>>47063 → It is really weird, especially considering anime is hardly the niche it was back then. But yet we still have the same thirty voice actors voicing characters in dubs. And they try so hard to sound like cutesy anime girls that half the time they fail to convey any actual emotional depth to their lines.
I think it's just, while there is a demand for dubs, it's so paltry compared to the general window of interest for the industry that no one cares about polishing it. Dubbing is still just something you do cheaply to add slight value to your localized product. There's no care for quality, no love of the art. I'd probably be much more upset about it if I had any real investment in it, hah hah.
>>47069 maybe it's that, back then, our crews just had their own vibe going on and fed off their own energy like, check this >>>/watch?v=YubRzW-ksgE
for how animated it is (you know what i mean, the characteristic, not actually being animation), it feels pretty organic, the way it flows it's fun they play off each other pretty well
sailor moon dub occupied probably half of my childhood
>>47071 I still haven't seen the first movie so I don't feel any real hype either way. But it's funny and I know people here like it.
>maybe it's that, back then, our jews just had their own vibe going on and fed off their own energy makes it sounds pretty different
>>47072 Yeah, I think one of the issues that arose with Japanese culture being more accessible for westerners, is that it pretty much killed off any demand or interest in localization. Localization gets a lot of flak, but I think when it's taken seriously it can produce some beautiful and really entertaining bits. Nowadays it's all about imitation and replicating the Japanese in English--there just isn't the same sandbox for creativity.
>>47075 I think we spend a lot of time nowadays watching the original, getting a feel for the characters, and trying to replicate that and maybe that's not good
look at dragonball z the english dub, all the characters have their own personality that just evolved in its own way. Goku is way more heroic and dad-like in the english, which isn't at all how the japanese made it out and then you've got the soundtrack change ontop of it faulconer changes the mood of everything
there might be some disloyalty to the original in doing this, but talking about localization, how about localizing the experience of it and playing to what the english audience will feel it makes for a pretty whole experience in the DBZ case instead of a little bit contrived like a lot ive seen
Hm, I think on a subjective level, I don't entirely agree. At the least, I wouldn't say it's not good. Personally I appreciate it better when they do strive to get a feel for the characters, and then understand how to produce that feeling in a way that can tickle the empathy in an English environment. It's a progression that is a step or two more complex than just reproducing the Japanese in English, but I think it is crucial for dubs that try to convey a highly emotional or passionate scene or climax.
I find the Dragonball Z dub fascinating, and how it completely changes everything and produces an different but still high-quality experience, but I don't think that would work as a blanket tactic for most series brought over in dubs.
well, i did say maybe i dont really know! that's the fun of convo sorry for interrupt i'm working and tabbing a lot
>>47082 having dates on these would have been helpful none of these were under oath anyway were they, not that they were really significant discussions in the first place over a serious matter like others of late
>>47081 Yeah don't sweat it. I think I just hold highly preserving emotional context in stuff like this. Changing up stuff like in the Dragonball or archaic 4Kids dubs is interesting, but it also entirely recasts the show in a different cultural light. And one of the benefits I feel of cross-cultural media exchange is how it lets us see what culture is like in other parts of the world. And I like that aspect. So it's just a situation here where a "maybe" for some people, like yourself, is a little more concrete for me.
>>47084 Meanwhile in sunshine land >I'm glad that we preserve the translation in the japanese dub of Family Guy as literally as possible, so that we can understand Western culture to the most precise form possible
Hah hah hah. How terrifying that things like that may be an Japanese person's understanding of precise Western culture.
I think part of that is realizing that, in Japan, anime really is a children's concept. Adult anime are incredibly niche. That's not to say it doesn't respect culture or anything, but that it plays mostly the same role that cartoons do as of late here
I mean, Miyazaki films obviously open our eyes to a world of Japanese perspective but they glorify Walt Disney in a way you would not imagine well you would because youve been there Walt Disney is a god in east asia, especially Thailand for some reason, but Japan too
Mickey Mouse, Fantasia, the Disney princesses are pinnacles of animation to a lot of people over there
To be fair I'd even consider some of the Fantasia segments to be pinnacles of animation. Fantasia and Fantasia 2000 are marvelous.
Yeah that just spoiled the conversation. That's not how you spell Disney's Robin Hood
Hey man Robin Hood was great too.
>>47089 I mean yeah, most of this conversation is kind of distanced from reality. In reality, very few Japanese animators approach creating anime from an artistic or even serious emotional level. So in the end it doesn't really matter if you strive to reproduce or convert or create entirely a new emotional context--it isn't really there in the first place. In that case the approach taken with Dragonball may actually be the optimal choice, since it gives a chance to create context where it wasn't in the first place--not that there wasn't any in the original Dragonball.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Many of the Robin Hood charactes //characters were left over character designs from a canceled adaptation of Reynard the Fox.
Speaking of Robin Hood, let's step back to the voice acting that was all on-point
>>47094 you'll have to elaborate that second line, because I don't quite catch what aspect you're referring to the animation itself? the storyboarding and vision of a project as a whole?
Oh boy. Hm. This one is going t o be hard for me to put into words.
It's like, you can tell a story, by recounting the events and detailing the details. And that can be something entertaining, funny, and worth the time of the viewer. Or, you can tell the same story, but utilizing poetic devices. Embellishing the details in a way that adds marvel and depth, focusing in on the beautiful or terrible and ensuring they resound in the viewer's mind. I feel like most animators in Japan--or at least most end products, seem overwhelmingly to me the prior. There isn't a similar emotional depth.
nothin like detailing the details to make things more detailed
>>47103 Are you into animation? like is it something you're passionate about in general do you pay attention to a lot of the ways that the animators make things happen so smoothly to make the experience more fluid and natural in a way that's so natural it doesn't even seem like it's there, but would be glaringly obvious and choppy if it weren't? im just asking because i'm wondering whether this video is worth sharing or not
>phone call from ny with 666 in it oh no it's Hillary Clinton
apparently there's some new super racist movie called Get Out
>>47103 The same animators worked on the DBZ movie Ressurrection of Frieza as did the same story arc covered in the DB Super episodes And the movie is intensely well-animated, and the episodes are awful you can even see their lethargy in the frames, and their disappointment for now having to remake something they already made brilliantly, but make it look like ass it's sad but i dont think that's the animators' intent i wasn't sure if you meant the animation itself, like that, or if you meant more of the over-arching vision of storyboarding and conceptualizing emotion into the show itself
>>47106 I wouldn't say I am on a technical level, but I appreciate the end product. I have friends that are interested in animation and I've studied some basic concepts used for stuff like making fluid and natural animation, but I can't claim a particular passion for it.
>>47109 Yeah, sorry. I have definitely been singling out animators, haven't I. I should have said something like animation studios or production studios, because it's definitely about the combined end product for me.
Yeah that's kind of what i meant with the question, who you felt didn't have the passion the animation director or what and the anime episodes, with the exception specifically of one punch man, are always going to be lacking because anime series are not an end product, stated very explicitly they are brand-builders for selling merchandise, even with DB super and other such the movies are end products most definitely, and in many cases (Kaiji comes to mind) they will literally budget an entire anime series just to advertise for a movie it's that cheap and underfunded
in comparison, (though it's not animation), look at Fantasia or Robin Hood and then That's So Raven or whatever garbage is on the disney channel (We're prtending disney is one industry instead of one company) they're still wholly capable of sapping any emotion or value out of their own products, but still package good ones Valve too, for that matter. A lot of Valve is SHIT SHIT SHIT except everything they do right
These socks are super soft and comfortable but they're so SHORT. They make my shins so cold.
>>47113 The thing is, anime series to need to be lacking. I mean, look at anything Masaaki Yuasa has worked on. Ping Pong, The Tatami Galaxy. He directs animation that is kind artsy and definitely out of the norm, but the way he utilizes it to underscore moments of emotional importance and crucial character portrayal is lovely. And whoops that first line should be "anime series don't need to be lacking", hah hah.
How can you be under investigation for hate speech You'd think what you said either was or wasn't, this isn't the kinda thing you usually have an investigation for last more than the length of your speech
Kek is one of the religions you can pledge yourself to
The abrahamic religions are the regular, nonbeneficial ones the NPCs always follow The player has to find another true god for power, and that's Kek Just look at Trump Trump's followers turned to Kek, and Kek provided
They offer minor benefits but very few cons kek offers big benefits and big cons
Kek feels like it's the monkey paw Of the gods
"I want an anti-establishment candidate to run and win" "It is done, but he's also anti-you"
The obvious choice for those who enjoy mischief anyway
This and one other image I have is from the same artist, but I think I got them both from danbooru or something cause I don't remember looking through that big gallery
I don't like the dubsteppy stuff though The drops or whatever
My biggest pet peeve in recent techno music in general is this shit It's like I'm enjoying a track but then that drop shit happens and it's like "You could have just not done that, and this would have been so good. Why?"
Is there an inverse term for the opposite of drops. Where a song is building and building, and then instead of dropping, kicks the ascension up to eleven in a swift manner. Becaues -Because I really like that sort of thing.
I'm kind of a sucker for when it just builds up, and instead of climaxing it just drops the entire buildup and starts doing something else
I like a lot of different kinds of technomusic for different reasons, but holy shit I can't stand any of what dubstep seems to be in the mainstream I just can't deal with having to enjoy music while dreading a certain part of the track I know I'm going to hate before I even finish the damn thing
It's like if every single game had a part that was like the popopurells from Threads of Fate Like I still wanna play games but man can we just NOT do that?
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Sk you end up getting around to listening to that Talking Heads album or that Pixies album yet?
>>47176 Remain in Light by Talking Heads and Trompe Le Monde by the Pixies. You also seemed to like The Pogues so I suggested Rum, Sodomy and the Lash.
>>47177 I listened to some more of that album that one song you linked was from, and I'm not really that big a fan I liked that one song but the rest, not so much
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>47180 Was that the Irish one? or the one //one of the other ones?
>>47184 Yeah that's the Irish one. They have another song I think you might like. >>>/watch?v=j9jbdgZidu8 It was almost number one on the UK's Christmas single chart, but Always On My Mind by The Pet Shop Boys (not written by them it was a cover) had the spot.
I'm amazed they can have a skinhead mascot with an all-white dress code wish for a clean world, and get away with it
there's nothing wrong with that hairstyle some guys are balding and it's the only way they still look pretty good skinheads are like four decades outdated anyway
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Also the female vocalist in that song was run over by a boat being operated by the owner of the Mexican Walmart equivalent, she died pushing her kids out of the way of the boat.
>>47187 Some guys also have naturally healthy hair and going bald is still the only way they look pretty good.
Not before now It's not really bad, but it's kinda bland It sounds like it'd make good BGM for an uplink or streethacker clone
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
There's a decent remix of it by The Chemical Brothers, the CD we had with it was the first electronic music CD I remember ever having heard. Also I'm pretty sure that that song was in the movie Hackers.
People were worried the meme-o-sphere would be left with a void where Biden memes once were, and that Mike Pence memes wouldn't be dank But it's starting to look like these worries were unfounded
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
John Lydon is also known by the name "Johnny Rotten", he was in the Sex Pistols and also started the band Public Image Limited.
Another manga by that guy who did the one about the city cursed by a demon of lust so that the number of times you've masturbated floats above your head has been translated. http://bato.to/comic/_/comics/33-years-old-single-female-knight-captain-r20886/
>>47210 I never drink, I was mainly talking about homentasch being fucking delicious. Also I haven't been to a purim *Purim service in maybe ten years or so, but I do remember having a lot of fun using the noise maker whenever the person on the bimah says Haman's name. Have you ever been to a purim service?
Yeah, I have. I probably won't go this time, though.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>47212 I'm honestly a little surprised, I had thought (for some reason) that you went to services every Saturday. Well I probably only thought that because you keep Kosher. I just find it bizarre when people who keep Kosher don't light candles every week or go to a Reform synagogue instead of a Conservative or Orthodox one, or don't go to services every week.
>>47212 Hey, when is Philly and what part of Philly? Is it actually Philly central?
I have to fly out to Trenton, New Jersey at a yet-unspecified time and I don't know when exactly it'd be but that's like right next to philly
>>47214 It's Bensalem Which is 40m from Philly >>47213 It's not really safe to be doing stuff like that anymore
>>47215 that's 20 minutes from trenton hm i'll have to first figure out when i'm going and second whether there's any overlap time
>>47213 I light candles and do my prayers every week
>>47218 what's the matter, are you afraid to pray in the dark?
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>47215 >>>47213 (You) >It's not really safe to be doing stuff like that anymore fuck, anyways unless you have personally been threatened outside of your synagogue or your synagogue has gotten a threat recently you shouldn't really worry about it if you stop //well yes Jews will worry anyways, but if you stop going to temple it means that they win
Well I do worry I was threatened all my childhood I know that there are a lot of antisemites It's my business whether or not I'm willing to risk myself going or not and I don't feel comfortable risking it
Wow it's getting pretty bad, huh? My only exposure as of late is what you've been posting about it Work's had me pretty buried from the outside world this last while
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>47222 Less of "its getting pretty bad" and more of he also lives in Florida. Where it has always been somewhat bad.
It's getting bad AND I live in Florida
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Yeah despite going to Florida pretty frequently I often forget how true a lot of the southern stereotypes are.
I'm sorry to hear that it's getting that disruptive
The fucking president blaming us for anti-Semitism doesn't help
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
When my dad brought my mom to meet his family and friends several people when they heard she was Jewish unironically asked "Where are your horns?" when they met her.
>>47227 I mean, if there were no jews, there'd be no anti-semitism. That's pretty sound logic.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>47229 There might still be anti-semitism, it just wouldn't affect any living Jews.
Thanks for that clarification. I feel enlightened now.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>47231 I get what you meant by it, but its not really the same as "The easiest cure *way to get rid of all cancer in humans is to kill all the humans." or "Black on Black violence would not longer occur if there were no blacks." because antisemitism isn't only a physical thing.
I didn't say "no longer", but i meant in the first place but this isn't really a joke worth explaining because it's so deeply dripping with disgust in the first place
>>47233 Its actually kind of a problem in AI because there are rally *really easy and not complicated solutions to various problems that involve kiling lots of people. So people are trying to figure out ways to make AI not come up with solutions like that.
I was also held up at knife point for one dollar by a friend of a friend the same day I read the book. It was the same knife they were playing catch with in the park near the library while I sitting on the bench reading the book. It was the only time I've ever been held up at knife point (or at all). Also he was a black white supremacist.
>>47243 I bet you didn't go to a public highschool if you don't think there are people that crazy.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I went to public high school. Nobody ever threatened to stab me for a dollar.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>47246 Just because they didn't threaten you doesn't mean they don't exist. Also he likely was not doing it for the money, I'm pretty sure he was doing it to mess with me.
Is the material too difficult to do without pure focus?
Sometimes when I get long batches of work (I've got five hours of this stuff) I'll take like a three hour break, but I'll tab over and fit in a minute where possible, or whenever I'm switching between break activities, or waiting for responses on /moe/ and then realize that i've done an hour's worth of work whilst having a break that works better for me than cramming an extra couple hours of work into tomorrow's deadline hours >>47275 it's okay. i appreciate your help
Hmm, no. I wouldn't say it's difficult. I think it's just been that handling children is effort. And after doing that, I don't immediately feel like jumping to work.
I made my nephew think he broke the water dispener on the fridge. I turned on the child lock because he kept pressing it for water that he wasn't drinking and filling multiple plastic cups with water. And then after realizing it was "broken", he wouldn't talk to me or go in the kitchen.
i maybe didn't explain this, but the full-capture really only applies to any content that's on-camera it's all so they know what to edit together, which is all camera stuff
>>47276 you're going to be responsible for, in a week when he goes to the doctor because he's been sick from drinking his own pee and giving the explanation "I didn't want my peepee to break so i had to drink it, like uncle blue said"
May his mother remain blessed and filled with patience.
the second half of the file should have a lot more empty space and group exercises, so there's a lot more breathing room where you can just listen and wait until activity starts happening again. Don't try and transcribe chatter during exercises unless you hate yourself
The biggest timewaster though is the lag. Doing the work is fine, but when I use a hotkey to go back 3 seconds, the video lags for... about three seconds. And it's really annoying when I have to do it twice. I think that's contributing to the generally slower rate I'm having.
Is that to hear things a second time that you misunderstood, or to catch up? I'm going to check over it all, so don't get too worried about that if it's slowing you down it's easy enough for me to fix those on the review. What isn't easy for me to do (on my timeframe) is the remaining 90% of the work for an entire extra file the 10% basically overlaps with review process anyway so it's hardly extra work
Not that I misunderstood but to catch up, yeah. Sometimes, I think I missed or assumed a word too. And I go back.
if there is a spot you know you missed though, or just couldn't make out what was going on, just do the // like we do on moe don't worry about timestamping or putting some description, just the comment symbol signifies enough thanks again by the way probably shouldn't litter moe up with work talk though
>someone in the new Beauty and the Beast movie is gay. Boycott Disney. Sign this petition. >What are Christians angry about now?
>What about Christians? I read this boycott and not once did they mention the Christian faith. >LifePetitions >LifeSiteNews >serving Pro-Life, Pro-Family communities Maybe it's just because I know Christian branding when I see it...
>>47287 If only. But that would be weird if Beast were gay. I mean... unless Belle is a dude.
>>47288 Way to miss the point! The beast was found consorting with men, and was thus transformed into the beast as punishment. The only way for him to transform back into a man is to accept Pences shock therapy and learn to love women This is basic literary subtext bro
they work. people are just bad at them. And things like this don't properly capture a good enough portion of the market. While the uber boycott isn't likely to outright kill uber, it is slowly making things worse. It doesn't help them that Uber is run by legitimately shady people.
But the difference is usually in necessity of thing and whether the people angry already spend money on their things. I think the funny thing about Uber's specifically is just how much terrible shit comes out. It's like watching our current politics but in a private company. Like how they shadowbanned city officials in places where they weren't supposed to be providing their services so they couldn't get caught doing it.
Lots of things. There was the signs of generally bad business practices from before this year but that was before people were going against uber in large numbers. The first really serious thing was when they did the strike break during the EO airport protests. Our Taxi services were going on protest for an hour or two and then uber decided 'hey, this would be a good time to lower prices'. And everyone thought it was a dick move and #deleteuber became a trending thing.
After that was the case of some woman who worked at Uber and apparently spent a year or however documenting incidents of harassment in the workplace as well as HR's general complacency and lack of drive to settle the issues caused. She left after a year and released all that baggage and tech industry pretty much swallowed the whole thing down.
And just recently, the NYT released a story of their Greyball program, which was essentially them taking their usual method of banning people who violate their Terms of Service and applying it to city officials or anyone they believe would attempt to mount a case against the service happening in areas where they are not legally permitted to function. https://nytimes.com/2017/03/03/technology/uber-greyball-program-evade-authorities.html
>unknown to Mr. England and other authorities, some of the digital cars they saw in the app did not represent actual vehicles. And the Uber drivers they were able to hail also quickly canceled. That was because Uber had tagged Mr. England and his colleagues — essentially Greyballing them as city officials — based on data collected from the app and in other ways. The company then served up a fake version of the app, populated with ghost cars, to evade capture.
I'm afraid to use Uber. I've had a few situations where i was in a pickle and it was suggested, but the concept terrifies me. Taxis are one thing, but Uber, i don't know. I don't want to trust that. People have assured me it's fine but i just never feel that way.
>>47303 Wow That's a lot Good thing I don't use Uber Did they think they'd be able to get away with all that?
They're still running the service so... ayy
>>47304 There's a funny tweet about this. something like 1990: Don't go into strangers' cars. Don't trust people from the internet 2016: Literally use the internet to summon strangers to get into their car
It's especially troublesome for me because I literally cannot recognize someone by their face So even though (Ive heard it does anyway) it does that face thingy so you know who your driver is, i won't fucking know
And then getting into a stranger's car just completely makes me uncomfortable i'd rather walk home at 2AM than be in someone's car at 2AM at least then I can control where i go and not be behind a locked door
>In a statement, Uber said, “This program denies ride requests to users who are violating our terms of service — whether that’s people aiming to physically harm drivers, competitors looking to disrupt our operations, or opponents who collude with officials on secret ‘stings’ meant to entrap drivers.” They outright say that it's used to evade law enforcement lol
>>47311 More notably to me, how do they know if someone's using it with the intent to physically harm someone that sounds like something you can only know after it's already happened "We don't let it happen more than once before we stop letting them use uber"
"based on data collected from the app and in other ways" >>47312 Oh, the thing is SUPPOSED to be used for people who have violated TOS. So if you've done it before, you would get greyballed that way. That's normal. But they happen to ALSO use it to ban officials and people who are likely working with them..
That statement, in a layered way says, "If someone has used our service in order to physically harm others, we deny them ride requests" As though that's in any way reassuring whatsoever
I don't think the statement was directed towards promoting safety. Probably just answering what the program does
It's not what the statement is directed to it's something they voluntarily included in the statement This is something they thought would be good to include in that statement what about its inclusion in the statement has any positive bearing
I do it all the time. You're explaining something and I have to give three bullet point features about it.
It doesn't instill any confidence in me, anyway. I am scared of ordering an Uber and probably will. And I generally don't think I'm an easily-intimidated person.
>Enforcement officials involved in large-scale sting operations meant to catch Uber drivers would sometimes buy dozens of cellphones to create different accounts. To circumvent that tactic, Uber employees would go to local electronics stores to look up device numbers of the cheapest mobile phones for sale, which were often the ones bought by city officials working with budgets that were not large.
It's like a really really bad movie
That doesnt make sense, because low-budget departments are not doing stings. What the fuck are they even talking about
thinking about, rather
Well, I don't know if it worked or not. They had a number of other ways they made guesses. nerds and their algorithms >One technique involved drawing a digital perimeter, or “geofence,” around the government offices on a digital map of a city that Uber was monitoring. The company watched which people were frequently opening and closing the app — a process known internally as eyeballing — near such locations as evidence that the users might be associated with city agencies.
or maybe 60 people got called into jury duty which, by the way, you can't just drive up on you drive to a parking lot way the fuck away, get picked up by a bus and driven six miles down the road, dropped off, and then if you have a jury duty exemption because you're FUCKING DISABLED FROM HAVING KNEE SURGERY (in the case of my mom, actual story here) they'll just stamp you out and you can leave free to walk back six miles to your car so you're there with 20 other people and you're all looking for an uber nearby and you're all stressed out and having a bad day
These aren't even algorithms they're just bad guesses
Because what they were doing wasn't necessarily legal. The service itself was in a grey area of regulation and some cities didn't like how Uber worked. So collecting info like that helps them evade officials.
It was also used to keep them from people affiliated with their competitors as they would sometimes get violent with the cars or the drivers. So the plus side is safety for their drivers.
Uber exists in a weird place, I don't know if the idea that what they're doing isn't legal colors it properly, it's more like regulations weren't really made in the first place even contemplating something like Uber, which bridges the gap between private actor and business. It's kind of funny looking at the whole situation from the viewpoint hmm It's kind of funny looking at the whole situation from a legal viewpoint, the people who have recently been anti-uber and cheered as they have been slammed by government regulation are the same people who are normally anti-government and anti-regulation.
I don't really have any strong thoughts on Uber though, other than that such a service is not for me because I don't trust strangers.
but you know how it is it's not always about the government or the regulations you just want that which you don't like getting elbowed in the throat >>47336 My plan was to get to minute 40 at least
>>47335 Well I know you're not doing five minutes an hour, so you won't make very much can I cut you a deal and throw an extra forty bucks at you to finish the file 140 for the whole thing that's high tier pay for GT
More like an all-nighter, but yeah even one hour can be awful I try to not be a little bitch, and I'm strong and confident during the day but once my night time passes I just want a bottle of warm milk and to be tucked in to snoozeville and dream of landclouds and microfiber
By the way blue (Sorry Rin that I keep using your picture i just grab images at random i really like) By the way blue, should you ever want to, I'm bombarded constantly by people looking for me to subcontract for them. If you ever get the daily structure down and decide it's something you want to do, I could help you get into the industry.
I know I said that before, but in the last 12 days I've gotten two contract requests, and a few standby requests where people just want to keep my email address onhand in case they have overflow work Despite places like Rev, Castingwords, etc., transcription is a vastly underpopulated field and is growing way too fast with the amount of market research startups going on, as well as the podcast trend going on these days
my early conception of this field was really wrong, and I thought it was just a little side gig to make a few scrap bucks (which is what those amateur companies basically are, with like a 95% turnover rate and almost all of their workflow is done by people who come in, do one awful job, and leave. Thank workathomemoms.com and earnrealmoneyfromhome for things like that)
Ive met a few independent contractors (people with my status, not company owners) who are exceeding six figures after building and refining their client base it's a great field for someone with that inner entrepeneur, wanting to control and expand their own stuff i i was talking with quarx earlier about tennessee's right to work status and stuff, and I kind of realized how I'm beyond the point of ever being an employee now i dont think i can do that kind of thing i'm just talking out loud none of this is really important
>>47344 It's fine~ I'm quiter than a mouse here at any rate, so it's hardly missed.
>>47347 Welcome to the Alt-Quit. >>47344 It's an interesting field where I get to learn interesting things. For me, it's more of a side thing but if things aren't going good, it could probably feed me.
/moe/ can be a little shy sometimes -- the board itself, not the members i mean I should probably move some of my blogposting and random thoughts to other boards where they're not so crowding >>47348 I know right? I'm always learning neat stuff with this -- and not always just like "Oh, that's interesting" details. I get to see market research go down firsthand, hundreds of hours of it. It's taught me more about market research than an intership would have, i guarantee >>47348 >It could probably feed me Well you haven't really climbed the learning curve, specifically because it's a side thing it was a "side thing" for me for like two years within a month of me picking it up full-time, I had some moments grossing almost a thousand in a week I mean, I know I live in the mid south and you live in new york, but that's still a pretty hefty chunk you work hard as hell for it, but it's something you never get as an employee. You can't just shell out your empty time as an employee and just burst out a bunch of money at once it's really nice to have that option. and that's an option you have to build on your own through entrepeneurship, reaching out and building up enough contracts to make that happen the whole process is pretty exhilirating to me, even though the work can be less exhilarating
One good thing about this particular one is that they enunciate well enough that I can at least listen to ambient Yeah, I haven't had any serious language issues.
Do they? I haven't heard that file. I remember doing some for this client before, and it was all based in San Jose, and there was some girl who had like five names to her name. Like Maria Rosales Javier Enrique Martinez Lopez and that was basically what you'd expect
I'm not ragging on the spanish-speaking accent, although it can be rough, but spanish speakers always try to speak english like it's spanish i.e. 8 syllables per second
>>47370 from her store? or from her? is she the manager?
>>47365 Are you old enough to be licensed to use a forklift, if you know what i mean ;)
>>47374 as just a regular employee seems the guy learnt the system a bit and has been knocking of yu ghi oh cards
>>47375 If we make an app, we should have that as one of the dialog prompts for the TOS. >Are you 18 years old or older? >Do you agree not to copy or redistribute this software without licensure? >Are you licensed to operate a Forklift in any of the following states: Virginia, Maryland, New Hampshire, Delaware, Vermont, New Jersey, Washington?
>>47376 if she's just a regular employee, not her problem not my chair, not my problem. that's what i always say.
>>47381 just nicking the cards? i thought you meant something else, like it was an employee doing it and he was knocking them off the inventory records or something and then taking them
yeah, completely not related to knock off brands then i guess thank god i was about to call him out for being a horrible person
I got reminded of an old username of mine recently I've gotten so accustomed to my proper email address and my real life name over the past several months
Uchouten Kazoku is getting a second season and I'm excited I recommend the first season
My friends working as software engineers at twitter all like "Yo it's been a long time. You still doing that, what was it, transcription thing? Have you found anything new yet?" and i tell them all about my new contracts and they're just like "yeah uh huh" and still look down on it damn i wish you could just buy self esteem how much does that cost
Anyone who works at a big famous company like google or twitter is probably going to look down on everybody else. I'd rather transcribe legal docs than work at twitter.
I take a lot of pride in my work, and the effort i put into networking to find new contracts and how I deal with new companies. I'm even organized enough to pay people -- quite handsomely, i think -- to manage some overflow work for me. I mean I'm not looking for praise, like I think I'm doing anything anyone else can't
But they're still all about that "Hey, you still doing that thing you were doing to get by back then" like it's just struggling When I feel I'm at the point where ive actually made it I've hit that plateau from which I can build upon. I think I've succeeded in being a professional, and that means a lot to me
this is the same guy that asked me // when he asked me what i'd like to do in the future, I'm like "I'd like to do algorithm engineering" and he's like "that's not a thing" okay mister twitter engineer sure it isn't except go look it up you fuck it most definitely is
>>47394 Those are nice words though, thank you. I don't think I'd want to work at any company, personally. I'd be happy to consult with them, but I don't like being an employee. I don't look down on it, but I like doing it how I do it. It feels like me.
Iunno. This boy went to Yale, had big awards and accomplishments and sometimes I wonder if he's ever struggled in his life. I'm sure he has, but still. He tried to set me up with a job once with his former Yale colleagues and it was a shitty job and i had a phone interview that I spaghetti'ed all over and didn't get because they chose another candidate. there were only two candidates.
The premise behind that recommendation was that "Oh, moon does transcription, that's a work-at-home thing, moon might be well-suited for this type of task." I tried because the money was money, but it was kind of insulting altogether. The issue I have is, when it comes to well-to-do and silver spoon people, I can't tell if their insulting and demeaning attitude is intentional, or if they genuinely think they're being a good person and charitable by neglecting everything about a person and saying "here let me do this completely irrelevant thing."
Charity is fine, but make sure you do it with a cause you empathize with.
Not to keep rambling, but I'm gonna keep rambling.
It reminds me of those kids in senior year or in early undergrad who talk about wanting to be social workers because they want to help the lesser-off. Girls that just are really emotional and sensitive, or guys too sometimes, and they've never really had problems and they think "I want to do something good for the world. I'll become a social worker." And how that ends up turning out. If you want to do that, go into management or something and then become management-level at social services. Don't become a direct-case social worker. You're not going to relate to those kids or families or vets. bleaeaah
All that said, it's still nice to see old friends that i haven't seen in a while. It's good to have a laugh.
I think silver spoon types struggle too. We all come face to face with our limits eventually. Money gives you the option of running from it a little bit more, but it's the kind of thing that you can't run away forever from.
I think the kind of networks you're born and grow into can carry a lot of the weight But yeah, I do notice the ways they struggle that I don't. I just will never know what it feels like to struggle with the things I'm fine with, so it'll always be something I take for granted. I guess everyone's that way.
We'd probably get drunk and laugh at stupid ass things and then try to make a drunk casserole and I'd throw shit at you for no reason because I like doing that while drunk because it's fun for no real reason
What would you think if you were just sitting at your security desk and some hysterical tsundere ran up to you and went "am I being detained? Are you going to detain me? I'm laying here on the floor with my hands behind my back I sure hope someone doesn't put handcuffs on them and detain me!"
Inari isn't top or bottom but that one's the best.
If I have to pick one bottom and one top, I guess it's Kasumi and Yuzuki.
Inari isn't on one particular side because they're whatever the opposite gender your player character is. Maybe. At the least you can marry them regardless of your picked gender.
For the girls, Lisette is super cute but Siluka kinda finds that place between cute and lewd that is appealing. I would have a tough time deciding if I were playing the male character.
It's a tough decision on the guys side, I know I don't like Ford or Ludus. Wayne seems like a little bit of a playboy so I don't like that, but he's otherwise fine. Hinata doesn't look like he'll be the character type I like. So I need to see what Yuzuki is like. Otherwise I may go for the fox.
>>47524 He's boring and I dislike his character design. Also, perhaps most importantly, he makes me pay out my butt for buildings and then asks that I help him building them. What am I paying him for if I have to provide all the materials and pay him and still have to do half the work.
>Pay out my butt But everything is so CHEAP in this game. Relative to the money you can pull in right off the bat.
I'm still in spring, these buildings are EXPENSIVE.
I can easily afford everything except the second house renovation--which is probably going to be affordable by the end of summer anyway. Really the only holdback on buildings in this game is resources. If you plant in all the fields they give you from the start of the game you can easily pull in ~10,000G during a harvest. Plus they give you a bunch of free money with the part time jobs.
Maybe I've only just scratched the surface of this game, but I'm not terribly impressed with this Story of Seasons. Don't get me wrong; it's fun. That's a different aspect from how impressive it is. But I mean, I've stuck with this franchise for around fifteen years; I've played a lot of the games. And a lot of them had some really impressive aspects to them. But this one just kind of feels like it's not really improved on the formula since the last one. And while the previous one feels like it improved on the game from the one before it, I still feel like we've yet to catch back up to how great the games were during the Wii era. Tree of Tranquility and Animal Parade are still the best Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons games I've played, and none of the games that have come since have matched their mettle. It's kind of why I'm excited for the upcoming Switch release, since a return to consoles might hearken the developers back to that golden age. But I'm also worried they've forgotten what it's like to make a game like that.
>>47550 Yeah, they're turbobuttholes. Sometimes I get some cool dudes that are fun to play with.
Everyone I've helped in co-op is pretty bad, though. They don't use skills and they don't use different stances. One of them was even using a guide while I was helping.
It was like, the 3DS era rolled around, and the developers went "well we aren't even going to try and make a lively world to play in anymore." That really disappointed me, and I haven't seen any attempt to return to the previous standards.
I want to play nioh at some point it looks neato. >>47554 Oh? I thought was a generic kawaii shoujo in damaged world rpg
It's probably the best game I've ever had the pleasure of playing. It took me nearly 100 hours to beat the main story. And then there's New Game+ content with a new rarity of equipment, and the levels all have new, harder enemy placement.
No, it's not kawaii shoujo at all. Nioh is about William Adams, an English pirate that eventually becomes one of the first western samurai. He joins Ieyasu's battles to take Japan while hunting someone down that slighted him.
>>47555 It came out like a month ago. Are you thinking of Nier a Tomato?
Wait 100 hours already? Didn't it just come out? Aaaaaa Yeah i was thinking of tomatos
I think Kirara would be the kind of girl who would endure harship to look good. So she'd be the one to wear tights/pantyhose in the snow. It's hard to tell which it is in that image. Besides, tights and pantyhose are warmer than you'd expect.
>germany has nothing to do with democracy -erdogan
Does Erdogan even know what democracy is.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
does anyone anymore
He said that after being denied holding rallies in germany to get the local turks to push for his "reforms". You know the ones to make even more democratical.
I think the new Zelda game is probably better. Most of the complaints I've seen about the new Zelda revolve around the Switch and not around the game.
Kirara you misinterpreted me again i specifically meant I didn t have a lot of time last night but I still have to sleep
I'm really highly anticipating Yooka-Laylee. I haven't played a collectathon like Banjo-Kazooie since the N64 games and I've really missed it. I hope they incorporate a lot of the really amazing details of the second game into Yooka-Laylee.
>>47615 >Maybe another evening this week would be better? >Maybe? I just don't seem to have a lot of time it would seem. Unless you wanted a shorter session.
I tried to get it ;_; Maybe this week, hah hah hah.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>It's just also deeply tedious with very little new or unexpected to break up the tedium. A game about a post-apocalyptic civilization overrun by giant dinobots ought to be far more awe-inspiring and fascinating than this. It should hook you line-and-sinker from the opening scene and never let you go. Instead, I find myself dragging my feet, taking in the view and cringing quite a bit at the bad acting, cookie-cutter NPCs and boring fetch quests. >The game is formulaic and expected. This isn't what I'd hoped for from a brand new IP. I've already played Far Cry and Tomb Raider. I want to play something new. from forbes
You know those robot dinosaurs are pretty cool Let's just remake the game but you're a robodino instead of this indianbitch
>>47621 Damn shame but I expected it would be like this since E3
the state of video games is making me buy less and less video games, and every time I do buy one, it's a really big investment because that's the one game I buy that half year or something, so it has to be really good And it never fuckin' is
people are acting like there's outrage over the gay guy in the new beauty and the beast, but literally all I've seen so far is people mocking those offended, and none of those offended
there's a gay guy in the new beauty and the beast? >>47660 same I guess if some of my buddies wanna go
Yeah One of that fags who hangs out with Gaston Lefou or whatever
Who watches disney live remakes anyhow?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>47661 i have seen a ton of actually offended people about it
it was like "our battle is just beginning!" and there was some new spooky looking villain and everyone jumped at them and the show ended and they didn't make more
Everyone who participated in a fight should be Bringing a weapon is perfectly fine as long as it's only uses in self defense
>>47738 We pick up anyone marching in a protest with anything that resembles a weapon, especially blackbloc rallies Some guy got once picked up for just having "suspiciously big flagpole" But we havn't had a violent protedt since adopting this policy
>>47739 come carry my sephiroth+ raid im kill djeanne is my last one
The fighting i don't agree with Bringing a weapon I think is perfectly reasonable when those against you live by a mantra of "shut them up by any means necessary, legal or otherwise."
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i think bringing a weapon to that rally showed intention to behave in the way that they did both of them went there to fight
Sk phone
I think it showed intention to protect themselves against the inevitable riot
Anything that can be seen shouldnt be brought toa ptotest Pepperspray in pocket or shit sure, but don't go flailing it around before someone is coming at you
It's the fucking Antifa It's inevitable because BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY >>47758 That's just fucking weird
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
antifa was at the rally i went to and there was no riot
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
both sides went there with shields and clubs they both intended to fight
if you bring two armies to a field and they are fully armed everyone knows fully well that they both went there to kill each other regardless of who fires first it's the same here
everyone with weapons went there intending to fight if they didn't want to fight, they would have left as soon as fighting broke out
Should follow ghandhis exampke, if you want your message heard
>>47770 I think a lot of them did bring them for self defense I haven't seen the full footage though But it'd surprise me if everyone who showed up with a bat wanted to fight
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
why did they come with big ass bats then that's not self-defense that's a threat
if someone breaks into your house and you gra b a knife to fight them is that self defense
>>47774 In the US that's stand your ground Here it won't stick as self defense
>>47775 stand your ground generally only works with guns
Self defens would be a concealef weapon or carrying a bat in a way that is not threatening People walked with swords on their sides, but anyone walking around blade unseathed, was looking for trouble
this was two coordinated armed groups looking for trouble
Kinda like, bringing a gas mask to a protest isn't suspicious, but walking around with it on or hanging at "equip quick" does shout out riiiooooot
OK yeah that's fair Anyone with their weapon raised likely weren't carrying it for defense
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
there were probably people there with self-defense intentions but they likely weren't in the brawl because they didn't want to hit anyone and wouldn't have been close to the front line
>>47784 Yeah no, bringing it at all is pretty suspicious Literally the only people who would need a gas mask at a protest is The cops The ones planning to fight the cops after the cops deploy tear gas Those are literally the only two potential groups of people needing a gas mask at a protest
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah i think bringing it is suspicious
the sword/shield trumpeter had a gas mask trumpeters are worshipping him now
Yeah animeright has made him into some awoo style shit, too
Thete afterall is a big difference between carrying a gun and flailing it around and pointing it towards people
I do think they should have all just brought guns instead though Let antifa throw the first punch and answer with a round That'll shut them the fuck up
Violence is never the answer and shooting someone for throeing a rock... Like imagine Someone shoves you at a bar and then you just stab them in the jugular This is what people do right?
they shouldn't use violence just NERVE GAS
Answering terrorism with violence is perfectly OK
Now I know that's not what actually went doown But that's what the trumpeters should have let happen
>>47793 Antifa rarely begins with a shove It's mace, a pipe to the face, or a brick thrown from the back line It's not someone tapping you on the fucking shoulder
Aasnd you missed the point
No My point is if they wanna start shit and try to use violence to shut others up, they can catch a bullet
And then they bring guns the next time
>Ex-British PM Tony Blair in talks to become Trump’s Middle East adviser
>>47812 Oh I remember that, that was what they said about Berkeley until BAMN's leader came out saying "Yeah this was us and we'll do it again. We're terrorists and the cops aren't gonna touch me at all because I have the right politics"
It's always been that way though I've always been under the distinct expression that the alt right is only right in the sense that they don't like the current left
Fucking Richard Spencer thinks government healthcare is the way to go, and he's THE GUY
They're right in supporting trump, and sorta right in the whole "WHITE ETHNOSTATE" meme
They're left policy-wise
We've always had Obama birthers but it's still strange to have one in the white house
Wouldn't the NSA know if Obama wasn't an American anyway
>>47837 >not relevant Dude the first few months must have halved the value of the currency on a weekly basis
In the game it worked fine because you can add money sinks You pay an NPC, you get a chance at a thing But now that NPC is a human being with his own personal finances
In the game, that money disappeared into the ether the moment it changed hands with the NPC
>>47839 Actually, since gold is HARDER to come by since spo, i would actually see large devalving happening first And only inflation happening at dlight rate sayyy... the goblin arc
I guess a government could maybe force it to happen by charging taxes and burning some of it
The round table, having all merchant guilds ad part of it can control the price rates of some goods to slow it, but... Edpecially now thst they no longer sink money into maintaining properties, inflation is an eventuality Sure it is tied tp how much gold they can bring in, but any brought into akiba stays there >>47857 Yeah right Anpthet james bond like guy with a dossier?
Apparently a foreign government has given us proof of collusion between Trump and Russia
I just don~t really trust any "some source we won't tell or show you, but it is true" no matter what topic
But we saw videos of the chemical bombs
>>47864 They found some old cachrs, but no evidence of any weapons program that would've been capable of producing new stuff Much less any of the ones used as justifications for the war
I'm not saying it was justified I'm saying they found WMDs
Akso weird how cia both produced stuff that led to bush admin to carry thr ar and tg'hen played out key roles in post investigation that refuted the whole wmd threat claim
It's not weird, the CIA is evil This is normal for them
No its rather how they ended up hurting themselvved, which just hiliguts how it is just an organusstion of people, in the end and much of the fault lies in the people using the tool called cia
>Lamarck is best known for his Theory of Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics, first presented in 1801 (Darwin's first book dealing with natural selection was published in 1859): If an organism changes during life in order to adapt to its environment, those changes are passed on to its offspring. He said that change is made by what the organisms want or need. For example, Lamarck believed that elephants all used to have short trunks. When there was no food or water that they could reach with their short trunks, they stretched their trunks to reach the water and branches, and their offspring inherited long trunks. Lamarck also said that body parts that are not being used, such as the human appendix and little toes are gradually disappearing. Eventually, people will be born without these parts. Lamarck also believed that evolution happens according to a predetermined plan and that the results have already been decided.
Well what did you expect? The EU wants to be a federation
>The plan would see France and even Britain’s nuclear deterrents put under EU control. >Kiesewetter’s plan would see the EU take control of France’s nukes, finance them with German money and force other European member states to store warheads in their countries.
Biased writing but What! How would that even work? Some eu countries have treaties that ban nukes and long range missiles!
>>47885 Is fun how eu wants that and germany supports it But everyone else is nœoooope
Yeah I watched the episode where Oliver interviews the Dalai Lama where he mentions that. The Dalai Lama is a really mature and intelligent guy--I think that line sounds funny because he can't perfectly express what he's trying to say. But he has a really good understanding of how powerful he really is, and what kind of responsibility that entails. And at the same time he's actually really funny and loves to make silly jokes. Like transferring the "demon" that the Chinese make him out to be into John Oliver.
>drafts to replace traffic violatipn system ready >income based fines replaced eith fixd sums Oh for the love of... Why do modern finnish law makers hate the finnish system so much
https://mobile.nytimes.com/2017/03/05/us/kellyanne-conway-sexist-political-criticism.html >outfit criticism is sexist But Trump got slammed for his tie >commenting about their hair also sexist Do we even need to talk about this one? It's Trump for fuck's sake, the most mocked hair in the game.
Also isn't the whole Tibet thing actually you know... the attempted creation of an ethnostate?
I should make a website called "This only ever happens on tumblr" And I just list feminist shit that doesn't go under equality for everyone I.E I basically link every news article about feminism since 2010
>this week in stupid >nearly 90 minutes long If these lengths keep increasing at a steady rate, Sargon won't be able to do anything other than make This Week In Stupid in a few months They'll just be 2 days long each
new life goal fake being some sort of victim, get sorta famous for it, and get to host the oscars Then just shout "M A G A" on stage right after announcing the winner
We watched Midnight Society in English class and talked about it once, and I think that's when I first kinda got into movies as more than just dumb entertainment
"Hey we found more culture from different place, but we can't fit it into what we already have." "Just get rid of some of those things we already have"
>>47970 No we mean different things with what "saving new things and deleting old things to make room" entails I'm not sure what you mean, I think you know what I mean, but I'm not sure And I bet you think the same, actually
So my stepdad has been too sick to work for a few months now His job is probably going to drop him and he'll lose his health insurance So he will never be able to afford to get better
>>47982 He's had four spinal taps in the past few months and nobody knows what is wrong with him At /// for a while, we thought he was generating too much CSF but the pressure isn't higher than average anymore and he still has the same problems So they just switch him around to different drugs every few weeks
For all the shouting the right does about Evolution as a theory somehow encouraging social darwinism, they sure are happy to make social darwinism the actual law of the land when it comes to NOT DYING FROM CANCER
"If you're not productive enough to pay for it, why should you be allowed to stay alive?"
man nothing but sleeping just few hours, those few hours being bad, having a headache all day and then your phone's usb tethering gives you nonstop bullshit I wish I had a huge hammer and some heads to smash
At this point, I feel like the left is saying worse things about Muslims than anyone on the right is
Like OK, the right says something like "There's a percentage of the muslims who are radical TERRORIST baddies" But the left is like "muslims are SO EASILY radicalized, literally all it takes is not seeing enough muslims on TV, and they'll kill innocent civilians in a hail of bullets"
Like I dunno I feel like the second one is more islamophobic than I could ever hope to be
I think deep state means basically people working for the state that are influential, but unelected kinda what good amount of people have in beef with EU governing for example.
>a body of people, typically influential members of government agencies or the military, believed to be involved in the secret manipulation or control of government policy. Deep state is the shadow govt
It's not necessarily the CIA, but usually intelligence agencies are implicated in those kinds of things. It's not so much what they ARE but more often what is believed that they are doing.
Started killing myself in Nioh so people can get copies of my equipment and stop being shitters
>>48026 Nah it happens in almost every monolinguist surrounding scandies are just special in that way, similiar to benelux and every border region in europe
>>48029 But they're not sounds you don't use American definitely has the sounds involved in harakiri But that doesn't stop Americans from saying dumb shit like "HARIKARI" and other shit right after hearing the proper pronounciation
I guess it just might be the phone connection I didn't really go to twitter ever before the embedding came here and that has been pure phone connection for me
How far back in civilization must you go for people to walk around without covering their dick? We have societies right now where tits aren't covered up, but are there any where the penis isn't?
Never because adam covered up as soon as he realized he was naked
But so did Eve
Or Steve, if you're A LEFITE
Adam and zie! Transautistic screaching
Adam covered Eve up because he was disgusted she didn't have a penis henceforth, all humanity wore clothes this is the real truth
>Is monday morning an okay time to call? >Yeah, that's fine. Preferably after 8 EST though now it's 11:20 est and no call I don't consider 11:00 to be morning when you're talking about business hours fug
>Americans Will NEVER HAVE Single-Payer Healthcare: Here's Why Darkly colored trash bird here to tell you what's up
>the US somehow manages to spend more than anyone but us, the netherlands and luxemburg on healthcare >and still there's swaths of Americans who just don't have healthcare at all How do you DO this How does this even work
>>48096 the industry here is also spending a lot on pushing medical tech forward america literally makes everyone else's healthcare cheaper by doing all the legwork and you get the hand-me-downs
>>48096 Doctors make more money if you don't get better and take a lot of tests
Constant suffering, but it lets the rest of us not have to worry too much Better military than the rest of us, but that's cause you have to use it all the time
Basically he took the visa holders and green carders out and iraq well that removes the two parts I had issues with
But here is a question what does a 90 day travel ban even do in the long run? All this thing to me seems like "Look I am doing something, as I promised"
The people who actually travel abroads to commit terrorism, have easy access to fake-visas and passports it isn't like banning "6 countries" or 50 will prevent them from acquiring required fake documentation. So what is it but a propaganda move?
It's just him doing what he said he would Doesn't serve a real purpose
US doesn't even get that many refugees from the M-E, cause why the fuck would people wantt o go over there? EU is nearer and gives better benefits and is cheaper to get into. US, you need to fly or sail a boat and both are expensive and chances are you won't get refugee status.
>>48122 >fly or sail a boat as we speak, a dozen Syrians aboard a schooner are flying through the clouds
>>48129 I don't doubt these professors exist I doubt this is real
I've seen enough fake shit
Yeah it simply checks in too many [x] crazy feminist boxes in too little amount of text
>>48129 how do they explain women who aren't held back from succeeding and female executives and such do they say they're traitors and submitting to the patriarchy or something
>>48133 Internalized misogyny and perpetuating the patriarchy
Yeah, basically traitors
Because if you make the patriarchy work for you, there's still a patriarchy and you're supporting it in its oppression of other women Successful women are Uncle Toms, they get to live inside and stuff while the rest toil outside and have it shitty
>Women can't succeed >Women who succeed are betraying the idea that women can't succeed >It's men's fault that women can't succeed ok
Nah, chdsk just takes a loong time what caused hdd errors is for example sleep moding, which I unfortunately noticed, hopping same session for week+ with sleep modes between transportation
I have a drive that's had SMART failure detected for 4 years wwwww
>>48209 Does it really matter what he cut it with? I wonder whether that's a conscious decision to include that in the title >Florida grandfather cuts grandson's ear would just be a weird tagline I wonder if that's that subconscious thing where we psychologically lurch back at the words "with a knife" or something
>Like your brothers and sisters throughout law enforcement -- you are decent men and women of character and conscience >>>/watch?v=F6Fh5NGXDPw
Should have been >cuts with...
>>48212 >You'll never guess what this Florida grandfather cut his grandson's ear with... The police's reaction is PRICELESS
lel I keep always either 1 separate drive or 1 partition that houses just programs and is quite tiny if it fucks up the chkdsk or whatever needed to fix, happens in relatively short time
>You'll never guess which pope burned down the entirety of human knowledge >Hypatia's reaction is PRICELESS!
let me finish up my work i'll get on it later
It'll get BIG
do we need to generate the articles too how's it gonna work
Nah just gotta get titles I think That's how most Twitter bots are
Oh nice discord is not on D
>>48237 how about we just spend one day, go to wikipedia and hit the random article button, then read it and reverse-engineer a clickbait title and just link to the wiki article we could probably grab like 200 of them in one day's work, and that'd be a good sample for the market space and wouldn't require actually making a bot just to gauge the space
Haha okay I'm down for that
Japan plays prank on American harbor you'll never guess what happens next! 😂😂😂
That really reminds me of the WSJ thing on pewds >see this videos that tens of millions of people, more than we have readers, have seen >well guess what they are RACIST
There's no metadata on the file, I will upload it. Or I can grab the one I uploaded days ago. Good job me https://images.meguca.org/images/src/d6ee75a9bbb6808ad1210a7c189b1fcce10572e7.mp3 Cooking Channel Master
I don't even remember the deal with Roe2
I'm pretty sure she knew she wasn't the "real" Shiroe.
It's the "I have black friends" racism. Everyone says it's so good. I want to see it. It's made by Jordan Peele. He said he always wanted to make a horror movie for black people and it's made bank so far.
Maybe I'll go see it Fish might like it
When I first heard of Get Out, the imagery in the picture I saw and the knowledge that it was suspense
i legitimately thought it was a suspense movie targeted at agoraphobes and/or hikkis
I'll get a switch when more games come out and they fix the console
>nintendo >fix thing
Surely they will fix it a little bit
I'm going to trust in Nintendium. We bought a pretty early on Wii and it lasted us a long, long time despite definitely being the most moved-around of any of our consoles. The Gamecube we have still probably works. And my brother boots up the N64 every now and then to play old games.
A shame they're impossible to get for another month or so.
why is there no barbecue delivery im in memphis fuck why is this not a thing
>>48362 The state has nothing to do with me other than Albany talking shit from on high and how everyone up there feels abandoned and unimportant so they make Facebook memes about what New York (state) is REALLY like. We might as well be the 51st state and connect directly to NJ or MA.