are charged with ginning up false testimony to win search warrants for drug houses, and then stealing drugs and cash from those suspects. Sergeant Xavier Elizondo and Officer David Salgado were stripped of their police powers earlier this year as a federal investigation was launched.
I like news like this. It means people are being held responsible for their actions.
>>497236 Oh wow, honestly I find it odd when people don't listen to music like all the time while using their comps. Just a little, cause I listen to music basically whenever I'm alone. Or even if I'm just not hanging out but technically with other people.
>>497237 Understandable. Usually I do because I like background noise
Anyways, you've probably never heard a Chicago accent so I thought you might be interested. The review is also good.
>>497238 A little, in tv and movies and stuff accents aren't super heavy. You'd probably recognize a new york accent or a southern accent, but not a boston or Chicago accent. Honestly I can only think of one person I know who has a Chicago accent. I think it may actually be dying out. Either that or I just don't hang out in the right areas.
You know I don't think I know what state you're in It's Chicago right?
>>497241 And yes I know Chicago is a city and not a state >>497243 Do you like it?
I'm in Illinois.
Also known as The Land of Lincoln. >>497242 Yeah, I do
Anyways one funny thing from the regular guy is tthat he really didn't like driving miss daisy. I don't have the exact quote but its along the lines of "what kind of movie has 90% of it take place in a car but doesn't even have a singke car chase".
As observed. it's hella big, even compared to the others.
>>497253 It's the second largest lake in tthe world. Between all the great lakes, they have 21% of the world's surface freshwater. Making them the largest group of lakes in the world.
Lake Michigan is a fifth of the size of New Zealand.
i dunno this character cuts herself with an exacto knife and feeds people her blood to heal them but she also has severe anxiety and has to keep eating benzos or else she'll die
but there are a lot of magical girls and they die all the time three of them were killed in the last episode while the main group was discussing how they're going to avoid the apocalypse
Not So Anonymous !xa1FThiSUY
>>497260 Edge the Anime: Still Better Than The Manga
>>497275 We've got some new folk around, there was some others earlier in the year too, but they've dwindled a bit you might see them from time to time if you're lucky
>>497335 Wow That's pretty incredible Like Borderline mentally ill incredible
what's more incredible is the fact that you can just take any viral video from four years ago, tweet it, and it's like nobody remembers it from four years ago just say your pops tweeted it to you or whatever
I was going to say that video is kinda old
prolly goes for anything from before the twitter explosion
I never really followed viral videos so I wouldn't know. I do however follow memes
i googled it to check out if monster actually had "milfs love it" on their box haha all i got was discussion about that video dated 2014 i didn't get an answer to my question though
Last week's rival domains, I just had Saias camp out on the opposite side of the map from their castle and debuff everyone that spawned. It seemed reasonably effective.
I think Iโll max out my def ploy seal and use his dad for that kind of thing
>>497403 >>497404 if her money was available as a protective factor, she'd also be in a position to communicate with me
Nigerian Telecommunication infrastructure is garbo, and I honestly don't know how good satellite phone reception is there. But reading up on all this news non stop probably isn't going to make ypu feel better, only worse.
I certainly would be worried in your sitaution, but I think she's fine. She probably is busy or is unable to call you because of the bad infrastructure that Rei is talking about. I just don't see anything bad happening to her because she will be safe in the protected areas and because she's got a generally risk-averse personality.
Well like I said I'd be worrying in your position too, but I'm certain it will be fine. I don't think she will be put in a position where she needs survival skills.
>>497409 i dunno, nigeria seems pretty dangerous i should have worked on developing her survival skills and some self defense if she got in trouble there wouldn't be anything i can do i don't even have a passport
>>497411 While I can't use own experience on this, I can relay anecdotes from people who have travelled to such places, though not nigeria the shit countries, but with certain level of development for the rich areas, are actually at times safer than some western places. Provided you have the money
Kirara ๐
canada says that people shouldn't travel to nigeria unless they have to because it's so dangerous there
Well the average person isn't either staying in the business region hotels or the rich areas can't afford that
Also can't afford the armed guards to travel with you beteeen those areas.
>>497416 those places come with those and yeah, "don't leave the walled areas"
Kirara ๐
>There are specific safety and security concerns that could put you at risk. You should reconsider your need to travel to the country, territory or region. If you are already in the country, territory or region, you should reconsider whether or not you really need to be there. If not, you should consider leaving while it is still safe to do so. It is up to you to decide what โnon-essential travelโ means, based on family or business requirements, knowledge of or familiarity with a country, territory or region, and other factors. >Avoid non-essential travel to Nigeria, with a few exceptions (see below). The security situation throughout the country is unpredictable, and there is a significant risk of terrorism, crime, inter-communal clashes, armed attacks and kidnappings.
>>497415 i don't know they're staying in those areas i don't even know where they're staying they're visiting family that isn't well off
>>497421 he has a lot of resources in America idk how well that helps in Nigeria especially if something happens and someone could just tell they're a rich family and snatch fish up who knows what could happen if i just had some information about their situation a lot of my anxiety would be alleviated
>>497433 i know that it will most likely be okay but that knowledge doesn't help me feel less anxious my loved ones tend to die so i can't help but feel anxious
>>497435 teesprong i got my orher dimb nerd short and it was pretty easy
setz mentions that he didnt want to put another ip on his page but with all the marvel on there he put up some guilty gear stuff and said if Ishiwatari asks him to remove it he will
I want that I-No shirt.
my thumbs are big send help
Are you going to have the help cut off parts of them to make them smaller?
>>497442 i would imagine those services take a cut but i guess the bigger question is how much
theres that tee-ko game from the jackbox but i dont think anyone benefits from them but the creators
I was thinking also about in terms of the transaction is it the store selling it and the store paying you a cut for "being an employee" or something or is it you selling it through the storefront and storefront taking a cut
Here's how much you get paid
commission cut... hmm Well I guess once again if you asked "how do I handle this shit", they'd go "found a company and do it through that"
There prolly is a method of doing it, but simpliest way of doing it is, to register a one man company and then include any internt income as well income into the company and then pay yourself a wage still requires you to do a quite lot of paper work, compared to someone working for a company
as in average finn doesn't do anything about their taxes ever
And I just heard back from a company I applied to for a job. I much prefer rejection emails to no response.
yeah atleast you don't expect them to contact you anymore
I just use those Light Blessings seeing how they have no other use now. You can't use them in the maps where you need 4 Survivors. Can't use them in Tempest Saves me a lot of time and energy.
i really don't think the loli will be a playable character
she panders to a demographic fe has so i can see it
Kirara ๐
i think there's more that goes into it than that she's a little younger than the majority of child characters and all of the characters that look like kids that are playable are actually hundreds of years old
ylgr is legit just like 10 yo
i think she could function as a healer if her dialog is how i remember it considering her other sister was playable and i imagine weโll find her brother eventually too
I'd love for it to be Alm but I think all the sisters are getting in. The ice sisters that is. And yeah, I think that girl will be a healer. Which may suck for me since I want to roll fGrima.
the real worry is what summer character could they add after i deplete my orbs trying for ishtar
*that i want
Kirara ๐
doing a legendary healer seems like a big mistake
also they won't kill off fjorm fjorm will get sick and we'll have to go save her veronica or bruno will probably help veronica is probably joining soon so it'll work out
I think they mght kill off fjorm personally she has some sort of death flag up
maybe sheโll get worse and worse and try to solo surtr and fake us out by not really dying
Kirara ๐
i don't think they'd give us a character and then kill them because doing so would mean we are sending a literal corpse into battle
>>497491 to be fair they did that with gunnthra who, while you have to roll for, people may have soent real money to attain hust for her to die
Kirara ๐
>>497493 they didn't do that with gunnthra actually
but gunnthra is dead?
Kirara ๐
but gunnthra wasn't given to us? and isn't a story character
>>497496 i added to my post i get that she wasnt literally handed to us
Kirara ๐
yes that's why it's completely different fjorm is the fjorm we encounter in the story therefore if she dies we continue playing using that same exact fjorm
gunnthra comes from another universe therefore when story gunnthra dies, gunnthra still existing makes sense because the one that died and the one in the party are different gunnthras
they might do a summer fjorm too but they haven't indicated that at all yet last summer there were 8 summer units i get the feeling they will do 7 units this time anna and two characters and then four characters
im watching this marvel show and this couple are in a fancy restaurant and the wife slips off her panties under the table and puts it in her husband hand and says she got them a room 5 minutes away and the husband got really mad he's like "we are not characters in a trashy movie!!! this is real life!!! this is a real marriage!!!"
>>497527 Reacting to your wife saying "want some fuk?" by going "WHAT ARE YOU CRAZY NO?!" and then leaving her behind in a lyft is pretty ridiculous. A joke in itself.
>>497534 I don't know. Your explanation only confused me more. First of all, what >>497513 is referring to isn't immediately obvious. Then you said >>497520, implying that the lyft was the part your statement was being directed at. When I asked what the joke was, you said >>497529, that the whole situation was absurd. There are mixed messages here and even without that, you're original statement >>497513 isn't immediately funny, so I assume it's supposed to be sarcastic, but sarcasm isn't really a joke. So it was confusing to me, and I couldn't figure out it was a joke, so I responded normally to it.
>>497513 should have been obvious sarcasm And I know I'm going to get >sarcasm But I try really hard when I say things sarcastically in text to emphasize that I'm doing it. So I'm sorry
Also really 14/20โฌ for a fucking t-shirt and the artist gets like what 3โฌ out of it and making a shirt like thatm ost likely costs the company maybe 2โฌ at max they sure ask a fuckton ofm oney >>497543 yeh, but I was more thinking about the whole "design a t-shirt and sell it here" concept of stores
Like lets say the profit of a t-shirt sold at such store was 10โฌ and price was 15โฌ and the "artist" got atleast 4 out of it then maybe it would be a good way to support their work, while getting something out of it, instead of just say patroning them But as it is, the artist really gets a bad cut for the shirt sales, especially compared to the quality of the usual print-shirts like that.
I can see this condo apartment every night walking home from night school. Well, every night that I'm walking home from night school. It's so gaudy, I can't imagine the mind of a person who would go "Yeah, I want a giant window overlooking the lake, and then I want to rim it with an LED border that gradually shifts through all the colours LED lighting allows me. Like, you can see this from all over the downtown.
>>497551 why do people want to live in hives like that?
>>497552 I'd rather enjoy living somewhere high up in a building like that.
Yeah, but those look like just upgraded versions of the giant "socialist towers" say the london ones, of which one burnt recently
I'm gonna say, chalk that up to my camera not being too amazing at night. The downtown core here has had an explosion of condo building too, and when you pit those two, which are likely designed by the same company, against the whole assortment
Well personal preference aside, making a high-rise look fancy must be an undertaking, without making it cost fuckton and am not even talking about the arab shit
They're always ridiculously expensive. I'm pretty sure they need potential condo-owners to actually buy their place before building even begins. In order to fund the actual construction.
Atleast with condos, you have spacious big appartments inside and not tiny nests for the worker ants
If I'm still living with the support of my folks in a couple years we'll likely be in condos. I'm not really happy with the location, on top of my usual panic of having to face change. So it's a really stressful pressure that's slowly building on me.
currently looks like this must have been fun to buy a 500-1500kโฌ appartment from the area, and be stuck in construction site untill 2030
how useful is taking attention deficit disorder pills for people who have issues thinking straight?
yeah i am being super generic on the question, but like, what's the effect on it for people who are likely to have other mental issues like depression etc.
Kirara ๐
describe what "issues thinking straight" entails and whether or not the person in question has adhd
But I really gotta lvoe how many "Finally Helsinki is gettin Skyscrapers" back from 2015~, when the project was unveiled. I don't really know is that something to be celebrating about lacking giant blocks
Kirara ๐
depends on the substance but like adderall will just make you get obsessively focused generally people use them to help them study the military used to use it to help soldiers fight longer without needing to sleep it will be bad for your heart if you use it regularly
that's fucked up but ok
i was using modafinil for the last 2 years or so and i think i cant think in a focused way but i was also taking other stuff
>>497581 did you feel that you were thinking clearly and focused on modafinil it's such a specific stimulant that it's not likely to be generally helpful, and in people with certain polymorphisms it has literally no effect besides promoting wakefulness
>>497584 it was prescribed to me when i was deep on - ..
i think what helped me (that changed 2 years ago) was not really the modafinil but the oxcarbazepine that stopped my countless obsessions but the modafinil helped me be productive at least not be like .. idk wakefulness might be the issue, i was able to focus on things and not just on my head, idk.
Kirara ๐
what what moon is saying
>>497585 yeah but did the modafinil significantly stimulate you mentally knowing that would be indicative of your rs4680 variant status if you're met/met then you're likely to be prone to thought disorders anyway, or at least scattered thoughts stimulants aren't always helpful in thinking clearly for me, taking a benzodiazepine for instance helps me think clearly and also be more productive and energetic, despite it being a sedative
Ah, no i don't really know much of what effect it had, it definitely felt like it was helping especially on being able .- regarding social situations for example, i was able to follow thoguhts more clearly when i was preparing my exam questions
I was cleaning under my desk earlier and I found the spring that was missing from my pocket flashlight. It had been out of commission for a month or two because of that. Honestly I didn't expect to find it since I'd already hunted for it and had vacuumed under the desk previously.
>>497588 why were you prescribed the modafinil here, at least, it's only indicated for sleep shift disorders and narcolepsy
>>497590 i had - i was taking both it and zaviana for regulating sleep half of both
>>497591 yeah that's an understandable reason to take it i don't think that modafinil is what was causing issues thinking clearly though thinking clearly is generally a hard task for people, especially in turbulent environments sometimes the only way to think clearly is to organize things and make an environment where you can think clearly that doesn't sound particularly helpful but it's kinda true have to take some of the disorganization away and organize your life your own way
Kirara ๐
hulu keeps throwing me adverts for alcohol
Sorry i can't be more specific, I just want to be sure what to keep using for like, work i am really in a bad financial situation rn and wont be able to get out of it for a while
>>497592 that's definitely what i really want. i want to stop and like, plan my life but i dont even know what i want.
the idea last year was graduating, now it's a fuck up of things between not feeling ready and living a lie over a lie and keep being unable to get forward.
>>497594 yeah same my financial situation is so fucked
plans don't work out for everybody i have a hard time making and committing to plans i function way better now just living day to day, and thinking about how to improve my life on the immediate scale everything else will have to build out from there, i guess
>>497598 i mean more like general goals than anyone. my current life has no point besides getting out of here
>>497593 write an email to them and complain i would just make a big fuss fuck hulu, they're another trash company
Kirara ๐
yeah, hulu is pretty shitty maybe i will do that
Kirara ๐
i will probably never use this again after i finish this show though
I'm so sorry.
My dad told me weeks before he went into alcohol again that he was being getting angry because people at his workplace were going drunk to work the next thing that happened was he on another city drinking for days
I really don't understand triggers and i can't imagine like it's to be a recovering addict. i'm sorry.
triggers are different for everyone like different things trigger different people and the effect of being triggered can vary a lot for me i get cravings when i'm feeling overwhelmed or if i can smell a lot of alcohol if i recall a specific memory in which i was drinking or a memory that's really focused on alcohol then that gives me cravings too i can talk about it and be around it but if other people talk about alcohol for a long time that can trigger me or if theres a lot around me and i can smell it that can too
seeing ads doesn't trigger me when i'm at a normal level of stress but when i'm stressed out, it can make me crave alcohol the majority of my triggers only trigger cravings when i'm stressed out
remorse and something else i can't really describe are triggers for me maybe remorse isn't right either just when unpleasant histories sneak up into my train of thought and make my mentally relive unpleasant or remorseful situations, relationships, existentially embarrassing moments
there's a lot of things that i'm safer not thinking about so in that sense, certain people are big triggers for me
yeah i think i understand this i saw someone 2 days ago on the internet and i felt really bad the day after, I - regarding thoughts and stuff that i wasn't having. but like, idk if obsession and addictions works with triggers similarly, is not like -- ok it's it does make me feel better but i know it's worse because it's not a good tihng.
i think everyone has their own cross to bear some of us just have heavier crosses or more crosses than others and we can help people to carry their own weight but we can't carry anyone's weight for them, i don't think if we try to carry someone else's weight, it'll just crush us
Everyone and that's just the cost of existing, and realizing you did things. yeah i guess.
it's exactly what i think it happens. >>497613 im my selfish mind, yeah, my cross is that i might as well not care about anyone else's problems the fact i learned to care and they're important to me helps me with the feelings of apathy
we should make barley and valerian root lollipops out of a camper trailer and then sell them at craft fairs and farmers markets
Kirara ๐
that sounds pretty nice
Kirara ๐
too bad a kratom lollipop wouldn't work
>>497617 the fucking sheer amount you'd need would make it ridiculous you'd have to have like six lollipops i guess valerian root doesn't taste that good either catnip and chamomile taste fine though
Or you could concentrate the kratom
Kirara ๐
i wonder if you could make kratom gummies
we could do cbd oil from hemp >>497619 that shit is really dangerous
What're the active ingredients?
shit i was forgetting i'm an activist now this is probably the second best decision after being a vegetarian lol.
>>497623 activist for what like everybody is an activist in some way
i mean a openly political person i came out of my socialist/anarchist closet in a small way.
maybe we could make lollipops out of that liquid that the jungle millipedes secrete that lemurs collect by biting them and rubbing it all over their fur >>497629 not tryna make drug lollipops just herbal ones
why not just frogs? you know
Kirara ๐
poison dart lollipops
Frog lollipops? Like would they be embedded in it, like those scorpion ones?
I just remembered when I was a kid they sold those "little frog" chocolate snacks. then they released it again when I was a teen and they were like "radical" like what adults think it's hip
>>497675 It's about a hypothetical ai that punishes people who didn't help create it. So the guy who came up with it got spooked and deleted his posts about it or whatever.
>>497675 i know Weird al even tweeted musk about it.
>>497677 it's literally what happens when people discover abuses and corruption they are so afraid they will all get punished they just try to hid it until it's too late.
Anyways it's kind of silly and really makes you think.'s_basilisk
>The smartest people I know who do personally work on AI think the scaremongering coming from people who don't work on AI is lunacy. Lol
>As I entered, I was offered a gift of "fluoride-free" toothpaste. This made perfect sense, given the location. A popular conspiracy theory states that governments across the world have been putting fluoride in our water supply to tranquilize the masses, despite the fact the only piece of "evidence" for this theoryโwhich involves both the Nazis and the Communistsโhas been widely discredited. people need to wake up and realize that the mind control drugs aren't in the fluoride they're in the plastic particles in bottled water duhhhh the fluroide is in the water and shit to scare people into drinking the bottled water with the mind control plastic don't these people know ANYTHING
I absolutely loathe flat earthers. Same with people who think that the moon landing was staged.
I'm anxious about seeing my psychiatrist tomorrow and yeah I just talked about this earlier. But it's really not the meds is the everything else. I really don't want to lie to him but also don't know how to deal with the possibility of feeling worse if i open up. like they'll say "you're just bipolar/obsessed/etc". is this a common thing?
Kirara ๐
sometimes they'll just give you meds to deal with whatever symptoms you're experiencing in my experience they don't generally just say "oh you're just bipolar we won't do anything to treat that" if they think you're bipolar they'll want to treat it
>>497694 why do you feel you gotta lie to them >>497697 yeah i felt that way for a while but then i stopped caring and things are a lot smoother now with my psych tbh they can help you more if you're open they tend to understand fucked up people better than you think and probably judge you more when they know you're holding back
you're his client, i mean he's prolly not gonna ostricize you he might not have anything to offer to help
he tends to -- no not about that idk im more scared yeah i think he is not good he wasn't able to help me with what i had to deal with years ago in the way i wish i had. i almost - i did something really bad and i dont think he helped me come to terms with that he might not help me again in the way he should have.
Kirara ๐
what way do you want him to help you?
he is good at treating symptoms he made me more productive and shit but i havent been able to get over my guilt issues
Kirara ๐
do you want him to help treat symptoms of gender dysphoria?
no i want to come out i think im not sure honeslt y
i dont want me - him to "treat me" but i feel there might be no other way im really scared
even if he can't do anything actionable to help you, i don't see how telling him would be hurtful it'd help him get a gist of the kinds of anxieties you have and that's probably helpful
so i should tell him i have gender dysphoria?
Kirara ๐
what do you feel like he needs to know? or what do you want to say? coming out is a big thing, you have to do it your way
i just havent talked about private things with him but i started treating about him because of a sexual thing that yeah it's all fucked up he - his first session back then he like, explained about how some people did gay things in prison even if they were not gay and back then it was harmless but like he's kind of mysoginist and would just focus on - fuck he helped me treat the obsession but at the same time i also started accepting myself more. before i basically had such a warped sexuality and romantic understanding that i was probably dangerous, and i think it went that way after decades of repressing my own feelings my guilt and my dysphoria probably occupy most of my "head time" and my thoughts
really worried he just says like, no you're just an obsessive person and you will never get over it
what kind of medication can he give you to make you productive? in what way are you unproductive
i.. ruminate? think for hours and hours
o just dont want to deal with the gender thing with him, it might affect me worse. i probably dont want to like, come out completely, it would be nice if i could talk to some therapist and try to organize my feelings in a way that make sense it would give me a way to - like, at least not keep on this endless circle of thoughts.
>>497712 I'm planning on getting the mermaid one and I-No.
Kirara ๐
>>497717 for rumination, therapy is probably better SSRIs can help sometimes but therapy would probably be more effective
>>497735 Yeah exactly, it's only a problem because our brains think it's a problem So if your brain thinks something is a problem then there's no reason why it'd be less valid than any other problem
>>497747 I would because I'm an obsessive nutter. I think that could be cool depending on what suits are available and how long it takes to unlock them. It'd also depend on whether or not it's exclusive to UC or taking in pilots and suits from the AUs as well. Getting little scenes and events where the characters from different universes interact with each other would be really cool. Like you could have a char clone meetup
>>497758 I have a burger in the fridge but I don't really feel like eating so I might skip dinner. What are you going to eat? Did you figure it out yet?
>>497760 I have never built any sort of bipedal robot I messed around with that lego technic stuff when I was yoinger though The one with the engine and you program it to do stuff Have you?
burgers are good but they seem to have a lettuce problem
>>497761 I've never built a bipedal one, but I have built like a dozen or so assorted robots with wheels and treads. And also hands for picking things up.
Mine would use dark breath and probably seal def/res
Myrrh is better in nearly every way, but Kana is more thematically appropriate. I'd prefer if Kana were blue. I could use f corrin with Yato, but it's just not the same because of Corrin's stats.
is that viable? her spd is only 34 neutral and her def is good but she's green and red is full of high atk high spd enemies kana will get to 53 atk with fierce stance and atk lightning breath even if that's enough to proc heavy blade, her tendency to get doubled by red sword units means she'll probably get killed before she can fire off aether i guess having yato buffing her would fix that but in general a charge 6 special on a unit that can only reach 47 atk using the weapon i want on her doesn't seem like a good idea
I don't care to try it though. I wouldn't use her unless I could get a lot of merges. She's the kind of unit that neesd a lot of merges.
Kirara ๐
not with the build i would use
Well that was a very fun movie.
Infinity? Yeah it was good I liked it a lot
Yeah, it was a lot of fun to watch. I'm excited to see how they all re-assemble three years down the line.
Kirara ๐
yeah, it was directed really well the flow of combat and scenes was really good and they made Thanos come off as fairly likable even though he's a filthy malthusian
His plight is compelling even if his means are insane.
Also that was totally a Red Skull cameo, wasn't it?
Kirara ๐
his motivations here are way better than in the comics where he just wants to fuck Death
>>497813 yeah, that's where he ended up like 70 years ago
>>497810 yeah this is the first time I've seen a marvel movie that made me think damn I really wanna see what happens in the sequel I'm excited to see what will come out of Stranges timeline keikaku and how they'll defeat an omnipotent Thanos I know that there's stuff like another spiderman and black panther movie coming out but if those characters actually stay dead I'll be very surprised and sorta pleased
Kirara ๐
ant-man and wasp takes place before IW and captain marvel takes place in 2014 (obv before IW)
>>497816 good I really liked doctor strange in this movie Guardians Vol 3 will be interesting because I can't see Gamora being rezzed since she got thrown off a cliff instead of just being dusted. I'd be extremely hype if Guardians 3 was Rocket, Thor, and that guy who picked up the whistle thing at the end of Vol2
>>497820 It'll be either prequels, time shenanagins, or alt universes
There's also another GotG down the line and they can't exactly all be dust and Gamora fucking dead for that to happen.
Kirara ๐
it's gonna be just rocket
Kirara ๐
i think it'll be time shenanigans. they'll probably go stop thanos before he snaps
Kirara ๐
captain marvel is powerful enough to withstand stone attacks (probably) so maybe she'll reclaim the time stone and go back
>>497820 >go back in time and remind Thor to aim for the head
Ant-Man is supposed to have an important part in the follow-up movie too. Not sure how that's gonna work but it'll be funny.
Kirara ๐
probably microverse shenanigans
I haven't seen Ant-Man yet too, so there isn't really anything I can work off for thinking. Maybe I should go see it.
Kirara ๐
oh, that's a really good one
Ant-Man is great
Kirara ๐
he's the hero we need best shit is when he meets falcon
High on my list of things to see are Ant-Man, Ragnarok, Black Panther, and GotG 2. The Thor scenes in Infinity War have -really- had me hankering to watch Ragnarok. I think he had some of the best highlights of the movie.
Ragnarok turned Thor into one of my favorite MCU characters despite not enjoying his other movies very much
>>497829 I really wanna see Ragnarok because it's directed by the same guy who did hunt for the wilder people I was surprised to hear that Thor feels a lot different in Infinity War to his first apperance Like when he shows up on the Guardians ship he's got a sense of humour but he's also no nonsense
Kirara ๐
i liked how he called rocket, rabbit
>>497833 yeah I liked that I liked that he dunked on Starlord without even trying
Kirara ๐
it was good shit poor starlord got fucked with all movie
Starlord had a hard time but he really should have just calmed down while Thanos was asleep. I know that they still lose in the timeline where they get the gauntlet off of Thanos, but Starlord wasn't aware of that so I'm still gonna call him out for not being able to hold back for like 5 seconds
That part was especially good because it's the kind of error ANY person could make. Like it was a human reaction. It's still totally his fault for not holding it in but I don't hold it agains him.
>>497837 Oh yeah it's a good little character moment where his personal, human flaw undermined what they were trying to do. given the stakes though it was a very grave error.
>>497833 That had me chuckling whenever it came up. I really loved the moment he Rainbow Bridge'd down, accompanied by Rocket and Groot. It was a really good shot.
Kirara ๐
that scene where rocket wanted bucky's arm was really funny
>>497838 there probably wasn't a single timeline that didn't happen tbh
>>497871 What if You learned calculus using the wide variety of tools and information available for free on the internet And you didn't have to spend $10k Just imagine a world like that
Kirara ๐
i do have to spend $10k unless i drop out
what if you just used wolfram alpha instead of needing to learn a trivial process
You can take better aadvantage of wWolfram aalpha if you already know calculus.
>As important as water, sanitation and hygiene are to livelihood, a report by the United Nations and another from WaterAid Nigeria recently revealed that over 60 million Nigerians lack access to potable water, 120 million do not have decent toilets facilities and 47 million engage in open defecation.
why did i let my girlfriend go somewhere like this alone
hate this rotten world. sorry for my angry comment
>>497885 also analysis and topology, but the calculus is really trivial to the process
>>497888 Trivial is such a fun word to use when talking about problem solving.
i wonder if fish's dad is trying to hook her up with nigerian princes he threatened to have her marry someone once when he was frustrated i wasn't marrying fish
>threatened to have her marry someone wow it's like he thinks he owns her or something
>>497899 yeah i have I've been checking it in all four emails she knows and i have like five burner phones on in case she calls well four and my normal phone but i have two numbers on my normal phone
I have been with Koi, who is me, myself, all day Celebrating her, my, our birthday. And also preparing for our darling wife, Kokoro's birthday two weeks from now which also aligns with my, who is not Koi, birthday.
but how are yoi koi while simultaneously in love with koi
Very carefully
(cognitive dissonance)
dear anime friendsI will be a little late get started without me
>>497915 There is the I who is Koi and the me who loves Koi. I love me.
>>497922 It means that I'm ready to handle it no matter who comes after me. I've been involved in various things in the past and like to have the ability to bug out if I have to.
>>497935 don't be like that a bad childhood is not a good thing it really messes you up
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
is this the part where you try to rationalize doing illegal shit like it's a good thing or you had some valid reason for being an idiot
Windows asked to update and i foolishly said yes It will take aother minute After that im ready for anime
I jwalk all the time.
>>497939 yeah but apparently it allows you to connect and understand others who also had bad childhoods
something ill never be able to do connect and understand them
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>>497937 >i haven't done anything illegal that i could get into legal trouble for so it wasn't illegal? if it's illegal then you can get into legal trouble over it make up your mind
>>497943 no it doesn't it makes it hard to connect to anyone it just lets you be at a comfortable distance from other people who also can't connect to anyone
>>497944 if you can't get in trouble for breaking the law, there are several possibilities for why that might be can you think of any other than >>497944?
That's the extent.
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
So what you're saying is you don't expect anyone to ever find out about the illegal things that you did. The possibility IS there, it's just very very low. Because you're bad at describing things.
no, moon is right you're not great at reading between the lines some people aren't, that's not your fault my way of communicating and your way of understanding are very different so we have trouble communicating
i'm not insulting anyone
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
there's no reading between the lines, either something is illegal or it is not.
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
not my fault you have brain problems and can't understand basic concepts.
whether or not something was illegal wasn't even the original point why are you concerned with it
to be more explicit in my meaning i have done illegal things which i can't get into trouble for due to immunities or the fact that there's no evidence whether i can get in legal trouble or not, there are people i have been involved with in the past during the times i was engaging in those criminal activities while im generally on good terms with everyone ive been involved with, both in the illegal realm and legal realm, sometimes things change, and im ready to adapt to changes if necessary
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>due to immunities your failure to include important details is not a problem with my understanding
those details weren't important or relevant, nor was the legality of anything you just asked about it and he answered you assumed he meant that he'd like to bug out due to legal concerns and that was your misunderstanding and assumption
>>497959 More like you're unable to even bother trying to infer things There are many reasons why someone might not get into trouble for doing something illegal and you jumped at "it must not have actually been illegal"
Kirara ๐
>>497960 yeah this that detail was totally irrelevant to what i was saying i only included it now because you were getting stuck on it
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>>497962 >that detail was totally irrelevant to what i was saying
that's it i'm full triggered goodnight
gotta stop replying to his shit it's just a way to try to flow all the momentum into his attention he's doing it on purpose, you know
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
fuck you idiot
Kirara ๐
>>497965 yeah idk why i keep thinking it might be different this time
>>497978 if i were to disappear, but still needed to communicate with people, i would be using the burner phones that way i can get rid of them after extended communication with someone or multiple people having multiples means i can go farther and longer without having to replace them since replacing your burners is difficult sometimes especially if someone is looking for you if they can track where you are buying burners they can predict potential destination s for you to be headed as well
i could also use them to harass or threaten people if necessary and they're useful if your regular phone breaks i have a bad habit of collecting burner phones so i have more than i need too i had seven until recently but i got rid of three of them
agreed burner phones are survival 101 whether you're in the wilderness or within society but off the grid or even just on the grid and vulnerable in the wilderness it can be for emergencies still if it's prepaid minutes and not month if there's network coverage, could even track the location and have someone find you if you're in need of medical help or somethin
I somehow didn't expect serious responses
My escape bag lacks phones
My escape bag lacks existence. I don't care enough to feel like I need to escape anything. If my doom comes for me I'll probably just lay down and go to sleep.
>>498008 idk, but the true way to use the plant is just to chew the leaves supposedly and not swallow >>498009 yeah this was nothin tonight you'd laff if you saw the other shit
Inaban at least took his shit elsewhere. This one keeps coming back.
>>498011 jesus christ how awful im glad i tend to ignore names i dont recognize >>498016 i mean it only took him forever to finally take it elsewhere so maybe this one will follow suit
>>498034 despite the subject of the content, his commentary here is really incredible it's legitimately insightful
>>498042 Absolutely The connection with Bill Clinton is great As is the way he talks about how the minigames are ordered and how it reflects someones lifetime in the sonic fanbase Or when he talks about the spread of fetishes over the internet You probably understand it on a deeper level than me with how much you've researched linguistics and the spread of culture. It's amazing stuff though