is it a niche brand kind the grocery store i go to has half a long aisle dedicated to them and i've never seen anyone buy any i bet some of them are dusty lmao
oh fuck dude Just Blaze is gonna have residency for a few months at literally my favorite downtown club i'm fuckin hype i'm gonna miss him this month cause i'm strapped for cash with this double deposit bullshit but the next couple months (with a fully healed ankle) i'm gonna turn the fuck up
relieved bang
I still haven't seen Baauer, that sounds like a sick fuckin show I bet he plays harlem shake and everyone fuckin memes
Here's one of my all-time faves I saw KTN the last two years and i'm gonna see him again this year, he always plays Kingdom in Austin >>>/watch?v=kbNIF2RPG_c
>>495944 damn that sounds fun I haven't been to a show since forever >>495948 >tfw you find a cool song you like and it eventually turns into a meme
relieved bang
I'm like falling out of love with EDM a little bit or rather i'm just mroe interested in soft indie shit right now like Sufjan and Bon Iver and Iron and Wine but i will never EVER turn down a trap show at one of my favorite clubs that shit goes hard
relieved bang
>>495949 memes aren't a bad thing when you and everyone else in the building are drunk and lost in the music
relieved bang
baauer playing harlem shake sounds like good snapchat story material tho
oh boy it worked out not that bad >>496020 he is prism
my uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh friend... i guess is getting kicked out gonna help him sort himself out he's kouhai's ex and he's a fucking mess but i just can't bring myself to feel anything but wanting to help him out he's a cool dude he's just young and lost i hope i can turn at least tonight around for him
mildly related to that query moom have you seen sangatsu no lion this is the second or third time i've asked but you didn't respond i don't know if i'm supposed to read the air and assume you don't want to talk about it or if you haven't seen my qs gomen
>>496102 The first season ran in 2016, which I think would put it in the period that you might've not watched a lot of shows?
I never watched Aria, but from what I gather it's very, very much in the same vibe as Aria, so it might be nice if you enjoyed that thing.
>>496104 i actually don't remember i know it sometimes comes off like i'm being coy or irreverent but i actually have two forms of brain damage one from serious heat stroke that caused brain swelling, and another from impact-related contusions and possible benzo injury i'm trying to be as whole of a person as i can but when it comes cloes to the self, i think those are the first to be sorted out of functional memory
I know you were watching it. Because I got a bit heated with you while talking about it. I misterpreted some animosity in something you said concerning it and got a bit venomous myself. This would have been over a year ago I think, though.
The adaptation has since ran for two sets of two-cour runs, so there's forty-odd episodes.
>>496106 it's okay i just wanted to make sure i wasn't being socially retarbed
>realise havn't bought ticket >quickly buy it with phone |notice woman sitting opposite me fiddling nervously with phone tpp >we meet eyes >both at same time "forgit ticket?" and burst laughing so anti-finnish
Hello! How is it going? I was checking for more live boards, but it seems that one doesn't really relish new people so I just left. They don't use names.
>>496228 Huh, true. /tea/ is probably the friendliest.
>>496229 /tea/ is about anything you wanna talk about as long as it isn't particularly unpleasant it's only open two hours a day which gives it a nice wabisabi feel
>>496229 Just be pleasant if you go!
>>496231 Yeah, I don't go often, but it's still nice to go and check it out sometimes. /magic/ is friendly, too, but I'm not really the most pleasant person so I don't post there!
>>496243 It's unusual to see such a 'haha' attached to a post without it having deep dark implications
>>496242 I guess those are kind of like the rules in a way the person running the board always directs new people to that page, take from it what you will it says it opens in 6 hours because that's when the actual board will be available for posting/viewing it's only open for 1 hour long increments, twice a day
It's fine, I was asked by Yuu or someone else when I first showed up on here the same question, I cannot recall that person's name but you probably were not there at the time s so I don't mind answering it.
>>496273 we /// all boards can ban but the extent of banning power is limited and doesn't really matter much when i was an admin on tano i could ban, for example but on /moe/ there's only one admin who can ban
>>496273 I mean, getting around a ban isn't that hard if you're willing to spend a few minutes
>>496279 It's not a big deal. We mostly moderate via the community.
Admins can see the number of unique IDs present in a thread, or they used to, I don't know if that capability is still implemented, but not the number of unique posters unless they count.
>>496280 Yeah Sam talks about it, the id system generates ids via some function that assigns certain combinations of Japanese syllables to ip addresses
liveboards are trash dying relics of ancient technology held on even more ancient hardware
>>496284 no it's not discord but yeah it's pretty subdued it's a crypto board and not everything there is kosher so they just distribute the url to project leaders who can distribute it to their teams to work on script kiddy shit together
the new hotness is talking in person >>496290 probably due to hormone availability during my fetal development and also the result of intense trauma that ruined my sense of identity
>>496287 You have already answered all my questions. Now I am just hoping I can wake up in time for /tea/ and see if I can befriend anyone.
>>496291 shit that was a very levelheaded response hmm wait I got it
We have to concentrate money even further. It's not enough that the 1% own everything it needs to be the .1% It needs to be so concentrated that no one has any money. And then... we take over. And make them pay for everything. The Burden Of The Dollar
Kirara 🚗
im gonna see infinity war
infinite tea war
Kirara 🚗
doll fin tea war
>>496330 sounds like Rozen Maiden Oh fuck I forgot this isn't Tano
IT's starting to heat up substantially here. I felt hot today.
It's gotten a bit spring-y again here. Cold enough that I can't really keep my window open and be the most comfortable. Says it'll warm up come Monday though.
i had like four loaves of bread today and probably a pound and a half of mashed potatoes i think i made him a steak
Yeah that's a lot of starchy carbs. Must've been nice while eating though.
yeah my roommate brought home like ten pounds of fresh baked bread probably like 30 loaves of bread at least and then i made cheesy eggy mashed botatoes and i'm still just tearing this bread apart and dipping it in mashed potatoes i can't stop i wish i had stopped a long time ago i am certainly causing myself some future agony
Why does everybody do that it was never funny, it will never be funny
Well it's not like any of us ever know when you're going to donate blood. You don't exactly give us your upcoming schedule. Telling us to remind you is pretty much useless. The least I can do is mock you for asking it.
but really, how do you fuck up the poking of 5 or so minute operation so bad, that the wound heals slower than whan i have the needle in my arm for solid 90 minutes
The most amusing part was >okay I have quite a scar tissue on that spot for doing lots of donating >naw doesn't seem that bad >starts poking needle >okay this scar tissue is quite hard to deal with >mfw
It was pretty good. I had the D box seating. Where it moves the seat around and stuff. It was pretty cool. The movie was good for an Avengers movie. Although it was really more of a Thanos movie.
Thanos is a cool villain Although I feel like he hasn'tthought out his snap very well But I still like him the scene where he forces Quill to shoot Gamora and then bubbles come out of the gun was really really good stuff. I like that Thanos is willing to fuck with people like that
Also apparently the basic blood donators don't make quips like >how are you feeling? >as well as a man who has needle stuck in his vein draining his blood can feel out there
Eh, having gone to a number of movies that have used 3D, and even ones that have used it in some interesting ways that aren't intruding on the visual experience, it's something I can happily do without.
Kirara 🚗
3d is kind of uninpressive
I haven't seen a 3d movie in like 5 years
I've got nothing against it and I'll go for a seat in a 3D theatre as much as one without (at least if I'm ignoring ticket cost), but nothing about it sells me on a movie using it.
It was nice to see a friend but my house is so quiet I wish I could at least contact Fish
I wonder if 3D even works with my glasses
>>496482 Because it doesn't do anything for me. Even well-done it rarely, rarely adds an exceptional plus to the film. In that situtation you've laid out my choice would really boil down to which one has a more preferable screening time for me. The 3D wouldn't enter consideration.
>>496541 The best kinds of Rube Goldberg machines are the ones that keep 1-UP'ing themselves whenever you think they're just about done. This one delivered on that and then some.
The thing that's always tided me through is the belief that there will always be more trips in the future. Having travelled, I can't just never travel again.
everything at work was so fucked up when i got back and there was a massive delivery to boot my back hurts so fucking much why god >>496555 okay are we stealing one from a dealership or what
>>496557 the thought that i have to endure another four months of this shit before my next opportunity isn't exactly comforting but i see what you mean
Looking at gameplay videos from MonHun GU, the visuals really aren't all that bad. They're totally not World-tier, but the better resolution that the Switch has definitely makes the textures of the environments easier on the eyes, and helps the higher monster and equipment textures shine. Shame the game comes out late August as opposed to early in it or in July.
that's okay I'm too sad to be debauchery Although, that's 100% because I have the Kekkai Sensen S2 OST now and TORTOISE KNIGHT just brings back some real feelings.
You know, I thought to myself "What if that's a boy" and then I looked at the name and thought "That's probably not a boy" and low and behold it's a boy
The story is that the boy is always treated like a girl and then he goes to a new school and stays at a dorm but it's all girls and the manager thought he was a girl too and now it's all hijinks. And it's getting an anime next season, which is why there's all this fanart
check out this loft bed + desk + trundlefrom craigslist it's so adorable i want it but it's a little pricey for me
>>496662 a lot of it's social as a level creator you gotta get the streamers playin your levels then stream yourself creating a level specifically for someone or stream your commentary of watching them try and play your fucked up level
i have no way of moving it if i were to buy it i dont have a truck but i really want it it's got a little trundle bed at the bottom that slides out too
Kirara 🚗
how much does it cost to rent a truck from homo depot or something
homo depot haha 19.95 plus 70 cents a mile, plus probably some other fees i dont have insurance because i dont have a vehicle so idk how that'd work i also don't have 19.95 until payday maybe that's a consideration though, and i could find a nice desk that could fit in a pickup
Kirara 🚗
that's a lot more than i expected although i haven't rented one since i was like 17
>>496672 >Earlier this week, a white graduate student at Yale University saw a black woman napping in a dormitory common area and called the campus police. The police responded and found that the napping black woman was also a graduate student who lives in the dorm. She fell asleep while studying. white people white peeeeople
eurovision of dooooooooom
>>496674 Are people buttmad that Israel might win?
Yeah, there are a number of heroes that buff on attack. Those seem kind of awkward to use though, in terms of positioning, if you're going to try to incorporate them into a tactics team.
My experience with tactics teams is that positioning is always pretty easy as long as you have reposition on the flier. I almost exclusively have been using tactics teams for a while now.
I don't want to use Sothe. I wish I could just take his Peshkatz But it's unique. He's too frail to use against units with Distant Counter.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
hello hello hello hello
As for the buff on attack, that's honestly just a backup. Since you can't always be in Tactics range you want something that you can grab bonuses from mid turn That's why Myrrh has WoM
Wait what? The Falchion users have Sealed Falchion now
Ephraim could be turned into a pretty effective buffer
mada baka beat
Kirara 🚗
My experience with Ephraim is that he works phenomenally on a tactics team Mine uses Blazing Siegmund but you could easily use normal Siegmund to turn Ephraim into a more buffy member of the team
no, not refine into berserk armads refined berserk armads
wow netherlands playing country rock
Kirara 🚗
was trying to work out a clarisse's bow + seal def/res thing but there just aren't any bow users that really feel right for it leon would work well for it though
>>496688 I want a team where I can buff up and go! My tactics team is mostly ready though. I've got Eirika - Amelia - GrimaF as the base of it. I just need like a good assistant to Eirika. I've been using Delthea.
She buffs the attack of adjacent units pretty well. I just need to figure out something for speed. I don't have a legendary Lyn to feed to someone right now.
>>496717 She benefits a good deal from it, particularly because my Amelia is -def +spd.
An even more important concern is that the unit with def tactics is Legendary Ike, who is a good candidate for merges by his own right and if I were going to feed him to someone I would want to give them warding stance rather than def tactics. Putting the seal on Amelia would mean no armor boots.
Once you get to merging, Eirika's speed becomes pretty nice. I'd prefer to put Spd Tactic on her over any of the other ones. Dancers with Tactics sound nice but you can overextend out of range
slso finland kicked moose ass 5-1
Kirara 🚗
i wouldn't generally use a dancer with tactics i was just saying for a bonus to spd since spd tactics is rare
you what OH, you're talking about the bonus from that I didn't even care about that. lol But I guess. So you've got what +6 from that +12 from 3 Yatos +9 Spd and +21 Atk >>496784 ...then what did you just test?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Yes blue, in a matter of 5 minutes he 5*'d three corrins and refined their yatos to test it
Kirara 🚗
you probably don't get +6 from the bonds they'd have to be all within /// all be adjacent
>>496782 no you get that bonus but it's not +6 unless they're all always adjacent which isn't a realistic expectations
I gotta stay up for a few more hours to adjust my sleep schedule Night shifts blow
i bought an office chair for four dollars at goodwill there was a big comfy recliner for 29.99 but i didn't know how i'd get it out of there so i didn't get it even though i wanted it
Well the move from morning to night shift
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>496831 have you ever put any thought into what kind of character you would run in the second campaign
Kirara 🚗
>>496839 if i have i don't remember what i came up with
it's mother's day tomorrow i want to do something nice for my mom but idk what i can do besides call her she just had to put down a couple animals due to old age and i know she's really bummed
>>496846 I might walk out and get her some chocolate. But there isn't really anything my mother would be particularly elated to receive. And it's a bit difficult to do things that would.
i will probably go to eat brunch and then come home and clean my tent and stuff and mourn my last day of freedom i'll have to get everything ready for classes and put my calendar together i'm really bad at organizing stuff i wish fish was here to help me organize
I'm probably going to sleep all day cause I'll be up late tonight cause of D&D.
there was a sewing desk + sewing machine at goodwill for six dollars i really wanted it but i had no way of getting it home it's amazing the stuff they have for so cheap
i really would like to get my etsy shop rolling again i haven't done it since 2011 though the environment has prolly changed so much i would need a lot of materials to start and i'm always strapped it's okay to dream though
Kirara 🚗
imagine being one of the weirdos that goes through every marvel movie carefully combing every frame for dates and times in order to put together a chronology of events i have to respect that dedication but i can't imagine having the patience or attention span to do that
how much do they get paid though
Kirara 🚗
they do it for free
oh i thought you meant production coordinators nvm
Kirara 🚗
oh, no the people that work the time from that standpoint are actually the directors and writers in the marvel studios dealio they don't have special people that work on that stuff although they do have production documents that they can reference at least that's my understanding based on what my godson's dad has told me
i mean the people that go and do that for like marvel wikia or whatever
i do a lot of transcripts for free for various efforts probably if it's something you already do as your job it's not very much effort to do in your off time
for instance, people that are historical accuracy consultants for movies and most of their consulting is ignored, it's probably really easy for them to point out all the moments that a given movie is historically inaccurate
Kirara 🚗
do you think people that do that kind of thing and just go and make fan lists of chronology? the marvel cinematic universe only has one or two known inaccuracies and they're both in the spider-man homecoming movie there are just timelines in the MCU that have come across like a hundred shows and movies and they have it down to like, certain episodes taking place during certain movies and stuff like that
>>496869 if historical accuracy consultants really just go and construct elaborate timelines for universes to put on fan websites
what's the question in your first line i can't tell
>>496868 yeah probably the verification process is pretty rich, and archiving, i think, is a natural human compulsion people are just naturally interested in that stuff, i think, even if it's not raising any issues of something being wrong
we're all hoarders tbh, it's just a matter of whether we're hoarding information and processing it versus physical objects for their repurposing
Kirara 🚗
it's just the amount of content they would have to go through that astounds me there is literally more than 60 hours of content that's part of the MCU probably more like 90 hours honestly to be able to go through it slowly and comb it for hints as to when that scene is happening for nearly every scene the amount of effort and the patience and the attention span necessary to do that i can't imagine being able to do that no matter how much i wanted to
how many hours do you think individuals have spent combing through JFK assassination footage though i think a lot of it is networked efforts someone brings something up and then you review it with the social reward of contributing and engaging in a revived discussion and given how large the MCU viewerbase is, there's going to be a lot of interaction
Kirara 🚗
yeah, i guess that's true
i think people generally just really like processing information and being involved in stuff, but given circumstances, there's a lack of importance in most things that most people are going to process
processing that level of MCU details seems pointlessly meticulous, but i've seen instances of groups of people spending hundreds of man hours translating and transcribing records from pinochet's secret police as part of a counter movement like, the only difference there is that one group really had to be actively surveying intelligence for their safety but i feel like that's kind of what the human brain is acclimated to we don't have that, and some people have relatively few stresses, but i think we still search for ways to precipitate and shed the outer energy shells occupying our mind
even i once combed through eva 3.33 with a friend trying to pull out every last bit of info out of it but that was before my life was stressful
some people's lives are never stressful some people's lives are so stressful that they find less stressful ways to channel their focus i don't deal with chinese infosec anymore i just write out shit about natural language encryption and linguistic entropy and sometimes transcribe market research wholesome shit
>>496881 i'm tryna do that now but you can't escape your past i guess i still get a lot of arbitrary harassment i'm pretty stressed out about taxes now i can't really remember a time when i didn't have stress, except maybe when i was in the military that was so easy it was disorienting
i was talking to someone yesterday and we were talking about how seeing people die changes you and he was like "i don't think i could get ptsd" it was so weird to me
i don't remember what it feels like to not be stressed out but there are times when my stress isn't painful like sitting in my house or at school or whatever my stress is so painful but like when i was camping my stress was so productive like even my ptsd stress it felt so good it helped me stay safe like even when it was 30 degrees out and i wasn't properly prepared for sleeping in that temperature, it was such a positive stressor
i look around me and see so many people so well adapted to living like they do in modern society and it's just so weird to me, i think i'm too far gone to be able to relate
>>496884 >but like when i was camping my stress was so productive like even my ptsd stress yeah, that's some of what i mean about precipitation and being in synchronicity when stress applies more stimulation that // than your environment calls for, you're left with some precipitates that you have to shed to achieve lowest energy level -- or more properly, equilibrium to the environment being a complete and whole human being really involves, i think, creating an equilibrium between your nurtured internal energy and the environmental energy in a meaningful manner, and not shedding it trivially to compromise
i feel like the ways that we do equalize are just social momenta that trivialize the extent of a human feeling i say a human feeling, and not human feeling, for very good reason the uniquity of our own perceptions and relations is a significant attribute to general humanity, and that's why we're built with such complexity
i really want to be somewhere where my concerns and distresses are things i have control over and can manifest into changes in my own environmental conditions, and not have to distract with surrogate activity and precipitate as anxiety in order to accomodate social norm
i just want to be a whole human for once, instead of this divided mess of anxiety and ambition that is marginalized by society and never able to integrate internally
but i'm just drunk, you know? i'm a drunk miscreant who made the wrong choices in life so i'm just a rambling loon it's just the wiles of someone who can't take responsibility for their own misdoings, whose mind is poisoned, and who sins that's just how it goes nothing here to see
well i'm just in limbo here i try to precipitate towards my inclination socially without being an extremist probably got a few papers on NLE and linguistics to shuffle out if i can endure that long, then i'll be off i know you're still in conflict, but a couple years maybe to decide whether or not you wanna join i'd like to experience some true VR before i go away from technology, the same way i'd like a big bottle of aged bourbon before i separate from alcohol, but those concessions are not mandatory
i really do feel the same way about technology as alcohol on the social level we lose the ability to gauge when to stop and what's harmful, and we're constantly exposed to more opportunity it is equally as intoxicating, but with less biologically-harmful effects
yeah i'm starting to think you're right about that
do you wanna go camping in like august? i can come out and we can find somewhere close to you for some dispersed camping and just go sit in the woods for a few days
i don't have a vehicle it may be easier if we went there and you bought me a ticket than you buying you a ticket to come here i'm -- i just googled and there are no brown bears here, so it's probably fine it can get pretty cold though maybe we can go to the great lakes
early or late august? i'm not sure if i'll be back from mongolia by then you guys were coming right
i can probably work something out for a vehicle if we need transportation to a campsite it'd probably be early august
are you really gonna go to mongolia? if you weren't kiddin about goin i might be able to work something out and join i'd have to crunch some numbers philly trip will be in mid-august
>spider skitters across my desk >Attempt murder >throw away >psych I'm still here >runs the fuck away Well that's unfortunate. It's just big enough that I want it to die
>>496903 not expecting, but not skeptical that it could happen i'm very seizure prone, dependant on two types of CNS depressants, and tryna take an SNRI which lowers seizure threshold possible recent exposure to black mold and a pain in my right side which i could probably describe as an inflamed appendix, which could be very deadly if burst
i'd obviously go to the hospital if anything was seriously wrong, but i just want the disclaimer out there in the event that i don't have the foresight to manage things in advance it just means enough to me to mention a few extra times i'd really like my ashes collected and scattered on the salt flats but not just like the pull up point there's a small mound in the visible distance that's like a mile or two away from the main point along the utah entrance on the main highway going through there -- not through salt lake, but mid-Utah with the bluffs just take me up there and mix me up with some kratom and milk (whole, homo) and pour me out
want to, yeah i'm so financially insecure that i can't guarantee anything irs could start garnishing my shit any time assuming all is fine though, i would like to
there is a free bureau of land that matters place we could camp like right next to the salt flats we could probably get the trip done for the price of a flight and food if you crunch some numbers and it looks possible let me know and i can figure my stuff out or if not we can do it another time
what if 25,000 years from now in the transhuman landscape there are amphetamine salt flats which to trans-humans have no purpose so just exist as landscapes the same way salt flats do to us even though salt was the most scarce and valuable thing to some cambrian entities
>>496923 why does everyone call me mom another internet community I'm in has started calling me mom lately and is ironically celebrating mother's day for me
>>496947 what do you think of the way google advertises stuff to you with your data Like I'm always seeing ads for gunpla and nerd shit Can you imagine if they started advertising booze to people who search things like "local alcoholics anonymous meeting"