Thread #486167
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very good timing I am almost ready
Hisone to Masotan --Episode 2-3 Caligula Cardcaptor Comic Girls Devils Line Gegege no Kitarou --Episode 3-5 Hinamatsuri Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Nil Admirari no Tenbin --Episode 2-4 Rokuhoudou --Episode 2-3 Shokugeki no Souma Uma Musume --Episode 2-6
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>>486170 Good timing is my middle name. devils line caligula hinamatsuri comic girls sound good?
That sounds like a mouthful of a middle name. And also very prone to bullying. Works for me.
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okay starting with devil's line okay lets start!
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okay ready for devil's line>>486178 yeah it's okay seems kind of generic though like i said before generic vampire romance novel plot
devines this show isnt that bad so far like a 5 or 6
Devil Slime
>>486176 very nice good timing-chan my download actually completed right before you said let's start
wow he is getting his ass kicked
vampire sensei
so he was starving himself
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>>486180 My timing is great.
wow he's tripping balls i guess near death experience
It's pretty unsafe to put your fingers atop a closing car window like that.
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This guy is supposed to be a special vampire agent or whatever but he seems really unstable.
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>>486188 maybe because he's a half-vampire that won't drink blood.
>Brah, just calm down
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haha, she's jealous because she thinks he ate someone else
It's jealousy for a guy too. The worst kind of nightmare to be stealing your boyfriend.
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The white haired guy is probably a better catch. I hope he ends up being the rival.
Hah hah hah. They just backed up and let the sniper woman drop to the ground.
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That's a pretty nasty scar on her face.
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>>486197 i think you mean badass but yeah
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It will probably heal, it's only been two weeks.
>Anzai stopped coming to see me I mean this group of vampire hunters now know where you live and know you're in affliation with a vampire. Smart thinking would figure they'd keep an eye on the place.
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>why did he stop coming to see me after a traumatic accident
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time for anzai to get cucked
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this guy is cool he's a real devil's rights advocate
He also makes some pretty funny faces.
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he's gonna hook them up
Instead of being the challenger romantic interest he ends up the gay best friend.
This kind of pragmatic "what about" always comes up in these series. I remember people talking about Tokyo Ghoul saying why didn't the government provide ghoul food. It's -It gets a little silly some times how these plot rules only really work because everyone's too dumb to solve the problem.
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He'll end up being a rival.
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>>486208 Why doesn't the government just arrest all the devils and deport them to their own island?
She still has the scar next week.>>486211 Supplying blood would probably be a more straightforward operation.
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I wonder if it will be a lasting scar. okay caligula okay lets start
Time for the weekly dose of "what the shit is this".
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now this show, this show is a fukken mastapeece
Hah hah what. What.
Shut the fuck up Gandalf Smeagol was a shithead.
The start of this OP always makes me feel it's going to be a JAM Project OP.
Every week I am disappointed.
It's not even that bad an OP but if you make me feel I'm gonna get JAM Project and it's not actually JAM Project I'm gonna be disappointed.
>The [Internet] world was constantly overflowing with humanities negative emotions Yeah sounds about right.
>>486225 I mean the OP is pretty good though
it's not jam project but it's alright
Mμ is a cutie
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This show is weird.
They're about fifty years too late to be discussing the philosophies of Lord of the Rings.
>Guns & Bouquets
This guy with the glasses is kind of over-obsessed with his friend. She didn't even seem all that into him.
I mean Smeagol was peverted by a power of evil near indomitable. It's a bit more nuanced than what they're going on about.
she's a full metal alchemist doll
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that doll is going reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
This series knows how to be pretty fun in its intense moments though. Even if it's pretty nonsensical.
why is she fucking singing
Doll-kun wanted to hear her singing.
Hah hah SHOUNEN DOORU I guess all the evil Musicians have silly names like this.
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this show is sunrise
It's not quite Sunrise. Maybe 85%. It just needs a little more OMPH to push it over the edge.
But why is Bkub doing the PV skits for this show.
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okay hinamatsuri>>486284 It does seem like we're moving fast. oh oka let's start!
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hayai feels like we're making good time tonight>>486275 yeah maybe you're right it's pretty close though i'm sure they can think of something clever for reference i'm thinking valvrave is about 1.3 sunrise and cross ange is 2 sunrise code geass is probably 1 sunrise >>486282 and now tilde is MIA i should have knocked on woodd >>486291 nice what kind? oh god what happened to ika>>486288 daijobu? >>486282 we're all here!
I was getting ice cream I'm here now. KA BA KU RA>>486284 A caramel chocolate mix with little caramel chocolates mixed into it.
Time for Hina to get evicted!
>>486291 oh gross i don't like caramel
I love caramel.
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wow over a vase
>>486296 an d an entire trashed apartment
>>486284 My scale is probably Valvrave at a full Sunrise on account of never seeing Geass. Cross Ange is definitely above and beyond the measure of a single Sunrise though.
He's sent her off with a really nice backpack. Even in disowning her he's provided pretty well for her. Not that she has the means of surviving on her own.
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I guess everyone is going to guilt him into taking her back in.
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they have a point
That's not as funny a resolution as I was hoping for. But they're making they best of it, hah hah.
>Anzu's managing to get by Yeah, as an impoverished homeless girl. And she's got a far better personality than Hina.
he already misses her
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she's such a freeloader even the hobos can't stand her
>It's not that I'm worried
Wow these musician guys are pretty good sports about losing customers to Hina.
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>>486316 yeah they're good guys
It's like everyone in this show is a good person except for Hina.
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Looks like everyone is having fun.
shining star
Nani Sore
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>look at her face >it's the same expression she always makes
>>486324 the guy with the emotionless face was able to read her emotionless face it makes perfect sense
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i mean just look at this
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hina is trying to be nice but she's just autistic
But he put it up with the other priceless pieces all the same.
She's really getting the knack of being everyone's ear.
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a benny tip
>There's a voice in my head wondering if I can make money while I sleep? This is a very relatable concept.
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even bartender-san is learning from her
>Girl who provides child labour to a bar wonders about the state of the country she lives in upon encountering girl providing child labour
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hitomi is the strongest
She's probably hella-rich for a middle school girl too.
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this is the saddest thing hitomi has ever seen and she's a bartender
Anzu is such a good girl.
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wow, impressive.
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hitomi goes through some hard stuff
This series is so excellently absurd.
it's great ready freddy
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okay comic girls okay lets start
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Comprehending the absurdity of life is one of its greatest joys.
Kaos is a surprisingly dangerous person.
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kaos has a messed up mind
Kaos is also my spirit animal.
I find it funny that in that bit in the OP which showcases the four girls in order, all of them get a little butterfly on the screen except for Kaos. Butterflies in Japanese folklore convey change and evolution. Poor Kaos.
Oh my.
When even your teacher is telling you to stop being so lewd.
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kaos pillow
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She must be drawing something incredible to be that embarrassed.
With hair like Kaos' I kind of want a Kaos pillow.
Hah hah this perspective in this shot. Kaos and the shoujo girl were way tiny.
Applying screentone all over that pOnOs
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manly shonen girl is the best
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she's reading a nice love story about herself
Poor Kaos.
It's kind of a little strange that - Oh they're back in the horrible perspective again. -that a high school girl gets to draw softcore porn and get it published.
digitaruki san
She's a modern-day high school gaaru. How does she not know how PCs wordasdasd
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It's a bit difficult to move from drawing on paper to drawing digitally. It looks like Kaos can't draw but she's good at colouring.
Okay that's even more ridiculous than having a high school girl sell softcore porn.
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That is a crazy level of delusions.
>Then I have nothing to worry about except everything! I know this feeling deeply.
And Koyume's the kind of person that would say yes to anything.
she's going to get the ara ara to help
This is kind of a sudden montage.
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This is kind of like a training montage but it won't make her boobs bigger.
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yeah what is this it's a SoL montage
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this anime looks incredible sometimes
Yeah, it's got some high quality moments. Between those two shots of the horrible perspective earlier there was this panning camera shot that combined some really good parallaxing to look really smooth. The contrast in effort was reall funny -really funny to me.
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this is a high level ara
>When your landlady reads your softcore porn
Oh dear.
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Looks like she's fallen into character.
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ruki is cool
This is a nice ED. I like how they lead into it, and it's got a really nice bit towards the end too.
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this show is the best SoL of the season
What about Hinamatsuri?
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It's better than hinamatsuri
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it's just on another level it's like Slow Start
>>486409 Shokingu truth I mean I was mostly just joking since I don't think SoL is really Hinamatsuri's defining theme. As far as "actual" SoL this season yeah Cosmic Girls is A+.
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thanks for anime!
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>>486411 hinamatsuri is a great comedy and a great slice of life comic girls is an excellent slice of life amanchu is excellent as well thanks for anime
There's a lot of big swingers this season. Agree Matto
thanks fot anime
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