So I did the math and it would take me approximately 28 days to listen to all of these.
Damn this is good. Although I've read Watchmen, V for Vendetta and like half of Sandman. I might own batman year one, but if I do its part of a gift of like 50 books from a friend who moved that I'm like 20% done with.
I bought Batman: Year One like a decade ago and never read it so I gave it away. Cape comics aren't that interesting anymore.
Year One is actually supposed to be really good. Also I'm a bit surprised that Batman: Killing Joke wasn't on there. Now that one is fucking great.
That said I am still a bit interested in reading some Cass comics, she seemed interesting.
Cassandra Cain, one of the Batgirls
Ah Is Oracle in those?
I think so. Babs becomes Oracle and is replaced as Batgirl by Cass, iirc, but haven''t actually read any of it.
Yeah, after Killing Joke. You read it or no?
Haven't not, but I know it'smeant to be really good.
Shit I can't remember if I own it or not.
You intending to or no? Cause I can give you a summary.
Not in the near future. Too many mangos that require attention.
>>450818 Joker tries to kill her and she is put into a wheelchair or something?
Nope Close though
He shoots her in the spine crippling her and then kidnaps commissioner gordon and strips him naked and puts him in a haunted house roller coaster thing in an attempt to drive him insane just as he was, iirc i think the joker may have also raped her but i can't recall
oh of course he puts her on display as part of the ride
Have you listened to any Mount Eerie, Rei? Gah, enter key.
>>450828 It actually makes a lot of sense in the context of this one. He became the joker as a result of severe trauma and wants to prove that anyone can be just like him if they have "one bad day".
>>450828 What do you expect of a man who dresses like a shoddy clown and runs a posse of court jesters, rational behaviour and a healthy outlook on life?
The repugnant weather saddens me and I'm probably going to eat some cereals then proceed to watch Community, how about you?
I'm just watching anime. The weather was particularly dreary here too. Drizzling rain. It always is kind of miserable in the spring here. All mud, rain, and melting snow.
>>450858 I'm not doing all that much other than job stuff, which sucks, I wish I could web design so could overthrow their whole website. >>450870 And I gotta disappear in thirty seconds.
I want to get Chrono Trigger DS for my birthday but it's $50usd, sigh. Why are DS games still expensive.
Might get a GBA game instead, but even Pokemon Emerald is $30. Zelda games are surprisingly cheap, though.
They're a limited supply now, since they're not producing them anymore. Price is wholly set by those who want them.
The game is out on Steam though. BUT, it's also, as of the last time I checked, a super lazy port of the mobile smartphone port. They might've improved the port since then but that's all I know.
If you have a hackable PSP it's pretty easy to get an SNES emulator for the game too.
Just buy an old fashioned R4
>game glitch spawns a trap on top of me my god I recalled this game having some issues with trap functions at timesb ut that was a first
>>450900 Get it used without a case. I think thats like $35 at gamestop. Although honestly $50 is worth it. If you absolutely want a hard copy get the ps1 port. Cause it's probably cheaper than the ds port.
Doesn't the ps1 have really shitty loadtimes *ps1 port
Compared to snes version maybe. But it should load faster on ps2.
>>450906 You're right it is and even comes with Final Fantasy IV, but I've read the DS version is 'definitive' or something.
>>450914 Yup It has shit that wasn't in the ps1 port or original. It has an extra boss fight and some sort of arena mode. I never used that mode though. I preordered my copy and got it day one and was surprised no one else was at the store fo buy it. *to
So this is a fun old phenomenon. People used to get cryptography algorithms tattooed on themselves. Under US federal law up until some point (I honestly cannot recall when, probably around 2000) it was illegal to export "strong" cryptography implementations. But by the definition they had, boarding an international flight with certain cryptographic algorithms was in violation of that law and would from a legal standpoint make you be considered a munition.
Err certain algorithms tattooed
You were born too late to be a cypherpunk on Usenet while posting to seclists and fiddling with PGP.
I don't eeven have pgp set up. I should do that someday. It is after all by definition, pretty good.
Might be of interest to you.
Thanks, it looks neat.
I'm not gonna finish that before I go to bed. I'm like 1/5 of the way through. Its really good.
I kinda wonder at the empress' logic "okay so sands of times are created by the prince killing me so I will try to kill him" so why not just go "okay, sands of time will be created by you killing me it is a destiny trap so sail hom"
Cause then that wouldn't be the plot if the game. And that is how bad writing is born.
Going bed Yasumi
>take 50% healthbar combo due to camera not blocking >cutscene >get hit before controls resume afte cutscene ...
I can't believe I didn't notice there was new RELife.
Sorry, I would have let you know if I knew you were watching it. If you're set on watching only anime, it's a good ending. But I'd also recommend you read the manga if that's to your liking; it fleshes out the finale better.
that was a fun fight there was some minor camera bullshit at times but it was a fun one
Yeah I can get that. I read the last few chapters as they were being released weekly, getting dumped on /a/. Aside from that I've only watched the anime. Wrapping the series up has got me a bit sentimental. It was a nice story.
also I'd like if my character didn't wallrun into chasms when I am trying to block
fight with >glitchy camera >glitchy controls needed to win it >very glitchy hit boxes >occasionally damage from nowhere due to glitchy models ...
like there is just solid 30¤ chance you take damage from the monster itself as it walks AND YOU NMEED TO ATTACK ITS LEGS TO ENTER THE BULLSHIT PHASE FO THE FIGHT AND IT FUCKING DAMAGES YOU WITH NO ANIMATION BY JUST WALKING AT TIMES fucking cancer fight design
would someone be willing to spam out the front page
now the front page is poor
thank you tn i appreciate it
... fucking game's bugs with the feet damage and control and camera glitches are my greatest enemy sofar in this game
worst boss ever the main shtick is just to sit ontop ofits head and hit it with a sowrd and chip away its health and it occasionally tries to grab you however due to camera control bugs at times or just random hitbox error avoiding those fucking grabs for you is fucking anal not to mention ou need to sit there for like 2-3 minutes before it is dead WHICH IS FUCKING ANNOYING and the boss does MOST damage to you by just walking around... which is a bug I bet
best strategy was jsut stick between itslegs so that theleg damage rarely happened and get punched by it cause that dealth you like 1/5th of the leg damage
fuck had to backtrack an hour of gameplay to get a health upgrade
man I remember being so mindfucked at the sandwraith part in warrior within
>you have infinite time power >game spams you with traps that are 95% impossible without it I guess that works though it does add to pressure you degenerate health constantly with max life having something like 5 mins to live if you don't get to healing point
playing PoP?
i never did end up playing the two sequels to sands of time that game was pretty awesome though the platforming could get frustrating at times
>>451002 yu fighting a giant griphon out of nowhere while degenerating health and the griphon regenerates it is one of the best fights in the game, though much better than the brute shitfest I had a lot of troublke nto to mention I WAS USING A FUCKIGN SELFD AMAGING WEAPON in that fight... like who uses weapons taht deal MORE damage to you than theto the enemy and fucking game have some tooltips to those sidearms, since their stats are actually qutie fundamental on the combat system
Also I will prolly play the last game on my computer and stream it if interested I might have done that with WW, but didn't feel like it also didn't have my voice backthen eyt
man it is awesome to have sand regeneration you get to usea ll your most powerful abilities without care especially the magic shcokwave ones taht normally drain all your sand
love angel lucifer was deleted from youtube why
oh youc ouldn't actually die to health degen >>451003 sot is the weakest of them ,though the engine is still bit faulty so controls sometimes feel off and do the "jumps in wrong direction" or "I didn't ment to do that" most oft but atleast in the 1st game you have that amusing "wait that isn't what happened" whenever you die but the combat was just acinine slow, clunky and most often just a bore between platforming warrior within has best combat out of them all, but the system still wasn't perfected to the limit it would be in two thrones
Some hitbox issues, glitches and other things and of course warrior within having two endings makes it bit annoying if you don't get all the quite fucking obscure health upgrades forcing me for example now to use a walkthrough
but two thrones is the best of the series Hmm Two Thrones>ForgottenSands=warrior Within>sands of time
>>451004 i like when a game has self-damaging weapons as long as they're actually fucking strong anyways the Chaos Blade in DaS1 dealt damage to you and all but it was still great because it had amazing damage in 2 and 3 the chaos blade does mediocre damage and still damages you so it's fucking garbage can't even enchant it >>451008 yeah the game over screen made it a little better but a lot of times i felt like the prince wasn't doing what i wanted him to i heard warrior within had good combat but i was into the first game for the platforming and story mainly, the combat was kind of boring
they are indestructible atleast always I think the main menu has info on the weapons you pick up but I havn't accessed that it should be accessable from the pause menu
>>451013 Ivy from soul calibur? >>451011 >go to the main menu to view item info old games are fucking weird then again the ps2 isn't even that old >>451012 i liked the prince in SoT he was a real smartass
Kaileena atleast has bit less dominatrix outfit despite being EMPRESS OF TIME
>>451014 well he has been pursued for several years by god of erasing paradoxes his big time rewind at the end of the game fucked up things so bad, that the living embodiment of fixing shit up came back for him Dahaka so he kinda got bit wore down over the years
doesn't also help, that first thing he is dispatched to after that failed campaign in india, since prince sabotaged it himself, was to go learn shit from his brother who then unleashes a magic army of sand demons and an evil genie and dies and you have to fix that up and then the dahaka thing pops up and he tries to seal it away in a magic box, but turns out the box was filled with demons too so now he has to go and kill all those demons
and then we finally get to warrior within which starts with >>451013 dominatrix here sinking his hip and killing all of his crew so he spends the rest of the game pissed off permanently save for one moment he is all "fuck I created the sands of time myself"
>>451017 >go to visit your brother >he unleashes the gates of hell and jafar and dies not a very gracious host huh
>>451018 oh yeah and he successfully does kill the genie, but the genie just possesses him and comes back even stronker so there is that he has to finally kill also his brother
and the good genie that helped him also died in the process so his female companions 1st game >dies and then gets memories erased 1,5 game >dies 2,0 game >is the empress of time
>>451019 if only he could just rewind time until he never got that stupid dagger and then throw it in a lake or something say fuck this shit go back to bang more hot persian princesses
>>451021 The time rewind got Dahaka up his ass in the first place
and then well let's just say his action in ww also come bite him back in the ass in the 3rd game but not gona spoil it if I am going to strem it
But in WW he kills the empress, but turns out her death CREATES the sands he travels into the past ya see figuring if the sands of time never existed, dahaka won't come after him so he created his own demise in the first place, amusingly but then he figures "wait if I just pop up this mask thingy, kill my past self, then drag the empress to the present and kill her there it will all work" and yes THAT would have worked but as he is in the present with the empress Dahaka now comes after the Empress so he goes "nope time to be da hero" and saves her and kills dahaka (he picked up a magic sword thatcould do it along the way, if you got all the health upgrades) and then we get to Two Thrones
>>451024 wait so he kills himself in the past? or does he not end up going through with it wouldn't that just get Dahaka more butthurt anyways
nah he just dodges dahaka when dahaka kills the sandwraithPrince in the original timeline so in the new timeline armed with taht knowledge the dahaka eats the past prince basically the mask allows you to go back in time to prevent something, even your own death ifyou somehow manage to wear the mask before really dying but you can't take the mask off, before your past iteration has been erased basically, you become a null-thing that needs to replace your past iteration
the reason dahaka was at that time in the past, was because there were TWO of the same being in the same room having killed one of them, he was satisfied
>>451026 oh so it lets you exist apart from yourself when you go back in time like jumping into a part of time instead of rewinding/traveling towards it >>451027 i wonder what it's like to watch yourself die
just still weirds me out that the empress didn't think of "hey those sands of time, just don't kill me and they won't be created"
I'm contemplating performing dark wizardry on PAN's ps3 while waiting on games to update I guess. Feh banner is tonight Shadowverse update tonight Just waiting around like always
Kirara 🚗
we gotta stop waiting around and take what we want we gotta pillage the future
does anyone want to help me figure out how to clear infernal robin ghb with a cav team i could probably do it if i had horse lyn but i dont there are no horse dancers so i can't aggro & retreat
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I think Blue somehow did it Or was that Ursula
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Could you imagine horse dancers
Kirara 🚗
are they dancing on top of the horse
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
no they get off the horse and then the horse dances
>>451036 i haven't been able to get it either are you excite for female grima
>>451043 is it flying dragon or what's the thing i couldn't get myrrh and did try so i'm very hesitant about dragons i dont have a dragon team to work with
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Flying colorless dragon
Kirara 🚗
>>451044 yeah >>451045 i think she might have low atk but idk yet
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>451042 I got Abel and was like "who" and then I realized "Oh swordbreaker 3 fodder"
i'm excited to collect her yes i want all the frobins i can and i'm very distressed that there's one i can't get from the infernal cav challenge
wait another grima?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh you didn't know the colorless dragon is Female Grimrobin And she's flying too First skill is Iote's Shield + Def/Res stance Second is Triangle Negate Third is Res Smoke
I explicitly called this but I can't find the thread because it was bumped off. Thanks pornbot. >>451050 So she resists both Anti-Flying and Anti-Colorless >28 base damage >+15 from Bonfire 30-31 Def? >>451069 Yeah, I saw.
>>451064 did you see a judge reversed the google oracle decision
Kirara 🚗
free use confirmed for paintings of code
Kirara 🚗
>>451064 yeah, 40 hp, ~30 def doesn't have enough speed to double horse chrom
Summer Tiki/Elise Brave Lyn/Lucina Halloween Sakura/Nowi(!!!!) Lute Zelgius Fjorm/Gunnthra/Vanguard Ike Hmm, I guess I'll be throwing orbs at Red and Colorless I do want another Gunnthra though. And to give more people Atk/Def Bond
Kirara 🚗
i guess speed will be around 28
and now that i look at chrom, 28 colorless damage against him is pretty good he has 34 def
Kirara 🚗
so 40hp, atk in the 50s, low spd the low spd really reduces her ability to be decent though
I need two of these Grimas.
And a Halloween Nowi
Kirara 🚗
rika is going to spend 400 orbs on it lol
She'll get her within 40 orbs. So what
>>451077 yes i will probably spend several orbs as well
>>451078 if you don't +10 it your loyalty is in question
I have zero loyalties My units are loyal to me
Kirara 🚗
>>451078 i spent 400 orbs on myrrh and only got one so i hope not it took 400 to even get one
Myrrh wasn't a legendary banner though, was she? There are a lot less spoilers here. Failing to get Grima means a +1 on Brave Lyn Oh and I guess there's Halloween Sakura that few people care about outside of me.
Kirara 🚗
failing to get grima is pretty good brave lyn isn't appealing to me i do want sakura but im going to save probably
Her dagger isn't all that great BUT >Guard 3 >Warding Stance 3 i need them
Kirara 🚗
next time will probably have halloween jakob
was // is this new kagerou a flying dagger unit btw that's crezzy
is it bad to wish ill will on someone who wronged you in the past i'm thinkin a lot about this dude who stole 17 dollars from me not a big deal if you think about it but i was 11 years old at the time that was a fortune and he was one of my classmates i keep looking him up online hoping that he's in jail or something because he was such a piece of shit
Kirara 🚗
i have colleagues in graduate school that are unfamiliar with the word microcosm
Kirara 🚗
>>451095 no, not at all haha yeah i do the same with an ex-friend that used to steal toys from me
>>451097 yeah i'm really spending undue amounts of time thinking about it it's not revenge thought or anything, i know that feeling i'm too dissociated to feel connected enough to it to say revenge for personal misdoings but i spend probably unhealthy amount of times thinking about how justice could be enacted here
also another class bully that used to pick on me quite a bit to try and impress females and was staunchly homophobic and started spreading rumors about one gay girl in school this was like 7th grade so that's enough to fuck someone up p bad he inherited his parents' local business in the area and i discovered that he spent an awful lot of money playing online poker while it was still allowed in the states i hate that fucker so much that i want to see him fail
Like, a sort of gradient when you open or close posts, or change the theme. it was not there before.
oh yes that is new-ish sammy is making some improvements in general when is "before"? that's been there a couple weeks at least, i think
honestly, years but I was sure I was here weeks ago and didn't notice it.
you'll probably see other neat changes occur as time goes on other liveboards take it to a whole different level and have a million interesting features but /moe/ is the classic
I wonder if there's a thing with tempura lately cause I keep seeing them show up in my art feed
whats your FEZ waifu?
Feh i mean... Idk where did the Z came from..
>>451119 >tfw when your liberal leftist friend takes you to a "high-end" japanese restaurant to order seafood tempura and sushi but this "high-end" place is too cheap to give you any tartar sauce smh libs
and now I fucking know why I only have played this game twice through man did it have so many annoying parts
Kirara 🚗
feels like nearly every game used to have like one part that was so bad that i never wanted to replay the game no matter how good it was back when they would randomly put in like a driving or water level and the controls would be shit for it
water levels / water dungeons
called it
Kirara 🚗
im glad game devs generally figured out that i don't need a break from the typical gameplay or that there are better ways to spice it up to reduce boredom
donkey kong water levels were aight bc the music was sick
Kirara 🚗
escaping from the city on the boat in half life 2
that was optional
Kirara 🚗
since when how else could you do iit you had to go through all those swamp areas and fight the choppers with the boat gun
since speedrunning strats sorry for meming
Kirara 🚗
apparently someone already found a way to trigger the far cry 5 ending after 10 minutes of playtime
Amazing glitch or intended?
Kirara 🚗
not 100% sure, didn't look into iit deeply in case i decide to play i
I thought 12 was the last overlord episode, but there's another yay
Kirara 🚗
i think i just heard an explosion in the distance and i hear a lot of sirens
terrorist attack?
Kirara 🚗
this isn't the kind of place that gets terrorist attacks but i don't know i don't currently have any reason to assume there's something bad going down but i am ready in case there is
Did it seem far away?
Well he said "in the distance" as opposed to "nearby".
yeah if it was an explosion, it would have to have been fairly distant even a small explosion closeby wouldn't have sounded like it did i don't hear sirents /// sirens anymore so it was probably nothing and i'm just jumpy
It was probably a car accident or something similar
It didn't really sound like the impact between two physical objects It might have been a malfunction with a military plane or something, idk There's an AF base nearby so they fly their planes around residential areas like assholes all the time
I'd consider a car crashing into something and causing a collapse to be in the same category. But i didn't really hear the noise. But physical objects crashing into each other can really make a wide variety of noises. But I'll defer to you on this.
explodions have a quite distinctive sound to them, though
It would be nice if I could not think about things that wont happen
>>451182 I'm implying that you're not thinking of things that won't happen by wishing that you wouldn't think of things that won't happen you're now thinking*
FormerRei@mobile >Internet of shit
this team maxes at like 704 it seems same if i replace anna with xander it's lower with arvis
It's funny that the game uses Reciprocal Aid in a complete opposite fashion than I would. Myrrh will suicide herself against a sword just to heal Ninian who would Renewal next turn anyway
You gonna try it out? How long has it been since you were there? If you're still rookie status, be careful as some style guide stuff has been changed and so did the metrics for graduating out of rookie status i think
Still rookie, and haven't touched it since last Summer. Thanks for the heads up.
>>451251 when he says "this guy does not know how to game" he's talkin about bowser he's talkin shit because bowser was stuck and then he got demolished
Oh I think I see know. I thought it was kinda weird the way he was talking, but it's only a small excerpt and would make more sense in context.
>>451257 i have no idea and i have been in stitches for like half an hour thinking about it i'm totally lost how this came to be a thing are ads being procedurally generated now i mean i know search results are
>>451279 let's do it this way a fox in space will start at :30 this hour 16 minutes from now that gives anyone who wants to join enough time to be present
p.s. i think you have to have the tab active when it begins playing otherwise it'll load in when you tab over and you'll be behind
there sure are a lot of translation notes on the front page tns tns on the front page
she doesn't really fit in with the group so she just played with the baby the whole time
Can anyone join or you need the file or something? sorry..
>>451299 you can join it's just a youtube video it plays directly just gotta be in the channel
I had some friends come over and we listened to music for a while while sitting with the dog. Well one got here and left before the other. She'd get too excited if there were multiple non family members over simultaneously.
>>451296 That sure would have me hitting the big, glossy PANIC button in my mind in that situation.
If I had a baby I wouldn't let strangers hold them
we're not strangers! it's the baby of my comrade he's four months old
>>451302 I'm not too worried about it. She'll probably forget about it soon. And she said she wanted a baby, not that she wanted to make a baby. She probably wants to buy one or something. two minutes until A Fox In Space
I don't wear my glasses unless I'm leaving the house to go somewhere, and that happens pretty rarely. Whenever I take them off after that I'm always super aware of the bridge of my nose where they rest and it drives me nuts for a while after taking them off.
>>451307 I'd be such a shit dad I hope I never have kids
>>451309 It's all fun and games until it shits its diaper
>>451303 i held a customer's baby once it was a cute little blobby human like thingy i'm sure it stopped being cute and started being loud any second after they left though
I'm the oldest of four and I have plenty of younger cousins and cousins with kids. I've seen enough babies to last me another five or six years at least.
>>451335 >have to deal with a pregnant girlfriend for 9 months >she has to go through the pain of childbirth >we can't even use it for slave labor in a few years
A pregnant autistic girlfriend.
Wait You could do You know what, nevermind
Pregnancy is foul and should be banned.
All babies should be grown in tubes using only the best genetics
>>451440 Do you guys get good friday as a holiday? I saw in a tweet that brits were making a fuss since chocolate eggs can't have the word "easter" on them. >>451445 that's more than we get...
My perfect 17 year old client that I love is turning 18 next week he's gonna become a growned up
>>451457 Sora Yori was more adventurous and engages with the feeling of wanting to explore more. Yuru Camp was laid back and comfy camping. Both were good shows that catered to different emotional contentments.
i was talkin to his mom today on the phone and i was explaining that we'll have to do some paperwork if she is going to continue to have access to his medical information and it was kind of awkward pointing out that her son is turning 18 but she's a pretty nice lady
I'd recommend My Generation, Tommy, Who's Next, Quadrophenia and Who Are You.
Well, I'd recommend everything by them, but those are a good place to start. Although this is assuming that you enjoy their music. But they're a very influential band. Quite a few musicians who've sold more records than them cite them as influences. (They've only sold around 100 million records)
Also they invented the rock opera.
Oh wait they didn't invent it, they developed it independently of the two previous rock operas and unlike those two Tommy actually did well.
>>451510 someone asked me if i wanted to buy some shrooms a couple years ago when i was going to work so i was like okay and ate a couple mushsrooms while I walked into work
This dude wouldn't take no for aan answer either. Was really obnoxious
>>451537 No Alcohol should be legal, but people should choose to not drink too much. You can't take away their freedom of choice without being draconian (for this specific thing anyways).
Kirara 🚗
>>451540 i don't believe in laws laws are spooks they aren't real
I studied laws and I still hate them.
>>451541 I really don't believe in civil liberties.
>>451558 Muh western ideals The orientals know what it is too ya know. Ever heard of budfha? *Buddha He used to be an ascetic monk and eventually at some point he realized that maybe torturing himself wasn't a good idea.
For reference, Behind Blue Eyes is often referred to as "No one knows what its like" or "no one knows what its like to be the bad man" and Baba O'Riley is often referred to as "Teenage Wasteland".
>>451602 Yeah I decided to do my other shit tomorrow get in here
Nah, I'm heading to bed within the hhour, watching videos now will make iit eeven harder to fall asleep.
>>451591 >teenage wasteland Oh yeah I've heard that one
Arising, what kind of music do you like? >arising Fucking autocorrect Arisu
>>451613 Well that's by the Who As is "My Generation" and "Tommy" The
>>451614 I mostly listen to weeb shit but i guess i like Pink floyd. I really listen to anything fun i find. i'd check out the who songs and probably already know a bunch of them.
Err Tommy can you hear me >>451618 Pink Floyd is fucking great. They're a very important band to me because I listened to them a lot growing up. Especially in my classic rock phase.
>>451619 it's basically the only concert i've been to (well, waters but still)
>>451676 even if it was shit the guy put it together while he was dying and also it's david bowie >>451677 lol
8.5 and 7.3 seem to be numbers they like a lot.
I like the mu post where someone accurately predicted the score and that it would get bnm
not of that album but just some random other album >>451685 sou
It's actually pretty eas to guess what they'll give bnm to. There are some artists that they really really like. Individuals or groups that have had stuff on multiple "best albums of the year" or "best albums of decade" or etc are likely to get bnm for their new releases.
I really wish I knew more of Bowie. Like, I feel bad not knowing more.
good night moe. it was nice to be here again.
I don't care enough to listent o him >>451689 later tater
>>451739 Some particularly autistic people I've heard talk do that, yeah. There's a bit of a robotic feel when they talk and I think that's definitely a component. Most people use a lot of contractions and colloquialisms that it really sticks out.
I think she probably wouldn't do anything without talking to you about it. It's just that with birth control that's all in the hands of the girl. I'm sure it's scary for a guy.
It doesn't really scare me. I trust her. I mean, the absolute worst case scenario is that I end up with a kid, and that's not really that bad. It would be kind of sad to see the bodily changes that women go through, though.
I would be a bad dad, though. My paternal instincts are too strong.
>>451762 Yeah, but it's a while with those changes. And some changes don't go back very quickly! I would be fine with those changes if I were ready for a kid, but I'm pretty fond of how she looks