>ๆๆฎบๆ่ฃๅฃ๏ผ: Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). After combat, if unit attacked, inflicts Def/Res-7 on target and foes within 2 spaces of target through their next actions. woah this is so good
I should probably nap too. I feel sleepy. >>479965 Hopefully you can get some shuteye! I walked so much on shitty sandy roads that I have hop everywhere now. Hopefully when I wake up my blisters will be healed up.
Kirara ๐
idk if i can sleep I'm too medicated I need to though
I conked out for like two hours earlier because I fodo coma'd myself. Now I'm worried it'll be hard for me to sleep when I need to.
Trying to sleep when your body won't let you is fustrating as fuck. I can't drink energy drinks or I'll be awake late, I can drink one in the morning and at night I'll be tired but my brain won't let me sleep. it is a shitty feeling.
i'll be able to play pretty much any night except tuesday and friday on the other days, i'm either off on wednesday/thursday or working until around 11-12 at night by your time
>>480002 there are times where going smart isn't good enough like if you have everything planned out and suddenly you have an extra 7 hours of work to do (an entire day of potential productivity for me) even though you were basically assured that wouldn't happen at times like that you can only go hard you will probably not understand that feeling though since you can be productive whenever you need to be
that fucking ED over the action that KIMI WA DAISUKI
Kirara ๐
the episode is so beautiful it moves me to tears
hiro's face when he says i love you too is so good everyone is just destroying shit and crying
Something I caught in a re-watch was, despite Hiro using "ore" earlier in the episode and Zero-Two using "boku" throughout the series. In the final bit of the duologue about the Jian bird, when they both say they found it beautiful, Hiro switches to "boku" and Zero-Two uses "watashi".
it's not just hiro and zero two either the action with all of the other characters is awesome fucking futoshi swinging a steel beam the scene with the grandma goro rescuing his brother from another mother ichigo finally connecting with hiro and accepting the unrequited love even the gay mech had great action though unfortunately mitsuru only said like one thing alpha riding in pistil position and that ending geez louise i am hype to see how retarded this show gets
Kirara ๐
goro is gonna survive im sure of it
I like that Ichigo got to serve a penance. It's good fucking narrative. She was the one that had to carry Hiro to Zero-Two. Stuff like that makes the literary snob in me all giddy.
>>480047 >Largest robo-dino shown on screen so far, even some of the major characters had never heard of it before >Defeat it, and then a new one appears that the hand ALONE dwarfs even that previously largest one So fucking intense man.
Kirara ๐
so klaxosaurs are the final form of humanity or something right according to ape
I wonder if there's some kind of Matrix shit going on, where the Klaxosaurs fuel their robots with cores that have humans inside.
>>480054 I was wondering if Papa and the other masked and cloaked adults might actually be robots or something. A kind of Skynet some previous humans installed to direct mankind towards whatever the salvation they had in mind.
yeah that also makes me think with how they appear to be part of the earth they are related tot he planet somehow maybe earth is trying to destroy humans because they've ruined the planet so much
Kirara ๐
the planet is a fuckin klaxosaur
Kirara ๐
i think the adults all might be sterile or something and their genes are used to clone kids the adults probably are carriers for some disease which the kids then are born with
>>480061 The Klaxosaurs feel a bit too mechanical in design to be something born of the Earth to me. Not that there's really a reason //This sentence isn't working. I've considered a similar idea so I'm not squashing it really, but the design of them does make me a little disinclined towards it.
bruh what if parasites come from klaxosaur eggs before they mature into a klaxosaur and they have just been erasing their memories and genetically modifying them to resemble humans so they can use their magma powers and shit to pilot the franxx
Oh that might have something to it. Assuming colour choices in the series are intentional and purposeful. the yellow of klaxosaur cores and whatever was covering that totally a human thing that fell out of a core in the latest episode, it's the same yellow that runs through the piping in the robots that seems to give their weapons their punch.
Kirara ๐
parasites probably aren't related to klaxosaurs considering we know that zero two is part klaxosaur and consumption of her blood ruined hiro's ability to pilot
Hm, that's true. I don't think there's -that's reason to totally dismiss a connection though. After all Zero-Two isn't exactly comparable to anything Klaxosaurian that we've seen so far. Either Papa and the others aren't being totally honest with her origins, or the Klaxosaurs are more complex than what we've seen up 'til now.
ok so what if zero two is only noticeably klaxosaur because they broke her out of the egg too late into maturation and the ones before her went fucking crazy or something the // >>480072 damn
Kirara ๐
alpha said zero two was intentionally made the way she is as the key to beating the klaxosaurs
she's related to that big one somehow her horns resonated when iit showed up i bet papa wants to use zero two to control it
i thought she could use her horns to sense them and they just did that because he was exceptionally huge
I'm curious as to how Zero-Two is related to klaxosaurs though. Like I said she's totally different from what we've seen from them so far. Nothing else out of their assorted forces has looked even remotely humanoid. And they don't seem to have conscious pilots.
Also what the shit is the Gran Crevasse. Fuck the TV network for not running the episode this week.
The worldbuilding for FranXX really went crazy last episode and now I'm fucking curious.
looks like a big hole that people built a cover on a long time ago to keep something in
Kirara ๐
probably where first impact happened i bet they fucked up their magma extraction or something or 001 got fucked up and took over the facility and they put a dome over it to keep 001 inside
Kirara ๐
maybe strelezia was supposed to be piloted by 001 and 002 originally
Kirara ๐
presumably her intended partner would have had klaxosaur taint so that piloting with zero two wouldn't kill them so either they built it with an intended partner in mind or for no reason
i hope they end up backing all of humanity's memories onto the cloud and then the cloud gets destroyed
>>480081 Not that there's a very clear picture, but I don't think the time schedule would align for this? From what it sounds like, humanity has been fighting with the klaxosaurs for a very , or at least fairly, long time. Unless Zero-Two was in kid mode for a very long time, I don't think she'd have been around long enough to be a potential partner for this contained creature.
Kirara ๐
im honestly thinking the kids are being mislead as to how long they've been fighting the kids don't get to become adults
>>480084 >destroy the world >try to make half human half klaxosaur kids to save the world >fuck up >half klaxosaur kid starts destroying the world >back up humanity to a datacenter >build plantations for 100 years > make another half-human half klaxosaur, it works this time >continue on for the good of humanity
>>480085 I've just assumed so far that the Kids are not all kids. There's complex cities of humans still knocking about, unless there's a total infertility problem going on like you wondered about earlier, surely there could still be children being born in those cities and growing up "normal" lives. As so far we've only really seen the kids that have grown up in the Garden, which seems to produce the Kids.
Kirara ๐
i think one of the implications of the baby making book is that the method was abandoned with that old city it seemed pretty symbolic the city was abandoned and new buildings were created in the image of some of the old ones it's like a metaphor for how manufactured the world has become so finding that book there says to me that making babies has been abandoned
it may have something to do with the yellow blood cell thing
i felt heavy implications that creating kids is abnormal in the city
>>480088 yeah the humans don't appear to be concerned about children or even anything at all really i have a feeling that creating new humans is impossible the normal way too but for different reasons i guess
>>480088 Well to run that symbolism to its full course, perhaps traditional baby making has been forgone for manufacturing children. Some futuristic take on test-tube babies. That would allow for selective children to be taken and be manipulated (or picked, if it's more of a random thing of incubation) to become the children that are raised in the Garden to become pilots. While others are kept and raised in some strict system to become functioning adults that maintain the rest of their society.
To me, the world just looks old, outside the polished worlds of the Gardens and Birdcages or other human-made structures. The Japanese town they explore I think is a good indicator of the timespan at least. It's not totally overrun by plants to indicate it's been an enormous amount of time, but that could easily be the work of a few decades.
Kirara ๐
hmm, if there's extensive genetic manipulation then you'd expect them to be able to create strong aptitude kids but instead they get lots of weak ones that are thrown away or risk death getting injections to become better
>>480091 >While others are kept and raised in some strict system to become functioning adults that maintain the rest of their society. fuck this is getting too real
>>480092 maybe they haven't perfected the yellow blood cell gene manipulation yet or something
Kirara ๐
even if that's the case, why do all of the kids look unique? aren't clones better? if you get a strong kid, you could just make more of the same specimen
>>480092 I was kind of thinking along those lines, which is why I added the addendum of being picked because they showed favourable indications while in incubation.
Kirara ๐
something i was wondering was whether or not the adults were actually human zero two said the entire city was lifeless
>>480095 perhaps they are searching for the perfect kid so they can just clone them 100s of times
>>480097 you know if the giant hand only destroyed the lifeless things that would make a lot of sense it left all of the pilots and the garden completely untouched
Kirara ๐
the real humans are probably the klaxosaurs and killing them lets zero two absorb their humanity
i want to understand why they're called parasites assuming the klax are the earth fighting back, the name makes sense but what about pistil and stamen? why use reproductive imagery there? is the purpose of a franxx to create new life? are klax born out of franxx
>>480134 you're right. you're right. poor choice of words.
>>480132 can confirm it took me 20 hours to get to the first h-scene as well
>>480132 So it's like how Fate technically isn't a H game.
It's also not an h-game. If you're reading Fate for the sex scenes there's something wrong with you.
Also I can't sleep.
They're both eroge
Nah A videogame/comic/anime having a little bit of sex in it doesn't automatically make it porn.
ARGGH, my head feels so hot
Well not exceedingly hot, but enough that it bothers me. But I can't lower the heat any more than I already have. I might try an anti pyretic tomorrow.
>>480153 Playing Alchemy Meister was weird because back then I downloaded it for lewds and then I play for 20 hours and finally the lewds show up and all she does is saw "wow the only penises I've observed before were a horses so this is very different" and it just makes everything awkward and then I stopped playing because it's a little grindy
so why are you falling apart, screws gotten loose?
>>480187 considering it is a country where they start a protest over say coffee breaks not serving croissants, you have to do something drastic when it is a protest against something big
Kirara ๐
because ive been on amphetamines for more than 50 hours without a break so it's destroying my body
dude what are you a ww2 soldier?
Kirara ๐
graduate students are braver than wwii marines
i got fucked over at school and don't have enough time to complete all of my work unless i chain my amphetamines since i can't do my work without them
related to france >>480192 well hope you get a break before needing an ambulance
Kirara ๐
i will be able to stop chaining them tomorrow ill only have to take it tomorrow morning and i have Friday off but i haven't slept well for the past few days since im on amphetamines haha
thass the thing they keep you awake the less talked part of ww2 veterans, when most of the specops guys and such came back addicted to all sort of shit, they had tot ake to stay awake
Kirara ๐
at least my stuff is a little safer and more refined than the bennies they gave everyone in wwii haha it is much more smooth in how it affects my blood pressure
>complain to a colleague about how difficult my adhd makes school >"I'm so sorry. i can't imagine how hard that is for you." why are you giving me the bullshit you tell clients when you feel awkward im not a client, im a friend and colleague you should agree that it sucks and tell me why your life sucks or something i don't want platitudes i just want to complain about how shitty life is
Well it is awkward for most to get dropped those kinds of complaints but answering like that is just "why", still when you could go like "must be hard, thank god I don't have that" or something
>>480223 i have to do so much shit get myself and my mom each prepped to move i just happened to not get much work at the same time which is fine by me since i couldn't afford the time or stress but i hope it picks up when i'm done with moving so i can afford to get my meds and food and stuff
Kirara ๐
so you're movin in with that person you mentioned before?
>>480225 yeah, no choice guess i'll be taking a train since plane is too expensive probably another temporary housing situation again though i'm a little fatigued from bouncing around too much and all the waiting but eh oh well
>>480217 Maybe they think they can psychologize their personal relationships because they think it's better to do.
incel refers to an identity common on like r9k and certain parts of reddit and stuff where guys can't get girlfriends or laid and they blame women for it they're the guys that hold the door for women and get upset they don't get laid for it so they go home and talk about how women are all bitches and stuff
i guess the male equilavent of the fat catlady feminist
not quite i dont think kind of i guess
close enough bit different, but anyhow blaming things on the opposite sex and society instead of facing their problems
Well women aren't vending machines, you don't get to kick the machine when it doesn't give you what you want. Also people are obsessed with ll Losing virginity and sex, you can live a good life without the desperate obsession.
Kirara ๐
i think it's about power
these people are upset that they're being "denied" what they think is rightfully theirs
>>480244 yeah when easy quicks tep solutions would be 1) look into mirror and see if the fault is there 2) lower your standards 3) if you are that desperate pay for it
Kirara ๐
they long for the days when women were subservient to men which is why they're drawn to inherently reactionary ideology and become obsessed with "trad" culture and women
It also stupid that they believe women only desire 'chads' And 'the nice guy never wins'
>>480248 even back then you had to work a lot to get a mate, unless you were some aristocrat/equilavent
Kirara ๐
yeah, but these people don't seem to have realistic appraisals of history
and then you alone had to support the house, the wife, and the kids all on your back
Hollywood really pushes some weird ideas about women out there too.
im going to go buy a mountain of sweets so i can survive the next 24 hours
I want to eat sweets but I'd probably eat too many of them. >>480291 I always feel like I can buy loads but when I get to the shops I end up feeling guilty so I just buy one or two
Kirara ๐
im gonna go spend like $50 on sweets probably i do not have the executive functioning necessary to shop effectively right now
gonna get real stuff to eat for dinner too otherwise
Like a cinnamon twirl?
gonna make a cute wall
Kirara ๐
probably stew
Meat and Potato stew is the best. Lamb and Potato is my favourite, with carrots, lentils, onion and leek
>>480297 You should try GOAT. If you havent Stewed beef was life when they served it across the street from me. Every tuesday.
Kirara ๐
probably beef stew with potatoes and onions and celery and amphetamines
Kirara ๐
goat stew is goat
Last night, I had this chicken marinara sandwich. Technically chicken parmiagana but I asked for no cheese. And they grilled onions and green peppers with it. It was fantastic. They should put that on their menu.
Kirara ๐
i had drugs for dinner last night
I might get some noodles. or I could roast some yams.
Kirara ๐
steamed yams
i had nothing for dinner last night i forgot to eat
Wait what the fuck Gorean Like the Gor books?????????????????????
apparently the death toll for the runaway van in toronto is like 10 now the motive is still unclear i guess
Wasn't it incel rebellion?
oh yeah looks like it not sure how running people over with a van will make anyone feel bad about you not gettting laid
i can't wait for the inevitable day when i get a normies reeee person in my therapy room
It might be sooner than you think.
Normies are literally who they are though, the so heavily prescribe to the bullshit of social norms that they are twisted by it. Who gives a damn about virginity. or even how old you are before you have sex or whatever. its like super normie bullshit.
wow some of twitter discussions I usually don't read news story comments on twitter. >This attack points to a frustrated mentality Ill man rather than conventional terror then argue about what is considered terror.
>>480351 True but the good stuff is like a handful before it becomes excess. >serving size 6 pieces If only the human body was less efficient at storing energy.
Those humans died during the ice age. Cause evolution.
well england is small as fug with one of the best infrastructures to boot it would take about 14h here to reach bottom-top depending on do you head for the head or the arm
I dunno much longer it take from scotland to the bottom of england. >>480381 I guess.
9 hours 54 minutes so about 11 for actual top to bottom
Apparently 14 hours Google Maps, on 2 August 2017, calculated the fastest route by car, from the Land's End Visitor Centre to John o' Groats as being 837 miles and taking 14 hours 40 minutes
it would take me 42 hours to drive to iverness
Kirara ๐
>>480384 it's already been through i just have to sign at the door to verify i accept it
15h for helsinki to utsjoki and 14,5 for kilpisjรคrvi finland a small
and lacking an arm
albuquerque is in new mexico?
25 *6 hours from orlando to albuquerque so 30 with breaks
or 2 days with reasonable driving distances and one night of sleep
It'd be 20~ hours or so excluding breaks and sleep From where I am So like 30 with breaks and sleep
Kirara ๐
i keep getting these waves of not being able to breathe properly or i guess i am but i feel like im not getting enough oxygen
london-iverness has cheapest air passage for just 56โฌ new mexico ticks in second with 106โฌ and finland loses as it doesn't even offer flights to the northernmost municipities closest you can get is rovaniemi and you will still have to drive 500 klick to head or arm
>>480395 Please do take care of yourself, if you feel its serious make sure you get help. I sometimes get light headness where I feel short of breathe - I'm not sure what causes it to be honest.
i can worry about my health when im dead/done with my work hopefully ill never have to do this again but i decided ill not take my meds this afternoon I'll try to take a nap first and then finish my work after that hopefully
Wow googlemaps has added "disputed border" to crimea so that means Europe has disputed borders once more yaiii now only americas and australia are lame continents that lack disputed borders
There are a numbe r of disputed borders though
Antarctica has no disputed borders.
Oh wait there was Kosovo
>>480401 I dunno I can think of that guyanna and the cult of the damned and venezuela border but isn't that more because it is 100% uninhabited jungle?
Yeah but those are the minor things and not sources of open conflict or conflict recent past or conflict to come once more
Who knows if more conflict will arise out of crimea's occuptation. I mean Gibraltar is heavily disputed right now. Disputed border doesn't just mean miltary conflict.
While I'd dow the fuck out of my neighbours for a lake that someone else claims, that is only in games. >>480414 Not really, but reminder there is still conflict in Ukraine
well argentina had a boner for that as a country too for a while
Yeah Plus having European ancestry = upwards social mobility in some places down there. So people will lie about it, or exaggerate the amount of their European ancestry to impress people.
and it ended up with having their asses handed to them over falkland
>>480438 his eyes are just goggles filled with baby batter
I didn't even know that there was a new Venom movie until you mentioned it.
Kirara ๐
it's been in the works for 10 years and rewriten like five times its gonna be shit since it's Sony and not Marvel
The only Spider-Man movies I ever saw were the first two Toby Maguire ones.
Also either our wifi base station is dying or something is wrong with my phone's wifi receiver. It won't connect to our network from the basement.
have you tried turning it off and on again
I would but someone is currently on a conference call. Although I did try turning my wifi receiver off and then on again. Oh wait nvm Apparently it wasn't just my phone everone couldn't connect.
There's a gang of people in the Discord I frequent, that seem to have taken it upon themselves to belittle and mock me whenever I disagree with them on something, which is kind of often. Like today I was trying to say how I thought it was a good thing that the police officer that apprehended the guy who drove a van into a crowd of people in Toronto yesterday did so without shooting the driver, and pretty much immediately I got bombarded with "It's Anno time again!" and a wall of laughing emojis and shit like that, and lines like "there's no use arguing with him don't bother". It's frustrating to feel like I'm being shut out of a community that I've felt I was good friend with for a long time because I don't think people who are incels are hopeless people incapable of being human or that police should only use firearms in times of absolute necessity. Or in previous situations, that I think responding to someone trying to add to a discussion by just telling them "shut up autist" is going a bit too far. Not everyone in the channel has mentalities that match with the gang who acts like that, and even then some of them some times do match with opinions I have on things. But it's impossible to actually talk about things because if you don't agree with the opinions of that gang, they bombard you with ridicule and stupid emojis until the conversation has hard derailed.
>>480457 considering especially the toronto case, the guy was shouting "kill me" why would you at that point shoot him, though a bullet to the leg might have been required had he actually had a gun or proven hostile
Yeah well of course, but in this case the guy did prove to be unarmed but had something in his hand that from afar might have seemed a gun anyhow totally agree that shooting a suspect should be the last procedure not the first >>480457 seems like it is becoming or has already become an echochamber
It's also harder to hit someone in the leg than in the torso. Which why generally cops shoot people in the torso.
>>480460 To give a simple answer that would not be a venue of resolution, and would likely make matters worse.
>>480463 indeed, but that is also why they train a lot with their firearms
>>480465 They train to draw and shoot quickly. Not to shoot the leg.
I guess that is where the US cop training goes wrong
>>480467 Yes actually But in general, normal cops aren't expertly trained pistol marksman. Theyre just probably competent. It's easier to miss a leg than the torso. If they miss it could ricochet off the ground or hit someone else in the crowd. They don't have to worry as much about that with a larger target such as the torso.
well when you have a nation that throws your average crook for 20 to life for whatever petty crime they have done, it does explain a lot about the culture and methods of the law enforcers afterall, to some getting shot might be better than the slammer, so a "glorious shootout" with the cops might be preferrable romanticism aside, strick and harsh punishments breed a criminal class to match it eventually unless you are authoritarian and can nab anyone who slightly offends
>>480469 20 to life isnt average But we do have problems with excessive sentencing. We also have problems with light sentencing. Its not a secret that our criminal justice system is broken though.
naw who would pay for a gym just restarted my workout regime after 2 year or so break and overdid it
what kinda workouts do you do tn-chan?
100 pushups 100 pullups 10 km running everyday
impressive I can do about 2-3 pullups
but naw it was just hmm 5 sets of 10 pullups, same for back and abs and then somefew hundred squats after that weighted airboxing for a bit otherwise it was quite normal, but my abs were just "nooo, we ar in bad shape" I guess I havn't used them for anything since I last kept in shape
I think biggest crime moffat did was how Capaldi was treated >>480508 still havn't checked up latest season + special
i've seen the regeneration scene and it has a good/bad moment of imaginery basically docs marriage ring drops so it might be "finally letting go of the losses" as river song kinda also signifies most of the people he has lost since the revival or "fuck marriage" it is bbc afterall but moffat is out now
Or alternatively, those are the cases people end up hearing about I mean, that "can you believe this guy has a bail"
>>480514 Good enough character? By what standards? Moffat standards maybe
bail is a shitty concept anyhow
>>480520 she was good in her first appearance and early appearances werenรคt offending and she did get a good send off in the final special apperance of her, which despite having some cancerous moffat/bbc writing for some lines was an enjoyable episode
>>480521 Innocent until proven guilty is why we have bail
Man I can't believe we have a female doctor.
>>480523 so let them go without asking for a fuckton of money?
>>480525 The bail is in case they run. You get some of it back i think
>>480524 i dunno a female doctor has been speculated about for years evensince like 4th doctor
Kirara ๐
>>480519 ive worked in the courts and with police enough to know white people almost always get bail
We had a murder suspect who was just kept in jail/confinment for the whole duration of her case did end up costing the state 150k for compensation, when she was found "sufficiently not enough evidence to find guilty"
is amusing how the us law system is both efficient and inefficient for the very same reason how much of it can be decided by a given judge
Kirara ๐
it's not efficient at all
Also If you make all your cort appearances you get your money back. *court It's like you give collateral to be let out of jail and only get it back if you dont run
>>480537 well your court cases take maybe 5-50% of our case times... s
Kirara ๐
>>480539 our cases take years pretty often and 99% of criminal cases end in plea deals
>>480540 no, i really mean that if yours takes a year ours takes twp but then again we don't have a plea deal or such and everyone is treated the same before the law and very rarely does an innocent man end up convicted if ever it is efficient in how it produces good results, but inefficient in how say a case of "bumber-rear collission" might take 1,5 years to solve
Is in the end surprising how little trafficking goes through finland eventhough to eastern europe and russia we are one of the dream routes to get stuff into rich western europe
>>480546 Not entirely, I won't deny that as a factor though.
Basically once you get stuff into the country, it is easy to get it into other EU countries but getting and keeping it here is damn hard >>480546 >>480548 whole war on drugs seems just a huge political move to gain support like bush' war on terror
>>480546 imo it was power plays against the cartel with the caveat that the intention was controlling the traffic channels and reach of the cartel and not trying to eliminate them minority persecution is a precipitate of that intention, i feel
quite a lot of drugs were purposefully allowed to enter the country and the government actively supported cartels in various countries in order to get a share of the profitd cartels and the us government not working together is a very recent phenomena the cartels of the 80s and 90s were created and controlled by the us to a large degree
I'm no expert on this subject matter though. I'll go read up on it.
oh yeah I have a funeral this weekend guess I should iron my suit and white shirt
Kirara ๐
the cia in particular was very friendly with cartels
cia is such an illegal organisation
the more you learn about the less you want to admit it actually exists and isn't such some weird fictional thriller organisation
Honestly I prefer the CIA to the NSA. >>480565 As far as you know.
I dunno NSA hasn't outright killed anyone
Kirara ๐
the fact that the secretary of state can order the cia to execute people from their phone, i say cia is worse assassinate, not execute
>>480564 considering the organisation, I don't think they have the right to operate like that sure they may have pretty much 100% signed someone's death certificate, by giving the information to people who can do the dirty deeds but their agency isn't allowed to actually kill people as far as I know
>>480566 NSA fucks me over though, and basically every domestic US citizen On a per person basis, NSA fucks over more us citizens than the CIA. Governments will always assassinate people. Even if the CIA were dismantled shit like that would still happen.
they collect information now you may have your personal beliefs on that and the active spying but in the end, it is just passive spying they do on everyone vs clandestine agency that topples governments, sabotages relations, assassinates domestic and foreign personel and so on and so on and even has dealt in with very suspicious programs that targetted domestic personnel, for allegedly "research against foreign threats" like the quite famous MK ultra
Kirara ๐
>>480568 it sucks that they do that but at least tthey aren't killing us generally the cia kills people every day and has for years the cia has killed more people that /// than most people will ever meet in a lifetime
Thats how you deal with bad guys and terrorist. Kill a statiscally significant number of people and surely some of them will be actually bad people.
>>480570 I doubt they've killed that much. But i need to look up "how many people do you meet in a lifetime"
>>480571 this reminds me of the cod4 hidden gem that air bombing thing you do in one mission >good kill >this goes on the highlight reel you are killing people, and that is how you comment on it? it was so weird replaying that game andn oticing some things like that made me actually pause the game and ponder about it for a minute, especially after watching the documentary National Bird
Huh Apparently it's calculated that you'll meet around 80,000 people. That is less than I expected and less than my estimate for people killed directly Err killed by the CIA.
Depends on where you live and if you even travel There are people who live in villages where I grew up who have never left the village.
>>480574 almost less than soviets managed to kill us
>>480575 Depends on what classifies as "meeting" people too I'd figure? I live in a busy city; when I go downtown I can probably encounter hundreds of people in a day. Even low-balling at one hundred people a day that's only eight hundred days worth of to qualify.
I'd imagine meeting does mean more encountering people and communicating with them, which does eliminate most people I encounter.
>>480577 True If I'm in some office looking out a window does it count as meeting if I see people outside the window?
>>480577 You do any customer service job and you meet a lot more than 80k
>>480577 >>480578 Read up on the explanation for the Fermi estimate And no seeing people outside the window does not count.
isn't that the same as just walking past them. I guess its about people you actually interact with? given that it is fairly low but thats about 1000 people a year if you live til 80. and
the 80k seems way higher and I don't think "meeting" is me interracting with a casheer or giving directions to a random guy I will never meet again I didn't meet them really I didn't get to know them a tall I didn't exchange any meaningful conversation of any kind with them
I think "met" implies that at some level you have left an impression on them and they have on you and if you were to meet again, one of you might remember having met before
But in that case I would meet almost no one. Because I rarely leave an impression.
80K doesn't seem that high to be honest since I think around 1000 people a year is easy if you in some sort of company or team leader, manager.
It kind of feels a bit like a high bar for some isolated communities and people who shy away from interaction. But also a super lowball for people I'll probably encounter.
It's a fermi estimate, its not meant to be precise. Its meant to give you an order of magnitude.
Nezi !Neziwi/5.M
what's going on in here, what's 80k? the number of dicks i've sucked? huh?
and while I wouldn't make the joke, I wouldn't really judge a person that much for random silly thing they do I bet most of us have made far worse jokes in our liftetimes, just not posted it on social media fora ll to see
>>480592 Content aside, I look at the poster here and I wonder. Was the set up of the message intentionally messy as fuck? Did he not plan out the letters at all and realized he was rapidly running out of space? Did he think writing "Prom?" in actual handwriting would improve his worth? I have considerable questions even aside from his total lack of taste.
>>480596 I didn't go to prom because it got rescheduled to be on the same day as the anime convention i already paid for. I'm still not convinced that it was rescheduled on purpose to stop a fuck ton of nerds from going. Err wasn't on ourpose *purpose
>>480605 not at all considering he wasn't racist or sexist
>>480604 >she put two hearts This is kind of what I expected. Even if he earnestly believes this sort of thing he's probably not so socially unaware as to ask a girl out with a racist line she wouldn't appreciate.
>>480614 Those kinds of jokes kind of fall flat for me. I'm fine with black humour of people getting what's coming for them for their own faults. But stuff like that is just kind of asinine.
>>480621 yeah cause he tossed the gay man down first and lands on him
>>480622 I was thinking because blacks are often considered to be athletic, gypsies should be fast at running away and therefore have strong leg muscles, but muslims aren't really known for anything like that.
>>480623 and he has a vest underh is robes weighing him down
>>480626 I'm of the group of people that never really has jokes made about them like that. They've just never really been funny for me.
>>480626 A good joke is universally funny. That one doesn't really say anything about its subject matter or anything clever. You can replace the races with literally anything and it's the same joke. It's just "hey fuck those guys amirite"
>>480629 Well I do say it is better to have a racist joke about on the expense of minorities than actually act on the feelings that make you laugh from hearing it
>>480644 they pack up the sugarfluid in their ass and then become "sugar cows" for the colony some species actually overfeed the dedicated ants to the level, they become unable to move at all and then some colonies raid other colonies, just to steal those sugarcows
also the aphids have amusingly evolved to do this a symbiotic relationship with the local ant species the ants protect them from any predators, as the ants will eat them, and the aphids will give the ants the sugar dew well some of the sugar dew they drain
aphids are damn parasites on plant //garden plants
I need to learn how to set up. I think I have most of the set up down. I'm going try and walk for a bit! >>480674 Are discussing the movement in detail I wonder if reporters will try and find leaders of the incel movement and interview them. perhaps this has already happened
I know a guy who calls himself an incel I wonder what would happen if I reported him as a potential terrorist
>>480674 While I'm worried this is going to have problematic lashback and create a public misconception of the mentality. I do hope it also might help bring the issue into the spotlight amongst people that can strive to make a difference and provide help and care to the people who engage in the mindset.
What do you mean by public misconception about the mentality?
>>480678 To take a contemporary example, I got heavily frustrated with people I was talking with earlier who are dead set on the belief that there's some critical flaw in people who are incels, that they lack something that means they can "never be human", to loosely paraphrase the things they were saying. These aren't subhuman people, even if they are driven to horrific and cruel actions. They are people who can be attempted to be helped. The misconceptions would be that they are monsters that need to be contained or quaratined.
>>480674 I wonder where they caught wind of the term and culture
Kirara ๐
>>480680 when a guy that drove a van into a bunch of people had a ton of Facebook posts identifying himself as incel
I think the incel people are just the same pretty any annoying bunch of people. Like people who are so arrogant and completely lack awareness that they are arrogant shits. >>480681 Wouldn't Elliot Rodgers be when they got informed about it probably. "The supreme gentlemen"
>>480680 The van incident yesterday was not an act of radicalized religion like you kneejerk'd to believe it was.
>>480682 rodgers wasn't presented as incel because he had the journal about llizard people and stuff
>>480683 well it is likely that it would be especially with "officials havn't reported information on the subject"
>>480687 No, and you did this the last time an incident happened in Canada, and last time I told you precisely why that's the case as well. The professional reporting agencies here don't release information until they've engaged in a lot of work to ensure its factually correct and not based in rumor and jumped-to conclusions. So they say "we don't have any information from officials yet" because of that. It's just responsible reporting.
>>480686 I never heard about this, wow. He was already hilarious with his video.
>>480688 just means canada is actually an exception and doesn't report about anyone and not just sensitive suspects
>>480679 >driven to horrific actions Wait who's driving them to commit these actions
Kirara ๐
>>480689 yeah, he was delusional thought the government was full of jewish lizard people
How do people actually believe that, It has been a joke that they enjoy or something.
Kirara ๐
delusional disorder is a real thing sometimes even normal people develop delusions
*to be. >>480694 It really hard for to imagine how you can believe people are lizards, unless you've been kept in the dark for ages and brainwashed that people are lizards. like it sounds like something children would be believe out of horror stories.
>>480694 considerign the goat I can say this is a case
>>480691 Themselves, even if they perceive themselves to be responding to a world that does not give them what they deserve.
Like I said a while ago, they are like super normies. So involved in idea of getting a gf, getting rid of their virginity etc.
>>480699 that would be a quite weird act i wonder how the woman would be dressed
Kirara ๐
that is so cursed
>>480698 yeah if they weren't normies they wouldn't give a shit about any of that. The reee normies attitude is weird because they all wish they were normies >>480704 >I'm involuntarily celibate why won't anyone love me >ew not her
>>480698 It runs a bit more complex than that. Many people in the incel communities would refuse "just getting a girlfriend" or "just having paid sex" because they feel they deserve a pure, virgin woman who will be their beloved and fit perfectly into what is usually a very misogynistic relationship where the woman is subservient to the male.
for many, incel is a very authoritarian mindset they are very immature and lacking in interpersonal skills morally undeveloped they need help
>>480704 Isn't like some normies as well though, they hate on slags and want a women devoted to themselves. Like I think there are a lot of parralels to incels and the very rich male population.
The things that come out of rich guys who fathers run businesses and shit is insane.
>>480705 how can you have these two in the same law?
>>480709 your legislative buraucrauts need to take a study journey here to learn how to write actual laws, edicts and so on
Kirara ๐
if you want something to pass but know it won't, what do you do? BAM stack it on as an amendment to a popular bill
vaping indoors isn't illegal in public places but you'd be hard pushed to find a public space like an office here that allows you. which is fine for me because it was horrible when my boss used to vape in the office the office would be filled with a sweet sickly smell and even in meetings she'd blow it in the face of her employees. I don't think she did it on purpose but it was pretty horrible.
I have no idea how it is here EU cracked down on vaping a while ago hard, but I don't remember the specifics
Kirara ๐
my dumbass client went out and bought a $70 vape thing he couldn't use without getting sick
My imouto was saying she wanted to get a vape a week or so back. She doesn't even (probably) use any substances that can be administered through it. I wonder if she still has that impulse or if she found something else of interest.
my aniki did real weirs tuff like "tea vapes" and shit like that dunno why'd you'd do that my halfbrother vapes tobacco, when he isn't actually smoking
>>480760 i guess i have it i had this knife with BITCH NIGGA scratched into it and wasn't sure where it came from
Kirara ๐
>>480761 not functional enough there's a tremendous amount of give if you are unsheathing it from a belt and there's no way to change the orientation of it the leather is also poor quality
>>480826 upper eschelons of arena are full of anti-dragon units and tactics teams are better than dragon buffs mixed teams are the ideal team composition now plus a team that only does res damage to 70% of units isn't effective
>>480829 I'm not a whale, though. I haven't found anti-dragon units to be particularly effective anyway.
I'm also working on a tactics team but would like an Eirika with good IVs before I sink a lot of feathers into it. My tactics team will probalby have two dragons on it though.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
to be fair, Rika's favorite unit is Corrin I think it's okay if she chooses to make dragon emblem for her sake
Kirara ๐
it's really annoying how they never add red dragons
>>480838 if you aren't actively monitoring moe, which quite many do, atleast I always just have it as a side note on my other monitor, it becomes quite hard to keep up a conversation, when all side conversations get flooded by 5-10 feh/whatever posts each time ofc this isn't restricted to just feh or such talk, a heated political or such discussion might do the very same thing
>>480848 That's really making an irrelevant distinction of scale, I care very little about a great number of topics that I just let float by without complaining because the board is not obligated to hold my interest 100% of the time. However, one topic that comes up again and again that I have little interest in is politics.
>>480851 The only reason I bring it up is that there was a precedent.
And you guys talk about it a good bit anyway. He wanted an example, so I gave one. Like I said, I don't really mind that people discuss things that I'm not particularly interested in. I just let it slide by without complaining.
now it is feh before it was kancolle before that it was some other thing and so on moe does its moe games and talks about it excrucitiangly much at times and you just have to live with it
Kirara ๐
>>480856 we must be pretty powerful if us talking about it prevents you from talking about something that you want to
Just embrace the feh and express it in your own way spam the moe with legacy of kain quotes
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
would embrace feh she is quite fluffy
Kirara ๐
>>480861 >>480862 that doesn't help me understand why it's our problem it seems like there are things you guys could do
in all honesty, it is not
which is why I am not anymore complaining about it
>>480865 I never said it was your problem. Anyways there's nothing feasible I can do to stop you from doing it. All I felt like doing was letting you know I thought maybe there should be a feh thread, because there was a precedent in the kancolle thread.
>>480868 well when you put it like "could you make a feh thread" you make it their problem you force them to act according to your wishes, which is selfish as fuck
>>480868 well 1) kancolle had much more spam to it, not just the daily few hundred posts, but at times thousands of posts a day, making a thread not just necessary to avoid complaints from likes of moi, but also pure necessity to allow any other conversations even amongst the kancolle playing audience and 2) I was quite insistant on it
>>480869 I'm not fotcing them, I'm asking them. They've refused and also felt the need to criticize me for bringing it up in the first place.
>>>/@BeardedGenius/988823201789693953?s=19 this is actually really cringey but you can see it in his face that he knows his relationship is broken and there's something inside him still capable of being sad about that
>>480939 for all people are against him, they should realise that "he is your leader" better stick with him up untill his term is done and hope you all can pull through but I guess this kind of mentality is dead in USA nowadays
true dat usa only beats russia in democracy due to USA constitution still being somewhat intact
If he gets reelected I may end up going abroad for grad school. I'd rather >>480946 I found a government program in Germany that would have free tuition, books, room and board. It's something I've been considering for a while.
I seriously doubt
>>480945 I just think that someone else comes around and runs on the same issues drump did, but just isn't as dislikable as trump reps might arrange it wholly instead of rallying behind trump to get him re-elected who knows or dems cheat around and fire their own shitty celebrity candidate
For all the bad decisions he does, trump also does decisions that, atleast in his view, are pro-america be they actually pro-america can't be said at this point WEll he has cracked down on child trafficking circles at the very least which is good
Kirara ๐
>>480956 true, they'd just neuter the epa, strengthen ICE, give the state department more overreaching power, and start a war war with china
>>480956 dems would start a war with china instead
>>480958 actually they'd go for NK and maybe get china pulled along for the ride
>>480955 ? All I need to do is apply for and get into a german graduate physics program and then apply with the German government
We have the Erasmus program within EU, that gives you free exhange shiot between EU universities, but someone always pays for it basically member states/universities by proxy so no one is really paying for a free education and you can go for exchange studies say into US, but then your university of origin pays for it usually or some deal of they get your guy, you get our guy deal
Kirara ๐
>>480967 probably not he never had good managerial ability his only skill has been recognizing other people who are competent and making them do everything
I'm really hoping Merkel gets replaced with someone more competent though.
>>480979 Isn't that what america is all about? jokes aside I can't really list things he has done or ratherh is cabinet has done that have been beneficial for USA as whole, but those damn well exist just aren't publicised by the media that much, and when they are they are thrown out of proportion by the pro-republican and by proxy trump media
but like you said >his only skill has been recognizing other people who are competent and making them do everything I think this is basically what is at play here though few mistakes were made, basically all who have been sacked
Kirara ๐
he has recruited only people that cannot do the jobs they were hired for that ability is long gone
Well who knows while a thing is brewing it is hard to tell what the final result will be post-fact is afterall most easy to tell a story >>480984 Well at the very least I guess, it is a good story for not just americans but people all around that "while your intentions are good, maybe don't vote the most loudest person who says 'he is for you' during elections"
Kirara ๐
it's quite evident there's a reason most of his hires last less than two months at their jobs
>>480983 I wish. The province of Ontario now has Doug Ford leading the Conservative provincial party. The Fords were doing what the President is now before he was even running for office. Everyone remembers Rob Ford. Doug Ford is his worse brother.
>>480985 though for all //for some of his policies being bad, wasn't papa trudeau actually a decent politician?
>>480987 Trudeau was controversial has fuck. But he worked hard for Canada. I do believe Justin does embody that same passion for working hard for our country.
Well so was say Iron Maiden of UK, Tatcher but in the end post facto, she was beneficial for the islands though she did a lot of damage too but + vs - she was in the end a net positive.
Kirara ๐
it's funny that macron and trump are besties trump was holding his hand and leading him around showing off landline phones
>>480990 that is the weird thing he insults trudeau like fuck, but is buddies with macron? macron is like trudeau but from france or the opposite? they are so similiar in policy
Kirara ๐
macron is a right wing dipshit and trudeau is just center right trudeau is also socially liberal and values minorities
>>480992 macron is "more of the same" in terms of policy for france and 100% establishment candidate
The thing with france elections was ofc, the usual, all the actual good candidates were buried beneath the Macron and Le Pen trains all who opposed le pen voted macron all who opposed macron voted le pen not exactly the vote split, but in majority, that was the trend there were a lot of politicians buried under that who would have been opposite of le pen, but much better than macron and vice versa, but just got ignored as no one talked about them and they lacked both the controversial publicity, the basic publicity and them *money to gain publicity that the two had