I laid down to get out of my chair for a bit and now I have a cat resting on me. I don't really want to upset her but I'm running out of things to do on my phone.
yeah this dude is just sittin here, attached to my belt, tellin me stories about all the fucked up shit odin has done
If TN was awake right now he'd probably be jumping into a twenty-post dissertation for you right now, entailing the long and storied history of the Norse pantheon's sheer assholery.
how many more episodes until BnHA s3 ends so i can binge watch it later
Kirara ๐
like 22
Cool Dramatic torture aftermath of a torture scene in d&d I sure love edgy drama
>>485317 oh, I'm still missing one I wonder how many realms they'll actually let us go to I'm assuming some of them will stay locked forever or until DLC
I wonder if after they clean house in Asgard, if Kratos or Atreus is gonna ride into India to go after another army of tempermental gods.
Maybe they'll go after the roman gods.
Kirara ๐
maybe they'll get a happy ending and not have to kill any more gods
Maybe. This isn't really a Greek tragedy anymore.
I unironically hope so
I'd totally dig a culture expose game set in Ancient India or that region though. Europe and western continental Asia gets all the attention. Eastern continental Asia even.
i think one of my only complaints about dad of war is that some of the enemies have really poorly telegraphed attacks like they'll have three different attacks with the same exact windup
yeah sometimes the grugs with the hand axe do this gay ass thrusting attack that has like 5 frames of windup too when i first got to the isle of death i almost killed the level 3-4 things that spawn out of the portal at the top of the gate until one of them memed on me with that attack
I just punched them until I could r3 and throw them off the platform
i like how he interacts with his son though it's written really well
I'm jealous of all the good games you are getting to play! although I've never played god of war before and know nothing whatsoever about it. It sounds fun.
honestly the old games weren't that good, but the new one is a huge improvement in storytelling and gameplay some people would argue that second bit but I find it's a lot more in depth than the old games
Kirara ๐
i feel like the storytelling has matured a lot and the gameplay has matured in the same way the storytelling has i really like it the gameplay matches old kratos' personality well
the gameplay is certainly more focused in terms of scope the old games were basically always mosh pits filled with zombies and one guy's huge hitboxes
Y'think you appreciate this game more because you know how kratos was in the older games?
Kirara ๐
probably but i think this game is really good even standalone
I assume you split between playing as dad and playing as boy
nah, you always play as dad boy runs around helping you and you can order him to do a couple things like shoot arrows later on he gets a few other abilities you can have him do too
What a dadcon
Kirara ๐
i wouldn't be surprised if later there's a part where kratos gets fucked up and you play as boy to save him or something but idk
that might be fun I think it'll be a little simpler though, like boy gets taken for an extended period of time and you get fucked up bad because he's not around to help
It'd be interesting if he had to save him son and became all unruly and angry again
Kirara ๐
boy: i'm gay dad dad: no. you are not gay. boy: i hate you father i'm leaving
relieved bang
literally the summary of how i got one of my new roommates-to-be
>>485422 he's visibly holding back his anger in a lot of scenes it's a nice touch, they matured kratos into an actual character instead of a rampagin murderer
Kirara ๐
yeah, there's so much stuff in kratos' body language it's really good like sometimes boy will be upset and kratos goes to put a hand on his shoulder to comfort him but stops himself from doing it
Well he is literally a god of war. It so cool when games do things right. I wish I could play the game.
I'm really impressed with it so far, I wasn't very interested when I saw it revealed at E3 so I'm glad it surprised me
Kirara ๐
yeah me too i wish i had a ps4 pro the game looks so beautiful even without it though
I only got a ps3 not that long ago well a few years now but I feel guilty if I get a ps4. but I want to get one. if not for some the newer games
>>485489 >I have no skeletons left said man with hundreds of skeletons
Kirara ๐
"it wasn't technically kidnapping" "they weren't that little and they came willingly"
Yo how the fuck these guys left me Wtf
>go to x and get on the worktrain >go there >hear no train >check all tracks >nothing >call up >maybe they're at north end check there >almost get hit by a train Yup Life Still got it Praise
the social media age is finally starting to affect who can and can't attempt to run for office hope you didn't post any stupid shit to facebood senator
>kidnapping >it was a different time the it was a different time excuse is like an amazing defense. Used in like rape cases from ages ago. and all sorts of fucked up shit
Woah blue. Don't die you still have so much more lewd pictures to save. That is super scary though,
>>485489 >The three boys, aged 12, 13, and 14, were ordered into a police car by the six officers in Brisbane's Fortitude Valley. Each boy was driven in a separate patrol car to a swampy area in Pinkenba, Queensland. The officers threatened to throw the boys into the swampy wasteland, and referred to a place where people's fingers were cut off, in order to get them to comply with their demands. The boys were abandoned after their shoes were removed. The boys later retrieved their shoes and began to walk home. They finished the journey in a taxi paid for by a security guard they met along the way. I was expecting it to at least be something like "we thought their parents and their traditional upbringing were bad so we kidnapped them" but it wasn't even well intentioned They just stole some shoes They probably can't even fit those shoes >>485519 What were you expecting
>>485529 >gimmie your shoes or I chop your fingers off kid They could've just taken the shoes at the start and saved on petrol >>485531 >Following an investigation by the Criminal Justice Commission, the Public Prosecutor laid charges against the police for deprivation of liberty. The charges were later dropped after a magistrate[1] found the boys agreed to go with the police officers, but the police officers were put on probation for one year by the police service, not as a court sentence Technically they agreed to go so ""technically"" it wasn't kidnapping
Kirara ๐
obeying a police officer's orders shouldn't ever be considered consensual lol
>agreed to go what else are going to do against people who can fuck you up. This was a time that aborginal violence was not that unusual. the fact they agreed to be dumped at a swamp tells me that they were vunerable as fuck.
get thrown into the swamp I guess
3 boys versus 6 grown police officers.
You don't agree to go with police. You comply or you're arrested for not complying. It's compulsion. Also they're children so >consent
No police officer ever says "hey do you wanna go for a drive mate" >>485541 >>485536 it's so fucking stupid
>please vote for me. >I totally have good judgement. >it was 30 years ago - I don't kidnap young children anymore.
I thought it was going to be something along the lines of resident school bullshittery. Which, while still repulsive, would AT LEAST fit the tone of "it was a different time" that he was talking about.
It sounds to me like aboriginal racism, 3 kids that happened to be aboriginal taking off their shoes and dumping them a swamp 12km from their home without telling their family or parents.
>>485532 i'm bad at remembering useful combos and being able to execute them in the correct situation
Aboriginal racism would probably fit with the "it was a different time" excuse
>>485547 i dont do any of that anyway i only memorize what individual inputs do and then string my own combos for as much style as i can which generally results in my dropping combos anytime I press 6C because a lot of characters have anti-aerial 6Cs
Kirara ๐
swastika too what a guy
>>485547 dude just pick tager and magnet people into your fists
>In a Facebook post, Mr Ellis defended his past saying: โTo the 2 or 3 angry keyboard warrior trolls that got very upset that I made an error of judgment 23 years ago, I commend you on living perfect lives! Congratulations!โ haha
yes please commend me, I've never kidnapped even one child
Kirara ๐
haha what the hell this dude is hilarious
he really knows how to defuse a situation all that police training in action
Goddamn he is hilarious, I kind of want to see him elected and constantly having to defend his kidnapping. what a mess of a person.
>>485556 He's going for the meme vote Been planning this for 30 years
i feel like a lot of politicians have probably done similarly heinous shit
If he was rich he probably have lots of connections and ways to hide the shit even get all the blame shifted to other people.
Kirara ๐
>>485558 yeah def but they know how to talk about it lmao
>>485560 Or in the States, drive straight past talking about it poorly and denying it ever happened.
He should have just gone for the fake news method but we'd lose all this comedy gold
Kirara ๐
it's like he's working under the assumption that he somehow acted reasonably and that others would also make the decision to kidnap the kids
>>485549 learning all that sounds like a lot of work i'd rather just play the party fighter i've already been playing for like 13 years
>>485563 He sounds like everyone is blowing it out of proportion like "they aren't even that young" He has some fucked up sense of morality. >>485568 >>485566 I don't really want to see him elected, I just find his defense hilarious. After seeing someone like Trump get elected desptie everyone going how funny it would be to see him elected. nah
>>485562 As long as it doesn't actually win him whatever this position is.
I had to deal with Rob Ford as the mayor of my city who was a similarly shady piece of shit. It's not worth the comedy to have these kinds of people actually be making the decisions.
>>485564 it's not a lot of work if you just play one character plus it's not like im going to local competitions or something i just play with friends
I thought I had my loans set up for autopay but I didn't. I was still in my previous IBR though so my monthly bill was $0 but now to knock out some interest.
>>485742 It's good incentive for people to see them in theatres though.
>There's nothing else to spend money on so might as well get qualified in shit. it'll take five years of effort to snag this position so doing some ground work should be play time
Will this position decrease your odds of getting run over by trains?
>Women don't understand humor. That's why Rick and Morty went to shit after female writers came along. The supermajority of all writers on Adult Swim show's are men. Lazzo was a prick for canceling Aqua Teen Hunger Force but he even admitted women don't make jokes, just cause conflicts. He got attacked by sjws for that. Basically, women have no clue what is funny or not, especially self depreciating or dark humor.
it's true that most women aren't very funny but most men aren't either it's actually kind of difficult to be uniquely and genuinely funny altogether, regardless
Most people are just unfunny I'm the exception
i'd put you in the humor appreciator section SK, no offense you've got good reception to humor but i don't feel like you're a generator particularly >>485772 sorry man just had to be honest
It's a very good Youmu, isn't it? My list of japanese artists on twitter is getting so large, I can't keep up anymore There are a few I manually check because of it, like pureaki
>>485790 kt ao good it opened in a new tab instantly
I don't find SNL to be very funny. On top of that, I feel that it's overly political.
Some of the old old stuff is okay, but still not really my type of humor.
I generally prefer ththe old stuff. I do agree about it being a little bit too political, but it has for the most part always been political. Right now everything is super polarized.
yes it is a lazy sunday i am ready for a lazy week
Lately it seems more like propaganda than anything else.
Anime is pretty good.
>>485872 Yeah, I don't like the new daily show guy. Basically all the best writers jumped ship and went to john oliver, Samantha bee, colbert lateshow or elsewhere. And none of those shows are as good as the John Stewart Daily Show.
anime is good and i dont even watch anime
Colbert is still good though.
Kirara ๐
Colbert was better before he made the same jokes every week about the same person and before he became obsessed with russia they all were liberal comedy was basically destroyed when trump was elected because they're all obsessed with him and russia now
I can't believe I'm saying this But I miss the Bush administration.
Hrrm Maybe I should do statistical analyses to determine the proportions of jokes about the presidents on late night talk shows during the last five administrations.
Yeah but at least some of them haven't openly endorsed people like Milo
What the hell even happened to Maher though? Like he used to be not fucking insane.
Kirara ๐
he was always shit but he used to hide it
after his massive anti-religion documentary where he got himself banned from the Vatican, he got big // too big in liberal circles and ever since he got that HBO show, he's realized he can be racist, homophobic, transphobic, etc without consequences and so he does
>>485890 He used to just stick to 'religious criticism' so he wasn't as blatant
>buy a bag of candy-coated peanuts, mini reeses cups, pretzels, reeses pieces, and chocolate-drizzled popcorn >80% of // 95% of the contents is popcorn and pretzels what is this bullshit
That is a weird bag.
Cost effectiveness.
Steven Wright's jokes rly mk yu thnk.
If you want mixed bags of candy like that you're better off just buying the components separate and jumbling them together yourself.
Though overall you're better off picking something less unhealthy for you to snack on.
>less unhealthy for you to snack on. Whats the point. if your gonna snack it should be delicious. Ah I want sweeties. I'm depraved of *deprived of unhealthy tasty snacks.
Plenty of things are delicious while being healthier than that grabbag of junk food!
Like, how about taking one of those bits plus the pretzels, and mixing them with assorted nuts and some raisins. Trail mix is nice and tasty and while you still probably feast on it while laying about and doing nothing, probably way more healthier than that bag.
Well Not a functional one All the Win7 Spectre and meltdown patches caused more problems
Is dark souls remastered getting a linux release?
>go to space station to investigate stuff >suddenly Kain is speaking on the communications it is so damn distracting hearing some voice actors in other roles, especially using a very similiar voice
gow spoiler tfw you're finally open with your son and tell him he's a god but it goes to his head and he immediately becomes the biggest prick, and starts acting like he can do whatever he wants
>>485969 Well, the Falmer got enslaved by the Dwemer in the first era and were basically bred into strong, stupid creatures Eventually the Dwemer disappeared and what remained of the Falmer bred on their own and stuff
In Morrowind's Bloodmoon expansion, you learn a lot about them, and even get the Snow Prince's spear. The death of the Snow Prince is what ended the reign of the Falmer.
well orcs of elder scrolls are just cursed elves too orsimer mer meaning elf people so makes sense that the goblinlikes are also elfthings >>485975 not humans
Pretty much everyone on Nirn is either human or some kind of mutant elf.
The Argonians are one of the oldest races on Tamriel There are also dragon people on another island to the north of Tamriel. I forget what that island is called, but the reborn Nerevar went there after the events of Morrowind and never was heard of again. I think it was Akavir? The Imperial Blades stole a lot of shit from them, so I think it was Akavir.
I think Akavir is a continent to the west of Tamriel. Maybe east? They're kind of "that totally not Asian" token fantasy land. But I 'm not informed on the rest of that topic.
Oh, yeah, that's right. They were east. All of the races there had like, Chinese or Japanese sounding names. That's why they used katanas, too.
And they have literal katana for weapons, yeah.
The Elder Scrolls has some really interesting worldbuilding and dynamic stories. But so much of the elementary content is obvious repastes. The Imperial humans are just Romans. The northern kind of barbarians are just Scandinavians. The foreign continent is just Asia.
To their credit though the Kahjiit are pretty unique and the elf family tree is rather creative too. And they do break from tradition by making the Redguard being a weird hegemony of a bunch of cultures. Even if they've kind of shifted more into Arabian as time went on.
The superficial stuff of Elder Scrolls is pretty generic, but when you get into the deeper lore like the Daedra and the Aedra, and all of that kind of stuff, it gets pretty interesting.
I think of all the games, Morrowind is the most unique. Vvardenfell is a really unique area with stuff that isn't really represented in other fantasy settings, and it's really interesting. The Dunmer social order is really cool, and then you have the people out in the wastelands living tribally, too. And you can really see the clash between the new Imperial ways and the old Dunmer ways clashing in a lot of ways.
I'd love to have a chance to explore Hammerfell or Elseweyr. Desert and Middle Eastern-y geographical regions get a pretty often snub in fantasy too. I'd love to see some crazy Djinn shit but in an actual high-fantasy world like Elder Scrolls.
Regardless though I'll be happy if the Valenwood or even better all the territories the Aldmeri Dominion control is the next setting. From the three Fallout games to Skyrim, all the recent Bethesda games have been such dreary places. I want to see greenery and flora.
>>485987 maybe that is why their rule is failing? all the wars that eventually lead to nothing and now it is their time to fall
One interesting thing I learned a while back was that the Thalmor may have set up this crazy magic plot to enslave the Kahjiit. So the Kahjiit worship the moon, or one of the moons. Doesn't Nirn have two moons? Anyway, some time before the events of Skyrim, the moon they worshipped vanished from the sky, which threw the Kahjiit into an existential crisis as a species. The Thalmor reached out to the Kahjiit people and struck a deal to return the moon to the sky for the vassalage of Elsweyr. Using their "superior" Elven magic they returned the moon to the sky, and proceeded to effectively enslave the Kahjiit peoples.
But what if the Thalmor were at fault for the moon's disappearance in the first place.
go crazy and have TWO regions in one game
Kirara ๐
I feel like we'd get two half-assed regions instead of one full assed region then
>>485989 they most likely cast an illusion to hide it and it never disappeared or reappeared
is shame skyrim didn't get a "war with thalmor" as final expansion
Kirara ๐
well, they were barely in skyrim
but the civil war was one of their making
They weren't gambling for one side or the other though. It was purely to instigate instability in the Empire to keep them from pursing aggression against the Dominion. If you fight for the Imperials and win, the guy leading the legions in Skyrim even hints that next he'll be turning his eyes towards the Aldmeri.
It's more of a war for independence than a civil war.
But the Thalmor didn't really have a big presence in Skyrim despite their machinations there. They just had spies and plants there to move their plans along. They didn't have armies there or anything yet.
Kirara ๐
that reminds me, they just added summerset isles to the online game
>>486000 yeah but I was talking more about an invasion them trying to grasp hold of the weakened either newly independent or and recently war torn region
Skyrim's on the other side of Tamriel from the Summerset Isles. Even from the Valenwood or Elsweyr, they'd need to march through Imperial territory. They'd have to get the news back to the Dominion, then assemble a naval fleet in order to get men on the ground in Skyrim.
Also if you help the Empire maintain its hold of Skyrim, that would technically be a declaration of war of the Dominion on all of the Empire. The two powers are technically at peace with each other during the events of the game.
I hope Elder Scrolls goes back to being more RPG-like.
I'll be a little upset if they break free of the prisoner with no past is the chosen one tradition.
Fallout 4 but with swords
I hope they take the chance to upgrade their combat mechanics a bit. Take a page out of games that have come since Skyrim to make fighting styles that don't involve being a stealth archer more satisfying and feasible without stupid amounts of time put into it.
I wonder if rice with meatballs and tomato sauce is any good.
just make stealth more player skill based less crouching in front of someone and not being seen and more crouching in the shadows
yeah the stealth is just ridic
Yeah. Assassin's Creed has really improved on the stealth mechanic of games. And probably a bunch of other games I never played. There's been so many games that have defined how to do certain mechanics well since Skyrim. And even before Fallout 4, yet they haven't really capitalized on taking pages from those games. It's been six and a half years. Update your damn game.
ever the pessimist, i feel like they won't update the mechanics heavily simply because they know they don't have to
It would be nice if some other studio would give them some competition in the field. Bethesda's actual studio isn't -that- huge. Surely some other studio could put out an immersive fantasy life-style game.
I love lore, if they improve being able to get more lore and information about the world I'd be happy. Its probably hard to not get copy and pasty with large open worlds but if they can manage to do that it'd be grea.t I had a lot of fun just doing random things or thinking up my own quests in morrowind.
>>486026 The only clip I've seen is that you can make rude guestures with your fingers and NPCs and...they don't do anything about it.
I've seen some pretty funny VR clips of FPS games though, where a player shoots their clip out of the gun, ejects it, and then grabs the clip out of the bottom of the gun of a guy next to him. Or grabs a knife out of a holster of a guy in front of him and beats him from it.
With it even. I was reminded of them when we were watching GGO last night and LLENN switched the pistol's safety off. That kind of thing makes VR seem pretty cool.
>>486044 using Err Syntactically Significant Whitespace is considered harmful That's my biggest problem with python It makes it harder to read, and for people with vision issues it makes the language nigh impossible to use. I don't appreciate features in a programming language that exclude disabled people from the development community. >>486045 Same
Although I seed a lot. For things that have few other seeds. Stuff with a bunch of seeds I don't seed for.
>>486063 Yeah, I know how this goes. If push came to shove and torrenting the things I want became unfeasible, I'd change over. Until then I'm happy keeping on keeping on.
>>486069 this is a little bit interesting http://www.ilovekratom.com/kratom-forum/forum-index/general-dialogue/3872-the-real-truth-about-yellow-gold-bentuangie-kratom-by-joe-sokol all i got is the yellow since i left my red behind so i guess im gonna try it hoping it doesn't make me feel worse
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
going from starving yourself to eating normal amounts of food feels like a never-ending feast
>>486111 bigger problem will be the people who will think they will lose money and status because of this
Kirara ๐
>>486111 the US will actively work to undermine the peace because war industry is suffering a lot see >>486112 all the big us military companies lost 2-5% in stocks as soon as peace was announced
The top parts of the NK government are miltary generals so being constantly at war with SK, uh south korean seems like it would be good for them. >>486113 I wonder if the US would make much money considering NK has been playing the same shtick for ages. Maybe they want to focus more on destablising the middle east or maybe with trump they can destablise the US and the arm insurgents closer to home so they can save on shipping fees
>>486114 >make peace treaty >wait for world to think we are decent isolationists who just fuck our own people >wait for south korea to stop conscripting all of their people >wait for usa to leave the country and just leave behind a token garrison >INVADE
The amount of money in global arms industry is insane. like if all that money went into each countries own economy and wealthfare things would improve for a lot of people. Traditional warfare has pretty much died out, now its like all subterfuge and funding different fucked up groups.
considering how little war there is, atleast relatively
gow handles difficulty increases kind of really poorly every time you reach a major point in the game, all the enemies become stronger, which is cool in theory, but it turns into suddenly every mob enemy can kill you in two hits until you power up again
I like it for some of the enemies, like the slow ones that you can really take your time and fight, some of the slower, heavily armored enemies. It makes fighting with them really punishing, but you can dodge their moves and stuff and get good.
But here's it's just like, hey, here are 10 enemies at once, that can just kill you in two hits. And you can kill them pretty easily, too, but only if you focus on each one separately, which can be really difficult.
It's a little frusting, but sometimes, it's really fun.
I love monster hunter fights where you have to learn how to deal with each enemy. and like dark souls were if you figure out the telegraphing of the moves you can figure out how defeat enemies easier
Speaking of [game with characters that are other versions of characters being added], here is [game with characters that are other versions of characters being added] although, second game expands on a character's story when another version is added.
>>486134 Yeah, but they're not fun if they're too punishing and it's not a matter of skill to get around the punishment.
speaking of dificulty >easy as hell mgr untill NANOMACHINES APPEARS
>>486136 then they fail at the genre if you ask me part of being a hns game is to make it awesome as fuck to beat the hard parts and really feel and see how you are getting skilled
>>486136 i mean it's not that punishing, there's an autosave every few feet sometimes I let myself die to have a cleaner run through a fight did that the first time I fought a traveller because he fucked me up >>486140 ah I haven't gone there yet
in niflheim, you have to collect items while trying to survive curse build-up that will kill you if you spend too much time collecting items, but the area is full of crazy traps and random assortments of monsters that range from 2 super wulvers to like 10 dark elves and three nightmares
it's an /// if you die, you lose all the stuff you collected it's technically an optional area (i think?) but the difficulty spike is really punishing in it and it's kind of frustrating
I hear it has an extensive postgame, maybe you're not really supposed to go there yet
that's my buddy, mimir. i cut off his head and i carry it around with me.
>>486153 Beautiful friendship! Damn so many things going on the screen at the same time. especialyl when boy fires off that lightening all over the place.
They're all really strong bosses with unique movesets. They're pretty fun although I found one earlier I couldn't figure out how to beat, so I decided to try later.
I didn't expect all this Nordic mythology in this game. I know jack shit about this game to be honest but it looks super fun. A lot of shit talking with your son and that scottish head.
Yeah some of them are successful mangaka with serialized works while still attending high school. And the other is so immortal she looks like she's ten despite being in high school.
>>486431 seriously though the last 10 minutes of franxx 15 are awesome the hype they built up in the last few episodes is finally unleashed and then something really fucking insane happens after the credits and then a week with no franxx
14 and 15 were really great
Episode thirteen kicks off this plot segment of "things starting to all fall into place" which culminates in a climax in episode fifteen which is so good. And then they throw an eleventh hour right hook at you and all those things that started to fall into place just get upset and jumbled up all over again. It's really fucking exciting.
cross ange is in my EX ranking anime along with samumenco, ping pong, and kyousougiga
what is EX i'm just a // well, was just a few minutes into the first episode where she catches her falling teammate instead of the falling ball and then all the other girls come rush around her telling her what a noble thing it was and how much they learned from that action it was really over the top for character exposition and kind of lame haha
i don't judge off of stuff like that but it ruins some immersion a little bit
it's a story about feminism, mechas, singing, and dragons and friendship
>>486499 Depending on the ranking system. SSS is the highest and EX is super highest like exceptional. then you have plus and minuses EX+ or EX++ Type moon loves that stuff.
garden of spinners
Garter of spinsters.
fidget sinners
Kirara ๐
well you know what they say about idol hands
They should always sterilise them after a handshake event?
i really like lollipop suckers but why are they all so sweet??? i don't want all that sugar in my mouth for that long why don't they make like valerian root lollipops, or chamomile or ginseng or catnip
That's a good idea. Herbal lollipops
xanax lollipops
i found chamomile on etsy but it's like sets of four i just want a whole big bag
Well, I knew where they were before cleaning. I just didn't need access to them. Really I only need access to the record. When I get a new desk I might open up the Kasen figure and put it on display but probably not.
I try to break the cleaning into multiple days to help alleviate it but then sometimes it's hard to motivate myself to start cleaning more than one day in a row
That's what I did. I had to make space and organize things to rearrange furniture in the basement to set up an office for my mom. All I have left is taking my shit off the desk and rearranging furniture. Which I don't feel like doing.
Yesterday, I cleaned up all the papers and boxes that were lying around and put the school stuff I won't be using again this semester away. Today, I did some laundry and some dusting. I don't really feel like vacuuming, though.
My executive functioning is so bad. I'm honestly surprised I managed to do as much as I did.
i'm watching cross ange entirely based on the thumbnail from that sadtrap video that's the way i like to do it, with no expectations and feeling like i found it myself
episode 2 was really good but i don't know what made her think there's enough fuel in that tiny thing to fly all the way back to the kingdom?? she's supposed to be smart
Kirara ๐
in one of the early episodes there was some "how many breads" tier diss but i can't remember it right now i think it was like, "who would get embarrassed from an insect seeing them naked" or something like that
oh daaaaaamn udderly destroyed
there were sewage issues in this house some months ago and it still has a lingering sewage smell in the back it's p nauseating
Sewage issues are the worst. I have A really sensitive sense of smell so shit like that really bothers me.