>>491514 >geh I don't know who we're ignoring and I hope you don't either if you catch my drift >>491517 The only poster I see above me is you No one else
>>491516 Oh you DO know what a geh is it is ABOVE YOU
>>491515 are you on amnesiac drugs do you forget that you consistently show up threatening to kill yourself like two or three times a week
>>491550 Saying something does not make it true. Provide me with evidence. You have none, because there is none.
>>491554 No, Why do you post things. Do I have pull out all the little blacks things outta my muffins now. Well at least blueberry muffins are same from hidden ticks
>>491565 imo he's trying to be ignored afraid of accountability at this point
and all he has said was just heresy
I like this
Kirara 🚗
>>491570 idk, he's reaching out intentionally and saying things he knows is provocative like slavery was a choice even if he wants to be ignored, he's still driven to grab attention
I like how wee can juist silence people and enforce heresy
>>491573 yeah but these days provocative is really just not being paid any attention to in this meta
You all lot so to set up all hilarious grudges or set ups of people behind
Watching that again the camera zoom ins are amazing. and just montone throughout. I had listen multiple times to hear Ditch cocaine mitch. I thought he said he was going to ditch cocaine himself while surround by toddlers
I saw a cat without a tail today, It was a birth defect but I got embroiled in a conflict about if it was a manx or birth defect. I am pretty sure its not a manx but I wasn't getting involved.
>>491596 >we are not anyrear truly the wisest words of the year i underestimated finland forgive me
>>491611 no, that's my complaint i dont like foots so why are they in my field of vision >>491612 and what is this???? that's just not sanitary
I am not too into the whole foot fetish thing but I think we discovered TNs fetish. Do you like have a whole folder of feet with chocolate on them ? >>491613 I read that as it's not saturday. Clearly not a footposting day
>>491606 >showing legs while giving the middle finger gettin mixed signals here
foots might be nice if you're a well-off person in my poor world carpets were a luxury and shoes/socks weren't always a thing, so foots are kind of gross
>>491618 Rich people like feet? Oh, I see your reasoning. Well in the UK nearly everyone has carpets so we don;t wear shoes and drag shit in from the street into our carpets and homes. but even then I don't think feet are like sexual or anything. I have no idea how someone can thing a foot is sexy, its like people finding elbows sexy.
>>491620 there are a lot of nerves there, and those nerves have some same CNS hubs as the pelvic region so the stimulation causes collateral effects and if you're from a more rich family with freshly shampooed carpets daily, your foots probably arent too gross compared to the commoners' foots >>491627 i'm not there are few nerves servicing the traffic from the pelvis to the spine, and many servicing the lower extremities to the pelvis region it's like cars taking the smaller highways to get to the interstate freeway the traffic collides there and the spine isn't too discerning in what it takes as inputs so some people feel erotic stimulation from pedal stimulation, but not everyone
Wait, what/ I have no idea how you ah your fucking with me.
You might have pelvis feet but I am pretty sure I don't! There is no way feet are ergenous zones or whatever. I mean they are ticklish
>traffic collisions reimagined as erotic signals from the feet to the pelvis. I'm going put down my cider now.
>>491771 I can understand where you're finding the comparisons but I don't think it's very reminiscent of Higurashi. The sums of the whole come off pretty distinct.
The only thing I can compare it from it's because the reality/dimension it's reapeating itself until the MC finds a right path. here he realizes what caused a certain action. That's why it reminds me of Higurashi, and that's wy I was very attracted to it.
Who does? Why would they? So many questions! So little time.
>>491780 Tom Ato is apparently a guitarist on the Eric Andre show I hope that's real
>>491783 Yeah, that's pretty much what I figured. I find the distinction is more in that while they both use that core narrative mechanic, they build their stories in very different ways. Higurashi is a horror-mystery; those are the two genres Ryuukishi really enjoys a lot of. Re:Zero leans more heavily on the fantasy world it has, though it definitely incorporates horror and mystery elements in certain arcs. Higurashi is also very much a drama of persons; the plots are all generally small, personal struggles. Re:Zero doesn't have as many of those and plays more larger struggles like the succession and monster threats.
They're both fun shows that I really enjoyed watching though. I'm still hopeful that we'll get more Re:Zero in the future.
Yeah, I'm aware the only similarity between them it's the repeating dimension thing. But that's what I fell in love with. I watched Higurashi wehn I was younger and enjoyed it. And Re:Zero, I watched it the same way, but I did it recently. ''The same way'' means that I binged both shows because I was enjoying them a lot. >>491787 Yes, I did, but I did it a long time ago. I was searching for similar anime and found it, really great.
Yeah, I didn't hear any good things about it on /a/. And the majority is mostly right.
Have you watched Steins;Gate as well? It's very much in the same vein of the repeating timeline.
If you're fond of that series, it has a sequel airing this season. Though the tone has shifted considerably.
>>491786 >And the majority is mostly right. Are you trying to tell me you think /a/ as a whole has a good opinion on something?
No, I think they make some good points sometimes, at least some anons do.
Don't get me wrong, I can't enjoy Megalo Box like most of you do so it just might be me.
I would implore you to at least try it yourself, and not make any personal decisions off of what /a/ is saying. /a/ has been very wrong on shows that have been of good quality and enjoyable content. You will also get people that join in on dumping on shows they've never seen because they see some people shitting on it in the first place and think "oh that seems like fun". /a/ is not a place to get a solid review of quality for anything.
i just posted a screenshot of it a while ago you probably were not in the thread at that moment. I am not fond of that quality and what you call A E S T H E T I C S when it just looks bad because it has been rendered from 1080 to 720
I try them myself, for at least 4 episodes or so. I don't just go saying it's a bad anime because someone on /a/ did it. I am there for mostly DITF fun posting and I was there for Mayoiga. It's a lame place because everyone starts aguing about politics after a while
>>491791 Most anime is animated at a native resolution around 720p; very few shows are actually done at a resolution that makes getting at 1080p a good use of your bandwidth since it's just upscaling. But yes Megalo Box is rendered to look more like a show from the era where 480p was the standard resolution for TVs. I know that might sound weird to you whippersnappers but it's the honest truth. That wasn't what my AESTHETICS comment was about but whatever.
This >>491790 comment was about the new season of Steins;Gate though, not Megalo Box.
Well, yeah, I just checked some anime site. I guess I'm going to give it a try, I just said that I've heard bad things about it, not that I am certainly not going to give it a try.
I'm surprised there are not so many animes made with different timeline concepts
For example, stuff like SAO, Log Horizon and games in general are much more popular right now
>>491794 The entire Japanese media industry has these really interesting phases it moves through; every five or six years a certain concept or genre gets super popular and the media supply gets utterly cluttered with works that use that concept or genre. One of the things I've really enjoyed watching anime for close to a decade now is seeing those epoch shifts. Right now there's a huge boom for isekai and "trapped in a video game world" kind of thing. Every season -Every week it seems there's some new popular fad isekai that people are excited over. I'm sure in a couple years someone will have stumbled over the next big genre to play off of and isekai will stop being as popular.
One outs/Cross Game/ and there was another Tenis manga/anime I really enjoyed, they were pretty good.
Swimming not so much, I tried the anime called Free but didn't enjoyed that much, but yeah. Sports has been a thing for a while.
I'm not that big on sports anime. There's some exceptions that prove the rule of course, but there's generally non-sports-related reasons I'm drawn to them.
What I'd kind of like to see is maybe a slight tonal shift in this era of isekai into a more traditional fantasy series fad. Just get a bunch of settings in well-crafted fantasy worlds. Anime doesn't really every get fantasy done "right" though.
>>491810 yes fantasy BUT it's just fantasy and we skip the bit with the truck save some time >>491814 I love post apoc but I dunno if it'll be popular with otaku Still. Lawless land, potential for action, self insert mc adds girls to his harem as he travels the land. Maybe it has ingredients to get popular
What about some post-apocalyptic anime like that one with the two girls
these one!
>>491811 What are you going to do about it, office-sir?
>>491814 Girl's Last Tour was a really good show. Post-apocalyptic in itself isn't something that sells me on a piece of media though, not that that's a requirement for it as a fad to catch on. It can bring an interesting flavour to a narrative, but I feel it's also easy to throw in for a lazy, easy way of building a world that is ours but not.
Shuumatsu was GREAT
Post apoc provides a setting with no rules and is easy to make conflict in It's a good excuse for the characters parents to not be around In terms of being the next big popular structure it mitework
Blame is
Blame is my favorite apocalypse setting
blame is a great manga
Kirara 🚗
blame isis
For what this time?
>>491821 I love itI knights of sidonia andI his other work is great too
Fire Punch is a pretty cool post-apocalyptic. I guess it's not like, total devestation of society but things have definitely declined.
I should read his other work... I rember reading Pun-pun and getting caught up on the author, he honestly has much better manga than Pun-pun. Girl on the shore it's a title I can recal, I don't know if anyone on this board likes him, though.
Someone secretly turned off the central vent fan thing so I wasted several hours not sleeping before checking if it was on after I got a glass of water
>order Panera per mother's request >forget the dressing because it's not a default >shitstorm occurs >has the gall afterwards to tell me not to make a pissy face about it
>>491900 yeah i grew up on stuff like this right here so i do like it but it's not always interesting to me compared to things i'm less experienced with i've been listening to a lot of stuff like this lately: >>>/watch?v=8E_jk2XbhmQ
>>491902 early venetian snares era before he developed his modern style i'm old i guess but yeah i like that kind of stuff just following melody a little bit more closely these days
>>491906 his style really changed around a lot Winter In The Belly of a Snake is probably my favorite his big breakthrough was Rossz Csillag Alatt Szulutette Cavalcade of Glree and My Downfall were two of his most highly rated albums that came after that, but imo My So-Called Life was the best thing he made after Rossz Csillag Songs About My Cats is probably my second favorite
>>491906 yeah i guess i don't think about the genre but he's anywhere from jungle to breakcore to drill n bass or whatever this is probably my favorite vsnares song: >>>/watch?v=3U4JR6GAGGM or at least the one i still find myself wanting to listen to after over a decade i haven't listened to anything new of his in a long time
Haven't listened to dubsteb in a minute. Thanks for the share, anyway.
Well, that's a mix of more genres.I'm aware of that. I'll listen to it.
>>491917 i wouldn't really call this dubstep it's mostly like glitch kinda stuff i think the labels are just there for youtube algorithms to catch the right audience
>>491969 she's like a baby >>491971 no >>491975 Today's tale is that CF aims to be a millionaire by 35. Before hanging up, she asked me about my love life. I told her I'll have the ring ready once she's a millionaire. ~ Fin ~
The other tales are far more cuddly
>>491977 Yeah, that outfit looks disgusting on Nazrin
I'm going to order Dominos and then take a shower >Pizza Hut
No don't Dominos is bad Get something better for less, pizzahut is super cheap if you order online.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I want you to understand, Rei that our RESIDENT NEW YORKER is saying Dominos tastes better
>>492003 I bet you like little Caesars. >>492006 It's not against the law for New Yorkers to have bad taste in pizza. I can walk downstairs and talk to a new yorker that doesn't like dominos if I want to.
Ah, it's almost time to go all out in Grand Conquests
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>492042 I want orbs because I haven't killed my pity on lyn's banner but my team is like 23 areas controlled I feel like it'd be a waste to use my lances
I have not racked up more than 9% on this banner. I keep getting rares
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
9.5% currently But I spent a lot of my luck and orbs on getting Hinoka and pals
>>492043 Lances reset Just so you know you won't have them next round >>492045 oh right, I did want another Hinoka. but I also want another lyn
I want a Spd Tactic specifically And another Atk/Spd Bond
I plugged up the bridge with Corrin and used horse lyn to clear out all the flyers. I tried to do it with halloween Jakob but his mobility wasn't good enough for that.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I couldn't do Frobins but Morgan & Pals beat up lyn's
>>492053 what do you mean you couldn't do frobin infermal?
The Lyn map gives you a bit more control on where enemies are coming from than Grimas That combined with my main crew being fliers let me tackle them in comfy waves.
As long as FMorgan can hit them they usually die And what she can't kill Elincia usually can And what they both can't Beruka can tank and whittle.
I used Corrin/Horse Lyn/Dark Azura/Azama for Lyn's map. Corrin basically just tanked everything.
i use frobin, b.cordelia, reinhardt, and olivia for just about every map i think that there's only been one i haven't been able to clear yet with that team oh, i couldn't clear saias on infernal with it
I use a different team for some of the GHBs. Sometimes I can clear it by just buffing F.Robin (Grima) and letting her tank the entire thing. My flyer team gives her +6 atk/spd and +12 def/res, and then she's got dragonskin and whatever seal I give her on top of that.
>>492081 you could start by training as you watch have it watch alongside you and select each character in each scene so it can learn to track characters on its own then integrate with some nlp resources already established and get it going you might need to manually polish off its outputs to the actual episodes though
Yesteryday I don't use /s and say something sarcastically as a joke. Someone takes it literally and gets triggered and the whole thread blows up in argument. Now I indicate sarcasm and I'm still in the wrong? fuck you idiot
No fuck you Don't use garbage notation no one uses and expect people to under stand you.
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
I will just add that to my posts so your 80IQ brain can understand what's going on.
>>492145 You might say I've got a bone to pick with her
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
Those cats are funny looking. They're still cute though.
check out his legs at ~0:50 when he's on the counter it's so weird what's disturbing is that they have so many of them imagine waking up at night and having all four of them hunched around you just staring at you
The Back of Love is probably my favorite song by them. But I might be sick of the killing moon.
>>492180 the crave for something new is pretty powerful i don't think i'd even listen to the killing moon again but i really respect it i hate saturation
I was seasoning my chili and accidentally got the paprika shaker and the cayenne pepper shakers swapped up. I tend to put a fair bit of paprika in since I love the flavour and a comparatively small amount of cayenne. So this'll be interesting.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
climb dat mountain i need a swimming pool stat
>>492183 There are 10.6 million swimming pools in the U.S.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
10 million of which are in florida
>>492185 California has the most swimming pools (3,000,000)
It's not F.lux Strong enough I have it set to just an on or off and on goes to a strong setting. I tend to have trouble sleeping so I set it like that on purpose.
>>492206 I mean yeah I use windows to adjust the saturation or whatever but that's really strong
aren't there diminishing returns with it set that high? I also have trouble sleeping so I might have to increase the slider then...
No idea, i don't particularly find it hard to view though. The color is just weird but I don't do a lot where color accuracy matters.
>>492209 diminishing returns on how much high-intensity light you're cutting out? what
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>>492211 huh I didn't know much about it tbh, I had it set to about halfway I can handle it increased a lot but I used to play video games all the time so I didn't want it set so high
what does it even mean to have diminishing returns on light adjustments to reduce eyestrain
What does it mean to have diminishing returns? http://lmgtfy.com/?q=diminishing+returns I didn't know much about monitor color adjustments and eyestrain, as I just said.
Oh hey That one is super cheesy but I guess such things suit me I haven't talked to her in a While so it's surprising to suddenly hear from her. And so when she messages me, I was like Wow didn't expect this and was about to say hello back But then I was walking past this store and thought I'd send her A picture of it instead
>>492240 Yeah, I've got two alarms set to go off without overlapping. But a bunch of times I usually manage to shut them off instead of hitting snooze before I can get properly conscious. Waking up is hard work.
We had to stay at a hotel becauseI it was already night by the time we got down the mountain we caught the veryI last shuttle back to the parking lot too
Kirara 🚗
we climbed a fucking mountain off trail we climbed so fucking high through caves and up straight fucking rock faces
>>492244 How weak! I've had to set up camp in the dark of night before.
Kirara 🚗
it's dangerous to go drive into a dispersed campground you've never been to and get set up camp lmao
fuck this wifi won't let me upload pics
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>>492245 hiking is a lot of fun have you done mountain biking before? i'd do it more often but I used to have back problems and florida doesn't have any good trails, except for like one up north called uh....Santos? I think
I hate how wasteful this is. I have to burn one of the days of vacation I just saved up Because it's too late to come in Not doing this again >>492260 Thanks I try.
jan scraped the shit out of his arm and was bleeding i grabbed a fucking cactus with my bare hand i also slipped and maybe bruised a rib or something today was so good
>>492274 I didn't see it there so i pulled the spikes out and put aloe on my hand
Lets roast some heart yams
>Unless it's the name of something I have played and didn't know the name of. >Sounds like a puzzle game I knew it was that game I have played it. I didn't finish it though. It was fun but after a certain point, it gets hard and I got tired of thinking through them.
>>492289 How terrifying. I guess that got your heart pumping though.
I'm going to texas soon. I'm a little nervous about the flight since I got a really really cheap budget flight
Who's the flight company?
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
my uncle apparently got a $40-something flight from florida to NC with I think Allegiant Air i don't trust spirit after a family member had an engine fail on their flight frontier is good cheapo i think
My flight is $38 From New Mexico to Texas >>492389 Oh damn, how so? I hope it goes okay for me
Kirara 🚗
>>492383 sorry to hear that every single frontier flight ive ever been a bad experience
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
his was round-trip, one way was $14 I think
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>>492389 in what way was the flight a bad experience? not enough leg room or something?
Kirara 🚗
like constantly getting delayed or canceled because frontier has very poor planning and can't deal with new demands they have ruined every flight ive ever had with them one time they almost went off the fucking runway when we landed frontier is a horrible airline
They also have DUMB SHIT advertising.
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>>492394 >one time they almost went off the fucking runway when we landed holy shit
Ah fuck I thought it'd save money because I'm poor but. I don't want to die or get fucking trap in texas
Kirara 🚗
you won't die but it probably won't be a pleasant flight
Yeah there's no way you'll die or get trapped. At worst there'll be some stupid delay. If you can take what you need in Texas in a carry-on you don't need to check that might be good too.
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>>492399 airplane deaths are so incredibly low they're astronomically safer than driving
Delays I'm used to, I'm british the trains and buses are never on time. but I'd rather not have my plane go off the runway and crash into something.
Kirara 🚗
you'll be fine
>>492403 You don't have Kirara's E-rank Luck. Nothing bad will happen to you.
This'll be like the 3rd flight i've had in 20 years. I am also scared of hights so I hope everything goes well!
>>492407 Well a flight into Texas from where you are is probably not too long a flight, especially compared to the one that took you over the Atlantic. It'll probably be a little stressful but it'll also be over in a skip.
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
yeah lemme just drive down the road 1 in 5000 chance of dying but i feel safe cause i'm in control OH SHIT I'M NOT IN CONTROL IM GONNA DIE I feel like that often but if you know the numbers it's not so scary
>>492412 Its about an hour and 45 minutes so just about 2 hours
>>492413 I don't really think logic or numbers make s my anxiety or phobias any easier to deal with. I just have to just push through it and keep calm
>>492415 hmm maybe listen to music and close eyes or something, picture yourself on a train or idk if you google it there might be some good methods for dealing with flight anxiety
Am I the only one that finds it less pleasurable to watch a good anime week by week as they release episodes instead of waiting for it to be finished so you can watch it in a day or two? I keep forgetting details and feel like I lose interest when I have to wait a week in between
I'm really excited to get properly introduced to this Ao Oni.
Kirara 🚗
>>492490 you're the only one in the entire world that's like that
>>492490 yes you are the only person out of 7 billion that prefers to marathon anime
franxx's new op is nice
I like the ED too. The music for the show has been pretty on point.
Kirara 🚗
did your lips taste the kiss of dess
the new franxx was awesome i can't wait to see what rom the vacuous-chan is going to fuck up
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>>492492 >>492493 i mean like, out of this small sample size i was asking the thread ;~;
oh yeah Kirara they just teased a new 00 anime And implied that they might be reviving Neil Which would be fucking dumb and ruin his sacrifice and story arc
>>492536 gotta sell more plastic crack HOw's the mountains doing
Kirara 🚗
wtf why this
Kirara 🚗
>>492535 great i grabbed a cactus with my bare hands and maybe bruised a rib it was awesome
>>492535 I posted a very big image of the mountain we climbed earlier crrl+f dropbox you should find it imats posted aI bunch of great photos too
also wqtch Megalo Box if you havent yet we watched it yesterday
>>492548 >>492549 Yeah, I've searched it on google aswell, found that post, read the manga expecting that pannel, but I didn't find it. It's not it, and every google image search it's just someone's profile pic or something similar, no source of the image.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i just broke like three traffic bylaws on a bicycle (as usual) and suddenlyi hear this megaphone out of nowhere behind me NEXXIME WEAH A HELMET cop car takes off
It doesn't seem like this manga is going to be about them in any case but this seems to be the closest to seeing the background of the Isekai Management Organization
so I went into my old work the other day to get some things I forgot and I guess that reminded them to pay out my holidays? I haven't worked there in a month and now there's a good amount of money transferred into my account at least compared to what used to be there
>>492591 job program I'm applying for the job I'm in training for, I think I don't even know, shit's so unclear and convoluted
Would save us all a lot of time if they just asked me if I wanted it, and evaluated me based on my performance instead of needing a formal application and shit Like dude, I'm already in the building, just like, grab me for 5 minutes
>>492598 Yeah but I'm 3 weeks in and the previous \\ dude who's my manager\whatever needed 2 months so yknow It's not like I'll get this job, but they want to see that I'm motivated because that's what these people think is needed
Those slashes made me think you were actually asking "dude who's my manager? "
I found a nice looking yuri manga that came out not too long ago it had like 3 translated chapters, anyone happen to know the name? lost the tab when I reinstalled my os
I am envious of people how can listen to music and concentrate at the same time. I wanna play music while working on something but It is hard to concentrate with music playing. But It feels boring when I'm in silence.
Truly I have become Ohio
Wow My mouth tastes awful
>>492623 >But It feels boring when I'm in silence. I used to be this way too, but I trained myself into being okay with silence now believe in yourself
I think it is just the lack of stimulation from the enviroment. I am used to silence but I've been used to hearing cars rush by or occasionally people's voices in the background. I've opened the window now and it think its a bit better hearing the birds chirp.
Music doesn't work well for me, so I guess this will do.
>>492647 it used to be a free download but it doesn't seem to be anymore i might have it on my old harddrive when i get a chance to plug it in
It's also very gory.
https://mangadex.org/manga/26295 It sure is something.
>>492647 you can listen to the tracks individually for free here though https://carlsagansghost.bandcamp.com/album/music-for-home-offices-volume-one along with most of his other stuff just not download it or play whole albums continuously
>>492666 i agree it's from this channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvUgdUYpn22E12OPvMLhhJw definitely worth following there's regular uploads like this and also a 24/7 streaming radio i listen to it a lot, though sadly i can't listen to it while i'm working because i need to hear my work
>>492665 Not sure yet. Probably something in between since we pay for parking in the parking lot where it was towed from.
Although the scumbag towing company so renowned for its awful practice that it had a song written about them is probably going out of business this year. http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-biz-lincoln-towing-license-hearing-20180213-story.html