3D Kanojo: Real Girl Black Clover Caligula Gegege no Kitarou --Episode 3-4 Hinamatsuri Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi Mahou Shoujo Ore --Episode 3-4 Major 2nd --Episode 1-3 Nil Admirari no Tenbin --Episode 2-3 Rokuhoudou --Episode 2-3 Shokugeki no Souma Tokyo Ghoul re Uma Musume --Episode 2-5
Additional reminder that we should not count on Jan being around for Tuesday nights.
I don't really know, Kakuriyo? He only joined us on that for only episode two I believe, not following it. Nil Admirari probably. I can't quite recall if we saved 3D Kanojo for him last week; it airs today.
I put Major 2nd on the List because Ika expressed interest in it but he hasn't really said anything about it since.
major 2nd looks dumb
also lets souma i think jan isnt caught up
3D Kanojo wasn't on the Wednesday List last Wednesday. Since it airs on Tuesdays it's reasonable to say we watched it last Tuesday, without Jan. So we can probably do that.
>>481221 I believe he watched it last episode with us despite not really being caught up.
>>481253 I actually don't like it because it really only leaves one outcome they cook an awesome dish becausae they're so awesome at cooking even though the odds are stacked against them because they get expelled if they fail
it makes the show a bit boring I want to see head to head close cooking competitions between worthy foes
>>481254 Well that's what I mean by the narrative scope. Yeah that's exactly what I mean.
But when you remove the narrative scope and look at it from within the story, it's still preposterous.
Though potato noodles sound like they could be pretty good. Man I had a full dinner and I'm already getting hungry again.
Noodles made of potato would probably be pretty similar to the texture of udon noodles, yeah.
Just to clarify II am caught up on souma, I just usually watch it by myself because I seem to miss when you guys watch it.
Ah, thanks for clarifying.
I don't watch any of the other shows tonight.
The symbolism of Erika being Jeanne D'Arc is really kind of flawed though. Erina even. She's as ojou-y as it gets and Jeanne was a peasant girl.
She's a good girl. I don't think he's making the right choices though.
Rearu Nipponese bullying really is rough.
Oh the scumbag's imouto is friends with Tsutsun's...otouto?
Heeee's not making the right choicessss.
It's a good thing Igarashi is such a good girl.
The books on his bookshelf don't really look like the kind of thing you'd expect to see on an otaku's bookshelf. They all have spines like they're classics books or something.