the weirdest thing happened today as soon as all my assignments were done and i realized i still have work to do i lost all my drive
i still can't believe i made it through ive been so messed up fish has been upset that im neglecting her now that im kind of free im too exhausted to do anything what a worlf
Graduate school really does sound like a hellscape. Hope I don't ever have to bear through it.
>I don't want to die. >Reassure: You won't be harmed. No one will hurt you >Truth: You killed two people. There is no way they won't blast the ever living fuck out of you dude. You're going to be destroyed.
Kirara 🚗
connor was like i promise no one will hurt you but i gotta be straight with you you're dead
I WANT A CAR (o) compromise >no
Well as an android you can probably "kill" one without pain.
>Compromise lmoa
>I want a car, shouted the frog >lol, replied the scorpion, lmao
Why not send the android to robot hell?
Kirara 🚗
why did the robot die from getting shot in the shoulder, side, and cheek
Maybe anti-android bullets or something. Having a full set of snipers out for an android did feel really silly to me though.
>>482029 cheek has the self destruct button attached to it
i'm so fucked up man i don't know how i'm even sitting up fish is making me dinner dude i've been on vyvanse for like 60+ hours nonstop until yesterday at like 8pm i started up monhun earlier and i just sat there and stared at the screen for like two hours before i was able to play detroit becoming human demo
oh yeah i don't actually know the story about the everest thing someone told me that it happened and i was hoping i could trick you guys into telling me what it was and then i'd be like, yeah, it was pretty crazy
>>482107 I didn't actually have a story either I was just gonna say I lied after you told me the everest story and you wouldn't be able to do anything about it since I would've already heard it Damn
Oh hah hah I was re-watching the ED from last week and it TOTOALLY FORESHADOWS this Kirara. This week's title is even "Sono Higurashi"
Kirara 🚗
it's so absurd that i didn't interpret the signs properly
That's some fucking poetry.
Like pottery
Kirara 🚗
>>482157 I was curious into it when I checked out a PV for it that ran at Anime Japan like a week or two before the new season started. But I'm also glad it was entirely not within my expectations.
>>482209 it's a blast so far and the best looking PS4 game I've ever played in 4k checkerboard on the pro the gameplay is more combo and dodge focused vs the button mashing/parrying of the previous games i wish the moveset for the axe was a little more varied but the runic spells you can find in chests give it a little bit of variety the dialogue between kratos and atreus is really good, too. It acts as a kind of constant exposition for the world of midgard and there's not a dull moment with him remarking on various things in the environment and pointing you towards collectibles and interactable things as well. There's a ton of stuff that's hidden in each level so even with him helping the player it's difficult to find everything without a guide. I feel like the enemy design could use some variety, that's probably my only complaint.
There's a lot of stuff that airs this season that we watch. I think Hinamatsuri is some time during the weekend too? The weekends totally flood us with shows.
I thought you watched stuff the day after it aired or something Though I guess this is a really good season so there's too many shows to watch all of it as it airs
>>482340 It's rare that we watch more than four episodes worth of shows a night though. The weekend days usually throw six or seven shows at us so some things get saved over.
getting home from work just to go to bed almost immediately is a weird experience it's nice though cause I know I'll go out like a fucking light
I used to do that when I worked shifts that start at 07:00. Watching anime with /moe/ usually keeps me up past 02:00 in the morning so I wasn't getting much sleep at night. It was physically exhausting work though so I crashed hard too whenever I did it. Would drop asleep and not wake up for like six hours straight sometimes.
it always takes me a couple hours to go to sleep even if i'm super tired after work i like to play games or watch anime or something to unwind after work anyway >>482394 night night spaghet
>>482393 For me it was always a mix of both the physical exhaustion and hitting the limits of how much I could stay awake based on the sleep I'd had previously. I'd trudge home both tired and sleepy, duck under the covers and just be dead out. Those were also some of the best sleeps I've ever had though.
>>482396 a jan in motion stays in motion i just can't fall asleep immediately like that! even if i've been up for too long and didn't sleep enough
I normally can't. Even with something like melatonin supplements taking effect before laying down, it'll usually take minimum thirty or forty minutes before I'm actually asleep. I have to like, totally exert my body and run that circadian cycle its full course before it's easy to fall asleep. That or eat something hearty and food coma myself.
>mum just asked me if I knew what an incel forum was I'm dreaming this can't be real
>>482399 At least you're likely able to give her an informed answer on the subject. As opposed to her getting her idea of what it is from some incorrect notion from a tabloid-esque article or tv show.
>Winds of Winter, the sixth book in A Song of Ice and Fire, will not be coming in 2018 I was expecting disapointment and the taste of disappointment is still bitter in my mouth all the same.
Probably because I missed one p the first time around.
>>482415 >They joke about this stuff so blatantly in plain sight so that they can point at people like us, sneer, and call us insane. Their symbolism will be their downfall. wow woke
i think his sudden burst of energy and heighten mood along with his inability to communicate fully is demonstrative of a manic episode i'm not going to say he's bipolar without evaluating him but his behavior now and historically clearly isn't normal and often results in undeniable functional deficits, particularly socially i think it's really bad that tweets claiming he CANNOT POSSIBLY be bipolar because some individuals haven't experienced a brand of mania that includes grandiose delusions is stigmatizing and dangerous
He lives constantly in a environment with bursts of energy, feasts, drugs and whatnot. Crowds are always insane around him, hi job is to make these crowds go insane, etc. can't possibly deny that such a life must impact ones life, people are also able to change quite fast, without any illness, etc. in an egocentrical world this must be twice as true.
>>482435 All the people he surrounds himself with on a personal level are saying that he's healthy and in a good place. Is he experiencing something? Maybe, but all their accounts say no and as long as the person and his surrounding circle believe he's perfectly fine, there won't be an evaluation. I'm inclined to believe that they're right and that the Kanye people are seeing now is just the Kanye that didn't show itself.
Kirara 🚗
>>482436 is your argument then that he's not psychologically adjusted to the level that would let him navigate such an environment
>>482438 My argument is that nobody is. But in ak fairness I don't know anything about him except that he's a singer, and he made a tweet with Trump.
kanye is probably a little fucked up, all superstars are
Kirara 🚗
>>482437 idk, i haven't seen those statements all i've seen is self-destructive behavior so that's what i've based my opinions on and i'm not saying he is mentally ill i'm saying it's dangerous and stupid to say he cannot be
>>482439 other people in his position don't behave like him publically
Both Chance and Kim Kardashian (his wife) came out saying that he's fine. Chance said "this was the same Kanye from back then". >>482444 That's the other joke As "self-destructive" as he is, people are still going to buy his next album. Some people think that this is just him drumming shit up prior to it coming out. Which is kinda silly because he's fucking Kanye West, he doesn't HAVE to do this but I guess this is just what he wants to get out. Maybe working on his album got him feeling like doing this.
>>482441 A lot of superstars have beeb drug addicts, had extremely unstable relationships, edorsed politicians, been violent, etc. Some have done way worse than him.
the last time people said kanye was crazy he was making some good music so i can't complain
>>482442 that's a really common thing in bipolar people meet someone when they're manic and assume that means healthy and happy then they experience the down stages and when he goes back to manic, they say, oh, he's back to normal. he's in a good place.
>>482443 but not most his behavior is very unusual for a public figure is what i'm saying during the past week in particular
>>482442 >what he wants to get out was this intentional
>>482442 >maybe working on his album got him feeling like doing this. that makes a lot of sense to me
Kirara 🚗
if working on his album did this to him, that is also suggestive of bipolar disorder
Maybe he just felt a urge to scream. As famous as he is, he might never have felt like he was heard. Some small existential crisis, something silly, that blew up because he's Kanye...
Kirara 🚗
>>482449 it is possible that he's taking too many drugs, yeah especially considering he probably isn't ADHD so they affect him differently than how they affect me
>>482450 >he might never have felt like he was heard. That would be some shit because he's a very popular rapper and rap is all about being heard. And he's loud as hell. And has one of the lowest filters. >>482453 yeah, that's what he does. THIS is what he does. It just so happens that he kinda crossed a no-go zone somewhere.
Kirara 🚗
kanye is probably the most heard rapper out there he has always said what he wants when he wants where he wants that's part of his whole identity and claim to fame
Kirara 🚗
>>482452 what he's doing now is different from what he usually does
doesn't necessarily mean that you feel heard. Like when you're screaming at some kid that keeps doing what you tell him not to do ? idk.
yeah it's counterintuitive as hell it messed me up when i first got my fitbit too
tfw you row a boat for ten minutes so papa kratos will tell you more stories
Kirara 🚗
i haven't played much yet but i really like kratos in this he's chill but he's still got his anger and brutality they did a really good job of making him seem older but still the same character i think
Most of my dreams are weird things like trying find my bag or losing my passport and trying not to panic. Some of them are interesting that I don't want to wake up.
i used to be pretty good at sleeping but not for a while now
i have to dedicate like 10 hours to sleep if i want to get 8 hours of sleep
I've always been shitty at sleeping. I am a lot better than I was, I used to go to bed at 5am. Well I occasionally still do. My college years were on like 2 hours sleep.
That detroit game was amusing. I enjoyed that stream even with shitty Internet that can barely handle 720pl
>endless beautiful sky I never knew I liked clouds as much as I do now The sun is terrible. Rain would be nice Humidity would be nice Fast food would be appreciated
Kirara 🚗
pain sandwich
>>482515 you will be once you decolonize your mind
>>482517 you need to escape all that embrace the world and you will realize that you never needed it
>>482515 Not that often, only see them in Park in town, they look Like they were street performers given the signs for money. >>482518 Iya, I need English earth and trees. A nice cuppa and scones,.
>>482559 I got many kitkats in japan my roommate and I spent a combined $200 in kitkats sake flavor is strangely delicious sweet potato is also odd but satisfying melon continues to be my favorite
>>482565 oishii desu >>482567 haha we found a specialty kitkat shop on our last day and just blew nearly all our remaining yen on kitkats I was kinda worried we wouldn't be able to pack them all but it worked out
there are so many flavours it's insane.
one of the variety boxes has BUTTER flavor
A stick of butter. Kit kat for your toast and crumpets
Kirara 🚗
>>482568 i wonder what they thought about these gaijin coming in and buying $200 of kitkats
>>482572 Maybe it's like a load of Africans or whatever going into a store and buying 200 dollars of hersheys
>>482572 I dunno, there were a few other people buying way too mmy snacks too they probably get it fairly frequently, they seemed happy enough to help us they even let us try some of kitkats SUBLIME line, the raw one was really good apparently for that one they roast a cacao bean at low temps for longer times it changes the chocolate significantly, no acrid taste to it and the bitterness was a lot smoother I'm going to start a kitkat review blog please watch on youtube
I'm already ruined for American snacks once my dwindling supply of superiour nihongo snacks runs out I'm done for
Get some British snacks next then. A friend of mine is getting me Finnish licorice. I
snack around the world I buy timtams sometimes, maybe those will hold me over
Kirara 🚗
move to japan for the candy
>>482588 Food there always looks so good. I would do a food tour.
Kirara 🚗
i want to do a world food tour let's do it
Kirara 🚗
after my family is all dead and i inherent my grandparents' fortune, ill buy us all a world tour
will you buy me a hardstep funeral
Kirara 🚗
Kirara 🚗
actually i guess it depends who you want it for
true friendship
Kirara 🚗
ill buy you one to give george hw bush
ted kaczynski's dissertation on boundary functions is really cool
Kirara 🚗
i wish i was as cool as ted kaczynski
he's really cool i didn't realize how much he is like me
Kirara 🚗
people online keep comparing me to him but i don't think it's a great comparison
I thought you were talking abour ted cruise but then I realised you were talking about someone else >unabomber.
Kirara 🚗
yeah the unabomber haha he was a genius and something of an anarcho-primitivist terrorist his terrorist activities were bad because he hurt innocents but he was really intelligent
he didn't particularly want to hurt people but knew he had to the domestic terrorism aside, he just thinks so closely to how i do in terms of his mathematics and desire to fuck off to the woods and live autonomously
>he argued that his bombings were extreme but necessary to attract attention to the erosion of human freedom and dignity by modern technologies that require large-scale organization. He is probably shocked by technology nowadays then
Kirara 🚗
Kirara 🚗
he was right about a lot idk about his math stuff though
Kirara 🚗
it's tragic that they move his cabin around and parade it in front of people
I just read about that. that is so weird. They made a tourist attraction out of murder. You can make money out of anything.
idk it's museum stuff i don't mind archiving history
Kirara 🚗
the fbi makes money off it which is the major problem the fbi often takes new agents there to admire the fbi's work and stuff i think it's tragic
Kirara 🚗
lazarus is the only cat ive met that doesn't dislike feet
>>482616 it would have paired well with a camping trip i feel emotionally and mentally ready to retreat to the wild and live in seclusion, but just not logistically capable at this time there's significant financial preparation for it
not talkin some pansy self-aggrandizing thoreau shit either teddy had it right
I wonder will the venom movie be good
Kirara 🚗
>>482621 i agree honestly i want to do it but im not socially ready i have to many social /// al well fish wouldn't go and ive pretty much become dependent on her in a lot of ways
I would mind living in a nice isolated location but I'm used to being able to get my own things rather than waiting for someone to drive to shops. and also if it wasn't sand. a nice grassy places under a tall mountain in europe would be nice.
Looks like the kickstarter I want to get funded is gonna fail. oh well. They put out a demo though but I haven't got a controller with me so I can't play it. There is no way they are going to get 200,000 more in 8 days
>>482641 good >>482642 Colorado is really nice you can take a cog train up Pike's Peak and it's 100% worth a trip
>>482644 Oh wow that view is amazing. >>482643 I love how non conventional and interesting it sounds. >>482644 I don't really have a lot of control over where I go, but I might ask about it.
id offer to take you there but im only free between 9th and 13th and you're in texas then if i remember right
Yeah I'm in texas then. and then I'm home alone from the 13th to the 18th. No leaving here then, I could get a taxi around but with how I can't regulate how trusting I'd probably get murdered. *trusting I am.
>>482635 oh no swery I thought this was gonna make it
Kirara 🚗
well maybe you can visit Pike's Peak next visit to your mom's
I'll be back at least once a year. Not sure how things will go once I'm in university. I feel pretty anxious about that, I'll probably fail university.
Kirara 🚗
you won't fail University
I haven't been in study for years and I'm so much older than my peers. I am glad I'm going in a way but I'm also panicked by it because I can't retreat from it without backlash from family.
Kirara 🚗
anxiety and growth go hand in hand you are strong enough to do it and smart enough to be successful and you have /moe/ and we can help whatever problems you might encounter
I don't know about smart enough but It is nice to have /moe/!
Kirara 🚗
learning a language as an adult is pretty difficult but you've managed it pretty well that tells me you're intelligent in a lot of areas
i've never bought into that idea personally i think that's always just been adults being isolated from culture it's hard to learn a language when it's not necessary they're just too comfortable
>>482657 I think when I get there they'll say my language attainment isn't proffesional enough or that I need to know a lot more linguistic terminology. I'm poor at a lot of things, my maths is abysmal and my sense of time is really off. I can sit in one place for a short time to me and hours have gone by. I've also been studying Japanese from like 15 years old.
Theres a few articles about elliot rodgers on the bbc now.
Apparently someone tried to help him >I remember giving him an assignment once so he could try to establish some kind of dynamic with a woman. >I told him, "When you see a woman next time you're on campus and you like her hair or sunglasses, just pay her a compliment." Nice advice bud
My mentions have taken off with this screenshot What a day
I've done like 2500 tweets in a month (or less)
I've done less than a dozen tweets ever.
I don't think I have the motivation to pour out tweets. I don't have a lot of interesting things to talk about. I sometimes think about doing something for learning Japanese.
I don't really like being in the spotlight, so the motivation to be really active on social media isn't there for me.
I feel like If I was in the spotlight, it'd immediantly stop. I am quite slow paced to be honest. I wonder what it is like to be someone who can just keep pumping out material, it is really different from my mindset
Yeah, but I never thought it was well actually that sounding and the movie/show characters were just blown over the top but I guess it actually exists for whatever reason
my autistic child client is really high tier and his mom is too they're so easy to work with the mom implemented a token economy in their home where he gets tokens for good deeds and if he gets 2000 of them he can get a new laptop i'm gonna highjack their token economy
he said that at his current rate of token accumulation, he'll be able to afford a new laptop in four thousand (4000) weeks so i was like, man, that's a long time. i wonder if we could come up with stuff to do in here and if you show progress, maybe you could get some for that too and he was like, oh man that would be awesome
so i told him i'd think of some ways and stuff we can do for that
he's 10, so even though he's incredibly smart, he doesn't realize that his parents are pulling his chain a little he is trying to come up with ways to get
Kirara 🚗
he is trying to come up with ways to get more tokens though so it's clearly pretty motivating for him
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I am functioning at 70% power holy shit I feel good
some kid called the clinic today, doing research for a paper at his high school he wanted to ask questions about substance abuse treatment and about the statistics of substance abusers he was so awkward, it was kind of funny, but i probably wasn't much better at his age
the admins were like, hey, we got a call we want you to handle so i was like, uhh, ok and then it was this kid like "can i interview you???"
>>482795 >everyone thinks the CIA is full of super important dudes spying on a global scale >it's just a bunch of losers sitting around playing card games
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>482791 they can be fun you should try one sometime when you aren't a slave
Kirara 🚗
>>482801 they also infiltrate furry forums and stuff
>>482844 Isn't it awesome? It looks like it's just sand, but once you get past it, there's lots of cool rock, too. The color of the rock and the color of the trees and brush make really beautiful scenes. And that blue sky is so gorgeous.
I'm with Blue here. I don't want to live in the desert.
>>482849 When you really get into it, exercising is really fun. It also is the best treatment for and protection against depression.
>>482851 I've usually felt like exercising is painful and just unpleasant but it was amazing today. I started laughing as I got up on a cliff edge balancing myself on the roof as cars went by. I was a little scared my heart would give though haha.
>>482851 this always hits me up with a kinda bad mood when I cycle back from a grocery trip doing the 80% uphill trip back, with 10-20kg of groceries on your saddleback and then just having to stop there not being really able to go went up that feeling you pumped to tackle that final steep climb especially but what can ya do, those groceries need to be put in the fridge and freezer and food neds prepping
>>482873 most common mirage here is floating shit on the sea those look different to eye and camera kinda like mist is never photographed just like you see it
>>482885 Well don't believe me or any pros then camera lesne and human eye aren't the same
>>482887 I've done the math for mirages, I know a hell of a lot more about them and why you can capture imagery of them.
Kirara 🚗
>A mirage is not an optical illusion ????
>>482888 I trust the people who do photographing for living on this or my own experiences
>>482888 >can capture imagery of them >but can't capture as you the human eye viewing thing sees them how hard and bundled and chrodled and tied to a fucking bow tie I need to twist this iron wire for you to understand?
it literally is a mirage is LITERALLY defined as an optical illusion
>>482883 I can see why now. I think if keep doing this I'll just die of a heart attack while laughing on the side of the road. Hehe.
>>482893 Well Not an optical illusion in the sense that its caused by tricking the eyes. In the strict sense it is not an optical illusion. You capture photographs of optical illusions.
>>482896 What kind of related searches are those even. How is Sekirei related to "chrodled". Unless this is in some way a result of your other personal searches.
>Haihane chrodled. "Oh, you mean the Chaos Emeralds?"
Kirara 🚗
if i'm to guess what it means based on >>482903 i'd say chrodled means "said mockingly"
Using "said"-isms like that is kind of shitty writing too. Or at the least, inserting one at the end of the line of dialogue so often. The dialogue and other narration should serve the purpose of framing the speaker's tone already.
>>482911 Yeah, it can be pretty kiddish too, to use them so often.
You should practice those breathing exercises a few times a day. If you can improve your breathing, it'll help you a lot. You'll probably spend less time in peak. Getting into peak is really exhausting for people, cardio is generally where you want to be! You're getting lots of cardio, though, which is good. You'll improve your heart health a lot if you keep it up.
It is crazy that it is coming from just moderately fast walking. If I start running I'll probably explode. but I have a hard time running because my heart rate goes up massively and have to stop to breath because everything hurts. I mean I can run for a short distance like down hill haha. my peak is apparently 170bpm. I spent 5minutes at or over 170bpm
Yeah, we want to improve your heart health a bit before you start running.
Exercising in hilly areas is really ideal, though. Going uphill is great for your butt.
Wow, 170 is really high. I don't think I've gotten over 142 in at least a year.
Wow 140 is if I being slow, if I get a hill it goes up to 150 and then 160 and if I'm trying to keep pace and goup a hill it starts to go quickly. some of the hills are really steep My health is pretty bad. I mean I haven't done exercise for most of life except when I was young when I did swimming. but that didn't last too long. I'm gonna get a nice butt I guess!
I pretty much refused to exercise until I was like 19. Other than some martial arts that I did when I was young. I haven't been exercising lately because I've been so busy with school.
I'm going to exercise a lot in a week when I'm in Zion, though. Hiking and climbing and camping and running around like an idiot with Jan.
>>482937 Oh are you both going to Jerusalem? that's a long flight. I assume ... it could be a place called zion in the US though? >>482939 I wanna go Hiking now. I feel like I wanna go right up the big snow capped mountain here and play in the snow.
>>482938 Do you want to climb a mountain? I want to. Next year when you visit the US, let's go to Pike's Peak, and we can hike up the entire thing, all the way to the top.
I >>482943 That'd be cool. I was thinking about hiking on my way back. I'd be amazing to climb a big mountain. I'll probably trail behind you since your a peak fitness aidoru haha.
My internet is cutting out again dammit. I used this: >>482956 wow, I've heard people have had altitude sickness here but I haven't felt anything.
>>482974 I've never been grumpy. You're the one that disagreed with me.
My heart is high tension still. I got up to talk to my mom and suddenly my heart started tryign to escape from my chest. right back up to 110bpm. I might need to let it drop down lower than just 86bpm. Is it normal for my heart beat to be so high still. I thought it was my fitbit playing up but I can physically feel my heart beating fast too.
hello darkness my old friend i've come to fuck with you again
>>483012 Is that like an spatial verbal etc test? the school and collages for me never revealed the results to the students the results just get sent off. I presume I probably scored shit in them though. I never understand some of the patterns in the spatial/visual tests.
Atk/Spd +9 just for having your team around you What is this Then again, ... >>483033 I was thinking this and honestly, it would have been better if she WERE a Cav unit. Cav units overextend in their attack phases. Think of it like Legendary Ephraim. Him moving 3 spaces forward makes it easy to trigger his ability where he needs to be around fewer allies. On the flip side, Lyn going 2 squares forward makes it less likely for her to extend away from her team.
Kirara 🚗
at least she's not horse
she's also a green unit so lol
You guys have strategies and know how to work tactics and I'm just point my character based off the colours and if the enemy colour will beat it.
Kirara 🚗
>>483031 rika was talking shit for weeks about how there was a pattern and she could predict the legendaries and i said no that isn't a pattern
Now er Bow lyn doesn't bother me too much because my Corrin will kill any bow Lyn that exists, ever. Slightly concerned about legendary Lyn because she is green and my Corrin is blue. I may have to use Myrrh or Kana to kill her.
>>483041 I love her, she's great! My best unit by far.
Your corrin is amazing. I wish I could borrow it forever.
I'm still upset though why couldn't she have been Water blessed
oh yeah, I forgot that Inigo has another unit. oh wait, no he doesn't. Who am I confusing him with Yeah, Shigure has two units. But yeah, that's the one Laslow.
Kirara 🚗
yeah he technically does
you're thinking of shigure though
Kirara 🚗
inigo is literally laslow so inigo also has two units they're canonically the same person
I guess I'll be rolling green and colorless i could benefit from both more grimas and gennys
I would like a Genny. I would have liked a Genny a long time ago too Getting either of the Halloween units would allow me to sac Armor Lyn to someone Colorless seems to be the way to go for me. Extra Grimas = Res Smoke fodder Rolling blue for duplicate Shigures and at least one Ephraim for Legendary purposes
>Mae oh yeah, Mae/Shigure makes training Blue Tomes really fast
Kirara 🚗
no, i want to put shigure's tome on mae
I figured...
>>>/watch?v=yl8bmen_Gww ITS PAINFUL> Ouran host club live action has also got manga like special effects in it to make it even worse!
you know what I think live action anime would look 10 times better if they didn't try to make the actors look exactly like the characters in the anime Since while that works for animation it looks weird in live action
>>483084 the netflix live action or the japanese one or both
If they didn't use idols and boy band members and actually used actors.