>>494763 a bunch throughout but kel'thuzad alone was 15 wipes still feels good to clear the raid the first week it came out. server 5th the power of autism wins again
Also my dad had a friend who mother had dated two of the three stooges. *whose mother
>>494768 oh that's a really good time you guys probably don't have too much naxx gear yet too impressive autism
yeah we had a lot of people call in sick to work to fit in the extra raid day vendored old raid pieces to squeeze in the extra gold for consumes autistic amount of prep needed to make sure we had enough frost resist without relying on getting lucky with naxx drops
picture of big pharma >>494772 maybe a tree fell on a power line or something are there any known outages in your area? when my neighborhood goes out they usually post something about it on the electricity company site
Because Thanos got super buttmad that Death (female) was in love with Deadpool. Although I think that plot thing (her love) has been abandoned now that Deadpool is married and has a kid (not his wife's though).
>>494789 Yeah, uh. What. There are a number of things there that I have questions for.
Kirara 🚗
>If the illness is prolonged, since the soul cannot indefinitely go on using a deficient tool, it walks out of the body which is what we refer to as death. The radiations may weaken owing to old age resulting in imbalance in radiation exchange between the soul and the body.
Kirara 🚗
why is this in the Guardian lmao
We've left science far behind and dove headfirst into metaphysics.
It really starts to sound like a page out of my fantasy novels. I could see Scott Bakker writing something about soul radiation or whatever they fuck these guys are on now.
Kirara 🚗
if you cannot have kids, god will send you a soul to unplug your tubes and then give you a miscarriage because all god wanted to do was unblock your tubes for later use
okay nigerian science
Seems about right to me.
Kirara 🚗
at least there's no bad news (for me) in the nigerian news
>>494822 i opened god of war today and then paused it and watched anime for like 4 hours
I remembered a really good campfire story today. I'd heard it year after year at Scouts camping trips when I was way younger and I'd never really forgotten it entirely. But I couldn't remember enough keywords to Google it until today. Reading it I could still time the cadence perfectly and it's just as good as I remember it being. I'll tell it to you guys some day.
>>494885 >>494887 I have one waiting in the wings. I want to roll more so I can get a high merge of her. I'm going to use her as the heart of a tactics team.
>>494882 your dad isn't here, maybe step-dad can help
owari's good points are heavily outweighed by how dumb the story is i think
>>494912 Youjo Senki has a dumb concept at first and the character designs can take some getting used to. But the plot is fun and has some pretty interesting applications of magic in a WWI scenario. It's pretty okay/10.
Kirara 🚗
>>494925 OST was generic suwano though during that period where he was putting out 3-5 OSTs per year and they all were the same
I'd consider even generic-phase Sawano "pretty okay" though. Like nothing exemplary but it's not unpleasant to listen to.
There's a slight spring rain right now. It's got a nice smell to it.
>>494936 it's not unpleasant but it's basically just background noise it doesn't add that much drama to the action like the OST should
>>495003 i have like 10 hawaiian shirts but i usually only wear them in the summer my old boss used to wear a hawaiian shirt to work every day it looked so unprofessional it was great
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
fuuck i have to go back to work and move my bicycle
>>495023 wow did you park in DA BOSS' bike spot again
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
I parked it in the streetlevel parking garage which is 24 h parking and i won't be in tomorrow so it's ok it's not too far at least i'll just do Night Things
>>495030 i'd probably be more comfortable talking to a psych wearing casual dress than business attire but maybe i'm just a fucking weirdo something about the nice pressed suit and tie look gets me nervous
not that i am probably ever going to go to one of those serious clinics again
i'm picking between cock ball and torture this question is dumb i need my kfm to have three individual personalities belonging to sentient entities capable of engaging in sex
>tfw valkyrie jumps on me, kicks my face, and calls me worthless
>>495179 I dunno they both look like they've got high level firemagic
>>495181 not really the one on the left is just a big mosh pit where you just have to hit the guy that's glowing red until super pope rises out of the floor then you kill him in like 4 hits cool area, shit boss fight
The only unit I have with that kind of attack is using an unupgraded Blade tome And I hardly use that unit anymore But she is a dancer. I Can use her but she'll probably not do much outside of Arena Assaults
>>495201 that one is not glass, but i just thought it was a pretty cool one they use a variety of things for decorative cakes silk, fabric, cashmere, glass, whatever
>>495207 well it all started when i was a little boy of only 23 years and i clicked on a post about cake and my brain zapped my fingers and they just started moving and now we're here and everyone lived happily ever after
>>495216 abe's oddysee is free at the moment 'cept the game movies run bad on my computer I don't remember the games to be that much work to run
Thanks Obama God, those games were great.
>>495218 oh I got confused because you said movies never played the oddworld games myself
the originals were incredible the remake is fuckin trash avoid it at all costs
huh how'd they fuck an incredible game into trash? did they change the gameplay or levels or something?
very bad execution trashed the sound and visual designs, reworked some very memorable things that made the originals great into something that just didn't work out at all they wanted to remaster it but it's just an unpleasant experience altogether
I really like stuff with the 72 Demons of Solomon as cute girls.
>>495227 god damn they really stripped it of it's atmosphere >advertise your own small game on the legacy of a bigger game >that ending song lmao
>>495234 the part about the vector frame things really bothers me the sliding doorframe sensor things that bounce off instead of just overlap it's not the same puzzle/obstacle and don't say it fuckin is
Meeting of Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump will take place in Singapore on June 12th.
that's going to be an odd meeting >>495235 that whole transformation scene fucked me up they made it completely devoid of what the original had like they were trying to get it over and done with and while the VA doesn't do a terrible job of matching the voice, they did match the clumsiness of the way they put it together
searching the image itself doesn't help. It shows me what the image belongs to, but not who did it. And after going through all the artists, I'm inclined to believe that their only contribution was the cover so they aren't listed in the Table of Contents
>>495237 yeah i'm wondering how that happens i think sometimes the editors doing all the sound design will sit there in their studio with their reference headphones on and say "yeah, this sounds really solid" and then forget that most people aren't going to be listening to it through 1500 dollar headphones, and most likely it'll be ambient acoustic from the tv speakers or whatever gears of war had the same problems in a lot of spots, where you had to go manually turn the sound effects volume down to 3 or 4% and voices at full 100% to hear cutscenes
>Set in a world based on Finnish mythology (specifically the 19th century epic, Kalevala), Iron Danger primarily puts you in the shoes of Kipuna, a regular young woman. Somehow, she’s gone and stumbled upon an ancient power which gives her control over time and death itself, as you do, and understandably there are forces out there who’d quite like to have that. Cue a magical cat-and-mouse journey across the land, with you almost always outnumbered, but never short on time.
>>495255 dunno if it even is a game I'd play even if it had nice mythos adaption going on I checked the pillars of eternity, that was the same studios? and didn't fancy it
Kirara 🚗
>>495257 trying to get my rhythm back just hanging out
what's missing from your rhythm how many standard deviations
Kirara 🚗
just one it's not bad i just cycled my circadian too much after my night flight slept 7 hours and woke up at 6pm so now im messed up
my circadian has been p fucked for a while it's stabilized to pure neutral so all parts of the day are the same i think it's giving me thyroid problems but it's not altogether terrible
Kirara 🚗
i got ares i wonder if i should build him or put his brazen atk/def on someone he's good but i can't imagine using him with any real frequency
Ever wonder why was Ares such a dousche, though? in god of war storyline all other gods weren't that nice, but they didn't go full wacko untill Kratos opened the box and why did he have 4 spider legs on his back
i got [no motivation] i got pretty janked on the last 8% banner too two in a row i'm just gonna keep plumping up my reinhardt and ignoring everything else since it doesn't apply to me anyway
I mean I can get rid of her but she is a threat with horse emblem pals Although Iote's Seal and Dragonskin make my life pretty ok.
Kirara 🚗
three plus some builds that make bows worthless
i got robin i dun need shit else for that plain bitch
i'd like to actually put rein in a horse team but i dont think i even have good horses i wanted a 2x2 rein/rein/olwen/olwen team but i got pretty screwed on that banner i spent like 40 orbs and only had two green orbs
>>495284 i try to be smart and only roll the color i want so i dont waste orbs but then i do that and i get four or five summon circles in a row without that orb it's pf sad i could have just rolled all the way through the full circles and at least had some more chances i know that's how chance goes but it's been happening so much, and after burning all 400 orbs on 8% grima and failing i just can't care much anymore to bother i dont feel like doing the challenges to get one orb here and one orb there just to get a 3* bartre like my dopamines just refuse to fire at the sight of orbs anymore
guess i'll start back on my wellbutes had to stop for three days to handle high workload i'm really scared of this medication because i have to have enough things to keep me invested otherwise i get real mopey
it worked really well with picking up cross ange, but i had to abruptly stop what's something else on that level for me to pick up and immerse into for a few days
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh shit it's bupropane and propane accessories time?
>>495288 propane accessories? that sounds flammable
>>495287 It's kind of hard to think of something that's on the or might be on the same level as Cross Ange.
i want somethin to marathon that will be a fulfilling experience it doesnt have to be great it just has to be like, not clannad or anything that's going to violate my bupropion-induced vulnerability something safe but still meaningful
>>495294 Have you seen the new Kino no Tabi? I don't think it'll share the same mood as the previous animated work but it still might be nice. I think it will retread some old ground for one episode or another though.
i saw the first four episodes last time i started my wellbutes but i had to stop because i became distressed stop taking my meds i mean that might be good >>495296 no i finished ange i had to stop taking my meds because i had to do a 30-hour work marathon and i just can't process that kind of information while still transitioning on my meds i have to have like a solid week plus to stabilize on my meds before i can be really properly functional i had a question about ange though why was tusk alive, was that some ragnamail machina shit or was he like embryo and had a real form somewhere else
I'm also looking at Mahoutsukai no Yome, you might enjoy that one. It's got a lot of that British folklore culture and has some really nice character arcs. It can get a bit moody at times though.
>>495300 The anime wraps up its adaptation with a very nice endpoint that works very well as a "and they lived happily ever after" even if they aren't going to adapt more.
i took this photo of vegas as i was leaving ive never really seen anything like it it's kind of gross
I love the look of big cities at night from the view of an airplane window. Maybe it's distorted a bit because it's Vegas. But you get a city like mine or Tokyo, and you see all those lights populating the observable terrain, and you think of how clustered around each light is a small number of people that have their own ways and wants in life. There's a kind of wonder in realizing how little the one of you actually is, and that sight of the city from an airplane window always gets me feeling that way.
I love how nobody has found it excessively suspicious for the Blue Mars to hit nevery every hittable ball on home field, but become hot garbage if they play away
>>495320 Well, more like no need to build taller than they have. Building up just gets exponentially more expensive. When you've got so much flat land it's just resource-effective to build wide, not tall.
it is essentially a shooting gallery Those can be fun at times, but I don't think they work that well as a boss fight ofc if the game was remade with better tech, they could make a sniper duel a lot more interesting, ie. The End fight in mgr3 *mgs3
>>495335 Serves him right He stole his research materials from the person who actually discovered DNA but was properly recognized for her achievements
found a really nice chair + desk on craigslist for fitty bucks but it's too big to fit in my roommate's vehicle sigh i really need a proper workplace i am missing out on money just by not having a comfortable place to work a full day
not even if you disassemble them?
idk if it does i don't even have 50 dollars atm anyway so i'm not gonna bother them with questions about it
someone did half of a transcript and then returned the job to the queue so i've got one halfway done i thought that would be a good thing but jesus christ ive never been so frustrated in my life i would prefer to just delete the whole thing and start over from scratch it's so fucking bad
>Students were traditionally called to the office and given the option of a high five, spanking, or a hug. The principal says that she rarely got students choosing the options other than spanking. >While many parents expressed outrage, some came to the defense of the principal, saying that the “small town” community may seem foreign to people from the big city, but that their children enjoyed the tradition.
i really miss my kitty a lot she was a comfort kitty and i couldn't bring her with me on the train she's been laying directly next to me for most of the past four years and now i can't even see her
>finish all the orbs in the new story >roll >four Firs
>>495422 those are a food that can be really good or really gross if they're done right and really well, they're amazing if you get them at the cafeteria from a heat lamp they're probably nauseating
Kirara 🚗
>>495422 ehh i don't think they are even a little tasty
I guess I liked it because it was honey flavoured. If it was plain I might not have liked it. I also had a taquito. It was like an omelette in a wrap.
It is a lot harder to get your heart beating faster without hills and steep elevation. Walking on flat ground is a lot less work >>495430 I got corndog because my friend is fat and has two for breakfast.
>>495429 >It is a lot harder to get your heart beating faster without hills and steep elevation. is that why you got corndogs
The humidity here is so horrible. I want 0 humidity back again.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh look it's Kannagi
Look its a TON
oh look it's tony
Kirara 🚗
>>495429 jan and i climbed a mountain and i thought it was good you didn't come you would have died no doubt
>>495435 Wow fighting words, I'll climb a fucking climb a mountain and show you.
What was it like, super steep? I also have fear of heights so I might have died if we were proper climbing it
I'm just going to kill off my already 5* Takumi for Close Counter if it comes to it. But even with that option, I can barely think of who I want to give it to. If I actually had 160k feathers to merge Saizo to +7, I'd probably give it to him.
the bulk of my ranged unit pool that's useful are blue mages >Blue Mages with defense None >Ranged units with defense Matthew, but getting rid of Fury makes his damage trash. I'd need to +8 him first
idk what you want faye is from when 90% of the units they added were unusable even if you get faye to +10 she's still worse than other bow units will be at +4
Kirara 🚗
did y'all see Goro's VA is in the hospital and might die
I saw you post it earlier. I hope it goes well for him. I'm always a little bewildered how seiyuu have spotty health from time to time. Maybe it's a stressful industry to be in.
I also hope they've recorded all the audio for FranXX by now.
>>495471 Oh with Candelabra and CD3, that sounds like fun. There has to be something more to his team though because just 39 effective def shouldn't be zeroing out all those attacks. There's Threaten Atk too in there but still.
Kirara 🚗
>>495479 this shit has a 70% recovery rate but it destroys brain tissue so he might come out seriously disabled it's so sad apparently 8 in 100k get this disease
Sounds like a splendid unit to use offensively anyway
>>495540 Well, his team is all 5 exclusives too. Anything with a unique weapon for the BST boost from that is going to be a 5 exclusive. With a few exceptions (exceptions that aren't on his roster)
My team is built with Myrrh as an unchangeable unit as she is one of two flying dragons. The other of which is a Legendary unit. I can swap her out for someone else but it would play differently. And would essentially not be the team I want to play. I'd also have to shift all my color options if I chose to use Grima. Tactics building is fun but it's very tight. Sieglinde Tactics building is even worse.
Kirara 🚗
>>495542 there are a ton of units with unique weapons that are available at 3 and 4 stars
Have you ever noticed the sheer amount of lying, backstabbery, and levels of shadiness that happens in offices? It's because those are the kinds of people who can get jobs.
I wouldn't know because I've never worked in an office.
>>495569 I can't fudge no work history. Or the half an undergraduate degree I don't have.
Kirara 🚗
what about volunteer work
there are also government employment assistance programs for autistic people
I have volunteer work on my resume >>495576 A lot of that is food service industry stuff and I can't work in the food industry. Also I tried that a while ago and it didn't go anywhere.
Anyways I'm not expecting a solution, I just wanted to vent a little.
I'm in the same boat dw
Well now I'm worried about you too.
I no longer believe in applying for jobs
The closest I've gitten to getting a job this year *gotten Was from me offering R&D advice to a group of start up people I overheard the product concept discussion of. They were going to give me an internship but then that product was cancelled and my contact left the company.
>>495561 depends on how low your standards are and what you're applying for
>>495580 I wouldn't worrry about me, even I don't do that
>>495583 The lowest standards are McJobs and walmart/target/whatever seasonal Target wouldn't hire me and I can work in the food industry.
>>495585 >can't work in the food industry is it to do with autism Well can't blame you then
have you considered doing some mturk or freelance stuff like transcription just as odd jobs you can totally put things like that on your resume and it shows pretty well that you're able to make your own headway and do things independently honestly a good skill for a resume
>>495588 I've considered it. I looked into mturk and it sounds fucking awful. Like I don't mind doing things mindlessly with precision, but mturk pays dirt. I would need to fix my comp for transciption and I don't know if I'm willing to risk exacerbating my repetitive motion injuries Then again I don't need to work to survive right now. But last time I had wrist problems it hurt pretty bad.
some people find transcription really grating and monotonous to do, but i think those are people who are really boring and don't find interesting things interesting
i still do work on rev's freelancing site sometimes for about 8-10 dollars an hour when i just want a few extra dollars to play around with it's a climb to get that familiar and regular with the process, but it's really not bad once you're there
i do get wrist and tendon problems a lot from my work though, yeah, and it's not fun it might even just be worth signing up so you have an account and then you can put on your resume that you do freelance work, so at least youve got something on there even if you don't actually do any work nobody can verify if you have or haven't been freelancing for the past six months
I've been thinking about it. Gotta fix my comp though.
Another thing I've considered doing is solving calculus problems on fiver.
i know a few people who do transcription through dragon voice so that they don't have to type people with limb paralysis or other conditions it seems like a hefty learning curve to do it that way and also to listen to audio while dictating, but some people do it quite well
Risk of rain fucked up my computer in a really bizarre (really really bizarre) way multiple times (I tried multiple times and it was a reproducable error). I still haven't forgiven it.
It magically fucked up my xorg.conf file multiple times. It didn't even have permission to write to that file. I had to fucking fix everything with no GUI Like it fucking obliterated my GUI And I had no other computer at the time to google solutions with I spent so much goddamn time trying to figure out what the fuck went wrong
>>495615 yeah even garbage games like bad rats are fun if you're talking shit with your friends while you play "it's fun with friends" isn't a very good argument for the quality of a game
>>495620 fair enough but i never found the core gameplay to be that much fun i'd rather play a game with interesting gameplay than one that is just fun to fuck your friends over with RNG in
OJ is much different from snakes and ladders That's a terrible oversimplification
>>495621 the rng is why we can have good bantz. Because it can be anyones game and you don't gotta think too hard. Really OJ is something you have in the background while you shoot the shit with people
mahjong i ain't played in a hot minute most of our players quit or left though... me you and blue, i guess we'd need to find a fourth unless kannagi is around maybe
lol no it's 1pm I've got a class at 2:40 but I should be able to make it after one game
>>495639 It feels complicated when you start and you're bombarded with terminology like dora and fu and han but the base rules are simple Just learn the basis first, then expand outwards into stuff like scoring rules
>>495639 the rules are surprisingly simple it's the strategy which becomes complicated which is the fun in playing with friends and progressing
moon I found a third for when you're ready
you're in 7447? why are there so many people here did i do it wrong it's usually ded
>>495642 no you did it right it is dead it just takes a while to switch from lobby 0 to 7447
i must have had backloaded lobby yeah
you only have a third? i dont wanna do a threesome personally it's kinda janky oh is there a mahjong discord? i am joined btw
>>495645 dw I can grab people form the discord But if I do that it fills up quick so I'd like for us three to be qued first okay give my friend a sec >>495647 Alright he just said he's getting on When we see 3:0 I'll do the discord callout
np i am ready whenever no rush man i'm excited i havent played in almost a year
>>495688 you should be immune to my strain of bad by now you probably caught the bad on the plane >>495689 i want melon soda what does lychee jelly taste like though?
Kirara 🚗
>>495690 damn i knew planes were evil we gotta return to nature
>>495690 it's very sweet and does taste like jelly sort of there's bits of lychee floating around in it
>>495691 but what if you give the animals and the trees the bad then they'll be unable to hunt and bloom >>495692 jelly soda sounds kind of strange i've never had lychee so I don't think I can imagine the flavor really
>>495728 i'm going to swipe down and see what happens
>>495726 Yeah, Iran should go and build military compounds in Syria and shoot rockets at Israel without any expectation of retaliation. (from those facilities)
She has nice rounded stats and a good weapon. She is a decent unit and you can make her good if you invest in her, but that can be said for a lot of units.
deft harpoon was great before refinements came out i imagine it's not really very special anymore though i can only +2 her also when i've got a +8 reinhardt and a +6 boey, i feel a little lackluster with a +2, or even my +5 frobin even my b.cordy is probably going to be usurped soon by someone who i can merge into oblivion
I only use Summer Robin to train my lance units but she's not a bad unit.
There isn't. But last week was Water and I ran Fjorm and my scores were all above 700. I ended at like 4914 Now I can't break 700 at all and I'm stuck below 3500 with the 5-in-a-row matches. I hadn't changed my units. >>495762 All the time I test my scores on Arena Assault first though. So I don't have to waste swords on Arena restarts but yeah, it just hasn't been going up.
do you dodge at all if the score isn't to your liking you can surrender without restarting the chain
>>495761 not the only thing that hasn't been going up i feel you bro
>>495768 well that sucks did it taste good at least? >>495770 i like to add a little bit of cyanide to my morning bleach that gives it that special kick >>495772 >ghost rider in a car so does he just skip the heroic part and just drive over people with his car now
>>495794 Unsure >>495795 For espionage You hack the printer remotely and mske it display a message saying "harddrive full call this number fir a replacement" when they call the number (a burner phone number you have) pretend to be a maintenance guy and show up, replace the harddrive and take the old one with you.