Hisone to Masotan --Episodes 2-3 Amanchu Hero Academia Cardcaptor Comic Girls Devils Line Gegege no Kitarou --Episode 3-5 Hinamatsuri Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Nil Admirari no Tenbin --Episode 2-3 Persona 5 Rokuhoudou --Episode 2-3 SAO A: GGO Uma Musume --Episode 2-5
i mean i don't see why this guy isn't A class he is literally the same as one of the A class heroes his attitude maybe
Yeah, the placement exam was kind of a judge of all things, including character. He might've not scored as high in that aptitude as class A's hard dude.
RIP Deku's phone. It lived an irrelevant life.
>>485469 he's got insurance it's cool he'll just call and say he lost it
Well that's a little horrific.
Hah hah hah. She plays dirty with her telepathy. How clever.
Oh he went 100%. Been a while since that happened.
That was another one of those "big" moments for the series. The kind of shit that I think readers like Kirara and I have been really hyped over the adaptation being able to reach.
It's hard to see Deku as the type to become a battle maniac. The show has made a real point to call to attention that line about smiling in a pinch a few times.
considering his arm is falling apart he's probably in a ton of pain ika is fucking dead R I P i have to use the bathroom i'm trying to hold it in for the op please ika help HELP yay it worked
Pinku-iro usagi
Ika please come home.
>>485537 Just go to the washroom- OH FOR FUCKS SAKE SQUID.
Oh she's back in the suitcase.
box strat i think this is a flashback or rather when it syncs up with the beginning's flash forward
Yeah, we're finally returning to PRESENT DAY PRESENT TIME
team smug they kick you off if they catch you not being smug
so are they going to win this tournament before the show's over? there's only 2 more teams
Oh MAN that's pretty cool. Portable cover.
>>485593 Maybe there's some bideo game magic going on. Or maybe he can only lug it around because he's got such a large model.
that must be heavy as fuck
>>485592 it probably takes up a lot of slots in your loadout
>>485591 This tournament is probably the first half or so. She hasn't even met the blonde-haired girl who dual-wields RPGs yet after all, let alone befriended her.
>In real-life, it's really hard to hit targets from a really far distance away I mean, I now know this to be true from other things I've read and learned. But I've always figured it to be practical sense. It doesn't make much sense for something far off to be as easy to hit as something close-
Oh no. They got GANKED
She seemed awfully woozy after getting hit. I wonder if the game has an imposed feeling of exhaution it gives you after taking damage. After all this is a total immersion VR. The game can probably overlay your brain's actual perceptions of your body with induced perceptions.
they were really stupid to have lingered there waiting for the scan instead of moving to cover
Rakki Gaaru
How the hell does he know the gun's dimensions just from a few shots.
>>485607 probably memorized the sound and how much damage it deals i'm sure that every gun ever made isnt in this game there's probably just a pool of them
>>485635 I don't think we have them year-round, but it gets pretty close to it. We usually just throw them in the oven as is and roast them. Or cut them into wedges and make yam fries out of them.
they're gonna go down so deep they get brain damage from the pressure and hallucinate a mermaid >>485672 since this episode had no diving the next is gonna have double the diving!