Thread #497963
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anime chrome decided to crash
Beatless Caligula Cardcaptor --Episode 16-18 Comic Girls Devils Line Gegege no Kitarou --Episode 3-7 Hinamatsuri Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Nil Admirari no Tenbin --Episode 3-6 Rokuhoudou Shokugeki no Souma Uma Musume
I think Jan will be around but not on time. Wait scratch Beatless that's still the recap episode. But yeah Jan will be around. Unless that was Squid in the main thread but I'd all in on it being Jan.
Also there's good subs and rips out for the first Heaven's Feel movie.
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I think it was probably Jan. I put up the ika signal.
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What are shows we can watch without jan?
Kakuriyo and Tenbin are the easy options. I don't think he'd be too upset over Souma though. Or well he wouldn't really be upset over any of them but we don't watch those first two with him.
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Ika is saying watch a show, so I guess Ika is going to be late too.
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Well if we have Jan we can do Cardcaptors before Ika shows up.
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yeap that works yeah 16 okay lets start!
This is 16? ah shit I deleted it for some reason give me like two minutes
Yeah, episode sixteen. We've had a bit of a build-up for this.
i'll just sync up when it's done go tilde
okay what time
2:05 2:10 2:15
It's hard adapting to Mei Ling in that hairstyle.
beware the time cube
>>498006 yeah i keep thinking she's tomoyo
Woah that's a big monster.
swing swing swing
How the hell's that a swing.
i can't tell if kaito is evil or what
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Seems like no one is really evil in Cardcaptor.
I don't think he's evil but he might serve as opposition. Though he's also MAGIC.
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yeah i guess he's probably not evil but i'm not sure what his game is
Oh yeah I think this Chinese robutt was in the PV from the previous episode.
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Seems kinda dangerous.
How kakkoii. That was some pretty good fight choreography.
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the power of holding hands
>>498028 T-ten minutes.
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worthless plushie
He's so stricken with terror because of his failure to record.
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he should be afraid of tomoyo
dats rite
>When you fly internationally just to get one of your closest friends give you permission to call her by her given name
wow she's still trying to hook them up
>Sakura and the okashi na okashi I wonder how long they've waited to make that pun.
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>the decorations start moving i guess the next episode is another trip
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I'm trying to figure out what Ika's status is.
He showed up in the thread about ten minutes ago. And now again,
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>>498040 they probably just saw the opportunity and took it.
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okay let's do cagilua wait wait wait scratch that devils line souma comic girls so orange for devils line okay lets start
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hai hai
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This guy is always freaking out.
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he should just listen to shiro
The heterochromatic eyes in this series could use some work. They never look like they belong to the same face.
Oh the MC has her scar in the OP. I guess it's keeping around for a while then.
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>>498054 yeah his devil eye always looks smaller than his normal eye
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wow what was up with that subtitle placement
Bad QC on CrunchyRoll's part I guess.
She's naked pretty often in her dreams, huh.
Wow she's a little famous now.
this whole anime is just kind of an epic prank
wow so they're just going around shooting devils now
It's almost like humans can be as vicious as vampires!
Shiro always has such a silly expression on his face.
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They probably should watch him since he's always acting crazy.
haha what the fuck shiro
>when you need to pull it out you should pull it out
>A child of light and child of darkness What kind of prophecy are we into now.
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this guy has seen some shit
The whites with red bloodshot veins is a better look than the full red ones. And still conveys a monstrous appearance pretty well, when combined with the yellow irises. Well that's a cliffhanger.
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there were like four cliffhangers in a row there
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okay souma its episode 18 okay lets start
Oh shit Azami has the Rinnegan.
furied beah
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I guess this is when he's going to get beaten up by Souma.
>flying bear
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Here it comes
Gurabii sausii I wonder what persuaded the Japanese to call it "gravy sauce". When pretty much the rest of the world understands what it is just by "gravy".
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this guy has such an embarrassing power
Caramelization in cooking is really tasty. I like getting a little sauce burnt when I'm making up something on the grill.
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I wonder if these dishes would actually be amazing if you cooked them.
This show , or well, the manga, does have an actual cuisine advisor listed on the creative staff. So I'd imagine the stuff they rattle off when talking about the food is actual commentary on the qualities of the food.
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he lost his waifu that's why his cooking is worse now
Dojima's a total meddler.
Dude that's kind of gay.
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No way
Erina's getting increasingly dere now that she knows Souma's the son of her crush.
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Looks like Souma is going to have to save everyone.
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okay comic girls hello everyone where are you tfw orange for six minutes okay lets start!
Cosmic Girls I have done what I can to call upon the Squid.
i am here now and also my post is open?
She's like a small animal when frightened.
We should all have some ice cream and forget about everything.
hora mangaka
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>horror mangaka oh it makes sense.
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She seems to have embraced her genre a bit much.
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she's going to bully kaos into the spirit world
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quality of life significantly lowered
This girl needs to learn to chill.
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Search [iqdb] (106 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Last Period - O(…).jpg )
If I lived there I'd be tired of people screaming all the time.
Kaos is too good a girl.
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it'd be fun to live with a cute spooky ghost girl
oh boy is this girl an edgelord mangaka
Kaos is a bit of a dangerous person.
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Kaos is just a moefag.
I think wanting to be scolded by teachers and being kind of lecherous towards girls with large bosoms is a little more than "just a moefag".
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i like the little panels that pop up in this anime
Yeah I think it's a nice little flourish too.
wingu byi
Wingu bui
Wow Kaos just spilled the beans. Oh the teacher isn't buying it.
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i want to read ankoku yuusha
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>watching anime in anime
Kaos is slowly getting to having a decent manga concept.
she's going to end up drawing comic girls
How meta.
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That was a pretty good episode.
inception trombone
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oh neato the spooky girl is here too now
This PV was in a different format from the previous ones. That's kind of neat.
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thanks for anime!
Ari go toots