Oh yeah there's barely anything with which they could listen to records. I don't think a gramophone could play a 33 or 45 rpm record properly.
I guess the most feasible way they could "listen" to it would be to understand music notation and read the sheet music. Not that punk is complicated at all.
>>492689 Oh also if we are to attribute punk's supposed death to a single person it would probably be Malcolm McLaren. Since he was behind The Sex Pistols' rise to popularity. And that popularity is what is said to have killed punk.
And then punk died again in like 1990 with Green Day's initial rise to popularity. And then they defaced punk's grave with their return to popularity around the release of American Idiot.
>>492692 it's the least powerful of these youmus >>492696 She made things pretty complicated
avril lavigne is the best punk artist imo
daily reminder that good charlotte is (still) sugoi's favorite band
Jesus Christ how Horrifying
Anyways there are barely any good "new" punk bands. Most of the good ones are either old bands that still record and tour or composed of members of old bands.
>>492711 I bet you can write, though! handwritten /moe/ board
>>492713 I guess that would solve my problem of wanting LaTeX. Sort of, my handwriting math or otherwise is kind of bad.
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
there will be keyboards with positional tracking someday can already be approximated with that SteamVR sensor puck just need software to bridge the gap and maybe those wandless controllers to unobstruct fingers
>>492715 i'd really be happy with a vr workspace and just plugging my keyboard up to my laptop and porting in a screen feed in the workspace
You would have to use a foot mouse with it though.
>>492718 i was looking for something like that i've seen a few variations except just in a glove format
Someone made an open source version with available schematics, code and 3d models I don't know if its been tested much tthough. An actual original data hand will cost you in the thousands though The company that made them almost reformed I'd like to see more stuff like it in the future
I've got few cards to play and some I should have played ages ago, but oh well all are just temporary fixes guess I will need to enter work force again
Were you planning on getting some money without having to work?
Freelancing etc which is what I have been doing so far
but I guess step 1 is to swallow my pride and head to leech some tax money
It's never enjoyable to have to do that. Does Finland have some sort of employment-finding assistance or something?
A good sort, but they can be more problematic than aiding for example expecting you to accept whatever job they offer, even if commuting to it will then cost you more money than not working at all
Yeah, I've got similar concerns about the agencies here that help with that sort of thing. It's looking like I might have to turn to them, but I don't really want to get slotted into a mind-numbing, unchallenging task.
oh well it is quite simple though mostl ikely will cause a little bit of headache first secure initial money to pay bills then apply for state benefita then get job and afterthat figure out what next
and on that notice, I will need to get some dynamite for bank robbing
I think drills work better in this modern age.
maybe take the drill from my drill fetishist neighbours would permanently silence them too
Most likely some trouble/boom with metal/forest industry which resulted in us devaluing our currency that are what those spikes are letting our "currency float" to get the trade flowing
might have been to do with the oil crisis
absically >Occasionally, devaluation was used, 60% in total between 1975 and 1990, allowing the currency to more closely follow the depreciating US dollar than the rising German mark. The paper industry, which mainly traded in US dollars, was often blamed for demanding these devaluations to boost their exports. Various economic controls were removed and the market was gradually liberalized throughout the 1980s and the 1990s.
really wish i could get a loan to go back to school for library sciences or at least a loan to become a certified court reporter so i could double my salary livin paycheck to paycheck sure is hard
don't get discouraged only one out of 140+ people that applied for the position i was trying to recruit made it it's just how it goes as you search for something that's right for you
>>492784 looking at dirt ssrs id have like two options id """care"""" about dirt land fill and yggdrasil
I'm not discouraged, I'm just irritated that I'm getting denied for entry level positions on the basis that I lack qualifications.
>>492794 both are solid buffers assuming you'd want them that is. De La Fille can only super buff one person, but it's a special buff, whereas Ygg covers everyone, can dispel, shield her pals, and do normal buffs Her crit and Cag's crit stack which is why I can do damage sometimes.
>>492795 what are you applying at? have you looked at like library positions or inventory clerks those seem like things you might be cozy at
>>492797 I was literally denied an entry level library position two weeks ago I never heard back for inventory clerk position
>>492796 Super Buff is all I need if I just play the Ayer train I could always get best Wind Boy who just so happens to also be Best Water Boy aka Lancelot
I'm in the catch 22 of "you need experience to get a job, but you need a job to get experience"
>>492799 I tried memeing with Halle earlier She's just so fragile to build up Whereas with Ayer you just risk him at low hp, but even at high hp he does DAMAGE plus echoes for basically free
Although I did get an email back about an internship. But it was an email letting me know that I have to schedule an appointment before I can apply. This email was a response to my email requesting to schedule an appointment because their "enter your email address here to schedule an appointment" thing is broken.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
granted, investing in Halle's EMPS would give her like 30% dodge chance
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh sorry 10% + 10% + her innate which I actually don't think she has
ayer is just the hype train too bad i can't suptix aks it'd be cool if i could at least ticket the weapon without eugen
the weapon is way more important than eugen really.
this will probably be my team for GW I would like Sieg to be 100 so he doesn't murder himself but I doubt he'll see much use In fact YAIA might even be better because she's an SR that's unironically SSR tier with her 5* she buffs real hard
>>492810 Eustace is getting buffed soon but yeah Although I'm not sure if you'd want to run Titan anyway Then again Titan is kind of insane if you actually have the weapons for it.
My flight to texas is tomorrow. I hope it goes well
It'll go fine. Enjoy the Lone Star State, Kannagi.
relieved bang
>>492868 wooooooo wooooooooooooooo texas is great how long are you going to be here?
A week. I'll be staying at a friend's place. Hopefully it'll go well.
Travelling distances always makes me anxious. Loads of silly worries start popping up my head.
I'll be trying american fast food while I'm there! I might finally find out what a corndog tastes like.
relieved bang
if you're anywhere near Austin, try P. Terry's Whataburger is a Texas chain that's really good
>>492873 Remember to be clear that you're not feeling well if the quality of the food you're eating is getting to you. Your friends in the State have probably been eating the food way longer than you'll have been.
>>492874 I'll be near Austin I think. I'll be flying into Austin. Never herd of P.Terry's
I really want to try Whataburger
relieved bang
>>492876 It's an Austin-based burger chain that's pretty good You can also visit me at Panera, I can get you free food there
>>492875 Yeah, I'm not too used to heavy and greasy food. So I'll have be careful not to ruin my stomach. >>492878 Panera that bar you worked at? thing?
>>492878 Kannagi just goes in and out of every Panera in Austin, demanding to get in contact with "he who fucks".
>>492879 It's not a bar lol It's a fast-casual restaurant chain Which just means fast food but higher quality and more expensive We serve soups, salads, and sandwiches
Sounds interesting! I don't know if I'll be able to be in austin for long. but I can, I might check out stuff there.
I've heard its a super big place. I only know the betheseda games company has their HQ there I think
Austin is allegedly really cool.
Is it big? It's got under a million people.
> 271.8 mi² Huh, I guess it is.
>1 million people Thats your threshold for big? >>492888 There are only 2 cities in the Uk with >1 million people
36 minutes of translation and back-and-forth about how the questions are badgering the witness before the court proceeds fuck me most patient judge in the world i'd have tossed that shit out
imagine if you get something like that "kangaroo court" case one day
that's a gold mine since legal transcripts are usually paid per line, not per time, and they're going back and forth 2-3 times a second each speaker change is a new line
I thought courts had their on transcriber during cases?
>>492915 not really they have court recorders, and sometimes court reporters the main thing that they have live is somebody who interfaces digitally and analog to capture the recording and segment it into key moments in the trial, such as introducing who's being sworn in, the attorneys present and their respective firms, the court's summation, and the court's decision on a case it's really there to make sure things are properly recorded
some courts will have a live stenographic court reporter who is capturing live audio feed into syllabic notation, which is then later fed into an interface for decoding the syllabic speech into words, and then has to be edited because it's very inaccurate
with the electronic digital reporters doing the detailed prep work, the current standard is still to port that into some court software designed to be human transcribed non-live by certified legal transcriptionists like me, following the state guidelines
i'm certified in three states atm but i don't really get legal work often at all it tends to be a big chore when it is, because attorneys are fukken dum
relieved bang
I'm feeling really frustrated and antsy and I'm upset about mosquitos and I'm bored as fuck but I physically can't do fucking anything
>>492919 Oh wow, Its pretty neato to learn about that stuff. I thought they always had someone making notes on that machine thing they have on their laps I have wondered about the shorthands people use. I wonder if live translators have to use shorthands in their head
I am guess legal work is better pay? It feels like it should be better pay. >>492922 the Eurovision host for the UK a while ago. He died, I think we have Graham Norton now.
>>492921 regarding the stenographers, it depends on the court. big courts will probably afford to have a stenographer doing that, but considering you have business days, it's usually cheaper and better quality to just send it off for overnight work i think there's probably regulation according to the court as well depending on the level of court that it is, that some courts have that in there for posterity but in a lot of cases, it's the representing law firms who are requesting the transcripts, so they just have it sent to legal transcript service providers
it may be that the firms have the choice to have the stenographers there live, i'm not sure. if so, it just comes down to their standards and how they bill i know though that when i do get legal work, it comes directly from one of the two firms from which either of the attorneys comes from, and not from the court directly
>>492921 regarding pay, meh again, it depends i feel like for the time i spend with legal it's probably about the same i have to do a lot more research with legal than i do with the other stuff, but that's probably because my other stuff is mainly pharmaceutical research and i'm a medphys major if i was in pre-law then legal would probably be way more lucrative
>>492921 i never watch the broadcasts with the annoying announcers
just the actual local hosts
I've never seen it without the announcers. but I haven't watched it in years now. I think the last one I watched was Lordi
So erdogan is actually campaigning with "I will continue and escalate operations in syria" Isn't it quite werid that in this day and age, there are politicians running for "vote me for more war"
>>492923 how'd you even get into transcription in the first place. It sounds like a lot of work to do and all the confidential stuff and that.
>>492928 i studied a lot of linguistic entropy as my maths focus and because really interested in channels it's not the job i wanted, but it gave me plenty of opportunity to continue researching aside my work
Your hearing must be pretty good if you having to listen to audio all the time and pick out what people are saying.
it's not particularly easy, but it's not really that hard either some people find it a little grating and boring, but with signals communication in mind i'm usually fully occupying my mind while doing it
I have a real hard time sometimes figuring out what people are saying in videos and definately in music. It'd be nice if everything had subtitles. >>492931 It was super cool when you showed me that Japanese transcript. That was fun!
>remember some song wtih misheard lyrics for years >oneday actually read the lyrics >still can't hear it correctly, just the misheard ones
>>492932 huh... i do a lot of those oh, i think i remember which one it was, yeah, about cars i've done so many mongolian transcripts that it's easier for me to transcribe their mongolian speech than the broken english of the translations at this point
>>492934 Yeah It was about Cars. It sounds cool, its like your secret hearing in on all sorts of conversations. Maybe thats what its like to work for the NSA. transcribing terrorist webcams audio
the nsa isn't nearly so interesting to work for but yeah, it's awful interesting to hear the deepest conversations of every industry and what's going on, how they think modelling every industry's process of deliberation is really insightful about the human mind in general i think that it has broadened my understanding of myself and my ability to connect with other people and relate to their intentions and concerns in a way i wasn't able to before you learn not to be too judgmental either, because comments that out of context seem really obtuse or naive, you're suddenly listening to a three-hour conversation in depth by people who've studied one solitary aspect of economics or photography or market research for their whole life, and you are there mapping how they feel into lexical form it's awfully neat to have as a job to be honest
I wonder if they'd fit my expectations, every high level management meeting I have ever been to. Has been super retarded. There are so many managers which fuck up meetings.
I'm pretty envious except I could never do it, It takes me a very long time to work out voices in audio. My hearing is pretty poor.
industry standard is 4 hours to complete one hour of spoken audio at that rate you get $7.50-$15 an hour depending on the job entry level tends to pay around $30 per audio hour (very substandard and i dont condone it) and a job like my main gig pays about $60 per audio hour on average, 4 to an hour is a reasonable expectation for someone of average typing speed and suitable experience i have some things that i can complete in a 2-to-1 ratio and some things that take six hours per audio hour if it's just miserable audio. if i can keep my average of 2.5-to-1, then it's fairly lucrative, making me about $24 an hour before taxes and not having to waste money on gas and other stuff but eh, i'd really take a $10/hour job that was simple over this, because it's constant work trying to maintain it's fairly high stress to manage that volume of stuff for instance, sometimes i have to transcribe and edit 200+ pages in a single day that can be really taxing on the brain
I've had to do transcription of audio before for exams and I've found it so mentally tiring. I get really fustrated at how hard it can be to figure out accents, and softly spoken people. $60 an is good? >>492939 Thats insane. I know how it feels to be mentally tired as fuck. What I hate is the dissonance for me between an awake body and an overtaxed mind. I used to just drink energy drinks all the time but my caffeine sensitivity went through the roof. I think drinking loads made me even more sensitive to caffeine than I was before. that and I had to drink them to avoid those micro-sleeps I was getting.
http://www.dunfermlinepress.com/news/16197023.Man_in_court_for_having_potato_peeler_in_public_place/ >A MAN ended up behind bars after being found in a Dunfermline street with an offensive weapon, a potato peeler. Hahaha at this rate "defense against fresh fruit" becomes reality
>>492940 got about 20 hours of work to do over the next 32 hours, plus probably two small sleeps be a little rough but it's not so bad really once you get 5 hours into it and you start zoning out hard to do when the audio is challenging or it's legal, but for pharmaceutical stuff i barely even have to pay attention my brain processes all of it so smoothly that i can think about other things and then just come back and check it out later when i'm done typing it
You make sure you don't push yourself too much. I'm gonna head to bed now.
I'm tired and I'll probably be tired worrying about the flight. See ya moon.
>>492940 I can't drink energy drinks any more, they make my chest hurt. I mean they're fine if I have something to balance it out I suppose. Coffee by itself is fine though.
Is it kind of chilly out? did you wake up with that brisk fresh feeling like you feel so alive and so invigorated it's the most refreshing feeling in the world i love it >>>/watch?v=B4nC55QVvQg
Kirara 🚗
it was 30 degrees last night it's about 50 now we put the rainfly on the tent to help keep us warm and it helped a lot jan is still asleep rn
the fuckin hotel we were at had the fire alarm go off at like 7AM in saint louis and it wasn't just like a BEEP BEEP BEEP or a loud siren it was a fucking blaring audio announcement WITH sirens that was saying real loud (this was '70s-era infrastructure) PLEASE REMAIN IN YOUR ROOMS, THERE IS NO EMERGENCY 3x then it'd stop for 15 seconds and do it again it lasted like 40 minutes jan slept through the first 15 minutes of it, and i was trying to muffle it with a pillow and then he woke up and had an attitude like "what are you doing moon why are you waking me up" like i was the one doing it
his whole body is just like a wet pile of fabric when he's asleep too no reaction, movement, just flops in one spot and doesn't wake up to anything i really envy being able to sleep like that, it must be nice
Kirara 🚗
yeah seriously lmao it's so funny
not a very good survival skill if you ask me though he'll have to sleep underground or something when we do it for real
>>492979 if we do a long trip i think it'd be nice to just build a hut it's an all day task but man it's fun it'd have to not be on public campgrounds or something though because we can't go chopping shit down and doing all that primal shit around people tryna party on labrador weekend
Did any of your parents forced you to read when you were a kid or is it just a thing in some other countries?
i think most parents probably force their kids to read at least a little bit how much are you talking? like weekly mandatory reading or just "hey, go read" >>492985 i never was forced to but that's probably because i did way more than that anyway i was a major bookworm and still am
>>492984 I was just arguing with someone who started ranting that forcing kids to read it's bad for them I was asked myself and I don't find it that odd
idk, kids are versatile really depends on the home environment and a lot of things if you live on a farm and got five brothers and yall are doing farmwork all day and playing baseball in the evenings, you've got a pretty healthy level of stimulation already if you're in the city and kind of contained, yeah it's probably good to get some stimulation from reading >>492988 i wouldn't say either way is necessarily good or bad i don't think it's odd, though
>>492987 Yeah, but the person I was talking about was an italian prut who was born in the city
I used to read a bunch, but I stopped for unknown reawsons
Kirara 🚗
>>492982 yeah we're in dispersed primitive camping in dixie national forest rn
>>492989 you still read a lot online probably don't you
I mean I read twitter and moe and news articles I guess But a lot less books and stuff I am tryng to get around to reading more books though
>>492990 i wanna go somewhere where we can clear out a patch in the middle of the woods as our base of operations and scout for sturdy branches and young trees to split and use as rope and those big fuckin leaves that we can put on top of the hut to protect from rain
just by virtue of my job i'm reading like 200 pages a day probably granted 100 are probably the pages i just wrote, but i still gotta read them and then probably 30 or 40 pages of research as i'm doing my work and then like two or three hours of binge reading after i'm done to cool down
I read a lot of books about rocks when i was a kid rocks, outer space, and ocean life my family at the time got a little sketchy about it because the geology books i'd read would talk about rocks being X million years old and they'd do this, "Okay, well science says that, but the bible tells us the world isn't that old" kind of stuff I eventually nudged them out of that mindset thankfully
Kirara 🚗
hoodoo you voodoo bitch
excel her ate the lost city
Kirara 🚗
Jan over here doing his traditional 7 hour bathroom trip
got so much work to do i dont feel like anything i want like a shit ton of bourbon i bought barley lollipops but they are too fucking big and you can't just suck on them you get honey all over your teeth if you try to eat them and that's terrible
>>493006 yo, how did tusk survive anyway? did the villkiss' deus ex machina powers just bring him back to life or was it an alternate form tusk or what? i feel like i missed it, if there was even a real answer given
>where >2:51 i guess that's technically a where in proper spacetime, but still
you can go through security now if you want, but you'll be stuck there. ther e are restaurants and stuff inside the security area, but if you wanna go do other stuff, you've got until 1:30-ish before you should be passing through security
>>493016 ah I just nervous, I am going to Texas. I might go through security now.
why even fly from new mexico to texas that's a pretty smooth drive and you get to see stuff, sort of
>>493018 Can't drive and no one willing to drive me.
i'd personally just go through security early and sit by a power outlet with my phone/laptop if i have cash, i'd probably hit up one of the restaurants and get some fish tacos and beer airports and airplanes are such a gauntlet of waiting, that's why there's alcohol >>493021 d-d-d-d-d-did i stutter f-f-fish tacos.... the kind with fish in them
fish tacos are delish tacos you gotta get the right ones though there will be places that offer it but don't deliver on the expectations
It's like fish and chips except the chips are wrapped around the fish and they're not chips but rather corn tortilla.
I've been instilled by my parents to always show up to the airport for a flight pretty early. I think when they were honeymoon backpacking through Europe they missed a flight once and had to all-night in the airport lobby, and so every flight they've taken us on or sent me off too, has always been waiting like an hour or hour and a half.
Though of course I managed to mess up on my own and had to overnight in Philly one year. But that was a time messup and I think getting to the airport two hours early would have made me miss it anyway.
Flying is fun I want to fly somewhere again.
the fishes are also fried and slathered in lettuce, sour cream, and some citrus salsa of some sort that i'm not sure what it is ideally the fishes are really crunchy and have a slightly sour, citrusy taste to them with some limes on the side that you squirt onto them
TSA was nicer than I've heard about it. Shit I feel super dizzy suddenly
They were probably nice because you're a female foreigner who is white. Or cause you were polite. I personally have never had a bad experience with the tsa (or police). But I'm always polite to authotity figures (excluding teachers sometimes).
I don't remember what items I brought. I know I used my Infantry Boots. I think I brought Elixir but I don't know the third Hopefully, it's Fear Charm so I can wreck Reinhardt's bonuses
But people are several feet, as a normal thing Like 5 or 6
6 foot average height for a man
Yeah, like I said, -extremely- rough. The disparity is more noticable when you're calculating on smaller numbers. >>493065 When dealing with people, sure. It's a little less useful when dealing with large distances and metres.
thining 6 foot is 180cm, which it pretty much is give or take is best way to think about ti
it is something like say 3000 feet is one klick - 10% to get about a good accurate estimate
Which actually make all imperial measurement announcing flight captains liars as no plane actually flies in "30 000 feet" they fly in 10km which would be something like 33k feet
at least it's not named after something else, only to be a different length "Oh yeah dude, it's about as wide as 1 or 2 fingers" My dude this thing is the size of my arm, what are you talking about? "Yeah, about 2 fingers"
and doesn't help that throughout history there has been about like 20 different measured "feet" some measured it as "the foot of some dude" and kept it as that while some measured "foot" as a step >>493070 well we nordics used such systems too like aln
Earlier civilizations used the distance -the length of kings or emperor's foot as a standardized measure. But you go from one civilization to the next and the length changes. So they -are- measured for a foot, just not your foot. Or the foot of any person in recent time.
Measuring stuff is all subjective anyway. The only important thing is that the people interacting with the measurement system are all on the same page.
Most feet measurements back when they differed greatly were within 5% of the same size. I guess "greatly" in that sense is all relative.
>>493083 >the peasantry came up with something actually sensible >the upper class designed this organized chaos I buy it
>>493086 Now you're just being stupid again. Much of the imperial armies were not "upper class" And much of the imperial armies were responsible for building the roads of the ancient times. You don't want to be using arms and hands to measure road lengths.
>>493088 Probably. I mean their standardized foot would have at times been actually "measured" off the foot of an emperor, regardless of how accurate the measurement was. But in that time it would have been an easy way to curry favour of the emperor.
Oh you mean like the actual armies, not the people in charge
It seems I have 20 hours of time off saved so I can use that to make up for the day I missed And I'm going to get another 16 from that double I worked so I've got +8 12 more saved hours and I'll have a whole week.
In terms of the time and age feet is a really simple and effective measurement system you can say it outloud and anyone can go "oh" and get a rough estimate of how much it is and you have the official standardised size for it, for any actual construction or measuring projects
especially when your average step is about 2-3 of your feet lenghts, it became quite easy to measure something in "steps" too ofc this was in no way an accurate method, but it worked enough for the government work back then
ofc proper sailors learnt to do it so, that they accomodate for the arm lenght differences atleast, you know having shorter arms if a tall guy says 10 fathoms and it is actually 15, well no harm done but if short guy says 15 fathoms and iti s 10...
btw in finland we didn't have "mile" we had "dog's bark"
>>493100 I was talking more about the image but I'm glad you're going to be able to have VACATIONS.
>In 1887 the metric system was introduced to Finland. The traditional Finnish peninkulma, called mil in Swedish (that defined the same length), was then redefined to be exactly 10 km. In Finland, however, it has been much less in use than in Sweden. Peninkulma now has mostly literary use. Its most likely etymology is a mishearing of peninkuuluma (from peni, archaic for dog + kuuluma, approximately "to be heard") which meant the distance over which a dog's howl or bark could be heard
>>493106 Well like I said measurement systems are free to subjectivity. As long as the people cooperating in a project are all on the same page, anything goes.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obsolete_Finnish_units_of_measurement so somtimes you have these olden books or english books translated with the ye olde measurements like old editions of LotR that can get reaaaal wonky with the usage of the measurements listed there
>kortteli especially is fun, since it means "housing block" and can be colloqually used as say "parin korttelin päässä" just few blocks away to say where ie a store is
>>493107 I know. I was being facetious and diverting attention to my VACATIONS
>poronkusema – (approximately 7.5 km). A Sami measurement of distance; the distance a reindeer can travel before needing to stop to urinate. Today used to describe something that is at a very obscure distance away.
The website for paying my cellphone bill has recently gone crazy slow. Like I've had it giving me the "processing" loading for just logging into the site alone. It makes me worried for payments even going through. Nevermind that if I can't log in, I have to figure some other way of paying the damn bill.
>>493117 I mean it's all the same domain. I need to sign into my account with the site.
It has nothing to do with the bank And everything with the company you are paying bills to.
banks transfer money transferring money from account to account to bank to bank is banking service
>>493127 Yeah, my bank offers that online. But that doesn't mean the cell provider is going to accept that. They don't give you an account to transfer money directly like that.
is not exactly banking service, but financial rather but it is offered by the banks
Companies have to set up shit on their end in order to accept it. Which they should do. But not neccesarily. Have done I'm pretty sure my mobile provider accepts payment through that though.
If I wanted to, I could set up every bill I get so, that i just get a note at my banking account that requires me to go "click okay, enter confirmation code" once a X and it is paid or even set it up as fully automated thing, but who would do that?
Great, but that has little to do with the services the bank offers and more the choice of the commercial ventures caring to use it. And I could set up automated payment too, but I'm not going to choose that.
>>493128 account? from your bank account to whatever theirs is I mean, you might not have a bank account, but that is quite rare
I don't think you understand that the company whose bill you are paying doesn't neccesarily make available the information to allow you pay them through a bank transfer instead of a check. They have to give you their routing number or whatever. And many don't.
Why do you insist on belittling everything that doesn't operate exactly the way it does around you. Are you really so vain as to believe that's so important?
>>493135 At least we can name our children after Finnish royalty without breaking the law. And guns
>finnish royalty lol
Whatever the damn forbidden name list is I know its s thing
you can't name yourself after any existing name tbh, but some family names are protected as in you can't switch your family name to that in general you can't switch your family name willy nilly without giving some reason for it
That sounds like a distinct lack of freedom. to do something stupid But it's still a lack of freedom
>>493113 Oh Blue remember that Conception JRPG franchise? The first one is getting an anime.
>>493141 I doubt you can that easily just waltz into whatever name office is overther and change your name to Obama
>>493144 You actually can. It's just really stupid and requires paperwork. If you tried to do that they'd probably make it harder for you than someone else but you can still do it.
But why would you change yoru family name anyhow aside from say >divorce -> back to maiden name
People who hate their family Or like Your dad is a famous Klansmen and you want people to not meet you and think "oh yeah you have the same last name as 'insert famous racist name', are you related?"
Fifteen minutes to make a payment. But a payment's a payment I guess.
But anyhow I wager most european nations have bit stricter name change laws especially ones with aristocratic history >>493151 family name
>>493152 Some times the stupid name is built off the family name.
Also some times you get people from other cultures that end up regretting their name which means something entirely different in their culture. Like "Dam Son" or that Vietnamese name that was very phonetically similar to "fuck your bitch ass" or something. Imagine living in an English-speaking culture with a name like that.
Goddamn bus is late I'm going to lose my free transfer
It arrived
I'm talking to my friend about conception getting an anime and we just remembered The original Conception is an isekai lmao
>Isekai >Characters designed by the illustrator for Re:Zero Two fairly popular things right about now. Though it's a game adaptation so odds are it's not gonna be so great.
Do you know the story to this one? I played the sequel but the original is completely different and now that I've read the gist of the plot... oh boy
Nope, not a clue. I barely even paid attention to what you talked about back when you were playing the sequel so all I really know is like, the core game mechanics.
bah, I closed the window. But anyway, according to some review of the game, the story is similar in that you gotta make Star children through some outrageous ritual and fight in dungeons etc.
But the backbone of the problem is that the monsters in the dungeon are created from impure actions... including sex. Or perhaps 'specifically' sex. So until they can fix the issue that is happening in the dungeons (all twelve or thirteen are, for whatever reason, having a malfunction and they never experience problems simultaneously before) sex is prohibited.
I had a whole bunch of legal transcripts to do and most of the witnesses were children like eight years old that was really linguistically unpleasant children should be illegal
I spent a lance on this spot hoping to make the score close. By the time I finished the fight, we were up 50k points
just one lance? i just check it every eight or twelve hours and spend them all on a lackluster performance for the rewards then stop thinking about it what are knockouts? do you get anything special for succeeding? it feels like it's just farming points to me >>493187 oh, right my bad
I meant the refresh lance. I put 8 stamina into it. Knockouts are when you reach a certain amount of points and percentage majority. The spot gets dim and no one can fight in that area anymore. The team that reached Knockout is guaranteed that spot in the next round. Let me expand the map
I gotta figure out another Bad Dude I'm particularly invested in I like the guys I've put together but I could give that fellow Res Tactics from Ararararara And also Def Tactics though they'd have to not be infantry since Lyon and F!Takumi are cool dudes I want to stick around.
>>493202 any tips on how to rebuild my reinhardt he's +8 and soon to be +10 hopefully (i have the feathers, just not the 4*s) death blow seems like overkill at this point and there's so many new skills i dont even understand
DB is still his best A Nothing in the A slot really helps him outside of that. His speed is trash, his attack is on par but not good enough for Heavy Blade. I can't recommend putting Bond skills on Cavalry because they hyper extend out of range on defense and those barricade tiles that make it hard to move through are everywhere and really annoying. Reinhardt is master of the attack phase and the only stat that really matters much is his Attack
>>493205 i should add he's not part of a horse emblem team he's my core team alongside my beautiful, radiant, lovely, charming, impressive f.robin, and bride cordy and olivia i'm running desperation + brash assault on him so that i can quad in pve against infernal maps at the moment, though i would definitely switch back to moonbow for my defensive team i just don't care about arena defense anymore his res and def are actually not too bad when you factor in b.cordy's +5 buff and his massive hp pool without a cav team idk what c skill to put on him i don't even know what the new skills are tbh is that chill thing one of the c skills
now that I actually have to work hard to get Coins, I've been staring at GC pretty hard. But hm Even outside of Cav teams, DB is pretty solid. You can't run Tactics with that team so those are all out. Chill skills are B skills. >>493209 https://arghblargh.github.io/feh-inheritance-tool/ This tool updates nearly immediately when things change. It's pretty good. For C skills, I'd consider a Smoke skill. Probably Atk Smoke.
>google feh A skills >google treats A as the particle of speech, "a", and basically omits it fuck this stupid company man
that's besides the point i know how to get to a list of the A skills if i want, but google is fuckin jank i have like 20 problems a day with it because it's geared towards trends over precision probing without precision is really poor design for posterity yes, it's accomodating the majority of its functional use, but it's doing so by neglecting a large amount of its potential use google will fail to a more diligent system in the next half decade, mark my words
>>493213 i had heatstroke once! aside from spending two weeks in the hospital while they cleaned out my kidneys, i'd say i turned out just fine
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>>493218 yeah I had heatstroke/dehydration once and passed out, they called an ambulance sorry i guess?
yeah dehydration is the same thing as heatstroke ya fuckin goofs
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
I meant I don't know which one caused me to pass out I had been running nonstop for over 8 hours at work and they wouldn't let us stop for anything no matter what
did you get put on dialysis at a hospital because proteins from your torn-apart muscles were shedding into your bloodstream and destroying your kidneys
I declined the ambulance ride because I didn't want to pay for it, I didn't realize that my company I worked for would have covered it, I would have said yes otherwise I was pretty out of it when I woke up, I wasn't out long I don't think, I was able to sit down and lean my back against a car
Isn't the cut off from heat exhaustion and heat stroke when you stop sweating?
>>493228 no, it's determined by a clinician after a series of rigorous observations
Kirara 🚗
jan decided to drink iced tea instead of water despite my warnings haha
Well if it wasn't heat stroke it was heat exhaustion + dehydration.
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
I mean should I really feel sorry if he didn't take proper precautions? I don't feel sorry for myself either, I should ignored management and got water and threatened to report them
Kirara 🚗
>>493232 you should feel sorry for actually being an unlikable person and constantly flaunted how annoying you are on /moe/
>>493227 if you declined the ambulance and you're alive you really didn't have heat stroke you probably just got toasty
>>493234 I said heatstroke for some reason, I meant heat exhaustion heat stroke is much more serious at least from what I remember sorry didn't realize I typed that
heat exhaustion is very serious too and requires medical attention i mean you'll probably live without it but you'd still do damage to your body pretty irreversibly
yeah that's why i'm sayin you probably didnt have shit you just got hot and fatigued
I hope Nezi continues to decline ambulances and eventually dies
that's a little over the top i don't wish any harm on the dude
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>>493240 I also passed out in my kitchen from carbon monoxide poisoning and hit my head, didn't go to the hospital then either lmao I've decided to start ignoring advice from people and just get checked out next time something happens
>>493241 or he could just not post I'd be satisfied with that too
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>>493241 nah what are you talking about? if somebody is somewhat annoying to you they should definitely die immediately, seems reasonable to me! /s
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>493244 i dont see how this post is necessary, helpful, or contributing anything
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>>493246 but to be fair, are any of my posts really?
>>493230 at the end of the day isn't iced tea just water with tea added to it?
>>493251 it was particularly illustrative of the larger problem and i hoped you'd think about it
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>>493253 I thought about it, considered the information available, and decided that I don't agree. And that that's okay. We don't have to agree on everything.
funny how I make the exact same posts, if not worse, in my other community and nobody gets upset about it
Kirara 🚗
yes it's funny how different communities have different cultures our culture is clearly really shitty you should go back to your home on /b/ where you're happier
if you're a nice person and show respect and you are kind to people, it doesn't matter where you go you treat everyone the same
>>493264 it's not your business to waltz into a group of friends and tell them how to interact with each other and then feel mistreated by the environment of the group that you brazenly walked into
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>>493265 I never told anybody how to interact with each other, did I? Unless I forgot something you just don't treat newcomers very well
>>493266 yeah, you did you entered our environment and then talked about how you don't like the environment but that you're going to stay anyway out of pettiness we treat newcomers the same as we treat each other, with brash honesty chen integrated perfectly well and he's just as new as you are probably newer even
Chen actually isn't newer
well we don't know when nezi started browsing only when he started using a trip
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
I've had this place bookmarked for years, I posted here briefly a few years ago and then forgot about it
Fair point, I'm pretty sure chen has been here intermittently for like 5 months or more though
>>493274 >>493275 neat, thanks ohI guess it's too far to link back It's nice to see wool do othere characters besides kagerou
Kirara 🚗
>>493264 we generally do yeah until you waltz in and act like a complete shitter and disrespect us obviously we have no obligation to treat you well if you refuse to treat us well i gave you many chances and tried to be friendly with you but you consistently fail to even attempt to acculturate to /moe/ you are the proverbial American in France
>>493283 Epic The Most ebic thing I've seen all day
>>493282 >i'm gonna hang around not nice people and when they're not nice to me i'm gonna be upset about it but still continue to hang around them anyway
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>>493282 that's okay. I don't expect other people to change for my benefit. >>493281 thanks :)
>>493290 oh don't get me wrong, I think mean people should change, but not for my specific benefit I can tolerate unkind people.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
the holy trinity of alpha beta and gamma
>>493294 >>493293 it was a gigantic group though they didn't have discord back then but they had some shitty chat thing that started with an x that i dont remember and all they'd do is just smoke weed and go invade messageboards doing stupid shit brazilians mostly still exists today but with revolving users probably
>>493298 I bet if you rubbed it you'd get good luck
Kirara 🚗
we should petition sam to ban nezi he's banned people for being incredibly unpleasant before
>>493295 "mean" is a perspective we're not a hugbox we're a particularly focused and efficient community and we don't really value things like licking each other's wounds when there's important work to be done you being here and acting like that really kind of gets in the way and you're complaining about it not being nice it's not a matter of nice or mean you just dont value any of the things that we value
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>>493301 I didn't really agree that you guys were mean, I'm on the fence about that. Different, yes for sure. I was just talking hypothetically and continuing the conversation along that train of thought.
>>493300 idk community moderation is pretty op this meta
petetion for sam to do something with {these} curly boys
Kirara 🚗
>>493303 he's clearly not going to take to it and /moe/ isn't going to just ignore it
Ohyeah Kirara I finished Buddy Complex a few days ago That show was lit I love that the guy from the start who tried to kill Aoba was just some loser who was mad about being buddycucked
Kirara 🚗
>>493307 lmao ikr hinafag btfo you watched the ova movie too?
>>493307 >you will never be so mad you form a 80 year empire to try and get revenge
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>>493300 yes ban people you don't like very reasonable :] /s
nezi go away already
>>493308 nah I'm gonna watch it later. I'm excited to see how he forms his empire
>>493309 >you will never ever convince a enemy qt to defect >you will never ever have a buddy with a bond as deep as dio >tfw you will never be Aoba
If you were walking around town with your buddies and some guy just walks up to you and starts talking shit would you not remove them from your presence
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>>493313 I don't walk around town due to my arthritis, I don't have any buddies, and I'd love to have a discussion with them about why they think the way they do and compare their differences with me. So hypothetically, no I would not remove them. It would be an interesting conversation.
>>493316 I mean I have one friend I hang out with that I met from the internets but that's about it I got really depressed and lost all my high school/work friends from not wanting to hang out or do anything. And I'm too ashamed/scared to contact them and reconnect.
Kirara 🚗
>>493314 if someone talking shit is an interesting conversation, why do you cry and complain like a wittle babby when we tell you to fuck off for being a trash golem
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
Sometimes I'm not in such a great mood and wouldn't always want to talk to that person. But right now, and I think typically, I would. Right now you are telling me to fuck off and I'm being calm and enjoying our conversation, for instance.
You would be a hit at parties Stephen.
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
I don't go to parties, though.
Maybe you should. It migjt be fun.
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
Not really, I am a very quiet and easygoing person IRL. I don't offer my opinion often if it goes against others'. I'm usually just another person in the group, and don't contribute much other than the occasional joke or whatnot.
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
I am drastically different in real life from how I talk and engage with other people online.
>>493377 Pokken from what I heard was mediocre and the special hori pokken controller only works with that game. I would've bought the controller if it supported other games.
wwwwwwwwwww feelin CRAZY
Anyways You know what an electric field is right?
>tfw no Isabelle for Smash amiibo still gonna collect dust
>>493384 that sounds like a great reason to stand in a field while it's thundering
>>493386 So light in its smallest form consists of a travelling electromagnetic wave And what that means is that it has an electric field component and a magnetic field component and the field components oscillate
>>493385 I'll take anything at this point the only thing it works with is an animal crossing-mario party knock off and super mario maker for the wii U
But the components of each are perpendicular to each other
So when we say its a traveling wave, we don't mean it travels in a wave like motion. We mean that the magnitude of the fields varies in a wave pattern. So its traveling in a straight line instead of wiggling around. And by magnitude I mean "strength".
Now if you have >>493393 Its leading up to what an electret is and explaining what light is and how to not make a mistake in understanding it. I get really excited sometimes when explaining things because this is stuff I find interesting and I like helping other people learn. If you're not interested I can stop.
what is the significance of this
But like this is shit I think about all the time and sometimes I forget that not everyone has a good science background. So if I want to share a fun fact I have a bunch of prerequisite explanations. I was actually kind of surprised you didn't know what an electric field was so I had to start my explanation in a different spot.
>>493392 We've started so we might as well see it through to the end I probably won't get or understand the significance of it though
>>493394 That's an understandable feeling Being into something and not being able to discuss it with someone sucks
Nah I tthink i can get it to you in a way you understand. But like you know what a magnet is right? They have a magnetic field and that interacts with other magnets and certain metals. And there's a positive and negative.
sure I know what a magnet is
So an electric field is kind of like aagnetic field. Now right now we're just talking about the fields so forget the magnet for a sec. But basically a field is some "thing" that has a value for each point in space. Actually you know about functions so I'll just say function. And uh Do you know vectors?
Okay Cool
So there are scalar valued fields and vector valued fields. So a vector is just a representation of magnitude (size) and direction. So a vector valued field will for a point in space say "here the field points this way and it points this hard" While a scalar valued field would just for a point say "right here the function has this value" Now that value has to be a real number because thats what scalars are
So electric and magnetic fields are vector valued Now this diagram shows a section of a wire with an electric current running through it. For the wire the electric field points away from it.
But the magnetic field is really funky So imagine a wire with a current flowing through it. (current meaning electricity and electricity actually just being electrons)
Although that aalpears to be by an engineer because they pretend electricity is positive.
Okay so electricity from the field points outwards
Nonono The electric field The electricity is the current And the field is created by that And actually the electrons themselves are just electric charges
But so for the magnetic field created by a current If the electric field points up the magnetic field is perpendicular to that Err the magnetic field is perpendicular to the electric field
And basically And electret is like a magnet But with an electric field instead
I sorta get it but I don't understand the significance of it
If you take a magnet and an electret and put them near eachother If you push the magnet to the left the electret will either up or down Instead of going towards the magnet like another magnet would.
Oh and aas an example of electric fields that you might understand Have you ever taken an inflated balloon and rubbed it on your hair?
If you do that it wilp collect electrons and become negatively charged and your hair will float up towards the ballon if you hold it over your head . And you could also take small pieces of paper and if you out the balloon near it they'll fly over to it. So electric fields also attract (and repel) things like magnetic fields. But they have visible interactions with things other than just metals like magnets.
>>493436 Yes actually Like literally You can use a speaker as a microphone without too much trouble. A simple speaker anyways But I was going to get into the transducer part and some other stuff
Though a mic will usually have an amplifier in it I guess
Yeah I used my old headset as a mic for a short time back in like, 2010?
>>493437 Okay do you have socks and a flat even surface to stand on?
I mean I have a rough idea how a mic works, but I couldn't possibly make one I've got all these bits of information
>>493441 Dammit What if it didn't require you to get up from your chair
I dunno man I'm pretty lazy
Ll Does your chair have wheels?
I have a wheely chair I'm on a bus rn
Oh okay Well When you get home and sit in your chair. Try pulling your body with your own arm while sitting in the chair without your feet touching the ground. Pull to the left. And tell me how far you travel.
Or push on your right side, push to the left.
Well the real answer as to why it doesn't work is conservation
>>493474 not surprising considering the game is anti-toxic masculinity and about growing up and not being a piece of shit for no reason /v/ is exactly the kind of people that would feel attacked and threatened by the portrayal of masculinity and adulthood in it
>>493474 That was the dumbest shit >OH KRATOS HAS A BEARD NOW IT'S A NUMALE GAME >oh he has a son it's just like the my wifes son meme xDDDDD >oh look a journalist said something about the game and "toxic masculinity" it must be a political hit piece of a game
No one thought he grew a beard because he moved from tropic Greece to FUCKING COLD SCANDINAVIA?
>>493478 it's good that stuff like that is being well-written, instead of the earlier forms where it was used as a placeholder without the ability to properly occupy the space with meaningful writing and you just get a conceptual husk that pretends to carry a message but nobody knew what the message was, just how it should be received that backwards writing that stems from demographic assessment
they do it with everything chinese is so fascinating to me in my love of linguistic entropy because there's so many nooks and crannies to hide so much contextual meaning that's only decodable within a certain social sphere it's so fluidly evolving as it's being used
It's a language that's existed and evolved mostly within one consistent identity for like, five thousand years too. There aren't many languages out there that exist that long without being considerably "polluted" by surrounding cultures.
just think about identity, activity, and how you use language in china whatever your hobby is, sports or games or drama television shows or whatever, the crowd of people you're going to interact with is going to encrypt so much meaning into slight variations in the language to color that hobby how they want probably won't even understand it if you're not already immersed in that hobby that must be really cool to have community engagement like that, and where you sprawl out your identity between your work and studies and hobbies in life i mean, we're all weeb af so we've kind of got that like a little tiny bit, but i bet it's nothing like what china has and with that many people in china, everything is going to be saturated, so there's always going to be a community for an activity and even with the social saturation, you can still have your own little pockets of entropy within the sphere of your friends that's really fulfilling
And you can see it in stuff like the English slang that rhymes shit and then replaces words with a rhyme once removed. Can't remember the name. Cockney?
The sheer extent of Chinese language must make those isolated culture spheres much easier to prop up though. So much of the language must not be really used in common conversation that it's so easy for a new culture to move in overtop words that were once used other ways.
i really would like to publish a paper on natural language encryption but i dunno if anyone would take it
>>493552 Yeah Cockney rhyming slang. I was extremely slightly aware of it but a couple weeks back I learned the actual mechanisms behind it and it astounds me that people could actually use it as means of conversation.
>>493554 I'm sure there's probably interest in a paper on subjects like that in the right fields. It might be rough getting it in front of the right people though. At the least I don't know how to.
i gotta be careful though people are snipy about stuff like that especially the indians zero regard for academic integrity always snipin my shit i gotta keep it encrypted even when published
>>493583 We only have minor wounds. We're pretty sore, though. We've ascended probably 6000-7000 feet over the past few days and descended that much, too. We managed to stop Jan's impending heat stroke before it got bad, too.
>>493591 Because we free climbed up straight rock faces in Zion and climbed through caves and stuff, so we scraped ourselves up pretty bad. I think I bruised a rib a little, too.
>>493594 It was worth it. It was amazing. We went somewhere nobody has gone in probably years. We climbed the Towers of the Virgin and almost made it to the Altar of Sacrifice.
>>493606 feels good man the summit level is pretty hype
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>>493606 Yeah they made it to the climax, I'm sure it was enjoyable.
>>493608 That's good to hear. I tuned out of watching content from the game at about two or three levels in. And I'm letting it sift out of my memory so I can play it for myself, fresh, some time in the future. Probably when it gets a sale on Steam. Though if I get a job soonish I might get it for Switch so I can platform with a proper controller.
>>493611 yeah i got it for switch for the portafactor feels psp man
>>493612 There's a n outlet store near me that deals in Cadbury chocolate. I've got an easy out of just getting my mother one or two kilograms of chocolate she likes on the cheap.
The one that cancelled was a connecting train to the one that takes me home. So I jumped on an earlier train to the halfway spot. Because I'm tacticool
that's not how you wear those!! please do it RIGHT you are NOT leaving the house looking like that if you can't wear them right, you won't be wearing them AT ALL
and you wuz gonna go out on the train lookin like that shoot, you lucky yo train got cancelled ida cancelled a lot more than that if i catched you on that train like that bout to cancel yo breakfas, lunch, and yo wardrobe