>>481054 btw I chose the hail and kill and hail, kill and die because they are practically "sequel songs" i mean there is no story, but they are linked in the name
>>481045 I had tiny burger, peas and corn on the cob. These ciders are fairly high calorie but are so nice.
>>481038 But you left saying you were out to find male genitalia Also. Nier automata is on sale >>481078 Well of course not. Or else she'd be right here.
WRONG >>481087 haa maybe cut on that whisky tn? No I can't cut on that whisky tn why? cause I have to drink it all away so you can be dry for a month and so from now oh right
>>481071 >>481088 it's alright That's about as much as I have to say about that
I have fucked up my studies, never applied for new ones never properly applied for normal jobs and never told anyone near me I am getting properly fucked over by life and all of that is about to blow up on me by this summer so fun why did I even post this here
you have six months don't you can't you organise something in that time
>>481108 naw and I don't want to be elected on the board again
but most likely I will be even if I am not a student the club is bit old guard reliant right now
but I don't really want to be on the board anymore it is ment for students I am not a student just a loser rn who likes to live in the past and drink alcohol
>>481112 I had my sandwich so life is delicious right now Just waiting for deployment. Hopefully today is easy like yesterday.
>>481114 I guess we finally understand each other fully
dude, most of us are getting properly fucked by life that's not particularly strange
Yeah I know nothing new but have ytou sever noticed how PRIDEFUL I AM
It is strangely humble for TN though!
>>481118 not really tbh you always seem a little achy on the inside
well nagi there knows me a lot better than you
or maybe not I am a conflicting person I mean poart of me wants to open all about my own problems and shit here and part of me wants to shoot that part with a ebola shotgun
Eh, Not really.
who fucking knows
I don't know how I work and I doubt anyone could ever make sense and even if I could search for help my pride would deny it
i think i get you just fine man i think you open up about plenty without actually saying anything explicitly you don't really have to it comes through kind of clear and i think a lot of us get that message we just kind of respect your space and don't egg it on since it's pretty clear you wouldn't want it explicitly addressed and that's totally fine
by next month I will have this all fucking cleared up byt I guess I just ended up wanting to talk about it
I mean you lot here are the only people i can talk about this shit with honestly
because you don't know me and that is a positive you don't know my history some parts of my personality and so on or waht I can really do and so on
i'm not sure if histories really mean a lot i was a totally different person just three years ago
I think I tolerate you a lot of time because even when your a dick it is pretty sincere.
>>481130 yeah and you took out some of your I guess "transfer" process on me at times which was fun I honestly mean that I had damn good laughst about that not on your expense, but just on what happened >>481131 well yeah when I am being dick I am being me the most
well the only reason i am openign like this is cause I am drunk it lets the shit I normally keep within my duality shit kept hidden I guess that is my true feelings? or just the stuff I don't want to feel or just stuff I don't want to deal with who knows I went too much nostalgia so I ended up here
Being so much aware of oneself is fun I guess that was the pent up stress I didn't afterall apply to new universities by choice and by accident in the end
but I have said I would graduate by now by htis summer and now I will be caught in the lie what will I do about that...
So ever realised that drying clothes in a drying thingamabob a clothes dryed actually makes them last about half the time they would if you air dried them
I've dried my clothes in a dryer my whole life and I've either outgrown my clothes or they've lasted far longer than I've ever needed them to.
>>481132 that's just my tourettes i still have it but i'm better medicated when i had moved, i didn't have close access to my doctor and pharmacy and had to go without for many months that's not what's different though, really
sometimes i lose my shit when i'm trying to make an effort and i feel that someone else isn't, so i decide to stop making an effort and let a whole lot out just, you know, to be fair to myself it's a problem sometimes
also thanks for stomaching me dunno if I'd be around anymore or if I'd be much better without you lot but well you atleast enable me to be me so thanks
>>481140 I was homeless at he time sleeping at places without permanent adress the fact that someone still had it worse than me and took it out on me kinda kept an ironic humour to me
and I ejoyed at times coaxing you on, even if you didn't realise I was doing it my fault but I found it funny
it's hard to explain, but by letting it all out like that, it keeps me from really feeling it inside i can't harbor it after i've expressed it that makes it easier for me
i'm still trying to find a more permanent, or at least stable, housing situation for myself too i'm hoping it clears up with this move i'm making in the next week-ish >>481147 yeah, i genuinely felt the frustration that i expressed, but it smooths over so quickly because i was able to do that if i didn't and just had to tuck it away, it turns into pettiness and i don't think that's too good
>>481146 you bloody apologised every other day and went out full blast rampage on me the other at times I got used to it quick and just went it with, since I realised i was the good target and like I said I found it almost always funny
>>481146 and yeah as someone who has also been homeless I hope you can find a good almost permanent atleast "permanent untill you choose to move out" housing now
>>481146 even at best of times I am just "annoying" so I was at my worst of times back then so really I think it was just natural reaction of us both in the end
I nearly killed a good part of my familial connections back then too
but how do you explain to your folks, whom you are leeching from "you won't get housing from cheap state housing, because you didn't accept 8 square appartment from the state that was offered" btw 8 squares can house approximately 30% of my possessions and I never applied for that small housing btui that is what they gave to me initially so I had options of "take that" or "take something I can't afford" and "houselessness" and I couldn't let go of all of my books and my collection of shit so "How to stay living with my parents, friends and shit for 3 months untill I can apply for shit again" became my challenge and that was 2016 november o january and then I bunked at my aniki's for 6 months which confirmed " we like each other, but we don't want to live in the same address"
i wish the state gave me anything even in my impoverished condition, i still owe the government six months' income pretty much because i'm too poor to pay taxes
yeah i had to abandon all my books too a whole wall full of them, probably 400 or so text books, medical encyclopedias, anatomy books, reference books, and a small collection of fiction i guess we're lucky that it's the digital age and it's all online, but when you have some reference books with hand-drawn illustrations of anatomy or botany, having the physical thing is really nice
And now I live here but I havn't gotten employed I havn't gotten state supported due to my pride and I havn't gotten properly re-educated so by now shithas hit the fan so much that I am at a bit of a loss
I'd be really sad if I lost my books. They mean a lot me.
>>481156 i bet you woulda liked a lot of my medical books it's so cool just to look at all the anatomy sketches from way old days and see the progression from what we knew in 1850 to now >>481160 it's about maintaining the buzz gettin drunk ruins it imo
Post this apart from mayday festivities I won't be drinking untill my birthday or much later but >>481161 yeah but the more I drink them ore human I am
>>481161 That sounds neat, it is a shame you lost treasured possessions.
I've never felt the pleasure of drinking. The buzz generally isn't all that pleasant for me. Suddenly pins and needles aaaah
i don't particularly have a problem with it my problem is severe anxiety that sometimes causes distress and paranoia and worrying about things that are not problems is sometimes a manifestation of that
i get paranoid that i am addicted to my medications or to alcohol or anything else, but my consumption is actually pretty low on all substances and i don't have any difficulties with using them or abstaining it's just another thing to manifest my fears
there should be a law against filler followed by recap
It's kuso weekly shounen, what do you expect. They already reduce the amount of new content time per episode by having like two and a half minutes of recap. And take another two or so minutes at the end of the episode with some dumb skit.
>>481307 ifkr i hope that's what it is gimme a kojima and del toro Netflix original series and you can increase my Netflix subscription price i won't complain
sorry, i'm making dumb and inappropriate jokes on /moe/ this is why i hate being sober i continually make people uncomfortable i wish i was a normal person
Christina vu in taiga is so horrid i dont think she did anything right besides noel vermicelli
christina vee* oops
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
>>481311 it's been pent up for years finally all this shit is seeing the light
>>481316 No. There has to be a reason No one talks about this unless something happens
Did someone die... Was the waffle house dude an incel or something
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>481314 I haven't heard her for that but I do tend to like some of her other roles in addition to Noel
I rolled an extra Fjorm so I fed her that. My Myrrh is the worst possible IV for Great Flame (-Def / +Spd) So I gave her Atk/Def Bond so her Def can be decent. >>481334 Yours is perfect. LB++Spd is going to make for a fun team setup though.
im done with all my assignments for the semester now all that's left is research team work (logistic regressions and correlation tables plus document formatting) an oral defense of a paper i wrote, and two finals
>overwhelmed with work for days >finally done with all assignments >no more classes >have to go do work for my research team >having trouble breathing after pushing my limits for days >body hurts >just want to relax harder_better_faster_sadder.mp3
i don't think i can manage the rest of today's work without taking more amphetamines
omg i just checked the email i sent saying i would do this my underrested and overworked and overwhelmed broken ass brain said "after Wednesday" to say "after my classes on Wednesday"
that's so vague i can work with this i can pretend i meant id do it thursday omg
WHERE DOES THE TIME GO suddenly I only have 4 hours until I gotta get ready for work
Time goes by quickly. I kind of miss going to work.
I'm mostly ohio now It feels so alien to be this well rested.
My resting heart rate is 65 BPM. I have no idea if that is high or not. Kinda interesting considering my circulation is supposed to be poor according to rynaulds syndrome.
>>481408 But now I need TWO (2) Hinokas because I want Atk/Spd Bond on her too.
Kirara 🚗
lol i need some too
Kirara 🚗
but im gonna wait in case the new legend is good
>>481405 There are a lot these kind of patreons around. I wonder how profitable they are, I mean obviously some people get big followings. >>481408 Probably. You had cute legs in that picture you took. combine it with communism and I'm sure you'll rake in the cash.
ugh i just remembered i have to go to a meeting tonight i was planning on trying to go to bed early i don't think they'll be productive unless im there though
>>481427 I'm not certain, I'm not seeing a clear why of it. But they've said they have a DNA match, and investigating the man who they have arrested's house, they've found articles reported stolen from the houses the ONS invaded.
>>481428 Also the man arrested was brought in under charges of a double homicide which I -think- is separate from the crimes of the ONS. It was only after the arrest that the law enforcement realized who they had on their hands.
Kirara 🚗
well i guess we'll see what happens i hope they have more than dna
>>481443 > a small contingent of these celestials argued that humanity was ready to learn the secrets behind the making of the world. BAD IDEA BAD IDEA BAD IDEA
> Humanity did not listen.
>All of reality was turned inside out. UNSURPRISING RESULTS
Kirara 🚗
>Overlight is a fantasy roleplaying game of kaleidoscopic journeys: a visceral, dangerous, and brightly-colored setting. Characters will search for personal meaning among a fantastic, sometimes violent, and overwhelming world.
im incredibly interested in this but it sounds so cool and unique that im very reluctant to kickstart it without info on what that means
Tabletop RPG?
Kirara 🚗
Sounds interesting
Kirara 🚗
it does but i wish there was like even a hint as to the mechanical stuff
>>481449 Well they've already cleared their goal, so it's going to go through even if you don't get involved.
Kirara 🚗
yeah but if i knew more, i might go for the $50 one or something because the book probably awesome
Kirara 🚗
oh wait some stuff was hidden in the kickstarter page
I'm gonna go for a nap. and then figure out what to do when I wake up.
Kirara 🚗
>Virtues For six of the seven Virtues, each character will have a Rating. This is expressed as one of a variety of polyhedral die. So one might have a Compassion Rating of D10. A very good rating! Each character will also select one of their Virtues to be their Core Virtue. This is mostly for storytelling and roleplaying purposes as it helps you to define what it is that motivates your character. While it will not have much bearing on the rules, it will influence which Chroma are available to that character. The Virtue of Spirit is an exception and is instead represented by a pool of points that can be spent for a variety of things, including Combat Maneuvers and channeling Chroma.
>>481458 Oh shit yeah I love connecting things to different dice
Kirara 🚗
>Your characters also have 17 different Skills, which have Ratings just like Virtues. One key difference is that while all Virtues have at least a D6 Rating, not all Skills will. You may be untrained in a specific Skill which is another way of saying that it has no current Rating. As a reminder when expressing the Rating for a Skill or Virtue, we’ll be using a capital “D”. We’ll be using a lower case “d” when talking about the literal dice in your hand or being rolled.
>Most of the gameplay is centered on something called a Test. There are a variety of different kinds of Tests, but the most basic of them is a Skill Test. A Test is performed by rolling a handful of seven dice. In most cases, three of them will come from one of your Virtue ratings, and three dice will come from one of your Skill ratings. You’ll be looking for any die with a result of 6 or higher. This is called a success. So you’ll be achieving between zero and six successes on most rolls. But you’ll also be adding a single d4 called the “Spirit Die” to the Test. The result of this die will be evaluated differently depending on the sort of Test you are performing.
Uhhh That's starting to get a little unnecessarily complicated
>Chroma are the mysterious abilities and powers that the Skyborn are able to manipulate to amazing effect. They are not an exact science, and as a result, sometimes a Skyborn might channel too much Overlight through themselves while using the Chroma. When this happens the Skyborn or the Chroma is said to have Shattered. Each Shattering will have a lasting effect on the physical or spiritual being of the Skyborn, and after too many Shatterings the Chroma will burn itself out, searing away that particular arrangement of virtuous pathways in the character’s Spirit, leaving the character without the ability to channel that specific Chroma again.
looks to have some pretty great illustrations maybe ill get the book and even if the mechanics aren't that fun or are too complicated, ill still have the setting and shit
I'm kinda worried about life guys Things aren't going so well
this might have been a topic before, but since I saw a gatorade in the shop today, it finally dawned on me that powerade and gatorade are different things
>>481466 Yeah, Powerade is a ripoff of Gatorade And Kirara likes Powerade, while I like Gatorade.
Kirara 🚗
oh, they're doing a free rpg day across the country for this on june 16th
>>481468 Well, it's not just for that. Free RPG day will have tons of different stuff for different games.
Kirara 🚗
oh yeah i know i mean they'll have it there, they're participating i wonder if the local place does it ive never been there
You got an flgs?
Kirara 🚗
i was told that we do by someone but ive never been there and don't know where it is someone was saying the store manager or owner or whatever might let us use their back room for commie shit
"Uh yeah, let's go to this march of kids trying to not die at school, and give them The Communist Manifesto to read, which advocates for violent government overthrow and hostile opposition to the exact thing they're marching for" Good plan you fucking idiots
Kirara 🚗
and then a local highschool has a local young dsa chapter now and they're like, hey, let's go pick up the kids after school and bring them to our meeting UHH NO THAT'S NOT YOU CAN'T FUCKING OPTICS DO YOU KNOW HOW THAT LOOKS
like yeah we want to make change in the world and create support networks for communities but these people are living in some kind of fantasy world where they think running around brainwashing kids into communists in an extremely conservative area is going to have no consequences
>>481502 its a little rusty but i have one you can take if you need it
>>481501 You'd probably be better off advertising your existence and making it visible you're open to high school age kids checking stuff out, too Like, not AT school In places where kids hang out
Kirara 🚗
we need to accept kids if they are interested and online outreach is okay but recruiting kids in public is the dumbest shit and i don't want to be associated with it
>>481501 sure ill get what i need from it pretty quick anyway
Ah, I get it now. This new Hinoka is pretty much modeled off of Hinoka's Spear. both the A and the C I want to use them both. I must take out my anger on these people who would double Reinhardt
>>481504 I dunno if I'm that against it, but you could do it more subtly than like, picking them up at school what the fuck Ask a shop or something if you can set up a stand outside and talk to kids on their way home from school or something instead >>481509 I guess? I guess the area is more conservative than here, so
>>481507 Would you say that a religious organization setting up a stand near a school, or a different fringe political belief from yours doing exactly what you're saying is fine?
Also I'm saying put up a thing outside a shop, like any other organization tends to do, not even necessarily to target kids But it's a way to g- >>481523 Excuse me?
>>481527 most kids in the us take a bus that brings them close to their home which is only near a shop in major cities
>>481527 I'm going to preface this with the likely answer you're going to interject before I'm finished this post with. That just because everyone else does it, does not make it all right for you to do it.
Kids are highly suceptible to influence and peer pressure, and if something along the lines of some hip socialist group starts popping up around their school looking to recruit, many of them will get pulled in not through conscentious consideration of if they agree with the beliefs of the group, but because friends are doing it or its perceived to be cool. And I don't care how righteous you think you are, if you're going to say "I don't have a problem with that", you're no better than a cult.
>>481532 >most kids in the us take a bus I don't not believe you, but I'd like a citation for that statistic.
>>481533 I mean first of all the only way to avoid that is to put an age restriction on association with your organization, which literally you would be the only non-adult-oriented organization to do And second of all, I do have a problem with that, but doing the first thing mentioned here doesn't stop anyone from actively, in a hostile and aggressive manner, recruiting kids, which is a documented and well known thing that happens, and 'being better than them' doesn't do a fucking thing
Like what's your proposal here? "Don't associate with kids, avoid them at all costs because it's better if they get recruited by literal fascist groups than even know communists exist"?
Kirara 🚗
>>481534 http://www.americanschoolbuscouncil.org/issues/environmental-benefits >Some 480,000 school buses carry 25 million children — more than half of America’s schoolchildren — each day, making the school bus industry the largest form of mass transit in the United States. Taking cars off the road, reducing carbon emissions, and making the world a better place to live are everyday results for The Yellow School Bus.
Yeah. Don't actively try to associate with kids, if they come to you, inform them and maybe, MAYBE encourage them to build an autonomous activist group in their community. And then if you have a bone to pick with these fascist groups, aim to dismantle them yourself or something. Just don't involve kids in what YOU'RE doing.
Kirara 🚗
i appreciate that kids want to get involved but as someone who works with kids and is knowledgeable about their development, it's not a good day to involve them directly they often don't have the capacity to make educated decisions about whether or not to be actively involved with a group that being involved with can limit their opportunities in life plus most communists are not good role models
if i want to go break the law, that's on me but a kid, even an 18 year old, that looks up to me or something may be influenced to participate and risk their future
they're not really old enough to be there in the same capacity as us imo
Those are good points, yeah I didn't give enough thought to this, though I should have
Kirara 🚗
i think if they want an activist group they should make one and run one by themselves i don't mind collaborating with them but we should be careful not to influence them too much
children also don't have the level of moral development that people need to properly justify communism we talk about material conditions and shit but the truth is that commies want communism because they think it's the moral choice and the supposed economic benefits are secondary
kids that are heavily into communism are mostly mirroring things they've seen or haven't thought everything through and even if they've read all the theory, they don't have the worldly experience to put it in context
in today's world, it's just not beneficial for kids to get involved because they're risking their future if we just bring them in without regard for that, we're doing them an injustice and using them like tools for our own benefit
I don't see those as separable points, really, but that's besides your point I think
If anything I think that illustrates the point pretty clearly.
Kirara 🚗
if we want tto support kids marching, we can wear commie shirts or pins and give them water for free but to try to influence them politically is just not right imo
There's a reason that, at least in Toronto, you can't visibly show cigarette packs for sale in corner shops. Or anywhere except specialty stores. Not that smoking and political influence are entirely equal but they're both pretty cancerous if you noamsayin.
Yeah, I keep that shit under wraps when around people I don't know really well That alone might be a good enough reason not to involve kids
Apparently tea is on sale at the shop nearby. I want to walk out and get some since we've got like three teabags left but it's also either drizzling or risking outright rain outside. Though either way it would probably do me good to get out of the house and walk for a bit.
Kirara 🚗
three isn't enough to last a whole day
Exaaaactly. It's not uncommon to run at least two pots worth for my family, which is already four teabags. And that's ignoring what I might make up during the day when no one else is around.
Really though, has the press become significantly less free in any real sense since Trump got into office? Like, has he taken any action beyond insulting journalists and lying or dodging questions?
I was just wondering if like, something had been suppressed since it's dropped so far The US used to be near the top, right?
Kirara 🚗
not for a while now since the government and corporations has been directing the media with what to say for a while the media purposefully ignores a lot because they've been asked tto
Kirara 🚗
someone was telling me they got an extension on a project and i was like "shit you're so lucky" "yeah my grandpa died" "o-oh"
>Local university student breaks the speed of light with the change in emotion from envy to embarrassment
Kirara 🚗
>>481574 easy to break the speed of light after three days of amphetamines tbh
It's more difficult not to at that point
Where the fuck is my train.
Kirara 🚗
my emotions were so fucked up the past few days even after a like 12 hour break from them my emotions are all fucked up my executive functioning is shot but my focus still works
>>481579 ??? it's amphetamines also im on Vyvanse which is lisdexamphetamine
I don't even have time for video games I gotta start getting ready for work in like an hour and a half steins gate isn't out yet, I guess I'll watch it tomorrow No anime today
Kirara 🚗
i turned on my ps4 and ive just been staring at it I can't
>>481599 I know how that is Did you sleep at all yet?
Kirara 🚗
i got 5 hours last night I can't sleep rn because workers coming in and out of my house to update the valve for the water main or something im too out of it to pay attention but the managers warned me this would happen and i see them working so they're legit and whatever
I basically just ignored it . I looked back every 20 seconds or so to make sure it wasn't about to bite me. Another guy ran away from it and went across at the big intersection nearby. The eog stopped following me about 20~ feet from the intersection. It just stopped and stared.
>>481628 Yeah, this is what I was worried about. Treating them as humankind has done lepers in the past is not a good course of action and could likely incentivize others to try and become martyrs in a similar fashion to what happened this week.
>>481634 oh no, do I need to re-up my sex count every month Is this like another student loan?
Also I saw a pamphlet that says "who really controls the world? God Mankind Or someone else??? " On it I didn't open it but I assume it was about lizard people.
>>481635 Yeah, this course of action is pretty much only an affirmation of their beliefs. The last thing they need is to believe they're right for believing society is persecuting them, even if they are actually now right that society is persecuting them.
I really don't think it matters if incels are treated like shit because even if they're not, they act like and believe they are
Kirara 🚗
but they can get better they're people that need help they're sick and delusional just throwing them all into the trash confirms their delusions and makes them more dangerous and also more miserable we should be reaching out to them and trying to help them
>>481644 You can replace "incel" with a bunch of different words and >>481645 still applies
incels tend to be bigots but I think it's different these are kids usually they're not 40 year olds with swastika tattoos they're kids with real problems and we can help them
I'm not saying they're outright fash I just don't see how to deal with the problem which is the incel demographic and their rampant abuse and bigotry, while still being compassionate and trying to help them
Kirara 🚗
get them therapy
>>481650 Have you tried not getting buttmad at every person who does something you dislike? Or is even associated with people you dislike? I feel like you get really mad at entire groups of people quite a bit.
>>481643 Yeah, this is the stuff about the ONS I was talking about earlier.
Kirara 🚗
the people they harass have every right to avoid them and we don't have to make excuses or say their behavior isn't a big deal we can support women by dealing with their attacker s through helping their attackers grow and stop being attackers these people aren't fundamentally broken we can't just throw them away
Well I dunno how to approach that It's dumb to lump them in with fash, though
Kirara 🚗
you can't but people like me and other mental health professionals can other people just have to get them to us
Which is one of the things I appreciate about Minassian being apprehended alive. It's unfortunate that he's likely to spend most of his functioning life in -under state surveillance, but I hope the government will bring in some health professionals to talk with him and work to understand how to best address the mentality.
Over twitter, though? Cause I just don't see it happening
Kirara 🚗
should i stream the Detroit demo
>>481658 encouraging them to get help may be all you can do but people blocking them on sight is bad
>>481658 The thing about Twitter is a different concern a bit. I was worried when the public first got wind of the incel mentality because of this recent incident, that social circles would lashback in fear and misunderstanding, and commit actions that would only reinforce and encourage the mentality. Which is already happening.
The incel stuff will go out of fashion anyway It's a big deal now because of this thing, in a month or two it's forgotten by the general population
>>481748 Also a -Also formerly in the military. Which is being attributed to some of his skills involved with the crimes, like the knots he used and his clinical break-ins.
Hah hah you don't get an option to refuse him when he tells you to throw the gun away.
Huh? Maybe I just missed that pop-up. I saw that you can lie about having it, but I didn't see anything about keeping it when he tells you to throw it away. Could have just not seen it though.
Kirara 🚗
Kirara 🚗
what how do i get the bad end wtf
Kirara 🚗
is there no bad end???
I'd figure pushing Daniel to jump or shoot before Conner gets right up close to him. But I don't know if that's within the constraints the game gives you.
Kirara 🚗
or does falling actually kill me? hmm
maybe you need to really piss him off but I thought the moving closer from before was what let you save the child. but it doesn't look like it.
Kirara 🚗
maybe i just won't get closer this time
>>481760 Yeah, that's kind of what I'm thinking. If you get all the way up to Daniel, the choices are either shoot him, talk it out, or let him fall. And once you're that close you'll probably always save the girl.
It's neat that they give you a different camera shot for some of the lines if you're too far back or something. Like in a previous run when Daniel said "my eyes are open now" it gave a profile of his face. This time the camera was still over Conner's head.
He doesn't just shoot the girl though. I guess that would be too violent for a video game. Even if her dropping to her death is.
A lot of countries have laws against showing a child being killed in video games and other media
Yeah, I'm familiar with that. I just feel that one dropping to their death, even if ambiguous, isn't really much better?
Not really but it isn't going to run foul of the censors apparently you can shoot children in some games and they are just immortal.
Yeah, I know.
This sort of plausible deniability to get around those censors is just kind of dumb though.
I think tv shows and movies just show children being killed behind a wall or something.
Kirara 🚗
god of war will be downloaded in like 20 minutes if y'all wanna watch that
Yeah, we were watching an anime episode last night that had a (presumably?) teenage girl finish drinking something out of a wine glass. And then immediately act like she was tipsy. She was also sitting at a bar in a very obviously alcohol-stocked room. So it's like, everything indicates she was drinking. But it wasn't actually shown to be alcohol. Plausible deniability is so silly sometimes.
it's as pronounced a difference as american english to aussie english, so it might matter
>>481908 Yeah, I had one. Still do, but I also had. Just haven't talked with him recently.
Kirara 🚗
he betrayed you and got you shot!
I don't think he betrayed anyone ever. Aside from I guess his parent's aspirations.
I knew a connor, he was a rich shit who claimed a benefit for poor children for education but always bragged about how money his father makes and all the cars he gets to ride into london.
I feel like a robot being able to monitor my heart stats. I can't wait to be a robot. >>481917 Climbed up a hill while being very unhealthy and dying. My heart really beats hard when I'm pushing myself. I get like explosives going off in my legs and arms. little tiny booms in my legs it feels weird.
Kirara 🚗
10 minutes till gao
Kirara 🚗
>>481915 uhh what did you do tto get to peak I have never been in peak even when having like ptsd flashbacks
I'd say that this case was one of the highest profile cold cases in recent history. In terms of California cold cases only the zodiac killer is more high profile.