it has been 17 years since the first harry potter movie and 21 since the first book so the first kids named after the characters are now full fledged drinking age adults this year
let's collect the data how many alcohol poisoning fatalities from ron, harry, and draco
>>472572 they are the root of a plant, a part of a plant therefore a plant
tubers are also taters
>>472577 Listen to this >>472566 Also you've probably heard at least one song by them. They did "Personal Jesus". And also "I just can't get enough" which you've probably heard in a commercial or something.
>>472599 even if i was a wizard, i wouldn't trust a goblin with my money. every single thing about them seems sketchy. it's like playing russian roulette with yourself with 5 in the chamber.
well maybe the keys work only in the presence or if wielded by the rightful owner magic afterall
but is amusing how they are more of the traditional goblins instead of the post tolkien goblins rare to see that
damn that was an annoying song in I think gta4 where it was in
some gta anyhoo
also one thing I never realised is how does exactly wizard power work? like do you have some power pool that you are born with or does it grow by training or is it just mastering the spells and incantations
>>472623 Wait is this canon That the U.S magic schools have guns?
>>472626 You'd assume a gun would work better than an avarda kedadra unless they have a passive anti bullet spell going on or something It takes a few good seconds to say
>>472622 this is actually quite silly it is a simple mechanism if something as simple as gun doesn't work in the presence of magic, how does say locks work?
>>472624 4No, but it is canon that a gun wwill beat a wizard like half the timer something. *or something
the bullet is quite a thing to build, since it requires quite a lot of chemistry and making a gun requires high level industrial tools but both are DAMN simple
And even a nuke is quite simple atleast the first ones the procedure to make one is damn complicated bu the actual bomb and how it was triggered was damn simple tech same for most explosive rounds too so the question isn't really magic and guns don't work, but how large is that range they don't work in? can a sniper team from 500m shoot a wizard and kill them cause the bullet would still fly
>>472638 yeah I don't see why I wouldn't believe it
>>472641 Although he was only on their ffirst album.
>>472640 Maybe it's like that Toumas magic nulling power But in reverse Because Rowling said so
Like I imagine if you unloaded a gun at a wizards face it would always misfire, go all click click click or even explode but once you do it from a range, the bullet is in motion and there is little you cand o to stop it
maybe the bullet just drops to the ground like it put on the emergency brake once it's within range of the wizard's Stand
considering how many steps there must be... I bet wizards and witches are in quite good shape
didn't potter movies cause a huge problem with pet owls that then got discarded?
well books too
I believe so
pet owl would be quite neat but pet birds are a pain to keep
>turn glass of water into rum I want that spell
So I wonder how broom flying really works cause if it is just he broom flying and you sitting on it well.. I can imagine that being quite discomfortable position, especially for men
i'm sure if they can generate lift enough to carry a person through the air they can create a magical dick-cushion of air
by how they behave I am thinking it is more of a "both the user and broom fly" and the broom is just like a wand a channel for the magic power
yeah that makes sense they aren't really affected by physics properly if only the broom is flying the broom probably just efficiently channels the magic getting better brooms is like buying a stronger video card
flying witch explained it quite well they just use a broom to channel flying magic and the witch is the one that actually flies
>>472681 And that is why wandsd iffer from person to person a strong user needs a stronk wand
i liked that part about the early books but it feels like the importance of wands wasn't really touched on much outside of harry's and voldemort's ron got a little bit of goofy shit happening to him when he broke his but there wasn't too much explanation why different wands are better for different people and different spells and shit
also those moving staircases aren't really hishe appliable >just about to step off of a staircase >it moves and you fall off
>>472684 the first few books do the most of the world building and same for movies and rest just carry the story really the world is fun, but it isn't really detailed or fully thought out
my memory of the series might be hazy because i'm not like 15 anymore but i don't think they introduced many new areas after book 4 most of the rest of the series was just drama centered around the characters and locales that were already introduced
I have never read the books but I did watch the movies somewhat recently maybe 2 or 3 years ago
>>472687 yeah after the 3 unforgicable curses they didn't really introduce anything big new except the horcruxes and ofc later on the deathly hallows
>>472688 i watched the movies as they came out (except the deathly hallows i waited until both parts were finished and on bluray) by the time the movies were finishing i wasn't too interested in it anymore but the world has a lot of potential i think it would do well star wars novel style at least until that method approaches contradictory canon event horizon anywaays
last time I watched them I watched them all in a row
so what i never understood was is seeker instant win or just "game end + x score"
cause the seeker is just damn unfair rule in the end, if the opposing team is otherwise crap
>>472690 rowling should turn the potterverse into licensable thing for other authors to play around
>>472692 catching it just ends the game and gives 150 points yeah if the other team is still beating your ass then you can catch it and proceed to lose
so yeah if the other team still has a lead they win though what were they 10 per score or 10, 20 ,30?
10 i think so you have to be at a huge advantage
there were 3 different hoops so I think they'd have difference between them
we need a quidditch 2020 make it happen EA
BUt I guess in most games the seeker isn't caught
There are actual quidditch teams and leagues and its a big thing here. But I have no idea how it works. I was lost on North Western's campus and I walked over their permanent quidditch field.
>>472699 isn't it weird there isn't a quidditch game it would be damn good sports fantasy game
>>472701 if you can't fly it's basically just complicated rugby with brooms though >>472702 yeah out of all the various crappy harry potter games over the years it's pretty weird that not a single game was made about quidditch
>>472706 people have surely thought about it, but the challenge is how are you going to get a game where you fly around fast as fuck trying to catch a tiny ball and or flying nut actually fun to play with controls that work most games that have you piloting flying crafts either have super simple controls that don't allow much depth of movement or require a flight stick to reasonably operate and the market that would buy a quidditch game isn't going to own a flight stick.
I am guessing how to make it into a game is it like sports game where you control the whole team and switch between players and is it 1st person or 3rd and so on
and then you have to figure out the physics
>>472707 I dropped flying thunder or war thunder yeah that because of that everyone just played the simplified kb+m controls compred to the joysticks hit that was damn harder, but much more fun but you couldn't actually win against the more experienced simplified control users ofc actual flight stick pros were much better as the controls had much more feedback, but the learning curve is like billion times longer
>>472703 But there was a game about Quittich Harry Poteer Quittich World Cup
>various crappy Harry Potter games I liked the first one they released on pc when I was like 10. I remember it being an alright Zelda clone
Hmm I should set up the enhanced freespace 2 up and play it through since i bought a joystick when I bought the steam version of it best space game ever
>>472732 that can't really be helped the SNES has a lot of limitations on what kind of sounds it can produce >>472733 i dunno it's kind of weird how anime characters can always sense other people using their powers it's like if every single character in the X-men was spiderman
i like it when people can't normally sense powerlevels but when the big bad guy shows up the MC is like oh no i've got this terrible feeling what is this pressure
So I wonder that mirror dumbledore hid the stone in, with that "only someone who wants it, but doesn't want to use it can get it" condition could the mirror be used with other conditions to hide things? And if it had been in hogwards for a long time, voldy should have hid a horcrux there >can only get horcrux out of it if they don't want to destroy it or give it to someone to destroy it
Also isn't the house point system in hogwards made to cause in house bullying of people who fuck up? >do a mis deed >lose points >everyone blames you for not winning the cup
>so something is killing unicorns you know magical beasts the size of horses with horns >so let's send 4 students to hunt for it >and let's split up how does hogwards keep operating with all this near death risks it puts its students to
why is gran upset about seeing up her skirt they're in the middle of battle he doesn't have time to be horny the enemy isn't going to wait for his dick to chill out getting a boner means he's not properly engaged in battle when his comrades die it'll be on his hands
>hagrid plays harry potter theme on his flute so the theme is an actual melody in universe
>>472763 I wonder could you even get a boner with all that adrenaline and blood pumping in your muscles and lungs?
>>472809 The green one had a cool gimmick. It had the cool boomerang discs too Neet's a good girl and I'm very proud of her progression as a human being
Kirara 🚗
id known audrey's beauty since the start i could feel his love
trying to google [industry field] "TAS" to find out what the acronym means but it's just giving me results for companies in that field located in tasmania, australia -tasmania has to be added, but since the field happens to be servicing regions in australia including tasmania, that's going to remove a lot of data veins from my results >>472829 nah
tool assisted speedruns?
I would say there ought to be property modifiers for individual terms objects like proper nouns, acronyms, services, products, regions should not be difficult to discern for google's algorithms one should be able to search the query: Jackson[region] + SPRINT[acronym] + "board of education" to find a reference to the SPRINT acronym within the board of education within jackson, mississippi, rather than getting results of people named jackson or the company Sprint precision googling is really hard atm
I didn't sleep and I also still have Black Celebration stuck in my head.
probably skorea as it will probably loosen restrictions on people trying to get our of nkorea nkorea probably still won't want journalists coming in as the social feedback would increase tensions again and nobody wants that
I feel really something.
anything else?
okay that's good
Kirara 🚗
the admin at my clinic that doesn't really like me and i just bonded over kratom thanks drugs for bringing people together
>>472848 I do drugs to forget the fact that nobody wants to be my friend over drugs
Kirara 🚗
oh man she just pulled some out of her desk and gave me some this is amazing
>>472851 what kind? i just bought a half kilo of red borneo red bali is supposed to be better but i haven't felt that way it's been less sedating than valerian root, but the borneo was good
Kirara 🚗
it's red malay from breezytrees
she's been using kratom daily for like 5 years apparently it's in these little dissolvable wraps that i just put on my tongue i guess
i use like 2-3 grams per day right now depending on what my day is like like last Friday i did 1.5g of red in the morning and then 1.5g of green later and it was an awesome smooth transition
no i guess i still have half of my quarter kilo bag and it's been about a month since ive bought it i don't know how much i take per dose, usually a heaping teaspoon, so probably 4-ish grams sometimes i'll redose mid-day, sometimes i won't take any if i had it every day i guess i'd go through a quarter kilo a month compared to what i'd spend on alcohol, this is a steal of a deal
oh yeah, that too it's a big mood stabilizer for me and helps me interact in public normally, probably because of its sedation for a lot of people i think sedative means sleepy and lethargic and not wanting to do stuff but for people like me, sedation means tranquility in a constantly overstimulating world, which actually improves motivation and makes cumbersome things seem lightweight it's constantly being overstimulated and hypersensitive to it that makes me lethargic and stuff
it helps with my appetite a lot too i take it before a meal and then i feel like the meal gives me a lot of energy to do stuff normally if i eat a big meal i just feel distressed by it and have to lay down until it settles can only really work and be productive on an empty stomach otherwise
>>472867 have you tried taking it alongside your meds? i sometimes do for non-work productivity and it seems to do alright for me but it does alright for me in those situations without the meds too so im not sure
Kirara 🚗
it helps me feel motivated to work and helps me focus after my adhd meds wear off
>>472863 Nice Also that's like a day's worth of profits for them.
Kirara 🚗
>>472866 yeah, it doesn't interact much or anything just gives me its effects along with the amphetamine effects i take them simultaneously just not specifically for performance or anything
my biggest problem with amphetamines is that it's very distressing on my stomach i get dietary alcohol cravings (separate from other kinds of alcohol cravings, the cravings from the gut flora) so it kind of takes that away a bit those are the hardest cravings to sedate because, regardless of what a substance does to your physiology, the flora in your gut actually directly send neurotransmitters to your brain to agitate and reward in a much more influential way and it's the fucking barley fermented barley is such a craving, and it interacts differently than regular barley i wish we had more barley drinks in the west, like japan and china and korea have barley soft drinks all over the place they're so good too
Some office in Indiana gave out my cell number to someone and told them to call it. WTF Like they had an incorrect record for a business contact.
mom: >i dunno, just everything's hurting. my teeth are hurting, i'm sore, i think it might be sinuses
>well, you stopped taking your norco didn't you?
>yeah, but that was days ago cmon mom
Hrrrm I feel better than earlier but I'm still off It's like I can't change gears into a productive mode
>It's like I can't change gears into a productive mode I know how you feel man
I tore up my face a little bit with the electric razors, but aside from that I got a pretty smooth shave.
it had like an airplane tail but i couldn't get a pic of it
>>472880 warlocks are just the male version of witches
>>472884 Yeah, and witchery shares some common ground with druidic culture. >>472886 Well I mean etymologically, there's reason to believe warlock was a male term for practitioners of witchery.
i was ironically repeating some other daft popular opinions
witchery has such varying cultural contexts though a witch in nordic folklore and a witch in protestant colonial america really are a world apart for instance they share the name but naught else
Yeah, fair, that's true. I keep to an image of North European pre-colonial witches though.
is baba yaga a witch or something else
Maybe to some people? I consider that more monstrous than anything else I figure.
She's totally a witch She's just also a monster
Kirara 🚗
either way druids and mages are different on a fundamental level to suggest otherwise is just bizarre and this guy plays fantasy RPGs and stuff he should know this SHONDE
>>472892 Honestly a lot of fantasy games don't really do a good job of denoting there's a fundamental difference. He might perceive they do different magic, but the games probably make it seem like "it's all just magic" though. The fantasy genre in general can be kind of hit and miss about the complexity of magic that's been transposed from real world cultures.
he plays like dnd and world of warcraft and shit like that there's no excuuuuse
I bet he plays 4e
>>472898 Man World of Warcraft was EXACTLY what I had in mind when I was writing that post though. That game doesn't prompt you to think that difference of magic is anything more than class preference and not based in some cultural distinction. One class uses magic A the other uses magic B but it's all just magic in the game.
DnD could be more of a better educator but you could also get a lazy group for playing that doesn't read up anything more than what they need to play.
one admin told me that druids and mages are the same one admin gave me drugs
what a strange existence
>>472900 iirc, during some extension (cata ?) they deleted all the class restrictions for certain races. That doesn't really help either... (e.g. Taurens could suddenly play Paladin too, or some shit like that)
Kirara 🚗
they're adding tulve karoth to MHW in two days
He's pretty fucking shiny too.
Kirara 🚗
he looks MASSIVE
>>472904 Yeah that kind of stuff is what leans me towards that opinion. Maybe in early WoW days and pre-WoW Warcraft the distinction was clear and set. But for a long time the game has forgone restrictions to preserve world-building and lore for freedom of choice for players. I can understand and even appreciate to a degree why. But I can also find it disappointing.
Kirara 🚗
looks like it's getting its own area too
It kind of brings to mind for me the image of a dragon guarding its hoard. Its area looks really shiny and full of valuables.
apparently it might drop a new type of weapon rarity or something
Kirara 🚗
and it drops on the day jan and i can play
I saw it might be a temporary event too. I hope they bring it back regularly if that's the case. It would be kind of neat if they had a set of challenging monsters that open up for a period of time on a revolving basis.
Kirara 🚗
it sounds like it'll be a regular thing they said the first "instance" will be Thursday
>>472914 oh yeah it'd be cool tto have that on rotation
>>472907 He looks about the same size as some of the other massive Elder Dragons. I'd love to see them bring back the other titanic fights like Lao-Shen
Lao-Shen Lung or Jhen Moran.
But they all need unique maps to fight them in so I can understand it's a tonne of work to produce.
Kirara 🚗
this looks pretty exciting i hope the area it's in becomes a persistent area it'd be cool to be able to do hunts other than this one there
If it's a special map for a super-huge Elder Dragon, it's likely only going to be used for fighting other Elders of a similar size. At least from historic precedence, who knows what they'll consider shaking up for World.
Kirara 🚗
yeah, probably we have two unique maps that are just for gigantic Elder Dragons already Xeno'Jiva and Zorah Magnaros Zorah's map is mostly just Zorah's body and Xeno's is just some arena areas this map looks like a big full scale map though with a lot of areas I'm expecting it tto just be for this new monster but i hope it's not more areas would be great since we only have five
It depends on the set-up of the map, but there have been Elder Dragon fight maps that have been re-used before. In the original MonHun they had a Stronghold or something map that you fought Lao-Shen Lung in, but you could also (by MonHun Portable 2nd at least), fight a giant hermit-crab monster with spindly legs in the map too.
Kirara 🚗
“Siege is a brand new limited-time quest type which requires the collaborative efforts of all hunters in the same Gathering Hub (which can house up to 16 hunters). Each hunting party will split off into groups of up to four hunters each, but will be working together to investigate and hunt down the same Kulve Taroth.”
“As each hunting party collects more tracks and breaks off more parts from attacking Kulve Taroth, they’ll contribute progress to the same Siege. This new quest type is designed and balanced for multiplayer, so call up your Squadmates, or join up a dedicated Kulve Taroth lobby, and make sure to coordinate with other hunters if you want to earn the best rewards.”
Kirara 🚗
i guess it starts tomorrow i thought it started Thursday hmm it sucks that they announced this sso late it's going to be hard for me to fix my schedule so i can play it
Kirara 🚗
well my morning class for tomorrow is cancelled so i guess i can do the work i was going to do in the evening in the morning instead that's pretty lucky
>>472922 The fact that it'll take sixteen hunters to take down makes this guy sound crazy-tanky.
Kirara 🚗
the days of being able to clear elder dragons in minutes are over
Kirara 🚗
maybe ill stream it tomorrow when i check it out
Golden Kamuy had a really good second episode too. Asripa is pretty cute.
Kirara 🚗
Oh yeah, that was so good. I like how accepting Sugimoto is. He seemed like he'd be an asshole but he's pretty cool and respectful.
The banter he had with the escape artist after they fell in the water was great too. That situation in reality is actually crazy-dangerous but they made the entire thing hilarious.
Kirara 🚗
Yeah, seriously. They didn't finish drawing his tattoos, I don't think. But I guess he'll be back.
Yeah I realized that too. They got halfway through before Asripa got distracted by a rabbit. So he'll have to make a reappearance at some point.
Kirara 🚗
It's weird that the prisoners tried to kill each other for their skins instead of just drawing it out. I guess they didn't want to share.
Yeah that's what I figured. Cooperation could have found them all reaching the gold together. Even between twenty-four people that was still probably a huge sum to each of them. But that much money would probably have all of them on edge and unable to trust each other completely.
I tried sewing up a tear in a blanket to distract me but now I feel like shit again.
Kirara 🚗
>>472934 Yeah, I guess so. I wonder how many are alive.
I also found it hilarious how that one noose trap spot caught them like three different people throughout the episode. It's bizarre how successful it was.
first potential recruit found after 750 applications submitted almost 600 of the applications were blank though, so... man people just suck at transcription i guess
i should redo this recruiting process and set it up with no contact information or with encrypted information and it's part of the process to figure out how to submit it that'd trim out all the fat
>>472943 i did but if i were to redo it i'd probably want something more clever i'm looking at another company atm and their submission rules have a glaring typo in the listed email address and like a whole bunch of people are flipping out about the email not being found and it's pretty obvious that it's just a typo
i dont think it was intentional, but the hordes of people who can't figure that out probably miss the mark anyway if you don't have that level of attention to detail how are you gonna do the job
im gonna greentext but i dont think it'll come out smooth >Test 5, Writing SampleStarting on a new page, write one or two paragraphs about one of these topics.Your most rewarding life experience and what you learned from it.The kindest thing you have ever seen.Describe someone who inspires you and why.A poor little boy is in a grocery store and steals a candy bar. What would you do?
oh well it could have been worse this is on an application for a transcription position why the heck do they have stuff like this it's so obnoxious
It's one of life's mysteries
it all tries to be so full of positivity but there's nothing there most rewarding life experience? probably not getting fucked by the system as a young adult for about two years before they started fucking me again >>472966 i am thinking about choosing that one and then typing something about discouraging him from bad habits, so i'd put the candy bar back and take him to the fresh produce section so he can steal healthy food instead
the honest answer though is fucking nothing you see a kid doing anything, you don't do shit because parents are insane and you even takl // talk to a kid or look at a kid for more than a second and parents start losing their shit and wondering why you're harassing their kid
Kirara 🚗
i high five the kid
Kirara 🚗
teaching him the proper stuff to steal iis pretty good id accept an employee like that
they're probably expecting something like, "that poor kid! I'd buy him the candy bar and give it to him" but that's creepy in itself why are you buying candy for someone else's kid you dont know
You shouldn't be promoting thievery in kids. I don't think you're obligated to reprimand or assist the kid in any way but you shouldn't be encouraging them to steal stuff either.
Kirara 🚗
id call the police and have the kid thrown in jail for 20 years
call the police and watch as they beat his ass into submission
it really is i think knowing how to shoplift is an important skill, even if you never implement it same for pickpocketing the best way to avoid ever getting pickpocketed is to know how to be a pickpocket
>>472974 I would argue encouraging thievery is long-term not a survival skill. Unless eventually getting arrested and imprisoned is a part of survival.
Just write an essay about whether or not you should encourage thievery in kids, by the time you reach a conclusion, he is gone.
>You see a poor boy stealing, what do you do? Write a blogpost about it and ask my followers what they'd do so that i get trending and get more followers
>>472983 yes we know but 140 is iconic and referential
>>472983 140 to showoff how much of an oldfag you are.
You could say "microblog post"
he would have said that if he wanted to
Does Twitter let you make tweets that consist only of new line characters?
>>472978 I have a hard time saying yes or no to this. I think that over-simplifies the situation. Going hungry is horrible and even potentially life-threatening, and while I don't think people should steal, I don't think they should never steal if the circumstances neccessitate. I even would if the situation came to it. But teaching a kid how to steal, I feel comes with a degree of making him feel it's okay to steal, which conflicts with my previous principle. If you want to take the kid under your wing and educate him on the complexity of thievery in that situation on top of teaching him effective stealing techniques and advising him on what to steal, I don't have as much issue with that, but I also feel that leaves the scope of the question and your response to it behind a bit.
i think you have to understand the world beyond the boundaries in order to truly respect the boundaries in place, otherwise so much context is lost understanding how to navigate an unfettered world and manage your resources for your own system's survival is really crucial imo i am not going to steal in such a way that it's going to damage a system i respect and am part of for most things i interact with, that limits me from stealing anything, but it's better to know those hypotheticals while they're still hypotheticals and not too late would you steal someone's phone who is in the middle of a hysteric episode and using it to ruthlessly harass people they care about and will regret it later would you steal six bottles of advil off the shelf of a pharmacy whose security has been compromised and have been replaced with poison tablets without the pharmacy's awareness by a scheming entity, and you only know this information because you were involved with shady individuals in the first place and can't go to the authorities
these are real things that have happened that are a lot more interesting than "wud u steal medicine to save someone who is dying and needs it" like we asked in high school
An enzyme that eats children who steal candy bars.
How the hell did you not even pick up on that. I grew up in the whitest neighbourhood after the actual whitest neighbourhood in the city and I knew it.
>>473002 Yeah I saw. I'd be talking shit to Tony too if he was the one saying this in my presence too.
Kirara 🚗
ton and maria BOTH didn't know
He thought it was short for hoodie.
Kirara 🚗
it's unbelievable
Hood is like an AmeAmerican thing that's my excuse
Ame ame ame ame
>>473005 The internet is also an American thing. But you know what that is don't you?
Truly I am the whitest
Kirara 🚗
hood is represented in music that is popular across the world
>>473015 I never saw Full Metal Jacket so I didn't understand who this was supposed to be. I mean even if I had seen it I probably wouldn't have recognized who he was. Though to be fair most Canadians don't really give much of a shit about your war heroes.
>>473017 I also didn't see it but he was an actual drill sergeant. And also he had a kickass tv show on the history channel.
I'm losing nearly a grand. It would be more but because of federal withholding from the job, it's just short of it. It sucks though because I backed out from the 20k but I still have to pay for the gain. But at the very least, I'm able to file for losses next year.
oh well, I make back like 80% of what I just paid on Thursday so it's not that terrible. but it still feels like I lost two weeks >>473083 By the way, is Philly happening this year? If we are, aligning for Thurs-Fri would be best for me.
>>473083 I'm a little remiss I can't join you on that. Seems like a cool place to visit.
Kirara 🚗
>>473084 yeah, im going to make a thread about it tonight actually
>>473085 what's the flight cost to Vegas? we're campin so no hotel costs and stuff
>>473089 I'm looking at 450 CAD for the cheapest in that case. I might have a potential job lined up for the summer so it's not immmmpossible. I really don't like having to make flight plans close to leaving time though.
ill be planning lots of national park trips in the future so maybe another trip
Yeah. Once I'm done with my final final tomorrow I'm gonna try and do some more of the transcription work. Either way I should be better off a little bit down the line.
Yeah I applied to Rev when it got talked about a couple weeks back. I'm not really fast so it's a little discouraging. But I'm not going to get better at it by not doing it.
It's far less stressful than actually applying anywhere though.
>>473095 They accepted you and everything? it'll actually get easier as you move out of the low-tier shit and get more professionally done audio it's good training, although their style guide and rules are really shitty and not what you'd do elsewhere the pay is probably pretty bad compared to the wage where you live though
Yeah, the rate usually hovers somewhere around fifty to sixty US cents per minute. I did the crunching and I'd have to be working really fast to beat minimum wage here. It does allow me to circumvent a lot of my usual issues with working though, being stuck in social situations for four to eight hours at a time and having to spend at least an hour in transit to get anywhere. Not having to spend money on transit to work also helps a bit too.
They accepted me super easily really. And they even pushed me out of their trainee level really fast. They said it was like an hour of audio you had to transcribe to get out of it, but I did about twenty-five minutes and got pushed out of training the next day.
>>473099 yeah they're pushing everyone through quickly because retention is abysmal anyway i can suggest you some places to apply that are better but that's a pretty simple place for you to test the climate of the job and see whether it's grating and intolerable or cozy but just poor money the thing that is nice about that site though is it's like catered towards convenience you don't ever have to do work if you dont want to, you dont have to wait for assignments to come through, you can preview jobs before claiming, and it's always there, almost always with work available except on holidays and some weekends
so like, if i get done with my real gigs and then still have time in the day and kind of strapped, i can spend about three hours on there and make an extra 30 bucks in the evening it's not ideal since i make double that elsewhere, but it also doesn't induce stress on me about having to be up at a certain hour with a looming deadline if i dont feel like it, i dont have to do it
p.s. if you get a project you're having some difficulty with, there's a lend-an-ear feature if you can figure out how to use that feature (it's on the forums somewhere) you can pm the link to me in steam and i can help you out you can also ask the forums but they're shitheads
>>473114 Oh that could be convenient. I know the lend-an-ear feature exists but I didn't snoop around long enough to find it. So far I've just made careful choices and picked things I can transcribe without exceptional issue.
>>473120 you can also just link me to the project page some of their technology is redundant to people who are resourceful
there is no time loop as perfect as buddy complex literally the most perfect time loop ever written
Kirara 🚗
>>473152 buddy complex is honestly amazing jan, rook, saku, and i, with some others, watched it weekly in the team speak when it was airing and it changed the course of my life
>>473152 it's one of sunrise's best recent shows be sure to watch the movie after the series
Buddy Complex is great and the lack of a second season that just became Two OVAs was a tragedy but it was still a very well put-together ending that made sense of everything.
Kirara 🚗
honestly those janky subs on the first episode really helped draw me in
apparently it might drop special weapons and shit i hope they keep it up long enough for you
yeah relic weapons like back in 4u >>473201 I'm sure it'll cme back around soon enough
I hope the relic weapon grind isn't as bad as it was in 4u though, that shit was awful I don't want to consult three different charts to figure out my percentage chance to get the right drop table for a chance at getting the charge blade I want
>>473192 >slaine flies in and saves Inaho and crew from the martian >Inaho immediately tries to shoot him down Did they ever explain this
Kirara 🚗
idk anything about relic weapons but i hope i can get a cool bow my morning class got cancelled so im gonna do my night work iin the morning so i have time to play
I love the name 4U
>>473204 I don't think so both slaine and inaho were so irrational I ended up hating both of them
I wish the combat computer thing in inaho's eye was the MC it had more personality
Kirara 🚗
why didn't they ever do anything with his eye
Kirara 🚗
they were like, oh, it's gonna take over his BRAIN and then nothing happened
>>473209 Didn't his eye malfunction and start telling the princess exposition >>473210 >>473213 Yeah it was literally an exposition device
>>473208 But look he likes eggs What an exciting mc
>>473209 illusion of danger for DRAMA the usual "this power drains your lifeforce" shit that never has any real consequences
nah that was from yesterday we also spent a bit of time there the night before right now I'm on the way to fuji-san!
Oh shit those guys are still karting in Akiba? I swear I saw them when I was there in January 2017.
When I was in Tokyo I spent like, four or five days pretty much entirely in Akihabara and Big Sight. There's so much muchness to that city. I'd love to go back.
haha yeah they do it in shibuya too but I couldn't get a photo
>>473229 I already want to go back to tokyo, I can't imagine experiencing everything I want even spending a month there
Kirara 🚗
ahh i wanna see fuji-san
Kirara 🚗
i think im gonna plan a japan trip not sure if i want to go winter or summer though
My friends that have spent a lot - that have made several trips there tend to insist going during summer is a mistake. It apparently gets brutal in the summer climate. Honestly not an issue for you though, but it's still probably more comfortable to go during winter. The whole two weeks I was there from late December to early January it never dropped below freezing and was usually somewhere around 10C during the day.
so far the springtime temps have been very agreeable also light jackets make for good fashion, everyone on the street looks great
if i plan to go in winter ill have to wait until August to start planning since ill have practicum and idk where ill be working and how much time they'll give me off
I assume a reason for either winter/summer is to experience Comiket, right. If you want to go to it I'd favour winter just so you're not packed like sardines in 30+C high humidity.
Kirara 🚗
mostly because those are the only times i don't have school constantly comiket would be cool but i want to see the landscapes and do a lot of hiking and see shrines and stuff id probably want to go for ~1.5-2 weeks only have time like that in summer or winter haha
can't take time off giving therapy if i have clients that really need it
I guess that's true. How much longer are you stuck planning around schooling for?
Kirara 🚗
two years, i guess i get my Master's in August and then i have two years of school and one year of internship and then i get my doctorate
Kirara 🚗
wtf i get my masters in august
>>473241 weird go back to being a bright hearted young student pls
>>473238 Tokyo isn't as much for landscape and natural beauty, but there is a lot of neat parts of the city to see. Kyoto is much more of a beautiful city to tour for those aspects, being in the middle -being at the bottom of a valley encircled by mountains and not as hyper-metropolitian. I went on a bike tour of the city for two days and we went from being in the downtown of the city to shrine towns that bordered some of the mountains within an hour or so. A couple of the guys I was there with had flown in like a week before and had spent some time up in Hokkaido too, where it's much more rural and from the photos almost looked like a winter wonderland rural environment you could find anyway. But that is way out of the way from the Tokyo/Kyoto part of Japan and would be super hard to fit into a two-week time schedule I think.
Kirara 🚗
>>473243 i was kind of a loser when i was one of those
speaking of not being a loser i was talking to the admins at the clinic im workin at about drugs and mentioned i do kratom and one of the admins got super excited and gave me some of her kratom haha like at the front desk of the clinic
wow, do people who use kratom normally react that way when they find a fellow?
Kirara 🚗
not in my experience but it was cool af
make a kratom anonymous support group only instead of supporting each other through addiction you just hang out and chat
>>473244 man your trip sounds so much cooler than mine I'm so restricted by this travel agency because I bought a full package on groupon it was cheap as hell at least
Kirara 🚗
>>473244 j wanna go do shit like that that's so cool
>>473251 hell yeah she used to not really like me so i was surprised now we're kratom komrades
>>473253 Yeah, I had the advantage of going around with friends that knew the language and had been there before. So they helped give tips on fun experiences (like touring Kyoto by bike). I went there in high school with an educational travel agency too, so I kind of know how your trip is probably going. That one was kind of fun too though, the travel agency planned a lot of historical places and museums, which might be boring to most people high school age but as a budding weeaboo I loved it. Stuff like castles and Japanese history museums were really neat to tour.
One day we were given the option to wake up super early and take the transit to the biggest fish market in Tokyo to see the fishermen bringing in the day's catch. We got there at like 05:00 or 06:00 and they already had pretty much sold off all the bulk stuff though. It was neat to see all the smaller vendors crammed in one big pavillion selling off fresh fish though. There was also this room full of completely carved out tuna bodies. Like just these stiff shells of what had once been huge fish, completely hollowed out. That was a really neat experience.
>answer none you hate animals! >answer X so you want to fug x? gross
>wipe something out of eye >forgot I just chopped dried chili
>>473273 I'm mad Lucia Hiriart still don't die tho. >>473276 eh, humans are still animals. in case you want to avoid the question i guess. animals are nice and all.
>>473257 2k for 10 days, includes airfare, hotels, and some tours and dinners
If you look at book 2, every chapter's portrait matches up with a corresponding legendary hero.
fire guy to fjorm fjorm to gunnthra micah to ike eirika to ephriam grima m to grima f
the next one is chrom
Kirara 🚗
>>473293 that's probably a coincidence and even if it's not that doesn't suggest it will be lucina i highly doubt they'll do two legendary awakening characters in a row they're not that bad
Yeah, but look at the last three. They were all three unit banners and the legendary hero after them had a close connection to the character featured on the chapter button. For Chrom it has to be like either Lissa, Lucina, or Robin. Lissa just doesn't seem legendary and Robin just had a legendary character.
Kirara 🚗
robin just having a legendary character is a big strike against someone related to chrom getting one i mean i see the "pattern" you're trying to show me but it's not a consistent pattern and the connection is pretty weak
Hmm Hopefully it's a Wind legend No wait I take that back. Don't be wind .
Kirara 🚗
i hope it's a wind legend fire would work too i guess
She's the 'same ' in that, the one you summon is the one who connected to you. >>473337 But that's impossible because I'm not connected to other summoners' Gunnthra's.
Kirara 🚗
maybe you're connected to all of the gunnthras
Kirara 🚗
unless we're all the same summoner
No way.
Kirara 🚗
summoner is tang
I have enough opinions on this to write something for Comiket. But not the skill to draw Gunnthra 60 times.
>need two pieces of armor >one is behind a gate with no sensible way to even get close >the other is guarded by a very angry man >threaten him >try to persuade him >try to buy it off him >THREATEN TO TURN HIM GAY >HE DOESNT BELIEVE I CAN DO IT >AM A WIZARD PLEASE
Kirara 🚗
ton check out the other thread when you get a chance
>>473375 Remember how the xbox and the early 360 library got all these neat little niche Japanese games I feel sorta bad for Microsoft, nothing they did was gonna make Xbox take off in Japan
>Try to fix my strategy for Camus >AI keeps changing tactics FUCKING STOP
curry breaf
The dumb dog that my house has by now adopted from my sister I guess ran off. Or well, bolted at the first opportunity to go somewhere. Probably into the valley that borders the road my house is on.
>>473448 Do it tomorrow Don't just say you're gonna do it, do it >>473450 If only we could just stick our brains on an autopilot where it just does the things we want to do
>>473449 Ilya is a great artist Heres the pixiv if you want.
Such nice colours, I wanna learn how to draw like this.
to live as bang, a gracious, cheery suffering
>moe discord i thought that died
to live as bang, a gracious, cheery suffering
i thought i killed it myself
Everything died. Dead inside.
Why even make a /moe/ discord it's already like halfway to being a discord by itself
It wasn't even intended as a /moe/ discord I was just shitposting basically.
>>473466 ease of access to people who aren't browsing /moe/ but need to be recalled for anime browsing or other activities
also private conversations
hey anno meet me on the secret board I need to speak to you in private
i mean, i have a lot of people i talk to about things that don't need to be on /moe/ it's not private like backtalk it's private like not board-worthy material like boring personal shit