Hisone to Masotan Caligula Cardcaptor --Episode 16-17 Devils Sline Full Metal Panic! Gegege no Kitarou --Episode 3-6 Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi --Episode 5-6 Last Period Nil Admirari no Tenbin --Episode 3-5 Rokuhoudou --Episode 4-5 Steins;Gate 0 Tokyo Ghoul re
i actually watched caligula on the plane but i'll watch it again ready for guru >>494812 it's 3 zany shows and one edgy romance >>494820 yeah i was expecting a crappy tokyo ghoul knockoff but it's different and pretty fun instead must be why people were saying it wasn't tokyo ghoul on the comments
will i finish this album before ika lives find out soon
>>494817 To Devils Line's credit, I totally didn't expect a police drama Twilight when we first started watching it. Things have been beyond my expectations at the least.
he's gonna wake kaneki back up with some good old fashioned torture that's what made him crazy in the first place so it'll work again right? >>494858 he's nobody important >>494859 yeah i guess being around people who don't treat him like garbage has improved her personality a lot
It's a little depressing how she's been wrapped up in fighting now. If I remember correctly the cafe band of ghouls were kind of trying to keep her out of the whole conflict.
>>494871 he flip flops a lot but his action scenes should be nice and edgy now wait what you said devils line okay i have caligula now i swear you do this on purpose to fuck with me >>494875 a pantheon of people around a magical idol gril are holding people hostage in a simulated reality and brainwashing them to ends that are STILL unclear even after 5 episodes so not much this episode was really fucking goofy i'm glad the guy i was next to was asleep when i watched it
wooooooow you did it again so are we skipping devil's line or what >>494918 what's going on here riki >>494918 i said something about it before we started caligula lol
okay ready
Rika doesn't actually keep track of anything. Yeah is this the last show of the night or are we doing something like Last Period for the fourth show.
>The brave penguin that first jumps into the ocean But generally penguins all cluster at the edge before the gathering mass ends up pushing one into the water. I feel like that one shy pilot realized the mistake in her metaphor
>>495025 i dunno there's all kinds out there maybe there is someone out there who would rather everyone hate them and leave them alone than interact or something
thanks for anime rika and ika
i'm ready for horse girls whenever you are tilde >>495035 alright let's go!
i like this show a lot honestly it's nice and light hearted >>495039 i believe it i've seen some really weird names in those horse racing books you find at news stands
And the one that the MC is named for died like last month.
>>495072 I think if you ate 100 donuts you would get pretty fucking fat
>going to an eating contest just because you're really hungry >end up winning
That's always how it seems to go in fiction.
Oh she let it slip. Honestly I thought she was gonna retire or FUCKING DIE or something. Racing horses are kind of inbred and not bred for long-term health.
>>495089 usually when i'm running i feel a lot of wind on my face and stuff maybe that's what she was feeling but she's dumb because horses are fucking stupid so she doesn't know what air is
Let's save it for tomorrow. I'm gonna look to winding down soon.
Trainer-san is trying SO HARD to get a date with the other trainer. I respect his efforts.
>>495109 Oh that's probably why not all of them wear colorful stuff but some trainers like to dress their horses up i suppose a lot of them wear plain masks if they do, with a ltitle netting thing over the eyes so bugs don't hit the horse in the eye and mess them up
it also works as a partial blind to keep the horse focused on running fast because horses are stupid and i can't stress this enough they are really dumb and generally don't do a lot so all these baka horsegirls is kind of funny
Something about the Spe-chan short-form for her name makes me mentally shift it to being the "special eductation" kind of special instead of what it actually is.
>>495115 Yeah, I'm a little familiar with how stupid horses can be. I think a lot of those fairy tales and fantasy with intelligent horses really messes with the public perception of how dumb horses can be too. They're really kind of fucking stupid.
wow trainer-kun made a really obscene gesture >>495119 well they do have that weird horsegirl idol show thing going on so i think they probably spent a decent amount on the insert songs
The vocal music for this show is kind of Idolmaster-y to me. It's earwormy and catchy so I'm good for it at least.
i'm not real big on the idol-ish stuff honestly but the songs here are alright
well thanks for anime again
idk why nobody else really wanted to watch this i thought it was good maybe it's like berserk 2016 and i have a case of the bad taste
Yeah I didn't think it was bad. It's gotten me more into it with continuing to watch too. The pilot episode was kind of selling itself on the weirdness of horsegirls but the stuff that came after has been nice and good watching. The races are actually fun to watch as well.
the characters are getting development at a breakneck pace so it got a lot better after the first episode but honestly it had me sold on the first episode anyway there isn't enough anime that's unique like this and this one's really colorful and fun to look at plus watching people run fast in anime is always great
Yeah it's pretty much just a sports/SoL anime with a weird concept backing it.
I've listened to podcasts on good writing and one theory I've heard put forth is combining something strange and something familiar. The familiar here would be the sports and SoL side, where as the weird is the horsegirls. You're familiar with one part, so the weird stuff is sold easier to you.
>>495127 that makes sense a lot of SoL anime tend to just take two popular concepts at random and use that to make an example comic girls it's not a bad show but i've seen like a hundred anime that are almost exactly the same shit
Yeah. There's a bit of an argument to say that there's a strangeness factor for the public in professionally drawing manga, but it's definitely not really weird "enough" to really have an impact. SoL will kind of have a bunch of micro-weirdness, like being a softcore porn author while still in highschool, or looking like an elementary school student while in highschool, stuff like that.
there are a lot of shows that do both the SoL cgdct and manga theme better, too, though not necessarily at the same time but the basic premise is just exactly the same as any number of school club themed SoL
Also this principle can probably be extended to most writing as a good tool, but it's also definitely tailored at unrealistic scenarios. Like if you want to sell people on horsegirls being believable, the familiar scenario of a sports genre helps.
A lot of the CGDCT shows don't quiiiite hit the unrealistic scenario factor, so the pairing of familiar/unfamiliar isn't as applicable a tool. You don't need to sell me on a bunch of girls being friends while in high school, after all.
at this point you gotta have top tier jokes and animation for me to even remember a SoL anime after it's done airing like Slow Start but i'll probably forget about that one eventually, too.
then again maybe that's just the curse of the SoL genre. It's so populous and "safe" that all of the good and bad kind of blurs together.
I guess anime studios usually have a lot of trouble financially so it makes sense that they would choose a genre that's basic and enjoyed by the majority of the consumers, but I would like more unusual settings I guess.
Maybe like a SoL on a mars colonization project or something like that could refresh my love for that kind of anime.
SoL as content is kind of really like newpaper funnies. I mean really most of them ARE short, four-panel comics that you could read day-to-day in a newspaper. A lot of them don't really need to be revolutionary or involve writing done with attention to quality. They provide a bit of a chuckle and a feel good moment and people go on with their day.
Of course there's the satelite issue of oversaturation, but the medium on principle isn't really designed to convey a "higher level" of writing, per se.
>>495136 >start and end a sentence with "I guess" i need an editor for my imageboard posts
Okay melatonin is making my train of thought fuzzy.
>>495137 Also I'm not sure you'll even see this but I think a show doesn't necessarily have to have bad writing to be memorable and exceptional, even if it's literally a 4koma. Just look at Working!!.
Wait that doesn't make sense. I meant the other way around. A show can be good even if it's a 4koma, and include all the trappings of good writing, basically.