Thread #47462
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Let's do 3gatsu then bang dream
ika should be somewhere around here too
you want to do bang dream first?
i'll do it whatever way you want to do it
so which do you guys want to do first?
okay then
bang dream
we're all orange
let's start
wait why not bang dream first
Bang Dream is kind of sub-par while 3-gatsu is really nice.
It kind of makes sense.
I'm for Bang Dream first.
Oh right we're still on Drummer Recruiting.
Called it.
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Maybe it was just a false alarm.
I mean they covered it in the last episode.
Her mother got really sick and she needed to be around to help the family.
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Seems like she still has some issues,
Hah hah.
O-tae is the best.
But all these girls seem to kind of have brain problems.
But some less than others.
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Arisa is the best!
On a side note there's also Little Witch Academia subs out for this week's episode.
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let's 3gatsu
oh neat, that's early
let's start!
Not really, the subs are usually out for Sunday nights.
3-gatsu ready.
wait 2 minutes
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Seems like he might have given up a lot fo shogi.
The pursuit of passion is always fraught with sacrifices.
Hah hah hah what pettiness.
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I see now, he's a battle maniac.
i hope he wins
I want Shimada to get at least one win off on the last boss.
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I guess it's time for protagonist-kun to start outshining his master.
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thanks for anime!