Hah hah, yeah, it's not really much in your control. Honestly it's more a comfort thing for me than anything. I always hope people have a safe flight. Anything less than that can be at best unpleasant.
also i found some confidential shit in one of my pockets that i should have shredded at home haha ill have to put it in my bag for later and just burn it or something
Kirara 🚗
i got to the check in counter to check my bag and they told me i was like 3 minutes late for checking my bag and would have to check it at the gate so im standing here with a bag containing a pocket knife, a 5 inch kabar knife, and a small saw like, welp, i guess ill see if i can make it through TSA
obviously i could not but they were friendly about it probably because im wearing my business casual attire because i was going to manipulate the rental car people into removing the young renter's fee
Also it seems like drug sniffing dogs don't have /// don't like, mistake kratom for anything else, which I assumed was the case but it's nice to have a confirmation
Wow that's a lot more well trained than I expected I thought they'd sniff out all drugs legal or non legal
makes sense to me but >taking legally grey substances on a plane the fucking madman >>490443 kratom just smells like grass, dogs aren't especially interested in it
dogs are trained mainly to smell things like ether and other chemical smells that hard drugs put out.
they won't sniff out anything that they aren't specificially acclimated to, and it takes a lot of effort to get them to smell the hard drugs to begin with
Kirara 🚗
>>490443 they get trained with specific drugs so they're only attuned to specific scents
>>490445 if it makes you feel any better I smoked weed right before I went to the airport last time and the dogs didn't even give a fuck they probably couldn't smell it over the FEAR
that and i washed my hands and changed clothes like a reasonable person who is getting high before they go to the airport
it didn't take very long to fill up my bag while packing this time the sleeping bag alone takes up one half of the total compartment space
Kirara 🚗
yeah my bag is packed to the brim ill have to find a more efficient system or just bring my backpacking bag instead of putting it all in a suitcase preferably id like to drive next time haha i am cursed at planes
WoMBond is strong If the update gives me a Def Smoke seal, Myrrh will become an even more dangerous team unit.
Part of me wants to make Eirika my Summoner Support unit but I really like experiencing her with the exact stats that she goes into combat with. Then again, if it raises my Arena score range, I'd get more points more often...
Oh, since I don't think you'd keep up with the news, Arulu actually got a 5* not too long ago. Not one that I could probably use before the upcoming dirt GW though.
You know, feeling uncomfortable because of deep-rooted racism is one thing, but actually acting on it is just fucking disgusting
Kirara 🚗
it's insane that some random ass white lady can ask cops to get rid of colored people and the cops will just do it
what the fuck was she expecting
Kirara 🚗
what do you mean she expected them to get rid of the natives and they did
yeah but why was she nervous did she expect them to have guns or something >>490486 >>490485 I get that but like Like what goes through someones head to lead to such actions What was the thought process
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
No I imagine she was nervous because they weren't white.
wow she's dumb >>490489 I expect it to have at least some sort of rationalisation for her irrational behaviour This is low
Kirara 🚗
you're expecting this to be rational racism isn't people just get scared and freak out
Kirara 🚗
their rationalization is that those people look suspicious to her they look suspicious because they aren't white
>>490479 literally remove cops Also i saw a power rangers old video and i feel old as fuck and that I'll never truly overcome my inmaturity or wahtever.
Enjoying the things you did when you were younger is just a method of keeping yourself sane. Don't worry abou tit.
i worry about tit every day tho.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara 🚗
capitalism never comes through when you need it i was expecting to be in nevada by the time i was hungry but obv that's not happening so im pretty much stuck eating airport food but the only places open here right now are burger king and a pizza place but the pizza place only has bagels?? because it's morning and im not gonna pay $8 for a
>>490491 does anyone truy overcome it I feel like everyone's just pretending they've got everything together at best
Was /// there's also literally no reason not to like power rangers If you don't think super sentai is a cool idea then your soul is just cold and dead.
>>490511 valks are so fun muspelheim's valk is my favorite of the 6 i fought i beat the story the last boss is one of the best bosses ive ever fought, it was really fun but the game didn't have enough real story bosses imo
modi and magni was an entertaining fight but it wasn't a challenge at all most of the story bosses have been as such actually it's nice to see there are optional fights that are more difficult
Kirara 🚗
none of the story bosses were challenging tbh i want to replay in a higher difficulty
the fights are all really beautiful and have cool sequences and stuff but they're pretty easy
I should get this Lyn to 40, play a little and then see if I'll sacrifice her to Eirika or not. At the very least, I'll have her stuff unlocked in the Hero list.
I should probably prepare a pillow and change of clothes for tonight too.
i missed it because frontier said i was three minutes late to get my bag checked and id have to check it at the gate so i had to try to get my bag full of knives and a saw through the TSA
man fuck those guys i'm really getting sick of their shit
Kirara 🚗
yeah me too why can't the other airlines do flights at convenient times
Kirara 🚗
so now i get into Vegas at 3:30 pm
ill still have some time to check out red rock before it's dark i guess
>>490565 >>490567 it's really good i've had to block everything out the past year and not allow myself to enjoy things because other people would ruin them now that i'm free i never want to have to do that again i want to enjoy such wonderful things
i just finished epi 3 and it really sped things up
Kirara 🚗
ange is such a good character the show does character development really well which is kind of unusual for a sunrise show like that
the betacuck was an amusing villain am still miffed they didn't release his version of the song
wow it evolved from a shitpost that hurt my brain into something amazing
>>490636 I feel like I missed something. What makes you sad about it? Is it the part where he holds the microphone out to the audience and the y don't say the lyric?
>>490655 can't remember was it actually a mistake on his part, the builders or just lack of knowledge about supporting structures in certain types of terrain but considering there were many big buildings buitl that would have caused similiar depression on the ground, I think they should have known how to dry and prepare the land for the founding
>>490657 history has actually forgotten who exactly was the architect of the tower it strikes me as odd that so many other towering structures exist around it but they apparently didn't know the ground was too soft for this one
well the whole thing took like 250 years to build because of the constant sinking
>>490660 I am guessing, since they built it as the final clocktower part of a cathedral complex and ran into no other issues or had lost records of any pre-measures to such issues they simply didn't bother to fortify/dry the land
Besides even if you do dry and fortify the foundation with modern construction methods, structures can still sink sometimes the ground just is crap
>>490658 the woke man built his house out of stone
>>490745 would have also been an expensive relapse
Kirara 🚗
was surrounded by alcohol the entire flight im so stressed out now
>>490744 Can be a little nervy. You're packed in around people you don't know, having gone through a drawn out process (at least if you're flying into somewhere with intense customs like the States). And every time you draw a rum hand and end up with people that want to talk. Er not every time, just some times. Most of the time it's just a little socially exhausting but if you're excited to travel I find it's outweighed by the excitement.
Kirara 🚗
feel like im gonna have a break down what a great vacation this is starting out as
>>490746 Only in the winter, really. Even today the weather is actually quite warm. I'd have my window wide open if not for the fact that this windstorm would toss all the shit I have in -on my desk all over the place. Once summer rolls around the temperature around here is lovely right up until mid-October/early-November.
>>490750 Jan's not too long to arriving now at least, right? The delay ought to have reduced the wait time for him.
Kirara 🚗
think i lost my luggage too im lost idk were the baggage claim iis maybe I'll just kill myself
Kirara 🚗
ni employees anywhere living was a mistake
Kirara 🚗
im in the wrong part of tthe airport idk what to do nobody works here i want tto die I could go jump into traffic right now
im breathing just fine i have to take a shuttle to the right terminal im so stupid im probably not going to get to go to red rock im so tired im hungry im craving alcohol so badly my entire day has been destroyed if i died right now it would definitely be okay
i've been invited out to a game night with a group of people around my age and it sounds like it would be really fun but i am not yet confident enough in my resolution to hang around other people who are at a party drinking alcohol well, a game night, not a party
even though i'd like to go, i think i'm going to pass because i don't want to slip
>>490775 kind of weaboo card games like danmaku >>490778 that's good ps there's a buy one get one free sale on quarterkilos if you're able to pay by check
the overlord Ai dlc was kinda "okay" but this arrival is damn solid >>490791 hope you get some food in you soon why do you need to negotiate that hard on the rental price?
Kirara 🚗
looks like i might be able to manage 2 hours at red rock
It was alright, they kept saying they want to take my to different places. I didn't know how to join in on a lot of things. >>490816 Some my mom's partners family wanted to take me out to places we went to a super hip normie cafe with like fancy coffee and people with laptops out everywhere. It was a bit nerve wracking. They were really young, my mom's partners sons and one their girlfriends.
Kirara 🚗
they're playing frank sinatra at the rent a car center haha
Wow I always had a weird feeling about the whole court thing against shepard at me3 beginning but with this "wups I accidentally killed 350k batarians" thing... it makes a lot more sense >>490810 fungal cats are cute
>>490817 I dunno, I don't think // I think that if I wasn't there it'd progress much the same.
You on your trip now Kirara? I hope you have fun! Your off into the wild unknown!
>>490815 You did it though! Things'll probably be a little less nervy if they bring you out with them somewhere again.
I'm always so exhausted at the end of some kind of social activity myself. Like I could walk for hours and be fine aside from sore feet. But a few hours of talking with people and I just want to plop down on my bed and conk out.
>>490823 well my age but I'm used to spending time with way older people. >>490822 Yeah, I just tired and want to relax now. I felt like I had to put in the effort to hang out, not in a mean way just that it doesn't come naturally to me.
>now EA has dlc packs for Mass effect games that are cheaper than buying them separately thanks
>>490824 it's pretty exhausting for everyone, really it always requires effort but there are very rewarding things that come from it sometimes, so it's worth the effort same way that browsing pixiv to gather images probably seemed like effort to you at first but now it's so natural >>490838 >>>/soundcloud/joan-pfeiffer-108427401/sharena-bunbun
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
super bun bun pal
>>490837 I get what you mean, I put in a lot of effort for meetings and work but that has purpose in a way so it doesn't bother me as much as like sitting around a coffee table talking about people and what movies are good and stuff. I know literally nothing about normies stuff. Music, Cars, Rich people etc I have no idea about anything like that.
It was nice to go out I guess. I wanted to get some smokes but the target I went to didn't sell tabacco at all.
>>490867 it's a burger joint with mediocre burgers and amazing and amazingly unhealthy tacos if you go there and order a burger knowing what you're gonna get something is wrong with your brain
i'm thinking i might torrent and watch megalo box in the airport but i don't have headphones hmm
hot damn i'm getting a whole mb/s stealing anime right now
>>490945 this is pretty good i thought you only liked death metal kind of stuff i really dig this
>>490949 you can't comprehend tn taste in music but the chorus goes "Narniaan laivat lapsia vei Enää ei niitä näy Narniaa enää muisteta ei Unet vain sinne käy"
loosely translated without trying to make it rhyme "ships are taking kids to narnia they aren't seen there anymore narnia isn't remembered anymore only dreams visit there now"
>>490953 >Ten I really oughta go back and finish that. Ten's a character I really like. I'm a sucker for that sort of altruistic self sacrificing nature. I love that one chapter where the little girl wants a real Christmas tree so Ten spends the whole night out in the cold holding up the tree
>>490957 Yeah, in Ten he's just a dude who played mahjong but he got popular so Fukumoto made a whole series about him and it's basically his magnum opus now
>>490959 Download it all at once and never search again
>>490954 so if anyone did listen tot his try to guess if it is a positive song or a negative
>>490955 ten's a great character yeah i have only read a little bit of it because do you know how hard it is to search for "ten" and actually get the niche manga you're looking for
you should did the car thing go okay or not yet done it? btw have you read akuimetsu
>>490960 elaborate please on why it should be read >>490965 intriguing
>>490963 because it is a japanese manga where all the politicians the parituclar mangaka thinks are corrupt get brutally butchered
and really everyone that gets killed in it and has some screen time is based on a real fatcat/politician/banker/etc that has fucked up japanese economy or system
>>490963 Like can you imagine some marvel/dc comic that starts with the main character ax murdering some USA billionaire and then in oncoming chapters some retired fatcat politicians, or previous presidents
also aside from just that factor it is a good manga with good action, intriguing plot, nice layman view into the economy of japan and politics, even if over the top style view and also damn funny >>490970 but hillary clinton?
>>490968 I can absolutely imagine an mcu movie opening with Donald Trump being murdered
>>491012 if you get offended by our community, maybe our community is not for you and you shouldn't keep coming back after repeatedly saying goodbye after not being able to take a joke
>>491020 >i'm gonna socialize with this community but don't care to pay attention to anything about this community or what their values are you just want everyone to acquiesce with your concerns without caring anything about the rest again, why are you even here
Kirara 🚗
jan she's still here
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>>491022 no, he's obsessed with me. this is the very first time I've mentioned him
>>491025 I think that is 4th time I have caught you asking an anon that question just this week
>>491016 >>491050 hey can you explain this for me? why the change of heart?
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
Ctrl+F "I'm here to"
>>491055 yeah that wasn't an explanation of why you're here there's boards for you to visit that have that purpose why come onto this specific board to disrespect the culture here when it's obviously against your values and beliefs it literally feels like you're just here to stir shit up like you do everywhere else
I'm here to ctrl+f and kickass and I am all out of control+f
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
It was my explanation, if you don't like it not my problem.
right images don't work >>491059 out of CONTROL not ctrl
Return of Musicbot
Musicbot here to let you know that apparently if you try to post an image while they're out you can get locked out of /moe/ and stuck in dropped-reconnecting hell.
yeah what is your obsession with chen anyway is it because chen didn't want to share irl pictures with you fucking creep
>>491062 I can actually post pics when they are down if I forget properly about it
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
Unlike a lot of you I don't have paranoia, I don't mind sharing pics of myself or personal information. Just because you are not comfortable doing the same does not make me a creep. Just different levels of comfort.
>>491069 >i dont have paranoia >every anno is CHEN HERE TO PERSECUTE ME
Why would I want anyone here to see what I am like?
Return of Musicbot
Yo what the actual hell
Kirara 🚗
>>491063 chen isn't posting right now i am a mod, you can trust me on this
>>491078 You are quite the psychic, I am impressed with your mind reading skills. You apparently know more about me than I know of myself. Very impressive. You should open your own practice.
Return of Musicbot
>>491082 Funky... I don't know if I have funky. How about untzy can you do untzy
I'd post with my name on, but apparently some creepy stalker is stalking me doushio? Can't believe poor lil me is so popular
>>491090 because there's no reason for you to be here besides to creep on people you've established that you dont have values in common with the board culture you're lingering around just to stir shit up and make people feel uncomfortable constantly
>>491097 it does sometimes we have a very tight knit culture here we are very resistant to people we don't know coming in and not acclimating to our culture quickly
what aws the joke even?
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
I called someone a weeb. When I am a weeb. On a weeb board. While we're talking about anime.
BUT I CROSSED THE LINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>491103 pretending to be offended at being called a weeb was the joke and then you got offended who's the insecure one now too low-key for you? that's because this board culture was developed over ten years you're stumbling around here like a cripple on the dance floor and it's obnoxious
wow I scrolled up to it that is some real geh level lack of social skills
>>491134 "chen tread so carefully not to cause any problems" that's another blatant lie.
>>491136 uh, not on this board it's not a lie chen has been very respectful to the board culture here >>491138 yeah that's because you were being a piece of shit
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
Chen was arguing with me on this board, you must not have been here. mister board culture
Chen's been alright I like him
>>491138 Everyone's been arguing with you on this board
>>491136 >>491134 the poor guy didn't post for a while because I spooked him off
>>491140 aw, chen's really sweet try to be nice to him >>491144 you're not part of this board culture and you're blatantly disrespecting it all the time him arguing with you is not exemplary to how he treats the board
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>>491137 "uh not on this board" "yeah that's because you"
not yeah
which one is it dude?
>>491143 I don't give anyone special treatment it is my charmpoint
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>>491130 wasn't it sugoi is sugoi even still alive?
>>491147 maybe he does post occasionally Busy with rl and wow last I heard of him
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
Paranoia does not making normal people creeps.
>>491146 we've had lots of new people that were obnoxious faggots
I kinda miss him, just because he had a good ability to cause a stir even if it was dead though I miss dutchkins more
>>491150 you get pissy that people here don't respect your values 20 minutes after you show up for the very first time you disrespect other people's values that have been here for a decade and then get offended that they're uncomfortable with you what makes you a creep is your forcefulness on others
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>>491151 seems like a common theme with people that aren't regulars seems like a recurring problem with the community then if newcomers don't like it consistently.
why should all of us change to cater to someone we don't even like /moe/ serves the needs of /moe/ not rando newfags
remember when I called this guy here >>491154 a "geh potential" when he first popped up
>>491154 that was actually supposed to say "weren't" but phone got me trippin
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
I stopped the "FoRCEfULlnESs" because one or two people were sperg'ing about it. Why are you still whining about it? I won't be doing it again after realizing some of you are quite paranoid and easily offended.
You got triggered over people going with "joke to not get your joke" which started 150 post long shitstorm
>>491160 Bye, have a nice evening. >>491159 I didn't get triggered, someone else became upset over my "weeb" joke and so I tried to explain it to them but they kept freaking out and raging and it devolved into this conversation.
>>491164 Hey I would have banned him from post 1 from the start
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>>491163 I see exactly what I described. I joke "lol weeb" someone says "DONT BE OPPRESSIVE REEEE" then I explain it's a joke, then the fourth link is me explaining the same thing as this post.
>>491176 The big states. Uhhhh I think the 4th one Or the third lemme just the fourth
Also I'm surprised you haven't figured out who Musicbot is.
why the fuck would anna puu be restricted out there >>491179 I know who it is, I am just going along with it unlike you lot whenever I do characters or anon
of the songs I think Nummela is the best autobiography of the artist who also makes about every song he makes himself as in plays every instrument >>>/watch?v=z0vk6JkFQWs
>>491185 sometimes I feel like finland shares a responsibility in the popularity of techno despite germans being the forerunners of it
but kraftwerk is just gold, though
btw ever wonder how much good music you miss, because most nations don't spread their "local language" singing artists abroads?
Not really. Even discounting the "bad" media of various fields. No human bean has the time in a day to sample all the stuff produced on a global scale. Or if they do they forsake the things they need to survive. You are going to miss things, no matter how hard you aim to not. So there's no reason to worry.
>>491191 >>>/watch?v=AqRbnNmw3Rs ie. how many good songs like this are in russia, that just don't get the publicity because of "no good Music video" or "wasn't in gta4"
>>491191 yaeh OFC you gon miss things I was simply thinking more on the terms of getting the crop of the cream? is that the idiom
Where's rika to fix images
#8ball (Yes)#d100 (26) to summon her
wow that is way too low for her age
>>491194 Can you not change your name while stuck in the broken images?
fuck lähiö translates to suburbs but suburbs in USA and most of anglican world means well to do regions with houses not flats
>>491197 I'm using Chrome because firefox will not connect until it's fixed.
what would you call a neighbourhood that is poor, not slum poor, filled with flatblocks cheap appartments
Can I switch my name, yes, but that's no fun
this is why I should be a mod
While I think we could probably use someone aside from Samu and Rika that can run fixes like this. I would not vote for you.
I know it seems like "TN as mod would abuse his power like fuck" but it just means you don't grasp the true form of TN
jokes aside, give me a position of responsibility and I will fill it to the key and form and never step aside the mold needed for it >>491208 I would never sign in drunk as a mod
I grasp the drunk form of TN though >banned for failing legacy of kain trivia test
we aren't obsessed by worldly possessions it isn't our obsession to have decorations but a big house during recession has its own concessions
I just wonder if there could be a janitor position or something that could run whatever it is that fixes images without needing to give them the ability to ban or delete. But I have a feeling that isn't something in the /moe/ archtecture. Architecture even.
>>491210 Well yeah if you could have that I would fit the role to a key giving me ban hammer is a bad idea anyhow, even if I wouldn't abuse it
Not because I would use it on people here but I have an overly sensitive geh-radar
>>490977 second to last song here from Juha Tapio, a guy who does quite a bit of finnish "gospel" music is an artist I for some reason like to listen whenever I read yuri mango
I mean the guy sings about love a lot be it normal love or semi-religious but not really that kind of
Also >>491208 How can you really claim that when most of moos about 1/3rd of time say "you drunk tn" when I am 100% sober and havn't been drinking for days to weeks and sometimes even months Just something that at times bothers me
drunk people don't know they drunk
i wouldn't particularly want to be a mod because i don't think everyone would be comortable with it i would be fine being a janitor though although i get a little bit more distressed by the kind of stuff that needs to be cleaned up than others
i really don't think tn is a bad choice he's fairly compartmentalized when it comes to expression versus duty
>>491223 If I was a mod I would only use mod power to delete dicks on front page and restore pics
that's why i say janitor rather than mod although we do kind of need a proper mod when perma shows up
>>491221 also how do you know when a person is drunk=
>>491226 I don't actually honestly want to be a mod but I am always here who fucking better to check if things go wrong or if there is lewd stuff or rulebreaking?
i don't want a penis sitting on the front page of moe for three days any more than i want a penis sitting on my front porch for three days
I think a penis sitting on your front porch would be headlines for local newspapers if not even national ones
why would grammar be consistent when language isn't consistent
even german grammar sucks when compared to us we are 100% more precise than them
>>491264 >>491264 >>491264 >>491264 fucking this your official "english" even inside UK is fucign inconsitent "irregular verbs" what the fuck is "irregular" why didn't you make that word regular why do you even have "irregular" shit you can enforce shit on state level enfroce those fucking grammatic RULES
>>491291 My understanding of their retort has no bearing on 'right' or 'wrong' in our discussion. >>491293 This sentence is a mess and you are talking about something different than our conversation.
So you don't acknowledge being originally from the start wrong here and being the reason for a shitstorm?
>>491293 that's not where i was going with the comment on objectivity of humor
it's based on local maxima boundaries and social absurdity it's not subjective; it's just complex enough to immersively seem so
In a room of 100 people, if you tell a joke, there is a significant chance that some will laugh and some will not. How is that not a subjective response to the material?
>>491298 i n a room of 100 people when you tell a mediocre joke, someone will retort to it with another mediocre joke and if chances are 1/10 000 the joke teller will get triggered by that
>>491297 I got here on time 11pm Where the f is everyone else
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
You're not making any sense. The chance is a collection of results from the individual responses to the material stimuli. It is ......
>>491302 jfc no it's not it's random sampling from a global distribution holy shit you're giving me an aneurysm
>>491301 what is here on time and on time for waht?
Overtime shift
>>491305 well if money is running just take a seat and reelax
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>>491303 jokes cannot be "objectively funny" it's like an opinion.
>>491307 that statement has nothing to do with what i said you're polarizing everything to the point i can't tell if you're trolling or just a high school student
>>491308 if he was capable of trolling well he isn't
you ever run into a weird comparison shit like >if a vespa was capable of being a war machine >uuh yeah
>>491348¨' you are broed right? https://www.youtube.com/user/lindybeige/ well here is ONLY guy I have ever seen online, much less offline to actuallyp ull off matching beige with shit
his stuff is also damn amusing
>>491318 if that were the case then every IQ test administered clinically would yield 100% because it was a subjective measurement but it's not it's a statistical measurement 100*, not 100%
>>491359 no thanks i'm not in the mood for dick cooking is fun c:
2nd is better at time of day and lighting but
Kirara 🚗
composition is really different
>>491363 I mean yeah 2nd one doesn't hav that fuckugly parking lot and diner but in terms of viewing it just as "pic of the hotel" not much has changed
>>491361 and i'm not in the mood to deal with your stupid shit
>>491375 Hi no one atm is intrested in talking to you everyone actuallt atm present here is -100% intrested in taling to you, thanks to your own actions could you take your shit to somwehere else atleast for the time being and leave us to have our own fun
But I guess that is not possible, you being a selfish fucking cunt, who only wants to be praised
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>>491376 Sorry I'm gonna keep sitting at the same lunch table. No thanks.
>>491377 okay i'm gonna try to be nice here do you want me to help you find an imageboard that you actually can fit in with i can probably help you do that if you're looking for a place to be well-received would that help you out a little bit
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>>491378 No, but I sincerely appreciate your offer. That was rather generous of you, but I am enjoying the festivities that this board has to offer.
i bought a $6 egg and cheese croissant sandwich at the airport this morning thinking it would at least be real but they pulled out this frozen shit and microwaved it
6 DOLLARS even for an airport what the fuck and US airport shouldn't it be cheaper than here?
>>491414 i think i bought fish tacos and two blue moons for $13 when i went to the airport to go to vegas >>491415 yo you don't get it
>>491415 Airports are univerally gouging assholes when it comes to food.
Kirara 🚗
>>491415 airports mark up all food prices by like 3x
>>491417 yeah but you get like salmon rye bread egg sandwhich here for 6€
Ariports are like a little microcosm of an economy where everyone's colluding They know you can't leave but you gotta eat so they can mark it all up
>>491419 it's CONVENIENCE >>491421 yo those fish tacos were REALLY good though and i had a long layover
>>491422 well I guess USA could use actual capitalism at times
>>491423 there are inconveniences in being a country this geographically massive honestly most places get to upcharge just for time saved, and tbh it's sometimes worth it when it's a 40-hour drive across the country, saving 32 hours and a lot of gas money by flying is worth two overpriced meals
>>491424 with all states having, honestly if you ask me, too much power
>>491424 but seriously taking jokes aside and going back to politics Russia actually manages on average better "rule of law" than USA at times I mean for sure, Russia doesn't do anything to the elite of it they are beyond law but those who are governed by the law, are actually governed by it from our border to the pacific islands
same constitution and legislation applies
Kirara 🚗
flying is cursed my flights always get fucked up
smashed four spiders into oblivion today thankfully for them i mean real oblivion and not the game
So can USA law and constitution apply to the richest in the country, or can they avoid the long reach of the law-arm? Deoes rule of law apply correctly or does it just apply to those some feel it safe to apply it to?
>>491442' I don't know if it is posible overthere but it should be shouldn't you be able to reach the medical records of if something suspicious happend
>>491442 lucky him wish your mom got rid of you instead, for your sake
I mean ofc price remains to be paid sargon my lad of UK is at like 30k personal debt right now because of a lawsuit from some sensitive person
so who knows HOW shit some actially person to person shit is overthere
Kirara 🚗
my dad found the black widow while fixing a gas leak and brought it home in a jar because he thought id think it was cool but it found its way into my bed
>>491448 yo my ex used to find spiders and other insects and drop them inside of laundry detergent to preserve them so that they could then keep them but they never told anyone that they were putting spiders in the box of laundry detergent
>>491451 and what are the side effexcts are you experiencing soem ill stuff when did this happen why wasn't I told re you okay
Kirara 🚗
this was when i was like 10 haha my mom said my brother put it in my bed
i got pretty sick and went to the hospital it was really painful
if you aren't comfortable we can take it privatge
>>491453 haa don't get emotionally dead person emotional
like short thing said I care for you, mate so if it isn't actually dangerous, couild you start stories like this clearly saying "it is in tjhe past or soemthiong"
Kirara 🚗
>>491449 what the fuck >>491455 haha gomen i said my mom said my long lost brother did it but maybe i said it poorly
>>491459 it's actually p obvious when you are drunk friendo it is not really a problem though as long as it doesn't become an alcohol-focused discussion >>491475 now you just gonna fuckin dump him off and ignore him like a package of catfish steaks cmon man i can't let you do that
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>>491459 when you are drinking it doesn't seem like you are behaving in a way that everyone knows you are drunk (but you are)
and I don't mean you specifically, that's just how drunkposting is
if you aren't drunk but everyone thinks you're drunk then maybe you're just posting low quality
>>491487 why are you commenting about somebody's behavior when they are or aren't drinking when you don't even know them well enough to know their normal behavior
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>>491488 I was commenting on drunkposting in general, as well as the other person's comment about their behavior making it obvious. I myself was not judging their posting as drunkposting. Just commenting on the situation.
>>491489 nobody here is talking about the general case nobody cares about the general case because it's not relevant and we all know it
>>491491 and I say hey hey hey hey I say hey what's goin on
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>>491490 Why are you so easily triggered? Just relax mate.
>>491493 Hey hey hey hey' ignore GEH that's going on
>>491494 why are you so impulsive to comment on other people's shit when you're not welcome or well-received you're so fucking oblivious
>triggered ww
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>>491496 I am aware of the unwelcome attitude and hostility, but I continue to post because I simply do not care.
so you're admitting that you don't care about whether or not your posts contribute negatively to the overall quality of the site
>>491498 you've shown that you care every time you've huffed about and said "goodbye i'm gonna kill myself" et cetera you waltz into another community and talk about suiciding to people you've met just moments ago and made no effort to connect with to try to guilt them over committing suicide what about you makes you think that's in any way proper, polite, respectful, or considerate you know we've had several friends actually do that shit after years of knowing them we don't want some dumpster trash jumping in to lay that luggage on us that we don't even know
>I don't care Is this shitposting night?
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
>>491499 Quality is subjective. My definition of a quality post will vary from yours.
>>491502 no one cares about your definition of quality because no one cares about you