Yes, the former. When I enter the state of New York, I don't even have cell signal. It's a dead zone. (in most places I've gone through) (which doesn't really say much because we're usually heading towards a campgrounds) I know a cute girl up there and that's about it.
>>48375 I think it's a very similar line of thought for me too, though I don't have the same apathetic regard for the surrounding Ontarian countryside. But I very much identify as a Torontonian instead of an Ontarian or whatnot. And I wonder where the identification process diverges for people. You hear a lot of people introduce themselves as "I'm from X state" or similar stuff, but I would never consider introducing myself that way. It's just not a part of my identity.
As a child. Don't ask me about them. I don't remember enough. Only the name. And that it was around the time when I had games like Guess Who? and Battleship
>>48379 Cultural lines, generally. There's a very steep divide. It's like... even within the city areas, you have that divide. I mean, we've got the different boroughs, and they're pretty different culturally. And within the boroughs, there are the .. I don't know what they're named actually. districts? maybe just neighborhoods? But there was identity even in that. You have Bed-Stuy, Crown Heights, Williamsburg. Like that guy that Kirara talked about who said "I don't hate black people, I just hate the ones from Crown Heights" and I get it. People are very eager to represent their state generally. If you're from a good city, you'd likely represent your city directly before your state (fucking liberal elites). And then within your city, you'd represent the different areas of that city. Another example that comes to mind is that "You're from Evanston" line that happened on the news and everyone from Chicago laughed.
>>48388 Can you do me another favor and compile the separate documents into one full document, too? I'm gonna need to move fast as soon as i finish this one i'm on
Are the 42 songs ever listed or something? Cause I feel like that's a low amount when you consider the various bard classes
ive got two hours of work left so i'm not almost done i'm just trying to think ahead to expedite it and cut down review time because i'm cutting it longer than i planned
I guess it would be like someone from Mississauga trying to tell me what it's like in downtown Tarranta. Except joke's on me like fuck I know what it's like on the streets anywhere.
Is nyanta's verbal tic a conscious thing, or is his race just like that?
>>48428 I'm not sure if Kirara has the right timeframe but it's alluded that he was a beta tester for the game while it was in development, and may have previous connections with the developers.
But that was 8 years ago >in development That would make the game's lore weird
That's like 20 in cat years
Well it's not like games magically pop into existence SK.
>Elder Tale is a fictional massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) that is the setting of the Log Horizon series. It is described as the world's largest and most popular MMORPG in history that has earned a dedicated following of millions of players over the course of its 20-year history
Yeah It's 20 years old
Oh okay wow that was the right time frame. What a terrifying existence. I wonder if WoW will be around for its twentieth anniversary.
Yeah, I definitely remember people playing the game for at least a decade.
I am a bit of an LH fag
>The Elder Tale beta is released on Thursday, October 22, 1998 in the United States. Nyanta is among the beta testers.
Okay good I did remember that correctly.
>>48440 It's a shame the LNs are DEAD because Mamare is a fucking moron and can't into tax filing.
>May 3, 2018: The Catastrophe occurs, trapping 30,000 Japanese players inside the world of Elder Tale and millions worldwide. This occurs after Japan (the first server to receive expansion pack updates) receives the twelfth expansion pack, Homesteading the Noosphere.
>>48448 Yeah but not a single volume has come out since he was taken into legal custody because of it. Despite somewhat regular volume releases beforehand. I wonder if he updates the WN still.
Technically most slaves, if any, had a dream that their children and grandchildren would some day live a good life. Er, did not have a dream. Most of them were terrified and preoccupied with the terror of the squalid condition of the slave boats for stuff like that.
What is even the context of that statement because I can't handle it. There is absolutely no way he's actually describing slaves in either the beginning. Is he talking about the populace right now? >Slaves worked for less than you do.
>>48501 checking for fragmentatio right now, I'm pretty sure this is not the issue, also I defragged like a bout two months ago, err windows did by itself I was under the impression that disk fragmentation was not really an issue with modern operating systems
I had few dll and core files that had due to cleaning, installing, deleting, and dling and more deleting become shattered to over 1000 pieces fun time whenever the system tried accessing those files...
celebration pt5 in FEH last one
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
Oh also the "System" disk is 0% fragmented and was last checked yesterday according to windows.
>>48504 nah, it is more because more and morep eople have ssds nowadays
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>48509 I literally never defragged my previous (and first Windows) computer and I never had any problems. Well, no problems that I couldn't solve aside from hardware dying from overheating.
Well fragmentation is more up to chance if you never do a lot of hdd cleaning, especially deleting from completely different timeframes, you might never have issues with it.
forexample I havn't defragged aside from OS hdd my main desktop ever. since I have never really deleted anything just added more drives
>>48526 Because it'll get whitewashed. Black History Month is sometimes infrequently called Honest History Month. Because it's all the things they'll just not talk about.
Most of them are more internal commemorations and probably happily overlap. Black History Month leads because of the massive cultural shockwaves that the diaspora of people out of Africa has had on the world. It is a definitive part of history for anyone living in the Americas and parts of Europe.
50 likes wtf it wasn't even an interesting comment
>>48593 im not sure if that's what i mean but i think i know what you're talking about too >>48594 my late-30's cousin wants to go back to school so she can get a degree in paranormal psychology is that even a thing
>if obama illegally monitored Trump, that would be the biggest scandal since watergate >if obama did it legally, that's also the biggest scandal since watergate
>>48597 i mean the degree not the field is going to school for that actually a thing i know what she's referring to >>48599 oh i'm pretty sure it won't be accredited but i was wondering whether there's even unaccredited things for that, or if she just thought "that would be an interesting thing to study, i should do that"
No There's no accredited degree for that anywhere in th the United States
desynced why moe >>48600 yeah, more like the subconscious like i consciously know where i'm at and what i'm doing, but my brain's subroutines, like a lot of short term memory and that cognitive awareness of your spatial environment, it's like it's being pulled from a memory in the past and i'm feeling it in the present
like you're in your room and you've got a spatial sense for where your door is at, how close you are to the wall, where other people are in the room if they're in the room with you i keep feeling that but with specific instances i remember from airports, restaurants, and other random memories out of nowhere that i'm not even thinking about and it's not feeling like it's a way distant memory, but it feels like it's all circulating through the short-term memory as though it just happened but it's just what my body's feeling. i'm not forgetting where i am
Russia is paying migrants in Sweden to make Sweden not be so nice to migrants! Because when you get a welfare check of like $1800 every month, $400 is enough to make you go "eh, I'll risk this"
>>48627 oh so now they acknowledge there is a problem, but it is caused by the magical supervillain powers of Putin and Trump Putin and trump putin and trump one is insane the other's insane
>there were riots because of trump I still like that one then it turned out >there were riots because of police arrest and then that is somehow normal for a western nation to have...
Trump made the immigrants do the very thing he accused them of
Right? I think American media severely misunderstands how Scandiland works
Violent riots and shit aren't a thing that just happens now and then here It's a BIG DEAL when it happens
>>48660 This is naive and greatly underestimates the power of both greed and complacency. As long as you can give a large amount 'just enough', you can usually stave off the change.
>>48662 No you don't understand It won't arise through human choice It will arise through necessity An economy is pointless to get wealthy in if you get the same results from just eliminating the concept of wealth
>>48664 That's exactly why it's not likely to happen. There are people who care more about the economy than people. They won't want an economy that is pointless. So they'll make it work and still be wealthy.
It's very obvious to me, and I'm not understanding how you don't see it
Maybe I'll go into it tomorrow I gotta sleep now though
There will never be a post-scarcity society it can only be a shift to what scarcity is relevant if there was no scarcity we'd reach thermodynamic equilibrium and there'd be no society
And I think as a species, we will always have forms of social hierarchy promoted by some kind of wealth, honour, rank etc system that keeps it in place. So a communistic everyone has and everyone is equal, simply can't exist if you ask me.
>>48668 How? how do you reach something with unbounded complexity you can have a more resolved scope, but there's no end to the depth of complexity
even if we've got all survival necessities accounted
Say we develop enough power to easily run all our machinery and shit, so energy is not an issue using that energy, we develop a machine that poofs out enough resources to fuel the general life needs and even most "luxury" needs of everyone
Now everyone can get enough of everything, as long as it comes from this Machine Now, what if some people just go "well that is all fine and good, but I think I prefer homegrown taters" and enough people think that way and decide to farm taters for those who want to eat homegrown potatos. Now, as the Machine can provide Machine Potatos for everyone, but only some can produce normal potatoes for some, the potatos become a scarce resource, that only some can get
even if the some is not that big a minority, it will still be most likely More people wanting taters, than the producers can do, thus creating competition for a resource and eventual inequality
now most likely it won't just be taters, but many goods that people want, that are perceived more valuable than the Machine Produced goods, so eventually the artisan goods will become the new luxury good and not everyone can have them
thus resulting in have and have nots once again, and eventhough everyone can live by the Machine Goods, there still is a form of scarcity and inequality.
>>48670 dc'ed there's always going to be data scarcity, and scarcity of data processing to engage the next threshold of scarcity
>>48670 >>48673 Oh I see where you're going. That I can believe. And it's also why I think the survival post-scarcity should be achieved. There are just so many better things to let people worry about in life.
i literally can't make a post for more than 30 seconds damnit i keep getting dropped. >>48674 the survival post-scarcity only opens us up to that social progression at such a point of post-scarcity, i think data mining is going to be highly relevant and that's something you can never run out of
>>48674 i mean, it seems pretty clear what you mean by survival post scarcity, but that's definitely a generation-subjective context we've well past reached that by many past generations' standards, simply because they didn't really know what laid outside of their survival spectrum
My imouto was super annoying but now she has a kid and is 600% less annoying.
My imouto is younger than my other younger sister and she's a far more enjoyable person to be around. But my younger sister is a nightmare. I love her but my life is so much easier when she's not around.
>>48723 that is because the kid is annoying you more than your sister now
No, no, see, my sister's child is far, FAR less annoying than either of my brother's children. I pray it stays that way. He is still a baby unlike the other two but is still generally better to deal with.
up to 15 profile clicks on that tweet TWO followers i'm making it
>>48775 >Derived from Edo period burial rituals, it was originally intended to protect the newly deceased from evil spirits. It has various regional names, Hitai-eboshi, Tenkan, Houkan, Kami-kaburi, and so on.
That reminds me that Beelzebub's author has a new manga out. I'm not sure how well it will do since it's in WSJ and the concept is a little weird, but I liked Beelzebub so I'll follow it.
Ah that explains hitodama Here in the west will'o'wisp, a fairy or similiar, in japan a ghost. People were burnt so makes sense a spectre would be a fireball
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>christmas episode of gab NO
Oh yes
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
wow satania is surprisingly cute in her casual clothes
Long fingernails are for people who don't ever have to do any work with their hands. I can't stand even typing with long nails, I keep my nails trimmed down.
It was amuding to watch her carry stuff real awkwardly
Are you sure it's from grinding your teeth? This might sound strange, but I have it on good authority that a rogue tooth fairy has been going around and having its way with people's mouths in their sleep. Its lust for teeth is unquenchable.
Oh no, why are you stressed? Are you worried about your promotion?
>a mountain hollowed into a bowl, and in its centre, a silverspike a hundred spans high and any who come within a mile of it, dies This sounds radiation to me
>>48811 I'm sure it'll work out. What's the worst that could happen? I guess saying that doesn't make it any less stressful, though. It wouldn't ease my stress at all.
>>48813 Lots of bad things could happen if I mess it up! It will probably be fine though, but that doesn't stop the stress. Especially when it's my sleeping unconscious mind stressing.
Well, I'm sure things will be fine. I don't think I'll mess it up so badly that there are and lasting terrible consequences, but you know how stress and the mind works. The way I am I usually don't stress over things but little unconscious things show themselves when I'm stressed despite myself, stuff like teeth grinding and whatnot.
>>48821 well I have been machinating a little lately, but this really is the first I've heard about parents! I guess she made that happen all on her own.
>>48829 Oh, that is very anime. But also a normal girl thing. She would have known to do that without any instruction from me! Maintaining a certain image and knowing how to deal with parents in these sorts of situation is just a part of the female condition.
Well now I'm stuck with the consequences of her lies And I have to play along so she doesn't get family drama They don't even know what happened to her It's very uncomfortable for me
its ... well, enjoy
oh no this has gotten worse thinking about it, some tthings make more sense now.
What things
Like why they are fine with her staying with you in the first place.
Not NECESSARILY He will probably be alright around you. What happens post-visit is different story. FCF's parents are the same by the way. american mom, egyptian dad
Just treat it as an opportunity to meet an interesting person. You like interesting people.
Yes but the consequences here are grave It's very stressful I could lose my comfortable situation or ruin her situation She can only afford stuff because her parents are wealthy A lot of bad could come from this
>>48858 Just be charming and let her do the heavy lifting. I don't know what her situation is, but generally speaking, daughters are usually pretty good at managing their fathers.
This is the kind of situation where it is possible that it is flipped. But I don't know Fish either. I just know African fathers can be very rigid. Especially when it comes to their daughters. Seeing how they let her go off to college, it's probably not too terrible.
I have a suspicion that the mastermind behind the robot meme may be none other than Kirara himself! So if he is to be called a robot, I would think it most likely to be a case of him doing something to illicit that response.
There's no way he'd do that. The world just sees him as such sometimes. We live in a truly terrible place. I'm just thinking of all the things that an overly judgmental person might try to pull at.
>>48895 But the point of origin was you! Which makes sense when you think about it, since the meme caught on here as well as in your real life. You're the common factor.
I'm not particularly interested in Food Girl anymore but now that she tells me to bring whoever I want, and I'm totally fine with bringing people, I realize just how few people I feel like inviting to anything.
>National Pancake Day >New Dos Toros Location >Dos Toros continues their tradition of cheap food for new locations March 7th, offering the buck burritos all day at their new Flatiron restaurant at 668 6th Avenue from 1:30-2:30 p.m. and again from 5 - 8 p.m. I AM PULLING ALL THE STOPS I NEED TO PLOT A ROUTE.
made that comment and then followed her i hope she gets mad at me
Sk phone
I retweeted it Hopefully my alt right followers come in with the assist
Sk phone
Actual probable misogynists
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>And although the majority of rape victims are women, men get raped, too. Mostly by men, but sometimes by women. And women can be coercive. OH FUCK WHAT SHE LISTENED TO ME
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
somehow someone being somewhat reasonable is disappointing
Sk phone
Yeah She's not gonna acknowledge you though I think
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
But at the same time it's nice to know that if I look like a woman, she'll listen to me
little does she know that i'm only pretending to agree with her i am the ruse master!
Sk phone
Little does she know that she's assuming my race
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
and gender
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>I know sometimes people are surprised when they send an insensitive reply my way and I get really mad. That's me communicating my boundaries what just communicate them like a normal person
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i guess she's out of stuff to talk about
Sk phone
She got quiet yeah
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
oh no the girlz are onto me
Sk phone
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it was a badly executed joke
Sk phone
It didn't show up in my time line
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
what didn;t
Sk phone
Whatever they're onto you for
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
no don't worry about it it was a badly executed joke it was why erika went quiet but the joke was bad
Sk phone
The sad one? I guess it was a little on the nose
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
no this >>49129 was supposed to be like, erika getting quiet after i posted saying i was a girl
I like the idea of her thinking I'm a rapist though If only
hmm... I guess likes do come up in that "You might like" section that seems to be a random selection of likes though, so it''s probably rare that anyone will see them.
>>49145 Sargon takes himself way too seriously now Fucking fame got to the niggas head
Sk phone
I should rebrand as koumeposter and just post koumes
Sk phone
The kawaii is thick here, but so are the girls.
Sk phone
Which doesn't work because koume isn't thicc at all
It's for the best.
Sk phone
It is
Sk phone
>someone liked that tweet asking if I'm a rapist >it's a Muslim >top tweet in t >his time line, first thing I see >>>/@kamrananwar1973/835581003901059072 Dank
Sk phone
Actually opening the thing, turns out its not what I thought
It would have been too perfect Rip
If only I had an audience
Sk phone
I have almost 💯
Sk phone
People who follow like thousands of people confuse me I constantly gotta trim the fat because people are boring or post too much so I can't catch anything else
Holy shit twitter is literally the worst platform imaginable for discussing anything You get 140 characters, and they include people's account names in those 140 characters so if someone has a long account name, you only get like 110 characters And because of this you can't address more than one point or person per post, if that.
>nearly 50% of women in Oklahoma have experienced DV Holy shit, Oklahoma, get it the fuck together
The person I was talking to got all the posts removed I wonder if they did it themselves or if they were blocked by the person whose thread we were filling up
If fallout doesn't get a Vault 007 where everyone's tricked into thinking they're being trained as spies to be sent to Russia or something, I'm gonna be a little bit upset
I wasn't blocked at the time, though, cause I was able to go to his profile and see them
He was a bit peeved But he also liked one of my tweets so I figured he wasn't that mad
yeah who cares You're not using twitter properly if nobody blockmutes you
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i got my first block today even though i did nothing wrong
that's discrimination report it to twitter
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i'm too upset thinking about it triggers me i'm shaking just thinking about it
call an attorney sue for emotional pain and suffering
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i'll just sit there in court and stare at the ground shaking and whenever they talk to me i'll curl up on the floor in a ball i can probably fake shit on a few mental evals and the one i probably can't fake i can get out of because i'm trained it
How about you file the suit and then i'll show up to the hearing
Just say they blocked you for being a (((Jew))) That person can't really say otherwise, and since Jews are a victim class, however low on the stack, they should listen and believe, morally speaking
>pizza place hours start at 10:30 >won't let me order online until 11:30 LOSIN BUSINESS I'LL FORGET IN AN HOUR >>49228 i don't think my suit will fit in my filing cabinet dude >>49229 but she's a woman she has the wage gap shield all i have are the gold throwing stars
try marcos
vag gap shield
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
holy shit i can order 20 days in advanced i can order a pizza and then one day i'll just get a pizza and be like "wtf"
that's fucking brilliant it's a surprise to yourself
order a deep dish, no sauce, no cheese, extra pepperoni, and five bottles of doctor pepper to arrive 20 days from now
ive been wanting to order no sauce, no cheese, no toppings pizza from dominos for a while now because they for some reason they have the option to it's like $6 for just a flat pizza dough >>49238 it's a little up-scaled in price, but not bad it's like $2.59 for two liters, which is usually like a dollar at an actual grocery store
pizza places bring you soda too? that's amazing I dunno if they do here
>>49240 wait can i do it email me your address i'll place the order
>>49233 The pizza joint I always order from lets you order in advance like that. But I've never actually checked to see how far into the future you can order yourself a surprise pizza.
Pretty sure wikileaks tryna release the info they have access to after verifying it
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
except that this isn't even a leak tbh it's stuff everyone has known forever
remember how wikileaks isn't supposed to remove information because they believe in transparency which caused a lot of trouble when people said they endangered american lives? i wonder why assange felt the need to purge all identifying information here
Maybe it came in with the names censored by the source Who knows
I doubt they'd waste all their credibility on Trump of all politicians
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
what credibility
The amount they had People always take wikileaks seriously
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
everyone thinks they're russian puppets now
Yeah, and why did they waste all the credibility to help Trump, if that's what they did? Like Trump doesn't seem like that big a deal here, he's not the kinda guy you wanna bet all on
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
this release doesn't help them at all with this it makes them look even more suspicious
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
because hillary wanted to assassinate assange
But the election is over
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i don't know man but i can guarantee that a lot of this "leak" is false information
Helping Trump will make Clinton no more or less the president when it doesn't involve her Maybe if she was implicated in it, I could see it, but just helping Trump for the sake of it, and potentially losing all the power they once had to really pull some fast and loose shit with the world's governments... I don't see it man
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
well there was probably an intentional decision to censor that stuff since there's false information in the leaks
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
or the cia intentionally allowed this to be "leaked" but assange is supposed to be smart enough to catch that
i don't think that's what this is about either CIA and wikileaks are working together or wikileaks was tricked by CIA >>49275 me i looked through the leaks and i can gaurantee that these aren't real
because i know about processes of how they do stuff and these leaks are claiming that agents just decide on their own to go to other countries to infiltrate whatever they want
Wew That doesn't sound like any functional agency
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
because it's not real it's disinformation
But why would they make it so obvious if they leaked a fake thing? ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ ← baby seal ლ(ಠ益ಠლ) y u no guy ( ゚д゚)、 vomits saliva
like really
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
and then apparently they found images that lead to a brony chan? where they roleplay you really expect me to believe cia agents are posting pictures on their top secret docs that they use for pony roleplaying
stims fuck up my stomach so bad i immediately get so hungry it hurts but if i put ANY food down, it won't digest well it just sits in my stomach like lead and then if i drink anything, i get acid reflux and bad esophageal pain >>49341 sometimes i feel like i'm in an airport when i'm not
A very specific area of a // the mccarran international airport in vegas
like right at the top of the escalator near the security gates it's so weird i could draw a map of the layout of the vicinity, including how the lines were organized and where the gates were, and roughly how many people were occupying each line, who was at the front of the line when i was looking at which line i wanted to go through, the ticket checker, who was in front of and behind me in line
there was nothing eventful about this occasion, but it's like it's constantly stuck in my short term memory it was four months ago but sometimes my body still gets confused andd thinks it's there it's the weirdest sensation and i dont know how else to describe it and it's not just memory -- it's inferred memory too, recalling the neuropathy i was feeling at that moment, my emotions of that moment, the discomfort of my socks i don't know if there's something that triggers the sensation, but my body feels like it's really there but i'm having no mental confusion about where am at or what i'm doing and when i say my body, i'm referring to my brain too, and counting the emotions as a physiological state but my mind is still clear as to what reality is in the moment that it happens
That sounds weird Like how's it manifest? I can't help but I'm interested
So it's like you don't see those surroundings or anything, you just always feel like what you're seeing isn't lining up with where you actually are?
>>49346 No, I know where i'm at and it lines up fine, but the feeling is drawn through
it's kind of like if you've ever heard a really emotional or scary dream, then you've woken up and realized you were dreaming, and all that's fine and even though you're now awake and are walking to the fridge to get a glass of juice or taking a shower and going about your day as normal, there's still an emotion that kind of lingers with you from the dream. if it was a nightmare, you might still feel some terror even though you know you're safe.
the weird thing is that there was no outlandish emotion at that moment that really makes it stand out from the noise of everything else there were emotional points during
>>49349 how about if you had a long and fatiguing day at work and you come home and try to wind down, just plop something on and have a beer or a coffee or whatever
that decompression feeling from your day's work is distinctly different than if you were just to plop something on the tube and have a beer or coffee or whatever on a day you were already home all day, right? The day that passed is still in your active memory, it's continuous into the rest of your day. It's not like it suddenly disappears when you get home. Is that something you can relate to?
It'd be like that, but I feel like these events happened just in the past hours. it's that fresh and vivid
so when one of these dullahams are born like that must be fucking TERRIFYING the baby comes out and it has no HEAD and you're like holy shit what the fuck
i mean most babies come out head first so that's the more disturbing part they're trying to guide it out by the head, and then suddenly the head itself just falls out "oh fuck i pulled too hard"