Thread #492248
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Hisone to Masotan Amanchu Boku no Hero Academia Cardcaptor --Episode 16-17 Comic Girls FranXX Devils Line Full Metal Panic! Gegege no Kitarou --Episode 3-6 Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Nil Admirari no Tenbin --Episode 3-4 Persona 5 Rokuhoudou SAO A: GGO
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I sent up the ika signal.
okay i'm thinking persona 5 boku no hero franXX comic girls
really good shows tonight
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persona 5 oh and i didn't notice amanchu was out so persona 5 boku no hero franXX amanchu okay let's start!
Oh I'm sorry tab wasn't showing new posts.
super good night of anime!
It'll be exciting to get back to FranXX this week.
Did they pawn off the scumbag coach's medal or something.
>To Kamoshida, that gold medal was worth as much as a crown. And they pawned it off for money to feast on good food. What heartless teenagers.
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It's interesting how by the book they're following the game.
Morgana is a cute cat.
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They're even giving attention to momentos. Momentos is such a gamey thing, most adaptations would have just ignored it.
>Amongst the general public, "cats turning into buses" is an accepted phenomenom. Thanks Ghibli.
Shouldn't really be that surprised that a place specializing in coffee and curry would have both good coffee and curry,
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Ann is like the most boring character in the cast.
Oh it's Sugita's character.
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best boy is here okay boku no leader okay lets start!
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bo ku
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Last episode was excellent. I have pretty high expectations for this one too.
Deku's in SHREDS
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Deku is already messed up. I wonder how much he can help now.
He still has his legs!
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Eraser finally gets a chance to be cool. He's had a lot of bad breaks until now.
His power's just too OP to be given free reign. Any pragmatic villain would be shutting him down before hey can take control.
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I imagine he'll have a tough time before it's all over.
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haha, the stain fanboy saved his butt.
Stain helping out a bit in the end.
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Stain is almost a good guy when you get through some of the superfluous.
And the fact that he's committed to killing people. Like I'm not saying heroes avoid brutality but the good ones seem adverse to murder.
>Shooting a gun at someone literally made of metal
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Seems like he did some damage though.
It's student vs. student again!
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wow he went super dark okay franXX okay lets start
Dariin yori moooo
New OP animation!
So they're no longer being looked after, and have to look after themselves. Not quite children anymore.
They've got the bland-looking military food and trays, but then they drink water out of fancy glasses. Oh this is some psychological experiment of the doctor's huh.
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Looks like she got her cute back.
Character development!
Wow, she's daring.
>In fact, I'd like to live this way forever Well we all know what's not going to happen then.
kokoro and mitsuru are so cute
Miku with her hair down is pretty good.
Grey hair at such a young age, eh.
Mitsuru takes on a much different look with his hair cut like that.
>But this is fun! Look at all this stuff burning up!
Yeah who needs Grace anyway.
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They're really setting up this fall big time.
Yeah there's a lot of tension building in bunch of spots here.
This is kind of good handling of the fact that they're child soldiers a bit. At least in the ways the ones who are struggling are. That sort of thing really messes with a kid.
These EDs are consistently pretty good.
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nice foreshadowing okay amanchu okay lets start!
Oh yeah this week might be Sensei's chance for gaaaayyyy
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This ep should have lots of diving to make up for the last one too.
They started off with a diver's myth so yeah, most likely.
Aqua Ring!
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Diving seems like the kind of thing you really need to be a very meticulous person to be able to do.
Well at least if you're using a modern drysuit like these ones. I mean it's probably much more dangerous in general if you're not being meticulous I guess. But there's a bunch of mechanics they need to be aware of just as a part of these suits.
Ane-chan-sempai always has a monkey-face.
>You look kind of alike Well their eye and hair colours are inversed I guess.
Sensei really wants to see her mermaid.
Hah hah RIP
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Not really what I expected but I guess she's fine with him.
Yeah I guess she likes her guys big.
Oh I guess that explains the bath towel, hah hah.
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Oh looks like he's not that much of a mystery.
Halloween incoming!
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