Thread #496369
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BANG LIVING LIFE TO THE FULLEST 2018/05/12 (土) 04:11 No. 496372
a n i m e
Beatless Cardcaptor --Episode 16-17 Comic Girls Gegege no Kitarou --Episode 3-6 Hinamatsuri Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 5-6 Last Period Nil Admirari no Tenbin --Episode 3-5 Rokuhoudou --Episode 4-5 Steins;Gate 0
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Oh good we're all here I 'm not sure if we have jan tonight I'll be back in a second and we can get started
He could be around at some point. Dunno for shore though.
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beatless steins gate kakuriyo last period
Okey dokes
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beatless Do we want to bother with this?
Oh uh, this is another intermission recap episode for the show. I forgot it was going to be one from last week.
Well we haven't done the re-cap episodes before. Flipping through it they just seem to be keeping a straightforward, boring recap style though,
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ket's start with kakyuriyo first then and figured it out dependong on jan for #3 yeah ep 5 okay lets start
Reaaady. Kakuriyo episode FIVE.
Maybe she looks cocky because you tried to pathetically intimidate her.
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Oh, I noticed this because I just flipped through it, the protagonist of this has the voice of the main heroine from beatless.
Yeah, she's playing two pretty similar voice types this season, but she's pretty versatile.
This show has some really Natsume Yujiinchou vibes at times. Conceptually they're entirely different but they share some common points.
Oh looks like she'll get to head back to the human world for a time. I thought she might be trapped in youkai world forever.
The mini-Kappas are cute. And the innmaster doesn't look so bad in this lighting.
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okay next is steins gate okay lets start!
Onwards to Steins Gate! I wonder when Okabe is gonna get his charm back.
I wonder if Suzu is informed on Moeka's relations to SERN. She's being pretty aggressive too.
Though in at least one timeline that old man who runs the electronics shop downstairs was also an agent of SERN.
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SERN isn't a problem in this timeline though, isn't it?
Probably not? At the least, they're not interested in Okabe's crew because he's not researching time machine technology. But they're still probably an existing structure in the worldline, I'd imagine. So reasonably the people who are their agents in other worldlines would be ones in this one as well?
Yeah this is treading some psychological minefields for him.
uh oh
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Oh I guess it isn't happening after all.
Hah hah hah. Poor Okabe, running around with a lightsaber baseball bat.
So she was getting stalked. Just by both an actual danger and this woman.
She is really reminscent of Kurisu in some ways.
Oh shit everyone's really showing up all for one big cliffhanger.
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We've got some crazy PTSD going on this episode.
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okay, no jan, so let's do rokuhoudou instead ep 4 okay lets start
I don't really get the Japanese fascination with the phrase "boys/girls be ambitious".
This is a rather silly start off.
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>>496438 well ambition is important
The silly start off has continued into a rather silly episode.
that was kakkoii we souma now
Rude. I'd rather have chicken tempura than shrimp tempura.
I've never understood this seemingly universal inability to cook chicken breasts in a way to keep it juicy. Media always portrays it an acheivement to cook chicken white meat and keep it juicy. But I've always seemed to find it easy to keep it juicy.
I guess cooking is not a role he normally assumes in the tea shop.
My cat's never really been big for playing with bits of string. Or anything, really. She's more for attention than action.
>Being able to produce photorealistic illustrations of cats >A useless talent I beg to differ.
this show isnt bad
I've been enjoying it. That's all that's important, really.
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on to last period! okay lets start!
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Oh he becomes ToN and spends all his money on gatcha.
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If you want the good characters you gotta.
I've gotten good characters in things I haven't spent a penny on.
>Hopeless, a town known for its hope buns
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Why was the music so dramatic?
Because the gatcha girl was DYING of hunger.
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Gacha games are tough.
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This is a bad system though since you don't even get to keep the characters you call.
It's a really good scam on the players though.
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Pay for cute will make more money than pay to win.
The Wiseman always get five-stars.
The most depressing kind of multi-pull.
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hmm yep I know that feeling.
Hah hah hah. He can't even get the promised four-star because this isn't the game.
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He can probably beat the 5 star with all those characters though.
Well it depends on the exponential increase in power A five-star could maybe sweep an army of one-stars.
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I know that desperate feeling when you hit the gacha over and over trying to get something decent.
He's given into the gambler's disease.
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shockingly accurate descrpition of gacha games
He made progress in the end at least.
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also accurate
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This is such a big death flag for Mitsuru, the new episode from DINTF was nice, but I think it's only going downhill from here.
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